

13.5. Migrating from NIS to IdM

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There is no direct migration path from NIS to Identity Management. This is a manual process with three major steps: setting up netgroup entries in IdM, exporting the existing data from NIS, and importing that data into IdM. There are several options for how to set up the IdM environment and how to export data; the best option depends on the type of data and the overall network environment that you have.

13.5.1. Preparing Netgroup Entries in IdM

The first step is to identify what kinds of identities are being managed by NIS. Frequently, a NIS server is used for either user entries or host entries, but not for both, which can simplify the data migration process.
For user entries

Determine what applications are using the user information in the NIS server. While some clients (like sudo) require NIS netgroups, many clients can use Unix groups instead. If no netgroups are required, then simply create corresponding user accounts in IdM and delete the netgroups entirely. Otherwise, create the user entries in IdM and then create an IdM-managed netgroup and add those users as members. This is described in Section 13.3, “Creating Netgroups”.

For host entries

Whenever a host group is created in IdM, a corresponding shadow NIS group is automatically created. These netgroups can then be managed using the ipa-host-net-manage command.

For a direct conversion

It may be necessary to have an exact conversion, with every NIS user and host having an exact corresponding entry in IdM. In that case, each entry can be created using the original NIS names:

  1. Create an entry for every user referenced in a netgroup.
  2. Create an entry for every host referenced in a netgroup.
  3. Create a netgroup with the same name as the original netgroup.
  4. Add the users and hosts as direct members of the netgroup. Alternatively, add the users and hosts into IdM groups or other netgroups, and then add those groups as members to the netgroup.

13.5.2. Enabling the NIS Listener in Identity Management

The IdM Directory Server can function as a limited NIS server. The slapi-nis plug-in sets up a special NIS listener that receives incoming NIS requests and manages the NIS maps within the Directory Server. Identity Management uses three NIS maps:
  • passwd
  • group
  • netgroup
Using IdM as an intermediate NIS server offers a reasonable way to handle NIS requests while migrating NIS clients and data.
The slapi-nis plug-in is not enabled by default. To enable NIS for Identity Management:
  1. Obtain new Kerberos credentials as an IdM admin user.
    [root@ipaserver ~]# kinit admin
  2. Enable the NIS listener and compatibility plug-ins:
    [root@ipaserver ~]# ipa-nis-manage enable
    [root@ipaserver ~]# ipa-compat-manage enable
  3. Restart the DNS and Directory Server service:
    [root@server ~]# service rpcbind restart
    [root@server ~]# service dirsrv restart

13.5.3. Exporting and Importing the Existing NIS Data

NIS can contain information for users, groups, DNS and hosts, netgroups, and automount maps. Any of these entry types can be migrated over to the IdM server.
Migration is performed by exporting the data using ypcat and then looping through that output and creating the IdM entries with the corresponding ipa *-add commands. While this could be done manually, it is easiest to script it. These examples use a shell script. Importing User Entries

The /etc/passwd file contains all of the NIS user information. These entries can be used to create IdM user accounts with UID, GID, gecos, shell, home directory, and name attributes that mirror the NIS entries.
For example, this is nis-user.sh:
# 1 is the nis domain, 2 is the nis master server
ypcat -d $1 -h $2 passwd > /dev/shm/nis-map.passwd 2>&1 
for line in $(cat /dev/shm/nis-map.passwd); do  
        IFS=' ' 
        username=$(echo $line|cut -f1 -d:)  
        # Not collecting encrypted password because we need cleartext password to create kerberos key     
        uid=$(echo $line|cut -f3 -d:)  
        gid=$(echo $line|cut -f4 -d:)  
        gecos=$(echo $line|cut -f5 -d:)  
        homedir=$(echo $line|cut -f6 -d:)  
        shell=$(echo $line|cut -f7 -d:)  
        # Now create this entry  
        echo passw0rd1|ipa user-add $username --first=NIS --last=USER --password --gidnumber=$gid --uid=$uid --gecos=$gecos --homedir=$homedir --shell=$shell 
        ipa user-show $username 
This can be run for a given NIS domain:
[root@nis-server ~]# kinit admin
[root@nis-server ~]# ./nis-user.sh nisdomain nis-master.example.com


This script does not migrate user passwords. Rather, it creates a temporary password which users are then prompted to change when they next log in. Importing Group Entries

