Chapter 78. Feature comparison of legacy and new test scenario designer
Red Hat Process Automation Manager supports both the new test scenario designer and the former test scenario (Legacy) designer.
The default designer is the new test scenario designer, which supports testing of both rules and DMN models, and provides an enhanced overall user experience with test scenarios. You can continue to use the legacy test scenario designer, which only supports rule-based test scenarios.
The new test scenario designer has an improved layout and feature set and continues to be developed. However, the legacy test scenario designer is deprecated with Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.3.0 and will be removed in a future Red Hat Process Automation Manager release.
The following table highlights the main features of legacy and new test scenario designer, which are supported in Red Hat Process Automation Manager to help you decide a suitable test scenario designer in your project.
indicates that the feature is present in the test scenario designer. -
indicates that the feature is not present in the test scenario designer.
Feature & highlights | New designer | Legacy designer | Documentation |
Creating and running a test scenario
Adding GIVEN facts in test scenarios
Adding EXPECT results in test scenarios
KIE session
| NA |
KIE base on test scenario level
| NA |
KIE base on project level
| NA |
Simulated date and time
| NA |
Rule flow group
Global variables
Call method
Modify an existing fact
| For more information about modifying an existing fact in test scenarios (legacy), see Section 77.1.1, “Adding GIVEN facts in test scenarios (legacy)”. |
Bound variable
| For more information about how to set bound variables in test scenarios (legacy), see Section 77.1.1, “Adding GIVEN facts in test scenarios (legacy)”. |