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Chapter 5. Deploying an NFS server

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By using the Network File System (NFS) protocol, remote users can mount shared directories over a network and use them as they were mounted locally. This enables you to consolidate resources onto centralized servers on the network.

5.1. Key features of minor NFSv4 versions

Each minor NFSv4 version brings enhancements aimed at improving performance and security. Use these improvements to utilize the full potential of NFSv4, ensuring efficient and reliable file sharing across networks.

Key features of NFSv4.2

Server-side copy
Server-side copy is a capability of the NFS server to copy files on the server without transferring the data back and forth over the network.
Sparse files
Enables files to have one or more empty spaces, or gaps, which are unallocated or uninitialized data blocks consisting only of zeros. This enables applications to map out the location of holes in the sparse file.
Space reservation
Clients can reserve or allocate space on the storage server before writing data. This prevents the server from running out of space.
Labeled NFS
Enforces data access rights and enables SELinux labels between a client and a server for individual files on an NFS file system.
Layout enhancements
Provides functionality to enable Parallel NFS (pNFS) servers to collect better performance statistics.

Key features of NFSv4.1

Client-side support for pNFS
The support of high-speed I/O to clustered servers enables you to store data on multiple machines, to provide direct access to data, and synchronization of updates to metadata.
Sessions maintain the server’s state relative to the connections belonging to a client. These sessions provide improved performance and efficiency by reducing the overhead associated with establishing and terminating connections for each Remote Procedure Call (RPC) operation.

Key features of NFSv4.0

RPC and security
The RPCSEC_GSS framework enhances RPC security. The NFSv4 protocol introduces a new operation for in-band security negotiation. This enables clients to query server policies for accessing file system resources securely.
Procedure and operation structure
NFS 4.0 introduces the COMPOUND procedure, which enables clients to merge multiple operations into a single request to reduce RPCs.
File system model

NFS 4.0 retains the hierarchical file system model, treating files as byte streams and encoding names with UTF-8 for internationalization.

  • File handle types

    With volatile file handles, servers can adjust to file system changes and enable clients to adapt as needed without requiring permanent file handles.

  • Attribute types

    The file attribute structure includes required, recommended, and named attributes, each serving distinct purposes. Required attributes, derived from NFSv3, are essential for distinguishing file types, while recommended attributes, such as ACLs, provide enhanced access control.

  • Multi-server namespace

    Namespaces span across multiple servers, simplify file system transfers based on attributes, support referrals, redundancy, and seamless server migration.

OPEN and CLOSE operations
These operations can combine file lookup, creation, and semantic sharing at a single point and make the file access management more efficient.
File locking
File locking is part of the protocol, eliminating the need for RPC callbacks. File lock state is managed by the server under a lease-based model, where failure to renew the lease may result in state release by the server.
Client caching and delegation
Caching resembles previous versions, with client-determined timeouts for attribute and directory caching. Delegations in NFS 4.0 allow the server to assign certain responsibilities to the client, guaranteeing specific file sharing semantics and enabling local file operations without immediate server interaction.

5.2. The AUTH_SYS authentication method

The AUTH_SYS method, which is also known as AUTH_UNIX, is a client authentication mechanism. With AUTH_SYS, the client sends the User ID (UID) and Group ID (GID) of the user to the server to verify its identity and permissions when accessing files. It is considered less secure as it relies on the client-provided information, making it susceptible to unauthorized access if misconfigured.

Mapping mechanisms ensure that NFS clients can access files with the appropriate permissions on the server, even if the UID and GID assignments differ between systems. UIDs and GIDs are mapped between NFS client and server by the following mechanisms:

Direct mapping

UIDs and GIDs are directly mapped by NFS servers and clients between local and remote systems. This requires consistent UID and GID assignments across all systems participating in NFS file sharing. For example, a user with UID 1000 on a client can only access the files on a share that a user with UID 1000 on the server has access to.

For a simplified ID management in an NFS environment, administrators often rely on centralized services, such as LDAP or Network Information Service (NIS) to manage UID and GID mappings across multiple systems.

