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Chapter 7. Using JMS connection factories

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This chapter describes how to use JMS connection factories in OSGi. Fundamentally, you do it by using:


There are two different methods to register such services:

  • Publishing connection factories by using the jms:create Karaf console command. This is the configuration method.
  • Publishing connection factories by using methods such as Blueprint, OSGi Declarative Services (SCR) or just a BundleContext.registerService() API call. This method requires a dedicated OSGi bundle that contains the code and/or metadata. This is the deployment method.

Details are in the following topics:

7.1. About the OSGi JMS service

The OSGi way of handling JDBC data sources is related to two interfaces:

  • standard org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory
  • proprietary org.ops4j.pax.jdbc.pool.common.PooledDataSourceFactory

For JMS, consider these analogies:

  • proprietary org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory with the same purpose as standard OSGi JDBC org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory
  • proprietary org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory with the same purpose as proprietary pax-jdbc org.ops4j.pax.jdbc.pool.common.PooledDataSourceFactory

For the dedicated, broker-specific, org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory implementations, there are bundles such as:

  • mvn:org.ops4j.pax.jms/pax-jms-artemis/1.0.0
  • mvn:org.ops4j.pax.jms/pax-jms-ibmmq/1.0.0
  • mvn:org.ops4j.pax.jms/pax-jms-activemq/1.0.0

These bundles register broker-specific org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory services that can return JMS factories such as javax.jms.ConnectionFactory and javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory. For example:

karaf@root()> feature:install pax-jms-artemis

karaf@root()> bundle:services -p org.ops4j.pax.jms.pax-jms-config

OPS4J Pax JMS Config (248) provides:
objectClass = []
service.bundleid = 248 = 328 = org.ops4j.connectionfactory
service.scope = singleton

karaf@root()> bundle:services -p org.ops4j.pax.jms.pax-jms-artemis

OPS4J Pax JMS Artemis Support (247) provides:
objectClass = [org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory]
service.bundleid = 247 = 327
service.scope = singleton
type = artemis

7.2. About the PAX-JMS configuration service

The mvn:org.ops4j.pax.jms/pax-jms-config/1.0.0 bundle provides a Managed Service Factory that does three things:

  • Tracks org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory OSGi services to invoke its methods:

    public ConnectionFactory createConnectionFactory(Map<String, Object> properties);
    public XAConnectionFactory createXAConnectionFactory(Map<String, Object> properties);
  • Tracks org.ops4j.connectionfactory factory PIDs to collect properties that are required by the above methods. If you create a factory configuration by using any method available for Configuration Admin service, for example, by creating a ${karaf.etc}/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-artemis.cfg file, you can perform the final step to expose a broker-specific connection factory.
  • Tracks javax.jms.ConnectionFactory and javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory services to wrap them inside pooling JMS connection factories.

Details are in the following topics:

7.2.1. Creating a connection factory for AMQ 7.1

Following is the detailed, canonical, step-by-step guide for creating a connection factor for an Artemis broker.

  1. Install the Artemis driver by using the pax-jms-artemis feature and the pax-jms-config feature:

    karaf@root()> feature:install pax-jms-artemis
    karaf@root()> bundle:services -p org.ops4j.pax.jms.pax-jms-config
    OPS4J Pax JMS Config (248) provides:
    objectClass = []
    service.bundleid = 248 = 328 = org.ops4j.connectionfactory
    service.scope = singleton
    karaf@root()> bundle:services -p org.ops4j.pax.jms.pax-jms-artemis
    OPS4J Pax JMS Artemis Support (247) provides:
    objectClass = [org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory]
    service.bundleid = 247 = 327
    service.scope = singleton
    type = artemis
  2. Create a factory configuration:

    karaf@root()> config:edit --factory --alias artemis org.ops4j.connectionfactory
    karaf@root()> config:property-set type artemis
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms/artemis # "name" property may be used too
    karaf@root()> config:property-set connectionFactoryType ConnectionFactory # or XAConnectionFactory
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.url tcp://localhost:61616
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.user admin
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.password admin
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.consumerMaxRate 1234
    karaf@root()> config:update
    karaf@root()> config:list '(service.factoryPid=org.ops4j.connectionfactory)'
    Pid:            org.ops4j.connectionfactory.965d4eac-f5a7-4f65-ba1a-15caa4c72703
    FactoryPid:     org.ops4j.connectionfactory
    BundleLocation: ?
       connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
       felix.fileinstall.filename = file:${karar.etc}/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-artemis.cfg
       jms.consumerMaxRate = 1234
       jms.password = admin
       jms.url = tcp://localhost:61616
       jms.user = admin = jms/artemis
       service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.connectionfactory = org.ops4j.connectionfactory.965d4eac-f5a7-4f65-ba1a-15caa4c72703
       type = artemis
  3. Check if pax-jms-config processed the configuration into the javax.jms.ConnectionFactory service:

    karaf@root()> service:list javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
     connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
     felix.fileinstall.filename = file:${karaf.etc}/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-artemis.cfg
     jms.consumerMaxRate = 1234
     jms.password = admin
     jms.url = tcp://localhost:61616
     jms.user = admin = jms/artemis
     pax.jms.managed = true
     service.bundleid = 248
     service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.connectionfactory = 342 = org.ops4j.connectionfactory.965d4eac-f5a7-4f65-ba1a-15caa4c72703
     service.scope = singleton
     type = artemis
    Provided by :
     OPS4J Pax JMS Config (248)

    If you specify additional Artemis configuration, specifically protocol=amqp, the QPID JMS library would be used instead of the Artemis JMS client. The amqp:// protocol has to be used then for jms.url property.

