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Chapter 1. Migrating your IdM environment from RHEL 7 servers to RHEL 8 servers

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To upgrade a RHEL 7 IdM environment to RHEL 8, you must first add new RHEL 8 IdM replicas to your RHEL 7 IdM environment, and then retire the RHEL 7 servers.

  • Performing an in-place upgrade of RHEL 7 IdM servers and IdM server nodes to RHEL 8 is not supported.
  • Migrating directly to RHEL 8 from RHEL 6 or earlier versions is not supported. To properly update your IdM data, you must perform incremental migrations.

    For example, to migrate a RHEL 6 IdM environment to RHEL 8:

    1. Migrate from RHEL 6 servers to RHEL 7 servers. See Migrating Identity Management from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to Version 7.
    2. Migrate from RHEL 7 servers to RHEL 8 servers, as described in this section.

RHEL 8 supports SPAKE and IdP pre-authentication, but RHEL 7 does not. Having RHEL 8 servers with SPAKE or IdP enabled in a RHEL 7 IdM deployment may lead to problems such as users not being able to log in. Therefore, migrate all servers in an IdM deployment as quickly as possible.

For more information, see:

This procedure describes how to migrate all Identity Management (IdM) data and configuration from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 server to a RHEL 8 server. You can also use this procedure to migrate from FreeIPA servers on non-RHEL Linux distributions to IdM on RHEL 8 servers.

The migration procedure includes:

  1. Configuring a RHEL 8 IdM server and adding it as a replica to your current RHEL 7 IdM environment. For details, see Installing the RHEL 8 Replica.
  2. Making the RHEL 8 server the certificate authority (CA) renewal server. For details, see Assigning the CA renewal server role to the RHEL 8 IdM server.
  3. Stopping the generation of the certificate revocation list (CRL) on the RHEL 7 server and redirecting CRL requests to RHEL 8. For details, see Stopping CRL generation on a RHEL 7 IdM CA server.
  4. Starting the generation of the CRL on the RHEL 8 server. For details, see Starting CRL generation on the new RHEL 8 IdM CA server.
  5. Stopping and decommissioning the original RHEL 7 CA renewal server. For details, see Stopping and decommissioning the RHEL 7 server.

In the following procedures:

  • is the RHEL 8 system that will become the new CA renewal server.
  • is the original RHEL 7 CA renewal server. To identify which Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 server is the CA renewal server, run the following command on any IdM server:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa config-show | grep "CA renewal"
    IPA CA renewal master:

    If your IdM deployment does not use a certificate authority (CA), any IdM server running on RHEL 7 can be


1.1. Preparing for migrating IdM from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8


  1. Upgrade the system to the latest RHEL 7 version.
  2. Ensure that the domain level for your domain is set to 1. For more information, see Displaying and Raising the Domain Level in the Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy Guide for RHEL 7.
  3. Update the ipa-* packages to their latest version:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# yum update ipa-*

    When upgrading multiple Identity Management (IdM) servers, wait at least 10 minutes between each upgrade.

    When two or more servers are upgraded simultaneously or with only short intervals between the upgrades, there is not enough time to replicate the post-upgrade data changes throughout the topology, which can result in conflicting replication events.


  1. Install the latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the system. For more information, see Interactively installing RHEL from installation media.
  2. Identify the time server is synchronized with:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ntpstat
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
       time correct to within 42 ms
       polling server every 1024 s

    In RHEL 8, IdM does not provide its own time server: the installation of IdM on does not result in the installation of an NTP server on the host. Therefore, you need to use a separate NTP server, for example For more information, see Migrating to chrony and Time service requirements for IdM.

    While can be used in an NTP server role, you will decommission the server as part of the migration process. Therefore, needs to be synchronized directly with instead. You can specify this during the client installation process.

  3. Enroll the system as an IdM client into the domain for which IdM server is authoritative. For more information, see Installing an IdM client. When installing the client, specify the time server from the previous step:

    [root@rhel8]# ipa-client-install --mkhomedir --ntp-server

    If you are using a pool of NTP servers, use the --ntp-pool option.

    If you do not specify an NTP server manually, it will be automatically set from DNS records. This can lead to synchronizing with This will cause issues when the RHEL 7 server is decommissioned.

    If the RHEL8 system is already properly configured as an NTP client, you can use the --no-ntp option when performing the IdM client installation.


    Do not use single-label domain names, for example .company. Starting with RHEL 8, IDM does not accept single-labeled domain names and the domain name must be composed of one or more subdomains and a top level domain, for example or

    If the existing domain is single-labeled, it is not possible to perform the migration using these instructions. In these cases, use Migrating an LDAP Server to Identity Management.

