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Chapter 9. Deprecated Functionality
This chapter provides an overview of functionality that has been deprecated in all minor releases of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 up to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
Deprecated functionality continues to be supported until the end of life of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Deprecated functionality will likely not be supported in future major releases of this product and is not recommended for new deployments. For the most recent list of deprecated functionality within a particular major release, refer to the latest version of release documentation.
Deprecated hardware components are not recommended for new deployments on the current or future major releases. Hardware driver updates are limited to security and critical fixes only. Red Hat recommends replacing this hardware as soon as reasonably feasible.
A package can be deprecated and not recommended for further use. Under certain circumstances, a package can be removed from a product. Product documentation then identifies more recent packages that offer functionality similar, identical, or more advanced to the one deprecated, and provides further recommendations.
For details regarding differences between RHEL 7 and RHEL 8, see Considerations in adopting RHEL 8.
9.1. Deprecated Packages
The following packages are now deprecated. For information regarding replaced packages or availability in an unsupported RHEL 8 repository (if applicable), see Considerations in adopting RHEL 8.
- a2ps
- abrt-addon-upload-watch
- abrt-devel
- abrt-gui-devel
- abrt-retrace-client
- acpid-sysvinit
- advancecomp
- adwaita-icon-theme-devel
- adwaita-qt-common
- adwaita-qt4
- agg
- aic94xx-firmware
- akonadi
- akonadi-devel
- akonadi-mysql
- alacarte
- alsa-tools
- anaconda-widgets-devel
- ant-antunit
- ant-antunit-javadoc
- antlr-C++-doc
- antlr-python
- antlr-tool
- apache-commons-collections-javadoc
- apache-commons-collections-testframework
- apache-commons-configuration
- apache-commons-configuration-javadoc
- apache-commons-daemon
- apache-commons-daemon-javadoc
- apache-commons-daemon-jsvc
- apache-commons-dbcp
- apache-commons-dbcp-javadoc
- apache-commons-digester
- apache-commons-digester-javadoc
- apache-commons-jexl
- apache-commons-jexl-javadoc
- apache-commons-lang-javadoc
- apache-commons-pool
- apache-commons-pool-javadoc
- apache-commons-validator
- apache-commons-validator-javadoc
- apache-commons-vfs
- apache-commons-vfs-ant
- apache-commons-vfs-examples
- apache-commons-vfs-javadoc
- apache-rat
- apache-rat-core
- apache-rat-javadoc
- apache-rat-plugin
- apache-rat-tasks
- apr-util-nss
- args4j
- args4j-javadoc
- ark
- ark-libs
- asciidoc-latex
- at-spi
- at-spi-devel
- at-spi-python
- at-sysvinit
- atlas-static
- attica
- attica-devel
- audiocd-kio
- audiocd-kio-devel
- audiocd-kio-libs
- audiofile
- audiofile-devel
- audit-libs-python
- audit-libs-static
- authconfig
- authconfig-gtk
- authd
- autogen-libopts-devel
- automoc
- autotrace-devel
- avahi-dnsconfd
- avahi-glib-devel
- avahi-gobject-devel
- avahi-qt3
- avahi-qt3-devel
- avahi-qt4
- avahi-qt4-devel
- avahi-tools
- avahi-ui
- avahi-ui-devel
- avahi-ui-tools
- avalon-framework
- avalon-framework-javadoc
- avalon-logkit
- avalon-logkit-javadoc
- bacula-console-bat
- bacula-devel
- bacula-traymonitor
- baekmuk-ttf-batang-fonts
- baekmuk-ttf-dotum-fonts
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-common
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-ghostscript
- baekmuk-ttf-gulim-fonts
- baekmuk-ttf-hline-fonts
- base64coder
- base64coder-javadoc
- batik
- batik-demo
- batik-javadoc
- batik-rasterizer
- batik-slideshow
- batik-squiggle
- batik-svgpp
- batik-ttf2svg
- bcc-devel
- bcel
- bison-devel
- blas-static
- blas64-devel
- blas64-static
- bltk
- bluedevil
- bluedevil-autostart
- bmc-snmp-proxy
- bogofilter-bogoupgrade
- bridge-utils
- bsdcpio
- bsh-demo
- bsh-utils
- btrfs-progs
- btrfs-progs-devel
- buildnumber-maven-plugin
- buildnumber-maven-plugin-javadoc
- bwidget
- bzr
- bzr-doc
- cairo-tools
- cal10n
- caribou
- caribou-antler
- caribou-devel
- caribou-gtk2-module
- caribou-gtk3-module
- cdi-api-javadoc
- cdparanoia-static
- cdrskin
- ceph-common
- check-static
- cheese-libs-devel
- cifs-utils-devel
- cim-schema-docs
- cim-schema-docs
- cjkuni-ukai-fonts
- clutter-gst2-devel
- clutter-tests
- cmpi-bindings-pywbem
- cobertura
- cobertura-javadoc
- cockpit-machines-ovirt
- codehaus-parent
- codemodel
- codemodel-javadoc
- cogl-tests
- colord-extra-profiles
- colord-kde
- compat-cheese314
- compat-dapl
- compat-dapl-devel
- compat-dapl-static
- compat-dapl-utils
- compat-db
- compat-db-headers
- compat-db47
- compat-exiv2-023
- compat-gcc-44
- compat-gcc-44-c++
- compat-gcc-44-gfortran
- compat-glade315
- compat-glew
- compat-glibc
- compat-glibc-headers
- compat-gnome-desktop314
- compat-grilo02
- compat-libcap1
- compat-libcogl-pango12
- compat-libcogl12
- compat-libcolord1
- compat-libf2c-34
- compat-libgdata13
- compat-libgfortran-41
- compat-libgnome-bluetooth11
- compat-libgnome-desktop3-7
- compat-libgweather3
- compat-libical1
- compat-libmediaart0
- compat-libmpc
- compat-libpackagekit-glib2-16
- compat-libstdc++-33
- compat-libtiff3
- compat-libupower-glib1
- compat-libxcb
- compat-locales-sap-common
- compat-openldap
- compat-openmpi16
- compat-openmpi16-devel
- compat-opensm-libs
- compat-poppler022
- compat-poppler022-cpp
- compat-poppler022-glib
- compat-poppler022-qt
- compat-sap-c++-5
- compat-sap-c++-6
- compat-sap-c++-7
- conman
- console-setup
- coolkey
- coolkey-devel
- cpptest
- cpptest-devel
- cppunit
- cppunit-devel
- cppunit-doc
- cpuid
- cracklib-python
- crda-devel
- crit
- criu-devel
- crypto-utils
- cryptsetup-python
- cvs
- cvs-contrib
- cvs-doc
- cvs-inetd
- cvsps
- cyrus-imapd-devel
- dapl
- dapl-devel
- dapl-static
- dapl-utils
- dbus-doc
- dbus-python-devel
- dbus-tests
- dbusmenu-qt
- dbusmenu-qt-devel
- dbusmenu-qt-devel-docs
- debugmode
- dejagnu
- dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts
- dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts
- dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts
- deltaiso
- dhcp-devel
- dialog-devel
- dleyna-connector-dbus-devel
- dleyna-core-devel
- dlm-devel
- dmraid
- dmraid-devel
- dmraid-events
- dmraid-events-logwatch
- docbook-simple
- docbook-slides
- docbook-style-dsssl
- docbook-utils
- docbook-utils-pdf
- docbook5-schemas
- docbook5-style-xsl
- docbook5-style-xsl-extensions
- docker-rhel-push-plugin
- dom4j
- dom4j-demo
- dom4j-javadoc
- dom4j-manual
- dovecot-pigeonhole
- dracut-fips
- dracut-fips-aesni
- dragon
- drm-utils
- drpmsync
- dtdinst
- e2fsprogs-static
- ecj
- edac-utils-devel
- efax
- efivar-devel
- egl-utils
- ekiga
- ElectricFence
- emacs-a2ps
- emacs-a2ps-el
- emacs-auctex
- emacs-auctex-doc
- emacs-git
- emacs-git-el
- emacs-gnuplot
- emacs-gnuplot-el
- emacs-php-mode
- empathy
- enchant-aspell
- enchant-voikko
- eog-devel
- epydoc
- espeak-devel
- evince-devel
- evince-dvi
- evolution-data-server-doc
- evolution-data-server-perl
- evolution-data-server-tests
- evolution-devel
- evolution-devel-docs
- evolution-tests
- expat-static
- expect-devel
- expectk
- farstream
- farstream-devel
- farstream-python
- farstream02-devel
- fedfs-utils-admin
- fedfs-utils-client
- fedfs-utils-common
- fedfs-utils-devel
- fedfs-utils-lib
- fedfs-utils-nsdbparams
- fedfs-utils-python
- fedfs-utils-server
- felix-bundlerepository
- felix-bundlerepository-javadoc
- felix-framework
- felix-framework-javadoc
- felix-osgi-obr
- felix-osgi-obr-javadoc
- felix-shell
- felix-shell-javadoc
- fence-sanlock
- festival
- festival-devel
- festival-docs
- festival-freebsoft-utils
- festival-lib
- festival-speechtools-devel
- festival-speechtools-libs
- festival-speechtools-utils
- festvox-awb-arctic-hts
- festvox-bdl-arctic-hts
- festvox-clb-arctic-hts
- festvox-jmk-arctic-hts
- festvox-kal-diphone
- festvox-ked-diphone
- festvox-rms-arctic-hts
- festvox-slt-arctic-hts
- file-static
- filebench
- filesystem-content
- finch
- finch-devel
- finger
- finger-server
- flatpak-devel
- flex-devel
- fltk-fluid
- fltk-static
- flute-javadoc
- folks
- folks-devel
- folks-tools
- fontforge-devel
- fontpackages-tools
- fonttools
- fop
- fop-javadoc
- fprintd-devel
- freeradius-python
- freetype-demos
- fros
- fros-gnome
- fros-recordmydesktop
- fwupd-devel
- fwupdate-devel
- gamin-python
- gavl-devel
- gcab
- gcc-gnat
- gcc-go
- gcc-objc
- gcc-objc++
- gcc-plugin-devel
- gconf-editor
- gd-progs
- gdk-pixbuf2-tests
- gdm-devel
- gdm-pam-extensions-devel
- gedit-devel
- gedit-plugin-bookmarks
- gedit-plugin-bracketcompletion
- gedit-plugin-charmap
- gedit-plugin-codecomment
- gedit-plugin-colorpicker
- gedit-plugin-colorschemer
- gedit-plugin-commander
- gedit-plugin-drawspaces
- gedit-plugin-findinfiles
- gedit-plugin-joinlines
- gedit-plugin-multiedit
- gedit-plugin-smartspaces
- gedit-plugin-synctex
- gedit-plugin-terminal
- gedit-plugin-textsize
- gedit-plugin-translate
- gedit-plugin-wordcompletion
- gedit-plugins
- gedit-plugins-data
- gegl-devel
- geoclue
- geoclue-devel
- geoclue-doc
- geoclue-gsmloc
- geoclue-gui
- GeoIP
- GeoIP-data
- GeoIP-devel
- GeoIP-update
- geronimo-jaspic-spec
- geronimo-jaspic-spec-javadoc
- geronimo-jaxrpc
- geronimo-jaxrpc-javadoc
- geronimo-jms
- geronimo-jta
- geronimo-jta-javadoc
- geronimo-osgi-support
- geronimo-osgi-support-javadoc
- geronimo-saaj
- geronimo-saaj-javadoc
- ghostscript-chinese
- ghostscript-chinese-zh_CN
- ghostscript-chinese-zh_TW
- ghostscript-cups
- ghostscript-devel
- ghostscript-gtk
- giflib-utils
- gimp-data-extras
- gimp-help
- gimp-help-ca
- gimp-help-da
- gimp-help-de
- gimp-help-el
