
4.3. Fuse Fabric - 6.3.0

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Table 4.3, “Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 4.3. Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue NumberDescription
COLLECTIONS-580[COLLECTIONS-580] Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
CURATOR-126IllegalStateException in performBackgroundOperation during close
ENTESB-1769"Error in initialization script: Command not found: shell:if" after fabric:create on fuse with P2
ENTESB-2699EnsembleRemove.applyEnsembleConfiguration() Throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
ENTESB-3449Profile-rename Error executing command: versionId when not specifying version
ENTESB-3945Profile import in fabric results in Container 'root' does not exist
ENTESB-4012profile-import and profile-refresh don't download the latest snapshot
ENTESB-4073Creating fabric with profile fabric leads to duplicated profile
ENTESB-4138JMX mbean operation `setProfileProperty` is not working as expected.
ENTESB-4167fabric-git-server defaults to admin role and may only be associated with one role
ENTESB-4225Unable to scale down using fabric:profile-scale command
ENTESB-4362jgit errors affecting patch management
ENTESB-4367General patching problems on Windows
ENTESB-4369Standby Fuse container in active/standby configuration does not expose an SSH service since 6.2
ENTESB-4374Fabric - Services - MQ, Wiki: Patch branches are visible as versions
ENTESB-4387[Patch mechanism] Command patch:fabric-synchronize has wrong description
ENTESB-4393[Patch mechanism] Provision status freezes on installing when upgrading child container
ENTESB-4398Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
ENTESB-4399Insight: quickly and periodically refreshes Hawtio and throws errors on remote Fabric containers
ENTESB-4415Multiple Error messages while updating JBoss A-MQ using new patch mechanism
ENTESB-4422[Patch mechanism] Option --upload in command patch:fabric-install doesn't work on Windows
ENTESB-4431[Patch mechanism] Unable to upgrade ssh container with build 073 (container doesn't start)
ENTESB-4432[Patch mechanism] Cannot create child or ssh container after 6.2.0 to 073 migration in offline environment
ENTESB-4437zk group - deal with partial creation of sequential node
ENTESB-4443null log msg causes org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.adapter.LogEventAdapter to be removed
ENTESB-4451[Patch mechanism] Upgrading child container reverts to karaf default version
ENTESB-4462[Patch mechanism] Unable to rollback child container to 1.0 after upgrade
ENTESB-4469NullPointerException during patch:install
ENTESB-4470Invalid boolean value exception after rollback
ENTESB-4472[Patch mechanism] Upgrading SSH container results into wrong merged and general problem with reconnecting to fabric
ENTESB-4474patch 6.2 GA >> 621 build 73 >> build 078 fails on "auth" bundle on windows
ENTESB-4482[patching] patch:list shows patch as installed even-though installation failed with exception
ENTESB-4485Provisioning containers fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException for Maven-URL
ENTESB-4489Prevent hitting at Fabric creation
ENTESB-4491[patching] NPE in bin/setenv resolver
ENTESB-4494Fix Maven worrisome message about repos without ids
ENTESB-4496NoNode for /fabric/registry/maven/proxy/download/p_0000000002
ENTESB-4497[patching] Changes in org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg do not propagate to newer version
ENTESB-4508HTTP proxy does not work for osgi:install and profile artifact resolution at the same time
ENTESB-4574HTTP Gateway and URL parameters
ENTESB-4610Fabric gateway fails because of incorrect use of ShutdownTracker
ENTESB-4622Please update file name from jboss-fuse-full to jboss-fuse-karaf
ENTESB-4694[itests] ExampleCamelClusterTest fails in 6-3-x branch
ENTESB-4710[itests] ExampleCamelCxfTest problems in 6-3-x branch
ENTESB-4742Default "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra" configuration should be empty
ENTESB-4761Transitive Dependency on org.osgi.core 4.1.0 Breaks Unit Tests
ENTESB-4770fix swagger dependencies in Fuse BOM
ENTESB-4781fabric8 6.3 build fails with missing pom for quickstarts
ENTESB-4796Setting KARAF_DATA Results in Error When Creating Fabric
ENTESB-4808[itests] ServiceFactoryTest.testZkDisconnectFastReconnect fails sometimes on 6-3-x
ENTESB-4816[patching] Fix detection of fabric env when initalizing patch management
ENTESB-4820mvn fabric8:zip does not work for quickstart examples.
