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Chapter 3. Configuring the HA cluster to manage the SAP HANA Scale-Up System Replication setup

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Please refer to the following documentation for general guidance on setting up pacemaker-based HA clusters on RHEL:

The remainder of this guide will assume that the following things are configured and working properly:

  • The basic HA cluster is configured according to the official Red Hat documentation and has proper and working fencing (please see the support policies for Fencing/STONITH for guidelines on which fencing mechanism to use according to the platform the setup is running on.

Using fence_scsi/fence_mpath as fencing/STONITH mechanism is not supported for this solution, since there is no shared storage that is accessed by the SAP HANA instances managed by the HA cluster.

  • SAP HANA System Replication has been configured and it has been verified that manual takeovers between the SAP HANA instances are working correctly.
  • Automatic startup on boot of the SAP HANA instances is disabled on all HA cluster nodes (the start and stop of the SAP HANA instances will be managed by the HA cluster).

If the SAP HANA instances that will be managed by the HA cluster are systemd enabled (SAP HANA 2.0 SPS07 and later), additional configuration changes are required to ensure that systemd does not interfere with the management of the SAP instances by the HA cluster. Please check out section 2. Red Hat HA Solutions for SAP in The Systemd-Based SAP Startup Framework for information. 

3.1. Installing resource agents and other components required for managing SAP HANA Scale-Up System Replication using the RHEL HA Add-On

The resource agents and other SAP HANA specific components required for setting up an HA cluster for managing SAP HANA Scale-Up System Replication setup are provided via the resource-agents-sap-hana RPM package from the “RHEL for SAP Solutions” repo.

To install the package please use the following command:

[root]# dnf install resource-agents-sap-hana

3.2. Enabling the SAP HANA srConnectionChanged() hook

As documented in SAP’s Implementing a HA/DR Provider, recent versions of SAP HANA provide so-called "hooks" that allow SAP HANA to send out notifications for certain events. The srConnectionChanged() hook can be used to improve the ability of the HA cluster to detect when a change in the status of the SAP HANA System Replication occurs that requires the HA cluster to take action and to avoid data loss/data corruption by preventing accidental takeovers from being triggered in situations where this should be avoided.


When using SAP HANA 2.0 SPS0 or later and a version of the resource-agents-sap-hana package that provides the components for supporting the srConnectionChanged() hook, it is mandatory to enable the hook before proceeding with the HA cluster setup.

3.2.1. Verifying the version of the resource-agents-sap-hana package

Please verify that the correct version of the resource-agents-sap-hana package providing the components required to enable the srConnectionChanged() hook for your version of RHEL 8 is installed as documented in the following article: How can the srConnectionChanged() hook be used to improve the detection of situations where a takeover is required, in a Red Hat Pacemaker cluster managing HANA Scale-up or Scale-out System Replication?

3.2.2. Activating the srConnectionChanged() hook on all SAP HANA instances


The steps to activate the srConnectionChanged() hook need to be performed for each SAP HANA instance on all HA cluster nodes.

  1. Stop the HA cluster on both nodes (this command only needs to be run on one HA cluster node):

    [root]# pcs cluster stop --all

    Verify that all SAP HANA instances are stopped completely.

  2. Update the SAP HANA global.ini file on each node to enable use of the hook script by both SAP HANA instances (e.g., in file /hana/shared/RH1/global/hdb/custom/config/global.ini):

    provider = SAPHanaSR
    path = /usr/share/SAPHanaSR/srHook
    execution_order = 1
    ha_dr_saphanasr = info
  3. On each HA cluster node, create the file /etc/sudoers.d/20-saphana by running the following command and adding the contents below to allow the hook script to update the node attributes when the srConnectionChanged() hook is called.