- gimp-help-en_GB
- gimp-help-es
- gimp-help-fr
- gimp-help-it
- gimp-help-ja
- gimp-help-ko
- gimp-help-nl
- gimp-help-nn
- gimp-help-pt_BR
- gimp-help-ru
- gimp-help-sl
- gimp-help-sv
- gimp-help-zh_CN
- git-bzr
- git-cvs
- git-gnome-keyring
- git-hg
- git-p4
- gjs-tests
- glade
- glade3
- glade3-libgladeui
- glade3-libgladeui-devel
- glassfish-dtd-parser
- glassfish-dtd-parser-javadoc
- glassfish-jaxb-javadoc
- glassfish-jsp
- glassfish-jsp-javadoc
- glew
- glib-networking-tests
- gmp-static
- gnome-clocks
- gnome-common
- gnome-contacts
- gnome-desktop3-tests
- gnome-devel-docs
- gnome-dictionary
- gnome-doc-utils
- gnome-doc-utils-stylesheets
- gnome-documents
- gnome-documents-libs
- gnome-icon-theme
- gnome-icon-theme-devel
- gnome-icon-theme-extras
- gnome-icon-theme-legacy
- gnome-icon-theme-symbolic
- gnome-packagekit
- gnome-packagekit-common
- gnome-packagekit-installer
- gnome-packagekit-updater
- gnome-python2
- gnome-python2-bonobo
- gnome-python2-canvas
- gnome-python2-devel
- gnome-python2-gconf
- gnome-python2-gnome
- gnome-python2-gnomevfs
- gnome-settings-daemon-devel
- gnome-software-devel
- gnome-vfs2
- gnome-vfs2-devel
- gnome-vfs2-smb
- gnome-weather
- gnome-weather-tests
- gnote
- gnu-efi-utils
- gnu-getopt
- gnu-getopt-javadoc
- gnuplot-latex
- gnuplot-minimal
- gob2
- gom-devel
- google-noto-sans-korean-fonts
- google-noto-sans-simplified-chinese-fonts
- google-noto-sans-traditional-chinese-fonts
- gperftools
- gperftools-devel
- gperftools-libs
- gpm-static
- grantlee
- grantlee-apidocs
- grantlee-devel
- graphviz-graphs
- graphviz-guile
- graphviz-java
- graphviz-lua
- graphviz-ocaml
- graphviz-perl
- graphviz-php
- graphviz-python
- graphviz-ruby
- graphviz-tcl
- groff-doc
- groff-perl
- groff-x11
- groovy
- groovy-javadoc
- grub2
- grub2-ppc-modules
- grub2-ppc64-modules
- gsm-tools
- gsound-devel
- gssdp-utils
- gstreamer
- gstreamer-devel
- gstreamer-devel-docs
- gstreamer-plugins-bad-free
- gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-devel
- gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-devel-docs
- gstreamer-plugins-base
- gstreamer-plugins-base-devel
- gstreamer-plugins-base-devel-docs
- gstreamer-plugins-base-tools
- gstreamer-plugins-good
- gstreamer-plugins-good-devel-docs
- gstreamer-python
- gstreamer-python-devel
- gstreamer-tools
- gstreamer1-devel-docs
- gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel-docs
- gstreamer1-plugins-base-tools
- gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free-devel
- gtk-vnc
- gtk-vnc-devel
- gtk-vnc-python
- gtk-vnc2-devel
- gtk3-devel-docs
- gtk3-immodules
- gtk3-tests
- gtkhtml3
- gtkhtml3-devel
- gtksourceview3-tests
- gucharmap
- gucharmap-devel
- gucharmap-libs
- gupnp-av-devel
- gupnp-av-docs
- gupnp-dlna-devel
- gupnp-dlna-docs
- gupnp-docs
- gupnp-igd-python
- gutenprint-devel
- gutenprint-extras
- gutenprint-foomatic
- gvfs-tests
- gvnc-devel
- gvnc-tools
- gvncpulse
- gvncpulse-devel
- gwenview
- gwenview-libs
- hamcrest
- hawkey-devel
- hesiod
- highcontrast-qt
- highcontrast-qt4
- highcontrast-qt5
- highlight-gui
- hispavoces-pal-diphone
- hispavoces-sfl-diphone
- hsakmt
- hsakmt-devel
- hspell-devel
- hsqldb
- hsqldb-demo
- hsqldb-javadoc
- hsqldb-manual
- htdig
- html2ps
- http-parser-devel
- httpunit
- httpunit-doc
- httpunit-javadoc
- i2c-tools-eepromer
- i2c-tools-python
- ibus-pygtk2
- ibus-qt
- ibus-qt-devel
- ibus-qt-docs
- ibus-rawcode
- ibus-table-devel
- ibutils
- ibutils-devel
- ibutils-libs
- icc-profiles-openicc
- icon-naming-utils
- im-chooser
- im-chooser-common
- ImageMagick
- ImageMagick-c++
- ImageMagick-c++-devel
- ImageMagick-devel
- ImageMagick-doc
- ImageMagick-perl
- imake
- imsettings
- imsettings-devel
- imsettings-gsettings
- imsettings-libs
- imsettings-qt
- imsettings-xim
- indent
- infinipath-psm
- infinipath-psm-devel
- iniparser
- iniparser-devel
- iok
- ipa-gothic-fonts
- ipa-mincho-fonts
- ipa-pgothic-fonts
- ipa-pmincho-fonts
- iperf3-devel
- iproute-doc
- ipset-devel
- ipsilon
- ipsilon-authform
- ipsilon-authgssapi
- ipsilon-authldap
- ipsilon-base
- ipsilon-client
- ipsilon-filesystem
- ipsilon-infosssd
- ipsilon-persona
- ipsilon-saml2
- ipsilon-saml2-base
- ipsilon-tools-ipa
- iputils-sysvinit
- iscsi-initiator-utils-devel
- isdn4k-utils
- isdn4k-utils-devel
- isdn4k-utils-doc
- isdn4k-utils-static
- isdn4k-utils-vboxgetty
- isomd5sum-devel
- isorelax
- istack-commons-javadoc
- ixpdimm_sw
- ixpdimm_sw-devel
- ixpdimm-cli
- ixpdimm-monitor
- jai-imageio-core
- jai-imageio-core-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-httpclient-demo
- jakarta-commons-httpclient-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-httpclient-manual
- jakarta-oro
- jakarta-taglibs-standard
- jakarta-taglibs-standard-javadoc
- jandex
- jandex-javadoc
- jansson-devel-doc
- jarjar
- jarjar-javadoc
- jarjar-maven-plugin
- jasper
- jasper-utils
- java-1.6.0-openjdk
- java-1.6.0-openjdk-demo
- java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
- java-1.6.0-openjdk-javadoc
- java-1.6.0-openjdk-src
- java-1.7.0-openjdk
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-accessibility
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-demo
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-headless
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-javadoc
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-src
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-accessibility-debug
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-debug
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-demo-debug
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-debug
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless-debug
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-javadoc-debug
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-javadoc-zip-debug
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-src-debug
- java-11-openjdk-debug
- java-11-openjdk-demo-debug
- java-11-openjdk-devel-debug
- java-11-openjdk-headless-debug
- java-11-openjdk-javadoc-debug
- java-11-openjdk-javadoc-zip-debug
- java-11-openjdk-jmods-debug
- java-11-openjdk-src-debug
- javamail
- jaxen
- jboss-ejb-3.1-api
- jboss-ejb-3.1-api-javadoc
- jboss-el-2.2-api
- jboss-el-2.2-api-javadoc
- jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api
- jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api-javadoc
- jboss-servlet-2.5-api
- jboss-servlet-2.5-api-javadoc
- jboss-servlet-3.0-api
- jboss-servlet-3.0-api-javadoc
- jboss-specs-parent
- jboss-transaction-1.1-api
- jboss-transaction-1.1-api-javadoc
- jdom
- jettison
- jettison-javadoc
- jetty-annotations
- jetty-ant
- jetty-artifact-remote-resources
- jetty-assembly-descriptors
- jetty-build-support
- jetty-build-support-javadoc
- jetty-client
- jetty-continuation
- jetty-deploy
- jetty-distribution-remote-resources
- jetty-http
- jetty-io
- jetty-jaas
- jetty-jaspi
- jetty-javadoc
- jetty-jmx
- jetty-jndi
- jetty-jsp
- jetty-jspc-maven-plugin
- jetty-maven-plugin
- jetty-monitor
- jetty-parent
- jetty-plus
- jetty-project
- jetty-proxy
- jetty-rewrite
- jetty-runner
- jetty-security
- jetty-server
- jetty-servlet
- jetty-servlets
- jetty-start
- jetty-test-policy
- jetty-test-policy-javadoc
- jetty-toolchain
- jetty-util
- jetty-util-ajax
- jetty-version-maven-plugin
- jetty-version-maven-plugin-javadoc
- jetty-webapp
- jetty-websocket-api
- jetty-websocket-client
- jetty-websocket-common
- jetty-websocket-parent
- jetty-websocket-server
- jetty-websocket-servlet
- jetty-xml
- jing
- jing-javadoc
- jline-demo
- jna
- jna-contrib
- jna-javadoc
- joda-convert
- joda-convert-javadoc
- js
- js-devel
- jsch-demo
- json-glib-tests
- jsr-311
- jsr-311-javadoc
- juk
- junit
- junit-demo
- jvnet-parent
- k3b
- k3b-common
- k3b-devel
- k3b-libs
- kaccessible
- kaccessible-libs
- kactivities
- kactivities-devel
- kamera
- kate
- kate-devel
- kate-libs
- kate-part
- kcalc
- kcharselect
- kcm_colors
- kcm_touchpad
- kcm-gtk
- kcolorchooser
- kcoloredit
- kde-base-artwork
- kde-baseapps
- kde-baseapps-devel
- kde-baseapps-libs
- kde-filesystem
- kde-l10n
- kde-l10n-Arabic
- kde-l10n-Basque
- kde-l10n-Bosnian
- kde-l10n-British
- kde-l10n-Bulgarian
- kde-l10n-Catalan
- kde-l10n-Catalan-Valencian
- kde-l10n-Croatian
- kde-l10n-Czech
- kde-l10n-Danish
- kde-l10n-Dutch
- kde-l10n-Estonian
- kde-l10n-Farsi
- kde-l10n-Finnish
- kde-l10n-Galician
- kde-l10n-Greek
- kde-l10n-Hebrew
- kde-l10n-Hungarian
- kde-l10n-Icelandic
- kde-l10n-Interlingua
- kde-l10n-Irish
- kde-l10n-Kazakh
- kde-l10n-Khmer
- kde-l10n-Latvian
- kde-l10n-Lithuanian
- kde-l10n-LowSaxon
- kde-l10n-Norwegian
- kde-l10n-Norwegian-Nynorsk
- kde-l10n-Polish
- kde-l10n-Portuguese
- kde-l10n-Romanian
- kde-l10n-Serbian
- kde-l10n-Slovak
- kde-l10n-Slovenian
- kde-l10n-Swedish
- kde-l10n-Tajik
- kde-l10n-Thai
- kde-l10n-Turkish
- kde-l10n-Ukrainian
- kde-l10n-Uyghur
- kde-l10n-Vietnamese
- kde-l10n-Walloon
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement-libreswan
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement-libs
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement-mobile
- kde-print-manager
- kde-runtime
- kde-runtime-devel
- kde-runtime-drkonqi
- kde-runtime-libs
- kde-settings
- kde-settings-ksplash
- kde-settings-minimal
- kde-settings-plasma
- kde-settings-pulseaudio
- kde-style-oxygen
- kde-style-phase
- kde-wallpapers
- kde-workspace
- kde-workspace-devel
- kde-workspace-ksplash-themes
- kde-workspace-libs
- kdeaccessibility
- kdeadmin
- kdeartwork
- kdeartwork-screensavers
- kdeartwork-sounds
- kdeartwork-wallpapers
- kdeclassic-cursor-theme
- kdegraphics
- kdegraphics-devel
- kdegraphics-libs
- kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer
- kdegraphics-thumbnailers
- kdelibs
- kdelibs-apidocs
- kdelibs-common
