ESB Services Guide

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JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5

This guide is for developers.

Edition 5.3.1

David Le Sage

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

B Long

Red Hat Engineering Content Services


This guide teaches developers how to develop services for the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform.


Chapter 1. Preface

1.1. Business Integration

In order to provide a dynamic and competitive business infrastructure, it is crucial to have a service-oriented architecture in place that enables your disparate applications and data sources to communicate with each other with minimum overhead.
The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is a framework capable of orchestrating business services without the need to constantly reprogram them to fit changes in business processes. By using its business rules and message transformation and routing capabilities, JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform enables you to manipulate business data from multiple sources.

1.2. What is a Service-Oriented Architecture?


A Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is not a single program or technology. Think of it, rather, as a software design paradigm.

As you may already know, a hardware bus is a physical connector that ties together multiple systems and subsystems. If you use one, instead of having a large number of point-to-point connectors between pairs of systems, you can simply connect each system to the central bus. An enterprise service bus (ESB) does exactly the same thing in software.
The ESB sits in the architectural layer above a messaging system. This messaging system facilitates asynchronous communications between services through the ESB. In fact, when you are using an ESB, everything is, conceptually, either a service (which, in this context, is your application software) or a message being sent between services. The services are listed as connection addresses (known as end-points references.)
It is important to note that, in this context, a "service" is not necessarily always a web service. Other types of applications, using such transports as File Transfer Protocol and the Java Message Service, can also be "services."


At this point, you may be wondering if an enterprise service bus is the same thing as a service-oriented architecture. The answer is, "Not exactly." An ESB does not form a service-oriented architecture of itself. Rather, it provides many of the tools than can be used to build one. In particular, it facilitates the loose-coupling and asynchronous message passing needed by a SOA. Always think of a SOA as being more than just software: it is a series of principles, patterns and best practices.

1.3. Key Points of a Service-Oriented Architecture

These are the key components of a service-oriented architecture:
  1. the messages being exchanged
  2. the agents that act as service requesters and providers
  3. the shared transport mechanisms that allow the messages to flow back and forth.

1.4. What is the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform?

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is a framework for developing enterprise application integration (EAI) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) solutions. It is made up of an enterprise service bus (JBoss ESB) and some business process automation infrastructure. It allows you to build, deploy, integrate and orchestrate business services.

1.5. The Service-Oriented Architecture Paradigm

The service-oriented architecture (SOA) consists of three roles: requester, provider, and broker.
Service Provider
A service provider allows access to services, creates a description of a service and publishes it to the service broker.
Service Requester
A service requester is responsible for discovering a service by searching through the service descriptions given by the service broker. A requester is also responsible for binding to services provided by the service provider.
Service Broker
A service broker hosts a registry of service descriptions. It is responsible for linking a requester to a service provider.

1.6. Core and Components

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform provides a comprehensive server for your data integration needs. On a basic level, it is capable of updating business rules and routing messages through an Enterprise Service Bus.
The heart of the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is the Enterprise Service Bus. JBoss (ESB) creates an environment for sending and receiving messages. It is able to apply “actions” to messages to transform them and route them between services.
There are a number of components that make up the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform. Along with the ESB, there is a registry (jUDDI), transformation engine (Smooks), message queue (HornetQ) and BPEL engine (Riftsaw).

1.7. Components of the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

  • A full Java EE-compliant application server (the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform)
  • an enterprise service bus (JBoss ESB)
  • a business process management system (jBPM)
  • a business rules engine (JBoss Rules)
  • support for the optional JBoss Enterprise Data Services (EDS) product.

1.8. JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform Features

The JBoss Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
The ESB sends messages between services and transforms them so that they can be processed by different types of systems.
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
You can use web services to orchestrate business rules using this language. It is included with SOA for the simple execution of business process instructions.
Java Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (jUDDI)
This is the default service registry in SOA. It is where all the information pertaining to services on the ESB are stored.
This transformation engine can be used in conjunction with SOA to process messages. It can also be used to split messages and send them to the correct destination.
JBoss Rules
This is the rules engine that is packaged with SOA. It can infer data from the messages it receives to determine which actions need to be performed.

1.9. Features of the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform's JBossESB Component

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform's JBossESB component supports:
  • Multiple transports and protocols
  • A listener-action model (so that you can loosely-couple services together)
  • Content-based routing (through the JBoss Rules engine, XPath, Regex and Smooks)
  • Integration with the JBoss Business Process Manager (jBPM) in order to provide service orchestration functionality
  • Integration with JBoss Rules in order to provide business rules development functionality.
  • Integration with a BPEL engine.
Furthermore, the ESB allows you to integrate legacy systems in new deployments and have them communicate either synchronously or asynchronously.
In addition, the enterprise service bus provides an infrastructure and set of tools that can:
  • Be configured to work with a wide variety of transport mechanisms (such as e-mail and JMS),
  • Be used as a general-purpose object repository,
  • Allow you to implement pluggable data transformation mechanisms,
  • Support logging of interactions.


There are two trees within the source code: org.jboss.internal.soa.esb and org.jboss.soa.esb. Use the contents of the org.jboss.internal.soa.esb package sparingly because they are subject to change without notice. By contrast, everything within the org.jboss.soa.esb package is covered by Red Hat's deprecation policy.

1.10. Task Management

JBoss SOA simplifies tasks by designating tasks to be performed universally across all systems it affects. This means that the user does not have to configure the task to run separately on each terminal. Users can connect systems easily by using web services.
Businesses can save time and money by using JBoss SOA to delegate their transactions once across their networks instead of multiple times for each machine. This also decreases the chance of errors ocurring.

1.11. Integration Use Case

Acme Equity is a large financial service. The company possesses many databases and systems. Some are older, COBOL-based legacy systems and some are databases obtained through the acquisition of smaller companies in recent years. It is challenging and expensive to integrate these databases as business rules frequently change. The company wants to develop a new series of client-facing e-commerce websites, but these may not synchronise well with the existing systems as they currently stand.
The company wants an inexpensive solution but one that will adhere to the strict regulations and security requirements of the financial sector. What the company does not want to do is to have to write and maintain “glue code” to connect their legacy databases and systems.
The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform was selected as a middleware layer to integrate these legacy systems with the new customer websites. It provides a bridge between front-end and back-end systems. Business rules implemented with the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform can be updated quickly and easily.
As a result, older systems can now synchronise with newer ones due to the unifying methods of SOA. There are no bottlenecks, even with tens of thousands of transactions per month. Various integration types, such as XML, JMS and FTP, are used to move data between systems. Any one of a number of enterprise-standard messaging systems can be plugged into JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform providing further flexibility.
An additional benefit is that the system can now be scaled upwards easily as more servers and databases are added to the existing infrastructure.

1.12. Utilising the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform in a Business Environment

Cost reduction can be achieved due to the implementation of services that can quickly communicate with each other with less chance of error messages occurring. Through enhanced productivity and sourcing options, ongoing costs can be reduced.
Information and business processes can be shared faster because of the increased connectivity. This is enhanced by web services, which can be used to connect clients easily.
Legacy systems can be used in conjunction with the web services to allow different systems to "speak" the same language. This reduces the amount of upgrades and custom code required to make systems synchronise.

Part I. Introduction

Chapter 2. Introduction

2.1. Intended Audience

This book has been designed to be understood by developers wanting to learn the basics about developing services for the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform.

2.2. Aim of This Book


The Enterprise Service Bus Services Guide aims to teach developers how to create services for deployment to the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform. Readers will learn how to use web applications, configure rule services and the content-based routing feature, transform messages and deploy services.

2.3. Back Up Your Data


Red Hat recommends that you back up your system settings and data before undertaking any of the configuration tasks mentioned in this book.

Chapter 3. Basics

3.1. Out-of-the-Box Actions

Out-of-the-box actions are generic pieces of code for actions that come prepackaged with the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform product. You can use them immediately in your services or customize them to suit your needs.

3.2. JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform Out-of-the-Box Actions

The out-of-the-box actions implemented in the SOA Platform are divided into the following functional groups:
Transformers and Converters
Use transformer and converter actions to change message data from one form to another.
Business Process Management
Use the business process management actions when integrating your software with the jBPM.
Use scripting actions to automate tasks written in the supported scripting languages.
Use service actions when integrating your code with Enterprise Java Beans.
Use routing actions when moving message data to destination services.
Use notifier actions when sending data to ESB-unaware destinations.
Web Services/SOAP
Use web service actions when you need to support web services.

3.3. Quickstart

The quickstarts are sample projects. Each one demonstrates how to use a specific piece of functionality in order to aid you in building services. There are several dozen quickstarts included in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/samples/quickstarts/ directory. Build and deploy every quickstart by using Apache Ant.

3.4. Important Notes About Quickstarts

When intending to run a quickstart, remember the following points:
  1. Each quickstart needs to be built and deployed using Apache Ant.
  2. Each quickstart uses the samples/quickstarts/conf/ file to store environment-specific configuration options such as the directory where the server was installed. You must create a file that matches your server installation. An example properties file ( is included.
  3. Each quickstart has different requirements. These are documented in their individual readme.txt files.
  4. Not every quickstart can run under every server profile.
  5. The jBPM quickstarts require a valid jBPM Console user name and password. Supply these by adding them as properties in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/samples/quickstarts/conf/ file:
    # jBPM console security credentials
    The quickstarts that are affected by this requirement are bpm_orchestration1, bpm_orchestration2, bpm_orchestration3 and bpm_orchestration4.
  6. You can only execute some of the quickstarts (such as groovy_gateway) if the server is not running in headless mode. (The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is configured to launch in headless mode by default.)


    Red Hat recommends that you run production servers in headless mode only.

3.5. Learn More About a Quickstart

To learn more about a particular quickstart:

Procedure 3.1. Task

  1. Study the quickstart's readme.txt file.
  2. Run the ant help command in the quickstart's directory.

3.6. Overview of How the "Hello World" Quickstart Works


Figure 3.1. Image

  1. The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform server is launched in Window1 and then the FirstServiceESB:SimpleListener service is added to the Service Registry service when the helloworld quickstart is deployed.
  2. A JMS client sends an ESB-unaware "Hello World" message, (it is a plain String object), to the JMS Queue (queue/quickstart_helloworld_Request_gw).
  3. The JMS Gateway Listener receives the ESB-unaware message and creates from it an ESB-aware message for use by ESB-aware end-points.
  4. The JMS Gateway Listener uses the service registry to find the FirstServiceESB:SimpleListener service's end-point reference (EPR). In this case, the EPR is the queue/quickstart_helloworld_Request_esb JMS queue.
  5. The JMS Gateway Listener takes the new ESB-aware message and sends it to the queue/quickstart_helloworld_Request_esb JMS queue.
  6. The FirstServiceESB:SimpleListener service receives the message.
  7. The FirstServiceESB:SimpleListener service extracts the payload from the message and outputs it to the console.

Part II. Service Registration and Hosting

Chapter 4. Introducing the Service Registry

4.1. About this Section


Read this section to learn what a service registry is and how it interacts with the ESB component. To learn how to develop for the Registry, read the jUDDI Registry Guide.

4.2. Service Registry

A service registry is a central database that stores information about services, notably their end-point references. The default service registry for the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is jUDDI (Java Universal Description, Discovery and Integration). Most service registries are designed to adhere to the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) specifications.
From a business analyst’s perspective, the registry is similar to an Internet search engine, albeit one designed to find web services instead of web pages. From a developer's perspective, the registry is used to discover and publish services that match various criteria.
In many ways, the Registry Service can be considered to be the "heart" of the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform. Services can "self-publish" their end-point references to the Registry when they are activated and then remove them when they are taken out of service. Consumers can consult the registry in order to determine which end-point reference is needed for the current service task.

4.3. jUDDI Registry

The jUDDI (Java Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) Registry is a core component of the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform. It is the product's default service registry and comes included as part of the product. In it are stored the addresses (end-point references) of all the services connected to the Enterprise Service Bus. It was implemented in JAXR and conforms to the UDDI specifications.

4.4. jUDDI and the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

jUDDI and the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform product includes a pre-configured installation of a jUDDI registry. You can use a specific API to access this registry through your custom client. However, any custom client that you build will not covered by your SOA Platform support agreement. You can access the full set of jUDDI examples, documentation and APIs from:

4.5. Other Supported Service Registries

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform also supports these other UDDI registries:
  • SOA Software SMS
  • HP Systinet

4.6. Service Provider

A service provider gives access to services, creates descriptions of them and publishes them to the service broker.

4.7. Service Broker

A service broker hosts the registry of service descriptions. It is responsible for linking a service requester to a service provider.

4.8. Service Requester

A service requester is responsible for discovering a service. It does so by searching through the service descriptions given to it by the service broker. A requester is also responsible for binding together services obtained from the service provider.

4.9. Web Service

A web service is a way of making two applications communicate over the web. A web service consists of a set of tools to achieve this aim. There are two types of web service: REST-compliant ones, (the purpose of which is to manipulate XML representations of web resources) and arbitrary Web services (through which the service can expose any operation).

4.10. Web Service End-Point

A web service end-point is software that implements a web service. They are used to implement message-based communication between web services in a service-oriented architectural environment.
The external applications to which these registry entries point can include .NET programs, other external Java-based application servers and LAMP software bundles.

4.11. Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language that is used to define Web service interfaces. An application that consumes a Web service parses the service’s WSDL document to discover the:
  • location of the service
  • the operations that the service supports
  • the protocol bindings the service supports (SOAP, HTTP, etc)
  • access procedure
For each operation, the WSDL describes the interface format to which the client must adhere.

4.12. Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) Registry

The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration Registry (UDDI) is a directory for web services. Use it to locate services by running queries through it at design- or run-time. Within an UDDI Registry, information is categorized in Pages. UDDI creates a standard interoperable platform that enables companies and applications to quickly, easily, and dynamically find and use Web services over the Internet. UDDI also allows operational registries to be maintained for different purposes in different contexts.
The UDDI also allows providers to publish descriptions of their services. The typical UDDI Registry will contain a uniform resource locator (URL) that points to both the WSDL document for the web services and the contact information for the service provider.
A business publishes services to the UDDI registry. A client looks up the service in the registry and receives service binding information. The client then uses the binding information to invoke the service. The UDDI APIs are SOAP-based for interoperability reasons.

4.13. UDDI Application Programming Interfaces

The UDDI v3 specification defines nine APIs:
This defines the API to obtain a security token. With a valid security token a publisher can publish to the registry. A security token can be used for the entire session.
This defines the API to publish business and service information to the UDDI registry.
This defines the API to query the UDDI registry. This API does not normally require a security token.
This API can be used to transfer the custody of a business from one UDDI node to another.
This defines the API to register for updates on a particular business of service.
This defines the API a client must implement to receive subscription notifications from a UDDI node.
This defines the API to replicate registry data between UDDI nodes.
This is used by nodes to allow external providers of value set the validation. Web services to assess whether keyedReferences or keyedReferenceGroups are valid.
UDDI nodes may perform validation of publisher references themselves using the cached values obtained from such a Web service.

4.14. UDDI Page Types

Green Pages
Green Pages provide information that enables you to bind a client to the service being provided.
Yellow Pages
Yellow Pages are used to categorize businesses based upon the industries to which they belong.
White Pages
White Pages contain general information, such as the name, address and other contact details for the company providing the service.

4.15. The Service Registry and the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

The Service Registry is a key part of the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform. When you deploy services to SOA Platform's ESB, their end-point references are stored in it.

4.16. jUDDI and the ESB

The JBoss Enterprise Service Bus directs all interaction with the Registry through the registry interface, the default version of which uses Apache Scout.

