
Chapter 2. Understanding Heat Templates

The custom configurations in this guide use Heat templates and environment files to define certain aspects of the Overcloud. This chapter provides a basic introduction to Heat templates so that you can understand the structure and format of these templates in the context of the Red Hat OpenStack Platform director.

2.1. Heat Templates

The director uses Heat Orchestration Templates (HOT) as a template format for its Overcloud deployment plan. Templates in HOT format are usually expressed in YAML format. The purpose of a template is to define and create a stack, which is a collection of resources that Heat creates, and the configuration of the resources. Resources are objects in OpenStack and can include compute resources, network configuration, security groups, scaling rules, and custom resources.


The Heat template file extension must be .yaml or .template, or it will not be treated as a custom template resource.

The structure of a Heat template has three main sections:

These are settings passed to Heat, which provide a way to customize a stack, and any default values for parameters without passed values. These settings are defined in the parameters section of a template.
These are the specific objects to create and configure as part of a stack. OpenStack contains a set of core resources that span across all components. These are defined in the resources section of a template.
These are values passed from Heat after the creation of the stack. You can access these values either through the Heat API or client tools. These are defined in the output section of a template.

Here is an example of a basic Heat template:

heat_template_version: 2013-05-23

description: > A very basic Heat template.

    type: string
    default: lars
    description: Name of an existing key pair to use for the instance
    type: string
    description: Instance type for the instance to be created
    default: m1.small
    type: string
    default: cirros
    description: ID or name of the image to use for the instance

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      name: My Cirros Instance
      image: { get_param: image }
      flavor: { get_param: flavor }
      key_name: { get_param: key_name }

    description: Get the instance's name
    value: { get_attr: [ my_instance, name ] }

This template uses the resource type type: OS::Nova::Server to create an instance called my_instance with a particular flavor, image, and key. The stack can return the value of instance_name, which is called My Cirros Instance.

When Heat processes a template it creates a stack for the template and a set of child stacks for resource templates. This creates a hierarchy of stacks that descend from the main stack you define with your template. You can view the stack hierarchy using this following command:

$ openstack stack list --nested

2.2. Environment Files

An environment file is a special type of template that provides customization for your Heat templates. This includes three key parts:

Resource Registry
This section defines custom resource names, linked to other Heat templates. This provides a method to create custom resources that do not exist within the core resource collection. These are defined in the resource_registry section of an environment file.
These are common settings you apply to the top-level template’s parameters. For example, if you have a template that deploys nested stacks, such as resource registry mappings, the parameters only apply to the top-level template and not templates for the nested resources. Parameters are defined in the parameters section of an environment file.
Parameter Defaults
These parameters modify the default values for parameters in all templates. For example, if you have a Heat template that deploys nested stacks, such as resource registry mappings,the parameter defaults apply to all templates. The parameter defaults are defined in the parameter_defaults section of an environment file.

It is recommended to use parameter_defaults instead of parameters When creating custom environment files for your Overcloud. This is so the parameters apply to all stack templates for the Overcloud.

An example of a basic environment file:

  OS::Nova::Server::MyServer: myserver.yaml

  NetworkName: my_network


For example, this environment file (my_env.yaml) might be included when creating a stack from a certain Heat template (my_template.yaml). The my_env.yaml files creates a new resource type called OS::Nova::Server::MyServer. The myserver.yaml file is a Heat template file that provides an implementation for this resource type that overrides any built-in ones. You can include the OS::Nova::Server::MyServer resource in your my_template.yaml file.

The MyIP applies a parameter only to the main Heat template that deploys along with this environment file. In this example, it only applies to the parameters in my_template.yaml.

The NetworkName applies to both the main Heat template (in this example, my_template.yaml) and the templates associated with resources included the main template, such as the OS::Nova::Server::MyServer resource and its myserver.yaml template in this example.


The environment file extension must be .yaml or .template, or it will not be treated as a custom template resource.

2.3. Core Overcloud Heat Templates

The director contains a core Heat template collection for the Overcloud. This collection is stored in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates.

There are many Heat templates and environment files in this collection. However, the main files and directories to note in this template collection are:

This is the main template file used to create the Overcloud environment. This file uses Jinja2 syntax to iterate over certain sections in the template to create custom roles. The Jinja2 formatting is rendered into YAML during the Overcloud deployment process.
This is the main environment file used to create the Overcloud environment. It provides a set of configurations for Puppet modules stored on the Overcloud image. After the director writes the Overcloud image to each node, Heat starts the Puppet configuration for each node using the resources registered in this environment file. This file uses Jinja2 syntax to iterate over certain sections in the template to create custom roles. The Jinja2 formatting is rendered into YAML during the overcloud deployment process.
A file that defines the roles in an overcloud and maps services to each role.
A file that defines the networks in an overcloud and their properties such as subnets, allocation pools, and VIP status. The default network_data file contains the default networks: External, Internal Api, Storage, Storage Management, Tenant, and Management. You can create a custom network_data file and add it to your openstack overcloud deploy command with the -n option.
A file that defines the metadata for your overcloud plan. This includes the plan name, main template to use, and environment files to apply to the overcloud.
A mapping of environment files for an overcloud plan. Use this file to describe and enable environment files through the director’s web UI. Custom environment files detected in the environments directory in an overcloud plan but not defined in the capabilities-map.yaml are listed in the Other subtab of 2 Specify Deployment Configuration > Overall Settings on the web UI.
Contains additional Heat environment files that you can use with your Overcloud creation. These environment files enable extra functions for your resulting OpenStack environment. For example, the directory contains an environment file for enabling Cinder NetApp backend storage (cinder-netapp-config.yaml). Any environment files detected in this directory that are not defined in the capabilities-map.yaml file are listed in the Other subtab of 2 Specify Deployment Configuration > Overall Settings in the director’s web UI.
A set of Heat templates to help create isolated networks and ports.
Templates mostly driven by configuration with puppet. The aforementioned overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml environment file uses the files in this directory to drive the application of the Puppet configuration on each node.
A directory containing Heat templates for all services in the composable service architecture.
Templates used to enable extra functionality.
Provides example first_boot scripts that the director uses when initially creating the nodes.

2.4. Plan Environment Metadata

A plan environment metadata file allows you to define metadata about your overcloud plan. This information is used when importing and exporting your overcloud plan, plus used during the overcloud creation from your plan.

A plan environment metadata file includes the following parameters:

The version of the template.
The name of the overcloud plan and the container in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) used to store the plan files.
The core parent template to use for the overcloud deployment. This is most often overcloud.yaml, which is the rendered version of the overcloud.yaml.j2 template.
Defines a list of environment files to use. Specify the path of each environment file with the path sub-parameter.
A set of parameters to use in your overcloud. This functions in the same way as the parameter_defaults section in a standard environment file.
A set of parameters to use for overcloud passwords. This functions in the same way as the parameter_defaults section in a standard environment file. Usually, the director automatically populates this section with randomly generated passwords.
Allows you to provide a set of parameters to OpenStack Workflow (mistral) namespaces. You can use this to calculate and automatically generate certain overcloud parameters.

The following is an example of the syntax of a plan environment file:

version: 1.0
name: myovercloud
description: 'My Overcloud Plan'
template: overcloud.yaml
- path: overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml
- path: environments/containers-default-parameters.yaml
- path: user-environment.yaml
  ControllerCount: 1
  ComputeCount: 1
  OvercloudComputeFlavor: compute
  OvercloudControllerFlavor: control
    num_phy_cores_per_numa_node_for_pmd: 2

You can include the plan environment metadata file with the openstack overcloud deploy command using the -p option. For example:

(undercloud) $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
  -p /my-plan-environment.yaml \

You can also view plan metadata for an existing overcloud plan using the following command:

(undercloud) $ openstack object save overcloud plan-environment.yaml --file -

2.5. Including Environment Files in Overcloud Creation

The deployment command (openstack overcloud deploy) uses the -e option to include an environment file to customize your Overcloud. You can include as many environment files as necessary. However, the order of the environment files is important as the parameters and resources defined in subsequent environment files take precedence. For example, you might have two environment files:


  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: /home/stack/templates/template-1.yaml

  RabbitFDLimit: 65536
  TimeZone: 'Japan'


  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: /home/stack/templates/template-2.yaml

  TimeZone: 'Hongkong'

Then deploy with both environment files included:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e environment-file-1.yaml -e environment-file-2.yaml

In this example, both environment files contain a common resource type (OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost) and a common parameter (TimeZone). The openstack overcloud deploy command runs through the following process:

  1. Loads the default configuration from the core Heat template collection as per the --template option.
  2. Applies the configuration from environment-file-1.yaml, which overrides any common settings from the default configuration.
  3. Applies the configuration from environment-file-2.yaml, which overrides any common settings from the default configuration and environment-file-1.yaml.

This results in the following changes to the default configuration of the Overcloud:

  • OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost resource is set to /home/stack/templates/template-2.yaml as per environment-file-2.yaml.
  • TimeZone parameter is set to Hongkong as per environment-file-2.yaml.
  • RabbitFDLimit parameter is set to 65536 as per environment-file-1.yaml. environment-file-2.yaml does not change this value.

This provides a method for defining custom configuration to the your Overcloud without values from multiple environment files conflicting.

2.6. Using Customized Core Heat Templates

When creating the overcloud, the director uses a core set of Heat templates located in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates. If you want to customize this core template collection, use a Git workflow to track changes and merge updates. Use the following git processes to help manage your custom template collection:

Initializing a Custom Template Collection

Use the following procedure to create an initial Git repository containing the Heat template collection:

  1. Copy the template collection to the stack users directory. This example copies the collection to the ~/templates directory:

    $ cd ~/templates
    $ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates .
  2. Change to the custom template directory and initialize a Git repository:

    $ cd openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
    $ git init .
  3. Stage all templates for the initial commit:

    $ git add *
  4. Create an initial commit:

    $ git commit -m "Initial creation of custom core heat templates"

This creates an initial master branch containing the latest core template collection. Use this branch as the basis for your custom branch and merge new template versions to this branch.