- kdelibs-devel
- kdelibs-ktexteditor
- kdemultimedia
- kdemultimedia-common
- kdemultimedia-devel
- kdemultimedia-libs
- kdenetwork
- kdenetwork-common
- kdenetwork-devel
- kdenetwork-fileshare-samba
- kdenetwork-kdnssd
- kdenetwork-kget
- kdenetwork-kget-libs
- kdenetwork-kopete
- kdenetwork-kopete-devel
- kdenetwork-kopete-libs
- kdenetwork-krdc
- kdenetwork-krdc-devel
- kdenetwork-krdc-libs
- kdenetwork-krfb
- kdenetwork-krfb-libs
- kdepim
- kdepim-devel
- kdepim-libs
- kdepim-runtime
- kdepim-runtime-libs
- kdepimlibs
- kdepimlibs-akonadi
- kdepimlibs-apidocs
- kdepimlibs-devel
- kdepimlibs-kxmlrpcclient
- kdeplasma-addons
- kdeplasma-addons-devel
- kdeplasma-addons-libs
- kdesdk
- kdesdk-cervisia
- kdesdk-common
- kdesdk-devel
- kdesdk-dolphin-plugins
- kdesdk-kapptemplate
- kdesdk-kapptemplate-template
- kdesdk-kcachegrind
- kdesdk-kioslave
- kdesdk-kmtrace
- kdesdk-kmtrace-devel
- kdesdk-kmtrace-libs
- kdesdk-kompare
- kdesdk-kompare-devel
- kdesdk-kompare-libs
- kdesdk-kpartloader
- kdesdk-kstartperf
- kdesdk-kuiviewer
- kdesdk-lokalize
- kdesdk-okteta
- kdesdk-okteta-devel
- kdesdk-okteta-libs
- kdesdk-poxml
- kdesdk-scripts
- kdesdk-strigi-analyzer
- kdesdk-thumbnailers
- kdesdk-umbrello
- kdeutils
- kdeutils-common
- kdeutils-minimal
- kdf
- kernel-rt-doc
- kernel-rt-trace
- kernel-rt-trace-devel
- kernel-rt-trace-kvm
- keytool-maven-plugin
- keytool-maven-plugin-javadoc
- kgamma
- kgpg
- kgreeter-plugins
- khotkeys
- khotkeys-libs
- kiconedit
- kinfocenter
- kio_sysinfo
- kmag
- kmenuedit
- kmix
- kmod-oracleasm
- kolourpaint
- kolourpaint-libs
- konkretcmpi
- konkretcmpi-devel
- konkretcmpi-python
- konsole
- konsole-part
- kross-interpreters
- kross-python
- kross-ruby
- kruler
- ksaneplugin
- kscreen
- ksnapshot
- ksshaskpass
- ksysguard
- ksysguard-libs
- ksysguardd
- ktimer
- kwallet
- kwin
- kwin-gles
- kwin-gles-libs
- kwin-libs
- kwrite
- kxml
- kxml-javadoc
- lapack64-devel
- lapack64-static
- lasso-devel
- latrace
- lcms2-utils
- ldns-doc
- ldns-python
- libabw-devel
- libabw-doc
- libabw-tools
- libappindicator
- libappindicator-devel
- libappindicator-docs
- libappstream-glib-builder
- libappstream-glib-builder-devel
- libart_lgpl
- libart_lgpl-devel
- libasan-static
- libavc1394-devel
- libbase-javadoc
- libblockdev-btrfs
- libblockdev-btrfs-devel
- libblockdev-crypto-devel
- libblockdev-devel
- libblockdev-dm-devel
- libblockdev-fs-devel
- libblockdev-kbd-devel
- libblockdev-loop-devel
- libblockdev-lvm-devel
- libblockdev-mdraid-devel
- libblockdev-mpath-devel
- libblockdev-nvdimm-devel
- libblockdev-part-devel
- libblockdev-swap-devel
- libblockdev-utils-devel
- libblockdev-vdo-devel
- libbluedevil
- libbluedevil-devel
- libbluray-devel
- libbonobo
- libbonobo-devel
- libbonoboui
- libbonoboui-devel
- libbytesize-devel
- libcacard-tools
- libcap-ng-python
- libcdr-devel
- libcdr-doc
- libcdr-tools
- libcgroup-devel
- libchamplain-demos
- libchewing
- libchewing-devel
- libchewing-python
- libcmis-devel
- libcmis-tools
- libcryptui
- libcryptui-devel
- libdb-devel-static
- libdb-java
- libdb-java-devel
- libdb-tcl
- libdb-tcl-devel
- libdbi
- libdbi-dbd-mysql
- libdbi-dbd-pgsql
- libdbi-dbd-sqlite
- libdbi-devel
- libdbi-drivers
- libdbusmenu-doc
- libdbusmenu-gtk2
- libdbusmenu-gtk2-devel
- libdbusmenu-gtk3-devel
- libdhash-devel
- libdmapsharing-devel
- libdmmp-devel
- libdmx-devel
- libdnet-progs
- libdnet-python
- libdnf-devel
- libdv-tools
- libdvdnav-devel
- libeasyfc-devel
- libeasyfc-gobject-devel
- libee
- libee-devel
- libee-utils
- libesmtp
- libesmtp-devel
- libestr-devel
- libetonyek-doc
- libetonyek-tools
- libevdev-utils
- libexif-doc
- libexttextcat-devel
- libexttextcat-tools
- libfastjson-devel
- libfdt
- libfonts-javadoc
- libformula-javadoc
- libfprint-devel
- libfreehand-devel
- libfreehand-doc
- libfreehand-tools
- libgcab1-devel
- libgccjit
- libgdither-devel
- libgee06
- libgee06-devel
- libgepub
- libgepub-devel
- libgfortran-static
- libgfortran4
- libgfortran5
- libgit2-devel
- libglade2
- libglade2-devel
- libGLEWmx
- libgnat
- libgnat-devel
- libgnat-static
- libgnome
- libgnome-devel
- libgnome-keyring-devel
- libgnomecanvas
- libgnomecanvas-devel
- libgnomeui
- libgnomeui-devel
- libgo
- libgo-devel
- libgo-static
- libgovirt-devel
- libgudev-devel
- libgxim
- libgxim-devel
- libgxps-tools
- libhangul-devel
- libhbaapi-devel
- libhif-devel
- libical-glib
- libical-glib-devel
- libical-glib-doc
- libid3tag
- libid3tag-devel
- libiec61883-utils
- libieee1284-python
- libimobiledevice-python
- libimobiledevice-utils
- libindicator
- libindicator-devel
- libindicator-gtk3-devel
- libindicator-tools
- libinvm-cim
- libinvm-cim-devel
- libinvm-cli
- libinvm-cli-devel
- libinvm-i18n
- libinvm-i18n-devel
- libiodbc
- libiodbc-devel
- libipa_hbac-devel
- libiptcdata-devel
- libiptcdata-python
- libitm-static
- libixpdimm-cim
- libixpdimm-core
- libjpeg-turbo-static
- libkcddb
- libkcddb-devel
- libkcompactdisc
- libkcompactdisc-devel
- libkdcraw
- libkdcraw-devel
- libkexiv2
- libkexiv2-devel
- libkipi
- libkipi-devel
- libkkc-devel
- libkkc-tools
- libksane
- libksane-devel
- libkscreen
- libkscreen-devel
- libkworkspace
- liblayout-javadoc
- libloader-javadoc
- liblognorm-devel
- liblouis-devel
- liblouis-doc
- liblouis-utils
- libmatchbox-devel
- libmbim-devel
- libmediaart-devel
- libmediaart-tests
- libmnl-static
- libmodman-devel
- libmodulemd-devel
- libmpc-devel
- libmsn
- libmsn-devel
- libmspub-devel
- libmspub-doc
- libmspub-tools
- libmtp-examples
- libmudflap
- libmudflap-devel
- libmudflap-static
- libmwaw-devel
- libmwaw-doc
- libmwaw-tools
- libmx
- libmx-devel
- libmx-docs
- libndp-devel
- libnetfilter_cthelper-devel
- libnetfilter_cttimeout-devel
- libnftnl-devel
- libnl
- libnl-devel
- libnm-gtk
- libnm-gtk-devel
- libntlm
- libntlm-devel
- libobjc
- libodfgen-doc
- libofa
- libofa-devel
- liboil
- liboil-devel
- libopenraw-pixbuf-loader
- liborcus-devel
- liborcus-doc
- liborcus-tools
- libosinfo-devel
- libosinfo-vala
- libotf-devel
- libpagemaker-devel
- libpagemaker-doc
- libpagemaker-tools
- libpinyin-devel
- libpinyin-tools
- libpipeline-devel
- libplist-python
- libpng-static
- libpng12-devel
- libproxy-kde
- libpst
- libpst-devel
- libpst-devel-doc
- libpst-doc
- libpst-python
- libpurple-perl
- libpurple-tcl
- libqmi-devel
- libquadmath-static
- LibRaw-static
- librelp-devel
- libreoffice
- libreoffice-bsh
- libreoffice-gdb-debug-support
- libreoffice-glade
- libreoffice-librelogo
- libreoffice-nlpsolver
- libreoffice-officebean
- libreoffice-officebean-common
- libreoffice-postgresql
- libreoffice-rhino
- libreofficekit-devel
- librepo-devel
- libreport-compat
- libreport-devel
- libreport-gtk-devel
- libreport-web-devel
- librepository-javadoc
- librevenge-doc
- librsvg2-tools
- libseccomp-devel
- libselinux-static
- libsemanage-devel
- libsemanage-static
- libserializer-javadoc
- libsexy
- libsexy-devel
- libsmbios-devel
- libsmi-devel
- libsndfile-utils
- libsolv-demo
- libsolv-devel
- libsolv-tools
- libspiro-devel
- libss-devel
- libssh2
- libsss_certmap-devel
- libsss_idmap-devel
- libsss_nss_idmap-devel
- libsss_simpleifp-devel
- libstaroffice-devel
- libstaroffice-doc
- libstaroffice-tools
- libstdc++-static
- libstoragemgmt-devel
- libstoragemgmt-targetd-plugin
- libtar-devel
- libteam-devel
- libtheora-devel-docs
- libtiff-static
- libtimezonemap-devel
- libtnc
- libtnc-devel
- libtranslit
- libtranslit-devel
- libtranslit-icu
- libtranslit-m17n
- libtsan-static
- libudisks2-devel
- libuninameslist-devel
- libunwind
- libunwind-devel
- libusal-devel
- libusb-static
- libusbmuxd-utils
- libuser-devel
- libvdpau-docs
- libverto-glib
- libverto-glib-devel
- libverto-libevent-devel
- libverto-tevent
- libverto-tevent-devel
- libvirt-cim
- libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc
- libvirt-daemon-lxc
- libvirt-gconfig-devel
- libvirt-glib-devel
- libvirt-gobject-devel
- libvirt-java
- libvirt-java-devel
- libvirt-java-javadoc
- libvirt-login-shell
- libvirt-snmp
- libvisio-doc
- libvisio-tools
- libvma-devel
- libvma-utils
- libvoikko-devel
- libvpx-utils
- libwebp-java
- libwebp-tools
- libwpd-tools
- libwpg-tools
- libwps-tools
- libwsman-devel
- libwvstreams
- libwvstreams-devel
- libwvstreams-static
- libxcb-doc
- libXevie
- libXevie-devel
- libXfont
- libXfont-devel
- libxml2-static
- libxslt-python
- libXvMC-devel
- libzapojit
- libzapojit-devel
- libzmf-devel
- libzmf-doc
- libzmf-tools
- lldpad-devel
- log4cxx
- log4cxx-devel
- log4j-manual
- lpsolve-devel
- lua-devel
- lua-static
- lvm2-cluster
- lvm2-python-libs
- lvm2-sysvinit
- lz4-static
- m17n-contrib
- m17n-contrib-extras
- m17n-db-devel
- m17n-db-extras
- m17n-lib-devel
- m17n-lib-tools
- m2crypto
- malaga-devel
- man-pages-cs
- man-pages-es
- man-pages-es-extra
- man-pages-fr
- man-pages-it
- man-pages-ja
- man-pages-ko
- man-pages-pl
- man-pages-ru
- man-pages-zh-CN
- mariadb-bench
- marisa-devel
- marisa-perl
- marisa-python
- marisa-ruby
- marisa-tools
- maven-changes-plugin
- maven-changes-plugin-javadoc
- maven-deploy-plugin
- maven-deploy-plugin-javadoc
- maven-doxia-module-fo
- maven-ear-plugin
- maven-ear-plugin-javadoc
- maven-ejb-plugin
- maven-ejb-plugin-javadoc
- maven-error-diagnostics
- maven-gpg-plugin
- maven-gpg-plugin-javadoc
- maven-istack-commons-plugin
- maven-jarsigner-plugin
- maven-jarsigner-plugin-javadoc
- maven-javadoc-plugin
- maven-javadoc-plugin-javadoc
- maven-jxr
- maven-jxr-javadoc
- maven-osgi
- maven-osgi-javadoc
- maven-plugin-jxr
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin-javadoc
- maven-release
- maven-release-javadoc
- maven-release-manager
- maven-release-plugin
- maven-reporting-exec
- maven-repository-builder
- maven-repository-builder-javadoc
- maven-scm
- maven-scm-javadoc
- maven-scm-test
- maven-shared-jar
