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Appendix C. Event Codes

C.1. Event Codes

This table lists all event codes.
Table C.1. Event codes
Code Name Severity Message
1 VDC_START Info Starting oVirt Engine.
2 VDC_STOP Info Stopping oVirt Engine.
12 VDS_FAILURE Error Host ${VdsName} is non responsive.
13 VDS_DETECTED Info Status of host ${VdsName} was set to ${HostStatus}.
14 VDS_RECOVER Info Host ${VdsName} is rebooting.
15 VDS_MAINTENANCE Normal Host ${VdsName} was switched to Maintenance Mode.
16 VDS_ACTIVATE Info Activation of host ${VdsName} initiated by ${UserName}.
17 VDS_MAINTENANCE_FAILED Error Failed to switch Host ${VdsName} to Maintenance mode.
18 VDS_ACTIVATE_FAILED Error Failed to activate Host ${VdsName}.(User: ${UserName}).
19 VDS_RECOVER_FAILED Error Host ${VdsName} failed to recover.
20 USER_VDS_START Info Host ${VdsName} was started by ${UserName}.
21 USER_VDS_STOP Info Host ${VdsName} was stopped by ${UserName}.
22 IRS_FAILURE Error Failed to access Storage on Host ${VdsName}.
23 VDS_LOW_DISK_SPACE Warning Warning, Low disk space. Host ${VdsName} has less than ${DiskSpace} MB of free space left on: ${Disks}.
24 VDS_LOW_DISK_SPACE_ERROR Error Critical, Low disk space. Host ${VdsName} has less than ${DiskSpace} MB of free space left on: ${Disks}. Low disk space might cause an issue upgrading this host.
25 VDS_NO_SELINUX_ENFORCEMENT Warning Host ${VdsName} does not enforce SELinux. Current status: ${Mode}
26 IRS_DISK_SPACE_LOW Warning Warning, Low disk space. ${StorageDomainName} domain has ${DiskSpace} GB of free space.
27 VDS_STATUS_CHANGE_FAILED_DUE_TO_STOP_SPM_FAILURE Warning Failed to change status of host ${VdsName} due to a failure to stop the spm.
28 VDS_PROVISION Warning Installing OS on Host ${VdsName} using Hostgroup ${HostGroupName}.
29 USER_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE_SUCCESS Info Template ${VmTemplateName} was created successfully.
31 USER_VDC_LOGOUT Info User ${UserName} logged out.
32 USER_RUN_VM Info VM ${VmName} started on Host ${VdsName}
33 USER_STOP_VM Info VM ${VmName} powered off by ${UserName} (Host: ${VdsName}) (Reason: ${Reason}).
34 USER_ADD_VM Info VM ${VmName} was created by ${UserName}.
35 USER_UPDATE_VM Info VM ${VmName} configuration was updated by ${UserName}.
36 USER_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE_FAILURE Error Failed creating Template ${VmTemplateName}.
37 USER_ADD_VM_STARTED Info VM ${VmName} creation was initiated by ${UserName}.
38 USER_CHANGE_DISK_VM Info CD ${DiskName} was inserted to VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
39 USER_PAUSE_VM Info VM ${VmName} was suspended by ${UserName} (Host: ${VdsName}).
40 USER_RESUME_VM Info VM ${VmName} was resumed by ${UserName} (Host: ${VdsName}).
41 USER_VDS_RESTART Info Host ${VdsName} was restarted by ${UserName}.
42 USER_ADD_VDS Info Host ${VdsName} was added by ${UserName}.
43 USER_UPDATE_VDS Info Host ${VdsName} configuration was updated by ${UserName}.
44 USER_REMOVE_VDS Info Host ${VdsName} was removed by ${UserName}.
45 USER_CREATE_SNAPSHOT Info Snapshot '${SnapshotName}' creation for VM '${VmName}' was initiated by ${UserName}.
46 USER_TRY_BACK_TO_SNAPSHOT Info Snapshot-Preview ${SnapshotName} for VM ${VmName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
47 USER_RESTORE_FROM_SNAPSHOT Info VM ${VmName} restored from Snapshot by ${UserName}.
48 USER_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE Info Creation of Template ${VmTemplateName} from VM ${VmName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
49 USER_UPDATE_VM_TEMPLATE Info Template ${VmTemplateName} configuration was updated by ${UserName}.
50 USER_REMOVE_VM_TEMPLATE Info Removal of Template ${VmTemplateName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
51 USER_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Creation of Template ${VmTemplateName} from VM ${VmName} has been completed.
52 USER_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete creation of Template ${VmTemplateName} from VM ${VmName}.
53 USER_ADD_VM_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info VM ${VmName} creation has been completed.
54 USER_FAILED_RUN_VM Error Failed to run VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
55 USER_FAILED_PAUSE_VM Error Failed to suspend VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
56 USER_FAILED_STOP_VM Error Failed to power off VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
57 USER_FAILED_ADD_VM Error Failed to create VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
58 USER_FAILED_UPDATE_VM Error Failed to update VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
60 USER_ADD_VM_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete VM ${VmName} creation.
61 VM_DOWN Info VM ${VmName} is down. ${ExitMessage}
62 VM_MIGRATION_START Info Migration started (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, Destination: ${DestinationVdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
63 VM_MIGRATION_DONE Info Migration completed (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, Destination: ${DestinationVdsName}, Duration: ${Duration}, Total: ${TotalDuration}, Actual downtime: ${ActualDowntime})
64 VM_MIGRATION_ABORT Error Migration failed: ${MigrationError} (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, Destination: ${DestinationVdsName}).
65 VM_MIGRATION_FAILED Error Migration failed${DueToMigrationError} (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}).
66 VM_FAILURE Error VM ${VmName} cannot be found on Host ${VdsName}.
67 VM_MIGRATION_START_SYSTEM_INITIATED Info Migration initiated by system (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, Destination: ${DestinationVdsName}).
68 USER_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Snapshot '${SnapshotName}' creation for VM '${VmName}' has been completed.
69 USER_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete snapshot '${SnapshotName}' creation for VM '${VmName}'.
70 USER_RUN_VM_AS_STATELESS_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete starting of VM ${VmName}.
71 USER_TRY_BACK_TO_SNAPSHOT_FINISH_SUCCESS Info Snapshot-Preview ${SnapshotName} for VM ${VmName} has been completed.
72 USER_CHANGE_FLOPPY_VM Info Floppy ${DiskName} was inserted in VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}
73 USER_INITIATED_SHUTDOWN_VM Info VM shutdown initiated by ${UserName} on VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}) (Reason: ${Reason}).
74 USER_FAILED_SHUTDOWN_VM Error Failed to initiate shutdown on VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
75 USER_FAILED_CHANGE_FLOPPY_VM Error Failed to change floppy ${DiskName} (User: ${UserName}).
76 USER_STOPPED_VM_INSTEAD_OF_SHUTDOWN Info VM ${VmName} was powered off ungracefully by ${UserName} (Host: ${VdsName}) (Reason: ${Reason}).
77 USER_FAILED_STOPPING_VM_INSTEAD_OF_SHUTDOWN Error Failed to power off VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
78 USER_ADD_DISK_TO_VM Info Add-Disk operation of ${DiskAlias} was initiated on VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
79 USER_FAILED_ADD_DISK_TO_VM Error Add-Disk operation failed on VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
80 USER_REMOVE_DISK_FROM_VM Info Disk was removed from VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
81 USER_FAILED_REMOVE_DISK_FROM_VM Error Failed to remove Disk from VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
82 USER_MOVED_VM Info VM ${VmName} moving to Domain ${StorageDomainName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
83 USER_FAILED_MOVE_VM Error Failed to initiate moving of VM ${VmName} to Domain ${StorageDomainName} (User: ${UserName}).
84 USER_MOVED_TEMPLATE Info Template ${VmTemplateName} moving to Domain ${StorageDomainName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
85 USER_FAILED_MOVE_TEMPLATE Error Failed to initiate moving Template ${VmTemplateName} to Domain ${StorageDomainName} (User: ${UserName}).
86 USER_COPIED_TEMPLATE Info Template ${VmTemplateName} copy to Domain ${StorageDomainName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
87 USER_FAILED_COPY_TEMPLATE Error Failed to initiate copy of Template ${VmTemplateName} to Domain ${StorageDomainName} (User: ${UserName}).
88 USER_UPDATE_VM_DISK Info VM ${VmName} ${DiskAlias} disk was updated by ${UserName}.
89 USER_FAILED_UPDATE_VM_DISK Error Failed to update VM ${VmName} disk ${DiskAlias} (User: ${UserName}).
90 VDS_FAILED_TO_GET_HOST_HARDWARE_INFO Warning Could not get hardware information for host ${VdsName}
91 USER_MOVED_VM_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Moving VM ${VmName} to Domain ${StorageDomainName} has been completed.
92 USER_MOVED_VM_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete moving of VM ${VmName} to Domain ${StorageDomainName}.
93 USER_MOVED_TEMPLATE_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Template ${VmTemplateName} moving to Domain ${StorageDomainName} has been completed.
94 USER_MOVED_TEMPLATE_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete moving of Template ${VmTemplateName} to Domain ${StorageDomainName}.
95 USER_COPIED_TEMPLATE_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Template ${VmTemplateName} copy to Domain ${StorageDomainName} has been completed.
96 USER_COPIED_TEMPLATE_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete copy of Template ${VmTemplateName} to Domain ${StorageDomainName}.
97 USER_ADD_DISK_TO_VM_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info The disk ${DiskAlias} was successfully added to VM ${VmName}.
98 USER_ADD_DISK_TO_VM_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Add-Disk operation failed to complete on VM ${VmName}.
99 USER_TRY_BACK_TO_SNAPSHOT_FINISH_FAILURE Error Failed to complete Snapshot-Preview ${SnapshotName} for VM ${VmName}.
100 USER_RESTORE_FROM_SNAPSHOT_FINISH_SUCCESS Info VM ${VmName} restoring from Snapshot has been completed.
101 USER_RESTORE_FROM_SNAPSHOT_FINISH_FAILURE Error Failed to complete restoring from Snapshot of VM ${VmName}.
102 USER_FAILED_CHANGE_DISK_VM Error Failed to change disk in VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
103 USER_FAILED_RESUME_VM Error Failed to resume VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
104 USER_FAILED_ADD_VDS Error Failed to add Host ${VdsName} (User: ${UserName}).
105 USER_FAILED_UPDATE_VDS Error Failed to update Host ${VdsName} (User: ${UserName}).
106 USER_FAILED_REMOVE_VDS Error Failed to remove Host ${VdsName} (User: ${UserName}).
107 USER_FAILED_VDS_RESTART Error Failed to restart Host ${VdsName}, (User: ${UserName}).
108 USER_FAILED_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE Error Failed to initiate creation of Template ${VmTemplateName} from VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
109 USER_FAILED_UPDATE_VM_TEMPLATE Error Failed to update Template ${VmTemplateName} (User: ${UserName}).
110 USER_FAILED_REMOVE_VM_TEMPLATE Error Failed to initiate removal of Template ${VmTemplateName} (User: ${UserName}).
111 USER_STOP_SUSPENDED_VM Info Suspended VM ${VmName} has had its save state cleared by ${UserName} (Reason: ${Reason}).
112 USER_STOP_SUSPENDED_VM_FAILED Error Failed to power off suspended VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
113 USER_REMOVE_VM_FINISHED Info VM ${VmName} was successfully removed.
114 USER_VDC_LOGIN_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to log in.
115 USER_FAILED_TRY_BACK_TO_SNAPSHOT Error Failed to preview Snapshot ${SnapshotName} for VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
116 USER_FAILED_RESTORE_FROM_SNAPSHOT Error Failed to restore VM ${VmName} from Snapshot (User: ${UserName}).
117 USER_FAILED_CREATE_SNAPSHOT Error Failed to create Snapshot ${SnapshotName} for VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
118 USER_FAILED_VDS_START Error Failed to start Host ${VdsName}, (User: ${UserName}).
119 VM_DOWN_ERROR Error VM ${VmName} is down with error. ${ExitMessage}.
120 VM_MIGRATION_TO_SERVER_FAILED Error Migration failed${DueToMigrationError} (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, Destination: ${DestinationVdsName}).
121 SYSTEM_VDS_RESTART Info Host ${VdsName} was restarted by the engine.
122 SYSTEM_FAILED_VDS_RESTART Error A restart initiated by the engine to Host ${VdsName} has failed.
123 VDS_SLOW_STORAGE_RESPONSE_TIME Warning Slow storage response time on Host ${VdsName}.
124 VM_IMPORT Info Started VM import of ${ImportedVmName} (User: ${UserName})
125 VM_IMPORT_FAILED Error Failed to import VM ${ImportedVmName} (User: ${UserName})
126 VM_NOT_RESPONDING Warning VM ${VmName} is not responding.
127 VDS_RUN_IN_NO_KVM_MODE Error Host ${VdsName} running without virtualization hardware acceleration
128 VM_MIGRATION_TRYING_RERUN Warning Failed to migrate VM ${VmName} to Host ${DestinationVdsName}${DueToMigrationError}. Trying to migrate to another Host.
129 VM_CLEARED Info Unused
130 USER_SUSPEND_VM_FINISH_FAILURE_WILL_TRY_AGAIN Error Failed to complete suspending of VM ${VmName}, will try again.
131 USER_EXPORT_VM Info VM ${VmName} exported to ${ExportPath} by ${UserName}
132 USER_EXPORT_VM_FAILED Error Failed to export VM ${VmName} to ${ExportPath} (User: ${UserName})
133 USER_EXPORT_TEMPLATE Info Template ${VmTemplateName} exported to ${ExportPath} by ${UserName}
134 USER_EXPORT_TEMPLATE_FAILED Error Failed to export Template ${VmTemplateName} to ${ExportPath} (User: ${UserName})
135 TEMPLATE_IMPORT Info Started Template import of ${ImportedVmTemplateName} (User: ${UserName})
136 TEMPLATE_IMPORT_FAILED Error Failed to import Template ${ImportedVmTemplateName} (User: ${UserName})
137 USER_FAILED_VDS_STOP Error Failed to stop Host ${VdsName}, (User: ${UserName}).
138 VM_PAUSED_ENOSPC Error VM ${VmName} has been paused due to no Storage space error.
139 VM_PAUSED_ERROR Error VM ${VmName} has been paused due to unknown storage error.
140 VM_MIGRATION_FAILED_DURING_MOVE_TO_MAINTENANCE Error Migration failed${DueToMigrationError} while Host is in 'preparing for maintenance' state.\n Consider manual intervention\: stopping/migrating Vms as Host's state will not\n turn to maintenance while VMs are still running on it.(VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, Destination: ${DestinationVdsName}).
141 VDS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CLUSTER Error Host ${VdsName} is installed with VDSM version (${VdsSupportedVersions}) and cannot join cluster ${VdsGroupName} which is compatible with VDSM versions ${CompatibilityVersion}.
142 VM_SET_TO_UNKNOWN_STATUS Warning VM ${VmName} was set to the Unknown status.
143 VM_WAS_SET_DOWN_DUE_TO_HOST_REBOOT_OR_MANUAL_FENCE Info Vm ${VmName} was shut down due to ${VdsName} host reboot or manual fence
144 VM_IMPORT_INFO Info Value of field ${FieldName} of imported VM ${VmName} is ${FieldValue}. The field is reset to the default value
145 VM_PAUSED_EIO Error VM ${VmName} has been paused due to storage I/O problem.
146 VM_PAUSED_EPERM Error VM ${VmName} has been paused due to storage permissions problem.
147 VM_POWER_DOWN_FAILED Warning Shutdown of VM ${VmName} failed.
148 VM_MEMORY_UNDER_GUARANTEED_VALUE Error VM ${VmName} on host ${VdsName} was guaranteed ${MemGuaranteed} MB but currently has ${MemActual} MB
149 USER_ADD Info User '${NewUserName}' was added successfully to the system.
150 USER_INITIATED_RUN_VM Info Starting VM ${VmName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
151 USER_INITIATED_RUN_VM_FAILED Warning Failed to run VM ${VmName} on Host ${VdsName}.
152 USER_RUN_VM_ON_NON_DEFAULT_VDS Warning Guest ${VmName} started on Host ${VdsName}. (Default Host parameter was ignored - assigned Host was not available).
153 USER_STARTED_VM Info VM ${VmName} was started by ${UserName} (Host: ${VdsName}).
154 VDS_CLUSTER_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED Error Host ${VdsName} is compatible with versions (${VdsSupportedVersions}) and cannot join Cluster ${VdsGroupName} which is set to version ${CompatibilityVersion}.
155 VDS_ARCHITECTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CLUSTER Error Host ${VdsName} has architecture ${VdsArchitecture} and cannot join Cluster ${VdsGroupName} which has architecture ${VdsGroupArchitecture}.
156 CPU_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED_IN_THIS_CLUSTER_VERSION Error Host ${VdsName} moved to Non-Operational state as host CPU type is not supported in this cluster compatibility version or is not supported at all
157 USER_REBOOT_VM Info User ${UserName} initiated reboot of VM ${VmName}.
158 USER_FAILED_REBOOT_VM Error Failed to reboot VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
159 USER_FORCE_SELECTED_SPM Info Host ${VdsName} was force selected by ${UserName}
160 USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED_OR_LOCKED Error User ${UserName} cannot login, as it got disabled or locked. Please contact the system administrator.