Creating a Custom Branch and Committing Changes

Use a custom branch to store your changes to the core template collection. Use the following procedure to create a my-customizations branch and add customizations to it:

  1. Create the my-customizations branch and switch to it:

    $ git checkout -b my-customizations
  2. Edit the files in the custom branch.
  3. Stage the changes in git:

    $ git add [edited files]
  4. Commit the changes to the custom branch:

    $ git commit -m "[Commit message for custom changes]"

This adds your changes as commits to the my-customizations branch. When the master branch updates, you can rebase my-customizations off master, which causes git to add these commits on to the updated template collection. This helps track your customizations and replay them on future template updates.

Updating the Custom Template Collection:

When updating the undercloud, the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates package might also update. When this occurs, use the following procedure to update your custom template collection:

  1. Save the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates package version as an environment variable:

    $ export PACKAGE=$(rpm -qv openstack-tripleo-heat-templates)
  2. Change to your template collection directory and create a new branch for the updated templates:

    $ cd ~/templates/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
    $ git checkout -b $PACKAGE
  3. Remove all files in the branch and replace them with the new versions:

    $ git rm -rf *
    $ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/* .
  4. Add all templates for the initial commit:

    $ git add *
  5. Create a commit for the package update:

    $ git commit -m "Updates for $PACKAGE"
  6. Merge the branch into master. If you use a Git management system (such as GitLab), use the management workflow. If you use git locally, merge by switching to the master branch and run the git merge command:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge $PACKAGE

The master branch now contains the latest version of the core template collection. You can now rebase the my-customization branch from this updated collection.

Rebasing the Custom Branch

Use the following procedure to update the my-customization branch,:

  1. Change to the my-customizations branch:

    $ git checkout my-customizations
  2. Rebase the branch off master:

    $ git rebase master

This updates the my-customizations branch and replays the custom commits made to this branch.

If git reports any conflicts during the rebase, use this procedure:

  1. Check which files contain the conflicts:

    $ git status
  2. Resolve the conflicts of the template files identified.
  3. Add the resolved files:

    $ git add [resolved files]
  4. Continue the rebase:

    $ git rebase --continue

Deploying Custom Templates

Use the following procedure to deploy the custom template collection:

  1. Ensure that you have switched to the my-customization branch:

    git checkout my-customizations
  2. Run the openstack overcloud deploy command with the --templates option to specify your local template directory:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates /home/stack/templates/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates [OTHER OPTIONS]

The director uses the default template directory (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates) if you specify the --templates option without a directory.


Red Hat recommends using the methods in Chapter 4, Configuration Hooks instead of modifying the Heat template collection.

2.7. Jinja2 rendering

The core Heat templates in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates contains a number of files ending with a j2.yaml extension. These files contain Jinja2 template syntax and the director renders these files to their static Heat template equivalents ending in .yaml. For example, the main overcloud.j2.yaml file renders into overcloud.yaml. The director uses the resulting overcloud.yaml file.

The Jinja2-enabled Heat templates use Jinja2 syntax to create parameters and resources for iterative values. For example, the overcloud.j2.yaml file contains the following snippet:

{% for role in roles %}
    description: Number of {{role.name}} nodes to deploy
    type: number
    default: {{role.CountDefault|default(0)}}
{% endfor %}

When the director renders the Jinja2 syntax, the director iterates over the roles defined in the roles_data.yaml file and populates the {{role.name}}Count parameter with the name of the role. The default roles_data.yaml file contains five roles and results in the the following parameters from our example:

  • ControllerCount
  • ComputeCount
  • BlockStorageCount
  • ObjectStorageCount
  • CephStorageCount

A example rendered version of the parameter looks like this:

    description: Number of Controller nodes to deploy
    type: number
    default: 1

The director only renders Jinja2-enabled templates and environment files within the directory of your core Heat templates. The following use cases demonstrate the correct method to render the Jinja2 templates.

Use case 1: Default core templates

Template directory: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/

Environment file: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.j2.yaml

The director uses the default core template location (--templates). The director renders the network-isolation.j2.yaml file into network-isolation.yaml. When running the openstack overcloud deploy command, use the -e option to include the name of rendered network-isolation.yaml file.

$ openstack ovecloud deploy --templates \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml

Use case 2: Custom core templates

Template directory: /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates

Environment file: /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.j2.yaml

The director uses a custom core template location (--templates /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates). The director renders the network-isolation.j2.yaml file within the custom core templates into network-isolation.yaml. When running the openstack overcloud deploy command, use the -e option to include the name of rendered network-isolation.yaml file.

$ openstack ovecloud deploy --templates /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates \
    -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml

Use case 3: Incorrect usage

Template directory: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/

Environment file: /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.j2.yaml

This director uses a custom core template location (--templates /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates). However, the chosen network-isolation.j2.yaml is not located within the custom core templates, so it will not render into network-isolation.yaml. This causes the deployment to fail.

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