    [root]# visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/20-saphana
    Cmnd_Alias DC1_SOK = /usr/sbin/crm_attribute -n hana_rh1_site_srHook_DC1 -v SOK -t crm_config -s SAPHanaSR
    Cmnd_Alias DC1_SFAIL = /usr/sbin/crm_attribute -n hana_rh1_site_srHook_DC1 -v SFAIL -t crm_config -s SAPHanaSR
    Cmnd_Alias DC2_SOK = /usr/sbin/crm_attribute -n hana_rh1_site_srHook_DC2 -v SOK -t crm_config -s SAPHanaSR
    Cmnd_Alias DC2_SFAIL = /usr/sbin/crm_attribute -n hana_rh1_site_srHook_DC2 -v SFAIL -t crm_config -s SAPHanaSR
    Defaults!DC1_SOK, DC1_SFAIL, DC2_SOK, DC2_SFAIL !requiretty

    Replace rh1 with the lowercase SID of your SAP HANA installation and replace DC1 and DC2 with your SAP HANA site names.

    For further information on why the Defaults setting is needed, refer to The srHook attribute is set to SFAIL in a Pacemaker cluster managing SAP HANA system replication, even though replication is in a healthy state.

  4. Start the SAP HANA instances on both HA cluster nodes manually without starting the HA cluster:

    [rh1adm]$ HDB start
  5. Verify that the hook script is working as expected. Perform some action to trigger the hook, such as stopping a SAP HANA instance. Then check whether the hook logged anything using a method such as the one below:

    [rh1adm]$ cdtrace
    [rh1adm]$ awk '/ha_dr_SAPHanaSR.*crm_attribute/ { printf "%s %s %s %s\n",$2,$3,$5,$16 }' nameserver_*
    2018-05-04 12:34:04.476445 ha_dr_SAPHanaSR SFAIL
     2018-05-04 12:53:06.316973 ha_dr_SAPHanaSR SOK
    [rh1adm]# grep ha_dr_ *

    For more information on how to verify that the SAP HANA hook is working correctly, please check the SAP documentation: Install and Configure a HA/DR Provider Script.

  6. When the functionality of the hook has been verified, the HA cluster can be started again.

    [root]# pcs cluster start --all

3.3. Configuring general HA cluster properties

To avoid unnecessary failovers of the resources, the following default values for the resource-stickiness and migration-threshold parameters must be set (this only needs to be done on one node):

[root]# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=1000
[root]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=5000

As of RHEL 8.4 (pcs-0.10.8-1.el8), the commands above are deprecated. Use the following commands instead.

[root]# pcs resource defaults update resource-stickiness=1000
[root]# pcs resource defaults update migration-threshold=5000

resource-stickiness=1000 will encourage the resource to stay running where it is, while migration-threshold=5000 will cause the resource to move to a new node only after 5000 failures. 5000 is generally sufficient to prevent the resource from prematurely failing over to another node. This also ensures that the resource failover time stays within a controllable limit.

3.4. Creating cloned SAPHanaTopology resource

The SAPHanaTopology resource agent gathers information about the status and configuration of SAP HANA System Replication on each node. In addition, it starts and monitors the local SAP HostAgent, which is required for starting, stopping, and monitoring the SAP HANA instances.

The SAPHanaTopology resource agent has the following attributes:

Attribute NameRequired?Default valueDescription




The SAP System Identifier (SID) of the SAP HANA installation (must be identical for all nodes). Example: RH1




The Instance Number of the SAP HANA installation (must be identical for all nodes). Example: 02

Below is an example command to create the SAPHanaTopology cloned resource.

[root]# pcs resource create SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02 SAPHanaTopology SID=RH1 InstanceNumber=02 \
op start timeout=600 \
op stop timeout=300 \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=600 \
clone clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 interleave=true

The resulting resource should look like the following:

[root]# pcs resource show SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02-clone
Clone: SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02-clone
Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 interleave=true Resource: SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=SAPHanaTopology)
  Attributes: SID=RH1 InstanceNumber=02
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=600 (SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02-start-interval-0s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=300 (SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02-stop-interval-0s)
              monitor interval=10 timeout=600 (SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02-monitor-interval-10s)

The timeouts shown for the resource operations are only examples and may need to be adjusted depending on the actual SAP HANA setup (for example, large SAP HANA databases can take longer to start up, therefore the start timeout may have to be increased).

