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Chapter 6. Managing DNS forwarding in IdM

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Follow these procedures to configure DNS global forwarders and DNS forward zones in the Identity Management (IdM) Web UI, the IdM CLI, and using Ansible:

6.1. The two roles of an IdM DNS server

DNS forwarding affects how a DNS service answers DNS queries. By default, the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) service integrated with IdM acts as both an authoritative and a recursive DNS server:

Authoritative DNS server
When a DNS client queries a name belonging to a DNS zone for which the IdM server is authoritative, BIND replies with data contained in the configured zone. Authoritative data always takes precedence over any other data.
Recursive DNS server
When a DNS client queries a name for which the IdM server is not authoritative, BIND attempts to resolve the query using other DNS servers. If forwarders are not defined, BIND asks the root servers on the Internet and uses a recursive resolution algorithm to answer the DNS query.

In some cases, it is not desirable to let BIND contact other DNS servers directly and perform the recursion based on data available on the Internet. You can configure BIND to use another DNS server, a forwarder, to resolve the query.

When you configure BIND to use a forwarder, queries and answers are forwarded back and forth between the IdM server and the forwarder, and the IdM server acts as the DNS cache for non-authoritative data.

6.2. DNS forward policies in IdM

IdM supports the first and only standard BIND forward policies, as well as the none IdM-specific forward policy.

Forward first (default)
The IdM BIND service forwards DNS queries to the configured forwarder. If a query fails because of a server error or timeout, BIND falls back to the recursive resolution using servers on the Internet. The forward first policy is the default policy, and it is suitable for optimizing DNS traffic.
Forward only
The IdM BIND service forwards DNS queries to the configured forwarder. If a query fails because of a server error or timeout, BIND returns an error to the client. The forward only policy is recommended for environments with split DNS configuration.
None (forwarding disabled)
DNS queries are not forwarded with the none forwarding policy. Disabling forwarding is only useful as a zone-specific override for global forwarding configuration. This option is the IdM equivalent of specifying an empty list of forwarders in BIND configuration.

You cannot use forwarding to combine data in IdM with data from other DNS servers. You can only forward queries for specific subzones of the primary zone in IdM DNS.

By default, the BIND service does not forward queries to another server if the queried DNS name belongs to a zone for which the IdM server is authoritative. In such a situation, if the queried DNS name cannot be found in the IdM database, the NXDOMAIN answer is returned. Forwarding is not used.

Example 6.1. Example Scenario

The IdM server is authoritative for the test.example. DNS zone. BIND is configured to forward queries to the DNS server with the IP address.

When a client sends a query for the nonexistent.test.example. DNS name, BIND detects that the IdM server is authoritative for the test.example. zone and does not forward the query to the server. As a result, the DNS client receives the NXDomain error message, informing the user that the queried domain does not exist.

6.3. Adding a global forwarder in the IdM Web UI

Follow this procedure to add a global DNS forwarder in the Identity Management (IdM) Web UI.


  • You are logged in to the IdM WebUI as IdM administrator.
  • You know the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the DNS server to forward queries to.


  1. In the IdM Web UI, select Network Services DNS Global Configuration DNS.

    Selecting DNS Forward Zones from the DNS menu
  2. In the DNS Global Configuration section, click Add.

    Selecting the Add button
  3. Specify the IP address of the DNS server that will receive forwarded DNS queries.

    Entering the IP address of the global forwarder
  4. Select the Forward policy.

    Selecting the DNS forward policy and saving the DNS global configuration
  5. Click Save at the top of the window.


  1. Select Network Services DNS Global Configuration DNS.

    Selecting DNS Global Configuration in IdM Web UI
  2. Verify that the global forwarder, with the forward policy you specified, is present and enabled in the IdM Web UI.

    Verifying the presence of the global forwarder

6.4. Adding a global forwarder in the CLI

Follow this procedure to add a global DNS forwarder by using the command line interface (CLI).


  • You are logged in as IdM administrator.
  • You know the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the DNS server to forward queries to.


  • Use the ipa dnsconfig-mod command to add a new global forwarder. Specify the IP address of the DNS forwarder with the --forwarder option.

    [user@server ~]$ ipa dnsconfig-mod --forwarder=
    Server will check DNS forwarder(s).
    This may take some time, please wait ...
      Global forwarders:
      IPA DNS servers:


  • Use the dnsconfig-show command to display global forwarders.