The /etc/group file contains all of the NIS group information. These entries can be used to create IdM user group accounts with the GID, gecos, shell, home directory, and name attributes that mirror the NIS entries.
For example, this is nis-group.sh:
# 1 is the nis domain, 2 is the nis master server
ypcat -d $1 -h $2 group > /dev/shm/nis-map.group 2>&1 
for line in $(cat /dev/shm/nis-map.group); do  
        IFS=' ' 
        groupname=$(echo $line|cut -f1 -d:)  
        # Not collecting encrypted password because we need cleartext password to create kerberos key     
        gid=$(echo $line|cut -f3 -d:)  
        members=$(echo $line|cut -f4 -d:)  
        # Now create this entry  
        ipa group-add $groupname --desc=NIS_GROUP_$groupname --gid=$gid 
        if [ -n "$members" ]; then 
                ipa group-add-member $groupname --users=$members 
        ipa group-show $groupname 
This can be run for a given NIS domain:
[root@nis-server ~]# kinit admin
[root@nis-server ~]# ./nis-group.sh nisdomain nis-master.example.com Importing Host Entries

The /etc/hosts file contains all of the NIS host information. These entries can be used to create IdM host accounts that mirror the NIS entries.
For example, this is nis-hosts.sh:
# 1 is the nis domain, 2 is the nis master server
ypcat -d $1 -h $2 hosts | egrep -v "localhost|" > /dev/shm/nis-map.hosts 2>&1 
for line in $(cat /dev/shm/nis-map.hosts); do  
        IFS=' ' 
        ipaddress=$(echo $line|awk '{print $1}') 
        hostname=$(echo $line|awk '{print $2}') 
        master=$(ipa env xmlrpc_uri |tr -d '[:space:]'|cut -f3 -d:|cut -f3 -d/) 
        domain=$(ipa env domain|tr -d '[:space:]'|cut -f2 -d:) 
        if [ $(echo $hostname|grep "\." |wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then 
                hostname=$(echo $hostname.$domain) 
        zone=$(echo $hostname|cut -f2- -d.) 
        if [ $(ipa dnszone-show $zone 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then 
                ipa dnszone-add --name-server=$master --admin-email=root.$master 
        ptrzone=$(echo $ipaddress|awk -F. '{print $3 "." $2 "." $1 ".in-addr.arpa."}')  
        if [ $(ipa dnszone-show $ptrzone 2>/dev/null|wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then   
                ipa dnszone-add  $ptrzone --name-server=$master --admin-email=root.$master 
        # Now create this entry  
        ipa host-add $hostname --ip-address=$ipaddress 
        ipa host-show $hostname 
This can be run for a given NIS domain:
[root@nis-server ~]# kinit admin
[root@nis-server ~]# ./nis-hosts.sh nisdomain nis-master.example.com


This script example does not account for special host scenarios, such as using aliases. Importing Netgroup Entries

