
Getting Started with Debezium

Red Hat Integration 2021.Q3

For use with Debezium 1.5

Red Hat Integration Documentation Team


This guide describes how to get started using Debezium.


This tutorial demonstrates how to use Debezium to capture updates in a MySQL database. As the data in the database changes, you can see the resulting event streams.

In this tutorial, you start the Debezium services in OpenShift, run a MySQL database server with a simple example database, and use Debezium to capture changes in the database.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform 4.x cluster with cluster-admin privileges
  • The AMQ Streams 2021.q3 OpenShift installation and example files

    You can download these files from the AMQ Streams download site.

  • The Debezium MySQL Connector 1.5.

    You can download these files from the Red Hat Integration download site.


These prerequisites apply to the MySQL connector. Other Debezium connectors may have different prerequisites.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Debezium

Debezium is a distributed platform that turns your existing databases into event streams, so applications can see and respond immediately to each row-level change in the databases.

Debezium is built on top of Apache Kafka and provides Kafka Connect compatible connectors that monitor specific database management systems. Debezium records the history of data changes in Kafka logs, from where your application consumes them. This makes it possible for your application to easily consume all of the events correctly and completely. Even if your application stops unexpectedly, it will not miss anything: when the application restarts, it will resume consuming the events where it left off.

Debezium includes multiple connectors. In this tutorial, you will use the MySQL connector.

Chapter 2. Starting the services

Using Debezium requires AMQ Streams and the Debezium connector service. To start the services needed for this tutorial, you must:

2.1. Setting up a Kafka cluster

You use AMQ Streams to set up a Kafka cluster. This procedure deploys a single-node Kafka cluster.


  1. In your OpenShift 4.x cluster, create a new project:

    $ oc new-project debezium-tutorial
  2. Change to the directory where you downloaded the AMQ Streams 2021.q3 OpenShift installation and example files.
  3. Deploy the AMQ Streams Cluster Operator.

    The Cluster Operator is responsible for deploying and managing Kafka clusters within an OpenShift cluster. This command deploys the Cluster Operator to watch just the project that you created:

    $ sed -i 's/namespace: .*/namespace: debezium-tutorial/' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml
    $ oc apply -f install/cluster-operator -n debezium-tutorial
  4. Verify that the Cluster Operator is running.

    This command shows that the Cluster Operator is running, and that all of the Pods are ready:

    $ oc get pods
    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    strimzi-cluster-operator-5c6d68c54-l4gdz   1/1     Running   0          46s
  5. Deploy the Kafka cluster.

    This command uses the kafka-ephemeral-single.yaml Custom Resource to create an ephemeral Kafka cluster with three ZooKeeper nodes and one Kafka node:

    $ oc apply -f examples/kafka/kafka-ephemeral-single.yaml
  6. Verify that the Kafka cluster is running.

    This command shows that the Kafka cluster is running, and that all of the Pods are ready:

    $ oc get pods
    NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    my-cluster-entity-operator-5b5d4f7c58-8gnq5   3/3     Running   0          41s
    my-cluster-kafka-0                            2/2     Running   0          70s
    my-cluster-zookeeper-0                        2/2     Running   0          107s
    my-cluster-zookeeper-1                        2/2     Running   0          107s
    my-cluster-zookeeper-2                        2/2     Running   0          107s
    strimzi-cluster-operator-5c6d68c54-l4gdz      1/1     Running   0          8m53s

2.2. Deploying Kafka Connect

After setting up a Kafka cluster, you deploy Kafka Connect in a custom container image for Debezium. This service provides a framework for managing the Debezium MySQL connector.


  • Podman or Docker is installed and you have sufficient rights to create and manage containers.