    [user@server ~]$ ipa dnsconfig-show
      Global forwarders:
      IPA DNS servers:

6.5. Adding a DNS Forward Zone in the IdM Web UI

Follow this procedure to add a DNS forward zone in the Identity Management (IdM) Web UI.


Do not use forward zones unless absolutely required. Forward zones are not a standard solution, and using them can lead to unexpected and problematic behavior. If you must use forward zones, limit their use to overriding a global forwarding configuration.

When creating a new DNS zone, Red Hat recommends to always use standard DNS delegation using nameserver (NS) records and to avoid forward zones. In most cases, using a global forwarder is sufficient, and forward zones are not necessary.


  • You are logged in to the IdM WebUI as IdM administrator.
  • You know the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the DNS server to forward queries to.


  1. In the IdM Web UI, select Network Services DNS Forward Zones DNS.

    Selecting DNS Forward Zones from the DNS menu
  2. In the DNS Forward Zones section, click Add.

    Selecting the Add button
  3. In the Add DNS forward zone window, specify the forward zone name.

    Entering the name of the new Forward Zone
  4. Click the Add button and specify the IP address of a DNS server to receive the forwarding request. You can specify multiple forwarders per forward zone.

    Specifying the IP address of the forwarder DNS server
  5. Select the Forward policy.

    Choosing a Forward policy
  6. Click Add at the bottom of the window to add the new forward zone.


  1. In the IdM Web UI, select Network Services DNS Forward Zones DNS.

    Selecting DNS Forward Zones from the DNS menu
  2. Verify that the forward zone you created, with the forwarders and forward policy you specified, is present and enabled in the IdM Web UI.

    Verifying the new forward zone is present

6.6. Adding a DNS Forward Zone in the CLI

Follow this procedure to add a DNS forward zone by using the command line interface (CLI).


Do not use forward zones unless absolutely required. Forward zones are not a standard solution, and using them can lead to unexpected and problematic behavior. If you must use forward zones, limit their use to overriding a global forwarding configuration.

When creating a new DNS zone, Red Hat recommends to always use standard DNS delegation using nameserver (NS) records and to avoid forward zones. In most cases, using a global forwarder is sufficient, and forward zones are not necessary.


  • You are logged in as IdM administrator.
  • You know the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the DNS server to forward queries to.


  • Use the dnsforwardzone-add command to add a new forward zone. Specify at least one forwarder with the --forwarder option if the forward policy is not none, and specify the forward policy with the --forward-policy option.

    [user@server ~]$ ipa dnsforwardzone-add --forwarder= --forwarder= --forward-policy=first
    Zone name:
    Zone forwarders:,
    Forward policy: first


  • Use the dnsforwardzone-show command to display the DNS forward zone you just created.

    [user@server ~]$ ipa dnsforwardzone-show
    Zone name:
    Zone forwarders:,
    Forward policy: first

6.7. Establishing a DNS Global Forwarder in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to establish a DNS Global Forwarder in IdM.

In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator creates a DNS global forwarder to a DNS server with an Internet Protocol (IP) v4 address of and IPv6 address of 2001:4860:4860::8800 on port 53.


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Make a copy of the set-configuration.yml Ansible playbook file. For example:

    $ cp set-configuration.yml establish-global-forwarder.yml
  4. Open the establish-global-forwarder.yml file for editing.
  5. Adapt the file by setting the following variables:

    1. Change the name variable for the playbook to Playbook to establish a global forwarder in IdM DNS.
    2. In the tasks section, change the name of the task to Create a DNS global forwarder to and 2001:4860:4860::8800.
    3. In the forwarders section of the ipadnsconfig portion:

      1. Change the first ip_address value to the IPv4 address of the global forwarder:
      2. Change the second ip_address value to the IPv6 address of the global forwarder: 2001:4860:4860::8800.
      3. Verify the port value is set to 53.
    4. Change the forward_policy to first.

      This the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to establish a global forwarder in IdM DNS
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Create a DNS global forwarder to and 2001:4860:4860::8800
            - ip_address:
            - ip_address: 2001:4860:4860::8800
              port: 53
          forward_policy: first
          allow_sync_ptr: true
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file establish-global-forwarder.yml

Additional resources

  • See the file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.

6.8. Ensuring the presence of a DNS global forwarder in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure the presence of a DNS global forwarder in IdM. In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator ensures the presence of a DNS global forwarder to a DNS server with an Internet Protocol (IP) v4 address of and IP v6 address of 2001:db8::1:0 on port 53.


