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Chapter 4. Managing direct connections to AD

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You can use the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) or Samba Winbind to connect your Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system to Active Directory (AD). This section describes how to modify and manage your connection to AD when your RHEL system is already configured as an AD client.


  • You have connected your RHEL system to the Active Directory domain, either with SSSD or Samba Winbind.

4.1. Modifying the default Kerberos host keytab renewal interval

SSSD automatically renews the Kerberos host keytab file in an AD environment if the adcli package is installed. The daemon checks daily if the machine account password is older than the configured value and renews it if necessary.

The default renewal interval is 30 days. To change the default, follow the steps in this procedure.


  1. Add the following parameter to the AD provider in your /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file:

    ad_maximum_machine_account_password_age = value_in_days
  2. Restart SSSD:

    # systemctl restart sssd
  3. To disable the automatic Kerberos host keytab renewal, set ad_maximum_machine_account_password_age = 0.

4.2. Removing a RHEL system from an AD domain

Follow this procedure to remove a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system that is integrated into Active Directory (AD) directly from the AD domain.


  • You have used the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) or Samba Winbind to connect your RHEL system to AD.


  1. Remove a system from an identity domain using the realm leave command. The command removes the domain configuration from SSSD and the local system.

    # realm leave

    When a client leaves a domain, AD does not delete the account and only removes the local client configuration. To delete the AD account, run the command with the --remove option. Initially, an attempt is made to connect without credentials, but you are prompted for your user password if you do not have a valid Kerberos ticket. You must have rights to remove an account from Active Directory.

  2. Use the -U option with the realm leave command to specify a different user to remove a system from an identity domain.

    By default, the realm leave command is executed as the default administrator. For AD, the administrator account is called Administrator. If a different user was used to join to the domain, it might be required to perform the removal as that user.

    # realm leave [] -U [AD.EXAMPLE.COM\user]'

The command first attempts to connect without credentials, but it prompts for a password if required.


  • Verify the domain is no longer configured:

    # realm discover []
        type: kerberos
        realm-name: EXAMPLE.COM
        configured: no
        server-software: active-directory
        client-software: sssd
        required-package: oddjob
        required-package: oddjob-mkhomedir
        required-package: sssd
        required-package: adcli
        required-package: samba-common-tools

Additional resources

  • See the realm(8) man page on your system.

4.3. Setting the domain resolution order in SSSD to resolve short AD user names

By default, you must specify fully qualified usernames, like and, to resolve Active Directory (AD) users and groups on a RHEL host connected to AD with the SSSD service.

This procedure sets the domain resolution order in the SSSD configuration so you can resolve AD users and groups using short names, like ad_username. This example configuration searches for users and groups in the following order:

  1. Active Directory (AD) child domain
  2. AD child domain
  3. AD root domain


  • You have used the SSSD service to connect the RHEL host directly to AD.


  1. Open the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file in a text editor.
  2. Set the domain_resolution_order option in the [sssd] section of the file.

    domain_resolution_order =,,
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Restart the SSSD service to load the new configuration settings.

    [root@ad-client ~]# systemctl restart sssd


  • Verify you can retrieve user information for a user from the first domain using only a short name.

    [root@ad-client ~]# id <user_from_subdomain2>
    uid=1916901142(user_from_subdomain2) gid=1916900513(domain users) groups=1916900513(domain users)

4.4. Managing login permissions for domain users

By default, domain-side access control is applied, which means that login policies for Active Directory (AD) users are defined in the AD domain itself. This default behavior can be overridden so that client-side access control is used. With client-side access control, login permission is defined by local policies only.

If a domain applies client-side access control, you can use the realmd to configure basic allow or deny access rules for users from that domain.


Access rules either allow or deny access to all services on the system. More specific access rules must be set on a specific system resource or in the domain.

4.4.1. Enabling access to users within a domain

By default, login policies for Active Directory (AD) users are defined in the AD domain itself. Follow this procedure to override this default behavior and configure a RHEL host to enable access for users within an AD domain.


It is not recommended to allow access to all by default while only denying it to specific users with realm permit -x. Instead, Red Hat recommends maintaining a default no access policy for all users and only grant access to selected users using realm permit.


  • Your RHEL system is a member of the Active Directory domain.


  1. Grant access to all users:

    # realm permit --all
  2. Grant access to specific users:

    $ realm permit
    $ realm permit 'AD.EXAMPLE.COM\aduser01'

Currently, you can only allow access to users in primary domains and not to users in trusted domains. This is due to the fact that user login must contain the domain name and SSSD cannot currently provide realmd with information about available child domains.


  1. Use SSH to log in to the server as the user:

    $ ssh
    [ ~]$
  2. Use the ssh command a second time to access the same server, this time as the user:

    $ ssh
    Authentication failed.

Notice how the user is denied access to the system. You have granted the permission to log in to the system to the user only. All other users from that Active Directory domain are rejected because of the specified login policy.