- maven-shared-jar-javadoc
- maven-site-plugin
- maven-site-plugin-javadoc
- maven-verifier-plugin
- maven-verifier-plugin-javadoc
- maven-wagon-provider-test
- maven-wagon-scm
- maven-war-plugin
- maven-war-plugin-javadoc
- mdds-devel
- meanwhile-devel
- meanwhile-doc
- memcached-devel
- memstomp
- mesa-demos
- mesa-libxatracker-devel
- mesa-private-llvm
- mesa-private-llvm-devel
- metacity-devel
- mgetty
- mgetty-sendfax
- mgetty-viewfax
- mgetty-voice
- migrationtools
- minizip
- minizip-devel
- mkbootdisk
- mobile-broadband-provider-info-devel
- mod_auth_kerb
- mod_auth_mellon-diagnostics
- mod_nss
- mod_revocator
- ModemManager-vala
- mono-icon-theme
- mozjs17
- mozjs17-devel
- mozjs24
- mozjs24-devel
- mpich-3.0-autoload
- mpich-3.0-doc
- mpich-3.2-autoload
- mpich-3.2-doc
- mpitests-compat-openmpi16
- msv-demo
- msv-msv
- msv-rngconv
- msv-xmlgen
- mvapich2-2.0-devel
- mvapich2-2.0-doc
- mvapich2-2.0-psm-devel
- mvapich2-2.2-devel
- mvapich2-2.2-doc
- mvapich2-2.2-psm-devel
- mvapich2-2.2-psm2-devel
- mvapich23-devel
- mvapich23-doc
- mvapich23-psm-devel
- mvapich23-psm2-devel
- nagios-plugins-bacula
- nasm
- nasm-doc
- nasm-rdoff
- ncurses-static
- nekohtml
- nekohtml-demo
- nekohtml-javadoc
- nepomuk-core
- nepomuk-core-devel
- nepomuk-core-libs
- nepomuk-widgets
- nepomuk-widgets-devel
- net-snmp-gui
- net-snmp-perl
- net-snmp-python
- net-snmp-sysvinit
- netsniff-ng
- NetworkManager-glib
- NetworkManager-glib-devel
- newt-static
- nfsometer
- nfstest
- nhn-nanum-brush-fonts
- nhn-nanum-fonts-common
- nhn-nanum-myeongjo-fonts
- nhn-nanum-pen-fonts
- nmap-frontend
- nss_compat_ossl
- nss_compat_ossl-devel
- nss-pem
- nss-pkcs11-devel
- ntp-doc
- ntp-perl
- nuvola-icon-theme
- nuxwdog
- nuxwdog-client-java
- nuxwdog-client-perl
- nuxwdog-devel
- objectweb-anttask
- objectweb-anttask-javadoc
- objectweb-asm
- ocaml-brlapi
- ocaml-calendar
- ocaml-calendar-devel
- ocaml-csv
- ocaml-csv-devel
- ocaml-curses
- ocaml-curses-devel
- ocaml-docs
- ocaml-emacs
- ocaml-fileutils
- ocaml-fileutils-devel
- ocaml-gettext
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- ocaml-libvirt
- ocaml-libvirt-devel
- ocaml-ocamlbuild-doc
- ocaml-source
- ocaml-x11
- ocaml-xml-light
- ocaml-xml-light-devel
- oci-register-machine
- okular
- okular-devel
- okular-libs
- okular-part
- opa-libopamgt-devel
- opal
- opal-devel
- open-vm-tools-devel
- open-vm-tools-test
- opencc-tools
- openchange-client
- openchange-devel
- openchange-devel-docs
- opencv-devel-docs
- opencv-python
- OpenEXR
- openhpi-devel
- openjade
- openjpeg-devel
- openjpeg-libs
- openldap-servers
- openldap-servers-sql
- openlmi
- openlmi-account
- openlmi-account-doc
- openlmi-fan
- openlmi-fan-doc
- openlmi-hardware
- openlmi-hardware-doc
- openlmi-indicationmanager-libs
- openlmi-indicationmanager-libs-devel
- openlmi-journald
- openlmi-journald-doc
- openlmi-logicalfile
- openlmi-logicalfile-doc
- openlmi-networking
- openlmi-networking-doc
- openlmi-pcp
- openlmi-powermanagement
- openlmi-powermanagement-doc
- openlmi-providers
- openlmi-providers-devel
- openlmi-python-base
- openlmi-python-providers
- openlmi-python-test
- openlmi-realmd
- openlmi-realmd-doc
- openlmi-service
- openlmi-service-doc
- openlmi-software
- openlmi-software-doc
- openlmi-storage
- openlmi-storage-doc
- openlmi-tools
- openlmi-tools-doc
- openobex
- openobex-apps
- openobex-devel
- openscap-containers
- openscap-engine-sce-devel
- openslp-devel
- openslp-server
- opensm-static
- opensp
- openssh-server-sysvinit
- openssl-static
- openssl098e
- openwsman-perl
- openwsman-ruby
- oprofile-devel
- oprofile-gui
- oprofile-jit
- optipng
- ORBit2
- ORBit2-devel
- orc-doc
- ortp
- ortp-devel
- oscilloscope
- oxygen-cursor-themes
- oxygen-gtk
- oxygen-gtk2
- oxygen-gtk3
- oxygen-icon-theme
- PackageKit-yum-plugin
- pakchois-devel
- pam_krb5
- pam_pkcs11
- pam_snapper
- pango-tests
- paps-devel
- passivetex
- pax
- pciutils-devel-static
- pcp-collector
- pcp-monitor
- pcre-tools
- pcre2-static
- pcre2-tools
- pentaho-libxml-javadoc
- pentaho-reporting-flow-engine-javadoc
- perl-AppConfig
- perl-Archive-Extract
- perl-B-Keywords
- perl-Browser-Open
- perl-Business-ISBN
- perl-Business-ISBN-Data
- perl-CGI-Session
- perl-Class-Load
- perl-Class-Load-XS
- perl-Class-Singleton
- perl-Config-Simple
- perl-Config-Tiny
- perl-Convert-ASN1
- perl-CPAN-Changes
- perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build
- perl-Crypt-CBC
- perl-Crypt-DES
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA
- perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5
- perl-Crypt-SSLeay
- perl-CSS-Tiny
- perl-Data-Peek
- perl-DateTime
- perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse
- perl-DateTime-Locale
- perl-DateTime-TimeZone
- perl-DBD-Pg-tests
- perl-DBIx-Simple
- perl-Devel-Cover
- perl-Devel-Cycle
- perl-Devel-EnforceEncapsulation
- perl-Devel-Leak
- perl-Devel-Symdump
- perl-Digest-SHA1
- perl-Email-Address
- perl-FCGI
- perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl
- perl-File-Inplace
- perl-Font-AFM
- perl-Font-TTF
- perl-FreezeThaw
- perl-GD
- perl-GD-Barcode
- perl-Hook-LexWrap
- perl-HTML-Format
- perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks
- perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables
- perl-HTML-Tree
- perl-HTTP-Daemon
- perl-Image-Base
- perl-Image-Info
- perl-Image-Xbm
- perl-Image-Xpm
- perl-Inline
- perl-Inline-Files
- perl-IO-CaptureOutput
- perl-IO-stringy
- perl-JSON-tests
- perl-LDAP
- perl-libxml-perl
- perl-List-MoreUtils
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext
- perl-Locale-PO
- perl-Log-Message
- perl-Log-Message-Simple
- perl-Mail-DKIM
- perl-Mixin-Linewise
- perl-Module-Implementation
- perl-Module-Manifest
- perl-Module-Signature
- perl-Net-Daemon
- perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver
- perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable
- perl-Net-LibIDN
- perl-Net-Telnet
- perl-Newt
- perl-Object-Accessor
- perl-Object-Deadly
- perl-Package-Constants
- perl-Package-DeprecationManager
- perl-Package-Stash
- perl-Package-Stash-XS
- perl-PAR-Dist
- perl-Parallel-Iterator
- perl-Params-Validate
- perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta
- perl-Parse-RecDescent
- perl-Perl-Critic
- perl-Perl-Critic-More
- perl-Perl-MinimumVersion
- perl-Perl4-CoreLibs
- perl-PlRPC
- perl-Pod-Coverage
- perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod
- perl-Pod-Eventual
- perl-Pod-POM
- perl-Pod-Spell
- perl-PPI
- perl-PPI-HTML
- perl-PPIx-Regexp
- perl-PPIx-Utilities
- perl-Probe-Perl
- perl-Readonly-XS
- perl-SGMLSpm
- perl-Sort-Versions
- perl-String-Format
- perl-String-Similarity
- perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate
- perl-Task-Weaken
- perl-Template-Toolkit
- perl-Term-UI
- perl-Test-ClassAPI
- perl-Test-CPAN-Meta
- perl-Test-DistManifest
- perl-Test-EOL
- perl-Test-HasVersion
- perl-Test-Inter
- perl-Test-Manifest
- perl-Test-Memory-Cycle
- perl-Test-MinimumVersion
- perl-Test-MockObject
- perl-Test-NoTabs
- perl-Test-Object
- perl-Test-Output
- perl-Test-Perl-Critic
- perl-Test-Perl-Critic-Policy
- perl-Test-Pod
- perl-Test-Pod-Coverage
- perl-Test-Portability-Files
- perl-Test-Script
- perl-Test-Spelling
- perl-Test-SubCalls
- perl-Test-Synopsis
- perl-Test-Tester
- perl-Test-Vars
- perl-Test-Without-Module
- perl-Text-CSV_XS
- perl-Text-Iconv
- perl-Tree-DAG_Node
- perl-Unicode-Map8
- perl-Unicode-String
- perl-UNIVERSAL-can
- perl-UNIVERSAL-isa
- perl-Version-Requirements
- perl-WWW-Curl
- perl-XML-Dumper
- perl-XML-Filter-BufferText
- perl-XML-Grove
- perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter
- perl-XML-LibXSLT
- perl-XML-SAX-Writer
- perl-XML-TreeBuilder
- perl-XML-Twig
- perl-XML-Writer
- perl-XML-XPathEngine
- perl-YAML-Tiny
- perltidy
- phonon
- phonon-backend-gstreamer
- phonon-devel
- php-pecl-memcache
- php-pspell
- pidgin-perl
- pinentry-qt
- pinentry-qt4
- pki-javadoc
- plasma-scriptengine-python
- plasma-scriptengine-ruby
- plexus-digest
- plexus-digest-javadoc
- plexus-mail-sender
- plexus-mail-sender-javadoc
- plexus-tools-pom
- plymouth-devel
- pm-utils
- pm-utils-devel
- pngcrush
- pngnq
- polkit-kde
- polkit-qt
- polkit-qt-devel
- polkit-qt-doc
- poppler-demos
- poppler-qt
- poppler-qt-devel
- popt-static
- postfix-sysvinit
- pothana2000-fonts
- powerpc-utils-python
- pprof
- pps-tools
- pptp-setup
- procps-ng-devel
- protobuf-emacs
- protobuf-emacs-el
- protobuf-java
- protobuf-javadoc
- protobuf-lite-devel
- protobuf-lite-static
- protobuf-python
- protobuf-static
- protobuf-vim
- psutils
- psutils-perl
- pth-devel
- ptlib
- ptlib-devel
- publican
- publican-common-db5-web
- publican-common-web
- publican-doc
- publican-redhat
- pulseaudio-esound-compat
- pulseaudio-module-gconf
- pulseaudio-module-zeroconf
- pulseaudio-qpaeq
- pygpgme
- pygtk2-libglade
- pykde4
- pykde4-akonadi
- pykde4-devel
- pyldb-devel
- pyliblzma
- PyOpenGL
- PyOpenGL-Tk
- pyOpenSSL-doc
- pyorbit
- pyorbit-devel
- pyparsing-doc
- PyQt4
- PyQt4-devel
- pytalloc-devel
- python-appindicator
- python-beaker
- python-cffi-doc
- python-cherrypy
- python-criu
- python-debug
- python-deltarpm
- python-dtopt
- python-fpconst
- python-gpod
- python-gudev
- python-inotify-examples
- python-ipaddr
- python-IPy
- python-isodate
- python-isomd5sum
- python-kerberos
- python-kitchen
- python-kitchen-doc
- python-krbV
- python-libteam
- python-lxml-docs
- python-matplotlib
- python-matplotlib-doc
- python-matplotlib-qt4
- python-matplotlib-tk
- python-memcached
- python-mutagen
- python-paramiko
- python-paramiko-doc
- python-paste
- python-pillow-devel
- python-pillow-doc
- python-pillow-qt
- python-pillow-sane
- python-pillow-tk
- python-rados
- python-rbd
- python-reportlab-docs
- python-requests-kerberos