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Make a copy of the forwarders-absent.yml Ansible playbook file. For example:

    $ cp forwarders-absent.yml ensure-presence-of-a-global-forwarder.yml
  4. Open the ensure-presence-of-a-global-forwarder.yml file for editing.
  5. Adapt the file by setting the following variables:

    1. Change the name variable for the playbook to Playbook to ensure the presence of a global forwarder in IdM DNS.
    2. In the tasks section, change the name of the task to Ensure the presence of a DNS global forwarder to and 2001:db8::1:0 on port 53.
    3. In the forwarders section of the ipadnsconfig portion:

      1. Change the first ip_address value to the IPv4 address of the global forwarder:
      2. Change the second ip_address value to the IPv6 address of the global forwarder: 2001:db8::1:0.
      3. Verify the port value is set to 53.
    4. Change the state to present.

      This the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to ensure the presence of a global forwarder in IdM DNS
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure the presence of a DNS global forwarder to and 2001:db8::1:0 on port 53
            - ip_address:
            - ip_address: 2001:db8::1:0
              port: 53
          state: present
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file ensure-presence-of-a-global-forwarder.yml

Additional resources

  • See the file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.

6.9. Ensuring the absence of a DNS global forwarder in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure the absence of a DNS global forwarder in IdM. In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator ensures the absence of a DNS global forwarder with an Internet Protocol (IP) v4 address of and IP v6 address of 2001:4860:4860::8800 on port 53.


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Make a copy of the forwarders-absent.yml Ansible playbook file. For example:

    $ cp forwarders-absent.yml ensure-absence-of-a-global-forwarder.yml
  4. Open the ensure-absence-of-a-global-forwarder.yml file for editing.
  5. Adapt the file by setting the following variables:

    1. Change the name variable for the playbook to Playbook to ensure the absence of a global forwarder in IdM DNS.
    2. In the tasks section, change the name of the task to Ensure the absence of a DNS global forwarder to and 2001:4860:4860::8800 on port 53.
    3. In the forwarders section of the ipadnsconfig portion:

      1. Change the first ip_address value to the IPv4 address of the global forwarder:
      2. Change the second ip_address value to the IPv6 address of the global forwarder: 2001:4860:4860::8800.
      3. Verify the port value is set to 53.
    4. Set the action variable to member.
    5. Verify the state is set to absent.

    This the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to ensure the absence of a global forwarder in IdM DNS
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure the absence of a DNS global forwarder to and 2001:4860:4860::8800 on port 53
            - ip_address:
            - ip_address: 2001:4860:4860::8800
              port: 53
          action: member
          state: absent

    If you only use the state: absent option in your playbook without also using action: member, the playbook fails.

  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file ensure-absence-of-a-global-forwarder.yml

Additional resources

6.10. Ensuring DNS Global Forwarders are disabled in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure DNS Global Forwarders are disabled in IdM. In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator ensures that the forwarding policy for the global forwarder is set to none, which effectively disables the global forwarder.


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Verify the contents of the disable-global-forwarders.yml Ansible playbook file which is already configured to disable all DNS global forwarders. For example:

    $ cat disable-global-forwarders.yml
    - name: Playbook to disable global DNS forwarders
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Disable global forwarders.
          forward_policy: none
  4. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file disable-global-forwarders.yml

Additional resources

  • See the file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.

6.11. Ensuring the presence of a DNS Forward Zone in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure the presence of a DNS Forward Zone in IdM. In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator ensures the presence of a DNS forward zone for to a DNS server with an Internet Protocol (IP) address of


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Make a copy of the forwarders-absent.yml Ansible playbook file. For example:

    $ cp forwarders-absent.yml ensure-presence-forwardzone.yml
  4. Open the ensure-presence-forwardzone.yml file for editing.
  5. Adapt the file by setting the following variables:

    1. Change the name variable for the playbook to Playbook to ensure the presence of a dnsforwardzone in IdM DNS.
    2. In the tasks section, change the name of the task to Ensure presence of a dnsforwardzone for to
    3. In the tasks section, change the ipadnsconfig heading to ipadnsforwardzone.
    4. In the ipadnsforwardzone section:

      1. Add the ipaadmin_password variable and set it to your IdM administrator password.
      2. Add the name variable and set it to
      3. In the forwarders section:

        1. Remove the ip_address and port lines.
        2. Add the IP address of the DNS server to receive forwarded requests by specifying it after a dash:

      4. Add the forwardpolicy variable and set it to first.
      5. Add the skip_overlap_check variable and set it to true.
      6. Change the state variable to present.

