4.2. 使用 Ruby 进行 API 请求
本节概述了如何使用 Ruby 与 Satellite API 执行各种任务。
4.2.1. 使用 Ruby 创建对象
此脚本连接到 Red Hat Satellite 6 API,并创建组织,然后在组织中创建三个环境。如果该组织已存在,脚本将使用该组织。如果组织中已存在任何环境,该脚本会引发错误并退出。
#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rest-client' require 'json' url = 'https://satellite.example.com/api/v2/' katello_url = "#{url}/katello/api/v2/" $username = 'admin' $password = 'changeme' org_name = "MyOrg" environments = [ "Development", "Testing", "Production" ] # Performs a GET using the passed URL location def get_json(location) response = RestClient::Request.new( :method => :get, :url => location, :user => $username, :password => $password, :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json } ).execute JSON.parse(response.to_str) end # Performs a POST and passes the data to the URL location def post_json(location, json_data) response = RestClient::Request.new( :method => :post, :url => location, :user => $username, :password => $password, :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json}, :payload => json_data ).execute JSON.parse(response.to_str) end # Creates a hash with ids mapping to names for an array of records def id_name_map(records) records.inject({}) do |map, record| map.update(record['id'] => record['name']) end end # Get list of existing organizations orgs = get_json("#{katello_url}/organizations") org_list = id_name_map(orgs['results']) if !org_list.has_value?(org_name) # If our organization is not found, create it puts "Creating organization: \t#{org_name}" org_id = post_json("#{katello_url}/organizations", JSON.generate({"name"=> org_name}))["id"] else # Our organization exists, so let's grab it org_id = org_list.key(org_name) puts "Organization \"#{org_name}\" exists" end # Get list of organization's lifecycle environments envs = get_json("#{katello_url}/organizations/#{org_id}/environments") env_list = id_name_map(envs['results']) prior_env_id = env_list.key("Library") # Exit the script if at least one life cycle environment already exists environments.each do |e| if env_list.has_value?(e) puts "ERROR: One of the Environments is not unique to organization" exit end end # Create life cycle environments environments.each do |environment| puts "Creating environment: \t#{environment}" prior_env_id = post_json("#{katello_url}/organizations/#{org_id}/environments", JSON.generate({"name" => environment, "organization_id" => org_id, "prior_id" => prior_env_id}))["id"] end
4.2.2. 在 Ruby 中使用 Apipie Bindings
Apipie 绑定是pipie 记录的 API 调用的 Ruby 绑定。它们从 Satellite 获取并缓存 API 定义,然后根据需要生成 API 调用。本例创建组织,然后在组织中创建三个环境。如果该组织已存在,脚本将使用该组织。如果组织中已存在任何环境,该脚本会引发错误并退出。
#!/usr/bin/tfm-ruby require 'apipie-bindings' org_name = "MyOrg" environments = [ "Development", "Testing", "Production" ] # Create an instance of apipie bindings @api = ApipieBindings::API.new({ :uri => 'https://satellite.example.com/', :username => 'admin', :password => 'changeme', :api_version => 2 }) # Performs an API call with default options def call_api(resource_name, action_name, params = {}) http_headers = {} apipie_options = { :skip_validation => true } @api.resource(resource_name).call(action_name, params, http_headers, apipie_options) end # Creates a hash with IDs mapping to names for an array of records def id_name_map(records) records.inject({}) do |map, record| map.update(record['id'] => record['name']) end end # Get list of existing organizations orgs = call_api(:organizations, :index) org_list = id_name_map(orgs['results']) if !org_list.has_value?(org_name) # If our organization is not found, create it puts "Creating organization: \t#{org_name}" org_id = call_api(:organizations, :create, {'organization' => { :name => org_name }})['id'] else # Our organization exists, so let's grab it org_id = org_list.key(org_name) puts "Organization \"#{org_name}\" exists" end # Get list of organization's life cycle environments envs = call_api(:lifecycle_environments, :index, {'organization_id' => org_id}) env_list = id_name_map(envs['results']) prior_env_id = env_list.key("Library") # Exit the script if at least one life cycle environment already exists environments.each do |e| if env_list.has_value?(e) puts "ERROR: One of the Environments is not unique to organization" exit end end # Create life cycle environments environments.each do |environment| puts "Creating environment: \t#{environment}" prior_env_id = call_api(:lifecycle_environments, :create, {"name" => environment, "organization_id" => org_id, "prior_id" => prior_env_id })['id'] end