161 VM_CANCEL_MIGRATION Info Migration cancelled (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
162 VM_CANCEL_MIGRATION_FAILED Error Failed to cancel migration for VM: ${VmName}
163 VM_STATUS_RESTORED Info VM ${VmName} status was restored to ${VmStatus}.
164 VM_SET_TICKET Info User ${UserName} initiated console session for VM ${VmName}
165 VM_SET_TICKET_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to initiate a console session for VM ${VmName}
166 VM_MIGRATION_NO_VDS_TO_MIGRATE_TO Warning No available host was found to migrate VM ${VmName} to.
167 VM_CONSOLE_CONNECTED Info User ${UserName} is connected to VM ${VmName}.
168 VM_CONSOLE_DISCONNECTED Info User ${UserName} got disconnected from VM ${VmName}.
169 VM_FAILED_TO_PRESTART_IN_POOL Warning Cannot pre-start VM in pool '${VmPoolName}'. The system will continue trying.
170 USER_CREATE_LIVE_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_FAILURE Warning Failed to create live snapshot '${SnapshotName}' for VM '${VmName}'. VM restart is recommended. Note that using the created snapshot might cause data inconsistency.
171 USER_RUN_VM_AS_STATELESS_WITH_DISKS_NOT_ALLOWING_SNAPSHOT Warning VM ${VmName} was run as stateless with one or more of disks that do not allow snapshots (User:${UserName}).
172 USER_REMOVE_VM_FINISHED_WITH_ILLEGAL_DISKS Warning VM ${VmName} has been removed, but the following disks could not be removed: ${DisksNames}. These disks will appear in the main disks tab in illegal state, please remove manually when possible.
173 USER_CREATE_LIVE_SNAPSHOT_NO_MEMORY_FAILURE Error Failed to save memory as part of Snapshot ${SnapshotName} for VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
174 VM_IMPORT_FROM_CONFIGURATION_EXECUTED_SUCCESSFULLY Info VM ${VmName} has been successfully imported from the given configuration.
175 VM_IMPORT_FROM_CONFIGURATION_ATTACH_DISKS_FAILED Warning VM ${VmName} has been imported from the given configuration but the following disk(s) failed to attach: ${DiskAliases}.
176 VM_BALLOON_DRIVER_ERROR Error The Balloon driver on VM ${VmName} on host ${VdsName} is requested but unavailable.
177 VM_BALLOON_DRIVER_UNCONTROLLED Error The Balloon device on VM ${VmName} on host ${VdsName} is inflated but the device cannot be controlled (guest agent is down).
178 VM_MEMORY_NOT_IN_RECOMMENDED_RANGE Warning VM ${VmName} was configured with ${VmMemInMb}mb of memory while the recommended value range is ${VmMinMemInMb}mb - ${VmMaxMemInMb}mb
179 USER_INITIATED_RUN_VM_AND_PAUSE Info Starting in paused mode VM ${VmName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
180 TEMPLATE_IMPORT_FROM_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESS Info Template ${VmTemplateName} has been successfully imported from the given configuration.
181 TEMPLATE_IMPORT_FROM_CONFIGURATION_FAILED Error Failed to import Template ${VmTemplateName} from the given configuration.
182 USER_FAILED_ATTACH_USER_TO_VM Error Failed to attach User ${AdUserName} to VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
183 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_TEMPLATE Info Tag ${TagName} was attached to Templates(s) ${TemplatesNames} by ${UserName}.
184 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_TEMPLATE_FAILED Error Failed to attach Tag ${TagName} to Templates(s) ${TemplatesNames} (User: ${UserName}).
185 USER_DETACH_TEMPLATE_FROM_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} was detached from Template(s) ${TemplatesNames} by ${UserName}.
186 USER_DETACH_TEMPLATE_FROM_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to detach Tag ${TagName} from TEMPLATE(s) ${TemplatesNames} (User: ${UserName}).
187 VDS_STORAGE_CONNECTION_FAILED_BUT_LAST_VDS Error Failed to connect Host ${VdsName} to Data Center, due to connectivity errors with the Storage. Host ${VdsName} will remain in Up state (but inactive), as it is the last Host in the Data Center, to enable manual intervention by the Administrator.
188 VDS_STORAGES_CONNECTION_FAILED Error Failed to connect Host ${VdsName} to the Storage Domains ${failedStorageDomains}.
189 VDS_STORAGE_VDS_STATS_FAILED Error Host ${VdsName} reports about one of the Active Storage Domains as Problematic.
190 UPDATE_OVF_FOR_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Warning Failed to update VMs/Templates OVF data for Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} in Data Center ${StoragePoolName}.
191 CREATE_OVF_STORE_FOR_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Warning Failed to create OVF store disk for Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}.\n The Disk with the id ${DiskId} might be removed manually for automatic attempt to create new one. \n OVF updates won't be attempted on the created disk.
192 CREATE_OVF_STORE_FOR_STORAGE_DOMAIN_INITIATE_FAILED Warning Failed to create OVF store disk for Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}. \n OVF data won't be updated meanwhile for that domain.
193 DELETE_OVF_STORE_FOR_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Warning Failed to delete the OVF store disk for Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}.\n In order to detach the domain please remove it manually or try to detach the domain again for another attempt.
194 VM_CANCEL_CONVERSION Info Conversion cancelled (VM: ${VmName}, Source: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
195 VM_CANCEL_CONVERSION_FAILED Error Failed to cancel conversion for VM: ${VmName}
196 VM_RECOVERED_FROM_PAUSE_ERROR Normal VM ${VmName} has recovered from paused back to up.
200 IMPORTEXPORT_GET_VMS_INFO_FAILED Error Failed to retrieve VM/Templates information from export domain ${StorageDomainName}
201 IRS_DISK_SPACE_LOW_ERROR Error Critical, Low disk space. ${StorageDomainName} domain has ${DiskSpace} GB of free space.
202 IMPORTEXPORT_GET_EXTERNAL_VMS_INFO_FAILED Error Failed to retrieve VMs information from external server ${URL}
204 IRS_HOSTED_ON_VDS Info Storage Pool Manager runs on Host ${VdsName} (Address: ${ServerIp}).
205 PROVIDER_ADDED Info Provider ${ProviderName} was added. (User: ${UserName})
206 PROVIDER_ADDITION_FAILED Error Failed to add provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
207 PROVIDER_UPDATED Info Provider ${ProviderName} was updated. (User: ${UserName})
208 PROVIDER_UPDATE_FAILED Error Failed to update provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
209 PROVIDER_REMOVED Info Provider ${ProviderName} was removed. (User: ${UserName})
210 PROVIDER_REMOVAL_FAILED Error Failed to remove provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
213 PROVIDER_CERTIFICATE_IMPORTED Info Certificate for provider ${ProviderName} was imported. (User: ${UserName})
214 PROVIDER_CERTIFICATE_IMPORT_FAILED Error Failed importing Certificate for provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
250 USER_UPDATE_VM_CLUSTER_DEFAULT_HOST_CLEARED Info ${VmName} cluster was updated by ${UserName}, Default host was reset to auto assign.
251 USER_REMOVE_VM_TEMPLATE_FINISHED Info Removal of Template ${VmTemplateName} has been completed.
252 SYSTEM_FAILED_UPDATE_VM Error Failed to Update VM ${VmName} that was initiated by system.
253 SYSTEM_UPDATE_VM Info VM ${VmName} configuration was updated by system.
254 VM_ALREADY_IN_REQUESTED_STATUS Info VM ${VmName} is already ${VmStatus}, ${Action} was skipped. User: ${UserName}.
302 USER_ADD_VM_POOL_WITH_VMS Info VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (containing ${VmsCount} VMs) was created by ${UserName}.
303 USER_ADD_VM_POOL_WITH_VMS_FAILED Error Failed to create VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
304 USER_REMOVE_VM_POOL Info VM Pool ${VmPoolName} was removed by ${UserName}.
305 USER_REMOVE_VM_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to remove VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
306 USER_ADD_VM_TO_POOL Info VM ${VmName} was added to VM Pool ${VmPoolName} by ${UserName}.
307 USER_ADD_VM_TO_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to add VM ${VmName} to VM Pool ${VmPoolName}(User: ${UserName}).
308 USER_REMOVE_VM_FROM_POOL Info VM ${VmName} was removed from VM Pool ${VmPoolName} by ${UserName}.
309 USER_REMOVE_VM_FROM_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to remove VM ${VmName} from VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
310 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_POOL Info User ${AdUserName} was attached to VM Pool ${VmPoolName} by ${UserName}.
311 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to attach User ${AdUserName} to VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
312 USER_DETACH_USER_FROM_POOL Info User ${AdUserName} was detached from VM Pool ${VmPoolName} by ${UserName}.
313 USER_DETACH_USER_FROM_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to detach User ${AdUserName} from VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
314 USER_UPDATE_VM_POOL Info VM Pool ${VmPoolName} configuration was updated by ${UserName}.
315 USER_UPDATE_VM_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to update VM Pool ${VmPoolName} configuration (User: ${UserName}).
316 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_VM_FROM_POOL Info Attaching User ${AdUserName} to VM ${VmName} in VM Pool ${VmPoolName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
317 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_VM_FROM_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to attach User ${AdUserName} to VM from VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
318 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_VM_FROM_POOL_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info User ${AdUserName} successfully attached to VM ${VmName} in VM Pool ${VmPoolName}.
319 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_VM_FROM_POOL_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to attach user ${AdUserName} to VM ${VmName} in VM Pool ${VmPoolName}.
320 USER_ADD_VM_POOL_WITH_VMS_ADD_VDS_FAILED Error Pool ${VmPoolName} Created, but some Vms failed to create (User: ${UserName}).
325 USER_REMOVE_ADUSER Info User ${AdUserName} was removed by ${UserName}.
326 USER_FAILED_REMOVE_ADUSER Error Failed to remove User ${AdUserName} (User: ${UserName}).
327 USER_FAILED_ADD_ADUSER Warning Failed to add User '${NewUserName}' to the system.
342 USER_REMOVE_SNAPSHOT Info Snapshot '${SnapshotName}' deletion for VM '${VmName}' was initiated by ${UserName}.
343 USER_FAILED_REMOVE_SNAPSHOT Error Failed to remove Snapshot ${SnapshotName} for VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
344 USER_UPDATE_VM_POOL_WITH_VMS Info VM Pool ${VmPoolName} was updated by ${UserName}, ${VmsCount} VMs were added.
345 USER_UPDATE_VM_POOL_WITH_VMS_FAILED Error Failed to update VM Pool ${VmPoolName}(User: ${UserName}).
346 USER_PASSWORD_CHANGED Info Password changed successfully for ${UserName}
347 USER_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED Error Failed to change password. (User: ${UserName})
348 USER_CLEAR_UNKNOWN_VMS Info All VMs' status on Non Responsive Host ${VdsName} were changed to 'Down' by ${UserName}
349 USER_FAILED_CLEAR_UNKNOWN_VMS Error Failed to clear VMs' status on Non Responsive Host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName}).
350 USER_ADD_BOOKMARK Info Bookmark ${BookmarkName} was added by ${UserName}.
351 USER_ADD_BOOKMARK_FAILED Error Failed to add bookmark: ${BookmarkName} (User: ${UserName}).
352 USER_UPDATE_BOOKMARK Info Bookmark ${BookmarkName} was updated by ${UserName}.
353 USER_UPDATE_BOOKMARK_FAILED Error Failed to update bookmark: ${BookmarkName} (User: ${UserName})
354 USER_REMOVE_BOOKMARK Info Bookmark ${BookmarkName} was removed by ${UserName}.
355 USER_REMOVE_BOOKMARK_FAILED Error Failed to remove bookmark ${BookmarkName} (User: ${UserName})
356 USER_REMOVE_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Snapshot '${SnapshotName}' deletion for VM '${VmName}' has been completed.
357 USER_REMOVE_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to delete snapshot '${SnapshotName}' for VM '${VmName}'.
358 USER_VM_POOL_MAX_SUBSEQUENT_FAILURES_REACHED Warning Not all VMs where successfully created in VM Pool ${VmPoolName}.
359 USER_REMOVE_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_FAILURE_PARTIAL_SNAPSHOT Warning Due to partial snapshot removal, Snapshot '${SnapshotName}' of VM '${VmName}' now contains only the following disks: '${DiskAliases}'.
360 USER_DETACH_USER_FROM_VM Info User ${AdUserName} was detached from VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
361 USER_FAILED_DETACH_USER_FROM_VM Error Failed to detach User ${AdUserName} from VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
370 USER_EXTEND_DISK_SIZE_FAILURE Error Failed to extend size of the disk '${DiskAlias}' to ${NewSize} GB, User: ${UserName}.
371 USER_EXTEND_DISK_SIZE_SUCCESS Info Size of the disk '${DiskAlias}' was successfully updated to ${NewSize} GB by ${UserName}.
372 USER_EXTEND_DISK_SIZE_UPDATE_VM_FAILURE Warning Failed to update VM '${VmName}' with the new volume size. VM restart is recommended.
373 USER_REMOVE_DISK_SNAPSHOT Info Disk '${DiskAlias}' from Snapshot(s) '${Snapshots}' of VM '${VmName}' deletion was initiated by ${UserName}.
374 USER_FAILED_REMOVE_DISK_SNAPSHOT Error Failed to delete Disk '${DiskAlias}' from Snapshot(s) ${Snapshots} of VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
375 USER_REMOVE_DISK_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Disk '${DiskAlias}' from Snapshot(s) '${Snapshots}' of VM '${VmName}' deletion has been completed (User: ${UserName}).
376 USER_REMOVE_DISK_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to complete deletion of Disk '${DiskAlias}' from snapshot(s) '${Snapshots}' of VM '${VmName}' (User: ${UserName}).
377 USER_EXTENDED_DISK_SIZE Info Extending disk '${DiskAlias}' to ${NewSize} GB was initiated by ${UserName}.
378 USER_REGISTER_DISK_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info Disk '${DiskAlias}' has been successfully registered as a floating disk.
379 USER_REGISTER_DISK_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Failed to register Disk '${DiskAlias}'.
380 USER_EXTEND_DISK_SIZE_UPDATE_HOST_FAILURE Warning Failed to refresh volume size on host '${VdsName}'. Please try the operation again.
400 USER_ATTACH_VM_TO_AD_GROUP Info Group ${GroupName} was attached to VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
401 USER_ATTACH_VM_TO_AD_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to attach Group ${GroupName} to VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
402 USER_DETACH_VM_TO_AD_GROUP Info Group ${GroupName} was detached from VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
403 USER_DETACH_VM_TO_AD_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to detach Group ${GroupName} from VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
404 USER_ATTACH_VM_POOL_TO_AD_GROUP Info Group ${GroupName} was attached to VM Pool ${VmPoolName} by ${UserName}.
405 USER_ATTACH_VM_POOL_TO_AD_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to attach Group ${GroupName} to VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
406 USER_DETACH_VM_POOL_TO_AD_GROUP Info Group ${GroupName} was detached from VM Pool ${VmPoolName} by ${UserName}.
407 USER_DETACH_VM_POOL_TO_AD_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to detach Group ${GroupName} from VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
408 USER_REMOVE_AD_GROUP Info Group ${GroupName} was removed by ${UserName}.
409 USER_REMOVE_AD_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to remove group ${GroupName} (User: ${UserName}).
430 USER_UPDATE_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} configuration was updated by ${UserName}.
431 USER_UPDATE_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to update Tag ${TagName} (User: ${UserName}).
432 USER_ADD_TAG Info New Tag ${TagName} was created by ${UserName}.
433 USER_ADD_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to create Tag named ${TagName} (User: ${UserName}).
434 USER_REMOVE_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} was removed by ${UserName}.
435 USER_REMOVE_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to remove Tag ${TagName} (User: ${UserName}).
436 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_USER Info Tag ${TagName} was attached to User(s) ${AttachUsersNames} by ${UserName}.
437 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_USER_FAILED Error Failed to attach Tag ${TagName} to User(s) ${AttachUsersNames} (User: ${UserName}).
438 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_USER_GROUP Info Tag ${TagName} was attached to Group(s) ${AttachGroupsNames} by ${UserName}.
439 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_USER_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to attach Group(s) ${AttachGroupsNames} to Tag ${TagName} (User: ${UserName}).
440 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_VM Info Tag ${TagName} was attached to VM(s) ${VmsNames} by ${UserName}.
441 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_VM_FAILED Error Failed to attach Tag ${TagName} to VM(s) ${VmsNames} (User: ${UserName}).
442 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_VDS Info Tag ${TagName} was attached to Host(s) ${VdsNames} by ${UserName}.
443 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_VDS_FAILED Error Failed to attach Tag ${TagName} to Host(s) ${VdsNames} (User: ${UserName}).
444 USER_DETACH_VDS_FROM_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} was detached from Host(s) ${VdsNames} by ${UserName}.
445 USER_DETACH_VDS_FROM_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to detach Tag ${TagName} from Host(s) ${VdsNames} (User: ${UserName}).
446 USER_DETACH_VM_FROM_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} was detached from VM(s) ${VmsNames} by ${UserName}.
447 USER_DETACH_VM_FROM_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to detach Tag ${TagName} from VM(s) ${VmsNames} (User: ${UserName}).
448 USER_DETACH_USER_FROM_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} detached from User(s) ${DetachUsersNames} by ${UserName}.
449 USER_DETACH_USER_FROM_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to detach Tag ${TagName} from User(s) ${DetachUsersNames} (User: ${UserName}).