  1. Download the Debezium MySQL Connector 1.5 archive from the Red Hat Integration download site.
  2. Extract the Debezium MySQL connector archive to create a directory structure for the connector plug-in, for example:

    tree ./my-plugins/
    ├── debezium-connector-mysql
    │   ├── ...
  3. Create and publish a custom image that runs Kafka Connect with the Debezium MySQL connector:

    1. Create a new Dockerfile by using registry.redhat.io/amq7/amq-streams-kafka-28-rhel8:1.8.0 as the base image. In the following example, you would replace my-plugins with the name of your plug-ins directory:

      FROM registry.redhat.io/amq7/amq-streams-kafka-28-rhel8:1.8.0
      USER root:root
      COPY ./my-plugins/ /opt/kafka/plugins/
      USER 1001

      Before Kafka Connect starts running the connector, Kafka Connect loads any third-party plug-ins that are in the /opt/kafka/plugins directory.

    2. Build the container image. For example, if you saved the Dockerfile that you created in the previous step as debezium-container-for-mysql, and if the Dockerfile is in the current directory, enter one of the following command:

      podman build -t debezium-container-for-mysql:latest .
      docker build -t debezium-container-for-mysql:latest .
    3. Push your custom image to your container registry. Enter one of the following commands:

      podman push <my_registry.io>/debezium-container-for-mysql:latest
      docker push <my_registry.io>/debezium-container-for-mysql:latest
    4. Point to the new container image by editing the spec.image property of the KafkaConnect custom resource. If this property is set, its value overrides the STRIMZI_DEFAULT_KAFKA_CONNECT_IMAGE variable in the Cluster Operator. For example:

      apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
      kind: KafkaConnect
        name: my-connect-cluster
        annotations:strimzi.io/use-connector-resources: "true"
        image: debezium-container-for-mysql


Kafka Connect is now running. The container has a Debezium MySQL connector but this connector is not yet configured to capture changes in a database.

2.3. Deploying a MySQL database

At this point, you have deployed a Kafka cluster and the Kafka Connect service with the Debezium MySQL database connector. However, you still need a database server from which Debezium can capture changes. In this procedure, you start a MySQL server with an example database.


  1. Start a MySQL database by running the following command, which starts a MySQL database server configured with an example inventory database:

    $ oc new-app --name=mysql quay.io/debezium/example-mysql:latest
  2. Configure credentials for the MySQL database by running the following command, which updates the deployment configuration for the MySQL database to add the user name and password:

    $ oc set env dc/mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=debezium  MYSQL_USER=mysqluser MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysqlpw
  3. Verify that the MySQL database is running by invoking the following command, which is followed by the output that shows that the MySQL database is running, and that the pod is ready:

    $ oc get pods -l app=mysql
    NAME            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    mysql-1-2gzx5   1/1     Running   1          23s
  4. Open a new terminal and log into the sample inventory database.

    This command opens a MySQL command line client in the pod that is running the MySQL database. The client uses the user name and password that you previously configured:

    $ oc exec mysql-1-2gzx5 -it -- mysql -u mysqluser -pmysqlpw inventory
    mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    Reading table information for completion of table and column names
    You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 7
    Server version: 5.7.29-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
  5. List the tables in the inventory database:

    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_inventory |
    | addresses           |
    | customers           |
    | geom                |
    | orders              |
    | products            |
    | products_on_hand    |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  6. Explore the database and view the data that it contains, for example, view the customers table:

    mysql> select * from customers;
    | id   | first_name | last_name | email                 |
    | 1001 | Sally      | Thomas    | sally.thomas@acme.com |
    | 1002 | George     | Bailey    | gbailey@foobar.com    |
    | 1003 | Edward     | Walker    | ed@walker.com         |
    | 1004 | Anne       | Kretchmar | annek@noanswer.org    |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Chapter 3. Creating a connector to capture inventory database changes

After starting the Kafka, Debezium, and MySQL services, you are ready to create a connector instance that captures changes in the inventory database.

In this procedure, you create the connector instance by creating a KafkaConnector Custom Resource (CR) that defines the connector instance, and then applying it. After applying the CR, the connector instance starts capturing changes in the inventory database’s binlog. The binlog records all of the database’s transactions (such as changes to individual rows and changes to the schemas). When a row in the database changes, Debezium generates a change event.