User and Group ID mapping
NFS servers and clients can use the idmapd service to translate UIDs and GIDs between different systems for consistent identification and permission assignment.

5.3. The AUTH_GSS authentication method

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that allows secure authentication for clients and servers over a non-secure network. It uses symmetric key cryptography and requires a trusted Key Distribution Center (KDC) to authenticate users and services.

Unlike AUTH_SYS, with the RPCSEC_GSS Kerberos mechanism, the server does not depend on the client to correctly represent which user is accessing the file. Instead, cryptography is used to authenticate users to the server, which prevents a malicious client from impersonating a user without having that user’s Kerberos credentials.

In the /etc/exports file, the sec option defines one or multiple methods of Kerberos security that the share should provide, and clients can mount the share with one of these methods. The sec option supports the following values:

  • sys: no cryptographic protection (default)
  • krb5: authentication only
  • krb5i: authentication and integrity protection
  • krb5p: authentication, integrity checking, and traffic encryption

Note that the more cryptographic functionality a method provides, the lower is the performance.

5.4. File permissions on exported file systems

File permissions on exported file systems determine access rights to files and directories for clients accessing them over NFS.

Once the NFS file system is mounted by a remote host, the only protection each shared file has is its file system permissions. If two users that share the same User ID (UID) value mount the same NFS file system on different client systems, they can modify each other’s files.

NFS treats the root user on the client as equivalent to the root user on the server. However, by default, the NFS server maps root to the nobody account when accessing an NFS share. The root_squash option controls this behavior.

Additional resources

  • exports(5) man page on your system

5.5. Services required on an NFS server

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) uses a combination of a kernel module and user-space processes to provide NFS file shares:

Table 5.1. Services required on an NFS server
Service nameNFS versionsDescription


3, 4

The NFS kernel module that services requests for shared NFS file systems.



This process accepts port reservations from local remote procedure call (RPC) services, makes them available or advertised, allowing corresponding remote RPC services to access them. The rpcbind service responds to requests and sets up connections to the specified RPC service.


3, 4

This service processes MOUNT requests from NFSv3 clients, and NFSv4 servers use internal functions of this service.

It checks that the requested NFS share is currently exported by the NFS server and that the client is allowed to access it.


3, 4

This process advertises explicit NFS versions and protocols the server defines. It works with the kernel to meet the dynamic demands of NFS clients, such as providing server threads each time an NFS client connects.

The nfs-server service starts this process.



This kernel module implements the Network Lock Manager (NLM) protocol, which enables clients to lock files on the server. RHEL loads the module automatically when the NFS server runs.


3, 4

This service provides user quota information for remote users.



This process provides NFSv4 client and server upcalls, which map between NFSv4 names (strings in the form of `user@domain`) and local user and group IDs.


3, 4

This service handles krb5 authentication on behalf of rpc.nfsd.



This service provides a NFSv4 client tracking daemon that prevents the server from granting lock reclaims when other clients have taken conflicting locks during a network partition combined with a server reboot.



This service provides notification to other NFSv3 clients when the local host reboots, and to the kernel when a remote NFSv3 host reboots.

Additional resources

  • rpcbind(8), rpc.mountd(8), rpc.nfsd(8), rpc.statd(8), rpc.rquotad(8), rpc.idmapd(8), gssproxy(8), nfsdcld(8), rpc.statd(8) man pages on your system

5.6. The /etc/exports configuration file

The /etc/exports file controls which directories the server exports. Each line contains an export point, a whitespace-separated list of clients that are allowed to mount the directory, and options for each of the clients:

<directory> <host_or_network_1>(<options_1>) <host_or_network_n>(<options_n>)...

The following are the individual parts of an /etc/exports entry:

The directory that is being exported.
The host or network to which the export is being shared. For example, you can specify a hostname, an IP address, or an IP network.
The options for the host or network.

Adding a space between a client and options, changes the behavior. For example, the following lines do not have the same meaning:

/projects (rw)

In the first line, the server allows only to mount the /projects directory in read-write mode, and no other hosts can mount the share. However, due to the space between and (rw) in the second line, the server exports the directory to in read-only mode (default setting), but all other hosts can mount the share in read-write mode.

