Chapter 3. Decision Server and KIE container commands in Red Hat Decision Manager
Red Hat Decision Manager supports server commands that you can send to Decision Server for server-related or container-related operations, such as retrieving server information or creating or deleting a container. The full list of supported Decision Server configuration commands is located in the org.kie.server.api.commands
package in your Red Hat Decision Manager instance.
In the Decision Server REST API, you use the org.kie.server.api.commands
commands as the request body for POST
requests to http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/server/config
. For more information about using the Decision Server REST API, see Chapter 1, Decision Server REST API for KIE containers and business assets.
In the Decision Server Java client API, you use the corresponding method in the parent KieServicesClient
Java client as an embedded API request in your Java application. All Decision Server commands are executed by methods provided in the Java client API, so you do not need to embed the actual Decision Server commands in your Java application. For more information about using the Decision Server Java client API, see Chapter 2, Decision Server Java client API for KIE containers and business assets.
3.1. Sample Decision Server and KIE container commands
The following are sample Decision Server commands that you can use with the Decision Server REST API or Java client API for server-related or container-related operations in Decision Server:
For the full list of supported Decision Server configuration and management commands, see the org.kie.server.api.commands
package in your Red Hat Decision Manager instance.
You can run Decision Server commands individually or together as a batch REST API request or batch Java API request:
Batch REST API request to create, call, and dispose a KIE container (JSON)
{ "commands": [ { "create-container": { "container": { "status": "STARTED", "container-id": "command-script-container", "release-id": { "version": "1.0", "group-id": "com.redhat", "artifact-id": "Project1" } } } }, { "call-container": { "payload": "{\n \"commands\" : [ {\n \"fire-all-rules\" : {\n \"max\" : -1,\n \"out-identifier\" : null\n }\n } ]\n}", "container-id": "command-script-container" } }, { "dispose-container": { "container-id": "command-script-container" } } ] }
Batch Java API request to retrieve, dispose, and re-create a KIE container
public void disposeAndCreateContainer() { System.out.println("== Disposing and creating containers =="); // Retrieve list of KIE containers List<KieContainerResource> kieContainers = kieServicesClient.listContainers().getResult().getContainers(); if (kieContainers.size() == 0) { System.out.println("No containers available..."); return; } // Dispose KIE container KieContainerResource container = kieContainers.get(0); String containerId = container.getContainerId(); ServiceResponse<Void> responseDispose = kieServicesClient.disposeContainer(containerId); if (responseDispose.getType() == ResponseType.FAILURE) { System.out.println("Error disposing " + containerId + ". Message: "); System.out.println(responseDispose.getMsg()); return; } System.out.println("Success Disposing container " + containerId); System.out.println("Trying to recreate the container..."); // Re-create KIE container ServiceResponse<KieContainerResource> createResponse = kieServicesClient.createContainer(containerId, container); if(createResponse.getType() == ResponseType.FAILURE) { System.out.println("Error creating " + containerId + ". Message: "); System.out.println(responseDispose.getMsg()); return; } System.out.println("Container recreated with success!"); }
Each command in this section includes a REST request body example (JSON) for the Decision Server REST API and an embedded method example from the KieServicesClient
Java client for the Decision Server Java client API.
- GetServerInfoCommand
Returns information about the Decision Server.
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "get-server-info" : { } } ] }
Example Java client method
KieServerInfo serverInfo = kieServicesClient.getServerInfo();
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Kie Server info", "result": { "kie-server-info": { "id": "default-kieserver", "version": "7.11.0.Final-redhat-00001", "name": "default-kieserver", "location": "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server", "capabilities": [ "KieServer", "BRM", "BPM", "CaseMgmt", "BPM-UI", "BRP", "DMN", "Swagger" ], "messages": [ { "severity": "INFO", "timestamp": { "java.util.Date": 1538502533321 }, "content": [ "Server KieServerInfo{serverId='default-kieserver', version='7.11.0.Final-redhat-00001', name='default-kieserver', location='http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server', capabilities=[KieServer, BRM, BPM, CaseMgmt, BPM-UI, BRP, DMN, Swagger], messages=null}started successfully at Tue Oct 02 13:48:53 EDT 2018" ] } ] } } } ] }
- GetServerStateCommand
Returns information about the current state and configurations of the Decision Server.