If you set use_fully_qualified_names to true in the sssd.conf file, all requests must use the fully qualified domain name. However, if you set use_fully_qualified_names to false, it is possible to use the fully-qualified name in the requests, but only the simplified version is displayed in the output.

Additional resources

  • See the realm(8) man page on your system.

4.4.2. Denying access to users within a domain

By default, login policies for Active Directory (AD) users are defined in the AD domain itself. Follow this procedure to override this default behavior and configure a RHEL host to deny access to users within an AD domain.


It is safer to only allow access to specific users or groups than to deny access to some, while enabling it to everyone else. Therefore, it is not recommended to allow access to all by default while only denying it to specific users with realm permit -x. Instead, Red Hat recommends maintaining a default no access policy for all users and only grant access to selected users using realm permit.


  • Your RHEL system is a member of the Active Directory domain.


  1. Deny access to all users within the domain:

    # realm deny --all

    This command prevents realm accounts from logging into the local machine. Use realm permit to restrict login to specific accounts.

  2. Verify that the domain user’s login-policy is set to deny-any-login:

    [root@replica1 ~]# realm list
      type: kerberos
      realm-name: EXAMPLE.NET
      configured: kerberos-member
      server-software: active-directory
      client-software: sssd
      required-package: oddjob
      required-package: oddjob-mkhomedir
      required-package: sssd
      required-package: adcli
      required-package: samba-common-tools
      login-policy: deny-any-login
  3. Deny access to specific users by using the -x option:

    $ realm permit -x 'AD.EXAMPLE.COM\aduser02'


  • Use SSH to log in to the server as the user.

    $ ssh
    Authentication failed.

If you set use_fully_qualified_names to true in the sssd.conf file, all requests must use the fully qualified domain name. However, if you set use_fully_qualified_names to false, it is possible to use the fully-qualified name in the requests, but only the simplified version is displayed in the output.

Additional resources

  • See the realm(8) man page on your system.

4.5. Applying Group Policy Object access control in RHEL

A Group Policy Object (GPO) is a collection of access control settings stored in Microsoft Active Directory (AD) that can apply to computers and users in an AD environment. By specifying GPOs in AD, administrators can define login policies honored by both Windows clients and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) hosts joined to AD.

The following sections describe how you can manage GPOs in your environment:

4.5.1. How SSSD interprets GPO access control rules

By default, SSSD retrieves Group Policy Objects (GPOs) from Active Directory (AD) domain controllers and evaluates them to determine if a user is allowed to log in to a particular RHEL host joined to AD.

SSSD maps AD Windows Logon Rights to Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) service names to enforce those permissions in a GNU/Linux environment.

As an AD Administrator, you can limit the scope of GPO rules to specific users, groups, or hosts by listing them in a security filter.

Limitations on filtering by hosts

Older versions of SSSD do not evaluate hosts in AD GPO security filters.

  • RHEL 8.3.0 and newer: SSSD supports users, groups, and hosts in security filters.
  • RHEL versions older than 8.3.0: SSSD ignores host entries and only supports users and groups in security filters.
    To ensure that SSSD applies GPO-based access control to a specific host, create a new Organizational Unit (OU) in the AD domain, move the system to the new OU, and then link the GPO to this OU.

Limitations on filtering by groups

SSSD currently does not support Active Directory’s built-in groups, such as Administrators with Security Identifier (SID) S-1-5-32-544. Red Hat recommends against using AD built-in groups in AD GPOs targeting RHEL hosts.

Additional resources

4.5.2. List of GPO settings that SSSD supports

The following table shows the SSSD options that correspond to Active Directory GPO options as specified in the Group Policy Management Editor on Windows.

Table 4.1. GPO access control options retrieved by SSSD
GPO optionCorresponding sssd.conf option

Allow log on locally
Deny log on locally


Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services
Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services


Access this computer from the network
Deny access to this computer from the network


Allow log on as a batch job
Deny log on as a batch job


Allow log on as a service
Deny log on as a service


Additional resources

  • For more information about these sssd.conf settings, such as the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) services that map to GPO options, see the sssd-ad(5) Manual page entry.

4.5.3. List of SSSD options to control GPO enforcement

You can set the following SSSD options to limit the scope of GPO rules.

The ad_gpo_access_control option

You can set the ad_gpo_access_control option in the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file to choose between three different modes in which GPO-based access control operates.

Table 4.2. Table of ad_gpo_access_control values
Value of


GPO-based access control rules are evaluated and enforced.
This is the default setting in RHEL 8.


GPO-based access control rules are evaluated but not enforced; a syslog message is recorded every time access would be denied. This is the default setting in RHEL 7.
This mode is ideal for testing policy adjustments while allowing users to continue logging in.


GPO-based access control rules are neither evaluated nor enforced.