450 USER_DETACH_USER_GROUP_FROM_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} was detached from Group(s) ${DetachGroupsNames} by ${UserName}.
451 USER_DETACH_USER_GROUP_FROM_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to detach Tag ${TagName} from Group(s) ${DetachGroupsNames} (User: ${UserName}).
452 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_USER_EXISTS Warning Tag ${TagName} already attached to User(s) ${AttachUsersNamesExists}.
453 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_USER_GROUP_EXISTS Warning Tag ${TagName} already attached to Group(s) ${AttachGroupsNamesExists}.
454 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_VM_EXISTS Warning Tag ${TagName} already attached to VM(s) ${VmsNamesExists}.
455 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_VDS_EXISTS Warning Tag ${TagName} already attached to Host(s) ${VdsNamesExists}.
456 USER_LOGGED_IN_VM Info User ${GuestUser} logged in to VM ${VmName}.
457 USER_LOGGED_OUT_VM Info User ${GuestUser} logged out from VM ${VmName}.
458 USER_LOCKED_VM Info User ${GuestUser} locked VM ${VmName}.
459 USER_UNLOCKED_VM Info User ${GuestUser} unlocked VM ${VmName}.
460 USER_ATTACH_TAG_TO_TEMPLATE_EXISTS Warning Tag ${TagName} already attached to Template(s) ${TemplatesNamesExists}.
467 UPDATE_TAGS_VM_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TYPE Info Vm ${VmName} tag default display type was updated
468 UPDATE_TAGS_VM_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TYPE_FAILED Info Failed to update Vm ${VmName} tag default display type
470 USER_ATTACH_VM_POOL_TO_AD_GROUP_INTERNAL Info Group ${GroupName} was attached to VM Pool ${VmPoolName}.
471 USER_ATTACH_VM_POOL_TO_AD_GROUP_FAILED_INTERNAL Error Failed to attach Group ${GroupName} to VM Pool ${VmPoolName}.
472 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_POOL_INTERNAL Info User ${AdUserName} was attached to VM Pool ${VmPoolName}.
473 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_POOL_FAILED_INTERNAL Error Failed to attach User ${AdUserName} to VM Pool ${VmPoolName} (User: ${UserName}).
493 VDS_ALREADY_IN_REQUESTED_STATUS Warning Host ${HostName} is already ${AgentStatus}, Power Management ${Operation} operation skipped.
494 VDS_MANUAL_FENCE_STATUS Info Manual fence for host ${VdsName} was started.
495 VDS_MANUAL_FENCE_STATUS_FAILED Error Manual fence for host ${VdsName} failed.
496 VDS_FENCE_STATUS Info Host ${VdsName} power management was verified successfully.
497 VDS_FENCE_STATUS_FAILED Error Failed to verify Host ${VdsName} power management.
498 VDS_APPROVE Info Host ${VdsName} was successfully approved by user ${UserName}.
499 VDS_APPROVE_FAILED Error Failed to approve Host ${VdsName}.
500 VDS_FAILED_TO_RUN_VMS Error Host ${VdsName} will be switched to Error status for ${Time} minutes because it failed to run a VM.
501 USER_SUSPEND_VM Info Suspending VM ${VmName} was initiated by User ${UserName} (Host: ${VdsName}).
502 USER_FAILED_SUSPEND_VM Error Failed to suspend VM ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}).
503 USER_SUSPEND_VM_OK Info VM ${VmName} on Host ${VdsName} is suspended.
504 VDS_INSTALL Info Host ${VdsName} installed
505 VDS_INSTALL_FAILED Error Host ${VdsName} installation failed. ${FailedInstallMessage}.
506 VDS_INITIATED_RUN_VM Info VM ${VmName} was restarted on Host ${VdsName}
509 VDS_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS Info Installing Host ${VdsName}. ${Message}.
510 VDS_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS_WARNING Warning Host ${VdsName} installation in progress . ${Message}.
511 VDS_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR Error Failed to install Host ${VdsName}. ${Message}.
512 USER_SUSPEND_VM_FINISH_SUCCESS Info Suspending VM ${VmName} has been completed.
513 VDS_RECOVER_FAILED_VMS_UNKNOWN Error Host ${VdsName} cannot be reached, VMs state on this host are marked as Unknown.
514 VDS_INITIALIZING Warning Host ${VdsName} is initializing. Message: ${ErrorMessage}
515 VDS_CPU_LOWER_THAN_CLUSTER Warning Host ${VdsName} moved to Non-Operational state as host does not meet the cluster's minimum CPU level. Missing CPU features : ${CpuFlags}
516 VDS_CPU_RETRIEVE_FAILED Warning Failed to determine Host ${VdsName} CPU level - could not retrieve CPU flags.
517 VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL Info Host ${VdsName} moved to Non-Operational state.
518 VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_FAILED Error Failed to move Host ${VdsName} to Non-Operational state.
519 VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_NETWORK Warning Host ${VdsName} does not comply with the cluster ${VdsGroupName} networks, the following networks are missing on host: '${Networks}'
520 USER_ATTACH_USER_TO_VM Info User ${AdUserName} was attached to VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
521 USER_SUSPEND_VM_FINISH_FAILURE Error Failed to complete suspending of VM ${VmName}.
522 VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_DOMAIN Warning Host ${VdsName} cannot access the Storage Domain(s) ${StorageDomainNames} attached to the Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.
523 VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Host ${VdsName} cannot access the Storage Domain(s) ${StorageDomainNames} attached to the Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. Failed to set Host state to Non-Operational.
524 VDS_DOMAIN_DELAY_INTERVAL Warning Storage domain ${StorageDomainName} experienced a high latency of ${Delay} seconds from host ${VdsName}. This may cause performance and functional issues. Please consult your Storage Administrator.
525 VDS_INITIATED_RUN_AS_STATELESS_VM_NOT_YET_RUNNING Info Starting VM ${VmName} as stateless was initiated.
528 USER_EJECT_VM_DISK Info CD was ejected from VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
529 USER_EJECT_VM_FLOPPY Info Floppy was ejected from VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}
530 VDS_MANUAL_FENCE_FAILED_CALL_FENCE_SPM Warning Manual fence did not revoke the selected SPM (${VdsName}) since the master storage domain\n was not active or could not use another host for the fence operation.
531 VDS_LOW_MEM Warning Available memory of host ${HostName} [${AvailableMemory} MB] is under defined threshold [${Threshold} MB].
532 VDS_HIGH_MEM_USE Warning Used memory of host ${HostName} [${UsedMemory}%] exceeded defined threshold [${Threshold}%].
534 VDS_HIGH_CPU_USE Warning Used CPU of host ${HostName} [${UsedCpu}%] exceeded defined threshold [${Threshold}%].
535 VDS_HIGH_SWAP_USE Warning Used swap memory of host ${HostName} [${UsedSwap}%] exceeded defined threshold [${Threshold}%].
536 VDS_LOW_SWAP Warning Available swap memory of host ${HostName} [${AvailableSwapMemory} MB] is under defined threshold [${Threshold} MB].
537 VDS_INITIATED_RUN_VM_AS_STATELESS Info VM ${VmName} was restarted on Host ${VdsName} as stateless
538 USER_RUN_VM_AS_STATELESS Info VM ${VmName} started on Host ${VdsName} as stateless
539 VDS_AUTO_FENCE_STATUS Info Auto fence for host ${VdsName} was started.
540 VDS_AUTO_FENCE_STATUS_FAILED Error Auto fence for host ${VdsName} failed.
541 VDS_AUTO_FENCE_FAILED_CALL_FENCE_SPM Warning Auto fence did not revoke the selected SPM (${VdsName}) since the master storage domain\n was not active or could not use another host for the fence operation.
550 VDS_PACKAGES_IN_PROGRESS Info Package update Host ${VdsName}. ${Message}.
551 VDS_PACKAGES_IN_PROGRESS_WARNING Warning Host ${VdsName} update packages in progress . ${Message}.
552 VDS_PACKAGES_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR Error Failed to update packages Host ${VdsName}. ${Message}.
555 USER_MOVE_TAG Info Tag ${TagName} was moved from ${OldParnetTagName} to ${NewParentTagName} by ${UserName}.
556 USER_MOVE_TAG_FAILED Error Failed to move Tag ${TagName} from ${OldParnetTagName} to ${NewParentTagName} (User: ${UserName}).
600 USER_VDS_MAINTENANCE Info Host ${VdsName} was switched to Maintenance mode by ${UserName} (Reason: ${Reason}).
601 CPU_FLAGS_NX_IS_MISSING Warning Host ${VdsName} is missing the NX cpu flag. This flag can be enabled via the host BIOS. Please set Disable Execute (XD) for an Intel host, or No Execute (NX) for AMD. Please make sure to completely power off the host for this change to take effect.
602 USER_VDS_MAINTENANCE_MIGRATION_FAILED Warning Host ${VdsName} cannot change into maintenance mode - not all Vms have been migrated successfully. Consider manual intervention: stopping/migrating Vms: ${failedVms} (User: ${UserName}).
603 VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_IFACE_DOWN Warning Host ${VdsName} moved to Non-Operational state because interfaces which are down are needed by required networks in the current cluster: '${NicsWithNetworks}'.
604 VDS_TIME_DRIFT_ALERT Warning Host ${VdsName} has time-drift of ${Actual} seconds while maximum configured value is ${Max} seconds.
605 PROXY_HOST_SELECTION Info Host ${Proxy} from ${Origin} was chosen as a proxy to execute fencing on Host ${VdsName}.
606 HOST_REFRESHED_CAPABILITIES Info Successfully refreshed the capabilities of host ${VdsName}.
607 HOST_REFRESH_CAPABILITIES_FAILED Error Failed to refresh the capabilities of host ${VdsName}.
608 HOST_INTERFACE_HIGH_NETWORK_USE Warning Host ${HostName} has network interface which exceeded the defined threshold [${Threshold}%] (${InterfaceName}: transmit rate[${TransmitRate}%], receive rate [${ReceiveRate}%])
609 HOST_INTERFACE_STATE_UP Normal Interface ${InterfaceName} on host ${VdsName}, changed state to up
610 HOST_INTERFACE_STATE_DOWN Warning Interface ${InterfaceName} on host ${VdsName}, changed state to down
611 HOST_BOND_SLAVE_STATE_UP Normal Slave ${SlaveName} of bond ${BondName} on host ${VdsName}, changed state to up
612 HOST_BOND_SLAVE_STATE_DOWN Warning Slave ${SlaveName} of bond ${BondName} on host ${VdsName}, changed state to down
613 FENCE_KDUMP_LISTENER_IS_NOT_ALIVE Error Unable to determine if Kdump is in progress on host ${VdsName}, because fence_kdump listener is not running.
614 KDUMP_FLOW_DETECTED_ON_VDS Info Kdump flow is in progress on host ${VdsName}.
615 KDUMP_FLOW_NOT_DETECTED_ON_VDS Info Kdump flow is not in progress on host ${VdsName}.
616 KDUMP_FLOW_FINISHED_ON_VDS Info Kdump flow finished on host ${VdsName}.
617 KDUMP_DETECTION_NOT_CONFIGURED_ON_VDS Warning Kdump integration is enabled for host ${VdsName}, but kdump is not configured properly on host.
618 HOST_REGISTRATION_FAILED_INVALID_CLUSTER Info No default or valid cluster was found, Host ${VdsName} registration failed
700 DISK_ALIGNMENT_SCAN_START Info Starting alignment scan of disk '${DiskAlias}'.
701 DISK_ALIGNMENT_SCAN_FAILURE Warning Alignment scan of disk '${DiskAlias}' failed.
702 DISK_ALIGNMENT_SCAN_SUCCESS Info Alignment scan of disk '${DiskAlias}' is complete.
809 USER_ADD_VDS_GROUP Info Cluster ${VdsGroupName} was added by ${UserName}
810 USER_ADD_VDS_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to add Host cluster (User: ${UserName})
811 USER_UPDATE_VDS_GROUP Info Host cluster ${VdsGroupName} was updated by ${UserName}
812 USER_UPDATE_VDS_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to update Host cluster (User: ${UserName})
813 USER_REMOVE_VDS_GROUP Info Host cluster ${VdsGroupName} was removed by ${UserName}
814 USER_REMOVE_VDS_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to remove Host cluster (User: ${UserName})
815 USER_VDC_LOGOUT_FAILED Error Failed to log User ${UserName} out.
816 MAC_POOL_EMPTY Warning No MAC addresses left in the MAC Address Pool.
817 CERTIFICATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND Error Could not find oVirt Engine Certificate file.
818 RUN_VM_FAILED Error Cannot run VM ${VmName} on Host ${VdsName}. Error: ${ErrMsg}
819 VDS_REGISTER_ERROR_UPDATING_HOST Error Host registration failed - cannot update Host Name for Host ${VdsName2}. (Host: ${VdsName1})
820 VDS_REGISTER_ERROR_UPDATING_HOST_ALL_TAKEN Error Host registration failed - all available Host Names are taken. (Host: ${VdsName1})
821 VDS_REGISTER_HOST_IS_ACTIVE Error Host registration failed - cannot change Host Name of active Host ${VdsName2}. (Host: ${VdsName1})
822 VDS_REGISTER_ERROR_UPDATING_NAME Error Host registration failed - cannot update Host Name for Host ${VdsName2}. (Host: ${VdsName1})
823 VDS_REGISTER_ERROR_UPDATING_NAMES_ALL_TAKEN Error Host registration failed - all available Host Names are taken. (Host: ${VdsName1})
824 VDS_REGISTER_NAME_IS_ACTIVE Error Host registration failed - cannot change Host Name of active Host ${VdsName2}. (Host: ${VdsName1})
825 VDS_REGISTER_AUTO_APPROVE_PATTERN Error Host registration failed - auto approve pattern error. (Host: ${VdsName1})
826 VDS_REGISTER_FAILED Error Host registration failed. (Host: ${VdsName1})
827 VDS_REGISTER_EXISTING_VDS_UPDATE_FAILED Error Host registration failed - cannot update existing Host. (Host: ${VdsName1})
828 VDS_REGISTER_SUCCEEDED Info Host ${VdsName1} registered.
829 VM_MIGRATION_ON_CONNECT_CHECK_FAILED Error VM migration logic failed. (VM name: ${VmName})
830 VM_MIGRATION_ON_CONNECT_CHECK_SUCCEEDED Info Migration check failed to execute.
831 USER_VDC_SESSION_TERMINATED Info User ${UserName} forcibly logout user ${TerminatedSessionUsername}.
832 USER_VDC_SESSION_TERMINATION_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to forcibly logout user ${TerminatedSessionUsername}.
833 MAC_ADDRESS_IS_IN_USE Warning Network Interface ${IfaceName} has MAC address ${MACAddr} which is in use.
834 VDS_REGISTER_EMPTY_ID Warning Host registration failed, empty host id (Host: ${VdsHostName})
835 SYSTEM_UPDATE_VDS_GROUP Info Host cluster ${VdsGroupName} was updated by system
836 SYSTEM_UPDATE_VDS_GROUP_FAILED Info Failed to update Host cluster by system
837 MAC_ADDRESSES_POOL_NOT_INITIALIZED Warning Mac Address Pool is not initialized. ${Message}
838 MAC_ADDRESS_IS_IN_USE_UNPLUG Warning Network Interface ${IfaceName} has MAC address ${MACAddr} which is in use, therefore it is being unplugged from VM ${VmName}.
840 HOST_UPGRADE_STARTED Info Host ${VdsName} upgrade was started (User: ${UserName}).
841 HOST_UPGRADE_FAILED Error Failed to upgrade Host ${VdsName} (User: ${UserName}).
842 HOST_UPGRADE_FINISHED Info Host ${VdsName} upgrade was completed successfully.
845 HOST_CERTIFICATION_IS_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE Warning Host ${VdsName} certification is about to expire at ${ExpirationDate}. Please renew the host's certification.
846 ENGINE_CERTIFICATION_HAS_EXPIRED Info Engine's certification has expired at ${ExpirationDate}. Please renew the engine's certification.
847 ENGINE_CERTIFICATION_IS_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE Warning Engine's certification is about to expire at ${ExpirationDate}. Please renew the engine's certification.
848 ENGINE_CA_CERTIFICATION_HAS_EXPIRED Info Engine's CA certification has expired at ${ExpirationDate}.
849 ENGINE_CA_CERTIFICATION_IS_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE Warning Engine's CA certification is about to expire at ${ExpirationDate}.
850 USER_ADD_PERMISSION Info User/Group ${SubjectName}, Namespace ${Namespace}, Authorization provider: ${Authz} was granted permission for Role ${RoleName} on ${VdcObjectType} ${VdcObjectName}, by ${UserName}.
851 USER_ADD_PERMISSION_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to grant permission for Role ${RoleName} on ${VdcObjectType} ${VdcObjectName} to User/Group ${SubjectName}.