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "get-server-state" : { } } ] }
Example Java client method
KieServerStateInfo serverStateInfo = kieServicesClient.getServerState();
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Successfully loaded server state for server id default-kieserver", "result": { "kie-server-state-info": { "controller": [ "http://localhost:8080/decision-central/rest/controller" ], "config": { "config-items": [ { "itemName": "org.kie.server.location", "itemValue": "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server", "itemType": "java.lang.String" }, { "itemName": "org.kie.server.controller.user", "itemValue": "controllerUser", "itemType": "java.lang.String" }, { "itemName": "org.kie.server.controller", "itemValue": "http://localhost:8080/decision-central/rest/controller", "itemType": "java.lang.String" } ] }, "containers": [ { "container-id": "employee-rostering", "release-id": { "group-id": "employeerostering", "artifact-id": "employeerostering", "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" }, "resolved-release-id": null, "status": "STARTED", "scanner": { "status": "STOPPED", "poll-interval": null }, "config-items": [ { "itemName": "KBase", "itemValue": "", "itemType": "BPM" }, { "itemName": "KSession", "itemValue": "", "itemType": "BPM" }, { "itemName": "MergeMode", "itemValue": "MERGE_COLLECTIONS", "itemType": "BPM" }, { "itemName": "RuntimeStrategy", "itemValue": "SINGLETON", "itemType": "BPM" } ], "messages": [], "container-alias": "employeerostering" } ] } } } ] }
- CreateContainerCommand
Creates a KIE container in the Decision Server.
Table 3.1. Command attributes Name Description Requirement container
Map containing the
data (group ID, artifact ID, version),status
, and any other components of the new KIE containerRequired
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "create-container" : { "container" : { "status" : null, "messages" : [ ], "container-id" : "command-script-container", "release-id" : { "version" : "1.0", "group-id" : "com.redhat", "artifact-id" : "Project1" }, "config-items" : [ ] } } } ] }
Example Java client method
ServiceResponse<KieContainerResource> response = kieServicesClient.createContainer("command-script-container", resource);
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Container command-script-container successfully deployed with module com.redhat:Project1:1.0.", "result": { "kie-container": { "container-id": "command-script-container", "release-id": { "version" : "1.0", "group-id" : "com.redhat", "artifact-id" : "Project1" }, "resolved-release-id": { "version" : "1.0", "group-id" : "com.redhat", "artifact-id" : "Project1" }, "status": "STARTED", "scanner": { "status": "DISPOSED", "poll-interval": null }, "config-items": [], "messages": [ { "severity": "INFO", "timestamp": { "java.util.Date": 1538762455510 }, "content": [ "Container command-script-container successfully created with module com.redhat:Project1:1.0." ] } ], "container-alias": null } } } ] }
- GetContainerInfoCommand
Returns information about a specified KIE container in Decision Server.
Table 3.2. Command attributes Name Description Requirement container-id
ID of the KIE container
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "get-container-info" : { "container-id" : "command-script-container" } } ] }
Example Java client method
ServiceResponse<KieContainerResource> response = kieServicesClient.getContainerInfo("command-script-container");
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Info for container command-script-container", "result": { "kie-container": { "container-id": "command-script-container", "release-id": { "group-id": "com.redhat", "artifact-id": "Project1", "version": "1.0" }, "resolved-release-id": { "group-id": "com.redhat", "artifact-id": "Project1", "version": "1.0" }, "status": "STARTED", "scanner": { "status": "DISPOSED", "poll-interval": null }, "config-items": [ ], "container-alias": null } } } ] }
- ListContainersCommand
Returns a list of KIE containers that have been created in the Decision Server.
Table 3.3. Command attributes Name Description Requirement kie-container-filter
Optional map containing
, and any other KIE container properties by which you want to filter resultsOptional
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "list-containers" : { "kie-container-filter" : { "release-id-filter" : { }, "container-status-filter" : { "accepted-status" : ["FAILED"] } } } } ] }
Example Java client method
KieContainerResourceFilter filter = new KieContainerResourceFilter.Builder() .status(KieContainerStatus.FAILED) .build(); KieContainerResourceList containersList = kieServicesClient.listContainers(filter);
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "List of created containers", "result": { "kie-containers": { "kie-container": [ { "container-id": "command-script-container", "release-id": { "group-id": "com.redhat", "artifact-id": "Project1", "version": "1.0" }, "resolved-release-id": { "group-id": "com.redhat", "artifact-id": "Project1", "version": "1.0" }, "status": "STARTED", "scanner": { "status": "STARTED", "poll-interval": 5000 }, "config-items": [ { "itemName": "RuntimeStrategy", "itemValue": "SINGLETON", "itemType": "java.lang.String" }, { "itemName": "MergeMode", "itemValue": "MERGE_COLLECTIONS", "itemType": "java.lang.String" }, { "itemName": "KBase", "itemValue": "", "itemType": "java.lang.String" }, { "itemName": "KSession", "itemValue": "", "itemType": "java.lang.String" } ], "messages": [ { "severity": "INFO", "timestamp": { "java.util.Date": 1538504619749 }, "content": [ "Container command-script-container successfully created with module com.redhat:Project1:1.0." ] } ], "container-alias": null } ] } } } ] }
- CallContainerCommand
Calls a KIE container and executes one or more runtime commands. For information about Red Hat Decision Manager runtime commands, see Chapter 4, Runtime commands in Red Hat Decision Manager.