The NFS server uses the following default settings for each exported directory:

Table 5.2. Default options of entries in /etc/exports
Default settingDescription


Exports the directory in read-only mode.


The NFS server does not reply to requests before changes made by previous requests are written to disk.


The server delays writing to the disk if it suspects another write request is pending..


Prevents that the root user on clients has root permissions on an exported directory. With root_squash enabled, the NFS server maps access from root to the user nobody.

5.7. Configuring an NFSv4-only server

If you do not have any NFSv3 clients in your network, you can configure the NFS server to support only NFSv4 or specific minor protocol versions of it. Using only NFSv4 on the server reduces the number of ports that are open to the network.


  1. Install the nfs-utils package:

    # dnf install nfs-utils
  2. Edit the /etc/nfs.conf file, and make the following changes:

    1. Disable the vers3 parameter in the [nfsd] section to disable NFSv3:

    2. Optional: If you require only specific NFSv4 minor versions, uncomment all vers4.<minor_version> parameters and set them accordingly, for example:

      # vers4=y

      With this configuration, the server provides only NFS version 4.2.


      If you require only a specific NFSv4 minor version, set only the parameters for the minor versions. Do not uncomment the vers4 parameter to avoid an unpredictable activation or deactivation of minor versions. By default, the vers4 parameter enables or disables all NFSv4 minor versions. However, this behavior changes if you set vers4 in conjunction with other vers parameters.

  3. Disable all NFSv3-related services:

    # systemctl mask --now rpc-statd.service rpcbind.service rpcbind.socket
  4. Configure the rpc.mountd daemon to not listen for NFSv3 mount requests. Create a /etc/systemd/system/nfs-mountd.service.d/v4only.conf file with the following content:

    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.mountd --no-tcp --no-udp
  5. Reload the systemd manager configuration and restart the nfs-mountd service:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl restart nfs-mountd
  6. Optional: Create a directory that you want to share, for example:

    # mkdir -p /nfs/projects/

    If you want to share an existing directory, skip this step.

  7. Set the permissions you require on the /nfs/projects/ directory:

    # chmod 2770 /nfs/projects/
    # chgrp users /nfs/projects/

    These commands set write permissions for the users group on the /nfs/projects/ directory and ensure that the same group is automatically set on new entries created in this directory.

  8. Add an export point to the /etc/exports file for each directory that you want to share:

    /nfs/projects/ 2001:db8::/32(rw)

    This entry shares the /nfs/projects/ directory to be accessible with read and write access to clients in the and 2001:db8::/32 subnets.

  9. Open the relevant ports in firewalld:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service nfs
    # firewall-cmd --reload
  10. Enable and start the NFS server:

    # systemctl enable --now nfs-server


  • On the server, verify that the server provides only the NFS versions that you have configured:

    # cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions
    -3 +4 -4.0 -4.1 +4.2
  • On a client, perform the following steps:

    1. Install the nfs-utils package:

      # dnf install nfs-utils
    2. Mount an exported NFS share:

      # mount /mnt/
    3. As a user which is a member of the users group, create a file in /mnt/:

      # touch /mnt/file
    4. List the directory to verify that the file was created:

      # ls -l /mnt/
      total 0
      -rw-r--r--. 1 demo users 0 Jan 16 14:18 file

5.8. Configuring an NFSv3 server with optional NFSv4 support

In a network which still uses NFSv3 clients, configure the server to provide shares by using the NFSv3 protocol. If you also have newer clients in your network, you can, additionally, enable NFSv4. By default, Red Hat Enterprise Linux NFS clients use the latest NFS version that the server provides.


  1. Install the nfs-utils package:

    # dnf install nfs-utils
  2. Optional: By default, NFSv3 and NFSv4 are enabled. If you do not require NFSv4 or only specific minor versions, uncomment all vers4.<minor_version> parameters and set them accordingly:

    # vers3=y
    # vers4=y

    With this configuration, the server provides only the NFS version 3 and 4.2.


