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Appendix A. Integrating with Apache ActiveMQ


If you are using Apache ActiveMQ as your JMS provider, the JNDI name of your destinations can be specified in a special format that dynamically creates JNDI bindings for queues or topics. This means that it is not necessary to configure the JMS provider in advance with the JNDI bindings for your queues or topics.

The initial context factory

The key to integrating Apache ActiveMQ with JNDI is the ActiveMQInitialContextFactory class. This class is used to create a JNDI InitialContext instance, which you can then use to access JMS destinations in the JMS broker.
Example A.1, “SOAP/JMS WSDL to connect to Apache ActiveMQ” shows SOAP/JMS WSDL extensions to create a JNDI InitialContext that is integrated with Apache ActiveMQ.

Example A.1. SOAP/JMS WSDL to connect to Apache ActiveMQ

In Example A.1, “SOAP/JMS WSDL to connect to Apache ActiveMQ”, the Apache ActiveMQ client connects to the broker port located at tcp://localhost:61616.

Looking up the connection factory

As well as creating a JNDI InitialContext instance, you must specify the JNDI name that is bound to a javax.jms.ConnectionFactory instance. In the case of Apache ActiveMQ, there is a predefined binding in the InitialContext instance, which maps the JNDI name ConnectionFactory to an ActiveMQConnectionFactory instance. Example A.2, “SOAP/JMS WSDL for specifying the Apache ActiveMQ connection factory” shaows the SOAP/JMS extension element for specifying the Apache ActiveMQ connection factory.

Example A.2. SOAP/JMS WSDL for specifying the Apache ActiveMQ connection factory


Syntax for dynamic destinations

To access queues or topics dynamically, specify the destination's JNDI name as a JNDI composite name in either of the following formats:
QueueName and TopicName are the names that the Apache ActiveMQ broker uses. They are not abstract JNDI names.
Example A.3, “WSDL port specification with a dynamically created queue” shows a WSDL port that uses a dynamically created queue.

Example A.3. WSDL port specification with a dynamically created queue

<service name="JMSService">
  <port binding="tns:GreeterBinding" name="JMSPort">
    <jms:address jndiConnectionFactoryName="ConnectionFactory"
                 jndiDestinationName="dynamicQueues/greeter.request.queue" >
      <jms:JMSNamingProperty name="java.naming.factory.initial"
                             value="org.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory" />
      <jms:JMSNamingProperty name="java.naming.provider.url"
                             value="tcp://localhost:61616" />
When the application attempts to open the JMS connection, Apache ActiveMQ will check to see if a queue with the JNDI name greeter.request.queue exists. If it does not exist, it will create a new queue and bind it to the JNDI name greeter.request.queue.
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