4.17. How the Registry Works

  1. The JBoss Enterprise Service Bus funnels all interaction with the Registry through the registry interface.
  2. It then calls a JAXR implementation of this interface.
  3. The JAXR API needs to utilize a JAXR implementation. (By default, this is Apache Scout.)
  4. Apache Scout, in turn, calls the Registry.

Chapter 5. Publishing Contracts

5.1. Service List Application


Red Hat is offering the service list functionality as a Technical Preview only at this point in time. It will be replaced by different technology in a later release.
The Service List Application is a tool that allows the user to see information about end-points. (You will often need this information if you are utilizing web service end-points exposed by the SOAPProcessor action). The tool is at http://localhost:8080/contract/. The tool groups end-points under the services with which they are associated.

5.2. End-Point Contract

An end-point contract specifies what an end-point will communicate to other services.

5.3. How the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform Discovers End-Point Contracts

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform discovers end-point contracts via looking in the action pipeline for the first action that can publish contract information.
If none of the actions can do so, then the Service List Application displays this message:
Unavailable on Contract

5.4. Publish a Contract

Procedure 5.1. Task

  1. In order to publish contract information, you must give an action the following org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.publish.Publish annotation. (This example uses the SOAPProcessor for demonstrative purposes):
    public class SOAPProcessor extends AbstractActionPipelineProcessor {
    //TODO: implement
  2. Implement the org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.ContractPublisher interface (You only need to implement one method):
    public ContractInfo getContractInfo(EPR epr);

Part III. Service Orchestration and Business Process Management

Chapter 6. jBPM Web Applications

6.1. jBPM

The JBoss Business Process Manager (jBPM) is a workflow management tool that provides the user with control over business processes and languages. jBPM 3 is used as default.

6.2. jBPM and ESB Integration

The JBoss ESB is integrated with the jBPM component for two reasons:
  • Service Orchestration: You can orchestrate services using the Business Process Manager by creating a process definition.
  • Human Task Management: The Business Process Manager allows you to integrate machine-based services with the management of tasks undertaken by people.

6.3. Create a Graphical Representation of the Steps in a Business Procedure

Procedure 6.1. Task

  • Use jBPM's Process Designer functionality.


    A side benefit of using this tool is that it can help foster good working relationships between your business analysts and your technical developers.

6.4. jBPM Web Console

The jBPM Console is a web-based interface for administering the JBoss Business Process Manager. It is available at http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/.

6.5. Deploying a jBPM Web Application to the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

  1. You have many deployment options: choose from using the GPD deployment (Graphical Design Process) tab, the JSF console upload form and the Ant DeployProcessTask.


    Do not include the jBPM libraries in your deployed ESB applications. The jbpm.esb module already provides the libraries and configuration files required to run jBPM applications. Always use the provided versions and default settings as these have been refined by Red Hat's extensive Quality Engineering tests in order to prevent issues such as class loading conflicts and configuration mismatches.


    Process definitions should be deployed separately from the web application. Red Hat recommends that you deploy the process before the web application so that the latter can operate under the assumption the process is available at all times.
  2. The jBPM Graphical Design Process editor includes four modes: Diagram, Deployment, Design and Source, which are available as switchable tabs at the bottom of the editor. To adjust the deployment settings of the project you should select the tab that opens the Deployment mode. You can easily modify them or, if the settings do not match your needs, reset them to their defaults.
  3. In multi-tenancy use cases, a single server hosts many applications, each of which requires a different configuration. Red Hat recommends that you give each configuration file a unique name (something other than jbpm.cfg.xml), to avoid overriding the default configuration file that comes provided with the platform.

Chapter 7. jBPM 3 Integration

7.1. JBoss Business Process Manager

The JBoss Business Process Manager (jBPM) is a work-flow and business process management engine. It allows you to co-ordinate people, applications and services as you design your business processes.

7.2. JBPM Integration Configuration

  1. To create a JBPM database, start the DatabaseInitializerMBean. (You will find the configuration settings for this MBean in the first configuration element of the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbpm.esb/jbpm-service.xml file.)


    The JbpmDS data source is defined in the jbpm-ds.xml file, located in SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbpm.esb. By default, it uses a Hypersonic database. Always change this to a production-quality database in a live environment.


    The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform also comes equipped with Hypersonic, an in-memory reference database. Use this in testing environments only.
  2. Follow the example shown below:
    <classpath codebase="deploy" archives="jbpm.esb"/>
    <classpath codebase="deploy/jbossesb.sar/lib" 
    <mbean code="org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.dependencies.DatabaseInitializer"
          <attribute name="Datasource">java:/JbpmDS</attribute>
          <attribute name="ExistsSql">select count(*) from JBPM_ID_USER</attribute>
          <attribute name="SqlFiles">
          <attribute name="UseEOL">true</attribute>
    <mbean code=""

7.3. jBPM 5 to JBoss ESB Integration

jBPM 5-to-JBossESB communication lets you use the JBPM for service orchestration. The two JBPM work item handler classes used to integrate these services are the EsbActionWorkItemHandler and the ESBServiceWorkItemHandler. The EsbActionWorkItemHandler is a request-reply type action that sends a message to a service and waits for a response. By contrast, the EsbServiceWorkItemHandler does not wait for a response.
You must provide a callback service within their jboss-esb.xml which contains the BPM5Callback action. The callback service's category and name are provided to the ESBActionWorkItemHandler so that it can contact the callback service. The following is an example of the configuration:
<service category="EsbJbpm5Example"
                 description="Service which makes Callbacks into jBPM">
                <jms-listener name="JMS-DCQListener"
            <actions mep="OneWay">
                <action name="action" class="">
                    <property name="process-definition-name" value="sample.bpmn"/>


The process definition names need to be unique between applications. You can define these names in the property shown below:
 <property name="process-definition-name" value="sample.bpmn"/>

7.4. The DatabaseInitializer MBean's Default Values

Table 7.1. The DatabaseInitializer MBean's Default Values
Property Description Default
Datasource The datasource for the JBPM database. java:/JbpmDS
ExistsSql Use this SQL command to confirm the existence of the database. Select count(*) from JBPM_ID_USER
SqlFiles These files contain the SQL commands to create the JBPM database if it is not found. jbpm-sql/jbpm.jpdl.hsqldb.sql, jbpm-sql/import.sql


By default, the DatabaseInitializer MBean is configured to wait until for the JbpmDS is deployed, before it then deploys itself.

7.5. The JbpmService MBean

The JbpmService bean ties the life-cycle of the JBoss Business Process Manager's job executor to that of the jbpm.esb. It does so by launching a job executor instance on start-up and closes it on shutdown.

7.6. Configuring the JBPM

The configuration settings for the JBoss Business Process Manager are stored in three files within the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbpm.esb/ directory:
  • jbpm.cfg.xml
  • hibernate.cfg.xml
  • jbpm.mail.templates.xml
  1. The jbpm.cfg.xml file is set to tell the JBPM to use the JTA Transaction Manager:
    <service name="persistence">
            <bean class="org.jbpm.persistence.jta.JtaDbPersistenceServiceFactory">
              <property name="isTransactionEnabled"><false/></property>
              <property name="isCurrentSessionEnabled"><true/></property>
              <!--property name="sessionFactoryJndiName">
                <string value="java:/myHibSessFactJndiName" />
  2. The hibernate.cfg.xml file also tells the JBPM use the JTA Transaction Manager:
        <!-- JTA transaction properties (begin) -->
        <property name="jta.UserTransaction">UserTransaction</property>
        <property name="hibernate.current_session_context_class">jta</property>
        <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory</property>
        <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</property>
        <!-- JTA transaction properties (end) -->


    Do not use Hibernate to create the database schema. Use the DatabaseInitializer MBean instead.
  3. The jbpm.mail.templates.xml file contains the following:
            jboss-as ]$ cat server/default/deploy/jbpm.esb/jbpm.mail.templates.xml 
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <variable name="taskListBaseURL" value="http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/app/task.jsf?id=" />
      <mail-template name='task-assign'>
        <subject>Task notification: ${}</subject>
        <text><![CDATA[Hi ${taskInstance.actorId},
    Task '${}' has been assigned to you.
    Go for it: ${taskListBaseURL}${}
    Sent by jBPM]]></text>
      <mail-template name='task-reminder'>
        <subject>Task reminder: ${}</subject>
        <text><![CDATA[Hey ${taskInstance.actorId},
    Do not forget about task '${}'.
    Get going: ${taskListBaseURL}${}
    Sent by jBPM]]></text>


    To learn more about each of these configuration files, refer to the JBPM Reference Guide.

7.7. Creating a Process Definition

  1. Use a Creation wizard to create an empty process definition. Select FileNewOther. The wizard opens on the Select Wizard page.
  2. Select the JBoss jBPM category, then the jBPM Process Definition item. Clicking on the Next button brings us to the Create Process Definition page.
  3. Type in a name for the process archive file. Click on the Finish button to end the wizard and open the process definition editor.
  4. By viewing the Package Explorer, you can see that creating a process definition involves creating an XML file called [process name].jpdl.xml, which contains the process definition information. A JPG file called [process name].jpg will also be automatically generated when changes are saved to the process.

7.8. Deploying a Process Definition

  1. Check that the server is running.
  2. Activate a process archive by going to the JBPM Graphical Editor's Deployment tab.


    Sometimes you will only need to deploy the processdefinition.xml file but, most often, you will be deploying other types of artifacts as well, such as task forms.
  3. Deploy the definition using one of these methods:
    1. Using JBoss Developer Studio , configure the upload servlet used by the deployer. Next, click the Deploy Process Archive button. This is visible in the Deployment view.
    2. Using the DeployProcessToServer JBPM ant task.
    3. Save the deployment to a local .par file from the Deployment view. Next, activate the archive using the JBPM console. (This requires that you have administration privileges.)

7.9. JBPM Commands

The JBoss ESB can make calls into the JBoss Business Process Manager by means of the BpmProcessor action. This action utilizes the JBPM Command API. Here are the JBPM commands you can use:
Table 7.2. JBPM Commands
Command Description
NewProcessInstanceCommand This command starts a new ProcessInstance which is associated with a process definition that has been already deployed to the JBPM. The NewProcessInstanceCommand leaves the process instance in the start state. This is needed in the case of a task being associated with the Start node (such as when there is one on an actor's task-list).
This is identical to the NewProcessInstanceCommand except that the new process instance is automatically moved from the start position to the first node.
Displays the root node variables for a process instance by using the process instance identifier.
Cancels an entire ProcessInstance. (Requires some JBPM context variables to be set on the message, including the ProcessInstance identifier.)

7.10. Configuring a new Process Instance in JBPM

  1. The configuration for this action in the jboss-exb.xml looks like this:
    <action name="create_new_process_instance" class="">
    	<property name="command" value="StartProcessInstanceCommand" />
    	<property name="process-definition-name" value="processDefinition2"/>
    	<property name="actor" value="FrankSinatra"/>	
    	<property name="esbToBpmVars">
    		<!-- esb-name maps to getBody().get("eVar1") -->
    		<mapping esb="eVar1" bpm="counter" default="45" />
    		<mapping esb="BODY_CONTENT" bpm="theBody" />
  2. You are required to input these two attributes:
    1. name
      Use any value for this name attribute, as long as it is unique in the action pipeline .
    2. class
      Always set this attribute to .

7.11. JBPM Configuration Properties

Table 7.3. JBPM Configuration Properties
Property Description Required?
This must be one of: NewProcessInstanceCommand, StartProcessInstanceCommand, GetProcessInstanceVariablesCommand or CancelProcessInstanceCommand.
Required for the NewProcessInstanceCommand and StartProcessInstanceCommand if the process-definition-id property is not used. The value of this property should reference the already-deployed process definition that needs a new instance. (This property does not apply to the CancelProcessInstanceCommand.)
Required for the NewProcessInstanceCommand and StartProcessInstanceCommand if the process-definition-name property is not used. The value of this property should refer to the already-deployed process definition for which a new instance is to be created. (This property does not apply to the CancelProcessInstanceCommand.)
Specifies the JBPM actor identifier. (Only applies to the NewProcessInstanceCommand and the StartProcessInstanceCommand
Specifies the value of the JBPM key. The key is a string-based business key property on the process instance. The combination of business key and process definition must be unique if a business key is supplied. The key value can hold an MVEL expression to extract the desired value from the EsbMessage. For example, if you were to have a named parameter called businessKey in the body of a message, body.businessKey would be used. (This property only applies to NewProcessInstanceCommand and StartProcessInstanceCommand.)
This only applies to StartProcessInstanceCommand. Use it only if there is more than one transition out of the current node. If this property is not specified, then the default transition out of the node is taken. The default transition is the first transition in the list of transitions defined for that node in the JBPM processdefinition.xml.
This is an optional property for the New- and StartProcessInstanceCommand. It defines a list of variables which need to be extracted from the ESB Message and set into the JBPM context for that particular process instance. The list consists of mapping elements, each of which can have the following attributes:
  • esb
    This is a required attribute. Place an MVEL expression in it and use it to extract a value from anywhere in the ESB message.
  • bpm
    This is an optional attribute containing the name to use on the JBPM side. (If it is omitted, the Enterprise Service Bus name is used instead.)
  • default
    This is an optional attribute which can hold a default value if the ESB's MVEL expression does not find a value set in the ESB message.
  • bpmToEsbVars
    This is structurally identical to the esbToBpmVars property above. Use it in conjunction with the GetProcessInstanceVariablesCommand to map JBPM process instance variables (root token variables) to the ESB message.
  • reply-to-originator
    This is an optional property for the New - and StartProcessInstanceCommand. Specify a value of true to make the process instance store the ReplyTo / FaultTo values of the invoking message's endpoint references within the process instance. These values can then be used within subsequent EsbNotifier / EsbActionHandler invocations to deliver a message to the ReplyTo / FaultTo addresses.

7.12. EsbMessage Body Configuration in JBPM

Table 7.4. EsbMessage Body Configuration in JBPM
Property Description
This is a required ESB message Body parameter that applies to the GetProcessInstanceVariablesCommand and CancelProcessInstanceCommand commands. Manually set this as a named parameter on the EsbMessage body.

7.13. ESB-to-JBPM Exception Handling

If a JbpmException is thrown from the JBPM Command API during an ESB call, it is passed to the action pipeline. The pipeline logs the error, directs the message to the DeadLetterService and sends an error to the faultTo endpoint reference (provided it has been set).

7.14. JBPM-JBossESB-to-ESB Integration

JBPM-JBossESB-to-JBossESB communication lets you use the JBPM for service orchestration.
The two JBPM action handler classes used to intergrate these services are the EsbActionHandler and EsbNotifier. The EsbActionHandler is a request-reply type action that sends a message to a service and waits for a response. By contrast, the EsbNotifier does not wait for a response.


The interaction with the Enterprise Service Bus is asynchronous in nature and, therefore, does not block the process instance whilst the service executes.


It is important that the classes representing any of the variables passing between JBPM and JBoss ESB services are visible to the JBPM process, target ESB services and the ESB JBPM callback service. Always deploy these classes to the server's lib directory.