Once the resource is started, you will see the collected information stored in the form of node attributes that can be viewed with the command pcs status --full. Below is an example of what attributes can look like when only SAPHanaTopology is started.

[root]# pcs status --full
Node Attributes:
* Node node1:
    + hana_rh1_remoteHost               : node2
    + hana_rh1_roles                    : 1:P:master1::worker:
    + hana_rh1_site                     : DC1
    + hana_rh1_srmode                   : syncmem
    + hana_rh1_vhost                    : node1
* Node node2:
    + hana_rh1_remoteHost               : node1
    + hana_rh1_roles                    : 1:S:master1::worker:
    + hana_rh1_site                     : DC2
    + hana_rh1_srmode                   : syncmem
    + hana_rh1_vhost                    : node2

3.5. Creating Promotable SAPHana resource

The SAPHana resource agent manages the SAP HANA instances that are part of the SAP HANA Scale-Up System Replication and also monitors the status of SAP HANA System Replication. In the event of a failure of the SAP HANA primary replication instance, the SAPHana resource agent can trigger a takeover of SAP HANA System Replication based on how the resource agent parameters have been set.

The SAPHana resource agent has the following attributes:

Attribute NameRequired?Default valueDescription




The SAP System Identifier (SID) of the SAP HANA installation (must be identical for all nodes). Example: RH1




The Instance Number of the SAP HANA installation (must be identical for all nodes). Example: 02




Should the resource agent prefer to switch over to the secondary instance instead of restarting the primary locally? true: do prefer takeover to the secondary site; false: do prefer restart locally; never: under no circumstances do a takeover of the other node




If a takeover event has occurred, should the former primary instance be registered as secondary? ("false": no, manual intervention will be needed; "true": yes, the former primary will be registered by the resource agent as secondary)




A time difference is needed between two primary time stamps if a dual-primary situation occurs before the cluster will react. If the time difference is less than the time gap, the cluster holds one or both instances in "WAITING" status. This is to give an administrator the chance to react to a failover. If the complete node of the former primary crashes, the former primary will be registered after the time difference has passed. If "only" the SAP HANA instance has crashed, the former primary will be registered immediately. After this registration to the new primary, all data will be overwritten by the system replication.

The PREFER_SITE_TAKEOVER, AUTOMATED_REGISTER and DUPLICATE_PIMARY_TIMEOUT parameters must be set according to the requirements for availability and data protection of the SAP HANA System Replication that is managed by the HA cluster.

In general, PREFER_SITE_TAKEOVER should be set to true, to allow the HA cluster to trigger a takeover in case a failure of the primary SAP HANA instance has been detected, since it usually takes less time for the new SAP HANA primary instance to become fully active than it would take for the original SAP HANA primary instance to restart and reload all data back from disk into memory.

To be able to verify that all data on the new primary SAP HANA instance is correct after a takeover triggered by the HA cluster has occurred, AUTOMATED_REGISTER should be set to false. This will give an operator the possibility to either switch back to the old primary SAP HANA instance in case a takeover happened by accident, or if the takeover was correct, the old primary SAP HANA instance can be registered as the new secondary SAP HANA instance to get SAP HANA System Replication working again.

If AUTOMATED_REGISTER is set to true, then an old primary SAP HANA instance will be automatically registered as the new secondary SAP HANA instance by the SAPHana resource agent after a takeover by the HA cluster has occurred. This will increase the availability of the SAP HANA System Replication setup and prevent so-called “dual-primary” situations in the SAP HANA System Replication environment. But it can potentially increase the risk of data-loss/data-corruption, because if a takeover was triggered by the HA cluster even though the data on the secondary SAP HANA instance wasn’t fully in sync, then the automatic registration of the old primary SAP HANA instance as the new secondary SAP HANA instance would result in all data on this instance being deleted and therefore any data that has not been synced before the takeover occurred won’t be available anymore.

