7.19.2. SwaRef

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WS-I Attachment Profile 1.0 defines mechanism to reference MIME attachment parts using swaRef. In this mechanism the content of XML element of type wsi:swaRef is sent as MIME attachment and the element inside SOAP Body holds the reference to this attachment in the CID URI scheme as defined by RFC 2111. Using SwaRef with JAX-WS endpoints

JAX-WS endpoints delegate all marshalling/unmarshalling to the JAXB API. The most simple way to enable SwaRef encoding for DataHandler types is to annotate a payload bean with the @XmlAttachmentRef annotation as shown below:
 * Payload bean that will use SwaRef encoding
public class DocumentPayload
   private DataHandler data;
   public DocumentPayload()
   public DocumentPayload(DataHandler data)
      this.data = data;
   public DataHandler getData()
      return data;
   public void setData(DataHandler data)
      this.data = data;
With document wrapped endpoints you may even specify the @XmlAttachmentRef annotation on the service endpoint interface:
public interface DocWrappedEndpoint
   DocumentPayload beanAnnotation(DocumentPayload dhw, String test);
   DataHandler parameterAnnotation(@XmlAttachmentRef DataHandler data, String test);
The message would then refer to the attachment part by CID:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>
      <ns2:parameterAnnotation xmlns:ns2='http://swaref.samples.jaxws.ws.test.jboss.org/'>
         <arg1>Wrapped test</arg1>
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