- python-rtslib-doc
- python-setproctitle
- python-slip-gtk
- python-smbc
- python-smbc-doc
- python-smbios
- python-sphinx-doc
- python-tempita
- python-tornado
- python-tornado-doc
- python-twisted-core
- python-twisted-core-doc
- python-twisted-web
- python-twisted-words
- python-urlgrabber
- python-volume_key
- python-webob
- python-webtest
- python-which
- python-zope-interface
- python2-caribou
- python2-futures
- python2-gexiv2
- python2-smartcols
- python2-solv
- python2-subprocess32
- qca-ossl
- qca2
- qca2-devel
- qdox
- qimageblitz
- qimageblitz-devel
- qimageblitz-examples
- qjson
- qjson-devel
- qpdf-devel
- qt
- qt-assistant
- qt-config
- qt-demos
- qt-devel
- qt-devel-private
- qt-doc
- qt-examples
- qt-mysql
- qt-odbc
- qt-postgresql
- qt-qdbusviewer
- qt-qvfb
- qt-settings
- qt-x11
- qt3
- qt3-config
- qt3-designer
- qt3-devel
- qt3-devel-docs
- qt3-MySQL
- qt3-ODBC
- qt3-PostgreSQL
- qt5-qt3d-doc
- qt5-qtbase-doc
- qt5-qtcanvas3d-doc
- qt5-qtconnectivity-doc
- qt5-qtdeclarative-doc
- qt5-qtenginio
- qt5-qtenginio-devel
- qt5-qtenginio-doc
- qt5-qtenginio-examples
- qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-doc
- qt5-qtimageformats-doc
- qt5-qtlocation-doc
- qt5-qtmultimedia-doc
- qt5-qtquickcontrols-doc
- qt5-qtquickcontrols2-doc
- qt5-qtscript-doc
- qt5-qtsensors-doc
- qt5-qtserialbus-devel
- qt5-qtserialbus-doc
- qt5-qtserialport-doc
- qt5-qtsvg-doc
- qt5-qttools-doc
- qt5-qtwayland-doc
- qt5-qtwebchannel-doc
- qt5-qtwebsockets-doc
- qt5-qtx11extras-doc
- qt5-qtxmlpatterns-doc
- quagga
- quagga-contrib
- quota-devel
- qv4l2
- rarian-devel
- rcs
- rdate
- rdist
- readline-static
- realmd-devel-docs
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-as-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-bn-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-de-DE
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-en-US
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-es-ES
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-fr-FR
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-gu-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-hi-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-it-IT
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-ja-JP
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-kn-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-ko-KR
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-ml-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-mr-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-or-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-pa-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-pt-BR
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-ru-RU
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-ta-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-te-IN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-zh-CN
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-zh-TW
- redhat-access-plugin-ipa
- redhat-bookmarks
- redhat-lsb-supplemental
- redhat-lsb-trialuse
- redhat-upgrade-dracut
- redhat-upgrade-dracut-plymouth
- redhat-upgrade-tool
- redland-mysql
- redland-pgsql
- redland-virtuoso
- regexp
- relaxngcc
- rest-devel
- resteasy-base-jettison-provider
- resteasy-base-tjws
- rhdb-utils
- rhino
- rhino-demo
- rhino-javadoc
- rhino-manual
- rhythmbox-devel
- rngom
- rngom-javadoc
- rp-pppoe
- rrdtool-php
- rrdtool-python
- rsh
- rsh-server
- rsyslog-libdbi
- rsyslog-udpspoof
- rtcheck
- rtctl
- ruby-tcltk
- rubygem-net-http-persistent
- rubygem-net-http-persistent-doc
- rubygem-thor
- rubygem-thor-doc
- rusers
- rusers-server
- rwho
- sac-javadoc
- samba-dc
- samba-devel
- satyr-devel
- satyr-python
- saxon
- saxon-demo
- saxon-javadoc
- saxon-manual
- saxon-scripts
- sbc-devel
- sblim-cim-client2
- sblim-cim-client2-javadoc
- sblim-cim-client2-manual
- sblim-cmpi-base
- sblim-cmpi-base-devel
- sblim-cmpi-base-test
- sblim-cmpi-fsvol
- sblim-cmpi-fsvol-devel
- sblim-cmpi-fsvol-test
- sblim-cmpi-network
- sblim-cmpi-network-devel
- sblim-cmpi-network-test
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv3
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv3-test
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv4
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv4-test
- sblim-cmpi-params
- sblim-cmpi-params-test
- sblim-cmpi-sysfs
- sblim-cmpi-sysfs-test
- sblim-cmpi-syslog
- sblim-cmpi-syslog-test
- sblim-gather
- sblim-gather-devel
- sblim-gather-provider
- sblim-gather-test
- sblim-indication_helper
- sblim-indication_helper-devel
- sblim-smis-hba
- sblim-testsuite
- sblim-wbemcli
- scannotation
- scannotation-javadoc
- scpio
- screen
- SDL-static
- seahorse-nautilus
- seahorse-sharing
- sendmail-sysvinit
- setools-devel
- setools-gui
- setools-libs-tcl
- setuptool
- shared-desktop-ontologies
- shared-desktop-ontologies-devel
- shim-unsigned-ia32
- shim-unsigned-x64
- sisu
- sisu-parent
- slang-slsh
- slang-static
- smbios-utils
- smbios-utils-bin
- smbios-utils-python
- snakeyaml
- snakeyaml-javadoc
- snapper
- snapper-devel
- snapper-libs
- sntp
- SOAPpy
- soprano
- soprano-apidocs
- soprano-devel
- source-highlight-devel
- sox
- sox-devel
- speex-tools
- spice-xpi
- sqlite-tcl
- squid-migration-script
- squid-sysvinit
- sssd-libwbclient-devel
- sssd-polkit-rules
- stax2-api
- stax2-api-javadoc
- strigi
- strigi-devel
- strigi-libs
- strongimcv
- subversion-kde
- subversion-python
- subversion-ruby
- sudo-devel
- suitesparse-doc
- suitesparse-static
- supermin-helper
- svgpart
- svrcore
- svrcore-devel
- sweeper
- syslinux-devel
- syslinux-perl
- system-config-date
- system-config-date-docs
- system-config-firewall
- system-config-firewall-base
- system-config-firewall-tui
- system-config-keyboard
- system-config-keyboard-base
- system-config-language
- system-config-printer
- system-config-users-docs
- system-switch-java
- systemd-sysv
- t1lib
- t1lib-apps
- t1lib-devel
- t1lib-static
- t1utils
- taglib-doc
- talk
- talk-server
- tang-nagios
- targetd
- tcl-pgtcl
- tclx
- tclx-devel
- tcp_wrappers
- tcp_wrappers-devel
- tcp_wrappers-libs
- teamd-devel
- teckit-devel
- telepathy-farstream
- telepathy-farstream-devel
- telepathy-filesystem
- telepathy-gabble
- telepathy-glib
- telepathy-glib-devel
- telepathy-glib-vala
- telepathy-haze
- telepathy-logger
- telepathy-logger-devel
- telepathy-mission-control
- telepathy-mission-control-devel
- telepathy-salut
- tex-preview
- texinfo
- texlive-collection-documentation-base
- texlive-mh
- texlive-mh-doc
- texlive-misc
- texlive-thailatex
- texlive-thailatex-doc
- tix-doc
- tncfhh
- tncfhh-devel
- tncfhh-examples
- tncfhh-libs
- tncfhh-utils
- tog-pegasus-test
- tokyocabinet-devel-doc
- tomcat
- tomcat-admin-webapps
- tomcat-docs-webapp
- tomcat-el-2.2-api
- tomcat-javadoc
- tomcat-jsp-2.2-api
- tomcat-jsvc
- tomcat-lib
- tomcat-servlet-3.0-api
- tomcat-webapps
- totem-devel
- totem-pl-parser-devel
- tracker-devel
- tracker-docs
- tracker-needle
- tracker-preferences
- trang
- trousers-static
- txw2
- txw2-javadoc
- unique3
- unique3-devel
- unique3-docs
- uriparser
- uriparser-devel
- usbguard-devel
- usbredir-server
- ustr
- ustr-debug
- ustr-debug-static
- ustr-devel
- ustr-static
- uuid-c++
- uuid-c++-devel
- uuid-dce
- uuid-dce-devel
- uuid-perl
- uuid-php
- v4l-utils
- v4l-utils-devel-tools
- vala-doc
- valadoc
- valadoc-devel
- valgrind-openmpi
- velocity-demo
- velocity-javadoc
- velocity-manual
- vemana2000-fonts
- vigra
- vigra-devel
- virtuoso-opensource
- virtuoso-opensource-utils
- vlgothic-p-fonts
- vsftpd-sysvinit
- vte3
- vte3-devel
- wayland-doc
- webkitgtk3
- webkitgtk3-devel
- webkitgtk3-doc
- webkitgtk4-doc
- webrtc-audio-processing-devel
- weld-parent
- whois
- woodstox-core
- woodstox-core-javadoc
- wordnet
- wordnet-browser
- wordnet-devel
- wordnet-doc
- ws-commons-util
- ws-commons-util-javadoc
- ws-jaxme
- ws-jaxme-javadoc
- ws-jaxme-manual
- wsdl4j
- wsdl4j-javadoc
- wvdial
- x86info
- xchat-tcl
- xdg-desktop-portal-devel
- xerces-c
- xerces-c-devel
- xerces-c-doc
- xerces-j2-demo
- xerces-j2-javadoc
- xferstats
- xguest
- xhtml2fo-style-xsl
- xhtml2ps
- xisdnload
- xml-commons-apis-javadoc
- xml-commons-apis-manual
- xml-commons-apis12
- xml-commons-apis12-javadoc
- xml-commons-apis12-manual
- xml-commons-resolver-javadoc
- xmlgraphics-commons
- xmlgraphics-commons-javadoc
- xmlrpc-c-apps
- xmlrpc-client
- xmlrpc-common
- xmlrpc-javadoc
- xmlrpc-server
- xmlsec1-gcrypt-devel
- xmlsec1-nss-devel
- xmlto-tex
- xmlto-xhtml
- xmltoman
- xorg-x11-apps
- xorg-x11-drv-intel-devel
- xorg-x11-drv-keyboard
- xorg-x11-drv-mouse
- xorg-x11-drv-mouse-devel
- xorg-x11-drv-openchrome
- xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-devel
- xorg-x11-drv-synaptics
- xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-devel
- xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse
- xorg-x11-drv-void
- xorg-x11-server-source
- xorg-x11-xkb-extras
- xpp3
- xpp3-javadoc
- xpp3-minimal
- xsettings-kde
- xstream
- xstream-javadoc
- xulrunner
- xulrunner-devel
- xz-compat-libs
- yelp-xsl-devel
- yum-langpacks
- yum-NetworkManager-dispatcher
- yum-plugin-filter-data
- yum-plugin-fs-snapshot
- yum-plugin-keys
- yum-plugin-list-data
- yum-plugin-local
- yum-plugin-merge-conf
- yum-plugin-ovl
- yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions
- yum-plugin-pre-transaction-actions
- yum-plugin-protectbase
- yum-plugin-ps
- yum-plugin-rpm-warm-cache
- yum-plugin-show-leaves
- yum-plugin-upgrade-helper
- yum-plugin-verify
- yum-updateonboot
9.2. Deprecated Device Drivers
The following device drivers continue to be supported until the end of life of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 but will likely not be supported in future major releases of this product and are not recommended for new deployments.
