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Chapter 48. Facebook

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Facebook Component

Available as of Camel 2.12
The Facebook component provides access to all of the Facebook APIs accessible using Facebook4J. It allows producing messages to retrieve, add, and delete posts, likes, comments, photos, albums, videos, photos, links, etc. It also supports APIs that allow polling for posts, users,groups etc.
Facebook requires the use of OAuth for all client application authentication. In order to use camel-facebook with your account, you'll need to create a new application within Facebook at and grant the application access to your account. The Facebook application's id and secret will allow access to Facebook APIs which do not require a current user. A user access token is required for APIs that require a logged in user. More information on obtaining a user access token can be found at
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

URI format



The facebook component can be configured with the Facebook account settings below, which are mandatory. The values can be provided to the component using the bean property configuration of type org.apache.camel.component.facebook.config.FacebookConfiguration. The oAuthAccessToken option may be ommited but that will only allow access to application APIs.
You can also configure these options directly in an endpoint URI.
Option Description
oAuthAppId The application Id
oAuthAppSecret The application Secret
oAuthAccessToken The user access token
In addition to the above settings, non-mandatory options below can be used to configure the underlying Facebook4J runtime through either the component's configuration property or in an endpoint URI.
Option Description Default Value
oAuthAuthorizationURL OAuth authorization URL
oAuthPermissions Default OAuth permissions. Comma separeted permission names. See for the detail null
oAuthAccessTokenURL OAuth access token URL
debugEnabled Enables deubg output. Effective only with the embedded logger false
gzipEnabled Use Facebook GZIP encoding true
httpConnectionTimeout Http connection timeout in milliseconds 20000
httpDefaultMaxPerRoute HTTP maximum connections per route 2
httpMaxTotalConnections HTTP maximum total connections 20
httpProxyHost HTTP proxy server host name null
httpProxyPassword HTTP proxy server password null
httpProxyPort HTTP proxy server port null
httpProxyUser HTTP proxy server user name null
httpReadTimeout Http read timeout in milliseconds 120000
httpRetryCount Number of HTTP retries 0
httpRetryIntervalSeconds HTTP retry interval in seconds 5
httpStreamingReadTimeout HTTP streaming read timeout in milliseconds 40000
jsonStoreEnabled If set to true, raw JSON forms will be stored in DataObjectFactory false
mbeanEnabled If set to true, Facebook4J mbean will be registerd false
prettyDebugEnabled prettify JSON debug output if set to true false
restBaseURL API base URL
useSSL Use SSL true
videoBaseURL Video API base URL
clientURL Facebook4J API client URL<version>xml
clientVersion Facebook4J client API version 1.1.12

Producer Endpoints:

Producer endpoints can use endpoint names and options from the table below. Endpoints can also use the short name without the get or search prefix. . Endpoint options that are not mandatory are denoted by [].
Producer endpoints can also use a special option *inBody* that in turn should contain the name of the endpoint option whose value will be contained in the Camel Exchange In message. For example, the facebook endpoint in the following route retrieves activities for the user id value in the incoming message body.
Any of the endpoint options can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFacebook.option. For example, the userId option value in the previous route could alternately be provided in the message header CamelFacebook.userId. Note that the inBody option overrides message header, e.g. the endpoint option inBody=user would override a CamelFacebook.userId header.
Endpoints that return a String return an Id for the created or modified entity, e.g. addAlbumPhoto returns the new album Id. Endpoints that return a boolean, return true for success and false otherwise. In case of Facebook API errors the endpoint will throw a RuntimeCamelException with a facebook4j.FacebookException cause.
Endpoint Short Name Options Body Type
getAccounts accounts [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Account>
getActivities activities [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Activity>
addAlbumPhoto addAlbumPhoto albumId,source,[message] String
commentAlbum commentAlbum albumId,message String
createAlbum createAlbum albumCreate,[userId] String
getAlbum album albumId,[reading] facebook.Album
getAlbumComments albumComments albumId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Comment>
getAlbumCoverPhoto albumCoverPhoto albumId
getAlbumLikes albumLikes albumId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Like>
getAlbumPhotos albumPhotos albumId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Photos>
getAlbums albums [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Album>
deleteComment deleteComment commentId boolean
getComment comment commentId facebook4j.Comment
getCommentLikes commentLikes commentId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Like>
getEvent event eventId,[reading] facebook4j.Event
getEventPhotos eventPhotos eventId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Photo>
getEventPictureURL eventPictureURL eventId,[size]
getEvents events [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Event>
getEventVideos eventVideos eventId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Video>
getRSVPStatusAsNoreply rSVPStatusAsNoreply eventId,[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.RSVPStatus>
getRSVPStatusInAttending rSVPStatusInAttending eventId,[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.RSVPStatus>
getRSVPStatusInDeclined rSVPStatusInDeclined eventId,[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.RSVPStatus>
getRSVPStatusInMaybe rSVPStatusInMaybe eventId,[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.RSVPStatus>
postEventFeed postEventFeed eventId,postUpdate String
postEventLink postEventLink eventId,link,[message] String
postEventPhoto postEventPhoto eventId,source,[message] String
postEventStatusMessage postEventStatusMessage eventId,message String
postEventVideo postEventVideo eventId,source,[title,description] String
rsvpEventAsAttending rsvpEventAsAttending eventId boolean
rsvpEventAsDeclined rsvpEventAsDeclined eventId boolean
rsvpEventAsMaybe rsvpEventAsMaybe eventId boolean
getFamily family [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Family>
getBooks books [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Book>
getGames games [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Game>
getMovies movies [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Movie>
getMusic music [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Music>
getTelevision television [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Television>
Facebook Query Language (FQL)
executeFQL executeFQL query,[locale]
executeMultiFQL executeMultiFQL queries,[locale] java.util.Map<tring,>
addFriendlistMember addFriendlistMember friendlistId,userId boolean
createFriendlist createFriendlist friendlistName,[userId] String
deleteFriendlist deleteFriendlist friendlistId boolean
getBelongsFriend belongsFriend friendId,[reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Friend>
getFriendlist friendlist friendlistId,[reading] facebook4j.FriendList
getFriendlistMembers friendlistMembers friendlistId facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Friend>
getFriendlists friendlists [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.FriendList>
getFriends friends [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Friend>
removeFriendlistMember removeFriendlistMember friendlistId,userId boolean
deleteAchievement deleteAchievement achievementURL,[userId] boolean
deleteScore deleteScore [userId] boolean
getAchievements achievements [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Achievement>
getScores scores [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Score>
postAchievement postAchievement achievementURL,[userId] String
postScore postScore scoreValue,[userId] String
getGroup group groupId,[reading] facebook4j.Group
getGroupDocs groupDocs groupId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.GroupDoc>
getGroupFeed groupFeed groupId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Post>
getGroupMembers groupMembers groupId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.GroupMember>
getGroupPictureURL groupPictureURL groupId
getGroups groups [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Group>
postGroupFeed postGroupFeed groupId,postUpdate String
postGroupLink postGroupLink groupId,link,[message] String
postGroupStatusMessage postGroupStatusMessage groupId,message String
getInsights insights objectId,metric,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Insight>
getUserLikes userLikes [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Like>
commentLink commentLink linkId,message String
getLink link linkId,[reading] facebook4j.Link
getLinkComments linkComments linkId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Comment>
getLinkLikes linkLikes linkId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Like>
getInbox inbox [reading],[userId] facebook4j.InboxResponseList<facebook4j.Inbox>
getMessage message messageId,[reading] facebook4j.Message
getOutbox outbox [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Message>
getUpdates updates [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Message>
getNotifications notifications [includeRead],[reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Notification>
markNotificationAsRead markNotificationAsRead notificationId boolean
getPermissions permissions [userId] java.util.List<acebook4j.Permission>
revokePermission revokePermission permissionName,[userId] boolean
addTagToPhoto addTagToPhoto photoId,[toUserId],[toUserIds],[tagUpdate] boolean
commentPhoto commentPhoto photoId,message String
deletePhoto deletePhoto photoId boolean
getPhoto photo photoId,[reading] facebook4j.Photo
getPhotoComments photoComments photoId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Comment>
getPhotoLikes photoLikes photoId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Like>
getPhotos photos [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Photo>
getPhotoURL photoURL photoId
getTagsOnPhoto tagsOnPhoto photoId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Tag>
postPhoto postPhoto source,[message],[place],[noStory],[userId] String
updateTagOnPhoto updateTagOnPhoto photoId,[toUserId],[tagUpdate] boolean
getPokes pokes [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Poke>
commentPost commentPost postId,message String
deletePost deletePost postId boolean
getFeed feed [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Post>
getPost post postId,[reading] facebook4j.Post
getPostComments postComments postId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Comment>
getPostLikes postLikes postId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Like>
getPosts posts [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Post>
getTagged tagged [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Post>
postFeed postFeed postUpdate,[userId] String
postLink postLink link,[message],[userId] String
postStatusMessage postStatusMessage message,[userId] String
getSubscribedto subscribedto [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Subscribedto>
getSubscribers subscribers [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Subscriber>
Test Users
createTestUser createTestUser appId,[name],[userLocale],[permissions] facebook4j.TestUser
deleteTestUser deleteTestUser testUserId boolean
getTestUsers testUsers appId java.util.List<acebook4j.TestUser>
makeFriendTestUser makeFriendTestUser testUser1,testUser2 boolean
getMe me [reading] facebook4j.User
getPictureURL pictureURL [size],[userId]
getUser user userId,[reading] facebook4j.User
getUsers users ids java.util.List<acebook4j.User>
commentVideo commentVideo videoId,message String
getVideo video videoId,[reading] facebook4j.Video
getVideoComments videoComments videoId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Comment>
getVideoCover videoCover videoId
getVideoLikes videoLikes videoId,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Like>
getVideos videos [reading],[userId] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Video>
postVideo postVideo source,[title,description],[userId] String
search search query,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<>
searchEvents events query,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Event>
searchGroups groups query,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Group>
searchPlaces places query,[reading],[center,distance] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Place>
searchPosts posts query,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.Post>
searchUsers users query,[reading] facebook4j.ResponseList<facebook4j.User>