Typically, you use Kafka tools to manually create the necessary topics, including specifying the number of replicas. However, for this tutorial, Kafka is configured to automatically create the topics with just one replica.


  1. Create a KafkaConnector CR that configures a Debezium MySQL connector instance for capturing changes to the inventory database. Copy the following example CR:


      apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
      kind: KafkaConnector
        name: inventory-connector  1
          strimzi.io/cluster: my-connect-cluster
        class: io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector
        tasksMax: 1  2
        config:  3
          database.hostname: mysql  4
          database.port: 3306
          database.user: debezium
          database.password: dbz
          database.server.id: 184054  5
          database.server.name: dbserver1  6
          database.whitelist: inventory  7
          database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers: my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092  8
          database.history.kafka.topic: schema-changes.inventory  9

    The name of the connector.
    Only one task should operate at any one time. Because the MySQL connector reads the MySQL server’s binlog, using a single connector task ensures proper order and event handling. The Kafka Connect service uses connectors to start one or more tasks that do the work, and it automatically distributes the running tasks across the cluster of Kafka Connect services. If any of the services stop or crash, those tasks will be redistributed to running services.
    The connector’s configuration.
    The database host, which is the name of the container running the MySQL server (mysql).
    5 6
    A unique server ID and name. The server name is the logical identifier for the MySQL server or cluster of servers. This name will be used as the prefix for all Kafka topics.
    Only changes in the inventory database will be detected.
    8 9
    The connector will store the history of the database schemas in Kafka using this broker (the same broker to which you are sending events) and topic name. Upon restart, the connector will recover the schemas of the database that existed at the point in time in the binlog when the connector should begin reading.
  2. Apply the connector instance:

    $ oc apply -f inventory-connector.yaml

    The inventory-connector connector is registered and starts to run against the inventory database.

  3. Verify that inventory-connector was created and has started to capture changes in the inventory database by watching the Kafka Connect log output as inventory-connector starts:

    1. Display the Kafka Connect log output:

      $ oc logs $(oc get pods -o name -l strimzi.io/name=my-connect-cluster-connect)
    2. Review the log output and verify that the initial snapshot has been executed. These lines show that the initial snapshot has started:

      2020-02-21 17:57:30,801 INFO Starting snapshot for jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/?useInformationSchema=true&nullCatalogMeansCurrent=false&useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&characterSetResults=UTF-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL&connectTimeout=30000 with user 'debezium' with locking mode 'minimal' (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]
      2020-02-21 17:57:30,805 INFO Snapshot is using user 'debezium' with these MySQL grants: (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]

      The snapshot involves a number of steps:

      2020-02-21 17:57:30,822 INFO Step 0: disabling autocommit, enabling repeatable read transactions, and setting lock wait timeout to 10 (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]
      2020-02-21 17:57:30,836 INFO Step 1: flush and obtain global read lock to prevent writes to database (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]
      2020-02-21 17:57:30,839 INFO Step 2: start transaction with consistent snapshot (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]
      2020-02-21 17:57:30,840 INFO Step 3: read binlog position of MySQL master (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]
      2020-02-21 17:57:30,843 INFO 	 using binlog 'mysql-bin.000003' at position '154' and gtid '' (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]
      2020-02-21 17:57:34,423 INFO Step 9: committing transaction (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]
      2020-02-21 17:57:34,424 INFO Completed snapshot in 00:00:03.632 (io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader) [debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-snapshot]

      After completing the snapshot, Debezium begins capturing updates to the inventory database’s binlog:

      2020-02-21 17:57:35,584 INFO Transitioning from the snapshot reader to the binlog reader (io.debezium.connector.mysql.ChainedReader) [task-thread-inventory-connector-0]
      2020-02-21 17:57:35,613 INFO Creating thread debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-binlog-client (io.debezium.util.Threads) [task-thread-inventory-connector-0]
      2020-02-21 17:57:35,630 INFO Creating thread debezium-mysqlconnector-dbserver1-binlog-client (io.debezium.util.Threads) [blc-mysql:3306]
      Feb 21, 2020 5:57:35 PM com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient connect
      INFO: Connected to mysql:3306 at mysql-bin.000003/154 (sid:184054, cid:5)
      2020-02-21 17:57:35,775 INFO Connected to MySQL binlog at mysql:3306, starting at binlog file 'mysql-bin.000003', pos=154, skipping 0 events plus 0 rows (io.debezium.connector.mysql.BinlogReader) [blc-mysql:3306]

Chapter 4. Viewing change events

After deploying the Debezium MySQL connector, it starts capturing changes to the inventory database.

When you watched the connector start, you saw that events were written to the following topics, whose names all start with dbserver1, which is the name of the connector:

The schema change topic to which DDL statements that apply to the tables for which changes are being captured are written.
Receives change event records for the products table in the inventory database.
Receives change event records for the products_on_hand table in the inventory database.
Receives change event records for the customers table in the inventory database.
Receives change event records for the orders table in the inventory database.

For this tutorial, you will explore the dbserver1.inventory.customers topic. In this topic, you will view different types of change events to see how the connector captured them:

4.1. Viewing a create event

By viewing the dbserver1.inventory.customers topic, you can see how the MySQL connector captured create events in the inventory database. In this case, the create events capture new customers being added to the database.


  1. Open a new terminal and use kafka-console-consumer to consume the dbserver1.inventory.customers topic from the beginning of the topic.

    This command runs a simple consumer (kafka-console-consumer.sh) in the Pod that is running Kafka (my-cluster-kafka-0):

    $ oc exec -it my-cluster-kafka-0 -- /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh \
      --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
      --from-beginning \
      --property print.key=true \
      --topic dbserver1.inventory.customers

    The consumer returns four messages (in JSON format), one for each row in the customers table. Each message contains the event records for the corresponding table row.

    There are two JSON documents for each event: a key and a value. The key corresponds to the row’s primary key, and the value shows the details of the row (the fields that the row contains, the value of each field, and the type of operation that was performed on the row).

  2. For the last event, review the details of the key.

    Here are the details of the key of the last event (formatted for readability):


    The event has two parts: a schema and a payload. The schema contains a Kafka Connect schema describing what is in the payload. In this case, the payload is a struct named dbserver1.inventory.customers.Key that is not optional and has one required field (id of type int32).

    The payload has a single id field, with a value of 1004.

    By reviewing the key of the event, you can see that this event applies to the row in the inventory.customers table whose id primary key column had a value of 1004.

  3. Review the details of the same event’s value.

    The event’s value shows that the row was created, and describes what it contains (in this case, the id, first_name, last_name, and email of the inserted row).

    Here are the details of the value of the last event (formatted for readability):

      "schema": {
        "type": "struct",
        "fields": [
            "type": "struct",
            "fields": [
                "type": "int32",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "id"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "first_name"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "last_name"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "email"
            "optional": true,
            "name": "dbserver1.inventory.customers.Value",
            "field": "before"
            "type": "struct",
            "fields": [
                "type": "int32",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "id"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "first_name"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "last_name"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "email"
            "optional": true,
            "name": "dbserver1.inventory.customers.Value",
            "field": "after"
            "type": "struct",
            "fields": [
                "type": "string",
                "optional": true,
                "field": "version"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "name"
                "type": "int64",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "server_id"
                "type": "int64",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "ts_sec"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": true,
                "field": "gtid"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "file"
                "type": "int64",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "pos"
                "type": "int32",
                "optional": false,
                "field": "row"
                "type": "boolean",
                "optional": true,
                "field": "snapshot"
                "type": "int64",
                "optional": true,
                "field": "thread"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": true,
                "field": "db"
                "type": "string",
                "optional": true,
                "field": "table"
            "optional": false,
            "name": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.Source",
            "field": "source"
            "type": "string",
            "optional": false,
            "field": "op"
            "type": "int64",
            "optional": true,
            "field": "ts_ms"
        "optional": false,
        "name": "dbserver1.inventory.customers.Envelope",
        "version": 1
      "payload": {
        "before": null,
        "after": {
          "id": 1004,
          "first_name": "Anne",
          "last_name": "Kretchmar",
          "email": "annek@noanswer.org"
        "source": {
          "version": "1.5.4.Final",
          "name": "dbserver1",
          "server_id": 0,
          "ts_sec": 0,
          "gtid": null,
          "file": "mysql-bin.000003",
          "pos": 154,
          "row": 0,
          "snapshot": true,
          "thread": null,
          "db": "inventory",
          "table": "customers"
        "op": "c",
        "ts_ms": 1486500577691