7.15. ESB Notifier Action in JBPM

  1. Attach the EsbNotifier to the JBPMprocessdefinition.xml file's outgoing transition as shown below:
    <node name="ShipIt">
      <transition name="ProcessingComplete" to="end">
        <action name="ShipItAction" 
            <mapping bpm="entireCustomerAsObject" esb="customer" />
            <mapping bpm="entireOrderAsObject" esb="orderHeader" />
            <mapping bpm="entireOrderAsXML" esb="entireOrderAsXML" />
  2. You can specify the following attributes:
    • name
      This is required. It is the user-specified name of the action
    • class
      This is required. You must set it to

7.16. Configuring the ESB Action Handler

  1. Attach the EsbActionHandler to a node to call an action when that node is entered. When the EsbActionHandler is executed, the node waits for a transition signal (normally sent by the JBossESB callback service).
  2. Configure as follows:
    <action name="create_new_process_instance" 
      <property name="command" value="StartProcessInstanceCommand" />
      <property name="process-definition-name" value="processDefinition2"/>
      <property name="actor" value="FrankSinatra"/>                                                 
      <property name="esbToBpmVars">
      <!-- esb-name maps to getBody().get("eVar1") -->
        <mapping esb="eVar1" bpm="counter" default="45" />
        <mapping esb="BODY_CONTENT" bpm="theBody" />

7.17. EsbActionHandler Extension Configuration

The EsbActionHandler relies on the configuration settings for the EsbNotifier. The extensions consist of the following sub-elements:
Table 7.5. EsbActionHandler Extension Configuration
Property Description Required?
Identical to the esbToBpmVars property for the BpmProcessor configuration. This sub-element defines a list of variables that need to be extracted from the ESB message and set in the Business Process Manager context for that particular process instance. If left unspecified, the globalProcessScope value defaults to true when the variables are set.
The list consists of mapping elements, each of which can have the following attributes:
  • esb
    This is a required attribute which can contain an MVEL expression. Use it to extract a value and put it into the ESB Message from anywhere.
  • bpm
    This is an optional attribute containing the name which is to be used by the JBPM. If it is not supplied, then the name in esb is used instead.
  • default
    Use this is an optional attribute to hold a default value if the esb MVEL expression cannot find one that is set in the Enterprise Service Bus message.
  • process-scope
    This is an optional parameter consisting of a Boolean value. Use it to override the setting of this mapping's e globalProcessScope.
exceptionTransition This the name of the transition to utilize if an exception occurs while the service is being processed. It requires the current node to have several outgoing transitions, one of which can handle exception processing. No

7.18. Passing Parameters to a jBPM5 Process on startProcess

This is the code for passing parameters to the jBPM5 process using startProcess. All that is required is to add required parameter as properties to the ESBMessage.
// create the ESB message
Message esbMessage = MessageFactory.getInstance().getMessage();
// add a parameter
esbMessage.getProperties().setProperty("name", "Laurel");

7.19. Passing Parameters to a jBPM5 Process on signalEvent

// create the ESB message
Message esbMessage = MessageFactory.getInstance().getMessage();
// set the process event type as defined in the process definition
esbMessage.getProperties().setProperty("processEventType", "NewMessage");
// add a parameter
esbMessage.getProperties().setProperty("name", "Hardy");

// setup data required to identify the intended target process instance
ContextImpl ctxi = (ContextImpl) esbMessage.getContext();
// set the session id
ctxi.setContext("jbpm5-session-id", sessionId);
// set the instance id.
ctxi.setContext("jbpm5-processinstance-id", processInstanceId);
The following 'name' property will be assigned on process start when the 'name' ESB message property will be set:
<definition ...>
    <itemDefinition id="_nameItem" structureRef="String" />
    <process name="Hello" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" ...>
        <property id="name" itemSubjectRef="_nameItem"/>
        <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
To define a process property of type java.util.Map:
<definition ...>

  <itemDefinition id="_objectMapItem" structureRef="java.util.Map" />

  <process name="Hello" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" ...>

    <property id="objectMap" itemSubjectRef="_objectMapItem"/>
    <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
To extract parameters:
String name2 = objectMap.get("name"); // will retrieve the Hardy string

7.20. Signal Event Example

This is an example of a signal event. It defines data association which will map the map from the ESB message to a variable in a process.
<intermediateCatchEvent id="_4" name="Signal" >
      <dataOutput id="_4_Output" name="event" />
      <signalEventDefinition signalRef="NewMessage"/>

7.21. List of ESB Notifier Sub-Elements

Table 7.6. List of ESB Notifier Sub-Elements
Sub-element Description
This is the ESB service's category name and is required if you are not using the reply-to-originator functionality.
This is the name of the ESB service and required if you are not using the reply-to-originator functionality.
Use this to specify the 'reply' or 'fault' originator address previously stored in the process instance on creation.
This element is an optional Boolean-valued parameter. Use it to set the default scope within which the bpmToEsbVars variables are to be found. If the globalProcessScope is set to true, it searches for the variables within the token hierarchy (the process-instance scope). If it is set to false, it retrieves the variables in the scope of the token. If the token itself does not possess a variable for a given name, the token hierarchy is used to search for that variable. If the element is omitted altogether, the globalProcessScope defaults to false.
This element is optional. It takes a list of sub-elements and uses them to map a JBPM context variable to an ESB message location. Each of these mapping sub-elements can have the following attributes:
This is a required attribute. It is the name of the variable in JBPM context. The name can be MVEL type expression so you can extract a specific field from a larger object. The MVEL root is set to the JBPM “ContextInstance”, so for example you can use mapping like:
<mapping bpm="" esb="TokenName" />
<mapping bpm="" esb="NodeName" />      	
<mapping bpm="" esb="esbNodeId" />      	
<mapping bpm="node.leavingTransitions[0].name" esb="transName" />
<mapping bpm="" esb="piId" /> 
<mapping bpm="processInstance.version" esb="piVersion" />
The JBPM context-variable names can also be referenced directly.
Optional. This is the name of the variable in the Enterprise Service Bus Message. It can be an MVEL-type expression. (The attribute value TokenName in the example above is equal to body.TokenName. A special value called BODY_CONTENT "addresses" the body directly.) By default, the variable is set as a named parameter on the body of the ESB Message. To omit the esb attribute, replace it with the value of the bpm attribute.
This attribute is optional. It is a parameter that can contain a Boolean value used to override the setting of the globalProcessScope for this mapping.


Always activate debug-level logging when working on the variable mapping configuration.

7.22. List of ESBServiceWorkItemHandler Sub-Elements

Table 7.7. List of ESBServiceWorkItemHandler Sub-Elements
Name Description
ServiceCategory This is the ESB service category name for the service that jBPM 5 will deliver a message to.
ServiceName This is the ESB service name for the service that jBPM 5 will deliver a message to.

7.23. List of ESBActionWorkItemHandler Sub-Elements

Table 7.8. List of ESBActionWorkItemHandler Sub-Elements
Name Description
ServiceCategory This is the ESB service category name for the service that jBPM 5 will deliver a message to.
ServiceName This is the ESB service name for the service that jBPM 5 will deliver a message to.
CallbackServiceCategory The service category of the callback service. The callback service must be provided in the jboss-esb.xml.
CallbackServiceName The service name of the callback service. The callback service must be provided in the jboss-esb.xml.
replyToOriginator Use this to specify the 'reply' or 'fault' originator address previously stored in the process instance on creation.
jbpm5-session-id The jbpm 5 session ID of the session which started this process. This is needed so that the callback service can complete the current work item.

7.24. Adding a Time-Out Value in JBPM

  • Add a JBPM-native timer to the appropriate node. In this example, the timer has been configured so a transition called time-out is triggered if there is no signal received in ten seconds:
    <timer name='timeout' duedate='10 seconds' transition='time-out'/>

7.25. JBPM-to-ESB Exception Handling

Table 7.9. JBPM-to-ESB Exception Handling
Error Resolution
Delivery error Add an exceptionhandler ( TB-JBPM-USER ) to the JBPM node to deal with MessageDeliveryException caused by the user misspelling the service's name. (See for more information.)
Processing error Sometimes the service receives a request but throws an error during processing. If the call is made from the EsbActionHandler, the exception reported back to JBoss Business Process Manager.

7.26. Exception Handling Examples

Time-out: If you are using the EsbActionHandler action and the node is awaiting a callback, you can limit the waiting period. To do so, add a timer to the node. (That is how Service1 is configured in the process definition snippet below.) The timer can be set for a certain period, in this case, ten seconds:
<node name="Service1">

  <action class=
  <timer name='timeout' duedate='10 seconds' 
  <transition name="ok" to="Service2"></transition>
  <transition name="time-out-transition" to="ExceptionHandling"/>

Service1 has two outgoing transitions. The first of these is ok whilst the second one is time-out-transition.
Normally the call-back will signal the default transition, which is ok , since it is defined as the first. However, if the processing of the service takes more then ten seconds, the timer will run instead. The timer's transition attribute is set to time-out-transition, meaning that this transition will be taken on timing-out.
The processing ends up in the ExceptionHandling node. From here, you can perform compensatory work.
Exception Transition: You can define an exceptionTransition to handle any exceptions that occurs in the midst of the service being processed. Doing so sets the faultTo endpoint reference on the message, meaning that the Enterprise Service Bus will make a call-back to this node. This signals the exceptionTransition.
Service2 has two outgoing transitions: the ok transition will be taken when things are happening normally, whilst the exception transition will be taken when the service has, as its name indicates, thrown an exception during processing:
<node name="Service2">
  <action class=
   <transition name="ok" to="Service3"></transition>
   <transition name="exception" to="ExceptionHandling"/>
In the preceding definition of Service2, the action's exceptionTransition is set to exception. In this scenario, the process itself also ends up in the ExceptionHandling node.
Exception Decision: Observe the configuration of Service3 and the exceptionDecision node that follows it. Service3 processes to a normal conclusion and the transition out of its node occurs as one would expect.
However, at some point during the service execution, an errorCode was set, and the exceptionDecision node checks if a variable of the same name has been called here:
<node name="Service3">
  <action class=
        <mapping esb="SomeExceptionCode" bpm="errorCode"/>
  <transition name="ok" to="exceptionDecision"></transition>
<decision name="exceptionDecision">
   <transition name="ok" to="end"></transition>
   <transition name="exceptionCondition" to="ExceptionHandling">
      <condition>#{ errorCode!=void }</condition>
The esbToBpmVars mapping element extracts the errorCode called SomeExceptionCode from the message's body and sets in the JBPM context. (This is assuming that the SomeExceptionCode is set.)
In the next node, named exceptionDecision , the ok transition is taken if processing is normal, but if a variable called errorCode is found in the JBPM context, the exceptionCondition transition is taken instead.
To configure the system in this way, you need to use the JBPM's decision node feature. It allows you to nest multiple transitions within a condition:
<condition>#{ errorCode!=void }</condition>


To learn more about conditional transitions, refer to the JBPM Reference Guide.

7.27. Launching the JBPM Console

  1. Once the server has stopped, access the JBPM Console from this address: http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/app/processes.jsf.
  2. You can now use the JBPM Console to deploy and monitor processes and tasks. The bpm_orchestration4 quick start demonstrates this feature.


    The JbpmDS data source is defined in the jbpm-ds.xml file. By default, it uses a Hypersonic database. Always change this to a production-quality database in a live environment.


    Make sure that every jbpm.esb deployment shares the same database instance. (This is so that the various Enterprise Service Bus nodes have access to the same processes definitions.)

7.28. JBPM Deployment

Table 7.10. JBPM Deployment
Property Description
This directory contains the deployment.xml and jboss-esb.xml files.
Specifies the two resource files the ESB archive depends on: the jbossesb.esb and the JbpmDS data source files. The information in these files is used to determine the order of deployment:
This file deploys an internal service called JBpmCallbackService:
  <service category="JBossESB-Internal" name="JBpmCallbackService"
    description="Service which makes Callbacks into jBPM">
      <jms-listener name="JMS-DCQListener" 
        busidref="jBPMCallbackBus" maxThreads="1" />
    <actions mep="OneWay">
      <action name="action" 
This internal service listens to the jBPMCallbackBus, which, by default, is set to be either JBossMQ (via the jbmq-queue-service.xml file) or JBossMessaging (via the jbm-queue-service.xml file.) The latter is a messaging provider for the Java Message Service Queue. Ensure that only one of these files is deployed in the jbpm.esb archive.

Chapter 8. jBPM 5 Integration

8.1. Integration Configuration

The jbpm5.esb deployment that ships with the JBoss ESB includes the jBPM 5 runtime, a datasource, a hibernate configuration and a JPA persistence configuration. The datasource is configured to use H2 as a backend database by default and is used to persist session and process information.
In production you will want change from H2 to a production strength database. All jbpm5.esb deployments should share the same database instance so that the various JBoss ESB nodes have access to the same processes definitions and instances.
The jBPM GWT console is a web application. It is not included, but it can be optionally downloaded from the customer portal and installed through the jBPM installer. Use the jbpm-5.2.0.Final installer as this is the version that has been tested against the JBoss ESB. You may need to make minor changes to the configuration of the JBPM GWT console, including changing the "context-root" in WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml from 'jbpm-console' to 'jbpm5-console' so that it does not conflict with the jbpm 3 version console which ships by default in the ESB.
Check the jBPM documentation to change the security settings for this application. This requires you to change some settings in the conf/login-config.xml. The console can be used for deploying and monitoring jBPM processes, but it can also be used for human task management. For different users, a customized task list will be shown and they can administer those tasks.
The jbpm5.esb/META-INF directory contains the deployment.xml and the jboss-esb.xml. The deployment.xml specifies the resources this esb archive depends on.

8.2. jBPM 5 Configuration

By default the persistence.xml is set to use the JTA transaction manager, as defined in the section:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbossesb-deployment>
Other settings are left to the default jBPM settings and Hibernate is used to create the database schema.
Additionally, you can view the jBPM console's activities at any time by going to http://localhost:8080/business-central

8.3. JBossESB to jBPM 5

JBossESB can make calls into jBPM 5 using the Bpm5Processor action. This action uses the jBPM 5 command API to make calls into jBPM. The following jBPM commands have been implemented:
Table 8.1. jBPM 5 commands
Command Description
Start a new ProcessInstance given a process definition that was already deployed to jBPM.
Signal to an already-started process that an event has occurred.
Cancel a ProcessInstance. That is, when an event comes in which should result in the cancellation of the entire ProcessInstance. This action requires some jBPM context variables to be set on the message, in particular the ProcessInstance Id.
There are two required action attributes:
  1. name
    Required attribute. You are free to use any value for the name attribute as long as it is unique in the action pipeline.
  2. class
    Required attribute. This attributes needs to be set to “”


Using signalEvent is inherently risky because there is nothing to indicate what states the process instance or work item is in. Use the request-reply functionality of the ESBActionWorkItemHandler rather than signalEvent.

8.4. jBPM Context Configuration Properties


The following properties can be set as so:
Message esbMessage = MessageFactory.getInstance().getMessage();

ContextImpl ctxi = (ContextImpl) esbMessage.getContext();
ctxi.setContext("jbpm5-session-id", 10);
ctxi.setContext("jbpm5-processinstance-id", 10L);
Table 8.2. jBPM Configuration Properties
Property Description Required?
Needs to be one of: startProcess, signalEvent, or abortProcessInstance.
Required property. The value of this property should reference a process definition that is already deployed to jBPM and of which you want to create a new instance.
The value of this property should reference a process definition id in jBPM of which you want to create a new instance.
Optional property. This property defines a list of variables that need to be extracted from the EsbMessage and set into jBPM context for the particular process instance. The list consists of mapping elements. Each mapping element can have the following attributes:
  • esb
    required attribute which can contain an MVEL expression to extract a value anywhere from the EsbMessage.
  • bpm
    optional attribute containing the name which be used on the jBPM side. If omitted the esb name is used.
  • value
    optional attribute which can hold a hard coded value.
WS Human Task handler class (default: org.jbpm.task.service.hornetq.CommandBasedHornetQWSHumanTaskHandler)
WS Human Task server hostname (default:
WS Human Task server hostname (default: 5446)


jBPM uses HornetQ by default. Another option is to use Mina which requires the following settings:
  • org.jbpm.process.workitem.wsht.CommandBasedWSHumanTaskHandler
  • handlerHost - WS Human Task server hostname (default:
  • handlerPort - WS Human Task server hostname (default: 9123)

8.5. Body Configuration Properties

The following is a list of variables which can be set in context of the EsbMessage:
Table 8.3. Body Configuration Properties
Property Description Required?
ESB context property that applies to the signalEvent and abortProcessInstance commands.
ESB context property that tells the action what session to load.