  4. Test the connection.

You now have a broker-specific (no pooling yet) connection factory that you can inject where needed. For example, you can use Karaf commands from the jms feature:

karaf@root()> feature:install -v jms
Adding features: jms/[4.2.0.fuse-000237-redhat-1,4.2.0.fuse-000237-redhat-1]
karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
JMS Connection Factory

karaf@root()> jms:info -u admin -p admin jms/artemis
Property │ Value
product  │ ActiveMQ
version  │ 2.4.0.amq-711002-redhat-1

karaf@root()> jms:send -u admin -p admin jms/artemis DEV.QUEUE.1 "Hello Artemis"

karaf@root()> jms:browse -u admin -p admin jms/artemis DEV.QUEUE.1
Message ID                              │ Content       │ Charset │ Type │ Correlation ID │ Delivery Mode │ Destination                │ Expiration │ Priority │ Redelivered │ ReplyTo │ Timestamp
ID:2b6ea56d-574d-11e8-971a-7ee9ecc029d4 │ Hello Artemis │ UTF-8   │      │                │ Persistent    │ ActiveMQQueue[DEV.QUEUE.1] │ Never      │ 4        │ false       │         │ Mon May 14 10:02:38 CEST 2018

The following listing shows what happens when you switch the protocol:

karaf@root()> config:list '(service.factoryPid=org.ops4j.connectionfactory)'
Pid:            org.ops4j.connectionfactory.965d4eac-f5a7-4f65-ba1a-15caa4c72703
FactoryPid:     org.ops4j.connectionfactory
BundleLocation: ?
   connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
   felix.fileinstall.filename = file:${karaf.etc}/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-artemis.cfg
   jms.consumerMaxRate = 1234
   jms.password = fuse
   jms.url = tcp://localhost:61616
   jms.user = fuse = jms/artemis
   service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.connectionfactory = org.ops4j.connectionfactory.965d4eac-f5a7-4f65-ba1a-15caa4c72703
   type = artemis

karaf@root()> config:edit org.ops4j.connectionfactory.312eb09a-d686-4229-b7e1-2ea38a77bb0f
karaf@root()> config:property-set protocol amqp
karaf@root()> config:property-delete user
karaf@root()> config:property-set username admin # mind the difference between artemis-jms-client and qpid-jms-client
karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.url amqp://localhost:61616
karaf@root()> config:update

karaf@root()> jms:info -u admin -p admin jms/artemis
Property │ Value
product  │ QpidJMS
version  │ 0.30.0.redhat-1

karaf@root()> jms:browse -u admin -p admin jms/artemis DEV.QUEUE.1
Message ID │ Content       │ Charset │ Type │ Correlation ID │ Delivery Mode │ Destination │ Expiration │ Priority │ Redelivered │ ReplyTo │ Timestamp
           │ Hello Artemis │ UTF-8   │      │                │ Persistent    │ DEV.QUEUE.1 │ Never      │ 4        │ false       │         │ Mon May 14 10:02:38 CEST 2018

7.2.2. Creating a connection factory for IBM MQ 8 or IBM MQ 9

This section shows how to connect to IBM MQ 8 and IBM MQ 9. Even though pax-jms-ibmmq installs the relevant pax-jms bundles, the IBM MQ driver is not installed due to licensing reasons.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in.
  3. Click the version that you want to install, for example, click IBM MQ 8.0 Client or IBM MQ 9.0 Client.
  4. In the page that appears, at the bottom, in the table of download versions, click the version that you want.
  5. In the next page, select the latest version that has the suffix IBM-MQ-Install-Java-All. For example, download or
  6. Extract the content of the downloaded JAR file.
  7. Execute the bundle:install command. For example, if you extracted the content into your /home/Downloads directory, you would enter a command such as the following:

    `bundle:install -s wrap:file:////home/Downloads/`.
  8. Create the connection factory as follows:

    1. Install pax-jms-ibmmq:

      karaf@root()> feature:install pax-jms-ibmmq
      karaf@root()> bundle:services -p org.ops4j.pax.jms.pax-jms-ibmmq
      OPS4J Pax JMS IBM MQ Support (239) provides:
      objectClass = [org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory]
      service.bundleid = 239 = 346
      service.scope = singleton
      type = ibmmq
    2. Create factory configuration:

      karaf@root()> config:edit --factory --alias ibmmq org.ops4j.connectionfactory
      karaf@root()> config:property-set type ibmmq
      karaf@root()> config:property-set jms/mq9 # "name" property may be used too
      karaf@root()> config:property-set connectionFactoryType ConnectionFactory # or XAConnectionFactory
      karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.queueManager FUSEQM
      karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.hostName localhost
      karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.port 1414
      karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.transportType 1 #
      karaf@root()> config:property-set DEV.APP.SVRCONN
      karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.CCSID 1208 #
      karaf@root()> config:update
      karaf@root()> config:list '(service.factoryPid=org.ops4j.connectionfactory)'
      Pid:            org.ops4j.connectionfactory.eee4a757-a95d-46b8-b8b6-19aa3977d863
      FactoryPid:     org.ops4j.connectionfactory
      BundleLocation: ?
         connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
         felix.fileinstall.filename = file:${karaf.etc}/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-ibmmq.cfg
         jms.CCSID = 1208 = DEV.APP.SVRCONN
         jms.hostName = localhost
         jms.port = 1414
         jms.queueManager = FUSEQM
         jms.transportType = 1 = jms/mq9
         service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.connectionfactory = org.ops4j.connectionfactory.eee4a757-a95d-46b8-b8b6-19aa3977d863
         type = ibmmq
    3. Check if pax-jms-config processed the configuration into javax.jms.ConnectionFactory service:

      karaf@root()> service:list javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
       connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
       felix.fileinstall.filename = file:/data/servers/7.13.0.fuse-7_13_0-00012-redhat-00001/etc/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-ibmmq.cfg
       jms.CCSID = 1208 = DEV.APP.SVRCONN
       jms.hostName = localhost
       jms.port = 1414
       jms.queueManager = FUSEQM
       jms.transportType = 1 = jms/mq9
       pax.jms.managed = true
       service.bundleid = 237
       service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.connectionfactory = 347 = org.ops4j.connectionfactory.eee4a757-a95d-46b8-b8b6-19aa3977d863
       service.scope = singleton
       type = ibmmq
      Provided by :
       OPS4J Pax JMS Config (237)
    4. Test the connection:

      karaf@root()> feature:install -v jms
      Adding features: jms/[4.2.0.fuse-000237-redhat-1,4.2.0.fuse-000237-redhat-1]
      karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
      JMS Connection Factory
      karaf@root()> jms:info -u app -p fuse jms/mq9
      Property │ Value
      product  │ IBM MQ JMS Provider
      version  │
      karaf@root()> jms:send -u app -p fuse jms/mq9 DEV.QUEUE.1 "Hello IBM MQ 9"
      karaf@root()> jms:browse -u app -p fuse jms/mq9 DEV.QUEUE.1
      Message ID                                          │ Content                     │ Charset │ Type │ Correlation ID │ Delivery Mode │ Destination          │ Expiration │ Priority │ Redelivered │ ReplyTo │ Timestamp
      ID:414d512046555345514d202020202020c940f95a038b3220 │ Hello IBM MQ 9              │ UTF-8   │      │                │ Persistent    │ queue:///DEV.QUEUE.1 │ Never      │ 4        │ false       │         │ Mon May 14 10:17:01 CEST 2018

You can also check if the message was sent from IBM MQ Explorer or from the web console.

7.2.3. Using JBoss A-MQ 6.3 Client in Fuse on Apache Karaf

You can download Fuse quickstarts from the Fuse Software Downloads page.

Extract the contents of the quickstarts zip file to a local folder, for example a folder named quickstarts.

You can build and install the quickstarts/camel/camel-jms example as an OSGi bundle. This bundle contains a Blueprint XML definition of a Camel route that sends messages to an JBoss A-MQ 6.3 JMS queue. The procedure for creating a connection factory for JBoss A-MQ 6.3 broker is as follows. Prerequisites

  • You have installed Maven 3.3.1 or higher.
  • You have Red Hat Fuse installed on your machine.
  • You have JBoss A-MQ Broker 6.3 installed on your machine.
  • You have downloaded and extracted the Fuse on Karaf quickstarts zip file from the customer portal. Procedure

  1. Navigate to quickstarts/camel/camel-jms/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint/ directory.
  2. Replace the following bean with id="jms" from the camel-context.xml file:

        <bean id="jms" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent">
            <property name="connectionFactory">
                <reference interface="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory" />
            <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/>

    With the following section to instantiate the JBoss A-MQ 6.3 connection factory:

    	<bean id="jms" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent">
    	        <property name="connectionFactory" ref="activemqConnectionFactory"/>
    	        <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/>
    	<bean id="activemqConnectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
    		<property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
    		<property name="userName" value="admin"/>
    		<property name="password" value="admin"/>

    The JBoss A-MQ 6.3 connection factory is configured to connect to a broker listening at tcp://localhost:61616. By default JBoss A-MQ uses the IP port value 61616. The connection factory is also configured to use the userName/password credentials, admin/admin. Make sure that this user is enable in your broker cofiguration (or you can customize these settings here to match your broker configuration).