    This portion of the event is much longer, but like the event’s key, it also has a schema and a payload. The schema contains a Kafka Connect schema named dbserver1.inventory.customers.Envelope (version 1) that can contain five fields:

    A required field that contains a string value describing the type of operation. Values for the MySQL connector are c for create (or insert), u for update, d for delete, and r for read (in the case of a non-initial snapshot).
    An optional field that, if present, contains the state of the row before the event occurred. The structure will be described by the dbserver1.inventory.customers.Value Kafka Connect schema, which the dbserver1 connector uses for all rows in the inventory.customers table.
    An optional field that, if present, contains the state of the row after the event occurred. The structure is described by the same dbserver1.inventory.customers.Value Kafka Connect schema used in before.
    A required field that contains a structure describing the source metadata for the event, which in the case of MySQL, contains several fields: the connector name, the name of the binlog file where the event was recorded, the position in that binlog file where the event appeared, the row within the event (if there is more than one), the names of the affected database and table, the MySQL thread ID that made the change, whether this event was part of a snapshot, and, if available, the MySQL server ID, and the timestamp in seconds.
    An optional field that, if present, contains the time (using the system clock in the JVM running the Kafka Connect task) at which the connector processed the event.

    The JSON representations of the events are much longer than the rows they describe. This is because, with every event key and value, Kafka Connect ships the schema that describes the payload. Over time, this structure may change. However, having the schemas for the key and the value in the event itself makes it much easier for consuming applications to understand the messages, especially as they evolve over time.

    The Debezium MySQL connector constructs these schemas based upon the structure of the database tables. If you use DDL statements to alter the table definitions in the MySQL databases, the connector reads these DDL statements and updates its Kafka Connect schemas. This is the only way that each event is structured exactly like the table from where it originated at the time the event occurred. However, the Kafka topic containing all of the events for a single table might have events that correspond to each state of the table definition.

    The JSON converter includes the key and value schemas in every message, so it does produce very verbose events.

  4. Compare the event’s key and value schemas to the state of the inventory database. In the terminal that is running the MySQL command line client, run the following statement:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM customers;
    | id   | first_name | last_name | email                 |
    | 1001 | Sally      | Thomas    | sally.thomas@acme.com |
    | 1002 | George     | Bailey    | gbailey@foobar.com    |
    | 1003 | Edward     | Walker    | ed@walker.com         |
    | 1004 | Anne       | Kretchmar | annek@noanswer.org    |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    This shows that the event records you reviewed match the records in the database.

4.2. Updating the database and viewing the update event

Now that you have seen how the Debezium MySQL connector captured the create events in the inventory database, you will now change one of the records and see how the connector captures it.

By completing this procedure, you will learn how to find details about what changed in a database commit, and how you can compare change events to determine when the change occurred in relation to other changes.


  1. In the terminal that is running the MySQL command line client, run the following statement:

    mysql> UPDATE customers SET first_name='Anne Marie' WHERE id=1004;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
  2. View the updated customers table:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM customers;
    | id   | first_name | last_name | email                 |
    | 1001 | Sally      | Thomas    | sally.thomas@acme.com |
    | 1002 | George     | Bailey    | gbailey@foobar.com    |
    | 1003 | Edward     | Walker    | ed@walker.com         |
    | 1004 | Anne Marie | Kretchmar | annek@noanswer.org    |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  3. Switch to the terminal running kafka-console-consumer to see a new fifth event.