Chapter 9. Service Orchestration and the ESB

9.1. Service Orchestration

The term, service orchestration, refers to the arrangement of business processes. Traditionally, the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) was used to execute SOAP-based web services. Red Hat recommends that you always use the JBPM to orchestrate your processes.

9.2. Creating an Orchestration Diagram

  1. Select FileNewOther.
  2. Choose JBoss jBPM Process Definition from the Selection wizard.
  3. Save the process definition. Use a separate directory for each process definition to avoid confusion.
  4. Start to "drag-and-drop" items from the jBPM Integrated Development Environment 's menu palette into the Process Design view. You can switch between the design and source modes to check XML elements as you add them.
  5. Add the XML fragments that are needed for the integration.
  6. Before building the order process diagram, create and test the three services. These are ordinary ESB services and they are defined in the jboss-esb.xml file. An example configuration with service names and categories is shown below:
      <service category="BPM_orchestration4_Starter_Service" 
      description="BPM Orchestration Sample 4: Use this service to start a 
    process instance">
    			<!-- .... -->						
      <service category="BPM_Orchestration4" name="IntakeService"
      description="IntakeService: transforms, massages, calculates priority">
    			<!-- .... -->
      <service category="BPM_Orchestration4" name="DiscountService"
      <service category="BPM_Orchestration4" name="ShippingService"
    			<!-- .... -->
  7. Refer to these services by using either the EsbActionHandler or EsbNotifier action handler. (Choose the EsbActionHandler in cases where the JBoss Business Process Manager expects a response, and the EsbNotifier when none is required.)
  8. Now that the ESB services are known, drag the Start state node into the design view. A new process instance will begin at this node.
  9. Drag in a node and name it Intake Order.
  10. Connect the Start and the Intake Order nodes by selecting Transition from the menu and then clicking on each of them. An arrow connecting them will appear. It will be pointing towards the first Intake Order.
  11. Add the Service and Category names to the Intake Node. Select the Source view. You will be able to see the source code for the Intake Order node. It should look like this:
    <node name="Intake Order">
    	<transition name="" to="Review Order"></transition>
  12. Add the EsbActionHandler class reference, followed by the sub-element configuration settings for the service category and name, BPM_Orchestration4 and the IntakeService. It should look like this:
    <node name="Intake Order">
    	<action name="esbAction" class=
    			<!-- async call of IntakeService -->
    <transition name="" to="Review Order"></transition>
  13. Send some JBoss Business Process Manager context variables along with the service call using the following code. (In the example below, there is a variable named entireOrderAsXML which is to be set in the default position in the message body.)
    	<mapping bpm="entireOrderAsXML" esb="BODY_CONTENT" />
    This will cause the XML-based contents of the entireOrderAsXML variable to end up in the body of the message. Now the IntakeService can access the message and process it by letting it flow through each action in the pipeline. When the last action is reached, the replyTo property is checked and the message is sent to the JBpmCallBack service.
    This makes a call back into the JBoss Business Process Manager, signaling the transition from the Intake Order node to the next one (in this case, Review Order).
  14. Next, send some variables from the message to the node. Note that entire objects can be sent, as long both contexts can load the object's class. To retain the ability to "map back" to the JBoss Business Process Manager, add an esbToEsbVars element:
    <node name="Intake Order">
    <action name="esbAction" class=
    <mapping bpm="entireOrderAsXML" esb="BODY_CONTENT" />
    <mapping esb="body.entireOrderAsXML" bpm="entireOrderAsXML"/>
    <mapping esb="body.orderHeader" bpm="entireOrderAsObject" />
    <mapping esb="body.customer" bpm="entireCustomerAsObject" />
    <mapping esb="body.order_orderId" bpm="order_orderid" />
    <mapping esb="body.order_totalAmount" bpm="order_totalamount" />
    <mapping esb="body.order_orderPriority" bpm="order_priority" />
    <mapping esb="body.customer_firstName" bpm="customer_firstName" />
    <mapping esb="body.customer_lastName" bpm="customer_lastName" />
    <mapping esb="body.customer_status" bpm="customer_status" />
    <transition name="" to="Review Order"></transition>
    When this service returns, the following variables are then stored in the JBoss Business Process Manager's context:
    • entireOrderAsXML
    • entireOrderAsObject
    • entireCustomerAsObject
    In addition, for demonstration purposes, there are also some flattened variables:
    • order_orderid
    • order_totalAmount
    • order_priority
    • customer_firstName
    • customer_lastName
    • customer_status
  15. You must now review the order process manually. Add a task node with the task called Order Review. These jobs need to be performed by someone with the actor_iduser.
    Make sure the XML fragment looks like this:
    <task-node name="Review Order">
    <task name="Order Review">
    <assignment actor-id="user"></assignment>
    <variable name="customer_firstName"
    <variable name="customer_lastName" access="read,write,required">
    <variable name="customer_status" access="read"></variable>
    <variable name="order_totalamount" access="read"></variable>
    <variable name="order_priority" access="read"></variable>
    <variable name="order_orderid" access="read"></variable>
    <variable name="order_discount" access="read"></variable>
    <variable name="entireOrderAsXML" access="read"></variable>
    <transition name="" to="Calculate Discount"></transition>
  16. Create an XHTML data form to display these variables in a form in the jbpm-console.


    See the bpm_orchestration4 quick start's Review_Order.xhtml file for more information about this.
  17. Link this data form to the task node by adding these settings to the forms.xml file:
    <form task="Order Review" form="Review_Order.xhtml"/>
    <form task="Discount Review" form="Review_Order.xhtml"/>
  18. In this case, the same form is applied to two task nodes. There is a reference to the variables in the Review Order form as shown in the following sample code. (This, in turn, refers to the variables that are set in the JBoss Business Process Manager's context.)
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="customer_firstName"/>
    <h:inputText value="#{var['customer_firstName']}" />
  19. When the process reaches the Review Node, you can log into the jBPM Console and click on Tasks to see a list of items.
  20. Click on a task to examine it in detail. A form will appear. You can then update some of the values.
  21. Conclude by clicking Save and Close, at which point the process will move to the next node.
  22. This one is the Calculate Discount node. It is, once again, an ESB service node, the configuration file for which looks like this:
    <node name="Calculate Discount">
    <action name="esbAction" class="">
    <mapping bpm="entireCustomerAsObject" esb="customer" />
    <mapping bpm="entireOrderAsObject" esb="orderHeader" />
    <mapping bpm="entireOrderAsXML" esb="BODY_CONTENT" />
    <mapping esb="order"
    bpm="entireOrderAsObject" />
    <mapping esb="body.order_orderDiscount" bpm="order_discount" />
    <transition name="" to="Review Discount"></transition>
    The service receives the customer, orderHeader and the entireOrderAsXML data. It then computes a discount. The response maps the body.order_orderDiscount value onto a JBoss Business Process Manager context variable called order_-discount. The process is signaled, which tells it to move to the Review Discount node.
  23. Review the discount, which is set to a value of 8.5. Click on Save and Close. The process will move to the Ship It node, which is also an ESB service.
    To circumvent the order process before the Ship It service completes, use the EsbNotifier action handler by attaching it to the outgoing transition as shown below:
    <node name="ShipIt">
    <transition name="ProcessingComplete" to="end">
    <action name="ShipItAction" class=
    <mapping bpm="entireCustomerAsObject" esb="customer" />
    <mapping bpm="entireOrderAsObject" esb="orderHeader" />
    <mapping bpm="entireOrderAsXML" esb="entireOrderAsXML" />
    After notifying the ShippingService, the order process moves to the end state and terminates. (The ShippingService itself may still be finishing.)
    In the bpm_orchestration4 quick start, the JBoss Rules engine is used to determine whether this order is to be shipped via the normal or the express method.

9.3. Deploying a Process Definition

Once a processdefinition.xml file has been created, you can deploy it to the JBoss Business Process Manager using any of the following:
  • the integrated development environment
  • ant
  • the jBPM Console
The following files will be deployed:
  1. Review_Order.xhtml
  2. forms.xml
  3. gpd.xml
  4. processdefinition.xml
  5. processimage.jpg
The integrated development environment creates a . PAR archive and deploys it to the jBPM 's database.


Red Hat advises you not to deploy Java code in .PAR archives as it may cause class-loading issues. Instead, use either .JAR or .ESB archives to deploy your classes.

9.4. Instantiating a Deployment

  1. Create a new process instance once the process definition is deployed. (Note that you can use the StartProcessInstanceCommand. This command allows you to create a process instance with some pre-set initial values.)
    <service category="BPM_orchestration4_Starter_Service"
    description="BPM Orchestration Sample 4: Use this service to start a
    process instance">
    			<action name="setup_key" class=
    					<property name="script"
    						value="/scripts/setup_key.groovy" />
    		<action name="start_a_new_order_process" class=
    				<property name="command"
    					value="StartProcessInstanceCommand" />
    				<property name="process-definition-name"
    					value="bpm4_ESBOrderProcess" />
    				<property name="key" value="body.businessKey" />
    				<property name="esbToBpmVars">
    					<mapping esb="BODY_CONTENT" bpm="entireOrderAsXML" />
  2. The new process instance is now invoked and using a script. The jBPM key is set to the value of the OrderId by an incoming order XML file.
    This same XML is subsequently put into a jBPM context, through use of the esbToBpmVars mapping.
    In the bpm_orchestration4 quick start, the XML came from the Seam DVD Store and the SampleOrder.xml looks like this:
    <Order orderId="2" orderDate="Wed Nov 15 13:45:28 EST 2006" statusCode="0"
    	netAmount="59.97" totalAmount="64.92" tax="4.95">
    		<Customer userName="user1" firstName="Rex" lastName="Myers" state="SD"/>
    				<OrderLine position="1" quantity="1">
    					<Product productId="364" title="Gandhi"
    				<OrderLine position="2" quantity="1">
    						<Product productId="299" title="Lost Horizon" price="29.99"/>


    Enterprise Service Bus and JBoss Business Process Manager deployments are what is known as "hot."
    The jBPM has a special feature that results in process deployments being "versioned". Newly created process instances will use the latest version, while existing ones will run to their conclusion using the process deployment they were started on.

Chapter 10. Service Registry Integration with the BPEL Engine

10.1. BPEL Engine

A BPEL engine executes BPEL business process instructions. The BPEL engine included as part of the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform product is based on Apache ODE.


It is recommended that you only open one BPEL console window in your browser. Failing to do so can result in seeing a blank window upon login or being unable to login from your second window. For details, see RIFTSAW-400.

10.2. Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is an OASIS-standard language for business rules orchestration. Refer to for more information.

10.3. BPEL and the Service Registry

Because BPEL is integrated with the Service Registry, services can register themselves automatically as they are deployed.
This registration process utilizes the jUDDI client libraries. When a service is deployed, both it and its BindingTemplate (end-point reference) are registered and a partnerLinkChannel is created for each partnerLink. At the same time, the WSDL end-point is obtained from the UDDI.
Upon undeployment, the BindingTemplate is removed from the UDDI Registry.

10.4. Activate BPEL-Service Registry Integration

Procedure 10.1. Task

  • Integration is turned on by default. To confirm this, open vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/riftsaw.sar/ and ensure that is set as follows: bpel.uddi.registration=true.

10.5. Partner Link

A partner link is a link which establishes a relationship between a BPEL process and its client.

10.7. esb.juddi.client.xml

The SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbossesb.sar/esb.juddi.client.xml file is the client configuration file for the jUDDI Service Registry.

10.8. Configuration Settings

Table 10.1. The UDDI-related properties in the file
attribute type (default) description
bpel.uddi.registration boolean (true) If set to 'false', the UDDI integration is turned off. The RiftSaw installation process sets this value to 'true' only if the jbossesb-registry.sar is detected containing a jUDDI v3 registry. In every other case it is automatically set to false. boolean (false) The UDDI Registration process registers an WSDL AccessPoint in the BindingTemplate for the BPEL Service it is registering. The BPEL server exposes the service WSDL Endpoint on the WS stack (Currently Red Hat supports JBossWS and CXF). If your webservice stack is configured to use a secure protocol (such as https), you need to switch this setting to 'true'. (Note that this setting is used during the registration process only.)
bpel.uddi.client.impl String (org.jboss.soa.bpel.uddi.UDDIRegistrationImpl) This is the name of the class that implements the org.jboss.soa.bpel.runtime.engine.ode.UDDIRegistration interface.
bpel.uddi.clerk.config String (not used by default) This defines the path to the bpel.uddi.client.xml configuration file. This can be left "commented out" if you want to use the riftsaw.sar/META-INF/riftsaw.uddi.xml. In this case, a bpel.uddi.clerk.manager must be defined.
bpel.uddi.clerk.manager String (riftsaw-manager) This defines the name of the ClerkManager that will be used if the riftsaw.uddi.xml is left commented out. This value should correspond to the name of the manager in the esb.juddi.client.xml. Note that if the bpel.uddi.clerk.config is defined, the bpel.uddi.clerk.manager setting is ignored.
bpel.uddi.clerk String (BPEL_clerk) This defines the name of the clerk that will be used. This value should correspond to the name of the clerk in the riftsaw.uddi.xml. (By default this is set to BPEL_clerk.)
bpel.uddi.lookup boolean (true) If this is set to true, the creating process of the partner channel will do a lookup by serviceName in the UDDI, and a WSDL Endpoint is retrieved. This process makes it easier to move process deployment around within your server farm, without having to update the partnerlink WSDL files in your BPEL process deployments. If more than one end-point (BindingTemplate) is found, the default policy used by the ServiceLocator is 'PolicyLocalFirst'. Note that it is still a requirement to deploy the initial partnerlink WSDL file for each partnerLink.


The names of both the ClerkManager and the Clerk itself are specified in the file.

10.9. Clerk

The clerk (org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config.UDDIClerk) is responsible for registering service end-points in the Service Registry.

10.10. Set the Properties to be Used by the Clerk When Registering Services

Procedure 10.2. Task

  1. Open the esb.juddi.client.xml file in your text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbossesb.sar/esb.juddi.client.xml
  2. Configure the settings. For example:
       <clerks registerOnStartup="false">
          <clerk name="SOAExample" node="default" publisher="root" password="root"/>
  3. Save the file and exit.
  4. Put another copy of the file in here (the files must always correspond: SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbossesb-registry.sar/juddi_custom_install_data/
  5. Save the file and exit.

10.11. Default Settings for the Service Registry Clerk

Table 10.2. Default Settings
Property Value
businessKey redhat-jboss
serviceDescription BPEL Service deployed by Riftsaw
bindingDescription BPEL Endpoint deployed by Riftsaw


The SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbossesb-registry.sar/esb.juddi.xml file contains a property called juddi.seed.always which is set to false. This means that it is always trying to load the root seed data when the server starts.

10.12. UDDI Registration

Upon deployment of a BPEL process, the process information is registered to the UDDI registry according to the BPEL4WS OASIS technote (

10.13. UDDI End-Point Look-Up

If a BPEL service invokes another BPEL service (or a web service end-point in general), the BPEL Engine performs a lookup by serviceQName and portName (obtained from the WSDL). The result is stored in a client-side service cache, resulting in increased performance. To prevent the client-side cache from returning "stale" information, the cache is automatically invalidated by the UDDI registry using the Subscription API whenever changes occur in the registry.