- 3w-9xxx
- 3w-sas
- aic79xx
- aoe
- arcmsr
ata drivers:
- acard-ahci
- sata_mv
- sata_nv
- sata_promise
- sata_qstor
- sata_sil
- sata_sil24
- sata_sis
- sata_svw
- sata_sx4
- sata_uli
- sata_via
- sata_vsc
- bfa
- cxgb3
- cxgb3i
- e1000
- floppy
- hptiop
- initio
- isci
- iw_cxgb3
- mptbase
- mptctl
- mptsas
- mptscsih
- mptspi
- mtip32xx
- mvsas
- mvumi
OSD drivers:
- osd
- libosd
- osst
pata drivers:
- pata_acpi
- pata_ali
- pata_amd
- pata_arasan_cf
- pata_artop
- pata_atiixp
- pata_atp867x
- pata_cmd64x
- pata_cs5536
- pata_hpt366
- pata_hpt37x
- pata_hpt3x2n
- pata_hpt3x3
- pata_it8213
- pata_it821x
- pata_jmicron
- pata_marvell
- pata_netcell
- pata_ninja32
- pata_oldpiix
- pata_pdc2027x
- pata_pdc202xx_old
- pata_piccolo
- pata_rdc
- pata_sch
- pata_serverworks
- pata_sil680
- pata_sis
- pata_via
- pdc_adma
- pm80xx(pm8001)
- pmcraid
- qla3xxx
- qlcnic
- qlge
- stex
- sx8
- tulip
- ufshcd
wireless drivers:
- carl9170
- iwl4965
- iwl3945
- mwl8k
- rt73usb
- rt61pci
- rtl8187
- wil6210
9.3. Deprecated Adapters
The following adapters continue to be supported until the end of life of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 but will likely not be supported in future major releases of this product and are not recommended for new deployments. Other adapters from the mentioned drivers that are not listed here remain unchanged.
PCI IDs are in the format of vendor:device:subvendor:subdevice. If the subdevice or subvendor:subdevice entry is not listed, devices with any values of such missing entries have been deprecated.
To check the PCI IDs of the hardware on your system, run the lspci -nn
The following adapters from the
driver have been deprecated:- PERC 2/Si (Iguana/PERC2Si), PCI ID 0x1028:0x0001:0x1028:0x0001
- PERC 3/Di (Opal/PERC3Di), PCI ID 0x1028:0x0002:0x1028:0x0002
- PERC 3/Si (SlimFast/PERC3Si), PCI ID 0x1028:0x0003:0x1028:0x0003
- PERC 3/Di (Iguana FlipChip/PERC3DiF), PCI ID 0x1028:0x0004:0x1028:0x00d0
- PERC 3/Di (Viper/PERC3DiV), PCI ID 0x1028:0x0002:0x1028:0x00d1
- PERC 3/Di (Lexus/PERC3DiL), PCI ID 0x1028:0x0002:0x1028:0x00d9
- PERC 3/Di (Jaguar/PERC3DiJ), PCI ID 0x1028:0x000a:0x1028:0x0106
- PERC 3/Di (Dagger/PERC3DiD), PCI ID 0x1028:0x000a:0x1028:0x011b
- PERC 3/Di (Boxster/PERC3DiB), PCI ID 0x1028:0x000a:0x1028:0x0121
- catapult, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0283:0x9005:0x0283
- tomcat, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0284:0x9005:0x0284
- Adaptec 2120S (Crusader), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0286
- Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0285
- Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan-2m), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0287
- Legend S220 (Legend Crusader), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x17aa:0x0286
- Legend S230 (Legend Vulcan), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x17aa:0x0287
- Adaptec 3230S (Harrier), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0288
- Adaptec 3240S (Tornado), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0289
- ASR-2020ZCR SCSI PCI-X ZCR (Skyhawk), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x028a
- ASR-2025ZCR SCSI SO-DIMM PCI-X ZCR (Terminator), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x028b
- ASR-2230S + ASR-2230SLP PCI-X (Lancer), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x028c
- ASR-2130S (Lancer), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x028d
- AAR-2820SA (Intruder), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x029b
- AAR-2620SA (Intruder), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x029c
- AAR-2420SA (Intruder), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x029d
- ICP9024RO (Lancer), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x029e
- ICP9014RO (Lancer), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x029f
- ICP9047MA (Lancer), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x02a0
- ICP9087MA (Lancer), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x02a1
- ICP5445AU (Hurricane44), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x02a3
- ICP9085LI (Marauder-X), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x02a4
- ICP5085BR (Marauder-E), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x02a5
- ICP9067MA (Intruder-6), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x02a6
- Themisto Jupiter Platform, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0287:0x9005:0x0800
- Themisto Jupiter Platform, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0200:0x9005:0x0200
- Callisto Jupiter Platform, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x0800
- ASR-2020SA SATA PCI-X ZCR (Skyhawk), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x028e
- ASR-2025SA SATA SO-DIMM PCI-X ZCR (Terminator), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x028f
- AAR-2410SA PCI SATA 4ch (Jaguar II), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0290
- CERC SATA RAID 2 PCI SATA 6ch (DellCorsair), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0291
- AAR-2810SA PCI SATA 8ch (Corsair-8), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0292
- AAR-21610SA PCI SATA 16ch (Corsair-16), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0293
- ESD SO-DIMM PCI-X SATA ZCR (Prowler), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0294
- AAR-2610SA PCI SATA 6ch, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x103C:0x3227
- ASR-2240S (SabreExpress), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0296
- ASR-4005, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0297
- IBM 8i (AvonPark), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x1014:0x02F2
- IBM 8i (AvonPark Lite), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x1014:0x0312
- IBM 8k/8k-l8 (Aurora), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x1014:0x9580
- IBM 8k/8k-l4 (Aurora Lite), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x1014:0x9540
- ASR-4000 (BlackBird), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0298
- ASR-4800SAS (Marauder-X), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x0299
- ASR-4805SAS (Marauder-E), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x9005:0x029a
- ASR-3800 (Hurricane44), PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286:0x9005:0x02a2
- Perc 320/DC, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x1028:0x0287
- Adaptec 5400S (Mustang), PCI ID 0x1011:0x0046:0x9005:0x0365
- Adaptec 5400S (Mustang), PCI ID 0x1011:0x0046:0x9005:0x0364
- Dell PERC2/QC, PCI ID 0x1011:0x0046:0x9005:0x1364
- HP NetRAID-4M, PCI ID 0x1011:0x0046:0x103c:0x10c2
- Dell Catchall, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x1028
- Legend Catchall, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285:0x17aa
- Adaptec Catch All, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0285
- Adaptec Rocket Catch All, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0286
- Adaptec NEMER/ARK Catch All, PCI ID 0x9005:0x0288
The following adapters from the
driver have been deprecated:- SAS2004, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0070
- SAS2008, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0072
- SAS2108_1, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0074
- SAS2108_2, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0076
- SAS2108_3, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0077
- SAS2116_1, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0064
- SAS2116_2, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0065
- SSS6200, PCI ID 0x1000:0x007E
The following adapters from the
driver have been deprecated:- Dell PERC5, PCI ID 0x1028:0x0015
- SAS1078R, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0060
- SAS1078DE, PCI ID 0x1000:0x007C
- SAS1064R, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0411
- VERDE_ZCR, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0413
- SAS1078GEN2, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0078
- SAS0079GEN2, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0079
- SAS0073SKINNY, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0073
- SAS0071SKINNY, PCI ID 0x1000:0x0071
The following adapters from the
driver have been deprecated:- ISP24xx, PCI ID 0x1077:0x2422
- ISP24xx, PCI ID 0x1077:0x2432
- ISP2422, PCI ID 0x1077:0x5422
- QLE220, PCI ID 0x1077:0x5432
- QLE81xx, PCI ID 0x1077:0x8001
- QLE10000, PCI ID 0x1077:0xF000
- QLE84xx, PCI ID 0x1077:0x8044
- QLE8000, PCI ID 0x1077:0x8432
- QLE82xx, PCI ID 0x1077:0x8021
The following adapters from the
driver have been deprecated:- QLOGIC_ISP8022, PCI ID 0x1077:0x8022
- QLOGIC_ISP8324, PCI ID 0x1077:0x8032
- QLOGIC_ISP8042, PCI ID 0x1077:0x8042
The following adapters from the
driver have been deprecated:BladeEngine 2 (BE2) Devices
- BladeEngine2 10Gb iSCSI Initiator (generic), PCI ID 0x19a2:0x212
- OneConnect OCe10101, OCm10101, OCe10102, OCm10102 BE2 adapter family, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x702
- OCe10100 BE2 adapter family, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x703
BladeEngine 3 (BE3) Devices
- OneConnect TOMCAT iSCSI, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0712
- BladeEngine3 iSCSI, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0222
The following Ethernet adapters controlled by the
driver have been deprecated:BladeEngine 2 (BE2) Devices
- OneConnect TIGERSHARK NIC, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0700
- BladeEngine2 Network Adapter, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0211
BladeEngine 3 (BE3) Devices
- OneConnect TOMCAT NIC, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0710
- BladeEngine3 Network Adapter, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0221
The following adapters from the
driver have been deprecated:BladeEngine 2 (BE2) Devices
- OneConnect TIGERSHARK FCoE, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0704
BladeEngine 3 (BE3) Devices
- OneConnect TOMCAT FCoE, PCI ID 0x19a2:0x0714
Fibre Channel (FC) Devices
- FIREFLY, PCI ID 0x10df:0x1ae5
- PROTEUS_VF, PCI ID 0x10df:0xe100
- BALIUS, PCI ID 0x10df:0xe131
- PROTEUS_PF, PCI ID 0x10df:0xe180
- RFLY, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf095
- PFLY, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf098
- LP101, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0a1
- TFLY, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0a5
- BSMB, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0d1
- BMID, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0d5
- ZSMB, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0e1
- ZMID, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0e5
- NEPTUNE, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0f5
- NEPTUNE_SCSP, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0f6
- NEPTUNE_DCSP, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf0f7
- FALCON, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf180
- SUPERFLY, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf700
- DRAGONFLY, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf800
- CENTAUR, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf900
- PEGASUS, PCI ID 0x10df:0xf980
- THOR, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfa00
- VIPER, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfb00
- LP10000S, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfc00
- LP11000S, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfc10
- LPE11000S, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfc20
- PROTEUS_S, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfc50
- HELIOS, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfd00
- HELIOS_SCSP, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfd11
- HELIOS_DCSP, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfd12
- ZEPHYR, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfe00
- HORNET, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfe05
- ZEPHYR_SCSP, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfe11
- ZEPHYR_DCSP, PCI ID 0x10df:0xfe12
Lancer FCoE CNA Devices
- OCe15104-FM, PCI ID 0x10df:0xe260
- OCe15102-FM, PCI ID 0x10df:0xe260
- OCm15108-F-P, PCI ID 0x10df:0xe260
9.4. Other Deprecated Functionality
Python 2 has been deprecated
In the next major release, RHEL 8, Python 3.6 is the default Python implementation, and only limited support for Python 2.7 is provided.
See the Conservative Python 3 Porting Guide for information on how to migrate large code bases to Python 3
LVM libraries and LVM Python bindings have been deprecated
The lvm2app
library and LVM Python bindings, which are provided by the lvm2-python-libs
package, have been deprecated.
Red Hat recommends the following solutions instead:
The LVM D-Bus API in combination with the
service. This requires using Python version 3. -
The LVM command-line utilities with JSON formatting. This formatting has been available since the
package version 2.02.158. -
library for C and C++.
Mirrored mirror log has been deprecated in LVM
The mirrored mirror log feature of mirrored LVM volumes has been deprecated. A future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux will no longer support creating or activating LVM volumes with a mirrored mirror log.
The recommended replacements are:
- RAID1 LVM volumes. The main advantage of RAID1 volumes is their ability to work even in degraded mode and to recover after a transient failure. For information on converting mirrored volumes to RAID1, see the Converting a Mirrored LVM Device to a RAID1 Device section in the LVM Administration guide.
Disk mirror log. To convert a mirrored mirror log to disk mirror log, use the following command:
lvconvert --mirrorlog disk my_vg/my_lv
The clvmd daemon has been deprecated
The clvmd
daemon for managing shared storage devices has been deprecated. A future major release of Red Hat Enterprise linux will instead use the lvmlockd
The lvmetad daemon has been deprecated
The lvmetad
daemon for caching metadata has been deprecated. In a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, LVM will always read metadata from disk.