The ad_gpo_implicit_deny option

The ad_gpo_implicit_deny option is set to False by default. In this default state, users are allowed access if applicable GPOs are not found. If you set this option to True, you must explicitly allow users access with a GPO rule.

You can use this feature to harden security, but be careful not to deny access unintentionally. Red Hat recommends testing this feature while ad_gpo_access_control is set to permissive.

The following two tables illustrate when a user is allowed or rejected access based on the allow and deny login rights defined on the AD server-side and the value of ad_gpo_implicit_deny.

Table 4.3. Login behavior with ad_gpo_implicit_deny set to False (default)



all users are allowed



only users not in deny-rules are allowed



only users in allow-rules are allowed



only users in allow-rules and not in deny-rules are allowed

Table 4.4. Login behavior with ad_gpo_implicit_deny set to True



no users are allowed



no users are allowed



only users in allow-rules are allowed



only users in allow-rules and not in deny-rules are allowed

Additional resources

  • For the procedure to change the GPO enforcement mode in SSSD, see Changing the GPO access control mode.
  • For more details on each of the different GPO modes of operation, see the ad_gpo_access_control entry in the sssd-ad(5) Manual page.

4.5.4. Changing the GPO access control mode

This procedure changes how GPO-based access control rules are evaluated and enforced on a RHEL host joined to an Active Directory (AD) environment.

In this example, you will change the GPO operation mode from enforcing (the default) to permissive for testing purposes.


If you see the following errors, Active Directory users are unable to log in due to GPO-based access controls:

  • In /var/log/secure:

    Oct 31 03:00:13 client1 sshd[124914]: pam_sss(sshd:account): Access denied for user aduser1: 6 (Permission denied)
    Oct 31 03:00:13 client1 sshd[124914]: Failed password for aduser1 from port 60509 ssh2
    Oct 31 03:00:13 client1 sshd[124914]: fatal: Access denied for user aduser1 by PAM account configuration [preauth]
  • In /var/log/sssd/sssd__example.com_.log:

    (Sat Oct 31 03:00:13 2020) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_perform_hbac_processing] (0x0040): GPO access check failed: [1432158236](Host Access Denied)
    (Sat Oct 31 03:00:13 2020) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_cse_done] (0x0040): HBAC processing failed: [1432158236](Host Access Denied}
    (Sat Oct 31 03:00:13 2020) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_access_done] (0x0040): GPO-based access control failed.

If this is undesired behavior, you can temporarily set ad_gpo_access_control to permissive as described in this procedure while you troubleshoot proper GPO settings in AD.


  • You have joined a RHEL host to an AD environment using SSSD.
  • Editing the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf configuration file requires root permissions.


  1. Stop the SSSD service.

    [root@server ~]# systemctl stop sssd
  2. Open the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file in a text editor.
  3. Set ad_gpo_access_control to permissive in the domain section for the AD domain.

  4. Save the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file.
  5. Restart the SSSD service to load configuration changes.

    [root@server ~]# systemctl restart sssd

Additional resources

4.5.5. Creating and configuring a GPO for a RHEL host in the AD GUI

A Group Policy Object (GPO) is a collection of access control settings stored in Microsoft Active Directory (AD) that can apply to computers and users in an AD environment. The following procedure creates a GPO in the AD graphical user interface (GUI) to control logon access to a RHEL host that is integrated directly to the AD domain.


  • You have joined a RHEL host to an AD environment using SSSD.
  • You have AD Administrator privileges to make changes in AD using the GUI.


  1. Within Active Directory Users and Computers, create an Organizational Unit (OU) to associate with the new GPO:

    1. Right-click on the domain.
    2. Choose New.
    3. Choose Organizational Unit.
  2. Click on the name of the Computer Object that represents the RHEL host (created when it joined Active Directory) and drag it into the new OU. By having the RHEL host in its own OU, the GPO targets this host.
  3. Within the Group Policy Management Editor, create a new GPO for the OU you created:

    1. Expand Forest.
    2. Expand Domains.
    3. Expand your domain.
    4. Right-click on the new OU.
    5. Choose Create a GPO in this domain.
  4. Specify a name for the new GPO, such as Allow SSH access or Allow Console/GUI access and click OK.
  5. Edit the new GPO:

    1. Select the OU within the Group Policy Management editor.
    2. Right-click and choose Edit.
    3. Select User Rights Assignment.
    4. Select Computer Configuration
    5. Select Policies.
    6. Select Windows Settings.
    7. Select Security Settings.
    8. Select Local Policies.
    9. Select User Rights Assignment.
  6. Assign login permissions:

    1. Double-Click on Allow log on locally to grant local console/GUI access.
    2. Double-click on Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services to grant SSH access.
  7. Add the user(s) you want to access either of these policies to the policies themselves:

    1. Click Add User or Group.
    2. Enter the username within the blank field.
    3. Click OK.

Additional resources

4.5.6. Additional resources

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