
OpenStack Integration Test Suite Guide

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 15

Introduction to the OpenStack Integration Test Suite

OpenStack Documentation Team


This guide contains information about installing, configuring, and managing the OpenStack Integration Test Suite in a Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment.


This guide contains information about installing, configuring, and managing the OpenStack Integration Test Suite in a Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment.

Chapter 1. Introduction

As OpenStack consists of many different projects, it is important to test the interoperability of the projects within your OpenStack cluster. The OpenStack Integration Test Suite (tempest) automates the integration testing of your Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment. Running tests ensures that your cluster is working as expected, and can also provide early warning of potential problems, especially after an upgrade.

The Integration Test Suite contains tests for OpenStack API validation and scenario testing, as well as unit testing for self-validation. The Integration Test Suite performs black box testing using the OpenStack public APIs, with tempest as the test runner.

Chapter 2. OpenStack Integration Test Suite Tests

The OpenStack Integration Test Suite has many applications. It acts as a gate for commits to the OpenStack core projects, it can stress test to generate load on a cloud deployment, and it can perform CLI tests to check the response formatting of the command line. However, the functionality that we are concerned with are the scenario tests and API tests. These tests are run against your OpenStack cloud deployment. The following sections contain information about implementing each of these tests.

2.1. Scenario Tests

Scenario tests simulate a typical end user action workflow to test the integration points between services. The testing framework conducts the configuration, tests the integration between services, and is then removed automatically. Tag the tests with the services that they relate to, to make it clear which client libraries the test uses.

A scenario is based on a use case, for example:

  • Upload an image to the Image Service
  • Deploy an instance from the image
  • Attach a volume to the instance
  • Create a snapshot of the instance
  • Detach the volume from the instance

2.2. API Tests

API tests validate the OpenStack API. Tests use the OpenStack Integration Test Suite implementation of the OpenStack API. You can use both valid and invalid JSON to ensure that error responses are valid. You can run tests independently and you do not have to rely on the previous test state.

Chapter 3. Installing the OpenStack Integration Test Suite

This section contains information about installing the OpenStack Integration Test Suite either with the director or with a manual installation.

3.1. Using the Director

Edit the undercloud.conf file, located in the home directory of the stack user. Ensure that the enable_tempest parameter is set to true:

enable_tempest = true

If your undercloud is already installed, you can edit the undercloud.conf file and then run the openstack undercloud install command to include the extra configuration in the undercloud:

$ openstack undercloud upgrade

You are now ready to install the tempest packages and plugins, described in Section 3.3, “Installing the OpenStack Integration Test Suite Packages”.

3.2. Preparing a Manual Installation

To run the OpenStack Integration Test Suite, you must first install the necessary packages and create a configuration file that informs the Integration Test Suite where to find the various OpenStack services and other testing behaviour switches.

To install the OpenStack Integration Test Suite, the following networks must be available within your Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment:

  • An external network which can provide floating IP
  • A private network

These networks must be connected through a router.

Create the private network. Specify the following options according to your network deployment:

$ openstack network create <network_name> --share
$ openstack subnet create <subnet_name> --subnet-range <address/prefix> \
  --network <network_name>
$ openstack router create <router_name>
$ openstack router add subnet <router_name> <subnet_name>

Create the public network. Specify the following options according to your network deployment:

$ openstack network create <network_name> --external \
  --provider-network-type flat
$ openstack subnet create <subnet_name> --subnet-range <address/prefix> \
  --gateway <default_gateway> --no-dhcp --network <network_name>
$ openstack router set <router_name> --external-gateway <public_network_name>

You are now ready to install and configure the OpenStack Integration Test Suite within the tempest virtual machine. For more information, see Section 3.3, “Installing the OpenStack Integration Test Suite Packages”.

3.3. Installing the OpenStack Integration Test Suite Packages

  1. Install the packages related to the OpenStack Integration Test Suite:

    $ sudo dnf -y install openstack-tempest

    This command does not install any tempest plugins. You must install the plugins manually, depending on your OpenStack installation.

  2. Install the appropriate tempest plugin for each component in your environment. For example, run the following command to install the keystone, horizon, neutron, cinder, and telemetry plugins:

    $ sudo dnf install python3-keystone-tests-tempest python3-horizon-tests-tempest python3-neutron-tests-tempest python3-cinder-tests-tempest python3-telemetry-tests-tempest

    See Section 3.3.1, “List of Tempest Plug-in Packages” for a list of the tempest plugins for each OpenStack component.