852 USER_REMOVE_PERMISSION Info User/Group ${SubjectName} Role ${RoleName} permission was removed from ${VdcObjectType} ${VdcObjectName} by ${UserName}
853 USER_REMOVE_PERMISSION_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to remove permission for Role ${RoleName} from ${VdcObjectType} ${VdcObjectName} to User/Group ${SubjectName}
854 USER_ADD_ROLE Info Role ${RoleName} granted to ${UserName}
855 USER_ADD_ROLE_FAILED Error Failed to grant role ${RoleName} (User ${UserName})
856 USER_UPDATE_ROLE Info ${UserName} Role was updated to the ${RoleName} Role
857 USER_UPDATE_ROLE_FAILED Error Failed to update role ${RoleName} to ${UserName}
858 USER_REMOVE_ROLE Info Role ${RoleName} removed from ${UserName}
859 USER_REMOVE_ROLE_FAILED Error Failed to remove role ${RoleName} (User ${UserName})
860 USER_ATTACHED_ACTION_GROUP_TO_ROLE Info Action group ${ActionGroup} was attached to Role ${RoleName} by ${UserName}
861 USER_ATTACHED_ACTION_GROUP_TO_ROLE_FAILED Error Failed to attach Action group ${ActionGroup} to Role ${RoleName} (User: ${UserName})
862 USER_DETACHED_ACTION_GROUP_FROM_ROLE Info Action group ${ActionGroup} was detached from Role ${RoleName} by ${UserName}
863 USER_DETACHED_ACTION_GROUP_FROM_ROLE_FAILED Error Failed to attach Action group ${ActionGroup} to Role ${RoleName} by ${UserName}
864 USER_ADD_ROLE_WITH_ACTION_GROUP Info Role ${RoleName} was added by ${UserName}
865 USER_ADD_ROLE_WITH_ACTION_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to add role ${RoleName}
866 USER_ADD_SYSTEM_PERMISSION Info User/Group ${SubjectName} was granted permission for Role ${RoleName} on ${VdcObjectType} by ${UserName}.
867 USER_ADD_SYSTEM_PERMISSION_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to grant permission for Role ${RoleName} on ${VdcObjectType} to User/Group ${SubjectName}.
868 USER_REMOVE_SYSTEM_PERMISSION Info User/Group ${SubjectName} Role ${RoleName} permission was removed from ${VdcObjectType} by ${UserName}
869 USER_REMOVE_SYSTEM_PERMISSION_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to remove permission for Role ${RoleName} from ${VdcObjectType} to User/Group ${SubjectName}
870 USER_ADD_PROFILE Info Profile created for ${UserName}
871 USER_ADD_PROFILE_FAILED Error Failed to create profile for ${UserName}
872 USER_UPDATE_PROFILE Info Updated profile for ${UserName}
873 USER_UPDATE_PROFILE_FAILED Error Failed to update profile for ${UserName}
874 USER_REMOVE_PROFILE Info Removed profile for ${UserName}
875 USER_REMOVE_PROFILE_FAILED Error Failed to remove profile for ${UserName}
876 HOST_CERTIFICATION_IS_INVALID Error Host ${VdsName} certification is invalid. The certification has no peer certificates.
878 ENGINE_CERTIFICATION_IS_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE_ALERT Info Engine's certification is about to expire at ${ExpirationDate}. Please renew the engine's certification.
879 HOST_CERTIFICATION_IS_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE_ALERT Info Host ${VdsName} certification is about to expire at ${ExpirationDate}. Please renew the host's certification.
880 HOST_CERTIFICATION_ENROLLMENT_STARTED Normal Enrolling certificate for host ${VdsName} was started (User: ${UserName}).
881 HOST_CERTIFICATION_ENROLLMENT_FINISHED Normal Enrolling certificate for host ${VdsName} was completed successfully (User: ${UserName}).
882 HOST_CERTIFICATION_ENROLLMENT_FAILED Error Failed to enroll certificate for host ${VdsName} (User: ${UserName}).
883 ENGINE_CA_CERTIFICATION_IS_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE_ALERT Info Engine's CA certification is about to expire at ${ExpirationDate}.
900 AD_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_SUCCEEDED Info Account creation successful.
901 AD_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED Error Account creation failed.
918 USER_FORCE_REMOVE_STORAGE_POOL Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName} was forcibly removed by ${UserName}
919 USER_FORCE_REMOVE_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to forcibly remove Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
920 NETWORK_ATTACH_NETWORK_TO_VDS Info Attach network: ${NetworkName} to Host: ${VdsName} by ${UserName}.
921 NETWORK_ATTACH_NETWORK_TO_VDS_FAILED Error Failed to attach network: ${NetworkName} to Host: ${VdsName} (User: ${UserName}).
922 NETWORK_DETACH_NETWORK_FROM_VDS Info Detach network: ${NetworkName} from Host: ${VdsName} by ${UserName}.
923 NETWORK_DETACH_NETWORK_FROM_VDS_FAILED Error Failed to detach network: ${NetworkName} from Host: ${VdsName} (User: ${UserName}).
924 NETWORK_ADD_BOND Info Add bond: ${BondName} with interfaces: ${Interfaces} for Host: ${VdsName} by ${UserName}.
925 NETWORK_ADD_BOND_FAILED Error Failed to add bond: ${BondName} with interfaces: ${Interfaces} for Host: ${VdsName} (User:${UserName}).
926 NETWORK_REMOVE_BOND Info Remove bond: ${BondName} for Host: ${VdsName} (User:${UserName}).
927 NETWORK_REMOVE_BOND_FAILED Error Failed to remove bond: ${BondName} for Host: ${VdsName} (User:${UserName}).
928 NETWORK_VDS_NETWORK_MATCH_CLUSTER Info Vds ${VdsName} network match to cluster ${VdsGroupName}
929 NETWORK_VDS_NETWORK_NOT_MATCH_CLUSTER Error Vds ${VdsName} network does not match to cluster ${VdsGroupName}
930 NETWORK_REMOVE_VM_INTERFACE Info Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was removed from VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
931 NETWORK_REMOVE_VM_INTERFACE_FAILED Error Failed to remove Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) from VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
932 NETWORK_ADD_VM_INTERFACE Info Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was added to VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
933 NETWORK_ADD_VM_INTERFACE_FAILED Error Failed to add Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) to VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
934 NETWORK_UPDATE_VM_INTERFACE Info Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was updated for VM ${VmName}. ${LinkState} (User: ${UserName})
935 NETWORK_UPDATE_VM_INTERFACE_FAILED Error Failed to update Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) for VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
936 NETWORK_ADD_TEMPLATE_INTERFACE Info Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was added to Template ${VmTemplateName}. (User: ${UserName})
937 NETWORK_ADD_TEMPLATE_INTERFACE_FAILED Error Failed to add Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) to Template ${VmTemplateName}. (User: ${UserName})
938 NETWORK_REMOVE_TEMPLATE_INTERFACE Info Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was removed from Template ${VmTemplateName}. (User: ${UserName})
939 NETWORK_REMOVE_TEMPLATE_INTERFACE_FAILED Error Failed to remove Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) from Template ${VmTemplateName}. (User: ${UserName})
940 NETWORK_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_INTERFACE Info Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was updated for Template ${VmTemplateName}. (User: ${UserName})
941 NETWORK_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_INTERFACE_FAILED Error Failed to update Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) for Template ${VmTemplateName}. (User: ${UserName})
942 NETWORK_ADD_NETWORK Info Network ${NetworkName} was added to Data Center: ${StoragePoolName}
943 NETWORK_ADD_NETWORK_FAILED Error Failed to add Network ${NetworkName} to Data Center: ${StoragePoolName}
944 NETWORK_REMOVE_NETWORK Info Network ${NetworkName} was removed from Data Center: ${StoragePoolName}
945 NETWORK_REMOVE_NETWORK_FAILED Error Failed to remove Network ${NetworkName} from Data Center: ${StoragePoolName}
946 NETWORK_ATTACH_NETWORK_TO_VDS_GROUP Info Network ${NetworkName} attached to Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
947 NETWORK_ATTACH_NETWORK_TO_VDS_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to attach Network ${NetworkName} to Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
948 NETWORK_DETACH_NETWORK_TO_VDS_GROUP Info Network ${NetworkName} detached from Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
949 NETWORK_DETACH_NETWORK_TO_VDS_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to detach Network ${NetworkName} from Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
950 USER_ADD_STORAGE_POOL Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Compatibility Version ${CompatibilityVersion} and Quota Type ${QuotaEnforcementType} was added by ${UserName}
951 USER_ADD_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to add Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
952 USER_UPDATE_STORAGE_POOL Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName} was updated by ${UserName}
953 USER_UPDATE_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to update Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
954 USER_REMOVE_STORAGE_POOL Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName} was removed by ${UserName}
955 USER_REMOVE_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to remove Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
956 USER_ADD_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} was added by ${UserName}
957 USER_ADD_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to add Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}. (User: ${UserName})
958 USER_UPDATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} was updated by ${UserName}
959 USER_UPDATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to update Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}. (User: ${UserName})
960 USER_REMOVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} was removed by ${UserName}
961 USER_REMOVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to remove Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}. (User: ${UserName})
962 USER_ATTACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_TO_POOL Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} was attached to Data Center ${StoragePoolName} by ${UserName}
963 USER_ATTACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_TO_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to attach Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
964 USER_DETACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FROM_POOL Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} was detached from Data Center ${StoragePoolName} by ${UserName}
965 USER_DETACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FROM_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to detach Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
966 USER_ACTIVATED_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}) was activated by ${UserName}
967 USER_ACTIVATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to activate Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}) by ${UserName}
968 USER_DEACTIVATED_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}) was deactivated and has moved to 'Preparing for maintenance' until it will no longer be accessed by any Host of the Data Center.
969 USER_DEACTIVATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to deactivate Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}).
970 SYSTEM_DEACTIVATED_STORAGE_DOMAIN Warning Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}) was deactivated by system because it's not visible by any of the hosts.
971 SYSTEM_DEACTIVATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to deactivate Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}).
972 USER_EXTENDED_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage ${StorageDomainName} has been extended by ${UserName}. Please wait for refresh.
973 USER_EXTENDED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to extend Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}. (User: ${UserName})
974 USER_REMOVE_VG Info Volume group ${VgId} was removed by ${UserName}.
975 USER_REMOVE_VG_FAILED Error Failed to remove Volume group ${VgId}. (User: UserName)
976 USER_ACTIVATE_STORAGE_POOL Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName} was activated. (User: ${UserName})
977 USER_ACTIVATE_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to activate Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
978 SYSTEM_FAILED_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS Error Failed to change Data Center ${StoragePoolName} status.
979 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_NO_HOST_FOR_SPM Error Fencing failed on Storage Pool Manager ${VdsName} for Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. Setting status to Non-Operational.
980 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC Warning Invalid status on Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. Setting status to Non Responsive.
981 USER_FORCE_REMOVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} was forcibly removed by ${UserName}
982 USER_FORCE_REMOVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to forcibly remove Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}. (User: ${UserName})
983 RECONSTRUCT_MASTER_FAILED_NO_MASTER Warning No valid Data Storage Domains are available in Data Center ${StoragePoolName} (please check your storage infrastructure).
984 RECONSTRUCT_MASTER_DONE Info Reconstruct Master Domain for Data Center ${StoragePoolName} completed.
985 RECONSTRUCT_MASTER_FAILED Error Failed to Reconstruct Master Domain for Data Center ${StoragePoolName}.
986 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC_SEARCHING_NEW_SPM Warning Data Center is being initialized, please wait for initialization to complete.
987 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC_WITH_ERROR Warning Invalid status on Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. Setting Data Center status to Non Responsive (On host ${VdsName}, Error: ${Error}).
988 USER_CONNECT_HOSTS_TO_LUN_FAILED Error Failed to connect Host ${VdsName} to device. (User: ${UserName})
989 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC_FROM_NON_OPERATIONAL Info Try to recover Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. Setting status to Non Responsive.
990 SYSTEM_MASTER_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_SYNC Warning Sync Error on Master Domain between Host ${VdsName} and oVirt Engine. Domain: ${StorageDomainName} is marked as Master in oVirt Engine database but not on the Storage side. Please consult with Support on how to fix this issue.
991 RECOVERY_STORAGE_POOL Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName} was recovered by ${UserName}
992 RECOVERY_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to recover Data Center ${StoragePoolName} (User:${UserName})
993 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_RESET_IRS Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName} was reset. Setting status to Non Responsive (Elect new Storage Pool Manager).
994 CONNECT_STORAGE_SERVERS_FAILED Warning Failed to connect Host ${VdsName} to Storage Servers
995 CONNECT_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Warning Failed to connect Host ${VdsName} to Storage Pool ${StoragePoolName}
996 STORAGE_DOMAIN_ERROR Error The error message for connection ${Connection} returned by VDSM was: ${ErrorMessage}
997 REFRESH_REPOSITORY_IMAGE_LIST_FAILED Error Refresh image list failed for domain(s): ${imageDomains}. Please check domain activity.
998 REFRESH_REPOSITORY_IMAGE_LIST_SUCCEEDED Info Refresh image list succeeded for domain(s): ${imageDomains}
999 STORAGE_ALERT_VG_METADATA_CRITICALLY_FULL Error The system has reached the 80% watermark on the VG metadata area size on ${StorageDomainName}.\nThis is due to a high number of Vdisks or large Vdisks size allocated on this specific VG.
1000 STORAGE_ALERT_SMALL_VG_METADATA Warning The allocated VG metadata area size is smaller than 50MB on ${StorageDomainName},\nwhich might limit its capacity (the number of Vdisks and/or their size).
1001 USER_RUN_VM_FAILURE_STATELESS_SNAPSHOT_LEFT Error Failed to start VM ${VmName}, because exist snapshot for stateless state. Snapshot will be deleted.
1002 USER_ATTACH_STORAGE_DOMAINS_TO_POOL Info Storage Domains were attached to Data Center ${StoragePoolName} by ${UserName}
1003 USER_ATTACH_STORAGE_DOMAINS_TO_POOL_FAILED Error Failed to attach Storage Domains to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
1004 STORAGE_DOMAIN_TASKS_ERROR Warning Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} is down while there are tasks running on it. These tasks may fail.
1005 UPDATE_OVF_FOR_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED Warning Failed to update VMs/Templates OVF data in Data Center ${StoragePoolName}.
1006 UPGRADE_STORAGE_POOL_ENCOUNTERED_PROBLEMS Warning Data Center ${StoragePoolName} has encountered problems during upgrade process.
1007 REFRESH_REPOSITORY_IMAGE_LIST_INCOMPLETE Warning Refresh image list probably incomplete for domain ${imageDomain}, only ${imageListSize} images discovered.
1008 NUNBER_OF_LVS_ON_STORAGE_DOMAIN_EXCEEDED_THRESHOLD Warning The number of LVs on the domain ${storageDomainName} exceeded ${maxNumOfLVs}, you are approaching the limit where performance may degrade.
1010 RELOAD_CONFIGURATIONS_SUCCESS Info System Configurations reloaded successfully.
1011 RELOAD_CONFIGURATIONS_FAILURE Error System Configurations failed to reload.
1012 NETWORK_ACTIVATE_VM_INTERFACE_SUCCESS Info Network Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was plugged to VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
1013 NETWORK_ACTIVATE_VM_INTERFACE_FAILURE Error Failed to plug Network Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) to VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
1014 NETWORK_DEACTIVATE_VM_INTERFACE_SUCCESS Info Network Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) was unplugged from VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
1015 NETWORK_DEACTIVATE_VM_INTERFACE_FAILURE Error Failed to unplug Network Interface ${InterfaceName} (${InterfaceType}) from VM ${VmName}. (User: ${UserName})
1016 UPDATE_FOR_OVF_STORES_FAILED Warning Failed to update OVF disks ${DisksIds}, OVF data isn't updated on those OVF stores (Data Center ${DataCenterName}, Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}).
1017 RETRIEVE_OVF_STORE_FAILED Warning Failed to retrieve VMs and Templates from the OVF disk of Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}.
1018 OVF_STORE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS Warning This Data center compatibility version does not support importing a data domain with its entities (VMs and Templates). The imported domain will be imported without them.
1019 UPDATE_DESCRIPTION_FOR_DISK_FAILED Error Failed to update the meta data description of disk ${DiskName} (Data Center ${DataCenterName}, Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName}).
1020 UPDATE_DESCRIPTION_FOR_DISK_SKIPPED_SINCE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_NOT_ACTIVE Warning Not updating the metadata of Disk ${DiskName} (Data Center ${DataCenterName}. Since the Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} is not in active.
1021 RETRIEVE_UNREGISTERED_ENTITIES_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_DC_VERSION Warning Skipping retrieval attempt of VMs and Templates from the OVF_STORE disk of Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} since it is not supported by the Data Center version.
1022 USER_REFRESH_LUN_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Resize LUNs operation succeeded.
1024 USER_REFRESH_LUN_STORAGE_DIFFERENT_SIZE_DOMAIN_FAILED Error Failed to resize LUNs.\n Not all the hosts are seeing the same LUN size.
1025 VM_PAUSED Info VM ${VmName} has been paused.
1026 FAILED_TO_STORE_ENTIRE_DISK_FIELD_IN_DISK_DESCRIPTION_METADATA Warning Failed to store field ${DiskFieldName} as a part of ${DiskAlias}'s description metadata due to storage space limitations. The field ${DiskFieldName} will be truncated.
1027 FAILED_TO_STORE_ENTIRE_DISK_FIELD_AND_REST_OF_FIELDS_IN_DISK_DESCRIPTION_METADATA Warning Failed to store field ${DiskFieldName} as a part of ${DiskAlias}'s description metadata due to storage space limitations. The value will be truncated and the following fields will not be stored at all: ${DiskFieldsNames}.
1028 FAILED_TO_STORE_DISK_FIELDS_IN_DISK_DESCRIPTION_METADATA Warning Failed to store the following fields in the description metadata of disk ${DiskAlias} due to storage space limitations: ${DiskFieldsNames}.
1029 STORAGE_DOMAIN_MOVED_TO_MAINTENANCE Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}) successfully moved to Maintenance as it's no longer accessed by any Host of the Data Center.