Part IV. Message Routing

Chapter 11. Using Rules to Perform Content-Based Routing

11.1. Content-Based Router

Content-based routers send messages that do not have destination addresses to their correct end-points. Content-based routing works by applying a set of rules (which can be defined within XPath or Drools notation) to the body of the message. These rules ascertain which parties are interested in the message. This means the sending application does not have to supply a destination address.
A typical use case is to serve priority messages in a high priority queue. The advantage here is that the routing rules can be changed on-the-fly while the service runs if it is configured in that way. (However, this has significant performance drawbacks.)
Other situations in which a content-based router might be useful include when the original destination no longer exists, the service has moved or the application simply wants to have more control over where messages go based on its content of factors such as the time of day.

11.2. Introducing Content-Based Routing with ESB

Normally, data in the Enterprise Service Bus is packaged, transferred and stored in the form of a message. Messages are addressed to endpoint references (which point to either services or clients.) An endpoint reference's role is to identify the machine or process or object that will ultimately deal with the content of the message. However, what happens if the specified address is no longer valid? Situations that may lead to this scenario include those in which the service has failed or been removed.
It is also possible that the service no longer deals with messages of that particular type, in which case presumably some other service will still deal with the original function, but that still leaves the question of "How should the message be handled?" What if other services besides that which is the intended recipient are interested in the message's contents? What if no destination is specified?
This is where content-based routing comes in. The way that content-based routing works, a message is routed by being opened and then having a set of rules applied to its content. These rules are used to ascertain which parties are interested in it, allowing the ESB to determine the destination where it should be sent. This relieves the sending application of the need to know where the message should go.
Content-based routing systems are built around two components: routers (of which there may be only one) and services (of which there are normally more than one). Services are the components that ultimately "consume" the messages. The way in which each service indicates its interest in specific types of messages to the router is implementation-dependent, but some mapping must exist between the message type (or some other aspect of the message content) and the services in order for the router to direct them appropriately.
Routers, as their name suggests, "route" messages. They examine the content of messages as they receive them, apply rules to that content and then forward the messages as the rules dictate.
In addition to routers and services, some systems also include harvesters. The role of these tools is find interesting information, package it in the guise of a formatted message and send it to a router. Harvesters "mine" many sources of information, including mail transfer agent message stores, news servers, databases and other legacy systems.

11.3. Defining Inline Rules for Content-Based Routing with XPath

Procedure 11.1. Task

  1. Open jboss-esb.xml and set the cbrAlias property to XPath.
  2. Define the routing rules in the route-to configurations (found in the container destinations property) as shown:
    <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter" name="ContentBasedRouter">
    	<property name="cbrAlias" value="XPath"/>
    	<property name="destinations">
    		<route-to service-category="BlueTeam"  service-name="GoBlue"  expression="/Order[@statusCode='0']" />
    		<route-to service-category="RedTeam"   service-name="GoRed"   expression="/Order[@statusCode='1']" />
    		<route-to service-category="GreenTeam" service-name="GoGreen" expression="/Order[@statusCode='2']" />

11.4. Defining External Rules for Content-Based Routing with XPath

Procedure 11.2. Task

  1. Open the jboss-esb.xml file and set the cbrAlias property to XPath.
  2. Define the routing expressions in a .properties file. Make sure the property keys correlate with the destination names and that the property values are the XPath expressions for routing to this destination.
  3. Define the routing rules in the route-to configurations via the container destinations property. The destination-name attribute will refer to the XPath rule key as defined in the external .properties file as shown:
    <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter" name="ContentBasedRouter">
       <property name="cbrAlias" value="XPath"/>
       <property name="ruleSet" value="/rules/"/>
       <property name="ruleReload" value="true"/>
       <property name="destinations">
           <route-to destination-name="blue"  service-category="BlueTeam"  service-name="GoBlue" />
           <route-to destination-name="red"   service-category="RedTeam"   service-name="GoRed" />
           <route-to destination-name="green" service-category="GreenTeam" service-name="GoGreen" />

11.5. XPath Rules for Content-Based Routing

The XPath rules are in a .properties file. They are represented by this syntax:

11.6. Namespace

A namespace is a container that holds various identifiers. They define XML namespace prefix-to-URI (universal resource identifier) mappings which aid in providing requests to the server.

11.7. Defining XML Namespace Prefix-to-URI Mappings

  • Define XML namespace prefix-to-URI mappings as shown below. (This applies to both external and in-line rule definitions.)
    <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter" 
        <property name="cbrAlias" value="XPath"/>
        <property name="namespaces">
            <route-to prefix="ord" uri="" />
        <property name="destinations">
            <route-to service-category="BlueTeam"  
            service-name="GoBlue"  expression="/ord:Order[@statusCode='0']" />
            <route-to service-category="RedTeam"   
            service-name="GoRed"   expression="/ord:Order[@statusCode='1']" />
            <route-to service-category="GreenTeam" 
            service-name="GoGreen" expression="/ord:Order[@statusCode='2']" />

11.8. Defining Inline Rules for Content-Based Routing with Regex

  1. Open the file jboss-esb.xml and set the cbrAlias property to Regex.
  2. Define the routing rules in the route-to configurations. (These are found in the container destinations property.)
    <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter" name="ContentBasedRouter">
       <property name="cbrAlias" value="Regex"/>
       <property name="destinations">
           <route-to service-category="BlueTeam"  service-name="GoBlue"  expression="#*111#*" />
           <route-to service-category="RedTeam"   service-name="GoRed"   expression="#*222#*" />
           <route-to service-category="GreenTeam" service-name="GoGreen" expression="#*333#*" />

11.9. Defining External Rules for Content-Based Routing with Regex

  1. Open the file jboss-esb.xml and set the cbrAlias property to Regex.
  2. Define the routing expressions in a .properties file. The property keys should be the destination names and the property values are the Regex expressions for routing to the destination.
  3. Define the routing rules in the route-to configurations (found in the container destination property) with the destination-name attribute set to the Regex rule key as defined in the .properties file.
    <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter" name="ContentBasedRouter">
       <property name="cbrAlias" value="XPath"/>
       <property name="ruleSet" value="/rules/"/>
       <property name="ruleReload" value="true"/>
       <property name="destinations">
           <route-to destination-name="blue"  service-category="BlueTeam"  service-name="GoBlue" />
           <route-to destination-name="red"   service-category="RedTeam"   service-name="GoRed" />
           <route-to destination-name="green" service-category="GreenTeam" service-name="GoGreen" />
    The XPath rules are in a .properties file and are represented in this format:

11.10. Content Based Routing Using the JBoss Rules Engine

JBoss Rules is the rule provider "engine" for the content-based router. The Enterprise Service Bus integrates with this engine through three different routing action classes, these being:
  • a routing rule set, written in the JBoss Rules engine's DRL language (alternatively, you can use the DSL language if you prefer it);
  • the message content. This is the data that goes into the JBoss Rules engine (it comes in either XML format or as objects embedded in the message);
  • the destination (which is derived from the resultant information coming out of the engine).


When a message is sent to the content-based router, a rule-set will evaluate its content and return a set of service destinations.
  • org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter: This action class implements the content-based routing pattern. It routes a message to one or more destination services, based on the message content and the rule set against which it is evaluating that content. The content-based router throws an exception when no destinations are matched for a given rule set or message combination. This action will terminate any further pipeline processing, so always position it last in your pipeline.
  • org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedWiretap: This implements the WireTap pattern. The WireTap is an enterprise integration pattern that sends a copy of the message to a control channel. The WireTap is identical in functionality to the standard content-based router, however it does not terminate the pipeline. It is this latter characteristic which makes it suitable to be used as a wire-tap, hence its name. For more information, see
  • org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.MessageFilter: This implements the message filter pattern. The message filter pattern is used in cases where messages can simply be dropped if certain content requirements are not met. In other words, it functions identically to the content-based router except that it does not throw an exception if the rule set does not match any destinations, it simply filters the message out. For more information, see

11.11. XPath Domain-Specific Language


You may find it convenient to undertake an XPath-based evaluation of XML-based messages. Red Hat supports this by shipping a domain-specific language implementation. Use this implementation to add XPath expressions to the rule file.
  1. First, define the expressions in the XPathLanguage.dsl file and use the following code to reference it in the rule set:
    expander XPathLanguage.dsl
  2. The XPath Language makes sure the message is in JBOSS_XML and that the following items have been defined:
    1. xpathMatch<element> : this yields true if an element by this name is matched.
    2. xpathEquals<element> , <value> : this yields true if the element is found and its value equals the value.
    3. xpathGreaterThan<element> , <value> : this yields true if the element is found and its value is greater than the value.
    4. xpathLessThan<element> , <value> : this yields true if the element is found and its value is lower then the value.


    The fun_cbr quick-start demonstrates this use of XPath.


    It is possible to define a completely different domain-specific language.

11.12. XPath and Namespaces

An XPath expression is a feature that searches through messages and extracts data from them.
To use namespaces in Xpath, specify which namespace prefixes are to be used in the XPath expression. These prefixes are specified in a comma-separated list in the following format: prefix=uri,prefix=uri.
XPath Namespace-aware Statements:
  1. xpathMatch expr "<expression>" use namespaces "<namespaces>"
  2. xpathEquals expr "<expression>", "<value>" use namespaces "<namespaces>"
  3. xpathGreaterThan expr "<expression>", "<value>" use namespaces "<namespaces>"
  4. xpathLowerThan expr "<expression>", "<value>" use namespaces "<namespaces>"


Make sure these expressions have the expr at the beginning to stop them from clashing with non-XPath aware statements.

11.13. Configuration for Content-Based Routing

  • XPath statements are connected through configuration settings stored in the jboss-esb.xml file. The service configuration below shows an example service configuration fragment. (In this example, the service is listening to a Java Message Service queue.)
            	description="CBR Service">
                      <jms-listener name="CBR-Listener"                  
                                busidref="QueueA" maxThreads="1">             
    		     <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter" 
                        	<property name="ruleSet" value="JBossESBRules.drl"/>
                        	<property name="ruleReload" value="true"/>
                        	<property name="destinations">
                               <route-to destination-name="xml-destination" 
    			           service-name="jbossesbtest1" /> 
                               <route-to destination-name="serialized-destination"
    				    service-name="jbossesbtest2" /> 
                        	<property name="object-paths">
    				<object-path esb="body.test1" /> 
    				<object-path esb="body.test2" /> 
    Each message is passed to the ContentBasedRouter action class, which is loaded with a certain rule-set. It then sends the message to the JBoss Rules engine's working memory, runs the rules, obtains the list of destinations and sends copies of the message to the services.
    In this case, it uses the JBossESBRules.drl rule-set which matches two destinations- xml-destination and serialized-destination . These names are mapped to those of real services in the route-to section.

11.14. Content-Based Routing Action Tag Attributes

Table 11.1. Content-Based Routing Action Tag Attributes
Attribute Description
Class The action class, this being one of : org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter , org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedWiretap or org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.MessageFilter
Name A custom action name.

11.15. Content-Based Routing Action Configuration Properties

Table 11.2. Content-Based Routing Action Configuration Properties
Property Description
ruleSet This is the name of the file containing the JBoss Rules engine'sruleSet , which is the set of rules used to evaluate message content. (Only one ruleSet can be given for each content-based routing instance.)
ruleLanguage This is an optional reference to a file containing the definition of a Domain Specific Language to be used for evaluating the rule set.
ruleReload This is an optional property which can be set to true in order to enable "hot" redeployment of rule sets. Note that this feature will cause some overhead on the rules processing. Note also that the rules will reload if the .esb archive in which they reside is redeployed.
stateful This is an optional property which tells the RuleService to use a stateful session where facts will be remembered between invocations. See the “Stateful Rules” section for more information about this topic.
destinations This is a set of route-to properties, each of which contains the logical name of the destination, along with the Service category and name as referenced in the registry. The logical name is the name which should be used in the rule set.
object-paths This is an optional property to pass message objects into working memory .
ruleAuditType This is an optional property which allows the JBoss Rules engine to perform audit logging. The log can be read into the JBoss Developer Studio plug-in and inspected. Valid values are CONSOLE, FILE and THREADED_FILE. The default is that no audit logging will be performed.
ruleAuditFile This is an optional property that allows you to to define the file-path for audit logging. Note that it only applies to FILE or THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is "event". Note that the JBoss Rules engine will append ".log" for you. The default location for this file is "." - the current working directory (which for JBoss is in its bin/ directory).
ruleAuditInterval This is an optional property that allows you to define how often to flush audit events to the audit log. Note that this only applies to the THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is 1000 (milliseconds).

11.16. Using Pre-Compiled Rule Packages

The KnowledgeAgent is a component which is embedded in the JBoss Rules 5.0 API. No additional components are required to use the Knowledge Agent. If you are using the JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform, the application only needs to include the drools-core dependencies in its classpath, i.e. the drools and mvel JARs only. There are no other rule-specific dependencies.
Use the KnowledgeAgent for pre-compiled rules packages. These packages can be on the local file system or in a remote location (accessed via a URL). Once you have built your rules in a package in the BRMS Platform (or from the ant task), you are ready to use the agent in your target application.
The following example constructs an agent that will build a new knowledge base from the files specified in the path String. It will poll those files every 60 seconds, which is the default, to see if they are updated. If new files are found it will construct a new KnowledgeBase. If the change set specifies a resource that is a directory it's contents will be scanned for changes too.
KnowledgeAgent kagent = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent( "MyAgent" );
kagent.applyChangeSet( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource( url ) );
KnowledgeBase kbase = kagent.getKnowledgeBase();
The KnowledgeAgent can accept a configuration that allows for some of the defaults to be changed. An example property is "drools.agent.scanDirectories", by default any specified directories are scanned for new additions, it is possible to disable this.
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();

KnowledgeAgentConfiguration kaconf = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgentConfiguration();
kaconf.setProperty( "drools.agent.scanDirectories", "false" ); // we don't scan directories, only files
KnowledgeAgent kagent = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent( "test agent", kaconf );
// resource to the change-set xml for the resources to add
kagent.applyChangeSet( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource( url ) );
This is an example of a change-set.xml.
<change-set xmlns=''";
    xs:schemaLocation=' drools-change-set-5.0.xsd' >
        <resource source='http://localhost:9000/TEST.pkg' type='PKG' />
Resource scanning is enabled by default. It is a service and must be started, the same is for notification. This can be done via the ResourceFactory.
The deployment screen of the BRMS UI provides URLs and downloads for packages. You need the Package URI's URL to include in the change-set.xml file so as to specify that you want this package. It specifies an exact version, in this case a snapshot. Each snapshot has its own URL. If you want the latest version then replace NewSnapshot with LATEST.
You can also download a package file (PKG) from the deployment screen's list of URLs. Put that file in a directory and use the file or dir feature of the KnowledgeAgent. This will automatically contact the JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform server for updates which may not be wanted in some scenarios.

11.17. Executing Business Rules

Executing rules that modify a message's contents according to business processes is very similar to executing rules for routing. An example quick-start called business_rule_service demonstrates this. (This quick-start makes use of the org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor action class.)
This process makes use of a component called the Business Rule Processor. It is almost the same as a router, the only difference being that it returns the modified message to the action pipeline for further processing. You can even mix business and routing rules in a single rule-set if you wish to do so. (However, this will only work if one of those three routing action classes mentioned previously is used.)

11.18. Using Your Own Messaging Provider

To use your own messaging provider, modify the corresponding section in the jboss-esb.xml file to refer to it. Here is an example:
  <jms-provider name="CallbackQueue-JMS-Provider" 
    <jms-bus busid="jBPMCallbackBus">
      <jms-message-filter dest-type="QUEUE" 
        dest-name="queue/CallbackQueue" />

Part V. Message Transformation

Chapter 12. Transformations with Smooks

12.1. Smooks

Smooks is a fragment-based data transformation and analysis tool. It is a general purpose processing tool capable of interpreting fragments of a message. It uses visitor logic to accomplish this. It allows you implement your transformation logic in XSLT or Java and provides a management framework through which you can centrally manage the transformation logic for your message-set.

