1.32. cyrus-sasl

1.32.1. RHBA-2010:0151: bug fix update


This update has already been released (prior to the GA of this release) as errata RHBA-2010:0151
Updated cyrus-sasl packages that resolve an issue are now available.
The cyrus-sasl packages contain the Cyrus implementation of SASL. SASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer, a method for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols.
These updated cyrus-sasl packages fix the following bug:
* multithreaded programs which used the Cyrus SASL libraries could have become unresponsive after attempting to perform authentication routines. This was caused by a failure to release a mutex lock on a data structure in the Cyrus SASL code, which resulted in a race condition, thus causing the program using the library to hang. This race condition has been fixed so that it is thread-safe in this update. (BZ#568084)
All users of cyrus-sasl are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which resolve this issue.
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