1030 USER_DEACTIVATED_LAST_MASTER_STORAGE_DOMAIN Info Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}) was deactivated.
1098 NETWORK_UPDATE_DISPLAY_FOR_HOST_WITH_ACTIVE_VM Warning Display Network was updated on Host ${VdsName} with active VMs attached. The change will be applied to those VMs after their next reboot. Running VMs might loose display connectivity until then.
1099 NETWORK_UPDATE_DISPLAY_FOR_CLUSTER_WITH_ACTIVE_VM Warning Display Network (${NetworkName}) was updated for Cluster ${VdsGroupName} with active VMs attached. The change will be applied to those VMs after their next reboot.
1100 NETWORK_UPDATE_DISPLAY_TO_VDS_GROUP Info Update Display Network (${NetworkName}) for Cluster ${VdsGroupName}. (User: ${UserName})
1101 NETWORK_UPDATE_DISPLAY_TO_VDS_GROUP_FAILED Error Failed to update Display Network (${NetworkName}) for Cluster ${VdsGroupName}. (User: ${UserName})
1102 NETWORK_UPDATE_NETWORK_TO_VDS_INTERFACE Info Update Network ${NetworkName} in Host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
1103 NETWORK_UPDATE_NETWORK_TO_VDS_INTERFACE_FAILED Error Failed to update Network ${NetworkName} in Host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
1104 NETWORK_COMMINT_NETWORK_CHANGES Info Network changes were saved on host ${VdsName}
1105 NETWORK_COMMINT_NETWORK_CHANGES_FAILED Error Failed to commit network changes on ${VdsName}
1106 NETWORK_HOST_USING_WRONG_CLUSER_VLAN Warning ${VdsName} is having wrong vlan id: ${VlanIdHost}, expected vlan id: ${VlanIdCluster}
1107 NETWORK_HOST_MISSING_CLUSER_VLAN Warning ${VdsName} is missing vlan id: ${VlanIdCluster} that is expected by the cluster
1109 BRIDGED_NETWORK_OVER_MULTIPLE_INTERFACES Warning Bridged network ${NetworkName} is attached to multiple interfaces: ${Interfaces} on Host ${VdsName}.
1110 VDS_NETWORKS_OUT_OF_SYNC Warning Host ${VdsName}'s following network(s) are not synchronized with their Logical Network configuration: ${Networks}.
1112 NETWORK_UPDTAE_NETWORK_ON_CLUSTER Info Network ${NetworkName} on Cluster ${VdsGroupName} updated.
1113 NETWORK_UPDTAE_NETWORK_ON_CLUSTER_FAILED Error Failed to update Network ${NetworkName} on Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
1114 NETWORK_UPDATE_NETWORK Info Network ${NetworkName} was updated on Data Center: ${StoragePoolName}
1115 NETWORK_UPDATE_NETWORK_FAILED Error Failed to update Network ${NetworkName} on Data Center: ${StoragePoolName}
1118 INVALID_INTERFACE_FOR_MANAGEMENT_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION Error Failed to configure management network on host ${VdsName}. Host ${VdsName} has an invalid interface ${InterfaceName} for the management network configuration.
1119 VLAN_ID_MISMATCH_FOR_MANAGEMENT_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION Error Failed to configure management network on host ${VdsName}. Host ${VdsName} has an interface ${InterfaceName} for the management network configuration with VLAN-ID (${VlanId}), which is different from data-center definition (${MgmtVlanId}).
1120 SETUP_NETWORK_FAILED_FOR_MANAGEMENT_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION Error Failed to configure management network on host ${VdsName} due to setup networks failure.
1121 PERSIST_NETWORK_FAILED_FOR_MANAGEMENT_NETWORK Warning Failed to activate host ${VdsName} due to failure in persisting the management network configuration.
1122 ADD_VNIC_PROFILE Info VM network interface profile ${VnicProfileName} was added to network ${NetworkName} in Data Center: ${DataCenterName}. (User: ${UserName})
1123 ADD_VNIC_PROFILE_FAILED Error Failed to add VM network interface profile ${VnicProfileName} to network ${NetworkName} in Data Center: ${DataCenterName} (User: ${UserName})
1124 UPDATE_VNIC_PROFILE Info VM network interface profile ${VnicProfileName} was updated for network ${NetworkName} in Data Center: ${DataCenterName}. (User: ${UserName})
1125 UPDATE_VNIC_PROFILE_FAILED Error Failed to update VM network interface profile ${VnicProfileName} for network ${NetworkName} in Data Center: ${DataCenterName}. (User: ${UserName})
1126 REMOVE_VNIC_PROFILE Info VM network interface profile ${VnicProfileName} was removed from network ${NetworkName} in Data Center: ${DataCenterName}. (User: ${UserName})
1127 REMOVE_VNIC_PROFILE_FAILED Error Failed to remove VM network interface profile ${VnicProfileName} from network ${NetworkName} in Data Center: ${DataCenterName}. (User: ${UserName})
1128 NETWORK_WITHOUT_INTERFACES Warning Network ${NetworkName} is not attached to any interface on host ${VdsName}.
1129 VNIC_PROFILE_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES Warning VM ${VmName} has network interface ${NicName} which is using profile ${VnicProfile} with unsupported feature(s) '${UnsupportedFeatures}' by VM cluster ${VdsGroupName} (version ${CompatibilityVersion}).
1131 REMOVE_NETWORK_BY_LABEL_FAILED Error Network ${Network} cannot be removed from the following hosts: ${HostNames} in data-center ${StoragePoolName}.
1132 LABEL_NETWORK Info Network ${NetworkName} was labeled ${Label} in data-center ${StoragePoolName}.
1133 LABEL_NETWORK_FAILED Error Failed to label network ${NetworkName} with label ${Label} in data-center ${StoragePoolName}.
1134 UNLABEL_NETWORK Info Network ${NetworkName} was unlabeled in data-center ${StoragePoolName}.
1135 UNLABEL_NETWORK_FAILED Error Failed to unlabel network ${NetworkName} in data-center ${StoragePoolName}.
1136 LABEL_NIC Info Network interface card ${NicName} was labeled ${Label} on host ${VdsName}.
1137 LABEL_NIC_FAILED Error Failed to label network interface card ${NicName} with label ${Label} on host ${VdsName}.
1138 UNLABEL_NIC Info Label ${Label} was removed from network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1139 UNLABEL_NIC_FAILED Error Failed to remove label ${Label} from network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1140 SUBNET_REMOVED Info Subnet ${SubnetName} was removed from provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
1141 SUBNET_REMOVAL_FAILED Error Failed to remove subnet ${SubnetName} from provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
1142 SUBNET_ADDED Info Subnet ${SubnetName} was added on provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
1143 SUBNET_ADDITION_FAILED Error Failed to add subnet ${SubnetName} on provider ${ProviderName}. (User: ${UserName})
1144 CONFIGURE_NETWORK_BY_LABELS_WHEN_CHANGING_CLUSTER_FAILED Error Failed to configure networks on host ${VdsName} while changing its cluster.
1145 PERSIST_NETWORK_ON_HOST Info (${Sequence}/${Total}): Applying changes for network(s) ${NetworkNames} on host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
1146 PERSIST_NETWORK_ON_HOST_FINISHED Info (${Sequence}/${Total}): Successfully applied changes for network(s) ${NetworkNames} on host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
1147 PERSIST_NETWORK_ON_HOST_FAILED Error (${Sequence}/${Total}): Failed to apply changes for network(s) ${NetworkNames} on host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
1148 MULTI_UPDATE_NETWORK_NOT_POSSIBLE Warning Cannot apply network ${NetworkName} changes to hosts on unsupported data center ${StoragePoolName}. (User: ${UserName})
1149 REMOVE_PORT_FROM_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER_FAILED Warning Failed to remove vNIC ${NicName} from external network provider ${ProviderName}. The vNIC can be identified on the provider by device id ${NicId}.
1150 IMPORTEXPORT_EXPORT_VM Info Vm ${VmName} was exported successfully to ${StorageDomainName}
1151 IMPORTEXPORT_EXPORT_VM_FAILED Error Failed to export Vm ${VmName} to ${StorageDomainName}
1152 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_VM Info Vm ${VmName} was imported successfully to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
1153 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_VM_FAILED Error Failed to import Vm ${VmName} to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
1154 IMPORTEXPORT_REMOVE_TEMPLATE Info Template ${VmTemplateName} was removed from ${StorageDomainName}
1155 IMPORTEXPORT_REMOVE_TEMPLATE_FAILED Error Failed to remove Template ${VmTemplateName} from ${StorageDomainName}
1156 IMPORTEXPORT_EXPORT_TEMPLATE Info Template ${VmTemplateName} was exported successfully to ${StorageDomainName}
1157 IMPORTEXPORT_EXPORT_TEMPLATE_FAILED Error Failed to export Template ${VmTemplateName} to ${StorageDomainName}
1158 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE Info Template ${VmTemplateName} was imported successfully to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
1159 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_FAILED Error Failed to import Template ${VmTemplateName} to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
1160 IMPORTEXPORT_REMOVE_VM Info Vm ${VmName} was removed from ${StorageDomainName}
1161 IMPORTEXPORT_REMOVE_VM_FAILED Error Failed to remove Vm ${VmName} remove from ${StorageDomainName}
1162 IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_EXPORT_VM Info Starting export Vm ${VmName} to ${StorageDomainName}
1163 IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_IMPORT_TEMPLATE Info Starting to import Template ${VmTemplateName} to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
1164 IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_EXPORT_TEMPLATE Info Starting to export Template ${VmTemplateName} to ${StorageDomainName}
1165 IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_IMPORT_VM Info Starting to import Vm ${VmName} to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Cluster ${VdsGroupName}
1166 IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_REMOVE_TEMPLATE Info Starting to remove Template ${VmTemplateName} remove ${StorageDomainName}
1167 IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_REMOVE_VM Info Starting to remove Vm ${VmName} remove from ${StorageDomainName}
1168 IMPORTEXPORT_FAILED_TO_IMPORT_VM Warning Failed to read VM '${ImportedVmName}' OVF, it may be corrupted. Underlying error message: ${ErrorMessage}
1169 IMPORTEXPORT_FAILED_TO_IMPORT_TEMPLATE Warning Failed to read Template '${Template}' OVF, it may be corrupted. Underlying error message: ${ErrorMessage}
1170 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_INVALID_INTERFACES Normal While importing Template ${EntityName}, the Network/s ${Networks} were found to be Non-VM Networks or do not exist in Cluster. Network Name was not set in the Interface/s ${Interfaces}.
1171 USER_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_EXPIRED Error User ${UserName} cannot login, as the user account password has expired. Please contact the system administrator.
1172 AUTH_FAILED_INVALID_CREDENTIALS Error User ${UserName} cannot login, please verify the username and password.
1173 AUTH_FAILED_CLOCK_SKEW_TOO_GREAT Error User ${UserName} cannot login, the engine clock is not synchronized with directory services. Please contact the system administrator.
1174 AUTH_FAILED_NO_KDCS_FOUND Error User ${UserName} cannot login, authentication domain cannot be found. Please contact the system administrator.
1175 AUTH_FAILED_DNS_ERROR Error User ${UserName} cannot login, there's an error in DNS configuration. Please contact the system administrator.
1176 AUTH_FAILED_OTHER Error User ${UserName} cannot login, unknown kerberos error. Please contact the system administrator.
1177 AUTH_FAILED_DNS_COMMUNICATION_ERROR Error User ${UserName} cannot login, cannot lookup DNS for SRV records. Please contact the system administrator.
1178 AUTH_FAILED_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Error User ${UserName} cannot login, connection to LDAP server has timed out. Please contact the system administrator.
1179 AUTH_FAILED_WRONG_REALM Error User ${UserName} cannot login, please verify your domain name.
1180 AUTH_FAILED_CONNECTION_ERROR Error User ${UserName} cannot login, connection refused or some configuration problems exist. Possible DNS error. Please contact the system administrator.
1181 AUTH_FAILED_CANNOT_FIND_LDAP_SERVER_FOR_DOMAIN Error User ${UserName} cannot login, cannot find valid LDAP server for domain. Please contact the system administrator.
1182 AUTH_FAILED_NO_USER_INFORMATION_WAS_FOUND Error User ${UserName} cannot login, no user information was found. Please contact the system administrator.
1183 AUTH_FAILED_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_IN_KERBEROS_DATABASE Error User ${UserName} cannot login, user was not found in domain. Please contact the system administrator.
1184 AUTH_FAILED_INTERNAL_KERBEROS_ERROR Error User ${UserName} cannot login, an internal error has ocurred in the Kerberos implementation of the JVM. Please contact the system administrator.
1185 USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED Error The account for ${UserName} got expired. Please contact the system administrator.
1186 IMPORTEXPORT_NO_PROXY_HOST_AVAILABLE_IN_DC Error No Host in Data Center '${StoragePoolName}' can serve as a proxy to retrieve remote VMs information (User: ${UserName}).
1187 IMPORTEXPORT_HOST_CANNOT_SERVE_AS_PROXY Error Host ${VdsName} cannot be used as a proxy to retrieve remote VMs information since it is not up (User: ${UserName}).
1189 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_VM_FAILED_UPDATING_OVF Error Failed to import Vm ${VmName} to Data Center ${StoragePoolName}, Cluster ${VdsGroupName}, could not update VM data in export.
1190 USER_RESTORE_FROM_SNAPSHOT_START Info Restoring VM ${VmName} from snapshot started by user ${UserName}.
1191 VM_DISK_ALREADY_CHANGED Info CD ${DiskName} is already inserted to VM ${VmName}, disk change action was skipped. User: ${UserName}.
1192 VM_DISK_ALREADY_EJECTED Info CD is already ejected from VM ${VmName}, disk change action was skipped. User: ${UserName}.
1193 IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_CONVERT_VM Info Starting to convert Vm ${VmName}
1194 IMPORTEXPORT_CONVERT_FAILED Info Failed to convert Vm ${VmName}
1195 IMPORTEXPORT_CANNOT_GET_OVF Info Failed to get the configuration of converted Vm ${VmName}
1196 IMPORTEXPORT_INVALID_OVF Info Failed to process the configuration of converted Vm ${VmName}
1200 ENTITY_RENAMED Info ${EntityType} ${OldEntityName} was renamed from ${OldEntityName} to ${NewEntityName} by ${UserName}.
1201 UPDATE_HOST_NIC_VFS_CONFIG Info The VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName} was updated.
1202 UPDATE_HOST_NIC_VFS_CONFIG_FAILED Error Failed to update the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1203 ADD_VFS_CONFIG_NETWORK Info Network ${NetworkName} was added to the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1204 ADD_VFS_CONFIG_NETWORK_FAILED Info Failed to add ${NetworkName} to the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1205 REMOVE_VFS_CONFIG_NETWORK Info Network ${NetworkName} was removed from the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1206 REMOVE_VFS_CONFIG_NETWORK_FAILED Info Failed to remove ${NetworkName} from the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1207 ADD_VFS_CONFIG_LABEL Info Label ${Label} was added to the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1208 ADD_VFS_CONFIG_LABEL_FAILED Info Failed to add ${Label} to the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1209 REMOVE_VFS_CONFIG_LABEL Info Label ${Label} was removed from the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1210 REMOVE_VFS_CONFIG_LABEL_FAILED Info Failed to remove ${Label} from the VFs configuration of network interface card ${NicName} on host ${VdsName}.
1300 NUMA_ADD_VM_NUMA_NODE_SUCCESS Info Add VM NUMA node successfully.
1301 NUMA_ADD_VM_NUMA_NODE_FAILED Error Add VM NUMA node failed.
1310 NUMA_UPDATE_VM_NUMA_NODE_SUCCESS Info Update VM NUMA node successfully.
1311 NUMA_UPDATE_VM_NUMA_NODE_FAILED Error Update VM NUMA node failed.
1320 NUMA_REMOVE_VM_NUMA_NODE_SUCCESS Info Remove VM NUMA node successfully.
1321 NUMA_REMOVE_VM_NUMA_NODE_FAILED Error Remove VM NUMA node failed.
1402 USER_LOGIN_ON_BEHALF_FAILED Error Failed to execute login on behalf - ${LoginOnBehalfLogInfo}.
2000 USER_HOTPLUG_DISK Info VM ${VmName} disk ${DiskAlias} was plugged by ${UserName}.
2001 USER_FAILED_HOTPLUG_DISK Error Failed to plug disk ${DiskAlias} to VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
2002 USER_HOTUNPLUG_DISK Info VM ${VmName} disk ${DiskAlias} was unplugged by ${UserName}.
2003 USER_FAILED_HOTUNPLUG_DISK Error Failed to unplug disk ${DiskAlias} from VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
2004 USER_COPIED_TEMPLATE_DISK Info User ${UserName} is copying template disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2005 USER_FAILED_COPY_TEMPLATE_DISK Error User ${UserName} failed to copy template disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2006 USER_COPIED_TEMPLATE_DISK_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info User ${UserName} finished copying template disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2007 USER_COPIED_TEMPLATE_DISK_FINISHED_FAILURE Error User ${UserName} finished with error copying template disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2008 USER_MOVED_VM_DISK Info User ${UserName} moving disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2009 USER_FAILED_MOVED_VM_DISK Error User ${UserName} failed to move disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2010 USER_MOVED_VM_DISK_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info User ${UserName} finished moving disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2011 USER_MOVED_VM_DISK_FINISHED_FAILURE Error User ${UserName} have failed to move disk ${DiskAlias} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2012 USER_FINISHED_REMOVE_DISK_NO_DOMAIN Info Disk ${DiskAlias} was successfully removed (User ${UserName}).