You can also install the openstack-tempest-all package. This package contains all of the tempest plugins.

3.3.1. List of Tempest Plug-in Packages

Run the following command to retrieve a list of tempest test packages:

$ sudo dnf search $(openstack service list -c Name -f value) 2>/dev/null | grep test | awk '{print $1}'
ComponentPackage Name










































The python3-telemetry-tests-tempest package contains plugins for aodh, panko, gnocchi, and ceilometer tests. The python3-ironic-tests-tempest package contains plugins for ironic and ironic-inspector.

Chapter 4. Configuring the OpenStack Integration Test Suite

4.1. Creating a Workspace

  1. Source the credentials for the target deployment:

    • If the target is in the undercloud, source the credentials for the undercloud:

      # source stackrc
    • If the target is in the overcloud, source the credentials for the overcloud:

      # source overcloudrc
  2. Initialize tempest:

    # tempest init mytempest
    # cd mytempest

    This command creates a tempest workspace named mytempest.

    Run the following command to view a list of existing workspaces:

    # tempest workspace list
  3. Generate the etc/tempest.conf file:

    # discover-tempest-config --deployer-input ~/tempest-deployer-input.conf \
    --debug --create --network-id <UUID>

    Replace UUID with the UUID of the external network.

    discover-tempest-config was formerly called config_tempest.py and takes the same parameters. It is provided by python-tempestconf which is installed as a dependency of openstack-tempest.


To generate the etc/tempest.conf file for the undercloud, ensure that the region name in the tempest-deployer-input.conf file is the same as the name in the undercloud deployment. If these names do not match, update the region name in the tempest-deployer-input.conf file to match the region name of your undercloud.

To inspect the region name of your undercloud, run the following commands:

$ source stackrc
$ openstack region list

To inspect the region name of your overcloud, run the following commands:

$ source overcloudrc
$ openstack region list

4.2. Configuring Tempest Manually

The discover-tempest-config command generates the tempest.conf file automatically. However, you must ensure that the tempest.conf file corresponds to the configuration of your environment.

4.2.1. Configuring Tempest Extension Lists Manually

The default tempest.conf file contains lists of extensions for each component. Inspect the api_extensions attribute for each component in the tempest.conf file and verify that the lists of extensions correspond to your deployment.

If the extensions that are available in your deployment do not correspond to the list of extensions in the api_extensions attribute of the tempest.conf file, the component fails tempest tests. To prevent this failure, you must identify the extensions that are available in your deployment and include them in the api_extensions parameter. To get a list of Network, Compute, Volume, or Identity extensions in your deployment, run the following command:

$ openstack extension list [--network] [--compute] [--volume] [--identity]

4.2.2. Configuring heat_plugin Manually

Configure heat_plugin plugin manually according to your deployment configuration. The following example contains the minimum tempest.conf configuration for heat_plugin:

heat_plugin = True

username = demo
password = ***
project_name = demo
admin_username = admin
admin_password = ****
admin_project_name = admin
auth_url =
auth_version = 3
user_domain_id = default
project_domain_id = default
user_domain_name = Default
project_domain_name = Default
region = regionOne
instance_type = m1.nano
minimal_instance_type = m1.micro
image_ref = 7faed41e-a56c-4971-bf48-24e4e23e69a5
minimal_image_ref = 7faed41e-a56c-4971-bf48-24e4e23e69a5

You must set heat_plugin to True in the [service_available] section of the tempest.conf file, and the user in the username attribute of the [heat_plugin] section must have the role member. For example, run the following command to add the member role to the demo user:

$ openstack role add --user demo --project demo member

4.3. Verifying Your Tempest Configuration

Verify your current tempest configuration:

# tempest verify-config -o <output>

output is the output file where Tempest writes your updated configuration. This is different from your original configuration file.

4.4. Changing the Logging Configuration

The default location for log files is the logs directory within your tempest workspace.

To change this directory, in tempest.conf, under the [DEFAULT] section, set log_dir to the desired directory:

log_dir = <directory>

If you have your own logging configuration file, in tempest.conf, under the [DEFAULT] section, set log_config_append to your file:

log_config_append = <file>

If you set the log_config_append attribute, Tempest ignores all other logging configuration in tempest.conf, including the log_dir attribute.

4.5. Configuring Microversion Tests

The OpenStack Integration Test Suite provides stable interfaces to test the API microversions. This section contains information about implementing microversion tests using these interfaces.