    If you require only a specific NFSv4 minor version, set only the parameters for the minor versions. Do not uncomment the vers4 parameter to avoid an unpredictable activation or deactivation of minor versions. By default, the vers4 parameter enables or disables all NFSv4 minor versions. However, this behavior changes if you set vers4 in conjunction with other vers parameters.

  3. By default, NFSv3 RPC services use random ports. To enable a firewall configuration, configure fixed port numbers in the /etc/nfs.conf file:

    1. In the [lockd] section, set a fixed port number for the nlockmgr RPC service, for example:


      With this setting, the service automatically uses this port number for both the UDP and TCP protocol.

    2. In the [statd] section, set a fixed port number for the rpc.statd service, for example:


      With this setting, the service automatically uses this port number for both the UDP and TCP protocol.

  4. Optional: Create a directory that you want to share, for example:

    # mkdir -p /nfs/projects/

    If you want to share an existing directory, skip this step.

  5. Set the permissions you require on the /nfs/projects/ directory:

    # chmod 2770 /nfs/projects/
    # chgrp users /nfs/projects/

    These commands set write permissions for the users group on the /nfs/projects/ directory and ensure that the same group is automatically set on new entries created in this directory.

  6. Add an export point to the /etc/exports file for each directory that you want to share:

    /nfs/projects/ 2001:db8::/32(rw)

    This entry shares the /nfs/projects/ directory to be accessible with read and write access to clients in the and 2001:db8::/32 subnets.

  7. Open the relevant ports in firewalld:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service={nfs,rpc-bind,mountd}
    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={5555/tcp,5555/udp,6666/tcp,6666/udp}
    # firewall-cmd --reload
  8. Enable and start the NFS server:

    # systemctl enable --now rpc-statd nfs-server


  • On the server, verify that the server provides only the NFS versions that you have configured:

    # cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions
    +3 +4 -4.0 -4.1 +4.2
  • On a client, perform the following steps:

    1. Install the nfs-utils package:

      # dnf install nfs-utils
    2. Mount an exported NFS share:

      # mount -o vers=<version> /mnt/
    3. Verify that the share was mounted with the specified NFS version:

      # mount | grep "/mnt" on /mnt type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,...
    4. As a user which is a member of the users group, create a file in /mnt/:

      # touch /mnt/file
    5. List the directory to verify that the file was created:

      # ls -l /mnt/
      total 0
      -rw-r--r--. 1 demo users 0 Jan 16 14:18 file

5.9. Enabling quota support on an NFS server

If you want to restrict the amount of data a user or a group can store, you can configure quotas on the file system. On an NFS server, the rpc-rquotad service ensures that the quota is also applied to users on NFS clients.


  • The NFS server is running and configured.
  • Quotas have been configured on the ext or XFS file system.


  1. Verify that quotas are enabled on the directories that you export:

    • For ext file system, enter:

      # quotaon -p /nfs/projects/
      group quota on /nfs/projects (/dev/sdb1) is on
      user quota on /nfs/projects (/dev/sdb1) is on
      project quota on /nfs/projects (/dev/sdb1) is off
    • For an XFS file system, enter:

      # findmnt /nfs/projects
      /nfs/projects /dev/sdb1 xfs	rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,usrquota,grpquota
  2. Install the quota-rpc package:

    # dnf install quota-rpc
  3. Optional: By default, the quota RPC service runs on port 875. If you want to run the service on a different port, append -p <port_number> to the RPCRQUOTADOPTS variable in the /etc/sysconfig/rpc-rquotad file:

    RPCRQUOTADOPTS="-p __<port_number>__"
  4. Optional: By default, remote hosts can only read quotas. To allow clients to set quotas, append the -S option to the RPCRQUOTADOPTS variable in the /etc/sysconfig/rpc-rquotad file:

  5. Open the port in firewalld:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=875/udp
    # firewall-cmd --reload
  6. Enable and start the rpc-rquotad service:

    # systemctl enable --now rpc-rquotad


  1. On the client:

    1. Mount the exported share:

      # mount /mnt/
    2. Display the quota. The command depends on the file system of the exported directory. For example:

      • To display the quota of a specific user on all mounted ext file systems, enter:

        # quota -u <user_name>
        Disk quotas for user demo (uid 1000):
             Filesystem     space     quota     limit     grace     files     quota      limit     grace
                     0K       100M      200M                  0         0         0
      • To display the user and group quota on an XFS file system, enter:

        # xfs_quota -x -c "report -h" /mnt/
        User quota on /nfs/projects (/dev/vdb1)
        User ID     Used     Soft     Hard     Warn/Grace
        ---------- ---------------------------------
        root        0        0        0        00 [------]
        demo        0        100M     200M     00 [------]

Additional resources

  • The quota(1) and xfs_quota(8) man pages on your system

5.10. Enabling NFS over RDMA on an NFS server

Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is a protocol that enables a client system to directly transfer data from the memory of a storage server into its own memory. This enhances storage throughput, decreases latency in data transfer between the server and client, and reduces CPU load on both ends. If both the NFS server and clients are connected over RDMA, clients can use NFSoRDMA to mount an exported directory.


  • The NFS service is running and configured
  • An InfiniBand or RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) device is installed on the server.
  • IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB) is configured on the server, and the InfiniBand device has an IP address assigned.


  1. Install the rdma-core package:

    # dnf install rdma-core
  2. If the package was already installed, verify that the xprtrdma and svcrdma modules in the /etc/rdma/modules/rdma.conf file are uncommented:

    # NFS over RDMA client support
    # NFS over RDMA server support
  3. Optional: By default, NFS over RDMA uses port 20049. If you want to use a different port, set the rdma-port setting in the [nfsd] section of the /etc/nfs.conf file:

  4. Open the NFSoRDMA port in firewalld:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={20049/tcp,20049/udp}
    # firewall-cmd --reload

    Adjust the port numbers if you set a different port than 20049.

  5. Restart the nfs-server service:

    # systemctl restart nfs-server


  1. On a client with InfiniBand hardware, perform the following steps:

    1. Install the following packages:

      # dnf install nfs-utils rdma-core
    2. Mount an exported NFS share over RDMA:

      # mount -o rdma /mnt/

      If you set a port number other than the default (20049), pass port=<port_number> to the command:

      # mount -o rdma,port=<port_number> /mnt/
    3. Verify that the share was mounted with the rdma option:

      # mount | grep "/mnt" on /mnt type nfs (...,proto=rdma,...)

5.11. Setting up an NFS server with Kerberos in a Red Hat Identity Management domain

If you use Red Hat Identity Management (IdM), you can join your NFS server to the IdM domain. This enables you to centrally manage users and groups and to use Kerberos for authentication, integrity protection, and traffic encryption.


  • The NFS server is enrolled in a Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) domain.
  • The NFS server is running and configured.


  1. Obtain a kerberos ticket as an IdM administrator:

    # kinit admin
  2. Create a nfs/<FQDN> service principal:

    # ipa service-add nfs/
  3. Retrieve the nfs service principal from IdM, and store it in the /etc/krb5.keytab file:

    # ipa-getkeytab -s -p nfs/ -k /etc/krb5.keytab
  4. Optional: Display the principals in the /etc/krb5.keytab file:

    # klist -k /etc/krb5.keytab
    Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
    KVNO Principal
    ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1 nfs/
       1 nfs/
       1 nfs/
       1 nfs/
       7 host/
       7 host/
       7 host/
       7 host/

    By default, the IdM client adds the host principal to the /etc/krb5.keytab file when you join the host to the IdM domain. If the host principal is missing, use the ipa-getkeytab -s -p host/ -k /etc/krb5.keytab command to add it.

  5. Use the ipa-client-automount utility to configure mapping of IdM IDs:

    #  ipa-client-automount
    Searching for IPA server...
    IPA server: DNS discovery
    Location: default
    Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
    Configured /etc/idmapd.conf
    Restarting sssd, waiting for it to become available.
    Started autofs
  6. Update your /etc/exports file, and add the Kerberos security method to the client options. For example:


    If you want that your clients can select from multiple security methods, specify them separated by colons:

  7. Reload the exported file systems:

    # exportfs -r
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