  4. Prepare the system for IdM server installation. See Preparing the system for IdM server installation.
  5. Authorize the system for the installation of an IdM replica. See Authorizing the installation of a replica on an IdM client.
  6. Update the ipa-* packages to their latest version:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# yum update ipa-*

1.2. Installing the RHEL 8 replica

  1. List which server roles are present in your RHEL 7 environment:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa server-role-find --status enabled --server
    3 server roles matched
      Server name:
      Role name: CA server
      Role status: enabled
      Server name:
      Role name: DNS server
      Role status: enabled
      Server name:
      Role name: NTP server
      Role status: enabled
    [... output truncated ...]
  2. Optional: If you want to use the same per-server forwarders for that is using, view the per-server forwarders for

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa dnsserver-show
    1 DNS server matched
      Server name:
      SOA mname:
      Forward policy: only
    Number of entries returned 1
  3. Install the IdM server on as a replica of the IdM RHEL 7 server, including all the server roles present on your except the NTP server role. To install the roles from the example above, use these options with the ipa-replica-install command:

    • --setup-ca to set up the Certificate System component
    • --setup-dns and --forwarder to configure an integrated DNS server and set a per-server forwarder to take care of DNS queries that go outside the IdM domain


      Additionally, if your IdM deployment is in a trust relationship with Active Directory (AD), add the --setup-adtrust option to the ipa-replica-install command to configure AD trust capability on

      To set up an IdM server with the IP address of that uses a per-server forwarder with the IP address of

      [root@rhel8 ~]# ipa-replica-install --setup-ca --ip-address --setup-dns --forwarder

      You do not need to specify the RHEL 7 IdM server itself because if DNS is working correctly, will find it using DNS autodiscovery.

  4. Optional: Add an _ntp._udp service (SRV) record for your external NTP time server to the DNS of the newly-installed IdM server, Doing this is recommended because IdM in RHEL 8 does not provide its own time service. The presence of the SRV record for the time server in IdM DNS ensures that future RHEL 8 replica and client installations are automatically configured to synchronize with the time server used by This is because ipa-client-install looks for the _ntp._udp DNS entry unless --ntp-server or --ntp-pool options are provided on the install command-line interface (CLI).


  1. Verify that the IdM services are running on

    [root@rhel8 ~]# ipactl status
    Directory Service: RUNNING
    [... output truncated ...]
    ipa: INFO: The ipactl command was successful
  2. Verify that server roles for are the same as for except the NTP server role:

    [root@rhel8 ~]$ kinit admin
    [root@rhel8 ~]$ ipa server-role-find --status enabled --server
    2 server roles matched
      Server name:
      Role name: CA server
      Role status: enabled
      Server name:
      Role name: DNS server
      Role status: enabled
  3. Optional: Display details about the replication agreement between and

    [root@rhel8 ~]# ipa-csreplica-manage list --verbose
    Directory Manager password:
    last init status: None
    last init ended: 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00
    last update status: Error (0) Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update succeeded
    last update ended: 2019-02-13 13:55:13+00:00
  4. Optional: If your IdM deployment is in a trust relationship with AD, verify that it is working:

    1. link: Verify the Kerberos configuration
    2. Attempt to resolve an AD user on

      [root@rhel8 ~]# id aduser@ad.domain
  5. Verify that is synchronized with the NTP server:

    [root@rhel8 ~]# chronyc tracking
    Reference ID    : CB00710F (
    Stratum         : 3
    Ref time (UTC)  : Tue Nov 16 09:49:17 2021
    [... output truncated ...]

1.3. Assigning the CA renewal server role to the RHEL 8 IdM server

Follow this procedure to make the RHEL 8 server the certificate authority (CA) renewal server.


Follow these steps only if your IdM deployment uses an embedded certificate authority (CA).

On, configure as the new CA renewal server:

  1. Configure to handle CA subsystem certificate renewal:

    [root@rhel8 ~]# ipa config-mod --ca-renewal-master-server
      IPA masters:,
      IPA CA servers:,
      IPA NTP servers:,
      IPA CA renewal master:

    The output confirms that the update was successful.

  2. On, enable the certificate updater task:

    1. Open the /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg configuration file for editing.
    2. Remove the ca.certStatusUpdateInterval entry, or set it to the desired interval in seconds. The default value is 600.
    3. Save and close the /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg configuration file.
    4. Restart IdM services:

      [user@rhel8 ~]$ ipactl restart
  3. On, disable the certificate updater task:

    1. Open the /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg configuration file for editing.
    2. Change ca.certStatusUpdateInterval to 0, or add the following entry if it does not exist:

    3. Save and close the /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg configuration file.
    4. Restart IdM services:

      [user@rhel7 ~]$ ipactl restart

1.4. Stopping CRL generation on a RHEL 7 IdM CA server


Follow these steps only if your IdM deployment uses an embedded certificate authority (CA).