  3. Save the camel-context.xml file.
  4. Build the camel-jms quickstart:

    $ cd quickstarts/camel/camel-jms
    $ mvn install
  5. After the quickstart is successfully installed, navigate to $FUSE_HOME/ directory and run the following command to start the Fuse on Apache Karaf server:

    $ ./bin/fuse
  6. On the Fuse on Apache Karaf instance install activemq-client feature and camel-jms feature:

    karaf@root()> feature:install activemq-client
    karaf@root()> feature:install camel-jms
  7. Install the camel-jms quickstart bundle:

    karaf@root()> install -s mvn:org.jboss.fuse.quickstarts/camel-jms/{$fuseversion}

    Where replace {$fuseversion} with the actual version of the Maven artifact that you just built (consult the camel-jms quickstart README file).

  8. Start the JBoss A-MQ 6.3 broker (you need an installation of JBoss A-MQ 6.3 for this). Open another terminal window and navigate to JBOSS_AMQ_63_INSTALLDIR directory:

    $ ./bin/amq
  9. As soon as the Camel routes have started, you can see a directory work/jms/input in your Fuse installation. Copy the files you find in this quickstart’s src/main/data directory to the newly created work/jms/input directory.
  10. Wait a few moments and you will find the same files organized by country under the work/jms/output directory:

        order1.xml, order2.xml and order4.xml in work/jms/output/others
        order3.xml and order5.xml in work/jms/output/us
        order6.xml in work/jms/output/fr
  11. Use log:display to check out the business logging:

        Receiving order order1.xml
        Sending order order1.xml to another country
        Done processing order1.xml

7.2.4. Summary of handled properties

Properties from the Configuration Admin factory PID are passed to the relevant org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory implementation.

  • ActiveMQ

    org.ops4j.pax.jms.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactoryFactory (JMS 1.1 only)

    Properties that are passed to the org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.buildFromMap() method

  • Artemis


    If protocol=amqp, properties are passed to the org.apache.qpid.jms.util.PropertyUtil.setProperties() method to configure the org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnectionFactory instance.

    Otherwise, org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.uri.BeanSupport.setData() is called for the org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQConnectionFactory instance.

  • IBM MQ


    Bean properties of or are handled.

7.3. Using JMS console commands

Apache Karaf provides the jms feature, which includes shell commands in the jms:* scope. You already saw some examples of using these commands to check the manually configured connection factories. There are also commands that hide the need to create Configuration Admin configurations.

Starting with a fresh instance of Fuse, you can register a broker-specific connection factory. The following listing shows install of the jms feature from Karaf and installation of pax-jms-artemis from pax-jms:

karaf@root()> feature:install jms pax-jms-artemis

karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
JMS Connection Factory
karaf@root()> service:list javax.jms.ConnectionFactory # should be empty

karaf@root()> service:list org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory
 service.bundleid = 250 = 326
 service.scope = singleton
 type = artemis
Provided by :
 OPS4J Pax JMS Artemis Support (250)

The following listing shows how to create and check an Artemis connection factory:

karaf@root()> jms:create -t artemis -u admin -p admin --url tcp://localhost:61616 artemis

karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
JMS Connection Factory

karaf@root()> jms:info -u admin -p admin jms/artemis
Property │ Value
product  │ ActiveMQ
version  │ 2.4.0.amq-711002-redhat-1

karaf@root()> jms:send -u admin -p admin jms/artemis DEV.QUEUE.1 "Hello Artemis"

karaf@root()> jms:browse -u admin -p admin jms/artemis DEV.QUEUE.1
Message ID                              │ Content       │ Charset │ Type │ Correlation ID │ Delivery Mode │ Destination                │ Expiration │ Priority │ Redelivered │ ReplyTo │ Timestamp
ID:7a944470-574f-11e8-918e-7ee9ecc029d4 │ Hello Artemis │ UTF-8   │      │                │ Persistent    │ ActiveMQQueue[DEV.QUEUE.1] │ Never      │ 4        │ false       │         │ Mon May 14 10:19:10 CEST 2018

karaf@root()> config:list '(service.factoryPid=org.ops4j.connectionfactory)'
Pid:            org.ops4j.connectionfactory.9184db6f-cb5f-4fd7-b5d7-a217090473ad
FactoryPid:     org.ops4j.connectionfactory
BundleLocation: mvn:org.ops4j.pax.jms/pax-jms-config/1.0.0
   name = artemis = jms/artemis
   password = admin
   service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.connectionfactory = org.ops4j.connectionfactory.9184db6f-cb5f-4fd7-b5d7-a217090473ad
   type = artemis
   url = tcp://localhost:61616
   user = admin

As you can see, the org.ops4j.connectionfactory factory PID is created for you. However it is not automatically stored in ${karaf.etc}, which is possible with config:update. It is not possible to specify other properties, but you can add them later.

7.4. Using encrypted configuration values

As with the pax-jdbc-config bundle, you can use Jasypt to encrypt properties.