12.2. Using Smooks

  • Use the SmooksAction component to "plug" Smooks into an ESB action pipeline.


    You will find a number of quick-starts that demonstrate transformations in the samples/quick starts directory. (The name of each transformation of these quick starts is prefixed with the word transform_.)

12.3. Overview of Message Transformation with XSLT

This service works in the same way as Smooks and can be used as an alternative.

12.4. Overview of Message Transformation with ActionProcessor Data

If Smooks cannot handle a specific type of transformation, use this interface ( org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ActionPipelineProcessor ) to implement a custom solution.

12.5. Process Transformation Configuration

This is an example of how to configure a transformation.
<actions mep="OneWay"> 
  <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.SystemPrintln" name="print-before"> 
    <property name="message" value="[transform_XML2XML_simple] Message before transformation"> 
  <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.smooks.SmooksAction" name="simple-transform"> 
    <property name="smooksConfig" value="/smooks-res.xml"> 
    <property name="reportPath" value="/tmp/smooks_report.html"> 
  <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.SystemPrintln" name="print-after"> 
    <property name="message" value="[transform_XML2XML_simple] Message after transformation"> 
Line 1
mep stands for message exchange pattern. In this example, the requester invokes a service by sending it a message.
Lines 2-4
These configurations allow the message to be written to the server log before and after its transformation.
Line 5
This is where the SmooksAction is specified.
Line 6
This is where the XLST is specified.
Line 7
Generates a rep[ort of the transformation.

Part VI. Message Persistence

Chapter 13. Message Persistence

13.1. Message Store

The message store is a database persistence mechanism that has been designed to allow you to do audit-tracking. The message store reads and writes messages upon request. Each message must have a unique identification number. As with other ESB services, the message store is "pluggable", which means that you can "plug in" your own persistence mechanism should you desire to do so, though a default database persistence mechanism is supplied.
In the event of a system failure, the message store is also used as a holding place for messages that need to be re-delivered.


If something other than a database is required, such as a file persistence mechanism, you can write your own service and then override the default behaviour with a configuration change.

13.2. Message Store Interface

This is the message store interface:
public interface MessageStore
    public MessageURIGenerator getMessageURIGenerator();
    public URI addMessage (Message message, String classification)
        throws MessageStoreException;
    public Message getMessage (URI uid)
        throws MessageStoreException;
    public void setUndelivered(URI uid)
        throws MessageStoreException;
    public void setDelivered(URI uid)
        throws MessageStoreException;
    public Map$lt;URI, Message> getUndeliveredMessages(String classification)
        throws MessageStoreException;
    public Map$lt;URI, Message> getAllMessages(String classification)
        throws MessageStoreException;
    public Message getMessage (URI uid, String classification)
        throws MessageStoreException;
    public int removeMessage (URI uid, String classification)
        throws MessageStoreException;

13.3. Factors to Note When Implementing a Custom Message Store

  • Your implementation can use addMessage to derive a message classification scheme. If the classification is not defined, then it is up to the individual implementation of the MessageStore to determine for itself how it will store the message. Furthermore, the classification is only a guide: your implementation can ignore this field if need be.
  • It is up to the implementation as to whether or not the MessageStore imposes any kind of concurrency control on individual messages so always use the removeMessage operation with care.
  • Do not use the setUndelivered and setDelivered commands or other associated operations unless you are sure they are applicable. This is because the MessageStore interface supports both audit trail and re-delivery functionality.
  • The org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.persistence.format.db.DBMessageStoreImpl class provides the default implementation of the message store. The methods in this implementation make the required database connections via a pooled database manager, called the DBConnectionManager.
  • The MessageActionGuide and the MessagePersister actions override the message store implementation.
  • The MessageStore interface does not currently support transactions. Any use of the message store within the scope of a global transaction will, therefore, be uncoordinated.
    The implication of this is that each MessageStore update or read will be undertaken separately and independently.

13.4. Configure a Message Store

Procedure 13.1. Task

  1. Open the global configuration file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deployers/esb.deployers/jbossesb-properties.xml.
  2. Scroll down to the section and edit it to suit your configuration:
    <properties name="dbstore">
      <!--  connection manager type -->
      <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.conn.manager" value=
        <!-- this property is only used for the j2ee connection manager -->
        <property name="" 	
        <!-- standalone connection pooling settings -->
        <!--  mysql
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.connection.url" 	
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.jdbc.driver" 		
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.user" 				
          value="kstam"/> -->
        <!--  postgres 
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.connection.url" 	
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.jdbc.driver" 		
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.user" 				
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.pwd" 				
          value="postgres"/> -->
        <!-- hsqldb -->
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.connection.url" 	
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.jdbc.driver" 		
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.user" value="sa"/>
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.pwd" value=""/>	
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.pool.initial.size"	
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.pool.min.size"		
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.pool.max.size"		
        <!--table managed by pool to test for valid connections
            created by pool automatically -->
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.pool.test.table"	
        <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.pool.timeout.millis"


    You will find the scripts for the "required database" schema in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbossesb.esb/message-store-sql/DB_TYPE/create_database.sql file.
  3. Sill in the global configuration file, configure the database connection manager:
    <!--  connection manager type -->
    <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.conn.manager" 
    <!--  property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.db.conn.manager" 
    value="org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.manager.J2eeConnectionManager"/ -->
    <!-- this property is only used for the j2ee connection manager -->
    <property name="" 


    The Stand-Alone Manager uses C3PO to manage the connection pooling logic whilst the J2eeConnectionManager, by contrast, employs a data-source. Use the latter when deploying Enterprise Service Bus end-points inside a container such as a JBoss Application Server.
  4. Save the file and exit.
  5. Alternatively, you could plug in a custom connection manager by implementing the org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.persistence.manager.ConnectionManager interface and then updating the Properties file by providing it with the name of the new class.

13.5. create_database.sql

The SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/jbossesb.esb/message-store-sql/DB_TYPE/create_database.sql files contain scripts for database schemas.

13.6. create_database.sql Settings

The following SQL code shows the structure of the create_database.sql files:
   uuid varchar(128) NOT NULL,
   type varchar(128) NOT NULL,
   message text(4000) NOT NULL,
   delivered varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   classification varchar(10),
   PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`)
  • The UUID column is used to store a unique key for the message. This key takes the form of a standard uniform resource identifier.
  • Message keys look like this:
    urn:jboss:esb:message:UID: + UUID.randomUUID()_


    This syntax makes use of the UUID's random number generator.
  • The "type" will be equal to that of the stored message. (The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform ships with two different versions of "type", these being JBOSS_XML and JAVA_SERIALIZED, respectively.)
  • The "message" column contains the contents of the actual message itself.
  • The database message store implementation supplied works by invoking a connection to your pre-configured database. (Both a stand-alone connection manager, and another for using a JNDI data-source, are also supplied as part of the product.)
  • The two pre-supplied connection managers for the database pool are: org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.manager.StandaloneConnectionManager and org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.manager.J2eeConnectionManager.

13.7. C3PO

C3P0 is an open source JDBC connection pool distributed along with Hibernate. It is found in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/lib directory.

13.8. J2eeConnectionManager

The J2eeConnectionManager is a J2EE data-source-based connection pooling implementation for use when deploying to a J2EE container such as the JBoss AS application server.

13.9. JmsConnectionPool

The JmsConnectionPool pools Java Message Service sessions. It is used by every JMS-based component, including the listeners, couriers and routers.

Part VII. Change Management

Chapter 14. Hot Deployment

14.1. Hot Deployment

"Hot deployment" refers to the SOA Platform server's ability to detect a deployed ESB archive as soon as it lands in the server profile's deploy directory. The SOA Platform server software constantly monitors that directory and automatically detects any changes to it. It can also detect changes to the state of existing archives and automatically re-deploy them.
These actions have life-cycle support. This means that, upon hot re-deployment, they terminate "gracefully" by finishing active requests. They will not accept any more incoming messages until they are re-started. (All of this occurs automatically.)


You cannot deploy archives if the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is running in standalone mode.
The node monitors the time-stamp on this file and re-reads its contents if a change occurs.

14.2. Hot Deployment and jbossesb.sar

The jbossesb.sar archive can be deployed live. It will deploy when:
  • its time-stamp changes, (if the archive is compressed.)
  • the timestamp of the META-INF/jboss-service.xml file changes, (if the archive is in exploded form.)

14.3. Hot Deployment and ESB Archives

An *.esb archive will automatically redeploy when:
  • the time-stamp of the archive changes, (if the archive is compressed.)
  • the META-INF/jboss-esb.xml file's time-stamp changes, (if the archive is in exploded form.)

Chapter 15. Version Management

15.1. Redeploy a Rules File

Procedure 15.1. Task

  1. To redeploy a .DRL or .DSL file, redeploy the jbrules.esb directory by copying it back into SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy.
  2. Alternatively, you can activate the Action Configuration's ruleReload feature. After activating this functionality, if a rule file changes, it is re-loaded automatically.

15.2. Redeploy a Transformation File

Procedure 15.2. Task

  1. Redeploy the .ESB archive in which it resides by copying it back into the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy directory.
  2. Alternatively, launch a web browser and log into the Monitoring and Management Console at http://localhost:8080/admin-console.
  3. Send out a notification message over the Java Message Service. Smooks will process this event causing it to reload automatically.

15.3. Redeploy a Business Process Definition


  • JBoss Developer Studio

Procedure 15.3. Task

  • Use the jBPM Eclipse plug-in to deploy a new version of a business process definition to the jBPM database.


    Please be aware that only a fresh process instance will use this new version. Existing process life-cycles will still use the previous definition.


    Note that this procedure works in standalone mode, too.

15.4. Reload Rules Whilst Running in Standalone Mode

Procedure 15.4. Task

  • Run ruleReload.

Part VIII. Rules Services

Chapter 16. Rule Service

16.1. Rule Service

A rule service allows you to deploy business rules as services on the ESB. The service means that less client code is needed for integration. It also means rules can be processed from either an action chain or an orchestrated business process.

16.2. Stateless Service

A stateless service is a self-contained service that independently performs tasks instead of having to receive instructions from the user. Additionally, it does not need to use up vast amounts of data to identify objects.

16.3. Stateful Rules Sessions

Stateful rules sessions allow objects to be remembered across invocations in a session. To enable this, set the stateful set to true. You can tell stateful rule services when to continue with a current session and when to dispose of it.

16.4. Stateful Rules Session Properties

  1. To continue the existing stateful session, set these two message properties:
    message.getProperties().setProperty(“dispose”, false);
    message.getProperties().setProperty(“continue”, true);
  2. When you run the rules for the last time, set dispose to true to clear the JBoss Rules' engine's working memory:
    message.getProperties().setProperty(“dispose”, true);
    message.getProperties().setProperty(“continue”, true);


    To learn more about using stateful rules sessions, please refer to the business_ruleservice_stateful quick-start.

16.5. Using Rule Services with JBoss Rules

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform's rule service allows you to deploy business rules, written by your firm's business analyst in JBoss Rules, as services on the ESB. This has two major benefits:
  • the amount of client code required to integrate the rules into your application environment is dramatically reduced.
  • rules can be accessed from either an action chain or from within an orchestrated business process.


The JBoss Business Rules Management System is the supported option but you can also use a rule engine if you so desire.
The rule service functionality is provided by the BusinessRulesProcessor and DroolsRuleService action classes, the latter of which also implements the RuleService interface.
The BusinessRulesProcessor class allows rules to be loaded from the class-path. These rules are defined in .drl and .dsl files, and also in decision tables (which come in .xls format). These file-based rules exist primarily for the purpose of allowing you to test prototypes. There is no way to specify multiple rule files for a single BusinessRulesProcessor action. More complex rule services require the use of the JBoss Rules KnowledgeAgent.
The RuleService uses the KnowledgeAgent to access rule packages from either the Business Rules Management System or from the local file system. Rule packages can contain thousands of rules from different sources, including these:
  1. the JBoss Business Rules Management System
  2. imported DRL files
  3. domain-specific language (DSL) files
  4. decision tables


Red Hat recommends that you use the KnowledgeAgent approach on production systems.
The BusinessRulesProcessor action supports both of JBoss Rules' execution models, namely the stateless and stateful models.
Most rule services will adhere to the stateless model. In this model, a message will be sent to the rule service containing all the facts that are to be processed by the rule engine. The rules then execute and update the message and/or facts.
By contrast, a stateful execution takes place over a longer period time, with several messages being sent to the rule service. Each time a message is sent, the rules are executed again and the message and/or facts are updated. At the conclusion of the process, a final message tells the rule service to dispose of the stateful session's working memory , which is then purged from the rule engine.


RuleAgent is no longer used in the SOA Platform's ESB. It has been replaced by the KnowledgeAgent which is configured differently. The Polling configuration for DRL changes is no longer done via the ruleAgentProperties file's poll property). You now configure it globally via the property, found within esb.deployer/jbossesb-properties.xml . (The default value is 60.) This means that every sixty seconds, the system checks for resource changes across all KnowledgeAgents.
You will need to provide these properties to access URLs that are secured with basic authentication:

username=admin password=admin enableBasicAuthentication=true


There can only be a single rule service in the message flow in the stateful model.

16.6. Action Chain

An action chain groups action components and executes them during a process.

16.7. Orchestrated Business Process

This kind of service service loosely couples applications for deployment so that they can be easily modified. It interacts with applications, services and components.

16.8. Integrating JBoss Rules and the SOA Platform

JBoss Rules uses the following components to integrate with the SOA Platform.
An action class.
Any rules written in JBoss Rules , DRL, DSL, decision tables or the Business Rule Editor .
The Enterprise Service Bus message
This is inserted into the JBoss Rules Engine's working memory
The Enterprise Service Bus message's contents
This consists of the "fact" objects in the message, which are sent to the JBoss Rules Engine.

16.9. Rule Set Requirements

  • There are three requirements when creating rule sets on the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform.
    The name and action class as shown:
    <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
    One of the following is also required:
    • a DRL file:
      <property name="ruleSet" value="drl/OrderDiscount.drl" />
    • a DSL or DSLR ( Domain Specific Language ) file:
      <property name="ruleSet" value="dsl/approval.dslr" />
      <property name="ruleLanguage" value="dsl/acme.dsl" />
    • a decisionTable on the class-path:
      <property name="decisionTable" value="PolicyPricing.xls" />
    • a properties file on the class-path. This tells the rule agent how to find the rules package. You enable it by specifying either an URL or the path to a local file:
      <property name="ruleAgentProperties"
                 value="" />

16.10. Creating a Rule Set

  1. Ensure the rule-set imports the ESB message. To test, use this code:
    import org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message
  2. Next, ensure the rule set defines the following global variable which creates the list of destinations:
    global java.util.List destinations;
    The message is now sent to the JBoss Rules engine's working memory.
    Now you can turn a regular rule set into one that can be used for content-based routing. Do this by evaluating the ESB message's matching rule and ensuring it outputs a list of service destination names.

16.11. Rule Set Examples

The rules are in a DRL file and execution following the stateless model:
      <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
    <property name="ruleSet" value="drl/OrderDiscount.drl" />
    <property name="ruleReload" value="true" />
    <property name="object-paths">
        <object-path esb="body.Order" />
The rules are in a DRL file and execution following the stateless model:
  • The rules are in a DRL file and execution following the stateful model. In this scenario, the client can send multiple messages to the rule service. For example, the first message might contain a customer object, with the subsequent ones each containing orders for that customer. Every time a message is received, the rules are run. (The client can add a property to the final message that tells the rule service to dispose of the contents of the working memory.)
    1. A single, synchronized session instance is shared across all of the concurrent executions of a stateful session deployment. This greatly limits the number of use-cases for the stateful model. If you require multiple, client-oriented sessions service deployment, consider using a jBPM or BPEL solution instead.
    2. Stateful sessions are not persistent .
    3. Stateful Sessions are not clustered .
         <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
        <property name="ruleSet"
                  value="drl/OrderDiscountOnMultipleOrders.drl" />
        <property name="ruleReload" value="false" />
        <property name="stateful" value="true" >
        <property name="object-paths">
            <object-path esb="body.Customer" />
            <object-path esb="body.Order" />
The rules are in a DRL file, the stateful model is used, audit logging is enabled and the JBoss Rules clockType , eventProcessingType and channels are configured to facilitate complex event processing .
Knowledge-base partitioning is not enabled since ruleMultithreadEvaluation is set to false (also note that ruleMaxThreads is set to 1).