The promotable SAPHana cluster resource for managing the SAP HANA instances and SAP HANA System Replication can be created as in the following example:

[root]# pcs resource create SAPHana_RH1_02 SAPHana SID=RH1 InstanceNumber=02 \ PREFER_SITE_TAKEOVER=true DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_TIMEOUT=7200 AUTOMATED_REGISTER=true \
op start timeout=3600 \
op stop timeout=3600 \
op monitor interval=61 role="Slave" timeout=700 \
op monitor interval=59 role="Master" timeout=700 \
op promote timeout=3600 \
op demote timeout=3600 \
promotable notify=true clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 interleave=true

The resulting HA cluster resource should look like the following:

[root]# pcs resource config SAPHana_RH1_02-clone
Clone: SAPHana_RH1_02-clone
Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 interleave=true notify=true promotable=true
Resource: SAPHana_RH1_02 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=SAPHana)
  Operations: methods interval=0s timeout=5 (SAPHana_RH1_02-methods-interval-0s)
              monitor interval=61 role=Slave timeout=700 (SAPHana_RH1_02-monitor-interval-61)
              monitor interval=59 role=Master timeout=700 (SAPHana_RH1_02-monitor-interval-59)
              promote interval=0s timeout=3600 (SAPHana_RH1_02-promote-interval-0s)
              demote interval=0s timeout=3600 (SAPHana_RH1_02-demote-interval-0s)
              start interval=0s timeout=3600 (SAPHana_RH1_02-start-interval-0s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=3600 (SAPHana_RH1_02-stop-interval-0s)

The timeouts for the resource operations are only examples and may need to be adjusted depending on the actual SAP HANA setup (for example, large SAP HANA databases can take longer to start up, therefore the start timeout may have to be increased).

Once the resource is started and the HA cluster has executed the first monitor operation, it will add additional node attributes describing the current state of SAP HANA databases on nodes, as seen below:

[root]# pcs status --full
Node Attributes:
* Node node1:
    + hana_rh1_clone_state              : PROMOTED
    + hana_rh1_op_mode                  : delta_datashipping
    + hana_rh1_remoteHost               : node2
    + hana_rh1_roles                    : 4:P:master1:master:worker:master
    + hana_rh1_site                     : DC1
    + hana_rh1_sync_state               : PRIM
    + hana_rh1_srmode                   : syncmem
    + hana_rh1_version                	:
    + hana_rh1_vhost                    : node1
    + lpa_rh1_lpt                       : 1495204085
    + master-SAPHana_RH1_02             : 150
* Node node2:
    + hana_r12_clone_state              : DEMOTED
    + hana_rh1_op_mode                  : delta_datashipping
    + hana_rh1_remoteHost               : node1
    + hana_rh1_roles                    : 4:S:master1:master:worker:master
    + hana_rh1_site                     : DC2
    + hana_rh1_srmode                   : syncmem
    + hana_rh1_sync_state               : SOK
    + hana_rh1_version                	:
    + hana_rh1_vhost                    : node2
    + lpa_rh1_lpt                       : 30
    + master-SAPHana_RH1_02             : -INFINITY

3.6. Creating virtual IP address resource

In order for clients to be able to access the primary SAP HANA instance independently from the HA cluster node it is currently running on, a virtual IP address is needed, which the HA cluster will enable on the node where the primary SAP HANA instance is running.

To allow the HA cluster to manage the VIP, create IPaddr2 resource with IP

[root]# pcs resource create vip_RH1_02 IPaddr2 ip=""

Please use the appropriate resource agent for managing the virtual IP address based on the platform on which the HA cluster is running.

The resulting HA cluster resource should look as follows:

[root]# pcs resource show vip_RH1_02
Resource: vip_RH1_02 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
Attributes: ip=
Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s (vip_RH1_02-start-interval-0s)
            stop interval=0s timeout=20s (vip_RH1_02-stop-interval-0s)
            monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (vip_RH1_02-monitor-interval-10s)

3.7. Creating constraints

For correct operation, we need to ensure that SAPHanaTopology resources are started before starting SAPHana resources and also that the virtual IP address is present on the node where the primary SAP HANA instance is running.