If there is any org.jasypt.encryption.StringEncryptor service that is registered in OSGi with any alias service property, you can reference it in a connection factory factory PID and use encrypted passwords. Following is an example:

felix.fileinstall.filename = */etc/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-artemis.cfg
name = artemis
type = artemis
decryptor = my-jasypt-decryptor
url = tcp://localhost:61616
user = fuse
password = ENC(<encrypted-password>)

The service filter used to find the decryptor service is (&(objectClass=org.jasypt.encryption.StringEncryptor)(alias=<alias>)), where <alias> is the value of the decryptor property from the connection factory configuration factory PID.

7.5. Using JMS connection pools

This section discusses JMS connection/session pooling options. There are fewer choices than there are for JDBC. The information is organized into the following topics:


To use XA recovery, you should use the pax-jms-pool-transx or pax-jms-pool-narayana connection pool module.

7.5.1. Introduction to using JMS connection pools

So far, you have registered a broker-specific connection factory. Because a connection factory itself is a factory for connection factories, the org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory service may be treated as a meta factory. It should be able to produce two kinds of connection factories:

  • javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
  • javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory

The pax-jms-pool-* bundles work smoothly with the org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory service. These bundles provide implementations of org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory that can be used to create pooled connection factories by using a set of properties and the original org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory in a kind of wrapper way. For example:

public interface PooledConnectionFactoryFactory {

    ConnectionFactory create(ConnectionFactoryFactory cff, Map<String, Object> props);


The following table shows which bundles register pooled connection factory factories. In the table, o.o.p.j.p represents org.ops4j.pax.jms.pool.

BundlePooledConnectionFactoryFactoryPool Key











The pax-jms-pool-narayana factory is called PooledJms(XA)PooledConnectionFactoryFactory because it is based on the pooled-jms library. It adds integration with the Narayana transaction manager for XA recovery.

The above bundles install only connection factory factories. The bundles to not install the connection factories themselves. Consequently, something is needed that calls the javax.jms.ConnectionFactory org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory.create() method.

7.5.2. Using the pax-jms-pool-pooledjms connection pool module

An understanding of how to use the pax-jms-pool-pooledjms bundle helps you use not only the pax-jms-pool-pooledjms bundle, but also the pax-jms-pool-narayna bundle, which does almost everything as pax-jms-pool-pooledjms.

The pax-jms-config bundle tracks the following:

  • org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory services
  • org.ops4j.connectionfactory factory PIDs
  • Instances of org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory that are registered by one of pax-jms-pool-* bundles.

If a factory configuration contains a pool property, the ultimate connection factory registered by the pax-jms-config bundle is the broker-specific connection factory. If pool=pooledjms then the connection factory is wrapped inside one of the following:

  • org.messaginghub.pooled.jms.JmsPoolConnectionFactory (xa=false)
  • org.messaginghub.pooled.jms.JmsPoolXAConnectionFactory (xa=true)

Besides the pool property (and the Boolean xa property, which selects one of non-xa/xa connection factories), the org.ops4j.connectionfactory factory PID may contain properties that are prefixed with pool..

For the pooled-jms library, these prefixed properties are used (after removing the prefix) to configure an instance of:

  • org.messaginghub.pooled.jms.JmsPoolConnectionFactory, or
  • org.messaginghub.pooled.jms.JmsPoolXAConnectionFactory

The following listing is a realistic configuration of a pooled-jms pool (org.ops4j.connectionfactory-artemis factory PID) that is using a convenient syntax with jms.-prefixed properties:

# configuration for pax-jms-config to choose and configure specific org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory
name = jms/artemis
connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
jms.url = tcp://localhost:61616
jms.user = fuse
jms.password = fuse
# org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQConnectionFactory specific coniguration
jms.callTimeout = 12000
# ...

# hints for pax-jms-config to use selected org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory
pool = pooledjms
xa = false

# pooled-jms specific configuration of org.messaginghub.pooled.jms.JmsPoolConnectionFactory
pool.idleTimeout = 10
pool.maxConnections = 100
pool.blockIfSessionPoolIsFull = true
# ...

In the above configuration, pool and xa keys are hints (service filter properties) to choose one of the registered org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory services. In the case of the pooled-jms library it is:

karaf@root()> feature:install pax-jms-pool-pooledjms

karaf@root()> bundle:services -p org.ops4j.pax.jms.pax-jms-pool-pooledjms

OPS4J Pax JMS MessagingHub JMS Pool implementation (252) provides:
objectClass = [org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory]
pool = pooledjms
service.bundleid = 252 = 331
service.scope = singleton
xa = false
objectClass = [org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory]
pool = pooledjms
service.bundleid = 252 = 335
service.scope = singleton
xa = true

Following is a complete example of the steps for creating and configuring a connection pool:

  1. Install the required features:

    karaf@root()> feature:install -v pax-jms-pool-pooledjms pax-jms-artemis
    Adding features: pax-jms-pool-pooledjms/[1.0.0,1.0.0]
  2. Install the jms feature:

    karaf@root()> feature:install jms
    karaf@root()> service:list org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory
     service.bundleid = 249 = 327
     service.scope = singleton
     type = artemis
    Provided by :
     OPS4J Pax JMS Artemis Support (249)
    karaf@root()> service:list org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory
     pool = pooledjms
     service.bundleid = 251 = 328
     service.scope = singleton
     xa = false
    Provided by :
     OPS4J Pax JMS MessagingHub JMS Pool implementation (251)
     pool = pooledjms
     service.bundleid = 251 = 333
     service.scope = singleton
     xa = true
    Provided by :
     OPS4J Pax JMS MessagingHub JMS Pool implementation (251)
  3. Create a factory configuration:

    karaf@root()> config:edit --factory --alias artemis org.ops4j.connectionfactory
    karaf@root()> config:property-set connectionFactoryType ConnectionFactory
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms/artemis
    karaf@root()> config:property-set type artemis
    karaf@root()> config:property-set protocol amqp # so we switch to org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnectionFactory
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.url amqp://localhost:61616
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.username admin
    karaf@root()> config:property-set jms.password admin
    karaf@root()> config:property-set pool pooledjms
    karaf@root()> config:property-set xa false
    karaf@root()> config:property-set pool.idleTimeout 10
    karaf@root()> config:property-set pool.maxConnections 123
    karaf@root()> config:property-set pool.blockIfSessionPoolIsFull true
    karaf@root()> config:update
  4. Check if pax-jms-config processed the configuration into javax.jms.ConnectionFactory service:

    karaf@root()> service:list javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
     connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
     felix.fileinstall.filename = file:${karaf.etc}/org.ops4j.connectionfactory-artemis.cfg
     jms.password = admin
     jms.url = amqp://localhost:61616
     jms.username = admin = jms/artemis
     pax.jms.managed = true
     pool.blockIfSessionPoolIsFull = true
     pool.idleTimeout = 10
     pool.maxConnections = 123
     protocol = amqp
     service.bundleid = 250
     service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.connectionfactory = 347 = org.ops4j.connectionfactory.fc1b9e85-91b4-421b-aa16-1151b0f836f9
     service.scope = singleton
     type = artemis
    Provided by :
     OPS4J Pax JMS Config (250)
  5. Use the connection factory:

    karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
    JMS Connection Factory
    karaf@root()> jms:info -u admin -p admin jms/artemis
    Property │ Value
    product  │ QpidJMS
    version  │ 0.30.0.redhat-1
    karaf@root()> jms:send -u admin -p admin jms/artemis DEV.QUEUE.1 "Hello Artemis"
    karaf@root()> jms:browse -u admin -p admin jms/artemis DEV.QUEUE.1
    Message ID                                      │ Content       │ Charset │ Type │ Correlation ID │ Delivery Mode │ Destination │ Expiration │ Priority │ Redelivered │ ReplyTo │ Timestamp
    ID:64842f99-5cb2-4850-9e88-f50506d49d20:1:1:1-1 │ Hello Artemis │ UTF-8   │      │                │ Persistent    │ DEV.QUEUE.1 │ Never      │ 4        │ false       │         │ Mon May 14 12:47:13 CEST 2018

7.5.3. Using the pax-jms-pool-narayana connection pool module

The pax-jms-pool-narayna module does almost everything as pax-jms-pool-pooledjms. It installs the pooled-jms-specific org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory, both for XA and non-XA scenarios. The only difference is that in an XA scenario, there is an additional integration point. The OSGi service is registered to be picked up by com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.RecoveryManager.

7.5.4. Using the pax-jms-pool-transx connection pool module

The pax-jms-pool-transx module provides an implementation of org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory services that is based on the pax-transx-jms bundle. The pax-transx-jms bundle creates javax.jms.ConnectionFactory pools by using the org.ops4j.pax.transx.jms.ManagedConnectionFactoryBuilder facility. This is a JCA (Java™ Connector Architecture) solution that is discussed in Section 8.3, “About the pax-transx project”.

7.6. Deploying connection factories as artifacts

This topic discusses real-world recommendations.

In the deployment method, javax.jms.ConnectionFactory services are registered directly by application code. Usually, this code is inside a Blueprint container. Blueprint XML may be part of an ordinary OSGi bundle, installable by using mvn: URI, and stored in a Maven repository (local or remote). It is easier to version-control such bundles as compared to Configuration Admin configurations.

The pax-jms-config version 1.0.0 bundle adds a deployment method for connection factory configuration. An application developer registers the javax.jms.(XA)ConnectionFactory service (usually by using Bluerpint XML) and specifies service properties. Then pax-jms-config detects the registered, broker-specific connection factory and (using service properties) wraps the service inside a generic, non broker-specific, connection pool.

Following are three deployment methods that use Blueprint XML.

7.6.1. Manual deployment of connection factories

In this method, the pax-jms-config bundle is not needed. Application code is responsible for registration of both broker-specific and generic connection pools.