Complex event processing scenarios use the stateful model and are shared across all concurrent executions of a stateful session deployment.
     <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
    <property name="ruleSet" value="drl/OrderEvents.drl" />
    <property name="ruleReload" value="false" />
    <property name="stateful" value="true" >
    <property name="ruleFireMethod" value="FIRE_UNTIL_HALT" />
    <property name="ruleAuditType" value="THREADED_FILE" />
    <property name="ruleAuditFile" value="myaudit" />
    <property name="ruleAuditInterval" value="1000" />
    <property name="ruleClockType" value="REALTIME" />
    <property name="ruleEventProcessingType" value="STREAM" />
    <property name="ruleMultithreadEvaluation" value="false" />
    <property name="ruleMaxThreads" value="1" />
    <property name="object-paths">
        <object-path esb="body.OrderStatus"
            entry-point="OrderStatusStream" />
        <object-path esb="body.OrderInfo"
            entry-point="OrderInfoStream" />
    <property name="channels">
        <!-- chan1 and chan2 are equivalent
            (but timeout only applies if async is false) -->
        <send-to channel-name="chan1"
            service-category="cat1" service-name="svc1" />
        <send-to channel-name="chan2"
            service-category="cat1" service-name="svc1"
            async="true" timeout="30000"
            set-payload-location="org.jboss.soa.esb.message.defaultEntry" />
        <!-- chan3 is a custom channel -->
        <send-to channel-name="chan3"
            channel-class="com.example.MyChannel" />
The rules are in a Domain Specific Language format and the stateless execution model is employed:
      <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
    <property name="ruleSet" value="dsl/approval.dslr" />
    <property name="ruleLanguage" value="dsl/acme.dsl" />
    <property name="ruleReload" value="true" />
    <property name="object-paths">
        <object-path esb="body.Driver" />
        <object-path esb="body.Policy" />
The rules are in a Decision Table and the stateless execution model is employed:
      <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
    <property name="decisionTable"
              value="decisionTable/PolicyPricing.xls" />
    <property name="ruleReload" value="true" />
    <property name="object-paths">
        <object-path esb="body.Driver" />
        <object-path esb="body.Policy" />
The rules are in a BRMS format, and the stateless execution model is employed:
      <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
    <property name="ruleAgentProperties"
              value="ruleAgent/" />
    <property name="object-paths">
        <object-path esb="body.Driver" />
        <object-path esb="body.Policy" />

16.12. BusinessRulesProcessor Action Configuration Attributes

Use these attributes to specify which action is to be undertaken and what name this action is to be given:
Table 16.1. Attributes
Attribute Description
Class Action class
Name Custom action name

16.13. BusinessRulesProcessor Action Configuration Properties

Table 16.2. BusinessRulesProcessor Action Configuration Properties
Property Description
An optional reference to a file containing the ruleSet used to evaluate the content. Only one ruleSet can be given for each rule service instance.
An optional reference to a file containing the definition of a Domain Specific Language. This definition can be used for evaluating the rule set. Ensure that the file in the ruleSet is a dslr .
ruleReload Set this optional property to true to enable the hot redeployment of rule sets . (Enabling this feature will increase the overhead on the rules processing.) Note that rules will reload if the .esb archive they reside in is redeployed.
An optional reference to a file containing the definition of a rule-specification spreadsheet.
Set this optional property to true to specify that the rule service will be receiving multiple messages over time. The rules will be re-executed each time.
Optional property to pass message objects into JBoss Rules' working memory.
Optional property to define the stateful rule execution method. Valid values are FIRE_ALL_RULES (default) and FIRE_UNTIL_HALT (launches its own thread. Useful for Complex Event Processing "CEP".)
Optional property to have Drools perform audit logging. The log can be read into the Drools Eclipse plugin and inspected. Valid values are CONSOLE, FILE and THREADED_FILE. The default is that no audit logging will be performed.
Optional property to define the filepath for audit logging. Only applies to FILE or THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is "event". Note that JBoss Drools will append ".log" for you. The default location for this file is "." in the current working directory (which for JBoss is in its bin/ directory).
Optional property to define how often to flush audit events to the audit log. Only applies to the THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is 1000 (milliseconds).
Optional property to define the clock used by JBoss Drools. Valid values are REALTIME and PSEUDO. The default is REALTIME.
Optional property to define the event processing option used by Drools. The valid values are CLOUD or STREAM (useful for CEP). The default is CLOUD.
Optional property to define whether or not to enable KnowledgeBase partitioning. The default is null, which delegates to Drools' default (which is false).
Optional property to define the number of threads to use for KnowledgeBase partitioning. This is only respected if ruleMultithreadEvaluation is true. The default is null, which delegates to JBoss Rules' default.
Optional property to define any Channels a rule can send Objects to. The Channel concept used to be known as an ExitPoint.

16.14. Object Paths

An object path contains information about the location of an object. It is used by applications to find these objects,

16.15. MVFLEX Expression Language (MVEL)

MVEL is an MVFLEX Expression Language. This is a programming language which is used in Java environments.

16.16. Using Object Paths

  1. Set the object-paths property to extract those objects with an ESB Message Object Path.


    You can use the object-paths property to drill down further into object trees. Do so by setting this property to extract those objects with an ESB Message Object Path.
  2. The JBoss Rules engine uses the MVFLEX Expression Language (MVEL) to extract the object. Your path must abide by this syntax:


    Remember to add the java import statements to any objects that you import into your rule set.


    The Object Mapper cannot "flatten out" entire collections. If you need to do that, run a "transformation" process on the message first, as this "unrolls" the collection.

16.17. Object Path Properties

Table 16.3. Object Path Properties
Property Description
location This must be one of the following: {body, header, properties, attachment}
objectname The name of the object. (Attachments can be named or numbered, so for attachments this can be a number too.)
beannames This is optional. Use this tag to traverse a bean graph.

16.18. MVEL Expressions

Table 16.4. MVEL Expressions
Expression Result
Use this to obtain the property object named Order
Obtains the first attachment object.
Obtains the attachment named AttachmentOne
Obtains getOrder()return object on the attached object.
Obtains the object named Order1 from the body of the message. It will then call getLineitem() on this object. More elements can be added to the query in order to traverse the bean graph.

16.19. Sending Objects to JBoss Rules Using Channels

  1. To send an object to a JBoss Rules engine channel, use this DRL syntax. (It goes on the right-hand side of the rule definition.)
  2. For the above code to work, register mychannel as your channel. To do this you add a channels property section to the jboss-esb.xml configuration file.
    Define as many channels as you want. For each particular channel name, the channels will be executed in the same order as they appear in the configuration file.
  3. The following channels are supported:
    • The ServiceChannel (default). Specify the channel-name, service-category and service-name as attributes of the send-to element.
      There are also optional attributes, including async, timeout and set-payload-location (where the object sent to that channel will be placed in a new ESB message).
      This code shows you how to set an attribute:
      <property name="channels">
          <send-to channel-name="mychannel"
              service-category="cat1" service-name="svc1" />


      Make sure you have invmScope="GLOBAL" defined on the target service.
    • Specify the custom channels by using your own org.drools.runtime.Channel implementation class. The send-to attribute for this is channel-class. Your implementation requires a public no-arg constructor.
      If you want your implementation to be configurable, implement the org.jboss.soa.esb.Configurable interface so your setConfiguration(ConfigTree() method will be called. This allows it to pass the attributes and sub- property elements to your custom channel.
      This code sample shows how to configure a custom channel:
      <property name="channels">
          <send-to channel-name="mychannel"
              channel-class="com.example.MyChannel" />

16.20. Packaging and Deploying Rules

  1. Package your rule code into functional units by putting them in .esb packages. (The aim is to package routing rules alongside the rule services that use the rule sets .)
  2. Once you have created the jbrules.esb archive deploy and reference it via the deployment.xml file. Use this code to do so:

Part IX. Protocol Translation

Chapter 17. Adapters

17.1. Resource Adapter

A resource adapter allows you to modify an application so that other components can be "plugged" into it. These components are then able to communicate with the rest of the system using the adapter.

17.2. Provider Adapter

A provider adapter allows applications to receive information from remote providers.

17.3. Java Connector Architecture (JCA) Transport

The Java Connector Architecture (JCA) Transport is a Java-based piece of architecture that works as a service integrator. It is a connector that links application servers and enterprise information systems.

17.4. JCA Bridge

The JCA bridge is a dispatcher which can open and close connections. It identifies connections set by the user and can detect connectors and gateways.

17.5. JCA Adapter

The JCA adapter acts as a "go between" that links application servers and enterprise information systems.

Part X. Security

Chapter 18. Security

18.1. JBoss Rules and Security

By default, the JBoss Rules component does not deserialize rules packages or unsigned rule bases.


You must activate this serialization security feature in order for your configuration to be supported by Red Hat. You need to configure system properties for both the application that serializes the packages and its rule bases (hereafter referred to as the server), as well as the application that deserializes the packages its rule bases (hereafter referred to as the client).

18.2. Enable Serialization on the Server

Procedure 18.1. Task

  1. Navigate to the SOA_ROOT directory: cd SOA_ROOT.
  2. Run the keytool command and follow the prompts on screen:
    keytool -genkey -alias droolsKey -keyalg RSA -keystore MyDroolsPrivateKeyStore.keystore
    Enter keystore password:  
    Re-enter new password: 
    What is your first and last name?
      [Unknown]:  Test User
    What is the name of your organizational unit?
      [Unknown]:  HR
    What is the name of your organization?
      [Unknown]:  Test Org
    What is the name of your City or Locality?
      [Unknown]:  Brisbane
    What is the name of your State or Province?
      [Unknown]:  QLD
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
      [Unknown]:  AU
    Is CN=Test User, OU=HR, O=Test Org, L=Brisbane, ST=QLD, C=AU correct?
      [no]:  yes
    Enter key password for droolsKey
         (RETURN if same as keystore password):  
    Re-enter new password:
    After answering all of the questions, a password-protected file named MyDroolsPrivateKeyStore.keystore is created. This keystore file has a private key called droolsKey with the password "drools". Store this file in a safe location in your environment, which will hereafter be referred to as the keystoredir.


    The passwords above are examples only and should not be used in production.
  3. Open the configuration file: vi jboss-as/server/default/deploy/properties-service.xml
  4. Configure the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform to use the JBoss Rules serialization feature by adding this snippet to properties-service.xml:
    <mbean code=""  name="jboss:type=Service,name=SystemProperties">
        <attribute name="Properties">
          # Drools Security Serialization specific properties
  5. Set the drools.serialization.sign property to "true":
    • drools.serialization.private.keyStoreURL=<RL> is the URL of the private keystore location.
    • In the example above, replace keystoredir and MyDroolsKeyStore.keystore with your keystore directory and the name of the keystore you created with the keytool
    • drools.serialization.private.keyStorePwd=<password> is the password to access the private keystore.
    • drools.serialization.private.keyAlias=<key> is the key alias (identifier) of the private key.
    • drools.serialization.private.keyPwd=<password> is the private key password.
  6. Save the file and exit.
  7. Restart the server instance.


    If the system properties were not configured properly, you will see this error when you try to build a rules package:
    An error occurred building the package.
    signing object store: Key store with private key not configured. Please
    configure it properly before using signed serialization

18.3. Enable Serialization on the Client


  • Server serialization must already be enabled.

Procedure 18.2. Task

  1. Create a public key certificate from the private keystore. (You can access the keytool by running keytool -genkey -alias droolsKey -keyalg RSA -keystore.):
    keytool -export -alias droolsKey -file droolsKey.crt -keystore
    Enter keystore password:  
    Certificate stored in file <droolsKey.crtU>
  2. Import the public key certificate into a public keystore. (This is where it will be used by your client applications):
    keytool -import -alias droolsKey -file droolsKey.crt -keystore
    Enter keystore password:  
    Re-enter new password: 
    Owner: CN=Test User, OU=Dev, O=XYZ Corporation, L=Brisbane, ST=QLD, C=AU
    Issuer: CN=Test User, OU=Dev, O=XYZ Corporation, L=Brisbane, ST=QLD, C=AU
    Serial number: 4ca0021b
    Valid from: Sun Sep 26 22:31:55 EDT 2010 until: Sat Dec 25 21:31:55 EST 2010
    Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  31:1D:1B:98:59:CC:0E:3C:3F:57:01:C2:FE:F2:6D:C9
         SHA1: 4C:26:52:CA:0A:92:CC:7A:86:04:50:53:80:94:2A:4F:82:6F:53:AD
         Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
         Version: 3
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  3. Open the server configuration file: vi grep drools jboss-as/server/default/deploy/properties-service.xml
  4. Replace keystoredir and MyPublicDroolsKeyStore.keystore with your keystore directory, and the name of the public keystore you created previously:
    # Drools Client Properties for Security Serialization
  5. Save the file and exit.
  6. Restart the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform server.
  7. For Java client applications, set the system properties in your code like this:
    // Set the client properties to deserialize the signed packages
    URL clientKeyStoreURL = getClass().getResource( "MyPublicDroolsKeyStore.keystore" );
    System.setProperty( KeyStoreHelper.PROP_SIGN,
                                "true" );
    System.setProperty( KeyStoreHelper.PROP_PUB_KS_URL,
                                clientKeyStoreURL.toExternalForm() );
    System.setProperty( KeyStoreHelper.PROP_PUB_KS_PWD,
                                "drools" );
    Alternatively, open the shell script (vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/bin/ script and edit the JAVA_OPTS section:
    # Serialization Security Settings
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.sign=true $JAVA_OPTS"
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.private.keyStoreURL=file://$keystoredir/MyDroolsKeyStore.keystore $JAVA_OPTS"
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.private.keyStorePwd=drools $JAVA_OPTS"
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.private.keyAlias=droolsKey $JAVA_OPTS"
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.private.keyPwd=drools $JAVA_OPTS"
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.public.keyStoreURL=file://$keystoredir/MyPublicDroolsKeyStore.keystore $JAVA_OPTS"
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.public.keyStorePwd=drools $JAVA_OPTS"
    Replace the values shown above with ones specific to your environment, and then restart the server instance.

18.4. Disable Serialization Signing

  1. Open the configuration file: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/properties-service.xml.
  2. Remove the drools.serialization.sign property's value.
  3. Save the file and exit.
    An alternative way to do this task is to open the shell script (vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/bin/ and edit it as follows:
    JAVA_OPTS="-Ddrools.serialization.sign=false $JAVA_OPTS"
  4. Restart the server instance.
  5. To turn signing off for Java client applications, remove the drools.serialization.sign property or add the following snippet to each application's code:
    System.setProperty( KeyStoreHelper.PROP_SIGN, "false" );

18.5. Configure Security on a Per-Service Basis

  1. Open the global configuration file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deployers/esb.deployer/jboss-esb.xml.
  2. Scroll down to the service you want to configure.
  3. Add a security element. This setting shows you how to do so:
    <service category="Security" name="SimpleListenerSecured"> 
       <security moduleName="messaging" runAs="adminRole"
        rolesAllowed="adminRole, normalUsers"
    	    <property name="property1" value="value1"/> 
    	    <property name="property2" value="value2"/> 
  4. Save the file and exit.