First, you must configure options in the tempest.conf configuration file to specify the target microversions. Configure these options to ensure that the supported microversions correspond to the microversions used in the OpenStack cloud. You can specify a range of target microversions to run multiple microversion tests in a single Integration Test Suite operation.

For example, to limit the range of microversions for the compute service, in the [compute] section of your configuration file, assign values to the min_microversion and max_microversion parameters:

min_microversion = 2.14
max_microversion = latest

Chapter 5. Using Tempest

Run the commands in this section to perform various test operations. You can also combine multiple options in a single tempest run command.

5.1. Listing Available Tests

Run the tempest-run command with either the --list-tests or -l options to get a list of available tempest tests:

# tempest run -l

5.2. Running Smoke Tests

Smoke testing is a type of preliminary testing which only covers the most important functionality. While they are not comprehensive, running smoke tests can save time if they do identify a problem.

# tempest run --smoke

5.3. Passing Tests Using Whitelist Files

A whitelist file is a file that contains regular expressions to select tests that you want to include. Regular expressions are separated by a newline.

Run the tempest run command with either the --whitelist-file or -w options to use a whitelist file:

# tempest run -w <whitelist_file>

5.4. Skipping Tests Using Blacklist Files

A blacklist file is a file that contains regular expressions to select tests that you want to exclude. Regular expressions are separated by a newline.

Run the tempest run command with either the --blacklist-file or -b options to use a blacklist file:

# tempest run -b <blacklist_file>

5.5. Running Tests in Parallel Concurrently, or Serially

Run the tests serially:

# tempest run --serial

Run the tests in parallel. Parallel testing is the default:

# tempest run --parallel

Use the --concurrency or -c option to specify the number of workers to use when running tests in parallel:

# tempest run --concurrency <workers>

By default, the Integration Test Suite uses one worker for each CPU available.

5.6. Running Specific Tests

Run specific tests with the --regex regular expression option. The regular expression must be Python regular expression:

# tempest run --regex <regex>

For example, use the following example command to run all tests that have names beginning with tempest.scenario:

# tempest run --regex ^tempest.scenario

Chapter 6. Running containerized Tempest

This section contains information about running tempest from a container on the undercloud. You can run tempest against the overcloud or the undercloud. Containerized tempest requires the same resources as non-containerized tempest.

6.1. Preparing the Tempest container

Complete the following steps to download and configure your tempest container:

  1. Change to the /home/stack directory:

    $ cd /home/stack
  2. Download the tempest container:

    $ podman pull registry.redhat.io/rhosp15-rhel8/openstack-tempest

    This container includes all tempest plugins. Running tempest tests globally with this container includes tests for plugins. For example, if you run the tempest run --regex '(*.)' command, tempest runs all plugin tests. These tempest tests fail if your deployment does not contain configuration for all plugins. Run the tempest list-plugins command to view all installed plugins. To exclude tests, you must include the tests that you want to exclude in a blacklist file. For more information, see Chapter 5, Using Tempest.

  3. Create directories to use for exchanging data between the host machine and the container:

    $ mkdir container_tempest tempest_workspace
  4. Copy the necessary files to the container_tempest directory. This directory is the file source for the container:

    $ cp stackrc overcloudrc tempest-deployer-input.conf container_tempest
  5. List the available container images:

    $ podman images
    REPOSITORY                                                  TAG        IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    registry.redhat.io/rhosp15-rhel8/openstack-tempest   latest     881f7ac24d8f        10 days ago         641 MB
  6. Create an alias to facilitate easier command entry. Ensure that you use absolute paths when mounting the directories:

    $ alias podman-tempest="podman run -i \
        -v "$(pwd)"/container_tempest:/home/stack/container_tempest \
        -v "$(pwd)"/tempest_workspace:/home/stack/tempest_workspace \
        registry.redhat.io/rhosp15-rhel8/openstack-tempest \
  7. To get a list of available tempest plugins in the container, run the following command:

    $ podman-tempest -c "rpm -qa | grep tempest"

6.2. Running containerized Tempest inside the container

  1. Create a tempest script that you can execute within the container to generate the tempest.conf file and run the tempest tests. The script performs the following actions:

    • Set the exit status for the command set -e.
    • Source the overcloudrc file if you want to run tempest against the overcloud. Source the stackrc file if you want to run tempest against the undercloud.
    • Run tempest init to create a tempest workspace. Use the shared directory so that the files are also accessible from the host.
    • Change directory to tempest_workspace
    • Export the TEMPESTCONF environment variable for ease of use at a later stage.
    • Execute discover-tempest-config to generate the tempest.conf file. For more information about the options that you can include in the discover-tempest-config command, run discover-tempest-config --help.
    • Set --out to home/stack/tempest_workspace/tempest.conf so that the tempest.conf file is accessible from the host machine.
    • Set --deployer-input to point to the tempest-deployer-input.conf file in the shared directory.
    • Run tempest tests. This example script runs the smoke test tempest run --smoke.