    Broker-specific, non-pooling, non-enlisting javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory
<bean id="artemis" class="org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory">
    <argument value="tcp://localhost:61616" />
    <property name="callTimeout" value="2000" />
    <property name="initialConnectAttempts" value="3" />

    Fuse exports this service from fuse-pax-transx-tm-narayana bundle.
<reference id="tm" interface="javax.transaction.TransactionManager" />

    Non broker-specific, generic, pooling, enlisting javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
<bean id="pool" class="org.messaginghub.pooled.jms.JmsPoolXAConnectionFactory">
    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="artemis" />
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="tm" />
    <property name="maxConnections" value="10" />
    <property name="idleTimeout" value="10000" />

    Expose connection factory for use by application code (such as Camel, Spring, ...)
<service interface="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory" ref="pool">
        <!-- Giving connection factory a name using one of these properties makes identification easier in jms:connectionfactories: -->
        <entry key="" value="jms/artemis" />
        <!--<entry key="name" value="jms/artemis" />-->
        <!-- Without any of the above, name will fall back to "" -->

Here are the shell commands that show how it should be used:

karaf@root()> feature:install artemis-core-client artemis-jms-client
karaf@root()> install -s mvn:org.apache.commons/commons-pool2/2.5.0
Bundle ID: 244
karaf@root()> install -s mvn:org.messaginghub/pooled-jms/0.3.0
Bundle ID: 245
karaf@root()> install -s blueprint:file://$PQ_HOME/message-brokers/blueprints/artemis-manual.xml
Bundle ID: 246

karaf@root()> bundle:services -p 246

Bundle 246 provides:
objectClass = [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] = jms/artemis
osgi.service.blueprint.compname = pool
service.bundleid = 246 = 340
service.scope = bundle
objectClass = [org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer]
osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname = artemis-manual.xml
osgi.blueprint.container.version = 0.0.0
service.bundleid = 246 = 341
service.scope = singleton

karaf@root()> feature:install jms

karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
JMS Connection Factory

karaf@root()> jms:info -u admin -p admin jms/artemis
Property │ Value
product  │ ActiveMQ
version  │ 2.4.0.amq-711002-redhat-1

As shown in the above listing, the Blueprint bundle exports the javax.jms.ConnectionFactory service, which is a generic, non broker-specific, connection pool. The broker-specific javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory is not registered as an OSGi service, because Blueprint XML does not have an explicit <service ref="artemis"> declaration.

7.6.2. Factory deployment of connection factories

This method shows the use of pax-jms-config in a canonical way. This is a bit different than the method that was recommended for Fuse 6.x, where the requirement was to specify pooling configuration as service properties.

Here is the Blueprint XML example:

    A broker-specific org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory that can create (XA)ConnectionFactory
    using properties. It is registered by pax-jms-* bundles
<reference id="connectionFactoryFactory"
        filter="(type=artemis)" />

    Non broker-specific org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory that can create
    pooled connection factories with the help of org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory

    For example, pax-jms-pool-pooledjms bundle registers org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory
    with these properties:
     - pool = pooledjms
     - xa = true|false (both are registered)
<reference id="pooledConnectionFactoryFactory"
        filter="(&amp;(pool=pooledjms)(xa=true))" />

    When using XA connection factories, javax.transaction.TransactionManager service is not needed here.
    It is used internally by xa-aware pooledConnectionFactoryFactory.
<!--<reference id="tm" interface="javax.transaction.TransactionManager" />-->

    Finally, use both factories to expose the pooled, xa-aware, connection factory.
<bean id="pool" factory-ref="pooledConnectionFactoryFactory" factory-method="create">
    <argument ref="connectionFactoryFactory" />
                Properties needed by artemis-specific org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.ConnectionFactoryFactory
            <prop key="jms.url" value="tcp://localhost:61616" />
            <prop key="jms.callTimeout" value="2000" />
            <prop key="jms.initialConnectAttempts" value="3" />
            <!-- Properties needed by pooled-jms-specific org.ops4j.pax.jms.service.PooledConnectionFactoryFactory -->
            <prop key="pool.maxConnections" value="10" />
            <prop key="pool.idleTimeout" value="10000" />

    Expose connection factory for use by application code (such as Camel, Spring, ...)
<service interface="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory" ref="pool">
        <!-- Giving connection factory a name using one of these properties makes identification easier in jms:connectionfactories: -->
        <entry key="" value="jms/artemis" />
        <!--<entry key="name" value="jms/artemis" />-->
        <!-- Without any of the above, name will fall back to "" -->

The previous example uses factory beans that create connection factories by using connection factory factories (…​). There is no need for an explicit reference to the javax.transaction.TransactionManager service, as this is tracked internally by the XA-aware PooledConnectionFactoryFactory.

