
14.2. Importing a Root Certificate

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First, change directories into the NSS DB:
  • cd /path/to/nssdb
Ensure that your web service is taken offline (stopped, disabled, etc.) while performing these steps and ensure no concurrent access to the NSS DB by other processes (such as a browser). Doing so may corrupt the NSS DB or result in improper usage of these certificates.
When needing to import a new root certificate, ensure you acquire this certificate in a secure manner as it will be able to sign a number of certificates. We assume you already have it in a file named ca_root.crt. Please substitute the correct name and path to this file as appropriate for your scenario.
For more information about the certutil and PKICertImport options used below, see Section 14.1, “About certutil and PKICertImport.

To import the root certificate:

  • Execute PKICertImport -d . -n "CA Root" -t "CT,C,C" -a -i ca_root.crt -u L command.
    This command validates and imports the root certificate into your NSS DB. The validation succeeds when no error message is printed and the return code is 0. To check the return code, execute echo $? immediately after executing the previous command above. In most cases, a visual error message is printed. The certificate usually fails to validate because it is expired or because it is not a CA certificate. Therefore, make sure your certificate file is correct and up-to-date. Contact the issuer and ensure that all intermediate and root certificates are present on your system.
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