    By changing a record in the customers table, the Debezium MySQL connector generated a new event. You should see two new JSON documents: one for the event’s key, and one for the new event’s value.

    Here are the details of the key for the update event (formatted for readability):

        "schema": {
          "type": "struct",
          "name": "dbserver1.inventory.customers.Key"
          "optional": false,
          "fields": [
              "field": "id",
              "type": "int32",
              "optional": false
        "payload": {
          "id": 1004

    This key is the same as the key for the previous events.

    Here is that new event’s value. There are no changes in the schema section, so only the payload section is shown (formatted for readability):

      "schema": {...},
      "payload": {
        "before": {  1
          "id": 1004,
          "first_name": "Anne",
          "last_name": "Kretchmar",
          "email": "annek@noanswer.org"
        "after": {  2
          "id": 1004,
          "first_name": "Anne Marie",
          "last_name": "Kretchmar",
          "email": "annek@noanswer.org"
        "source": {  3
          "name": "1.5.4.Final",
          "name": "dbserver1",
          "server_id": 223344,
          "ts_sec": 1486501486,
          "gtid": null,
          "file": "mysql-bin.000003",
          "pos": 364,
          "row": 0,
          "snapshot": null,
          "thread": 3,
          "db": "inventory",
          "table": "customers"
        "op": "u",  4
        "ts_ms": 1486501486308  5
    The before field now has the state of the row with the values before the database commit.
    The after field now has the updated state of the row, and the first_name value is now Anne Marie.
    The source field structure has many of the same values as before, except that the ts_sec and pos fields have changed (the file might have changed in other circumstances).
    The op field value is now u, signifying that this row changed because of an update.
    The ts_ms field shows the time stamp for when Debezium processed this event.

    By viewing the payload section, you can learn several important things about the update event:

    • By comparing the before and after structures, you can determine what actually changed in the affected row because of the commit.
    • By reviewing the source structure, you can find information about MySQL’s record of the change (providing traceability).
    • By comparing the payload section of an event to other events in the same topic (or a different topic), you can determine whether the event occurred before, after, or as part of the same MySQL commit as another event.

4.3. Deleting a record in the database and viewing the delete event

Now that you have seen how the Debezium MySQL connector captured the create and update events in the inventory database, you will now delete one of the records and see how the connector captures it.

By completing this procedure, you will learn how to find details about delete events, and how Kafka uses log compaction to reduce the number of delete events while still enabling consumers to get all of the events.


  1. In the terminal that is running the MySQL command line client, run the following statement:

    mysql> DELETE FROM customers WHERE id=1004;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

    If the above command fails with a foreign key constraint violation, then you must remove the reference of the customer address from the addresses table using the following statement:

    mysql> DELETE FROM addresses WHERE customer_id=1004;
  2. Switch to the terminal running kafka-console-consumer to see two new events.

    By deleting a row in the customers table, the Debezium MySQL connector generated two new events.

  3. Review the key and value for the first new event.

    Here are the details of the key for the first new event (formatted for readability):

      "schema": {
        "type": "struct",
        "name": "dbserver1.inventory.customers.Key"
        "optional": false,
        "fields": [
            "field": "id",
            "type": "int32",
            "optional": false
      "payload": {
        "id": 1004

    This key is the same as the key in the previous two events you looked at.

    Here is the value of the first new event (formatted for readability):

      "schema": {...},
      "payload": {
        "before": {  1
          "id": 1004,
          "first_name": "Anne Marie",
          "last_name": "Kretchmar",
          "email": "annek@noanswer.org"
        "after": null,  2
        "source": {  3
          "name": "1.5.4.Final",
          "name": "dbserver1",
          "server_id": 223344,
          "ts_sec": 1486501558,
          "gtid": null,
          "file": "mysql-bin.000003",
          "pos": 725,
          "row": 0,
          "snapshot": null,
          "thread": 3,
          "db": "inventory",
          "table": "customers"
        "op": "d",  4
        "ts_ms": 1486501558315  5
    The before field now has the state of the row that was deleted with the database commit.
    The after field is null because the row no longer exists.
    The source field structure has many of the same values as before, except the ts_sec and pos fields have changed (the file might have changed in other circumstances).
    The op field value is now d, signifying that this row was deleted.
    The ts_ms field shows the time stamp for when Debezium processes this event.

