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Chapter 4. OpenWire over UDP/IP

URI syntax

A UDP URI has the syntax shown in Example 4.1, “Syntax for a UDP Connection”.

Example 4.1. Syntax for a UDP Connection


Setting transport options

OpenWire transport options, transportOptions, are specified as a list of matrix parameters. How you specify the options to use differs between a client-side URI and a broker-side URI:
  • When using a URI to open a connection between a client and a broker, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 4.2. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

  • When using a URI to open a broker listener socket, you prefix the option name with transport. as shown.

    Example 4.3. Specifying Transport Options for a Listener Socket

  • When using a URI to open a broker connection socket, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 4.4. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

In XML configuration, you must escape the & symbol, replacing it with & as shown.

Example 4.5. Transport Options in XML


Transport options

The UDP transport supports the options listed in Table 4.1, “UDP Transport Options”.
Table 4.1. UDP Transport Options
minmumWireFormatVersion0The minimum version wire format that is allowed.
tracefalseCauses all commands sent over the transport to be logged.
useLocalHosttrueWhen true, causes the local machine's name to resolve to localhost.
datagramSize4*1024Specifies the size of a datagram.
wireFormat The name of the wire format to use.
wireFormat.* All options with this prefix are used to configure the wire format. See Table A.1, “Wire Format Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol” for more information.
jms.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure client connections to a broker. See Appendix B, Client Connection Options for more information.
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