The /etc/netgroup file contains all of the NIS netgroup information. These entries can be used to create IdM netgroup accounts that mirror the NIS entries.
For example, this is nis-netgroup.sh:
# 1 is the nis domain, 2 is the nis master server
ypcat -k -d $1 -h $2 netgroup > /dev/shm/nis-map.netgroup 2>&1 
for line in $(cat /dev/shm/nis-map.netgroup); do  
        IFS=' ' 
        netgroupname=$(echo $line|awk '{print $1}') 
        triples=$(echo $line|sed "s/^$netgroupname //") 
        echo "ipa netgroup-add $netgroupname --desc=NIS_NG_$netgroupname" 
        if [ $(echo $line|grep "(,"|wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then 
                echo "ipa netgroup-mod $netgroupname --hostcat=all" 
        if [ $(echo $line|grep ",,"|wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then 
                echo "ipa netgroup-mod $netgroupname --usercat=all" 
        for triple in $triples; do 
                triple=$(echo $triple|sed -e 's/-//g' -e 's/(//' -e 's/)//') 
                if [ $(echo $triple|grep ",.*,"|wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then 
                        hostname=$(echo $triple|cut -f1 -d,) 
                        username=$(echo $triple|cut -f2 -d,) 
                        domain=$(echo $triple|cut -f3 -d,) 
                        hosts=""; users=""; doms=""; 
                        [ -n "$hostname" ] && hosts="--hosts=$hostname" 
                        [ -n "$username" ] && users="--users=$username" 
                        [ -n "$domain"   ] && doms="--nisdomain=$domain" 
                        echo "ipa netgroup-add-member $hosts $users $doms" 
                        echo "ipa netgroup-add $netgroup --desc=NIS_NG_$netgroup" 
As explained briefly in Section 13.1, “About NIS and Identity Management”, NIS entries exist in a set of three values, called a triple. The triple is host,user,domain, but not every component is required; commonly, a triple only defines a host and domain or user and domain. The way this script is written, the ipa netgroup-add-member command always adds a host, user, and domain triple to the netgroup.
if [ $(echo $triple|grep ",.*,"|wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then 
        hostname=$(echo $triple|cut -f1 -d,) 
        username=$(echo $triple|cut -f2 -d,) 
        domain=$(echo $triple|cut -f3 -d,) 
        hosts=""; users=""; doms=""; 
        [ -n "$hostname" ] && hosts="--hosts=$hostname" 
        [ -n "$username" ] && users="--users=$username" 
        [ -n "$domain"   ] && doms="--nisdomain=$domain" 
        echo "ipa netgroup-add-member $hosts $users $doms" 
Any missing element is added as a blank, so the triple is properly migrated. For example, for the triple server,,domain the options with the member add command are --hosts=server --users="" --nisdomain=domain.
This can be run for a given NIS domain by specifying the NIS domain and NIS server:
[root@nis-server ~]# kinit admin
[root@nis-server ~]# ./nis-hosts.sh nisdomain nis-master.example.com Importing Automount Maps

Automount maps are actually a series of nested and inter-related entries that define the location (the parent entry), and then associated keys and maps.
While the data are the same in the NIS and IdM entries, the way that data are defined is different. The NIS information is exported and then used to construct an LDAP entry for the automount location and associated map; it then creates an entry for every configured key for the map.
Unlike the other NIS migration script examples, this script takes options to create an automount location and a map name, along with the migrated NIS domain and server.
# 1 is for the automount entry in ipa

ipa automountlocation-add $1 
# 2 is the nis domain, 3 is the nis master server, 4 is the map name 
ypcat -k -d $2 -h $3 $4 > /dev/shm/nis-map.$4 2>&1 
ipa automountmap-add $1 $4 
basedn=$(ipa env basedn|tr -d '[:space:]'|cut -f2 -d:) 
cat > /tmp/amap.ldif <<EOF 
dn: nis-domain=nisdomain.example.com+nis-map=$4,cn=NIS Server,cn=plugins,cn=config 
objectClass: extensibleObject 
nis-domain: $3 
nis-map: $4 
nis-base: automountmapname=$4,cn=nis,cn=automount,$basedn 
nis-filter: (objectclass=*) 
nis-key-format: %{automountKey} 
nis-value-format: %{automountInformation}        
ldapadd -x -h $3 -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret -f /tmp/amap.ldif 
for line in $(cat /dev/shm/nis-map.$4); do  
        IFS=" " 
        key=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') 
        info=$(echo "$line" | sed -e "s#^$key[ \t]*##") 
        ipa automountkey-add nis $4 --key="$key" --info="$info" 
This can be run for a given NIS domain:
[root@nis-server ~]# kinit admin
[root@nis-server ~]# ./nis-hosts.sh location nisdomain nis-master.example.com map

13.5.4. Setting Weak Password Encryption for NIS User Authentication to IdM

A NIS server can handle CRYPT password hashes. Once an existing NIS server is migrated to IdM (and its underlying LDAP database), it may still be necessary to preserve the NIS-supported CRYPT passwords. However, the LDAP server does not use CRYPT hashes by default. It uses salted SHA (SSHA) or SSHA-256. If the 389 Directory Server password hash is not changed, then NIS users cannot authenticate to the IdM domain, and kinit fails with password failures.
To set the underlying 389 Directory Server to use CRYPT as the password hash, change the passwordStorageScheme attribute using ldapmodify:
[root@server ~]# ldapmodify -D "cn=directory server" -w secret -p 389 -h ipaserver.example.com

dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: passwordStorageScheme
passwordStorageScheme: crypt


Changing the password storage scheme only applies the scheme to new passwords; it does not retroactively change the encryption method used for existing passwords.
If weak crypto is required for password hashes, it is better to change the setting as early as possible so that more user passwords use the weaker password hash.
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