    Thus, this event provides a consumer with the information that it needs to process the removal of the row. The old values are also provided, because some consumers might require them to properly handle the removal.

  4. Review the key and value for the second new event.

    Here is the key for the second new event (formatted for readability):

        "schema": {
          "type": "struct",
          "name": "dbserver1.inventory.customers.Key"
          "optional": false,
          "fields": [
              "field": "id",
              "type": "int32",
              "optional": false
        "payload": {
          "id": 1004

    Once again, this key is exactly the same key as in the previous three events you looked at.

    Here is the value of that same event (formatted for readability):

      "schema": null,
      "payload": null

    If Kafka is set up to be log compacted, it will remove older messages from the topic if there is at least one message later in the topic with same key. This last event is called a tombstone event, because it has a key and an empty value. This means that Kafka will remove all prior messages with the same key. Even though the prior messages will be removed, the tombstone event means that consumers can still read the topic from the beginning and not miss any events.

4.4. Restarting the Kafka Connect service

Now that you have seen how the Debezium MySQL connector captures create, update, and delete events, you will now see how it can capture change events even when it is not running.

The Kafka Connect service automatically manages tasks for its registered connectors. Therefore, if it goes offline, when it restarts, it will start any non-running tasks. This means that even if Debezium is not running, it can still report changes in a database.

In this procedure, you will stop Kafka Connect, change some data in the database, and then restart Kafka Connect to see the change events.


  1. Stop the Kafka Connect service.

    1. Open the deployment configuration for the Kafka Connect service:

      $ oc edit dc/my-connect-cluster-connect

      The deployment configuration opens:

      apiVersion: apps.openshift.io/v1
      kind: DeploymentConfig
        replicas: 1
    2. Change the spec.replicas value to 0.
    3. Save the deployment configuration.
    4. Verify that the Kafka Connect service has stopped.

      This command shows that the Kafka Connect service is completed, and that no pods are running:

      $ oc get pods -l strimzi.io/name=my-connect-cluster-connect
      NAME                                          READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
      my-connect-cluster-connect-1-dxcs9            0/1     Completed   0          7h
  2. While the Kafka Connect service is down, switch to the terminal running the MySQL client, and add a new record to the database.

    mysql> INSERT INTO customers VALUES (default, "Sarah", "Thompson", "kitt@acme.com");
  3. Restart the Kafka Connect service.

    1. Open the deployment configuration for the Kafka Connect service.

      $ oc edit dc/my-connect-cluster-connect

      The deployment configuration opens:

      apiVersion: apps.openshift.io/v1
      kind: DeploymentConfig
        replicas: 0
    2. Change the spec.replicas value to 1.
    3. Save the deployment configuration.
    4. Verify that the Kafka Connect service has restarted.

      This command shows that the Kafka Connect service is running, and that the pod is ready:

      $ oc get pods -l strimzi.io/name=my-connect-cluster-connect
      NAME                                          READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
      my-connect-cluster-connect-2-q9kkl            1/1     Running     0          74s
  4. Switch to the terminal that is running kafka-console-consumer.sh. New events pop up as they arrive.
  5. Examine the record that you created when Kafka Connect was offline (formatted for readability):


Chapter 5. Next steps

After completing the tutorial, consider the following next steps:

  • Explore the tutorial further.

    Use the MySQL command line client to add, modify, and remove rows in the database tables, and see the effect on the topics. Keep in mind that you cannot remove a row that is referenced by a foreign key.

  • Plan a Debezium deployment.

    You can install Debezium in OpenShift or on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For more information, see the following:

Revised on 2021-08-19 14:30:18 UTC

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