To achieve this, the following constraints are required.

3.7.1. Constraint - start SAPHanaTopology before SAPHana

The example command below will create the constraint that mandates the start order of these resources. There are two things worth mentioning here:

  • symmetrical=false attribute defines that we care only about the start of resources and they don’t need to be stopped in reverse order.
  • Both resources (SAPHana and SAPHanaTopology) have the attribute interleave=true that allows the parallel start of these resources on nodes. This permits that, despite setting the order constraints, we will not wait for all nodes to start SAPHanaTopology, but we can start the SAPHana resource on any of the nodes as soon as SAPHanaTopology is running there.

Command for creating the constraint:

[root]# pcs constraint order SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02-clone then SAPHana_RH1_02-clone symmetrical=false

The resulting constraint should look like the one in the example below:

[root]# pcs constraint
Ordering Constraints:
  start SAPHanaTopology_RH1_02-clone then start SAPHana_RH1_02-clone (kind:Mandatory) (non-symmetrical)

3.7.2. Constraint - colocate the IPaddr2 resource with Master of SAPHana resource

Below is an example command that will colocate the IPaddr2 resource with SAPHana resource that was promoted as Master.

[root]# pcs constraint colocation add vip_RH1_02 with master SAPHana_RH1_02-clone 2000

Note that the constraint is using a score of 2000 instead of the default INFINITY. This allows the IPaddr2 resource to stay active in case there is no Master promoted in the SAPHana resource, so it is still possible to use tools like SAP Management Console (MMC) or SAP Landscape Management (LaMa) that can use this address to query the status information about the SAP Instance.

The resulting constraint should look like the following:

[root]# pcs constraint
Colocation Constraints:
  vip_RH1_02 with SAPHana_RH1_02-clone (score:2000) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master)

3.8. Adding a secondary virtual IP address for an Active/Active (Read-Enabled) SAP HANA System Replication setup (optional)

Starting with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS1, SAP HANA supports Active/Active (Read Enabled) setups for SAP HANA System Replication, where the secondary instance of a SAP HANA System Replication setup can be used for read-only access.

To be able to support such setups, a second virtual IP address is required, which enables clients to access the secondary SAP HANA instance. To ensure that the secondary replication site can still be accessed after a takeover has occurred, the HA cluster needs to move the virtual IP address around with the slave of the promotable SAPHana resource.

To enable the Active/Active (Read Enabled) mode in SAP HANA, the operationMode must be set to logreplay_readaccess when registering the secondary SAP HANA instance.

3.8.1. Creating the resource for managing the secondary virtual IP address

[root]# pcs resource create vip2_RH1_02 IPaddr2 ip=""

Please use the appropriate resource agent for managing the virtual IP address based on the platform on which the HA cluster is running.

3.8.2. Creating location constraints

This is to ensure that the secondary virtual IP address is placed on the right HA cluster node.

[root]# pcs constraint location vip2_RH1_02 rule score=INFINITY hana_rh1_sync_state eq SOK and hana_rh1_roles eq 4:S:master1:master:worker:master
[root]# pcs constraint location vip2_RH1_02 rule score=2000 hana_rh1_sync_state eq PRIM and hana_rh1_roles eq 4:P:master1:master:worker:master

These location constraints ensure that the second virtual IP resource will have the following behavior:

  • If the primary SAP HANA instance and the secondary SAP HANA instance are both up and running, and SAP HANA System Replication is in sync, the second virtual IP will be active on the HA cluster node where the secondary SAP HANA instance is running.
  • If the secondary SAP HANA instance is not running or the SAP HANA System Replication is not in sync, the second virtual IP will be active on the HA cluster node where the primary SAP HANA instance is running. When the secondary SAP HANA instance is running and SAP HANA System Replication is in sync again, the second virtual IP will move back to the HA cluster node where the secondary SAP HANA instance is running.
  • If the primary SAP HANA instance is not running and a SAP HANA takeover is triggered by the HA cluster, the second virtual IP will continue running on the same node until the SAP HANA instance on the other node is registered as the new secondary and the SAP HANA System Replication is in sync again.