2013 USER_FINISHED_FAILED_REMOVE_DISK_NO_DOMAIN Warning Failed to remove disk ${DiskAlias} (User ${UserName}).
2014 USER_FINISHED_REMOVE_DISK Info Disk ${DiskAlias} was successfully removed from domain ${StorageDomainName} (User ${UserName}).
2015 USER_FINISHED_FAILED_REMOVE_DISK Warning Failed to remove disk ${DiskAlias} from storage domain ${StorageDomainName} (User: ${UserName}).
2016 USER_ATTACH_DISK_TO_VM Info Disk ${DiskAlias} was successfully attached to VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
2017 USER_FAILED_ATTACH_DISK_TO_VM Error Failed to attach Disk ${DiskAlias} to VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
2018 USER_DETACH_DISK_FROM_VM Info Disk ${DiskAlias} was successfully detached from VM ${VmName} by ${UserName}.
2019 USER_FAILED_DETACH_DISK_FROM_VM Error Failed to detach Disk ${DiskAlias} from VM ${VmName} (User: ${UserName}).
2020 USER_ADD_DISK Info Add-Disk operation of '${DiskAlias}' was initiated by ${UserName}.
2021 USER_ADD_DISK_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info The disk '${DiskAlias}' was successfully added.
2022 USER_ADD_DISK_FINISHED_FAILURE Error Add-Disk operation failed to complete.
2023 USER_FAILED_ADD_DISK Error Add-Disk operation failed (User: ${UserName}).
2025 USER_MOVE_IMAGE_GROUP_FAILED_TO_DELETE_SRC_IMAGE Warning Possible failure while deleting ${DiskAlias} from the source Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} during the move operation. The Storage Domain may be manually cleaned-up from possible leftovers (User:${UserName}).
2026 USER_MOVE_IMAGE_GROUP_FAILED_TO_DELETE_DST_IMAGE Warning Possible failure while clearing possible leftovers of ${DiskAlias} from the target Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} after the move operation failed to copy the image to it properly. The Storage Domain may be manually cleaned-up from possible leftovers (User:${UserName}).
2027 USER_IMPORT_IMAGE Info User ${UserName} importing image ${RepoImageName} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2028 USER_IMPORT_IMAGE_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info User ${UserName} successfully imported image ${RepoImageName} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2029 USER_IMPORT_IMAGE_FINISHED_FAILURE Error User ${UserName} failed to import image ${RepoImageName} to domain ${StorageDomainName}.
2030 USER_EXPORT_IMAGE Info User ${UserName} exporting image ${RepoImageName} to domain ${DestinationStorageDomainName}.
2031 USER_EXPORT_IMAGE_FINISHED_SUCCESS Info User ${UserName} successfully exported image ${RepoImageName} to domain ${DestinationStorageDomainName}.
2032 USER_EXPORT_IMAGE_FINISHED_FAILURE Error User ${UserName} failed to export image ${RepoImageName} to domain ${DestinationStorageDomainName}.
2033 HOT_SET_NUMBER_OF_CPUS Info Hotplug CPU: changed the number of CPUs on VM ${vmName} from ${previousNumberOfCpus} to ${numberOfCpus}
2034 FAILED_HOT_SET_NUMBER_OF_CPUS Error Failed to hot set number of CPUS to VM ${vmName}. Underlying error message: ${ErrorMessage}
2035 USER_ISCSI_BOND_HOST_RESTART_WARNING Warning The following Networks has been removed from the iSCSI bond ${IscsiBondName}: ${NetworkNames}. for those changes to take affect, the hosts must be moved to maintenance and activated again.
2036 ADD_DISK_INTERNAL Info Add-Disk operation of '${DiskAlias}' was initiated by the system.
2037 ADD_DISK_INTERNAL_FAILURE Info Add-Disk operation of '${DiskAlias}' failed to complete.
2038 USER_REMOVE_DISK_INITIATED Info Removal of Disk ${DiskAlias} from domain ${StorageDomainName} was initiated by ${UserName}.
2039 HOT_SET_MEMORY Info Hotset memory: changed the amount of memory on VM ${vmName} from ${previousMem} to ${newMem}
2040 FAILED_HOT_SET_MEMORY Error Failed to hot set memory to VM ${vmName}. Underlying error message: ${ErrorMessage}
3000 USER_ADD_QUOTA Info Quota ${QuotaName} has been added by ${UserName}.
3001 USER_FAILED_ADD_QUOTA Error Failed to add Quota ${QuotaName}. The operation was initiated by ${UserName}.
3002 USER_UPDATE_QUOTA Info Quota ${QuotaName} has been updated by ${UserName}.
3003 USER_FAILED_UPDATE_QUOTA Error Failed to update Quota ${QuotaName}. The operation was initiated by ${UserName}..
3004 USER_DELETE_QUOTA Info Quota ${QuotaName} has been deleted by ${UserName}.
3005 USER_FAILED_DELETE_QUOTA Error Failed to delete Quota ${QuotaName}. The operation was initiated by ${UserName}..
3006 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_VDS_GROUP_GRACE_LIMIT Error Cluster-Quota ${QuotaName} limit exceeded and operation was blocked. Utilization: ${Utilization}, Requested: ${Requested} - Please select a different quota or contact your administrator to extend the quota.
3007 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_VDS_GROUP_LIMIT Warning Cluster-Quota ${QuotaName} limit exceeded and entered the grace zone. Utilization: ${Utilization} (It is advised to select a different quota or contact your administrator to extend the quota).
3008 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_VDS_GROUP_THRESHOLD Warning Cluster-Quota ${QuotaName} is about to exceed. Utilization: ${Utilization}
3009 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_STORAGE_GRACE_LIMIT Error Storage-Quota ${QuotaName} limit exceeded and operation was blocked. Utilization(used/requested): ${CurrentStorage}%/${Requested}% - Please select a different quota or contact your administrator to extend the quota.
3010 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_STORAGE_LIMIT Warning Storage-Quota ${QuotaName} limit exceeded and entered the grace zone. Utilization: ${CurrentStorage}% (It is advised to select a different quota or contact your administrator to extend the quota).
3011 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_STORAGE_THRESHOLD Warning Storage-Quota ${QuotaName} is about to exceed. Utilization: ${CurrentStorage}%
3012 QUOTA_STORAGE_RESIZE_LOWER_THEN_CONSUMPTION Warning Storage-Quota ${QuotaName}: the new size set for this quota is less than current disk utilization.
3013 MISSING_QUOTA_STORAGE_PARAMETERS_PERMISSIVE_MODE Warning Missing Quota for Disk, proceeding since in Permissive (Audit) mode.
3014 MISSING_QUOTA_CLUSTER_PARAMETERS_PERMISSIVE_MODE Warning Missing Quota for VM ${VmName}, proceeding since in Permissive (Audit) mode.
3015 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_VDS_GROUP_GRACE_LIMIT_PERMISSIVE_MODE Warning Cluster-Quota ${QuotaName} limit exceeded, proceeding since in Permissive (Audit) mode. Utilization: ${Utilization}, Requested: ${Requested} - Please select a different quota or contact your administrator to extend the quota.
3016 USER_EXCEEDED_QUOTA_STORAGE_GRACE_LIMIT_PERMISSIVE_MODE Warning Storage-Quota ${QuotaName} limit exceeded, proceeding since in Permissive (Audit) mode. Utilization(used/requested): ${CurrentStorage}%/${Requested}% - Please select a different quota or contact your administrator to extend the quota.
4000 GLUSTER_VOLUME_CREATE Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} created on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4001 GLUSTER_VOLUME_CREATE_FAILED Error Creation of Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} failed on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4002 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_ADDED Info Volume Option ${Key}
4003 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_SET_FAILED Error Volume Option ${Key}
4004 GLUSTER_VOLUME_START Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} started.
4005 GLUSTER_VOLUME_START_FAILED Error Could not start Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4006 GLUSTER_VOLUME_STOP Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} stopped on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4007 GLUSTER_VOLUME_STOP_FAILED Error Could not stop Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4008 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTIONS_RESET Info Volume Option ${Key}
4009 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTIONS_RESET_FAILED Error Could not reset Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} Options on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4010 GLUSTER_VOLUME_DELETE Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} deleted on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4011 GLUSTER_VOLUME_DELETE_FAILED Error Could not delete Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4012 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REBALANCE_START Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} rebalance started on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4013 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REBALANCE_START_FAILED Error Could not start Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} rebalance on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4014 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REMOVE_BRICKS Info Bricks removed from Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4015 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REMOVE_BRICKS_FAILED Error Could not remove bricks from Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4016 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REPLACE_BRICK_FAILED Error Replace Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} Brick failed on cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4017 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REPLACE_BRICK_START Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} Replace Brick started on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4018 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REPLACE_BRICK_START_FAILED Error Could not start Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} Replace Brick on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4019 GLUSTER_VOLUME_ADD_BRICK Info ${NoOfBricks} brick(s) added to volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4020 GLUSTER_VOLUME_ADD_BRICK_FAILED Error Failed to add bricks to the Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4021 GLUSTER_SERVER_REMOVE_FAILED Error Failed to remove host ${VdsName} from Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4022 GLUSTER_VOLUME_PROFILE_START Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} profiling started on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4023 GLUSTER_VOLUME_PROFILE_START_FAILED Error Could not start profiling on gluster volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4024 GLUSTER_VOLUME_PROFILE_STOP Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} profiling stopped on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4025 GLUSTER_VOLUME_PROFILE_STOP_FAILED Error Could not stop Profiling on gluster volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4026 GLUSTER_VOLUME_CREATED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected new volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and added it to engine DB.
4027 GLUSTER_VOLUME_DELETED_FROM_CLI Info Detected deletion of volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and deleted it from engine DB.
4028 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_SET_FROM_CLI Warning Detected new option ${key}
4029 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_RESET_FROM_CLI Warning Detected option ${key}
4030 GLUSTER_VOLUME_PROPERTIES_CHANGED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected changes in properties of volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and updated the same in engine DB.
4031 GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICK_ADDED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected new brick ${brick} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and added it to engine DB.
4032 GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICK_REMOVED_FROM_CLI Info Detected brick ${brick} removed from Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and removed it from engine DB.
4033 GLUSTER_SERVER_REMOVED_FROM_CLI Info Detected server ${VdsName} removed from Cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and removed it from engine DB.
4034 GLUSTER_VOLUME_INFO_FAILED Error Failed to fetch gluster volume list from server ${VdsName}.
4035 GLUSTER_COMMAND_FAILED Error Gluster command [${Command}] failed on server ${VdsName}.
4038 GLUSTER_SERVER_REMOVE Info Host ${VdsName} removed from Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4039 GLUSTER_VOLUME_STARTED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected that Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName} was started, and updated engine DB with it's new status.
4040 GLUSTER_VOLUME_STOPPED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected that Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName} was stopped, and updated engine DB with it's new status.
4041 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_CHANGED_FROM_CLI Info Detected change in value of option ${key} from ${oldValue} to ${newValue} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and updated it to engine DB.
4042 GLUSTER_HOOK_ENABLE Info Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} enabled on cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4043 GLUSTER_HOOK_ENABLE_FAILED Error Failed to enable Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}. ${FailureMessage}
4044 GLUSTER_HOOK_ENABLE_PARTIAL Warning Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} enabled on some of the servers on cluster ${VdsGroupName}. ${FailureMessage}
4045 GLUSTER_HOOK_DISABLE Info Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} disabled on cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4046 GLUSTER_HOOK_DISABLE_FAILED Error Failed to disable Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}. ${FailureMessage}
4047 GLUSTER_HOOK_DISABLE_PARTIAL Warning Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} disabled on some of the servers on cluster ${VdsGroupName}. ${FailureMessage}
4048 GLUSTER_HOOK_LIST_FAILED Error Failed to retrieve hook list from ${VdsName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4049 GLUSTER_HOOK_CONFLICT_DETECTED Warning Detected conflict in hook ${HookName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4050 GLUSTER_HOOK_DETECTED_NEW Info Detected new hook ${HookName} in Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4051 GLUSTER_HOOK_DETECTED_DELETE Info Detected removal of hook ${HookName} in Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4052 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_MODIFIED Info Volume Option ${Key} changed to ${Value} from ${oldvalue} on ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4053 GLUSTER_HOOK_GETCONTENT_FAILED Error Failed to read content of hook ${HookName} in Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4054 GLUSTER_SERVICES_LIST_FAILED Error Could not fetch statuses of services from server ${VdsName}. Updating statuses of all services on this server to UNKNOWN.
4055 GLUSTER_SERVICE_TYPE_ADDED_TO_CLUSTER Info Service type ${ServiceType} was not mapped to cluster ${VdsGroupName}. Mapped it now.
4056 GLUSTER_CLUSTER_SERVICE_STATUS_CHANGED Info Status of service type ${ServiceType} changed from ${OldStatus} to ${NewStatus} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}
4057 GLUSTER_SERVICE_ADDED_TO_SERVER Info Service ${ServiceName} was not mapped to server ${VdsName}. Mapped it now.
4058 GLUSTER_SERVER_SERVICE_STATUS_CHANGED Info Status of service ${ServiceName} on server ${VdsName} changed from ${OldStatus} to ${NewStatus}. Updating in engine now.
4059 GLUSTER_HOOK_UPDATED Info Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} updated on conflicting servers.
4060 GLUSTER_HOOK_UPDATE_FAILED Error Failed to update Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} on conflicting servers. ${FailureMessage}
4061 GLUSTER_HOOK_ADDED Info Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} added on conflicting servers.
4062 GLUSTER_HOOK_ADD_FAILED Error Failed to add Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} on conflicting servers. ${FailureMessage}
4063 GLUSTER_HOOK_REMOVED Info Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} removed from all servers in cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4064 GLUSTER_HOOK_REMOVE_FAILED Error Failed to remove Gluster Hook ${GlusterHookName} from cluster ${VdsGroupName}. ${FailureMessage}
4065 GLUSTER_HOOK_REFRESH Info Refreshed gluster hooks in Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4066 GLUSTER_HOOK_REFRESH_FAILED Error Failed to refresh gluster hooks in Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4067 GLUSTER_SERVICE_STARTED Info ${servicetype} service started on host ${VdsName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4068 GLUSTER_SERVICE_START_FAILED Error Could not start ${servicetype} service on host ${VdsName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4069 GLUSTER_SERVICE_STOPPED Info ${servicetype} services stopped on host ${VdsName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4070 GLUSTER_SERVICE_STOP_FAILED Error Could not stop ${servicetype} service on host ${VdsName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4071 GLUSTER_SERVICES_LIST_NOT_FETCHED Info Could not fetch list of services from ${ServiceGroupType} named ${ServiceGroupName}.
4072 GLUSTER_SERVICE_RESTARTED Info ${servicetype} service re-started on host ${VdsName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4073 GLUSTER_SERVICE_RESTART_FAILED Error Could not re-start ${servicetype} service on host ${VdsName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4074 GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTIONS_RESET_ALL Info All Volume Options reset on ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4075 GLUSTER_HOST_UUID_NOT_FOUND Error Could not find gluster uuid of server ${VdsName} on Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4076 GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICK_ADDED Info Brick [${brickpath}] on host [${servername}] added to volume [${glusterVolumeName}]
4077 GLUSTER_CLUSTER_SERVICE_STATUS_ADDED Info Status of service type ${ServiceType} set to ${NewStatus} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}
4078 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REBALANCE_STOP Info Gluster Volume ${glusterVolumeName} rebalance stopped of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4079 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REBALANCE_STOP_FAILED Error Could not stop rebalance of gluster volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4080 START_REMOVING_GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICKS Info Started removing bricks from Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4081 START_REMOVING_GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICKS_FAILED Error Could not start remove bricks from Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4082 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REMOVE_BRICKS_STOP Info Stopped removing bricks from Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4083 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REMOVE_BRICKS_STOP_FAILED Error Failed to stop remove bricks from Volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4084 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REMOVE_BRICKS_COMMIT Info Gluster volume ${glusterVolumeName} remove bricks committed on cluster ${vdsGroupName}. ${NoOfBricks} brick(s) removed from volume ${glusterVolumeName}.
4085 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REMOVE_BRICKS_COMMIT_FAILED Error Gluster volume ${glusterVolumeName} remove bricks could not be commited on cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4086 GLUSTER_BRICK_STATUS_CHANGED Warning Detected change in status of brick ${brickpath} of volume ${glusterVolumeName} from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}.
4087 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REBALANCE_FINISHED Info ${action} ${status} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4088 GLUSTER_VOLUME_MIGRATE_BRICK_DATA_FINISHED Info ${action} ${status} for brick(s) on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}. Please review to abort or commit.
4089 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REBALANCE_START_DETECTED_FROM_CLI Info Detected start of rebalance on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName} from CLI.
4090 START_REMOVING_GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICKS_DETECTED_FROM_CLI Info Detected start of brick removal for bricks ${brick} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName} from CLI.
4091 GLUSTER_VOLUME_REBALANCE_NOT_FOUND_FROM_CLI Warning Could not find information for rebalance on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName} from CLI. Marking it as unknown.
4092 REMOVE_GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICKS_NOT_FOUND_FROM_CLI Warning Could not find information for remove brick on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of Cluster ${VdsGroupName} from CLI. Marking it as unknown.
