
4.9. Configuring atime Updates

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Each file inode and directory inode has three time stamps associated with it:
  • ctime — The last time the inode status was changed
  • mtime — The last time the file (or directory) data was modified
  • atime — The last time the file (or directory) data was accessed
If atime updates are enabled as they are by default on GFS2 and other Linux file systems then every time a file is read, its inode needs to be updated.
Because few applications use the information provided by atime, those updates can require a significant amount of unnecessary write traffic and file locking traffic. That traffic can degrade performance; therefore, it may be preferable to turn off or reduce the frequency of atime updates.
To reduce the effects of atime updating, you can mount with the noatime option, which disables atime updates on that file system. The noatime Linux mount option can be specified when the file system is mounted, which disables atime updates on that file system.


mount BlockDevice MountPoint -o noatime
Specifies the block device where the GFS2 file system resides.
Specifies the directory where the GFS2 file system should be mounted.


In this example, the GFS2 file system resides on the /dev/vg01/lvol0 and is mounted on directory /mygfs2 with atime updates turned off.
mount /dev/vg01/lvol0 /mygfs2 -o noatime
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