使用 Advanced Cluster Management 为 OpenShift Data Foundation 配置 Metro-DR
Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.10
开发者预览:设置带有 Metro-DR 功能的 OpenShift Data Foundation 的功能此解决方案是一个开发者技术预览功能,它不应该在生产环境中运行。
本指南旨在详细说明使用 Advanced Cluster Management 部署 OpenShift Data Foundation 进行灾难恢复所需的步骤,以实现高度可用的存储基础架构。
Configuring OpenShift Data Foundation for Metro-DR with Advanced Cluster Management is a Developer Preview feature and is subject to Developer Preview support limitations. Developer Preview releases are not intended to be run in production environments and are not supported through the Red Hat Customer Portal case management system. If you need assistance with Developer Preview features, reach out to the ocs-devpreview@redhat.com mailing list and a member of the Red Hat Development Team will assist you as quickly as possible based on their availability and work schedules.