Previously, autoactivation of logical volumes was indirectly tied to the use_lvmetad
setting in the lvm.conf
configuration file. The correct way to disable autoactivation continues to be setting auto_activation_volume_list=[]
(an empty list) in the lvm.conf
The sap-hana-vmware
Tuned profile has been deprecated
The sap-hana-vmware
Tuned profile has been deprecated. For backward compatibility, this profile is still provided in the tuned-profiles-sap-hana
package, but the profile will be removed in future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The recommended replacement is the sap-hana
Tuned profile.
Deprecated packages related to Identity Management and security
The following packages have been deprecated and will not be included in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
Deprecated packages | Proposed replacement package or product |
authconfig | authselect |
pam_pkcs11 | sssd [a] |
pam_krb5 | sssd |
openldap-servers | Depending on the use case, migrate to Identity Management included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux; or to Red Hat Directory Server. [b] |
mod_auth_kerb | mod_auth_gssapi |
python-kerberos python-krbV | python-gssapi |
python-requests-kerberos | python-requests-gssapi |
hesiod | No replacement available. |
mod_nss | mod_ssl |
mod_revocator | No replacement available. |
System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) contains enhanced smart card functionality.
Red Hat Directory Server requires a valid Directory Server subscription. For details, see also What is the support status of the LDAP-server shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux? in Red Hat Knowledgebase.
The Clevis HTTP pin has been deprecated
The Clevis HTTP pin has been deprecated and this feature will not be included in the next major version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and will remain out of the distribution until a further notice.
has been deprecated
The crypto-utils
packages have been deprecated, and they will not be available in a future major version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You can use tools provided by the openssl
, gnutls-utils
, and nss-tools
packages instead.
SEED ciphers have been deprecated
The Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS
) library will not support Transport Layer Security (TLS) cipher suites that use a SEED cipher in a future release. For deployments that rely on SEED ciphers, Red Hat recommends enabling support for other cipher suites. This way, you ensure smooth transitions when NSS will remove support for them.
Note that the SEED ciphers are already disabled by default in RHEL.
All-numeric user and group names in shadow-utils
have been deprecated
Creating user and group names consisting purely of numeric characters using the useradd
and groupadd
commands has been deprecated and will be removed from the system with the next major release. Such names can potentially confuse many tools that work with user and group names and user and group ids (which are numbers).
3DES is removed from the Python SSL default cipher list
The Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES
) algorithm has been removed from the Python SSL default cipher list. This enables Python applications using SSL to be PCI DSS-compliant.
sssd-secrets has been deprecated
The sssd-secrets
component of the System Security Services Daemon
(SSSD) has been deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6. This is because Custodia, a secrets service provider, available as a Technology Preview, is no longer actively developed. Use other Identity Management tools to store secrets, for example the Vaults.
Support for earlier IdM servers and for IdM replicas at domain level 0 will be limited
Red Hat does not plan to support using Identity Management (IdM) servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.3 and earlier with IdM clients of the next major release of RHEL. If you plan to introduce client systems running on the next major version of RHEL into a deployment that is currently managed by IdM servers running on RHEL 7.3 or earlier, be aware that you will need to upgrade the servers, moving them to RHEL 7.4 or later.
In the next major release of RHEL, only domain level 1 replicas will be supported. Before introducing IdM replicas running on the next major version of RHEL into an existing deployment, be aware that you will need to upgrade all IdM servers to RHEL 7.4 or later, and change the domain level to 1.
Consider planning the upgrade in advance if your deployment will be affected.
Bug-fix only support for the nss-pam-ldapd and NIS packages in the next major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
The nss-pam-ldapd packages and packages related to the NIS server will be released in the future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux but will receive a limited scope of support. Red Hat will accept bug reports but no new requests for enhancements. Customers are advised to migrate to the following replacement solutions:
Affected packages | Proposed replacement package or product |
nss-pam-ldapd | sssd |
ypserv ypbind portmap yp-tools | Identity Management in Red Hat Enterprise Linux |
Use the Go Toolset instead of golang
The golang package, previously available in the Optional repository, will no longer receive updates in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Developers are encouraged to use the Go Toolset instead.
mesa-private-llvm will be replaced with llvm-private
The mesa-private-llvm package, which contains the LLVM-based runtime support for Mesa, will be replaced in a future minor release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with the llvm-private package.
libdbi and libdbi-drivers have been deprecated
The libdbi and libdbi-drivers packages will not be included in the next Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) major release.
Ansible deprecated in the Extras repository
and its dependencies will no longer be updated through the Extras repository. Instead, the Red Hat Ansible Engine product has been made available to Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions and will provide access to the official Ansible Engine channel. Customers who have previously installed Ansible
and its dependencies from the Extras repository are advised to enable and update from the Ansible Engine channel, or uninstall the packages as future errata will not be provided from the Extras repository.
was previously provided in Extras (for AMD64 and Intel 64 architectures, and IBM POWER, little endian) as a runtime dependency of, and limited in support to, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) System Roles. Ansible Engine is available today for AMD64 and Intel 64 architectures, with IBM POWER, little endian availability coming soon.
Note that Ansible
in the Extras repository was not a part of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux FIPS validation process.
The following packages have been deprecated from the Extras repository:
- ansible(-doc)
- libtomcrypt
- libtommath(-devel)
- python2-crypto
- python2-jmespath
- python-httplib2
- python-paramiko(-doc)
- python-passlib
- sshpass
For more information and guidance, see the Knowledgebase article at https://access.redhat.com/articles/3359651.
Note that Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Roles continue to be distributed though the Extras repository. Although Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Roles no longer depend on the ansible package, installing ansible from the Ansible Engine repository is still needed to run playbooks which use Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Roles.
signtool has been deprecated and moved to unsupported-tools
The signtool
tool from the nss packages, which uses insecure signature algorithms, has been deprecated. The signtool
executable has been moved to the /usr/lib64/nss/unsupported-tools/
or /usr/lib/nss/unsupported-tools/
directory, depending on the platform.
SSL 3.0 and RC4 are disabled by default in NSS
Support for the RC4 ciphers in the TLS protocols and the SSL 3.0 protocol is disabled by default in the NSS library. Applications that require RC4 ciphers or SSL 3.0 protocol for interoperability do not work in default system configuration.
It is possible to re-enable those algorithms by editing the /etc/pki/nss-legacy/nss-rhel7.config
file. To re-enable RC4, remove the :RC4
string from the disallow=
list. To re-enable SSL 3.0 change the TLS-VERSION-MIN=tls1.0
option to ssl3.0
TLS compression support has been removed from nss
To prevent security risks, such as the CRIME attack, support for TLS compression in the NSS
library has been removed for all TLS versions. This change preserves the API compatibility.
Public web CAs are no longer trusted for code signing by default
The Mozilla CA certificate trust list distributed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 no longer trusts any public web CAs for code signing. As a consequence, any software that uses the related flags, such as NSS
or OpenSSL
, no longer trusts these CAs for code signing by default. The software continues to fully support code signing trust. Additionally, it is still possible to configure CA certificates as trusted for code signing using system configuration.
Sendmail has been deprecated
has been deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Customers are advised to use Postfix
, which is configured as the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).
dmraid has been deprecated
Since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, the dmraid packages have been deprecated. It will stay available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 releases but a future major release will no longer support legacy hybrid combined hardware and software RAID host bus adapter (HBA).
Automatic loading of DCCP modules through socket layer is now disabled by default
For security reasons, automatic loading of the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)
kernel modules through socket layer is now disabled by default. This ensures that userspace applications can not maliciously load any modules. All DCCP
related modules can still be loaded manually through the modprobe
The /etc/modprobe.d/dccp-blacklist.conf
configuration file for blacklisting the DCCP
modules is included in the kernel package. Entries included there can be cleared by editing or removing this file to restore the previous behavior.
Note that any re-installation of the same kernel package or of a different version does not override manual changes. If the file is manually edited or removed, these changes persist across package installations.
rsyslog-libdbi has been deprecated
The rsyslog-libdbi sub-package, which contains one of the less used rsyslog
module, has been deprecated and will not be included in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Removing unused or rarely used modules helps users to conveniently find a database output to use.
The inputname option of the rsyslog imudp module has been deprecated
The inputname
option of the imudp
module for the rsyslog
service has been deprecated. Use the name
option instead.
SMBv1 is no longer installed with Microsoft Windows 10 and 2016 (updates 1709 and later)
Microsoft announced that the Server Message Block version 1 (SMBv1) protocol will no longer be installed with the latest versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows Server. Microsoft also recommends users to disable SMBv1 on earlier versions of these products.
This update impacts Red Hat customers who operate their systems in a mixed Linux and Windows environment. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 and earlier support only the SMBv1 version of the protocol. Support for SMBv2 was introduced in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2.
For details on how this change affects Red Hat customers, see SMBv1 no longer installed with latest Microsoft Windows 10 and 2016 update (version 1709) in Red Hat Knowledgebase.
The -ok option of the tc command has been deprecated
The -ok
option of the tc
command has been deprecated and this feature will not be included in the next major version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
FedFS has been deprecated
Federated File System (FedFS) has been deprecated because the upstream FedFS project is no longer being actively maintained. Red Hat recommends migrating FedFS installations to use autofs
, which provides more flexible functionality.
Btrfs has been deprecated
The Btrfs
file system has been in Technology Preview state since the initial release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Red Hat will not be moving Btrfs
to a fully supported feature and it will be removed in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
The Btrfs
file system did receive numerous updates from the upstream in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 and will remain available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 series. However, this is the last planned update to this feature.
tcp_wrappers deprecated
The tcp_wrappers package has been deprecated. tcp_wrappers provides a library and a small daemon program that can monitor and filter incoming requests for audit, cyrus-imap, dovecot, nfs-utils, openssh, openldap, proftpd, sendmail, stunnel, syslog-ng, vsftpd, and various other network services.
nautilus-open-terminal replaced with gnome-terminal-nautilus
Since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3, the nautilus-open-terminal package has been deprecated and replaced with the gnome-terminal-nautilus package. This package provides a Nautilus extension that adds the Open in Terminal
option to the right-click context menu in Nautilus. nautilus-open-terminal is replaced by gnome-terminal-nautilus during the system upgrade.
sslwrap() removed from Python
The sslwrap()
function has been removed from Python 2.7. After the 466 Python Enhancement Proposal was implemented, using this function resulted in a segmentation fault. The removal is consistent with upstream.
Red Hat recommends using the ssl.SSLContext
class and the ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket()
function instead. Most applications can simply use the ssl.create_default_context()
function, which creates a context with secure default settings. The default context uses the system’s default trust store, too.
Symbols from libraries linked as dependencies no longer resolved by ld
Previously, the ld
linker resolved any symbols present in any linked library, even if some libraries were linked only implicitly as dependencies of other libraries. This allowed developers to use symbols from the implicitly linked libraries in application code and omit explicitly specifying these libraries for linking.
For security reasons, ld
has been changed to not resolve references to symbols in libraries linked implicitly as dependencies.
As a result, linking with ld
fails when application code attempts to use symbols from libraries not declared for linking and linked only implicitly as dependencies. To use symbols from libraries linked as dependencies, developers must explicitly link against these libraries as well.
To restore the previous behavior of ld
, use the -copy-dt-needed-entries
command-line option. (BZ#1292230)
Windows guest virtual machine support limited
As of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, Windows guest virtual machines are supported only under specific subscription programs, such as Advanced Mission Critical (AMC).
libnetlink is deprecated
The libnetlink
library contained in the iproute-devel package has been deprecated. The user should use the libnl
and libmnl
libraries instead.
S3 and S4 power management states for KVM have been deprecated
Native KVM support for the S3 (suspend to RAM) and S4 (suspend to disk) power management states has been discontinued. This feature was previously available as a Technology Preview.
The Certificate Server plug-in udnPwdDirAuth is discontinued
The udnPwdDirAuth
authentication plug-in for the Red Hat Certificate Server was removed in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3. Profiles using the plug-in are no longer supported. Certificates created with a profile using the udnPwdDirAuth
plug-in are still valid if they have been approved.
