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11.2. Starting a Container

Execute the following steps to start the container.
  1. Create a data container for RHGS container by executing the following command:
    # docker run --name glusterdata  -v /etc/glusterfs:/etc/glusterfs:z -v /var/lib/glusterd:/var/lib/glusterd:z -v /var/log/glusterfs:/var/log/glusterfs:z -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro <image name> /usr/sbin/setup.sh
    For example:
    # docker run --name glusterdata  -v /etc/glusterfs:/etc/glusterfs:z -v /var/lib/glusterd:/var/lib/glusterd:z -v /var/log/glusterfs:/var/log/glusterfs:z -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro rhgs3/rhgs-server-rhel7 /usr/sbin/setup.sh
    Script Ran Successfully


    • The data container will be stopped once the script is run.
    • SELinux labels are automatically reset to svirt_sandbox_file_t so that the container can interact with the Atomic Host directory.
    • In the above command, the following ensures that the gluster configuration are persistent.
      -v /etc/glusterfs:/etc/glusterfs:z -v /var/lib/glusterd:/var/lib/glusterd -v /var/log/glusterfs:/var/log/glusterfs
  2. Execute the following command to run the container:
    # docker run -d --privileged=true --net=host --name <container-name> --volumes-from glusterdata -v /mnt/brick1:/mnt/container_brick1:z <image name>
    • --net=host option ensures that the container has full access to the network stack of the host.
    • --volumes-from option is used to bind mount all the volumes from the data container.
    • /mnt/brick1 is the mountpoint of the brick in the atomic host and :/mnt/container_brick1 is the mountpoint of the brick in the container.
    • -d option starts the container in the detached mode.
    For example:
    # docker run -d --privileged=true --net=host --name glusternode1 --volumes-from glusterdata -v /mnt/brick1:/mnt/container_brick1:z rhgs3/rhgs-server-rhel7
    Where, 5ac864b5abc74a925aecc4fe9613c73e83b8c54a846c36107aa8e2960eeb97b4 is the container ID.
  3. If you want to use snapshot then execute the following command:
    # docker run -d --privileged=true --net=host --name <container-name> -v /dev:/dev --volumes-from glusterdata -v /mnt/brick1:/mnt/container_brick1:z <image name>
    where, /mnt/brick1 is the mountpoint of the brick in the atomic host and :/mnt/container_brick1 is the mountpoint of the brick in the container.
    For example:
    # docker run -d --privileged=true --net=host --name glusternode1 -v /dev:/dev --volumes-from glusterdata -v /mnt/brick1:/mnt/container_brick1:z rhgs3/rhgs-server-rhel7
  4. To verify if the container is created, execute the following command:
    # docker ps -a
    For example:
    # docker ps -a
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
    5da2bc217c08        891ea0584e94        "/usr/sbin/init"       10 seconds ago      Up 9 seconds                                    glusternode1
    1042bf93cf87        891ea0584e94        "/usr/sbin/setup.sh"   35 seconds ago      Exited (0) 33 seconds ago                       glusterdata
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