11.20. ceilometer alarm-threshold-update
usage: ceilometer alarm-threshold-update [--name <NAME>] [--project-id <ALARM_PROJECT_ID>] [--user-id <ALARM_USER_ID>] [--description <DESCRIPTION>] [--state <STATE>] [--severity <SEVERITY>] [--enabled {True|False}] [--alarm-action <Webhook URL>] [--ok-action <Webhook URL>] [--insufficient-data-action <Webhook URL>] [--time-constraint <Time Constraint>] [--repeat-actions {True|False}] [--remove-time-constraint <Constraint names>] [-m <METRIC>] [--period <PERIOD>] [--evaluation-periods <COUNT>] [--statistic <STATISTIC>] [--comparison-operator <OPERATOR>] [--threshold <THRESHOLD>] [-q <QUERY>] [<ALARM_ID>]
Positional arguments
ID of the alarm to update.
Optional arguments
- --name <NAME>
Name of the alarm (must be unique per tenant).
- --project-id <ALARM_PROJECT_ID>
Tenant to associate with alarm (configurable
by admin users only).
- --user-id <ALARM_USER_ID>
User to associate with alarm (configurable by
admin users only).
- --description <DESCRIPTION>
Free text description of the alarm.
- --state <STATE>
State of the alarm, one of: ['ok', 'alarm',
'insufficient data']
- --severity <SEVERITY>
Severity of the alarm, one of: ['low',
'moderate', 'critical']
- --enabled {True|False}
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
- --alarm-action <Webhook URL> URL
to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
May be used multiple times. Defaults to None.
- --ok-action <Webhook URL> URL
to invoke when state transitions to OK.
May be used multiple times. Defaults to None.
- --insufficient-data-action <Webhook URL>
URL to invoke when state transitions to
insufficient data. May be used multiple times.
Defaults to None.
- --time-constraint <Time Constraint>
Only evaluate the alarm if the time at
evaluation is within this time constraint.
Start point(s) of the constraint are specified
with a cron expression, whereas its duration
is given in seconds. Can be specified multiple
times for multiple time constraints, format
is: name=<CONSTRAINT_NAME>;start=<CRON>;durati
one=<IANA Timezone>]] Defaults to None.
- --repeat-actions {True|False}
True if actions should be repeatedly notified
while alarm remains in target state.
- --remove-time-constraint <Constraint names>
Name or list of names of the time constraints
to remove.
- -m <METRIC>, --meter-name <METRIC>
Metric to evaluate against.
- --period <PERIOD>
Length of each period (seconds) to evaluate
- --evaluation-periods <COUNT>
Number of periods to evaluate over.
- --statistic <STATISTIC>
Statistic to evaluate, one of: ['max', 'min',
'avg', 'sum', 'count'].
- --comparison-operator <OPERATOR>
Operator to compare with, one of: ['lt', 'le',
'eq', 'ne', 'ge', 'gt'].
- --threshold <THRESHOLD>
Threshold to evaluate against.
- -q <QUERY>, --query <QUERY>
key[op]data_type::value; list. data_type is
optional, but if supplied must be string,
integer, float, or boolean.