13.7.12. ContentBasedRouter

Class org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ContentBasedRouter
Content based message routing action.
This action supports the following routing rule provider types:
  • XPath: Simple XPath rules, defined inline on the action, or externally in a .properties format file.
  • Drools: Drools rules files (DSL). Out of the box support for an XPath based DSL.
Table 13.22. ContentBasedRouter Properties
Property Description Required
Content Based Routing Provider alias. Supported values are "Drools" (default), "Xpath" and "Regex".
Externally defined rule file. It will be a Drools DSL file if the Drools rule provider is in use, or a .properties rule file if the XPath or Regex provider is in use.
CBR evaluation Domain Specific Language (DSL) file. Only relevant for the Drools rule provider.
Flag indicating whether or not the rules file should be reloaded each time. Default is “false”.
Optional property to have Drools perform audit logging. The log can be read into the Drools Eclipse plugin and inspected. Valid values are CONSOLE, FILE and THREADED_FILE. The default is that no audit logging will be performed.
Optional property to define the filepath for audit logging. Only applies to FILE or THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is "event". Note that JBoss Drools will append ".log" for you. The default location for this file is "." - the current working directory (which for JBoss is in its bin/ directory).
Optional property to define how often to flush audit events to the audit log. Only applies to the THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is 1000 (milliseconds).
Container property for the <route-to> configurations. If the rules are defined externally, this configuration will have the following format:
<route-to destination-name="express" 
    service-category="ExpressShipping" service-name="ExpressShippingService"/>
If the rules are defined inline in the configuration, this configuration will have the following format (not supported for the Drools provider):
<route-to service-category="ExpressShipping" 
    service-name="ExpressShippingService" expression="/order[@statusCode='2']" />
Container property for the <namespace> configurations where required (for example, for the XPath ruleprovider). The <namespace> configurations have the following format:
<namespace prefix="ord" uri="http://acme.com/order" />
Table 13.23. ContentBasedRouter "process" methods
Property Description Required
Do not append aggregation data to the message.
Append aggregation data to the message.

Example 13.13. Sample Configuration XPATH (inline)

<action process="split" name="ContentBasedRouter" 
    <property name="cbrAlias" value="XPath"/>
    <property name="destinations">
        <route-to service-category="ExpressShipping"                 
            service-name="ExpressShippingService" expression="/order['status='1']" />
        <route-to service-category="NormalShipping"  
            service-name="NormalShippingService" expression="/order['status='2']" />

Example 13.14. Sample Configuration XPATH (external)

<action process="split" name="ContentBasedRouter" 
    <property name="cbrAlias" value="XPath"/>
    <property name="ruleSet" value="xpath-rules.properties"/>
    <property name="ruleReload" value="true"/>
    <property name="destinations">
        <route-to destination-name="express" service-category="ExpressShipping"                 
        <route-to destination-name="normal" service-category="NormalShipping"  
Regex is configured in exactly the same way as XPath. The only difference is the expressions are Regex expressions (instead of XPath expressions).
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