Red Hat Access plug-in for IdM is discontinued
The Red Hat Access plug-in for Identity Management (IdM) was removed in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3. During the update, the redhat-access-plugin-ipa package is automatically uninstalled. Features previously provided by the plug-in, such as Knowledgebase access and support case engagement, are still available through the Red Hat Customer Portal. Red Hat recommends to explore alternatives, such as the redhat-support-tool
The Ipsilon identity provider service for federated single sign-on
The ipsilon packages were introduced as Technology Preview in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2. Ipsilon links authentication providers and applications or utilities to allow for single sign-on (SSO).
Red Hat does not plan to upgrade Ipsilon from Technology Preview to a fully supported feature. The ipsilon packages will be removed from Red Hat Enterprise Linux in a future minor release.
Red Hat has released Red Hat Single Sign-On as a web SSO solution based on the Keycloak community project. Red Hat Single Sign-On provides greater capabilities than Ipsilon and is designated as the standard web SSO solution across the Red Hat product portfolio.
Several rsyslog options deprecated
The rsyslog
utility version in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 has deprecated a large number of options. These options no longer have any effect and cause a warning to be displayed.
The functionality previously provided by the options
, and-6
can be achieved using thersyslog
configuration. -
There is no replacement for the functionality previously provided by the options
Deprecated symbols from the memkind library
The following symbols from the memkind
library have been deprecated:
Options of Sockets API Extensions for SCTP (RFC 6458) deprecated
The options SCTP_SNDRCV
of Sockets API Extensions for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol have been deprecated per the RFC 6458 specification.
New options SCTP_SNDINFO
have been implemented as a replacement for the deprecated options.
Managing NetApp ONTAP using SSLv2 and SSLv3 is no longer supported by libstorageMgmt
The SSLv2 and SSLv3 connections to the NetApp ONTAP storage array are no longer supported by the libstorageMgmt
library. Users can contact NetApp support to enable the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
dconf-dbus-1 has been deprecated and dconf-editor is now delivered separately
With this update, the dconf-dbus-1
API has been removed. However, the dconf-dbus-1
library has been backported to preserve binary compatibility. Red Hat recommends using the GDBus
library instead of dconf-dbus-1
The dconf-error.h
file has been renamed to dconf-enums.h
. In addition, the dconf Editor is now delivered in the separate dconf-editor package.
FreeRADIUS no longer accepts Auth-Type := System
server no longer accepts the Auth-Type := System
option for the rlm_unix
authentication module. This option has been replaced by the use of the unix
module in the authorize
section of the configuration file.
The libcxgb3 library and the cxgb3 firmware package have been deprecated
The libcxgb3
library provided by the libibverbs package and the cxgb3 firmware package have been deprecated. They continue to be supported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 but will likely not be supported in the next major releases of this product. This change corresponds with the deprecation of the cxgb3
, cxgb3i
, and iw_cxgb3
drivers listed above.
SFN4XXX adapters have been deprecated
Starting with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4, SFN4XXX Solarflare network adapters have been deprecated. Previously, Solarflare had a single driver sfc
for all adapters. Recently, support of SFN4XXX was split from sfc
and moved into a new SFN4XXX-only driver, called sfc-falcon
. Both drivers continue to be supported at this time, but sfc-falcon
and SFN4XXX support is scheduled for removal in a future major release.
Software-initiated-only FCoE storage technologies have been deprecated
The software-initiated-only type of the Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) storage technology has been deprecated due to limited customer adoption. The software-initiated-only storage technology will remain supported for the life of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The deprecation notice indicates the intention to remove software-initiated-based FCoE support in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
It is important to note that the hardware support and the associated user-space tools (such as drivers, libfc
, or libfcoe
) are unaffected by this deprecation notice.
For details regarding changes to FCoE support in RHEL 8, see Considerations in adopting RHEL 8.
Target mode in Software FCoE and Fibre Channel has been deprecated
Software FCoE:
The NIC Software FCoE target functionality has been deprecated and will remain supported for the life of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The deprecation notice indicates the intention to remove the NIC Software FCoE target functionality support in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For more information regarding changes to FCoE support in RHEL 8, see Considerations in adopting RHEL 8.
Fibre Channel:
Target mode in Fibre Channel has been deprecated and will remain supported for the life of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Target mode will be disabled for the
drivers in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Containers using the libvirt-lxc tooling have been deprecated
The following libvirt-lxc packages are deprecated since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1:
- libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc
- libvirt-daemon-lxc
- libvirt-login-shell
Future development on the Linux containers framework is now based on the docker command-line interface. libvirt-lxc tooling may be removed in a future release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (including Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7) and should not be relied upon for developing custom container management applications.
For more information, see the Red Hat KnowledgeBase article.
The Perl and shell scripts for Directory Server have been deprecated
The Perl and shell scripts, which are provided by the 389-ds-base package, have been deprecated. The scripts will be replaced by new utilities in the next major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
libguestfs can no longer inspect ISO installer files
The libguestfs
library does no longer support inspecting ISO installer files, for example using the guestfish
or virt-inspector
utilities. Use the osinfo-detect
command for inspecting ISO files instead. This command can be obtained from the libosinfo package.
Creating internal snapshots of virtual machines has been deprecated
Due to their lack of optimization and stability, internal virtual machine snapshots are now deprecated. In their stead, external snapshots are recommended for use. For more information, including instructions for creating external snapshots, see the Virtualization Deployment and Admnistration Guide.
IVSHMEM has been deprecated
The inter-VM shared memory device (IVSHMEM) feature has been deprecated. Therefore, in a future major release of RHEL, if a virtual machine (VM) is configured to share memory between multiple virtual machines in the form of a PCI device that exposes memory to guests, the VM will fail to boot.
The gnome-shell-browser-plugin subpackage has been deprecated
Since the Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR 60), Firefox no longer supports the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) that was used by the gnome-shell-browser-plugin subpackage. The subpackage, which provided the functionality to install GNOME Shell Extensions, has thus been deprecated. The installation of GNOME Shell Extensions is now handled directly in the gnome-software package.
The VDO read cache has been deprecated
The read cache functionality in Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO) has been deprecated. The read cache is disabled by default on new VDO volumes.
In the next major Red Hat Enterprise Linux release, the read cache functionality will be removed, and you will no longer be able to enable it using the --readCache
option of the vdo
cpuid has been deprecated
The cpuid
command has been deprecated. A future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux will no longer support using cpuid
to dump the information about CPUID instruction for each CPU. To obtain similar information, use the lscpu
command instead.
KDE has been deprecated
KDE Plasma Workspaces (KDE), which has been provided as an alternative to the default GNOME desktop environment has been deprecated. A future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux will no longer support using KDE instead of the default GNOME desktop environment.
Using virt-install with NFS locations is deprecated
With a future major version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the virt-install
utility will not be able to mount NFS locations. As a consequence, attempting to install a virtual machine using virt-install
with a NFS address as a value of the --location
option will fail. To work around this change, mount your NFS share prior to using virt-install
, or use a HTTP location.
The lwresd daemon has been deprecated
The lwresd
daemon, which is a part of the bind package, has been deprecated. A future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux will no longer support providing name lookup services to clients that use the BIND 9 lightweight resolver library with lwresd
The recommended replacements are:
daemon andnss-resolve
API, provided by the systemd package -
library API and daemon, provided by the unbound and unbound-libs packages -
and relatedglibc
library calls
The /etc/sysconfig/nfs file and legacy NFS service names have been deprecated
A future major Red Hat Enterprise Linux release will move the NFS configuration from the /etc/sysconfig/nfs
file to /etc/nfs.conf
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 currently supports both of these files. Red Hat recommends that you use the new /etc/nfs.conf
file to make NFS configuration in all versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux compatible with automated configuration systems.
Additionally, the following NFS service aliases will be removed and replaced by their upstream names:
, replaced bynfs-server.service
, replaced byrpc-gssd.service
, replaced byrpc-gssd.service
, replaced bynfs-idmapd.service
, replaced bynfs-idmapd.service
, replaced byrpc-statd.service
, replaced byrpc-statd.service
The JSON export functionality has been removed from the nft
Previously, the nft
utility provided an export feature, but the exported content could contain internal ruleset representation details, which was likely to change without further notice. For this reason, the deprecated export functionality has been removed from nft
starting with RHEL 7.7. Future versions of nft
, such as provided by RHEL 8, contain a high-level JSON API. However, this API not available in RHEL 7.7.
The openvswitch-2.0.0-7
package in the RHEL 7 Optional repository has been deprecated
RHEL 7.5 introduced the openvswitch-2.0.0-7.el7
package in the RHEL 7 Optional repository as a dependency of the NetworkManager-ovs
package. This dependency no longer exists and, as a result, openvswitch-2.0.0-7.el7
is now deprecated.
Note that Red Hat does not support packages in the RHEL 7 Optional repository and that openvswitch-2.0.0-7.el7
will not be updated in the future. For this reason, do not use this package in production environments.
Deprecated PHP extensions
The following PHP extensions have been deprecated:
- aspell
- mysql
- memcache
Deprecated Apache HTTP Server modules
The following modules of the Apache HTTP Server have been deprecated:
- mod_file_cache
- mod_nss
- mod_perl
Apache Tomcat has been deprecated
The Apache Tomcat server, a servlet container for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies, has been deprecated. Red Hat recommends that users requiring a servlet container use the JBoss Web Server.
The DES algorithm is deprecated in IdM
Due to security reasons, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm is deprecated in Identity Management (IdM). The MIT Kerberos libraries provided by the krb5-libs
package do not support using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) in new deployments. Use DES only for compatibility reasons if your environment does not support any newer algorithm.
Red Hat also recommends to avoid using RC4 ciphers over Kerberos. While DES is deprecated, the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol still uses RC4. However, the SMB protocol can also use the secure AES algorithms.
For further details, see:
type support has been removed from libquadmath
type support has been removed from the libquadmath
library in the compat-libgfortran-41
package in order to preserve ABI compatibility.
Deprecated glibc features
The following features of the GNU C library provided by the glibc
packages have been deprecated:
library - Sun RPC and NIS interfaces
Deprecated features of the GDB debugger
The following features and capabilities of the GDB debugger have been deprecated:
debugging Java programs built with the
compiler -
HP-UX XDB compatibility mode and the
option -
Sun version of the
Development headers and static libraries from valgrind-devel
have been deprecated
The valgrind-devel
sub-package includes development files for developing custom Valgrind tools. These files do not have a guaranteed API, have to be linked statically, are unsupported, and thus have been deprecated. Red Hat recommends to use the other development files and header files for valgrind-aware programs from the valgrind-devel
package such as valgrind.h
, callgrind.h
, drd.h
, helgrind.h
, and memcheck.h
, which are stable and well supported.
The nosegneg
libraries for 32-bit Xen have been deprecated
The glibc
i686 packages contain an alternative glibc
build, which avoids the use of the thread descriptor segment register with negative offsets (nosegneg
). This alternative build is only used in the 32-bit version of the Xen Project hypervisor without hardware virtualization support, as an optimization to reduce the cost of full paravirtualization. This alternative build is deprecated.
Ada, Go, and Objective C/C++ build capability in GCC has been deprecated
Capability for building code in the Ada (GNAT), GCC Go, and Objective C/C++ languages using the GCC compiler has been deprecated.
To build Go code, use the Go Toolset instead.
Deprecated Kickstart commands and options
The following Kickstart commands and options have been deprecated:
part btrfs
andpartition btrfs
part --fstype btrfs
andpartition --fstype btrfs
logvol --fstype btrfs
raid --fstype btrfs
Where only specific options and values are listed, the base command and its other options are not deprecated.
The env
option in virt-who
has become deprecated
With this update, the virt-who
utility no longer uses the env
option for hypervisor detection. As a consequence, Red Hat discourages the use of env
in your virt-who
configurations, as the option will not have the intended effect.
AGP graphics card have been deprecatd
Graphics cards using the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) bus have been deprecated and are not supported in RHEL 8. AGP graphics cards are rarely used in 64-bit machines and the bus has been replaced by PCI-Express.
The copy_file_range()
call has been disabled on local file systems and in NFS
The copy_file_range()
system call on local file systems contains multiple issues that are difficult to fix. To avoid file corruptions, copy_file_range()
support on local file systems has been disabled in RHEL 7.8. If an application uses the call in this case, copy_file_range()
now returns an ENOSYS
For the same reason, the server-side-copy feature has been disabled in the NFS server. However, the NFS client still supports copy_file_range()
when accessing a server that supports server-side-copy.