
Appendix E. Creating a Remote File Type Repository

You can create a custom file type repository, from a directory of files, external to Satellite Server using the pulp-manifest command. You can then synchronize the files into Satellite Server over HTTP or HTTPS. When you add files to a file type repository, you can work with the files as with any other repository.

This procedure describes configuring a repository in a directory on a remote server. To create a file type repository in a directory on the base system where Satellite Server is installed, see Section 5.12, “Creating a Custom File Type Repository in a Local Directory”.


To configure a remote file type repository, ensure the following conditions have been met:

  • You have a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 server registered to your Satellite or the Red Hat CDN.
  • Your server has an entitlement to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server and Satellite Tools repositories.
  • You have installed an HTTP server. For more information about configuring a web server, see The Apache HTTP Server in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System Administrator’s Guide.

To Create a File Type Repository in a Remote Directory:

  1. Ensure the Server and Satellite Tools repositories are enabled:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms \
  2. Install the Pulp Manifest package:

    # yum install python-pulp-manifest
  3. Create a directory that you want to use as the file type repository in the HTTP server’s public folder:

    # mkdir /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo
  4. Add files to the directory or create a test file:

    # touch /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo/test.txt
  5. Enter the Pulp Manifest command to create the manifest:

    # pulp-manifest /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo
  6. Verify the manifest was created:

    # ls /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo
    PULP_MANIFEST  test.txt

To Import Files From a Remote File Type Repo

  1. Create a File Type Repository

    In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Content > Products. Select the name of a product, in this example My File Product. On the Repositories tab, select New Repository and enter the following details:

    • Name - A plain text name for the repository. Enter My Files.
    • Label - An internal ID for the repository. Red Hat Satellite 6 automatically completes this field based on what you enter for Name.
    • Type - The content type of the repository. Select file.
    • Upstream URL - The URL of the remote repository to use as the source.
    • Verify SSL - Leave this option selected if you want to verify that the upstream repository’s SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Alternatively, clear this check box.
    • Upstream Username - If required for authentication, enter the user name for the upstream repository. Clear this field if the repository does not require authentication.
    • Upstream Password - Enter the password for the upstream repository. Clear this field if the repository does not require authentication.
  2. Select Save to save this repository entry.
  3. To update the file type repository, navigate to Content > Products. Select the name of a product, in this example My File Product. Select the name of the repository you want to update, in this example My Files.
  4. From the Select Action menu, select Sync Now.
  5. Visit the URL where the repository is published to see the files.
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