      $ cat <<'EOF'>> /home/stack/container_tempest/tempest_script.sh
      set -e
      source /home/stack/container_tempest/overcloudrc
      tempest init /home/stack/tempest_workspace
      pushd /home/stack/tempest_workspace
      export TEMPESTCONF="/usr/bin/discover-tempest-config"
        --out /home/stack/tempest_workspace/etc/tempest.conf \
        --deployer-input /home/stack/container_tempest/tempest-deployer-input.conf \
        --debug \
        --create \
        object-storage.reseller_admin ResellerAdmin
      tempest run --smoke

      If you already have a tempest.conf file and you want only to run the tempest tests, omit TEMPESTCONF from the script and replace it with a command to copy your tempest.conf file from the container_tempest directory to the tempest_workspace/etc directory:

    $ cp /home/stack/container_tempest/tempest.conf /home/stack/tempest_workspace/etc/tempest.conf
  2. Set executable privileges on the tempest_script.sh script:

    $ chmod +x container_tempest/tempest_script.sh
  3. Run the tempest script from the container using the alias that you created in a previous step:

    $ podman-tempest -c 'set -e; /home/stack/container_tempest/tempest_script.sh'
  4. Inspect the .stestr directory for information about the test results.
  5. If you want to rerun the tempest tests, you must first remove and recreate the tempest workspace:

    $ sudo rm -rf /home/stack/tempest_workspace
    $ mkdir /home/stack/tempest_workspace

6.3. Running Containerized Tempest outside the container

The container generates or retrieves the tempest.conf file and runs tests. You can perform these operations from outside the container:

  1. Source the overcloudrc file if you want to run tempest against the overcloud. Source the stackrc file if you want to run tempest against the undercloud:

    # source /home/stack/container_tempest/overcloudrc
  2. Run tempest init to create a tempest workspace. Use the shared directory so that the files are also accessible from the host:

    # tempest init /home/stack/tempest_workspace
  3. Generate the tempest.conf file:

    # discover-tempest-config \
    --out /home/stack/tempest_workspace/tempest.conf \
    --deployer-input /home/stack/container_tempest/tempest-deployer-input-conf \
    --debug \
    --create \
    object-storage.reseller_admin ResellerAdmin

    For more information about the options that you can include in the discover-tempest-config command, run discover-tempest-config --help.

  4. Execute tempest tests. For example, run the following command to execute the tempest smoke test using the alias you created in a previous step:

    # podman-tempest -c "tempest run --smoke"
  5. Inspect the .stestr directory for information about the test results.
  6. If you want to rerun the tempest tests, you must first remove and recreate the tempest workspace:

    $ sudo rm -rf /home/stack/tempest_workspace
    $ mkdir /home/stack/tempest_workspace

Chapter 7. Cleaning Tempest Resources

After running tempest, there are files, users and tenants created in the testing process that must be deleted. Being able to self-clean is one of the design principles of tempest.

7.1. Performing a Clean Up

First, you must initialize the saved state. This creates the file saved_state.json, which prevents the cleanup from deleting objects that need to be kept. Typically you would run cleanup with --init-saved-state prior to a tempest run. If this is not the case, saved_state.json must be edited to remove objects that you want cleanup to delete.

# tempest cleanup --init-saved-state

Run the cleanup:

# tempest cleanup

The tempest cleanup command deletes tempest resources but does not delete projects or the tempest administrator account.

7.2. Performing a Dry Run

It is recommended to perform a dry run before executing the real cleanup. A dry run lists the files that would be deleted by a cleanup, but does not delete any files. The files are listed in the dry_run.json file. Check the dry_run.json file to ensure that the cleanup does not delete any files that you require for your environment.

# tempest cleanup --dry-run

7.3. Deleting Tempest Objects

Run the following command to delete all tempest resources, including projects, but not the tempest administrator account:

# tempest cleanup --delete-tempest-conf-objects

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