
Introduction to the OpenStack Dashboard

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10

An overview of the OpenStack dashboard graphical user interface

OpenStack Documentation Team


This guide provides an outline of the options available in the OpenStack dashboard user interface.


This document provides an outline of the options available in the OpenStack dashboard graphical user interface.

Chapter 1. The OpenStack Dashboard

The OpenStack dashboard is a web-based graphical user interface for managing OpenStack services.

To access the browser dashboard, the dashboard service must be installed, and you must know the dashboard host name (or IP) and login password. The dashboard URL is:


Dashboard Login Screen

Chapter 2. The Admin Tab

The Admin tab provides an interface where administrative users can view usage and manage instances, volumes, flavors, images, projects, users, services, and quotas.


The Admin tab displays in the main window only if you have logged in as a user with administrative privileges.

Admin Tab

The following options are available in the Admin tab:

Table 2.1. System Panel
Parameter NameDescription


View basic reports.

Resource Usage

Use the following tabs to view the following usages:

  • Usage Report - View the usage report.
  • Stats - View the statistics of all resources.


View the hypervisor summary.

Host Aggregates

View, create, and edit host aggregates. View the list of availability zones.


View, pause, resume, suspend, migrate, soft or hard reboot, and delete running instances that belong to users of some, but not all, projects. Also, view the log for an instance or access an instance using the console.


View, create, edit, and delete volumes, and volume types.


View, create, edit, view extra specifications for, and delete flavors. Flavors are the virtual hardware templates in OpenStack.


View, create, edit properties for, and delete custom images.


View, create, edit properties for, and delete networks.


View, create, edit properties for, and delete routers.

Floating IPs

View allocated floating IP addresses for all projects.


View and edit the default quotas (maximum limits) for resources in the environment.

Metadata Definitions

Import, view, and edit metadata definition namespaces, and associate the metadata definitions with specific resource types.

System Information

Contains the following tabs:

  • Services - View a list of the services.
  • Compute Services - View a list of all Compute services.
  • Network Agents - View the network agents.
  • Block Storage Services - View a list of all Block Storage services.
  • Orchestration Services - View a list of all Orchestration services.

2.1. View Allocated Floating IP Addresses

You can use the Floating IPs panel to view a list of allocated floating IP addresses. This information can also be accessed using the command line:

$ nova list --all-tenants

Chapter 3. The Project Tab

The Project tab provides an interface for viewing and managing the resources of a project. Set a project as active in Identity > Projects to view and manage resources in that project.

Dashboard Tab

The following options are available in the Project tab:

Table 3.1. The Compute Tab
Parameter NameDescription


View reports for the project.


View, launch, create a snapshot from, stop, pause, or reboot instances, or connect to them through the console.


Use the following tabs to complete these tasks:

  • Volumes - View, create, edit, and delete volumes.
  • Volume Snapshots - View, create, edit, and delete volume snapshots.


View images, instance snapshots, and volume snapshots created by project users, and any images that are publicly available. Create, edit, and delete images, and launch instances from images and snapshots.

Access & Security

Use the following tabs to complete these tasks:

  • Security Groups - View, create, edit, and delete security groups and security group rules.
  • Key Pairs - View, create, edit, import, and delete key pairs.
  • Floating IPs - Allocate an IP address to or release it from a project.
  • API Access - View API endpoints, download the OpenStack RC file, download EC2 credentials, and view credentials for the logged-in project user.
Table 3.2. The Network Tab
Parameter NameDescription

Network Topology

View the interactive topology of the network.


Create and manage public and private networks and subnets.


Create and manage routers.

Table 3.3. The Object Store Tab
Parameter NameDescription


Create and manage storage containers. A container is a storage compartment for data, and provides a way for you to organize your data. It is similar to the concept of a Linux file directory, but it cannot be nested.

Table 3.4. The Orchestration Tab
Parameter NameDescription


Orchestrate multiple composite cloud applications using templates, through both an OpenStack-native REST API and a CloudFormation-compatible Query API.

Chapter 4. The Identity Tab

The Identity tab provides an interface for viewing and managing projects and users.

Identity Tab

The following options are available in the Identity tab:

  • Projects - View, create, edit, and delete projects/tenants, view project usage, add or remove users as project members, modify quotas, and set an active project.
  • Users - View, create, edit, disable, and delete users, and change user passwords. The Users tab displays only if you are logged in as a user with administrative privileges.

For more information on procedures to manage your cloud using the OpenStack Dashboard, see the following guides:

Chapter 5. Customizing the Dashboard

The look and feel of the OpenStack dashboard can be customized using the settings defined in /openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py. You can customize the following elements of the dashboard:

  • HTML title
  • Site branding link
  • Help URL

In addition, you can create a custom theme and further customize the look and feel of the dashboard, including the following components:

  • Logo
  • Site colors
  • Stylesheets

The OpenStack dashboard installs a default theme. If you do not want to use this theme, remove it using the following commands:

# cd /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/enabled
# cp _99_customization.py _999_remove_theme.py
# echo "DISABLED = True" >> _999_remove_theme.py
# systemctl restart httpd

For a director deployment, you will need to log in to each controller node as heat-admin to make the changes.

5.1. Logo, Site Colors, and Stylesheets

  1. Copy the entire RCUE theme directory /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/themes/rcue to a new location, for example /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/themes/mytheme.
  2. Create a new file /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.d/_12_mytheme_theme.py and add the following line:

    AVAILABLE_THEMES = [('mytheme', 'My Custom Theme', 'themes/mytheme')]
  3. Change all paths inside /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/themes/mytheme/static/ replacing rcue with the new mytheme name.

    To change a theme's colors, graphics, fonts, among others, edit the files in `/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/themes/mytheme`.
  4. If you deployed OpenStack with High Availability, restart the httpd service using pacemaker:

    # pcs resource restart httpd-clone

    Otherwise, run:

    # systemctl restart httpd

To view your changes, reload your dashboard.

5.2. HTML Title

  1. To set the HTML title that appears at the top of the browser window, add the following line to local_settings.py.

    SITE_BRANDING = "Example, Inc. Cloud"
  2. Restart the httpd server.

5.4. Help URL

  1. By default the help URL points to https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-openstack-platform. You can change the help URL by editing the following attribute to the URL of your choice in local_settings.py:

    'help_url': "http://openstack.example.com",
  2. Restart the httpd server.

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