第 3 章 LVM 管理总览
This chapter provides an overview of the administrative procedures you use to configure LVM logical volumes. This chapter is intended to provide a general understanding of the steps involved. For specific step-by-step examples of common LVM configuration procedures, see 第 5 章 LVM 配置示例.
For descriptions of the CLI commands you can use to perform LVM administration, see 第 4 章 用 CLI 命令管理 LVM. Alternately, you can use the LVM GUI, which is described in 第 7 章 用 LVM GUI 进行 LVM 管理.
3.1. 在群集中创建 LVM 卷
To create logical volumes in a cluster environment, you use the Clustered Logical Volume Manager (CLVM), which is a set of clustering extensions to LVM. These extensions allow a cluster of computers to manage shared storage (for example, on a SAN) using LVM. In order to use CLVM, the Red Hat Cluster Suite software, including the
daemon, must be started at boot time, as described in 第 1.3 节 “群集逻辑卷管理器(CLVM)”.
在群集环境中创建 LVM 逻辑卷和在单一节点创建 LVM 逻辑卷是一样的。LVM 命令本身没有什么不同,LVM GUI 界面也一样。要启用您在群集中创建的 LVM 卷,群集构架必须正在运行且群集必须有足够节点。
CLVM requires changes to the
file for cluster-wide locking. Information on configuring the lvm.conf
file to support clustered locking is provided within the lvm.conf
file itself. For information about the lvm.conf
file, see 附录 B, LVM 配置文件.
By default, logical volumes created with CLVM on shared storage are visible to all computers that have access to the shared storage. It is possible, however, to create logical volumes when the storage devices are visible to only one node in the cluster. It is also possible to change the status of a logical volume from a local volume to a clustered volume. For information, see 第 4.3.2 节 “在群集中创建卷组” and 第 4.3.7 节 “修改卷组参数”
)或者高度可用逻辑卷管理代理(HA-LVM)。如果由于操作原因您无法使用 clvmd
守护进程或者 HA-LVM 之一,或者因为您没有正确的权利,您就不能在共享磁盘中使用单一事件 LVM,因为这将导致数据崩溃。如果您有任何疑问请联络您的红帽服务代表。