4093 GLUSTER_VOLUME_DETAILS_REFRESH Info Refreshed details of the volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4094 GLUSTER_VOLUME_DETAILS_REFRESH_FAILED Error Failed to refresh the details of volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4095 GLUSTER_HOST_UUID_ALREADY_EXISTS Error Gluster UUID of host ${VdsName} on Cluster ${VdsGroupName} already exists.
4096 USER_FORCE_SELECTED_SPM_STOP_FAILED Error Failed to force select ${VdsName} as the SPM due to a failure to stop the current SPM.
4097 GLUSTER_GEOREP_SESSION_DELETED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected deletion of geo-replication session ${geoRepSessionKey} from volume ${glusterVolumeName}
4098 GLUSTER_GEOREP_SESSION_DETECTED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected new geo-replication session ${geoRepSessionKey} for volume ${glusterVolumeName}. Adding it to engine.
4099 GLUSTER_GEOREP_SESSION_REFRESH Info Refreshed geo-replication sessions for volume ${glusterVolumeName}.
4100 GLUSTER_GEOREP_SESSION_REFRESH_FAILED Error Failed to refresh geo-replication sessions for volume ${glusterVolumeName}.
4101 GEOREP_SESSION_STOP Info Geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName} has been stopped.
4102 GEOREP_SESSION_STOP_FAILED Error Failed to stop geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName}
4103 GEOREP_SESSION_DELETED Info Geo-replication session deleted on volume ${glusterVolumeName}
4104 GEOREP_SESSION_DELETE_FAILED Error Failed to delete geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName}
4105 GLUSTER_GEOREP_CONFIG_SET Info Configuration ${key} has been set to ${value} on the geo-rep session ${geoRepSessionKey}.
4106 GLUSTER_GEOREP_CONFIG_SET_FAILED Error Failed to set the configuration ${key} to ${value} on geo-rep session ${geoRepSessionKey}.
4107 GLUSTER_GEOREP_CONFIG_LIST Info Refreshed configuration options for geo-replication session ${geoRepSessionKey}
4108 GLUSTER_GEOREP_CONFIG_LIST_FAILED Error Failed to refresh configuration options for geo-replication session ${geoRepSessionKey}
4109 GLUSTER_GEOREP_CONFIG_SET_DEFAULT Info Configuration of ${key} of session ${geoRepSessionKey} reset to its default value .
4110 GLUSTER_GEOREP_CONFIG_SET_DEFAULT_FAILED Error Failed to set ${key} of session ${geoRepSessionKey} to its default value.
4111 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_DELETED Info Gluster volume snapshot ${snapname} deleted.
4112 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_FAILED Error Failed to delete gluster volume snapshot ${snapname}.
4113 GLUSTER_VOLUME_ALL_SNAPSHOTS_DELETED Info Deleted all the gluster volume snapshots for the volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4114 GLUSTER_VOLUME_ALL_SNAPSHOTS_DELETE_FAILED Error Failed to delete all the gluster volume snapshots for the volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4115 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ACTIVATED Info Activated the gluster volume snapshot ${snapname} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4116 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ACTIVATE_FAILED Error Failed to activate the gluster volume snapshot ${snapname} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4117 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_DEACTIVATED Info De-activated the gluster volume snapshot ${snapname} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4118 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_DEACTIVATE_FAILED Error Failed to de-activate gluster volume snapshot ${snapname} on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4119 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_RESTORED Info Restored the volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} to the state of gluster volume snapshot ${snapname}.
4120 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE_FAILED Error Failed to restore the volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} to the state of gluster volume snapshot ${snapname}.
4121 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CONFIG_UPDATED Info Updated Gluster volume snapshot configuration(s).
4122 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CONFIG_UPDATE_FAILED Error Failed to update gluster volume snapshot configuration(s).
4123 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CONFIG_UPDATE_FAILED_PARTIALLY Error Failed to update gluster volume snapshot configuration(s) ${failedSnapshotConfigs}.
4124 NEW_STORAGE_DEVICE_DETECTED Info Found new storage device ${storageDevice} on host ${VdsName}, and added it to engine DB."
4125 STORAGE_DEVICE_REMOVED_FROM_THE_HOST Info Detected deletion of storage device ${storageDevice} on host ${VdsName}, and deleting it from engine DB."
4126 SYNC_STORAGE_DEVICES_IN_HOST Info Manually synced the storage devices from host ${VdsName}
4127 SYNC_STORAGE_DEVICES_IN_HOST_FAILED Error Failed to sync storage devices from host ${VdsName}
4128 GEOREP_OPTION_SET_FROM_CLI Warning Detected new option ${key}
4129 GEOREP_OPTION_CHANGED_FROM_CLI Warning Detected change in value of option ${key} from ${oldValue} to ${value} for geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and updated it to engine.
4130 GLUSTER_MASTER_VOLUME_STOP_FAILED_DURING_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE Error Could not stop master volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} during snapshot restore.
4131 GLUSTER_MASTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE_FAILED Error Could not restore master volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4132 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CREATED Info Snapshot ${snapname} created for volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4133 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_FAILED Error Could not create snapshot for volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4134 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULED Info Snapshots scheduled on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4135 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_FAILED Error Failed to schedule snapshots on the volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4136 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_RESCHEDULED Info Rescheduled snapshots on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4137 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_RESCHEDULE_FAILED Error Failed to reschedule snapshots on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4138 CREATE_GLUSTER_BRICK Info Brick ${brickName} created successfully on host ${vdsName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4139 CREATE_GLUSTER_BRICK_FAILED Error Failed to create brick ${brickName} on host ${vdsName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4140 GLUSTER_GEO_REP_PUB_KEY_FETCH_FAILED Error Failed to fetch public keys.
4141 GLUSTER_GET_PUB_KEY Info Public key fetched.
4142 GLUSTER_GEOREP_PUBLIC_KEY_WRITE_FAILED Error Failed to write public keys to ${VdsName}
4143 GLUSTER_WRITE_PUB_KEYS Info Public keys written to ${VdsName}
4144 GLUSTER_GEOREP_SETUP_MOUNT_BROKER_FAILED Error Failed to setup geo-replication mount broker for user ${geoRepUserName} on the slave volume ${geoRepSlaveVolumeName}.
4145 GLUSTER_SETUP_GEOREP_MOUNT_BROKER Info Geo-replication mount broker has been setup for user ${geoRepUserName} on the slave volume ${geoRepSlaveVolumeName}.
4146 GLUSTER_GEOREP_SESSION_CREATE_FAILED Error Failed to create geo-replication session between master volume : ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} and slave volume : ${geoRepSlaveVolumeName} for the user ${geoRepUserName}.
4147 CREATE_GLUSTER_VOLUME_GEOREP_SESSION Info Created geo-replication session between master volume : ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} and slave volume : ${geoRepSlaveVolumeName} for the user ${geoRepUserName}.
4148 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_SOFT_LIMIT_REACHED Info Gluster Volume Snapshot soft limit reached for the volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4149 HOST_FEATURES_INCOMPATIBILE_WITH_CLUSTER Error Host ${VdsName} does not comply with the list of features supported by cluster ${VdsGroupName}. ${UnSupportedFeature} is not supported by the Host
4150 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_DELETED Info Snapshot schedule deleted for volume ${glusterVolumeName} of ${vdsGroupName}.
4151 GLUSTER_BRICK_STATUS_DOWN Info Status of brick ${brickpath} of volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName} is down.
4152 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_DETECTED_NEW Info Found new gluster volume snapshot ${snapname} for volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and added it to engine DB."
4153 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_DELETED_FROM_CLI Info Detected deletion of gluster volume snapshot ${snapname} for volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and deleting it from engine DB."
4154 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CLUSTER_CONFIG_DETECTED_NEW Info Found new gluster volume snapshot configuration ${snapConfigName} with value ${snapConfigValue} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and added it to engine DB."
4155 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_VOLUME_CONFIG_DETECTED_NEW Info Found new gluster volume snapshot configuration ${snapConfigName} with value ${snapConfigValue} for volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${VdsGroupName}, and added it to engine DB."
4156 GLUSTER_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_HARD_LIMIT_REACHED Info Gluster Volume Snapshot hard limit reached for the volume ${glusterVolumeName} on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4157 GLUSTER_CLI_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_DISABLE_FAILED Error Failed to disable gluster CLI based snapshot schedule on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4158 GLUSTER_CLI_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_DISABLED Info Disabled gluster CLI based scheduling successfully on cluster ${vdsGroupName}.
4159 SET_UP_PASSWORDLESS_SSH Info Password-less SSH has been setup for user ${geoRepUserName} on the nodes of remote volume ${geoRepSlaveVolumeName} from the nodes of the volume ${glusterVolumeName}.
4160 SET_UP_PASSWORDLESS_SSH_FAILED Error Failed to setup Passwordless ssh for user ${geoRepUserName} on the nodes of remote volume ${geoRepSlaveVolumeName} from the nodes of the volume ${glusterVolumeName}.
4436 GLUSTER_SERVER_ADD_FAILED Error Failed to add host ${VdsName} into Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4437 GLUSTER_SERVERS_LIST_FAILED Error Failed to fetch gluster peer list from server ${VdsName} on Cluster ${VdsGroupName}.
4595 GLUSTER_VOLUME_GEO_REP_START_FAILED_EXCEPTION Error Failed to start geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName}
4596 GLUSTER_VOLUME_GEO_REP_START Info Geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName} has been started.
4597 GLUSTER_VOLUME_GEO_REP_PAUSE_FAILED Error Failed to pause geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4598 GLUSTER_VOLUME_GEO_REP_RESUME_FAILED Error Failed to resume geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName}
4599 GLUSTER_VOLUME_GEO_REP_RESUME Info Geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} has been resumed.
4600 GLUSTER_VOLUME_GEO_REP_PAUSE Info Geo-replication session on volume ${glusterVolumeName} of cluster ${vdsGroupName} has been paused.
9000 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_IS_NOT_CONFIGURED Info Failed to verify Power Management configuration for Host ${VdsName}.
9001 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED Info Power Management test failed for Host ${VdsName}.${Reason}
9002 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_OPERATION_FAILED Info Failed to power fence host ${VdsName}. Please check the host status and it's power management settings, and then manually reboot it and click "Confirm Host Has Been Rebooted"
9003 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_OPERATION_SKIPPED Info Host ${VdsName} became non responsive. It has no power management configured. Please check the host status, manually reboot it, and click "Confirm Host Has Been Rebooted"
9004 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_NO_PROXY_HOST Info There is no other host in the data center that can be used to test the power management settings.
9005 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_STATUS_VERIFICATION_FAILED Info Failed to verify Host ${Host} ${Status} status, Please ${Status} Host ${Host} manually.
9006 CANNOT_HIBERNATE_RUNNING_VMS_AFTER_CLUSTER_CPU_UPGRADE Warning Hibernation of VMs after CPU upgrade of Cluster ${VdsGroup} is not supported. Please stop and restart those VMs in case you wish to hibernate them
9007 VDS_ALERT_SECONDARY_AGENT_USED_FOR_FENCE_OPERATION Info Secondary fence agent was used to ${Operation} Host ${VdsName}
9008 VDS_HOST_NOT_RESPONDING_CONNECTING Warning Host ${VdsName} is not responding. It will stay in Connecting state for a grace period of ${Seconds} seconds and after that an attempt to fence the host will be issued.
9009 VDS_ALERT_PM_HEALTH_CHECK_FENCE_AGENT_NON_RESPONSIVE Info Health check on Host ${VdsName} indicates that Fence-Agent ${AgentId} is non-responsive.
9010 VDS_ALERT_PM_HEALTH_CHECK_START_MIGHT_FAIL Info Health check on Host ${VdsName} indicates that future attempts to Start this host using Power-Management are expected to fail.
9011 VDS_ALERT_PM_HEALTH_CHECK_STOP_MIGHT_FAIL Info Health check on Host ${VdsName} indicates that future attempts to Stop this host using Power-Management are expected to fail.
9012 VDS_ALERT_PM_HEALTH_CHECK_RESTART_MIGHT_FAIL Info Health check on Host ${VdsName} indicates that future attempts to Restart this host using Power-Management are expected to fail.
9013 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_OPERATION_SKIPPED_BROKEN_CONNECTIVITY Info Host ${VdsName} became non responsive and was not restarted due to Fencing Policy: ${Percents} percents of the Hosts in the Cluster have connectivity issues.
9014 VDS_ALERT_NOT_RESTARTED_DUE_TO_POLICY Info Host ${VdsName} became non responsive and was not restarted due to the Cluster Fencing Policy.
9015 VDS_ALERT_FENCE_DISABLED_BY_CLUSTER_POLICY Info Host ${VdsName} became Non Responsive and was not restarted due to disabled fencing in the Cluster Fencing Policy.
9016 FENCE_DISABLED_IN_CLUSTER_POLICY Info Fencing is disabled in Fencing Policy of the Cluster ${VdsGroupName}, so HA VMs running on a non-responsive host will not be restarted elsewhere.
9017 FENCE_OPERATION_STARTED Info Power management ${Action} of Host ${VdsName} initiated.
9018 FENCE_OPERATION_SUCCEEDED Info Power management ${Action} of Host ${VdsName} succeeded.
9019 FENCE_OPERATION_FAILED Error Power management ${Action} of Host ${VdsName} failed.
9020 FENCE_OPERATION_USING_AGENT_AND_PROXY_STARTED Info Executing power management ${Action} on Host ${Host} using Proxy Host ${ProxyHost} and Fence Agent ${AgentType}:${AgentIp}.
9021 FENCE_OPERATION_USING_AGENT_AND_PROXY_FAILED Warning Execution of power management ${Action} on Host ${Host} using Proxy Host ${ProxyHost} and Fence Agent ${AgentType}:${AgentIp} failed.
9022 ENGINE_NO_FULL_BACKUP Info There is no full backup available, please run engine-backup to prevent data loss in case of corruption.
9023 ENGINE_NO_WARM_BACKUP Info Full backup was created on ${Date} and it's too old. Please run engine-backup to prevent data loss in case of corruption.
9024 ENGINE_BACKUP_STARTED Normal Engine backup started.
9025 ENGINE_BACKUP_COMPLETED Normal Engine backup completed successfully.
9026 ENGINE_BACKUP_FAILED Error Engine backup failed.
9500 TASK_STOPPING_ASYNC_TASK Info Stopping async task ${CommandName} that started at ${Date}
9501 TASK_CLEARING_ASYNC_TASK Info Clearing asynchronous task ${CommandName} that started at ${Date}
9506 USER_ACTIVATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED_ASYNC Warning Failed to autorecover Storage Domain ${StorageDomainName} (Data Center ${StoragePoolName}).
9600 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_VM_INVALID_INTERFACES Warning While importing VM ${EntityName}, the Network/s ${Networks} were found to be Non-VM Networks or do not exist in Cluster or are missing a suitable VM network interface profile. Network Name was not set in the Interface/s ${Interfaces}.
9601 VDS_SET_NON_OPERATIONAL_VM_NETWORK_IS_BRIDGELESS Warning Host ${VdsName} does not comply with the cluster ${VdsGroupName} networks, the following VM networks are non-VM networks: '${Networks}'
9602 HA_VM_FAILED Error Highly Available VM ${VmName} failed. It will be restarted automatically.
9603 HA_VM_RESTART_FAILED Error Restart of the Highly Available VM ${VmName} failed.
9604 EMULATED_MACHINES_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_CLUSTER Warning Host ${VdsName} does not comply with the cluster ${VdsGroupName} emulated machine. The cluster emulated machine is ${clusterEmulatedMachines} and the host emulated machines are ${hostSupportedEmulatedMachines}.
9605 EXCEEDED_MAXIMUM_NUM_OF_RESTART_HA_VM_ATTEMPTS Error Highly Available VM ${VmName} could not be restarted automatically, exceeded the maximum number of attempts.
9606 IMPORTEXPORT_SNAPSHOT_VM_INVALID_INTERFACES Warning While previewing a snapshot of VM ${EntityName}, the Network/s ${Networks} were found to be Non-VM Networks or do not exist in Cluster. Network Name was not set in the Interface/s ${Interfaces}.
9607 ADD_VM_FROM_SNAPSHOT_INVALID_INTERFACES Warning While adding vm ${EntityName} from snapshot, the Network/s ${Networks} were found to be Non-VM Networks or do not exist in Cluster. Network Name was not set in the Interface/s ${Interfaces}.
9608 RNG_SOURCES_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_CLUSTER Warning Host ${VdsName} does not comply with the cluster ${VdsGroupName} Random Number Generator sources. The Hosts supported sources are: ${hostSupportedRngSources}; and the cluster requirements are: ${clusterRequiredRngSources}.
9609 EMULATED_MACHINES_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_CLUSTER_LEVEL Warning Host ${VdsName} does not comply with the cluster ${VdsGroupName} emulated machines. The current cluster compatibility level supports ${clusterEmulatedMachines} and the host emulated machines are ${hostSupportedEmulatedMachines}.
9610 MIXING_RHEL_VERSIONS_IN_CLUSTER Warning Not possible to mix RHEL 6.x and 7.x hosts in one cluster. Tried adding ${addingRhel} host to a cluster with ${previousRhel} hosts.
