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7.7. Templates and Permissions
7.7.1. Managing System Permissions for a Template
As the SuperUser, the system administrator manages all aspects of the Administration Portal. More specific administrative roles can be assigned to other users. These restricted administrator roles are useful for granting a user administrative privileges that limit them to a specific resource. For example, a DataCenterAdmin role has administrator privileges only for the assigned data center with the exception of the storage for that data center, and a ClusterAdmin has administrator privileges only for the assigned cluster.
A template administrator is a system administration role for templates in a data center. This role can be applied to specific virtual machines, to a data center, or to the whole virtualized environment; this is useful to allow different users to manage certain virtual resources.
The template administrator role permits the following actions:
- Create, edit, export, and remove associated templates.
- Import and export templates.
You can only assign roles and permissions to existing users.
7.7.2. Template Administrator Roles Explained
The table below describes the administrator roles and privileges applicable to template administration.
Role | Privileges | Notes |
TemplateAdmin | Can perform all operations on templates. | Has privileges to create, delete and configure a template’s storage domain and network details, and to move templates between domains. |
NetworkAdmin | Network Administrator | Can configure and manage networks attached to templates. |
7.7.3. Assigning an Administrator or User Role to a Resource
Assign administrator or user roles to resources to allow users to access or manage that resource.
Assigning a Role to a Resource
- Use the resource tabs, tree mode, or the search function to find and select the resource in the results list.
- Click the resource’s name to go to the details view.
- Click the Permissions tab to list the assigned users, the user’s role, and the inherited permissions for the selected resource.
- Click .
- Enter the name or user name of an existing user into the Search text box and click Go. Select a user from the resulting list of possible matches.
- Select a role from the Role to Assign: drop-down list.
- Click .
You have assigned a role to a user; the user now has the inherited permissions of that role enabled for that resource.
7.7.4. Removing an Administrator or User Role from a Resource
Remove an administrator or user role from a resource; the user loses the inherited permissions associated with the role for that resource.
Removing a Role from a Resource
- Use the resource tabs, tree mode, or the search function to find and select the resource in the results list.
- Click the resource’s name to go to the details view.
- Click the Permissions tab to list the assigned users, the user’s role, and the inherited permissions for the selected resource.
- Select the user to remove from the resource.
- Click Remove Permission window opens to confirm permissions removal. . The
- Click .
You have removed the user’s role, and the associated permissions, from the resource.