ENTESB-4827[itests] ProfileManagementJolokiaTest/ProfileManagementProxyTest fail sometimes
ENTESB-4834"start-level" property in <feature> element and 'start="false"' in <bundle> element didn't work in Fuse 6.2.1
ENTESB-4841Fabric8 - NullPointerException from GitDataStore when having hostname with underscore
ENTESB-4845java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMICachePeer_Stub (no security manager: RMI class loader disabled)
ENTESB-4862Hawtio-Viewing history on profile files throws exception
ENTESB-48866.2.1 Patching mechanism should support applying rollup patch to non-fabric child containers
ENTESB-4888OSGi configurations to the feature does not work in fabric mode if config name contains "-" character.
ENTESB-4894fabric:create command terminates a script
ENTESB-4902Fuse 6.2.1 failed to handle maven repository url with special characters like "@" for authentication parameters.
ENTESB-4903[Solaris 11] local: not found when starting fuse
ENTESB-4918The fabric:profile-export Command Does Not Export Sub-folders or Specific Profiles
ENTESB-4939When Creating a A Fabric with External Repo Configuration is Lost Unless Manually Edited in Files
ENTESB-4946wiring chain issue with package javax.servlet.http
ENTESB-4956Fabric8 HTTP gateway does not respond to container version changes without a restart
ENTESB-4957missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-4970Http gateway logs "listening at port 9000" before being unable to bind to that port.
ENTESB-4971admin permission is added to first user in users.propertie automatically by fabric:create command
ENTESB-4992patch:add allows to add empty folder
ENTESB-4994repeated ElasticSearch warning "Error executing request: MapperParsingException[failed to parse]; nested: JsonParseException[Non-standard token 'NaN': enable JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_NON_NUMERIC_NUMBERS to allow"
ENTESB-5003[Win+Karaf-service] Can't run .exe on win server 2012r2
ENTESB-5012Unnecessary default values in help of some commands
ENTESB-5014[6.3.015] Can't create SSH container
ENTESB-5022Authentication Error when Adding Containers to Ensemble
ENTESB-5029A fabric server generated by "fabric:container-create-ssh" with "--ensemble-server" option will record ERROR log during it's boot up phase
ENTESB-5034container-edit-jvm-options can not delete a jvm option and it also duplicates all "-D" options
ENTESB-5060fabric:create causes java.lang.NullPointerException
ENTESB-5065localhost:8181/hawtio/index.html not available (404)
ENTESB-5075Fabric - issue with external git repo and provisioning
ENTESB-5085Patch commands are only available with Fabric container provisioned with the jboss-fuse-full profile
ENTESB-5105Some profiles in fabric doesn't work out of the box in Fuse running in offline env
ENTESB-5107Cannot create fabric with user as member as Administrator group via bin/client script
ENTESB-5109fabric:join command should display a message if container is already connected to fabric
ENTESB-5119Problem with authentication when creating fabric
ENTESB-5120[patching] Patching admin:created container causes that all previously installed features are removed
ENTESB-5124cxf/rest quickstart "mvn -Ptest" fails
ENTESB-5138[patching] patch:fabric-install removes previously added features from default profile
ENTESB-5172Unable to install cxf-secure-rest quickstart
ENTESB-5174WARN from jetty happens very regular
ENTESB-5175All containers have to run while executing fabric:wait-for-provisioning
ENTESB-5179Maven proxy behavior broken
ENTESB-5186container-stop operation may report wrong outcome
ENTESB-5191Apparent mismatch between command count with tab completion
ENTESB-5206"Client is not started" Exception
ENTESB-5213Bump licence headers to 2016
ENTESB-5225fabric:container-delete command does not display an appropriate message
ENTESB-5228[Fabric] Support empty passwords in external git repos
ENTESB-5242Patch:show command throws NPE in case of inexistent patch
ENTESB-5253Profile update via git results in CheckoutConflictException
ENTESB-5254Container-create-ssh does not respect --new-user and --new-user-password
ENTESB-5257jsr311-api bundle not included in the distro
ENTESB-5298profile-export does not export profiles
ENTESB-5361Container-delete does not fail when the credentials are invalid
ENTESB-5395Wildcard in NCName for Camel CXF Transport in Blueprint
ENTESB-5396[patching] Upgrade of container is overriding profile properties
ENTESB-5400ChildContainers don't have correct RBAC configuration.
ENTESB-5402SSHContainers don't have correct RBAC configuration.
ENTESB-5424Pushing invalid branch name to fabric git breaks version-list
ENTESB-5433Fabric8 Maven Plugin with Multi-module Maven projects only append last module to the bundle list of the created profile on Jboss Fuse 6.2.1.