      This the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to ensure the presence of a dnsforwardzone in IdM DNS
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure the presence of a dnsforwardzone for to
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          forwardpolicy: first
          skip_overlap_check: true
          state: present
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file ensure-presence-forwardzone.yml

Additional resources

  • See the file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.

6.12. Ensuring a DNS Forward Zone has multiple forwarders in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure a DNS Forward Zone in IdM has multiple forwarders. In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator ensures the DNS forward zone for is forwarding to and


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Make a copy of the forwarders-absent.yml Ansible playbook file. For example:

    $ cp forwarders-absent.yml ensure-presence-multiple-forwarders.yml
  4. Open the ensure-presence-multiple-forwarders.yml file for editing.
  5. Adapt the file by setting the following variables:

    1. Change the name variable for the playbook to Playbook to ensure the presence of multiple forwarders in a dnsforwardzone in IdM DNS.
    2. In the tasks section, change the name of the task to Ensure presence of and forwarders in dnsforwardzone for
    3. In the tasks section, change the ipadnsconfig heading to ipadnsforwardzone.
    4. In the ipadnsforwardzone section:

      1. Add the ipaadmin_password variable and set it to your IdM administrator password.
      2. Add the name variable and set it to
      3. In the forwarders section:

        1. Remove the ip_address and port lines.
        2. Add the IP address of the DNS servers you want to ensure are present, preceded by a dash:

      4. Change the state variable to present.

      This the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: name: Playbook to ensure the presence of multiple forwarders in a dnsforwardzone in IdM DNS
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure presence of and forwarders in dnsforwardzone for
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          state: present
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file ensure-presence-multiple-forwarders.yml

Additional resources

  • See the file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.

6.13. Ensuring a DNS Forward Zone is disabled in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure a DNS Forward Zone is disabled in IdM. In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator ensures the DNS forward zone for is disabled.


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Make a copy of the forwarders-absent.yml Ansible playbook file. For example:

    $ cp forwarders-absent.yml ensure-disabled-forwardzone.yml
  4. Open the ensure-disabled-forwardzone.yml file for editing.
  5. Adapt the file by setting the following variables:

    1. Change the name variable for the playbook to Playbook to ensure a dnsforwardzone is disabled in IdM DNS.
    2. In the tasks section, change the name of the task to Ensure a dnsforwardzone for is disabled.
    3. In the tasks section, change the ipadnsconfig heading to ipadnsforwardzone.
    4. In the ipadnsforwardzone section:

      1. Add the ipaadmin_password variable and set it to your IdM administrator password.
      2. Add the name variable and set it to
      3. Remove the entire forwarders section.
      4. Change the state variable to disabled.

      This the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to ensure a dnsforwardzone is disabled in IdM DNS
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure a dnsforwardzone for is disabled
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          state: disabled
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file ensure-disabled-forwardzone.yml

Additional resources

  • See the file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.

6.14. Ensuring the absence of a DNS Forward Zone in IdM using Ansible

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure the absence of a DNS Forward Zone in IdM. In the example procedure below, the IdM administrator ensures the absence of a DNS forward zone for


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.


  1. Navigate to the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/dnsconfig
  2. Open your inventory file and make sure that the IdM server that you want to configure is listed in the [ipaserver] section. For example, to instruct Ansible to configure, enter:

  3. Make a copy of the forwarders-absent.yml Ansible playbook file. For example:

    $ cp forwarders-absent.yml ensure-absence-forwardzone.yml
  4. Open the ensure-absence-forwardzone.yml file for editing.
  5. Adapt the file by setting the following variables:

    1. Change the name variable for the playbook to Playbook to ensure the absence of a dnsforwardzone in IdM DNS.
    2. In the tasks section, change the name of the task to Ensure the absence of a dnsforwardzone for
    3. In the tasks section, change the ipadnsconfig heading to ipadnsforwardzone.
    4. In the ipadnsforwardzone section:

      1. Add the ipaadmin_password variable and set it to your IdM administrator password.
      2. Add the name variable and set it to
      3. Remove the entire forwarders section.
      4. Leave the state variable as absent.

      This the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to ensure the absence of a dnsforwardzone in IdM DNS
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure the absence of a dnsforwardzone for
           ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
           state: absent
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory.file ensure-absence-forwardzone.yml

Additional resources

  • See the file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.
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