Table 3.4. Command attributes Name Description Requirement container-id
ID of the KIE container to be called
One or more commands in a
wrapper to be executed on the KIE containerRequired
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "call-container" : { "payload" : "{\n \"lookup\" : \"defaultKieSession\",\n \"commands\" : [ {\n \"fire-all-rules\" : {\n \"max\" : -1,\n \"out-identifier\" : null\n }\n } ]\n}", "container-id" : "command-script-container" } } ] }
Example Java client method
List<Command<?>> commands = new ArrayList<Command<?>>(); BatchExecutionCommand batchExecution1 = commandsFactory.newBatchExecution(commands, "defaultKieSession"); commands.add(commandsFactory.newFireAllRules()); ServiceResponse<ExecutionResults> response1 = ruleClient.executeCommandsWithResults("command-script-container", batchExecution1);
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Container command-script-container successfully called.", "result": "{\n \"results\" : [ ],\n \"facts\" : [ ]\n}" } ] }
- DisposeContainerCommand
Disposes a specified KIE container in the Decision Server.
Table 3.5. Command attributes Name Description Requirement container-id
ID of the KIE container to be disposed
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "dispose-container" : { "container-id" : "command-script-container" } } ] }
Example Java client method
ServiceResponse<Void> response = kieServicesClient.disposeContainer("command-script-container");
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Container command-script-container successfully disposed.", "result": null } ] }
- GetScannerInfoCommand
Returns information about the KIE scanner used for automatic updates in a specified KIE container, if applicable.
Table 3.6. Command attributes Name Description Requirement container-id
ID of the KIE container where the KIE scanner is used
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "get-scanner-info" : { "container-id" : "command-script-container" } } ] }
Example Java client method
ServiceResponse<KieScannerResource> response = kieServicesClient.getScannerInfo("command-script-container");
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Scanner info successfully retrieved", "result": { "kie-scanner": { "status": "DISPOSED", "poll-interval": null } } } ] }
- UpdateScannerCommand
Starts or stops a KIE scanner that controls polling for updated KIE container deployments.
NoteAvoid using a KIE scanner with business processes. Using a KIE scanner with processes can lead to unforeseen updates that can then cause errors in long-running processes when changes are not compatible with running process instances.
Table 3.7. Command attributes Name Description Requirement container-id
ID of the KIE container where the KIE scanner is used
Status to be set on the KIE scanner (
Permitted polling duration in milliseconds
Required only when starting scanner
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "update-scanner" : { "scanner" : { "status" : "STARTED", "poll-interval" : 10000 }, "container-id" : "command-script-container" } } ] }
Example Java client method
KieScannerResource scannerResource = new KieScannerResource(); scannerResource.setPollInterval(10000); scannerResource.setStatus(KieScannerStatus. STARTED); ServiceResponse<KieScannerResource> response = kieServicesClient.updateScanner("command-script-container", scannerResource);
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Kie scanner successfully created.", "result": { "kie-scanner": { "status": "STARTED", "poll-interval": 10000 } } } ] }
- UpdateReleaseIdCommand
Updates the release ID data (group ID, artifact ID, version) for a specified KIE container.
Table 3.8. Command attributes Name Description Requirement container-id
ID of the KIE container to be updated
Updated GAV (group ID, artifact ID, version) data to be applied to the KIE container
Example REST request body (JSON)
{ "commands" : [ { "update-release-id" : { "releaseId" : { "version" : "1.1", "group-id" : "com.redhat", "artifact-id" : "Project1" }, "container-id" : "command-script-container" } } ] }
Example Java client method
ServiceResponse<ReleaseId> response = kieServicesClient.updateReleaseId("command-script-container", "com.redhat:Project1:1.1");
Example server response (JSON)
{ "response": [ { "type": "SUCCESS", "msg": "Release id successfully updated", "result": { "release-id": { "group-id": "com.redhat", "artifact-id": "Project1", "version": "1.1" } } } ] }