Follow this procedure to stop generating the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) on the CA server using the ipa-crlgen-manage command.


  • You must be logged in as root.


  1. Optional: Check if is generating the CRL:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa-crlgen-manage status
    CRL generation: enabled
    Last CRL update: 2019-10-31 12:00:00
    Last CRL Number: 6
    The ipa-crlgen-manage command was successful
  2. Stop generating the CRL on the server:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa-crlgen-manage disable
    Stopping pki-tomcatd
    Editing /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/ca/CS.cfg
    Starting pki-tomcatd
    Editing /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-pki-proxy.conf
    Restarting httpd
    CRL generation disabled on the local host. Please make sure to configure CRL generation on another master with ipa-crlgen-manage enable.
    The ipa-crlgen-manage command was successful


  1. Check if the server stopped generating the CRL:

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa-crlgen-manage status

The server stopped generating the CRL. The next step is to enable generating the CRL on

1.5. Starting CRL generation on the new RHEL 8 IdM CA server


Follow these steps only if your IdM deployment uses an embedded certificate authority (CA).


  • You must be logged in as root on the machine.


  1. To start generating CRL on, use the ipa-crlgen-manage enable command:

    [root@rhel8 ~]# ipa-crlgen-manage enable
    Stopping pki-tomcatd
    Editing /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/ca/CS.cfg
    Starting pki-tomcatd
    Editing /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-pki-proxy.conf
    Restarting httpd
    Forcing CRL update
    CRL generation enabled on the local host. Please make sure to have only a single CRL generation master.
    The ipa-crlgen-manage command was successful
  2. To check if CRL generation is enabled, use the ipa-crlgen-manage status command:

    [root@rhel8 ~]# ipa-crlgen-manage status
    CRL generation: enabled
    Last CRL update: 2019-10-31 12:10:00
    Last CRL Number: 7
    The ipa-crlgen-manage command was successful

1.6. Stopping and decommissioning the RHEL 7 server

  1. Ensure that all data, including the latest changes, have been correctly migrated from to For example:

    1. Add a new user on

      [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa user-add random_user
      First name: random
      Last name: user
    2. Check that the user has been replicated to

      [root@rhel8 ~]# ipa user-find random_user
      1 user matched
        User login: random_user
        First name: random
        Last name: user
  2. Ensure that a Distributed Numeric Assignment (DNA) ID range is allocated to Use one of the following methods:

    • Activate the DNA plug-in on directly by creating another test user:

      [root@rhel8 ~]# ipa user-add another_random_user
      First name: another
      Last name: random_user
    • Assign a specific DNA ID range to

      1. On, display the IdM ID range:

        [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa idrange-find
        3 ranges matched
          Range name: EXAMPLE.COM_id_range
          First Posix ID of the range: 196600000
          Number of IDs in the range: 200000
          First RID of the corresponding RID range: 1000
          First RID of the secondary RID range: 100000000
          Range type: local domain range
      2. On, display the allocated DNA ID ranges:

        [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa-replica-manage dnarange-show 196600026-196799999 No range set
      3. Reduce the DNA ID range allocated to so that a section becomes available to

        [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa-replica-manage dnarange-set 196600026-196699999
      4. Assign the remaining part of the IdM ID range to

        [root@rhel7 ~]# ipa-replica-manage dnarange-set 196700000-196799999
  3. Stop all IdM services on to force domain discovery to the new server.

    [root@rhel7 ~]# ipactl stop
    Stopping CA Service
    Stopping pki-ca:                                           [  OK  ]
    Stopping HTTP Service
    Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
    Stopping MEMCACHE Service
    Stopping ipa_memcached:                                    [  OK  ]
    Stopping DNS Service
    Stopping named: .                                          [  OK  ]
    Stopping KPASSWD Service
    Stopping Kerberos 5 Admin Server:                          [  OK  ]
    Stopping KDC Service
    Stopping Kerberos 5 KDC:                                   [  OK  ]
    Stopping Directory Service
    Shutting down dirsrv:
        EXAMPLE-COM...                                         [  OK  ]
        PKI-IPA...                                             [  OK  ]

    After this, the ipa utility will contact the new server through a remote procedure call (RPC).

  4. Remove the RHEL 7 server from the topology by executing the removal commands on the RHEL 8 server. For details, see Uninstalling an IdM server.

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