ENTESB-5437Fabric HTTP GW does not recognize query params
ENTESB-5443fabric8 jboss-fuse-full profile is missing some ACL entries for fabric:* commands
ENTESB-5448camel-cxf-contract-first building fails with ibm1.8 java
ENTESB-5453beginner/camel-log example uses invalid timer value
ENTESB-5456java.lang.NullPointerException at io.fabric8.insight.elasticsearch.plugin.InsightIndicesHousekeeperService
ENTESB-5461profile-refresh command does not update the content of added features.xml
ENTESB-5463Creating version with invalid name responds with Profile name is invalid
ENTESB-5475Missing javax.mail jar with the correct version
ENTESB-5478Downloading of artifacts is frozen due to some file locks in local repository
ENTESB-5488SSH container cannot resolve SNAPSHOT artifacts uploaded to fabric
ENTESB-5490fabric:profile-refresh is deleting the folder under the profiles.
ENTESB-5492[patching] handle better
ENTESB-5513Fabric maven proxy is not reachable by agent
ENTESB-5517[patching] allow patch descriptor files starting with jboss-fuse- or jboss-a-mq- name
ENTESB-5562fabric:create should validate the value passed to "resolver" param
ENTESB-5591Fabric git pushes rejected due to non fast forward
ENTESB-5619[itests] ARQ/pax-exam tests affected by package refresh
ENTESB-5633[patching] Problems upgrading pax-cdi, pax-web, jclouds features
ENTESB-5634[patching] Migrate serialized container metadata during patching
ENTESB-5635fabric join not allowing FQDN names throwing Container name 'abc.domain' is invalid. Container name must be: lower-case letters, numbers, and _ or - characters
ENTESB-5647Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5682Status of installed 6.2.1 R2 and R3 patch on standalone container is false
ENTESB-5691Remove fabric-groovy from fabric feature
ENTESB-5700[fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5714JVM options for Fabric managed containers are not aligned
ENTESB-5716Can't create child on 111, 115
ENTESB-5728Hawtio throws "Cannot connect to Jolokia to access this Java process" exception for user with role Monitor, while trying to access container perspective
ENTESB-5741"org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException: Invalid ref name: baseline-ssh-fabric8-1.2.0.redhat-621117"
ENTESB-5759A lot of connection refused in log when creating ssh in offline mode
ENTESB-5760Can't create child on ssh container
ENTESB-5761Ssh container in offline mode contains PatchException: can't find baseline
ENTESB-5762Can't resolve any of the quickstarts in build #125
ENTESB-5816Changing ZooKeeper settings invalidates ZK client session
ENTESB-5820HTTP gateway does not show CXF endpoints after container restart
ENTESB-5832Fabric - Wiki: Void profiles version "container-history" appeared
ENTESB-5836PatchException during AMQ container fabric:join
ENTESB-5854etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg overwritten with default values on first start not updated after ensemble-add across profiles
ENTESB-5914patch:add allows to add incorrect file
ENTESB-5926rest and secure-rest quickstarts do not work on fabric
ENTESB-5935intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5938After Multiple Profile Deployments Fabric Container Runs Out of PermGen Space
ENTESB-5947Increase default ZooKeeper Retry and Retry Interval
ENTESB-5951Shell SCR bundle redeploy loop with camel-amq quickstart
ENTESB-5957Many fabric8 patching tests are failing on windows with UnsupportedOperationException
ENTESB-5958Fabric - Services - Containers: Containers list disappears when a container migrated to a version not containing one of the current profiles
ENTESB-5986REST Endpoints are registered under /fabric/registry/clusters/apis/ws/ instead of ..apis/rest
ENTESB-6003handle PID file delete during patching
ENTESB-6011Unable to patch fabric root container, when registered as system service on windows
ENTESB-6032Unable to rollback standalone child container
ENTMQ-1314PatchException: Invalid baseline-root-amq-6.2.1.redhat-071 specified
ENTMQ-1517The does not startup properly
ENTMQ-1724Broker in fabric master/slave set up is shut down late when it loses connection to zookeeper
KARAF-3092Remove ${services-${karaf.framework}} variables from org.osgi.framework.system.capabilities
KARAF-4155Fall to feature start-level
SUREFIRE-1187[SUREFIRE-1187] JUnit4 Provider created unnecessary Runner instance
ZOOKEEPER-2380[ZOOKEEPER-2380] Deadlock between leader shutdown and forwarding ACK to the leader
ZOOKEEPER-2383[ZOOKEEPER-2383] Startup race in ZooKeeperServer
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