9700 DWH_STARTED Info ETL Service started.
9701 DWH_STOPPED Info ETL Service stopped.
9704 DWH_ERROR Error Error in ETL Service.
9801 EXTERNAL_EVENT_NORMAL Info An external event with NORMAL severity has been added.
9802 EXTERNAL_EVENT_WARNING Warning An external event with WARNING severity has been added.
9803 EXTERNAL_EVENT_ERROR Error An external event with ERROR severity has been added.
9804 EXTERNAL_ALERT Info An external event with ALERT severity has been added.
9901 WATCHDOG_EVENT Warning Watchdog event (${wdaction}) triggered on ${VmName} at ${wdevent} (host time).
9910 USER_ADD_CLUSTER_POLICY Info Scheduling Policy ${ClusterPolicy} was added. (User: ${UserName})
9911 USER_FAILED_TO_ADD_CLUSTER_POLICY Error Failed to add Scheduling Policy: ${ClusterPolicy}. (User: ${UserName})
9912 USER_UPDATE_CLUSTER_POLICY Info Scheduling Policy ${ClusterPolicy} was updated. (User: ${UserName})
9913 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_CLUSTER_POLICY Error Failed to update Scheduling Policy: ${ClusterPolicy}. (User: ${UserName})
9914 USER_REMOVE_CLUSTER_POLICY Info Scheduling Policy ${ClusterPolicy} was removed. (User: ${UserName})
9915 USER_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_CLUSTER_POLICY Error Failed to remove Scheduling Policy: ${ClusterPolicy}. (User: ${UserName})
9920 FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_SCHEDULER_PROXY Error Failed to connect to external scheduler proxy. External filters, scoring functions and load balancing will not be performed.
10000 VDS_UNTRUSTED Error Host ${VdsName} was set to non-operational. Host is not trusted by the attestation service.
10001 USER_UPDATE_VM_FROM_TRUSTED_TO_UNTRUSTED Warning The VM ${VmName} was updated from trusted cluster to non-trusted cluster.
10002 USER_UPDATE_VM_FROM_UNTRUSTED_TO_TRUSTED Warning The VM ${VmName} was updated from non-trusted cluster to trusted cluster.
10003 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_VM_FROM_TRUSTED_TO_UNTRUSTED Warning The VM ${VmName} was created in trusted cluster and imported into a non-trusted cluster
10004 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_VM_FROM_UNTRUSTED_TO_TRUSTED Warning The VM ${VmName} was created in non-trusted cluster and imported into a trusted cluster
10005 USER_ADD_VM_FROM_TRUSTED_TO_UNTRUSTED Warning The VM ${VmName} was created in an untrusted cluster. It was originated from the Template ${VmTemplateName} which was created in a trusted cluster.
10006 USER_ADD_VM_FROM_UNTRUSTED_TO_TRUSTED Warning The VM ${VmName} was created in a trusted cluster. It was originated from the Template ${VmTemplateName} which was created in an untrusted cluster.
10007 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_FROM_TRUSTED_TO_UNTRUSTED Warning The Template ${VmTemplateName} was created in trusted cluster and imported into a non-trusted cluster
10008 IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_FROM_UNTRUSTED_TO_TRUSTED Warning The Template ${VmTemplateName} was created in non-trusted cluster and imported into a trusted cluster
10009 USER_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE_FROM_TRUSTED_TO_UNTRUSTED Warning The non-trusted Template ${VmTemplateName} was created from trusted Vm ${VmName}.
10010 USER_ADD_VM_TEMPLATE_FROM_UNTRUSTED_TO_TRUSTED Warning The trusted template ${VmTemplateName} was created from non-trusted Vm ${VmName}.
10011 USER_UPDATE_VM_TEMPLATE_FROM_TRUSTED_TO_UNTRUSTED Warning The Template ${VmTemplateName} was updated from trusted cluster to non-trusted cluster.
10012 USER_UPDATE_VM_TEMPLATE_FROM_UNTRUSTED_TO_TRUSTED Warning The Template ${VmTemplateName} was updated from non-trusted cluster to trusted cluster.
10100 USER_ADDED_NETWORK_QOS Info Network QoS ${QosName} was added. (User: ${UserName})
10101 USER_FAILED_TO_ADD_NETWORK_QOS Error Failed to add Network QoS ${QosName}. (User: ${UserName})
10102 USER_REMOVED_NETWORK_QOS Info Network QoS ${QosName} was removed. (User: ${UserName})
10103 USER_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_NETWORK_QOS Error Failed to remove Network QoS ${QosName}. (User: ${UserName})
10104 USER_UPDATED_NETWORK_QOS Info Network QoS ${QosName} was updated. (User: ${UserName})
10105 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_NETWORK_QOS Error Failed to update Network QoS ${QosName}. (User: ${UserName})
10110 USER_ADDED_QOS Info QoS ${QoSName} was added. (User: ${UserName})
10111 USER_FAILED_TO_ADD_QOS Error Failed to add QoS ${QoSName}. (User: ${UserName})
10112 USER_REMOVED_QOS Info QoS ${QoSName} was removed. (User: ${UserName})
10113 USER_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_QOS Error Failed to remove QoS ${QoSName}. (User: ${UserName})
10114 USER_UPDATED_QOS Info QoS ${QoSName} was updated. (User: ${UserName})
10115 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_QOS Error Failed to update QoS ${QoSName}. (User: ${UserName})
10120 USER_ADDED_DISK_PROFILE Info Disk Profile ${ProfileName} was successfully added (User: ${UserName}).
10121 USER_FAILED_TO_ADD_DISK_PROFILE Error Failed to add Disk Profile (User: ${UserName}).
10122 USER_REMOVED_DISK_PROFILE Info Disk Profile ${ProfileName} was successfully removed (User: ${UserName}).
10123 USER_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_DISK_PROFILE Error Failed to remove Disk Profile ${ProfileName} (User: ${UserName}).
10124 USER_UPDATED_DISK_PROFILE Info Disk Profile ${ProfileName} was successfully updated (User: ${UserName}).
10125 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_DISK_PROFILE Error Failed to update Disk Profile ${ProfileName} (User: ${UserName}).
10130 USER_ADDED_CPU_PROFILE Info CPU Profile ${ProfileName} was successfully added (User: ${UserName}).
10131 USER_FAILED_TO_ADD_CPU_PROFILE Error Failed to add CPU Profile (User: ${UserName}).
10132 USER_REMOVED_CPU_PROFILE Info CPU Profile ${ProfileName} was successfully removed (User: ${UserName}).
10133 USER_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_CPU_PROFILE Error Failed to remove CPU Profile ${ProfileName} (User: ${UserName}).
10134 USER_UPDATED_CPU_PROFILE Info CPU Profile ${ProfileName} was successfully updated (User: ${UserName}).
10135 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_CPU_PROFILE Error Failed to update CPU Profile ${ProfileName} (User: ${UserName}).
10200 USER_UPDATED_MOM_POLICIES Info Mom policy was updated on host ${VdsName}.
10201 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_MOM_POLICIES Warning Mom policy could not be updated on host ${VdsName}.
10250 PM_POLICY_UP_TO_MAINTENANCE Info Host ${Host} is not currently needed, activating maintenance mode in preparation for shutdown.
10251 PM_POLICY_MAINTENANCE_TO_DOWN Info Host ${Host} is not currently needed, shutting down.
10252 PM_POLICY_TO_UP Info Reactivating host ${Host} according to the current power management policy.
10300 CLUSTER_ALERT_HA_RESERVATION Info Cluster ${ClusterName} failed the HA Reservation check, HA VMs on host(s): ${Hosts} will fail to migrate in case of a failover, consider adding resources or shutting down unused VMs.
10301 CLUSTER_ALERT_HA_RESERVATION_DOWN Info Cluster ${ClusterName} passed the HA Reservation check.
10350 USER_ADDED_AFFINITY_GROUP Info Affinity Group ${affinityGroupName} was added. (User: ${UserName})
10351 USER_FAILED_TO_ADD_AFFINITY_GROUP Error Failed to add Affinity Group ${affinityGroupName}. (User: ${UserName})
10352 USER_UPDATED_AFFINITY_GROUP Info Affinity Group ${affinityGroupName} was updated. (User: ${UserName})
10353 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_AFFINITY_GROUP Error Failed to update Affinity Group ${affinityGroupName}. (User: ${UserName})
10354 USER_REMOVED_AFFINITY_GROUP Info Affinity Group ${affinityGroupName} was removed. (User: ${UserName})
10355 USER_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_AFFINITY_GROUP Error Failed to remove Affinity Group ${affinityGroupName}. (User: ${UserName})
10400 ISCSI_BOND_ADD_SUCCESS Info iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}' was successfully created in Data Center '${StoragePoolName}'.
10401 ISCSI_BOND_ADD_FAILED Error Failed to create iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}' in Data Center '${StoragePoolName}'.
10402 ISCSI_BOND_EDIT_SUCCESS Info iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}' was successfully updated.
10403 ISCSI_BOND_EDIT_FAILED Error Failed to update iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}'.
10404 ISCSI_BOND_REMOVE_SUCCESS Info iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}' was removed from Data Center '${StoragePoolName}'
10405 ISCSI_BOND_REMOVE_FAILED Error Failed to remove iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}' from Data Center '${StoragePoolName}'
10406 ISCSI_BOND_EDIT_SUCCESS_WITH_WARNING Warning iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}' was successfully updated but some of the hosts encountered connection issues.
10407 ISCSI_BOND_ADD_SUCCESS_WITH_WARNING Warning iSCSI bond '${IscsiBondName}' was successfully created in Data Center '${StoragePoolName}' but some of the hosts encountered connection issues.
10450 USER_SET_HOSTED_ENGINE_MAINTENANCE Info Hosted Engine HA maintenance mode was updated on host ${VdsName}.
10451 USER_FAILED_TO_SET_HOSTED_ENGINE_MAINTENANCE Error Hosted Engine HA maintenance mode could not be updated on host ${VdsName}.
10452 VDS_MAINTENANCE_MANUAL_HA Warning Host ${VdsName} was switched to Maintenance mode, but Hosted Engine HA maintenance could not be enabled. Please enable it manually.
10453 USER_VDS_MAINTENANCE_MANUAL_HA Warning Host ${VdsName} was switched to Maintenance mode by ${UserName}, but Hosted Engine HA maintenance could not be enabled. Please enable it manually.
10454 VDS_ACTIVATE_MANUAL_HA Warning Host ${VdsName} was activated by ${UserName}, but the Hosted Engine HA service may still be in maintenance mode. If necessary, please correct this manually.
10455 VDS_ACTIVATE_MANUAL_HA_ASYNC Warning Host ${VdsName} was autorecovered, but the Hosted Engine HA service may still be in maintenance mode. If necessary, please correct this manually.
10456 HOSTED_ENGINE_VM_IMPORT_SUCCEEDED Normal Hosted Engine VM was imported successfully
10460 HOSTED_ENGINE_DOMAIN_IMPORT_SUCCEEDED Normal Hosted Engine storage domain imported successfully
10461 HOSTED_ENGINE_DOMAIN_IMPORT_FAILED Error Failed to import the Hosted Engine Storage Domain
10500 EXTERNAL_SCHEDULER_PLUGIN_ERROR Error Running the external scheduler plugin '${PluginName}' failed: '${ErrorMessage}'
10501 EXTERNAL_SCHEDULER_ERROR Error Running the external scheduler failed: '${ErrorMessage}'
10550 VM_SLA_POLICY Info VM ${VmName} SLA Policy was set. CPU limit is set to ${cpuLimit}
10551 FAILED_VM_SLA_POLICY Error Failed to set SLA Policy to VM ${VmName}. Underlying error message: ${ErrorMessage}
10600 USER_REMOVE_AUDIT_LOG Info Event list message ${AuditLogId} was removed by User ${UserName}.
10601 USER_REMOVE_AUDIT_LOG_FAILED Error User ${UserName} failed to remove event list message ${AuditLogId}.
10700 MAC_POOL_ADD_SUCCESS Info MAC Pool '${MacPoolName}' (id
10701 MAC_POOL_ADD_FAILED Error Failed to create MAC Pool '${MacPoolName}'. (User: ${UserName})
10702 MAC_POOL_EDIT_SUCCESS Info MAC Pool '${MacPoolName}' (id
10703 MAC_POOL_EDIT_FAILED Error Failed to update MAC Pool '${MacPoolName}' (id
10704 MAC_POOL_REMOVE_SUCCESS Info MAC Pool '${MacPoolName}' (id
10705 MAC_POOL_REMOVE_FAILED Error Failed to remove MAC Pool '${MacPoolName}' (id
10750 CINDER_PROVIDER_ERROR Error An error occurred on Cinder provider: '${CinderException}'
10751 CINDER_DISK_CONNECTION_FAILURE Error Failed to retrieve connection information for Cinder Disk '${DiskAlias}'.
10752 CINDER_DISK_CONNECTION_VOLUME_DRIVER_UNSUPPORTED Error Unsupported volume driver for Cinder Disk '${DiskAlias}'.
10753 USER_FINISHED_FAILED_REMOVE_CINDER_DISK Error Failed to remove disk ${DiskAlias} from storage domain ${StorageDomainName}. The following entity id could not be deleted from the Cinder provider '${imageId}'. (User: ${UserName}).
10754 USER_ADDED_LIBVIRT_SECRET Info Authentication Key ${LibvirtSecretUUID} was added. (User: ${UserName}).
10755 USER_FAILED_TO_ADD_LIBVIRT_SECRET Error Failed to add Authentication Key ${LibvirtSecretUUID}. (User: ${UserName}).
10756 USER_UPDATE_LIBVIRT_SECRET Info Authentication Key ${LibvirtSecretUUID} was updated. (User: ${UserName}).
10757 USER_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_LIBVIRT_SECRET Error Failed to update Authentication Key ${LibvirtSecretUUID}. (User: ${UserName}).
10758 USER_REMOVED_LIBVIRT_SECRET Info Authentication Key ${LibvirtSecretUUID} was removed. (User: ${UserName}).
10759 USER_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_LIBVIRT_SECRET Error Failed to remove Authentication Key ${LibvirtSecretUUID}. (User: ${UserName}).
10760 FAILED_TO_REGISTER_LIBVIRT_SECRET Error Failed to register Authentication Keys for storage domain ${StorageDomainName} on host ${VdsName}.
10761 FAILED_TO_UNREGISTER_LIBVIRT_SECRET Error Failed to unregister Authentication Keys for storage domain ${StorageDomainName} on host ${VdsName}.
10762 FAILED_TO_REGISTER_LIBVIRT_SECRET_ON_VDS Error Failed to register Authentication Keys on host ${VdsName}.
10763 NO_LIBRBD_PACKAGE_AVAILABLE_ON_VDS Error Librbd1 package is not available on host ${VdsName}, which is mandatory for using Cinder storage domains.
10764 FAILED_TO_FREEZE_VM Warning Failed to freeze guest filesystems on VM ${VmName}. Note that using the created snapshot might cause data inconsistency.
10765 FAILED_TO_THAW_VM Warning Failed to thaw guest filesystems on VM ${VmName}. The filesystems might be unresponsive until the VM is restarted.
10766 FREEZE_VM_INITIATED Normal Freeze of guest filesystems on VM ${VmName} was initiated.
10767 FREEZE_VM_SUCCESS Normal Guest filesystems on VM ${VmName} have been frozen successfully.
10768 THAW_VM_SUCCESS Normal Guest filesystems on VM ${VmName} have been thawed successfully.
10769 USER_FAILED_TO_FREEZE_VM Warning Failed to freeze guest filesystems on ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
10770 USER_FAILED_TO_THAW_VM Warning Failed to thaw guest filesystems on ${VmName} (Host: ${VdsName}, User: ${UserName}).
10771 VDS_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_GLUSTERFS Error Host ${VdsName} cannot connect to Glusterfs. Verify that glusterfs-cli package is installed on the host.
10780 AFFINITY_RULES_ENFORCEMENT_MANAGER_START Normal Affinity Rules Enforcement Manager started.
10800 VM_ADD_HOST_DEVICES Info Host devices ${NamesAdded} were attached to Vm ${VmName} by User ${UserName}.
10801 VM_REMOVE_HOST_DEVICES Info Host devices ${NamesRemoved} were detached from Vm ${VmName} by User ${UserName}.
10802 VDS_BROKER_COMMAND_FAILURE Error VDSM ${VdsName} command failed: ${message}
10803 IRS_BROKER_COMMAND_FAILURE Error VDSM command failed: ${message}
10804 VDS_UNKNOWN_HOST Error The address of host ${VdsName} could not be determined
10810 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_UP_REPORTING_HOSTS Normal Data Center ${StoragePoolName} status was changed to UP as some of its hosts are in status UP.
10811 SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_NON_RESPONSIVE_NO_REPORTING_HOSTS Info Data Center ${StoragePoolName} status was changed to Non Responsive as none of its hosts are in status UP.
10900 HOST_SYNC_ALL_NETWORKS_FAILED Error Failed to sync all host ${VdsName} networks
10901 HOST_SYNC_ALL_NETWORKS_FINISHED Info Managed to sync all host ${VdsName} networks.
10902 PERSIST_HOST_SETUP_NETWORK_ON_HOST Info (${Sequence}/${Total}): Applying network's changes on host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
10903 PERSIST_SETUP_NETWORK_ON_HOST_FINISHED Info (${Sequence}/${Total}): Successfully applied changes on host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
10904 PERSIST_SETUP_NETWORK_ON_HOST_FAILED Error (${Sequence}/${Total}): Failed to apply changes on host ${VdsName}. (User: ${UserName})
11000 USER_ADD_EXTERNAL_JOB Info New external Job ${description} was added by user ${UserName}
11001 USER_ADD_EXTERNAL_JOB_FAILED Error Failed to add new external Job ${description}
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