Here is how it looks in a Fuse/Karaf shell:

karaf@root()> feature:install jms pax-jms-artemis pax-jms-pool-pooledjms

karaf@root()> install -s blueprint:file://$PQ_HOME/message-brokers/blueprints/artemis-pax-jms-factory-pooledjms.xml
Bundle ID: 253
karaf@root()> bundle:services -p 253

Bundle 253 provides:
objectClass = [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] = jms/artemis
osgi.service.blueprint.compname = pool
service.bundleid = 253 = 347
service.scope = bundle
objectClass = [org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer]
osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname = artemis-pax-jms-factory-pooledjms.xml
osgi.blueprint.container.version = 0.0.0
service.bundleid = 253 = 348
service.scope = singleton

karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
JMS Connection Factory

karaf@root()> jms:info -u admin -p admin jms/artemis
Property │ Value
product  │ ActiveMQ
version  │ 2.4.0.amq-711002-redhat-1

As shown in the above listing, the Blueprint bundle exports the javax.jms.ConnectionFactory service, which is a generic, non broker-specific, connection pool. The broker-specific javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory is not registered as an OSGi service because Blueprint XML does not have an explicit <service ref="artemis"> declaration.

7.6.3. Mixed deployment of connection factories

The pax-jms-config 1.0.0 bundle adds another way of wrapping broker-specific connection factories within pooling connection factories by using service properties. This method matches the way it used to work in Fuse 6.x.

Here is the Blueprint XML example:

    Broker-specific, non-pooling, non-enlisting javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory
<bean id="artemis" class="org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory">
    <argument value="tcp://localhost:61616" />
    <property name="callTimeout" value="2000" />
    <property name="initialConnectAttempts" value="3" />

    Expose broker-specific connection factory with service properties.
    No need to expose pooling, enlisting, non broker-specific javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory. It will be registered
    automatically by pax-jms-config with the same properties as this <service>, but with a higher service.ranking
<service id="pool" ref="artemis" interface="javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory">
        <!-- "pool" key is needed for pax-jms-config to wrap broker-specific connection factory inside connection pool -->
        <entry key="pool" value="pooledjms" />
        <!-- <service>/@id attribute does not propagate, but name of the connection factory is required using one of: -->
        <entry key="" value="jms/artemis" />
        <!-- or: -->
        <!--<entry key="name" value="jms/artemis" />-->
        <!-- Other properties, that normally by e.g., pax-jms-pool-pooledjms -->
        <entry key="pool.maxConnections" value="10" />
        <entry key="pool.idleTimeout" value="10000" />

In the above example, you can see the manual register of only the broker-specific connection factory. The pool=pooledjms service property is a hint for the connection factory tracker that is managed by the pax-jms-config bundle. Connection factory services with this service property are wrapped within a pooling connection factory, in this example, pax-jms-pool-pooledjms.

Here is how it looks in a Fuse/Karaf shell:

karaf@root()> feature:install jms pax-jms-config pax-jms-artemis pax-jms-pool-pooledjms

karaf@root()> install -s blueprint:file://$PQ_HOME/message-brokers/blueprints/artemis-pax-jms-discovery.xml
Bundle ID: 254

karaf@root()> bundle:services -p 254

Bundle 254 provides:
objectClass = [javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory] = jms/artemis
osgi.service.blueprint.compname = artemis
pool = pooledjms
pool.idleTimeout = 10000
pool.maxConnections = 10
service.bundleid = 254 = 349
service.scope = bundle
objectClass = [org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer]
osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname = artemis-pax-jms-discovery.xml
osgi.blueprint.container.version = 0.0.0
service.bundleid = 254 = 351
service.scope = singleton

karaf@root()> service:list javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory
------------------------------- = jms/artemis
 osgi.service.blueprint.compname = artemis
 pool = pooledjms
 pool.idleTimeout = 10000
 pool.maxConnections = 10
 service.bundleid = 254 = 349
 service.scope = bundle
Provided by :
 Bundle 254
Used by:
 OPS4J Pax JMS Config (251)

karaf@root()> service:list javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
----------------------------- = jms/artemis
 osgi.service.blueprint.compname = artemis
 pax.jms.managed = true = 349
 pool.idleTimeout = 10000
 pool.maxConnections = 10
 service.bundleid = 251 = 350
 service.ranking = 1000
 service.scope = singleton
Provided by :
 OPS4J Pax JMS Config (251)

karaf@root()> jms:connectionfactories
JMS Connection Factory

karaf@root()> jms:info -u admin -p admin jms/artemis
Property │ Value
product  │ ActiveMQ
version  │ 2.4.0.amq-711002-redhat-1

In the previous example, jms:connectionfactories shows only one service, because this command removes duplicate names. Two services were presented by jdbc:ds-list in the mixed deployment of data sources.

javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory is registered from the Blueprint bundle and it has the pool = pooledjms property declared.

javax.jms.ConnectionFactory is registered from the pax-jms-config bundle and:

  • It does not have the pool = pooledjms property. It was removed when registering the wrapper connection factory.
  • It has the service.ranking = 1000 property, so it is always the preferred version when, for example, looking for a connection factory by name.
  • It has the pax.jms.managed = true property, so it is not tried to be wrapped again.
  • It has the = 349 property, which indicates the original connection factory service that is wrapped inside the connection pool.
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