This maximizes the time that the second virtual IP resource will be assigned to a node where a healthy SAP HANA instance is running.

3.9. Enabling the SAP HANA srServiceStateChanged() hook for hdbindexserver process failure action (optional)

When HANA detects an issue with an indexserver process, it recovers it by stopping and restarting it automatically via the in-built functionality built into SAP HANA.

However, in some cases, the service can take a very long time for the "stopping" phase. During that time, the System Replication may get out of sync, while HANA still proceeds to work and accept new connections. Eventually, the service completes the stop-and-restart process and recovers.

Instead of waiting for this long-running restart, which poses a risk to data consistency, should anything else fail in the instance during that time, the hook script can react to the situation and stop the HANA instance for a faster recovery. In a setup with automated failover enabled, the instance stop leads to a takeover being initiated, if the secondary node is in a healthy state. Otherwise, recovery would continue locally, but the enforced instance restart would speed it up.

When configured in the global.ini config file, SAP HANA calls the hook script for any events in the instance. The script processes the events and executes actions based on the results of the filters it applies to event details. This way, it can distinguish a HANA indexserver process that is being stopped-and-restarted by HANA after a failure from the same process being stopped as part of an instance shutdown.

Below are the different possible actions that can be taken:

  • Ignore: This action just writes the parsed events and decision information to a dedicated logfile, which is useful for verifying what the hook script would do.
  • Stop: This action executes a graceful StopSystem for the instance through the sapcontrol command.
  • Kill: This action executes the HDB kill-<signal> command with a default signal 9, which can be configured.

Please note that both the stop and kill actions lead to a stopped HANA instance, with the kill being a bit faster in the end.

At this point, the cluster notices the failure of the HANA resource and reacts to it in the way it has been configured; typically, it restarts the instance, and if enabled, it also takes care of a takeover.

3.9.1. Verifying the version of the resource-agents-sap-hana package

Please verify that the correct version of the resource-agents-sap-hana package providing the components required to enable the srServiceStateChanged() hook for your version of RHEL 8 is installed, as documented in Pacemaker cluster does not trigger a takeover of HANA System Replication when the hdbindexserver process of the primary HANA instance hangs/crashes.

3.9.2. Activating the srServiceStateChanged() hook on all SAP HANA instances


The steps to activate the srServiceStateChanged() hook need to be performed for each SAP HANA instance on all HA cluster nodes.

  1. Update the SAP HANA global.ini file on each node to enable use of the hook script by both SAP HANA instances (e.g., in file /hana/shared/RH1/global/hdb/custom/config/global.ini):

    provider = ChkSrv
    path = /usr/share/SAPHanaSR/srHook
    execution_order = 2
    action_on_lost = stop
    ha_dr_saphanasr = info
    ha_dr_chksrv = info

    Set the optional parameters as shown below:

    • action_on_lost (default: ignore)
    • stop_timeout (default: 20)
    • kill_signal (default: 9)

    Below is an explanation of the available options for action_on_lost:

    • ignore: This enables the feature, but only log events. This is useful for monitoring the hook’s activity in the configured environment.
    • stop: This executes a graceful sapcontrol -nr <nr> -function StopSystem.
    • kill: This executes HDB kill-<signal> for the fastest stop.
    • Please note that stop_timeout is added to the command execution of the stop and kill actions, and kill_signal is used in the kill action as part of the HDB kill-<signal> command.
  2. Activate the new hook while HANA is running by reloading the HA/DR providers:

    [rh1adm]$ hdbnsutil -reloadHADRProviders
  3. Verify the hook initialization by checking the new trace file:

    [rh1adm]$ cdtrace
    [rh1adm]$ cat nameserver_chksrv.trc
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