18.6. Per-Service Security Properties

Table 18.1. Security Properties
Property Description Required?
This is a module that exists in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/conf/login-config.xml file.
This is the runAs role.
This is an comma-separated list of those roles that have been granted the ability to execute the service. This is used as a check that is performed after a caller has been authenticated, in order to verify that they are indeed belonging to one of the roles specified. The roles will have been assigned after a successful authentication by the underlying security mechanism.
This is the CallbackHandler that will override that which was defined in the jbossesb-properties.xml file.
These are optional properties that, once defined, will be made available to the CallbackHandler implementation.

18.7. Override Global Security Settings

Procedure 18.3. Task

  1. Open the global configuration file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deployers/esb.deployer/jbossesb-properties.xml.
  2. Configure the setting in question. Here is an example:
    <security moduleName="messaging" 
      runAs="adminRole" rolesAllowed="adminRole">
    <property name=
        value="" /> 
  3. Save the file and exit.

18.8. Security Property Overrides

Table 18.2. Security Property Overrides:
Property Description Required?
This property lets the service override the global security context time-out (milliseconds) that is specified in the jbossesb-properties.xml file.
This property lets the service to override the "global security context propagator" class implementation, that is specified in the jbossesb-properties.xml file.

18.9. Security Context

The SecurityContext is an object which is created after a security certificate is confirmed. After creation, it will be configured so that you do not have to re-authenticate the certificate every time you perform an action related to it. If the ESB detects that a message has a SecurityContext, it will check that it is still valid and, if so, it does not try to re-authenticate it. (Note that the SecurityContext is only valid for a single Enterprise Service Bus node. If the message is routed to a different ESB node, it will have to be re-authenticated.)

18.10. Authentication Request

An AuthenticationRequest carries the security information needed for authentication between either a gateway and a service or between two services. You must set an instance of this class on the message object prior to the authenticating service being called. The class must contain the principle and the credentials needed to authenticate a caller. This class is made available to the Callback Handler.

18.11. SecurityConfig

The SecurityConfig class grants access to the security configuration specified in the jboss-esb.xml file. This class is made available to the Callback Handler.

18.12. Add an Authentication Class to a Message Object

Procedure 18.4. Task

  • Execute this code:
    byte[] encrypted = PublicCryptoUtil.INSTANCE.encrypt((Serializable)
    message.getContext.setContext(SecurityService.AUTH_REQUEST, encrypted);

The authentication context is encrypted and then set within the message context. (It is later decrypted by the Enterprise Service Bus so that it can authenticate the request.)

18.13. security_basic Quick Start

The SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/samples/quickstarts/security_basic quick start demonstrates how to prepare the security on a message before you use the SecurityInvoker. The quick start also demonstrates how to configure the jbossesb-properties.xml global configuration file for use by client services.

18.14. Set a Time Limit for the Security Context Globally

Procedure 18.5. Task

  1. Open the global configuration file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deployers/esb.deployer/jbossesb-properties.xml.
  2. Scroll down to the section that contains security.contextTimeout. Set the time-out value (in milliseconds).
  3. Save the file and exit.

18.15. Set a Time Limit for the Security Context on a Per-Service Basis

Procedure 18.6. Task

  1. Open the service's configuration file in a text editor: vi jboss-esb.xml.
  2. Scroll down to the section that contains Security Context. Set the time-out value (in milliseconds).
  3. Save the file and exit.

18.16. Security Service

The SecurityService interface is the Enterprise Service Bus' central security component.

18.17. Security Propagation

The term "security propagation" refers to the process of passing security information to an external system. For example, you might want to use the same credentials to call both the Enterprise Service Bus and an Enterprise Java Beans method.

18.18. SecurityContextPropagator

The SecurityContextPropagator class passes the security context to the destination environment.

18.19. SecurityContextPropagator Implementations

Table 18.3. Implementations of SecurityContextPropagator
Class Description
Class: JBossASContextPropagator
This propagator will send security credentials to the ESB. If you need to write your own implementation you only have to write a class that implements and then either specify that implementation in jbossesb-properties.xml or jboss-esb.xml.

18.20. Add a Custom Log-In Module

Procedure 18.7. Task

  1. Open the log-in configuration file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/conf/login-config.xml
  2. Add the details of your custom log-in module.
  3. Save the file and exit.
  4. Since different log-in modules require different information, you must specify the CallbackHandler attribute to be used. Open the specific security configuration for that service.
  5. Make sure that the CallbackHandler specifies a fully-qualified classname for the class which implements the EsbCallbackHandler interface. This code shows you how to do so:
    public interface EsbCallbackHandler extends CallbackHandler
      void setAuthenticationRequest(final AuthenticationRequest authRequest);
      void setSecurityConfig(final SecurityConfig config);
  6. Add both the "principle" and the credentials needed to authenticate a caller to the AuthenticationRequest class.

JaasSecurityService is replaced with your custom security implementation.

18.21. Certificate Log-In Module

The Certificate Log-in Module performs authentication by verifying the certificate that is passed with the call to the Enterprise Service Bus against a certificate held in a local key-store. The certificate's common name creates a "principle".

18.22. Certificate Log-In Module Properties

<security moduleName="CertLogin" rolesAllowed="worker"
  <property name="alias" value="certtest"/>
Table 18.4. Properties
Property Description
This identifies the JAAS Login module to use. This module will be specified in JBossAS login-config.xml.
This is a comma-separated list of the roles that are allowed to execute this service.
This is the alias which is used to look up the local key-store and which will be used to verify the caller's certificate.

18.23. Certificate Log-In Module Configuration File Properties

<application-policy name="CertLogin">
flag = "required" >
  <module-option name="keyStoreURL">
  <module-option name="keyStorePassword">storepassword</module-option>
  <module-option name="rolesPropertiesFile">
Table 18.5. Certificate Log-In Module Configuration File Properties
Property Description
This is the path to the key-store used to verify the certificates. It can be a file on the local file system or on the class-path.
This is the password for the key-store above.
This is optional. It is the path to a file containing role mappings. Refer to the “Role Mapping” section of the Getting Started Guide for more details about this.

18.24. Callback Handler

A callback handler is a type of library used in back-end operations. It allows applications to "talk" to each other through security services and can be used to confirm authentication data.

18.25. Role Mapping

Role mapping is a way of sharing data between secure hosts. A file containing a list of trusted hosts is created, with each host assigned several role mappings. Mapping occurs when you accesses data from one of the hosts. The sender's roles are mapped onto the receiver's roles to allow for authentication and data sharing. Types of roles include user roles, application roles and so forth. This is an optional feature and is not enabled by default.

18.26. Enable Role Mapping

Procedure 18.8. Task

  1. Open the log-in configuration file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/conf/login-config.xml
  2. Set the rolesPropertiesFile property. (This property can point to a file located on either the local file system or the class-path).
  3. Map users to roles. This example code shows how to do so:
    # user=role1,role2,...
    # The current implementation will use the Common Name(CN) specified
    # for the certificate as the user name.
    # The unicode escape is needed only if your CN contains a space
  4. Save the file and exit.

18.27. security_cert Quickstart

The security_cert quickstart demonstrates the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform's role-mapping functionality.

18.28. Customize the Security Service Interface

Procedure 18.9. Task

  1. Implement the SecurityService interface:
    public interface SecurityService
        void configure() throws ConfigurationException;
        void authenticate(
            final SecurityConfig securityConfig, 
            final SecurityContext securityContext, 
            final AuthenticationRequest authRequest) 
            throws SecurityServiceException;
        boolean checkRolesAllowed(
            final List<String> rolesAllowed, 
            final SecurityContext securityContext);
        boolean isCallerInRole(
            final Subject subject, 
            final Principle role);
        void logout(final SecurityConfig securityConfig);
        void refreshSecurityConfig();
  2. Open the global configuration file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deployers/esb.deployer/jbossesb-properties.xml.
  3. Configure the file to use the customized SecurityService
  4. Save the file and exit.

18.29. Remote Invocation Class

As its name implies, a remote invocation class is a class that can be called from a remote machine. This can be useful for developers but can also lead to potential security risks.

18.30. Secure Non-Remote Method Invocation Classes on Port 8083

Client applications can, by default, utilize Remote Method Invocation to download Enterprise Java Bean classes through port 8083. However, you can also configure the system's Remote Method Invocation settings to allow client applications to download any deployed resources you desire.

Procedure 18.10. Task

  1. Edit the Settings in the jboss-service.xml File

    Open the file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/server/PROFILE/conf/jboss-service.xml
  2. Configure the Settings in the File

    Here is an example:
    <attribute name="DownloadServerClasses">false</attribute>
    Set this value to false to ensure that client applications can only download Enterprise Java Bean classes.


    By default, this value is set to false in the SOA Platform's 'production' profile. The value is set to true in all other cases, including the SOA Standalone version's default profile. Note that this is not a secure configuration and should only be used in development environments.

Chapter 19. Securing the Service Registry

19.1. Service Registry Authentication


Here is a theoretical understanding of how the authentication process works.

Authentication is a two-phase process. These are known as the authenticate phase and the identify phase. Both of these phases are represented by a method in the Authenticator interface.
The authenticate phase occurs when the GetAuthToken request is made. The goal of this phase is to turn a user id and credentials into a valid publisher id. The publisher id (referred to as the authorized name in UDDI terminology) is the value that assigns ownership within UDDI. Whenever a new entity is created, it must be tagged with ownership by the authorized name of the publisher.
The value of the publisher id is irrelevant to the jUDDI Registry: the only requirement is that one exists to assign to new entities so it must be non-null. Upon completion of the GetAuthToken request, an authentication token is issued to the caller.
When you make subsequent calls to the UDDI API that require authentication, you must provide the token issued in response to the GetAuthToken request. This leads to the identify phase.
The identify phase is responsible for turning the authentication token (or the publisher id associated with that token) into a valid UddiEntityPublisher object. This object contains all the properties necessary to handle ownership of UDDI entities. Thus, the token (or publisher id) is used to identify the publisher.
The two phases provide compliance with the UDDI authentication structure and grant flexibility if you wish to provide your own authentication mechanism.
Handling of credentials and publisher properties could be done entirely outside of the jUDDI Registry. However, by default, the Registry provides the Publisher entity, which is a sub-class of UddiEntityPublisher. This sub-class makes publisher properties persist within the jUDDI Registry.

19.2. authToken

An authToken is a security container holding password credentials.

19.3. authToken and the Service Registry

In order to enforce proper write access to the Service Registry, each request made to it needs a valid authToken.


Note that read access is not restricted at all.

19.4. Obtain an authToken

Procedure 19.1. Task

  1. Make a GetAuthToken() request.
  2. A GetAuthToken object is returned. Set a userid and credential (password) on this object:
    org.uddi.api_v3.GetAuthToken ga = new org.uddi.api_v3.GetAuthToken();
    org.uddi.api_v3.AuthToken token = securityService.getAuthToken(ga);
  3. Locate the configuration file in SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/juddi-service.sar/juddi.war/WEB-INF. Open it in a text editor.
  4. Configure the juddi.authenticator property to how the Service Registry will check the credentials passed to it by the GetAuthToken request. (By default it uses the jUDDIAuthenticator implementation.)
  5. Save the file and exit.

19.5. Security Authentication Implementations Available for the Service Registry

jUDDI Authentication


Do not use this authentication method in a production environment. It accepts any credentials provided, and effectively removes the need for clients to authenticate when accessing the registry.
The default authentication mechanism provided by the Service Registry is the jUDDIAuthenticator. jUDDIAuthenticator's authenticate phase checks to see if the, user ID submitted matches against a record in the Publisher table. No credentials checks are made. If, during the authentication process, the Publisher record is found to be non-existent, it is added "on-the-fly".
In the identify phase, the publisher ID is used to retrieve the Publisher record and return it. The Publisher inherits every property it needs from UddiEntityPublisher:
juddi.authenticator = org.apache.juddi.auth.JUDDIAuthentication
The authenticate phase checks that the user id and password match a value in the XML file. The identify phase uses the user ID to populate a new UddiEntityPublisher.
The CryptedXMLDocAuthentication implementation is similar to the XMLDocAuthentication implementation, but the passwords are encrypted:
juddi.authenticator = org.apache.juddi.auth.CryptedXMLDocAuthentication
juddi.usersfile = juddi-users-encrypted.xml
juddi.cryptor = org.apache.juddi.cryptor.DefaultCryptor
Here, the user credential file is juddi-users-encrypted.xml, and the content of the file will be similar to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<user userid="anou_mana" password="+j/kXkZJftwTFTBH6Cf6IQ=="/>
<user userid="bozo" password="Na2Ait+2aW0="/>
<user userid="sviens" password="+j/kXkZJftwTFTBH6Cf6IQ=="/>
The DefaultCryptor implementation uses BEWithMD5AndDES and Base64 to encrypt the passwords.


You can use the code in the AuthenticatorTest to learn more about how to use this Authenticator implementation. You can plug in your own encryption algorithm by implementing the org.apache.juddi.cryptor.Cryptor interface and referencing your implementation class in the juddi.cryptor property.
The authenticate phase checks that the user ID and password match values in the XML file. The identify phase uses the user ID to populate a new UddiEntityPublisher.
LDAP Authentication
Use LdapSimpleAuthenticator to authenticate users via LDAP's simple authentication functionality. This class allows you to authenticate a user based on an LDAP principle, provided that the principle and the jUDDI publisher ID are identical.
JBoss Authentication
A final alternative is to interface with third-party credential stores. You can link it to the JBoss Application Server's authentication component.
You will find the JBossAuthenticator class provided in the docs/examples/auth directory. This class enables jUDDI deployments on JBoss to use a server security domain to authenticate users.

19.6. Configure XMLDocAuthentication

Procedure 19.2. Task

  1. Create a text file called juddi-users.xml and save it in jbossesb-registry.sar.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <user userid="sscholl" password="password" />
        <user userid="dsheppard" password="password" />
        <user userid="vbrittain" password="password" />
  2. Save the file and exit.
  3. Add the file to the class-path.
  4. Open the file in your text editor (located in SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/juddi-service.sar/juddi.war/WEB-INF).
  5. Modify the file so that it looks like this:
    juddi.authenticator = org.apache.juddi.auth.XMLDocAuthentication
    juddi.usersfile = juddi-users.xml
  6. Save the file and exit.

19.7. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol for accessing distributed directory information over the internet.

19.8. Configure LDAP Authentication

Procedure 19.3. Task

  1. Locate the file in SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/juddi-service.sar/juddi.war/WEB-INF. Open it in your text editor.
  2. Add the following configuration settings:
    The juddi.authenticator.url property tells the LdapSimpleAuthenticator class where the LDAP server resides.
  3. Save the file and exit.

19.9. Configure JBoss Authentication

Procedure 19.4. Task

  1. Locate the file in SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy/juddi-service.sar/juddi.war/WEB-INF. Open it in your text editor.
  2. Add the following lines to the file:
    The juddi.authenticator property connects the JbossAuthenticator class to the jUDDI Registry's Authenticator framework. The tells JBossAuthenticator where it can find the Application Server's security domain. It uses this domain to perform the authentications.
    Note that JBoss creates one security domain for each application policy element in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/conf/login-config.xml file. These domains are bound to the server JNDI tree with this name: java:/jaas/<application-policy-name>. (If a look-up refers to a non-existent application policy, a policy named other will be used by default.)
  3. Save the file and exit.

Appendix A. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 5.3.1-78.4002013-10-31Rüdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 5.3.1-78Mon Feb 18 2013 CS Builder Robot
Built from Content Specification: 6713, Revision: 374431

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