Consumer Endpoints:

Any of the producer endpoints that take a reading#Reading Options parameter can be used as a consumer endpoint. The polling consumer uses the since and until fields to get responses within the polling interval. In addition to other reading fields, an initial since value can be provided in the endpoint for the first poll.
Rather than the endpoints returning a List (or facebook4j.ResponseList) through a single route exchange, camel-facebook creates one route exchange per returned object. As an example, if "facebook://home" results in five posts, the route will be executed five times (once for each Post).
Name Type Description
achievementURL The unique URL of the achievement
albumCreate facebook4j.AlbumCreate The facebook Album to be created
albumId String The album ID
allowNewOptions boolean True if allows other users to add new options
appId String The ID of the Facebook Application
center facebook4j.GeoLocation Location latitude and longitude
commentId String The comment ID
description String The description text
distance int Distance in names
eventId String The event ID
eventUpdate facebook4j.EventUpdate The event to be created or updated
friendId String The friend ID
friendUserId String The friend user ID
friendlistId String The friend list ID
friendlistName String The friend list Name
groupId String The group ID
ids String[] The ids of users
includeRead boolean Enables notifications that the user has already read in addition to unread ones
link Link URL
linkId String The link ID
locale java.util.Locale Desired FQL locale
message String The message text
messageId String The message ID
metric String The metric name
name String Test user name, must be of the form 'first last'
noStory boolean If set to true, optionally suppresses the feed story that is automatically generated on a user's profile when they upload a photo using your application.
noteId String The note ID
notificationId String The notification ID
objectId String The insight object ID
optionDescription String The question's answer option description
options java.util.List<String> The question's answer options
permissionName String The permission name
permissions String Test user permissions in the format perm1,perm2,...
photoId String The photo ID
place String The Facebook ID of the place associated with the Photo
placeId String The place ID
postId String The post ID
postUpdate facebook4j.PostUpdate The post to create or update
queries java.util.Map<tring> FQL queries
query String FQL query or search terms for search* endpoints
question String The question text
questionId String The question id
reading facebook4j.Reading Optional reading parameters. See Reading Options(#Reading Options)
scoreValue int The numeric score with value
size facebook4j.PictureSize The picture size, one of large, normal, small or square
source facebook4j.Media The media content from either a or
subject String The note of the subject
tagUpdate facebook4j.TagUpdate Photo tag information
testUser1 facebook4j.TestUser Test user
testUser2 facebook4j.TestUser Test user
testUserId String The ID of the test user
title String The title text
toUserId String The ID of the user to tag
toUserIds java.util.List<tring> The IDs of the users to tag
userId String The Facebook user ID
userId1 String The ID of a user
userId2 String The ID of a user
userIds String[] The IDs of users to invite to event
userLocale String The test user locale
videoId String The video ID

Reading Options

The reading option of type facebook4j.Reading adds support for reading parameters, which allow selecting specific fields, limits the number of results, etc. For more information see Graph API at Facebook Developers.
It is also used by consumer endpoints to poll Facebook data to avoid sending duplicate messages across polls.
The reading option can be a reference or value of type facebook4j.Reading, or can be specified using the following reading options in either the endpoint URI or exchange header with CamelFacebook. prefix.
Option Description
reading.fields Field names to retrieve, in the format field1,field2,...
reading.limit Limit for number of items to return for list results, e.g. a limit of 10 returns items 1 through 10
reading.offset Starting offset for list results, e.g. a limit of 10, and offset of 10 returns items 11 through 20
reading.until A Unix timestamp or strtotime data value that points to the end of the range of time-based data
reading.since A Unix timestamp or strtotime data value that points to the start of the range of time-based data
reading.locale Retrieve localized content in a particular locale, specified as a String with the format language[,country][,variant]
reading.with Retrieve information about objects that have location information attached, set it to true
reading.metadata Use Facebook Graph API Introspection to retrieve object metadata, set it to true
reading.filter User's stream filter key. See Facebook stream_filter

Message header

Any of the the section called “Consumer Endpoints: ” can be provided in a message header for producer endpoints with CamelFacebook. prefix.

Message body

All result message bodies utilize objects provided by the Facebook4J API. Producer endpoints can specify the option name for incoming message body in the inBody endpoint parameter.
For endpoints that return an array, or facebook4j.ResponseList, or java.util.List, a consumer endpoint will map every elements in the list to distinct messages.

Use cases

To create a post within your Facebook profile, send this producer a facebook4j.PostUpdate body.
To poll all statuses on your home feed every 5 seconds:
Searching using a producer with dynamic options from header.
In the bar header we have the Facebook search string we want to execute in public posts, so we need to assign this value to the CamelFacebook.query header.
		.setHeader("CamelFacebook.query", header("bar"))
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