Integrating OpenShift Container Platform data into cost management

Cost Management Service 1-latest

Learn how to add and configure your OpenShift Container Platform integrations

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Learn how to add an OpenShift Container Platform integration to cost management. Cost management is part of the Red Hat Insights portfolio of services. The Red Hat Insights suite of advanced analytical tools helps you to identify and prioritize impacts on your operations, security, and business.

Chapter 1. Creating an OpenShift Container Platform integration

1.1. Installation tasks summary

The Cost Management Metrics Operator gathers data from OpenShift Container Platform for cost management. Install the Cost Management Metrics Operator on your OpenShift Container Platform instance as part of installing cost management. When you have finished installing cost management, visit cost management to view your cost data.

Operator installation, configuration, and integration management can all be performed from the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


To install and configure Cost Management Metrics Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform web console, you must use an account with cluster administrator privileges.


Perform the following tasks to install the Cost Management Metrics Operator and begin using the cost management application in OpenShift Container Platform:

Task summary

  • Install the Cost Management Metrics Operator (costmanagement-metrics-operator) and use the default token authentication.
  • Create a CostManagementMetricsConfig YAML file that configures costmanagement-metrics-operator
  • Create a cost management OpenShift Container Platform integration with a new installation, or confirm an existing integration with a replacement installation.

If you do not use token authentication, you must take additional steps to configure the secret that holds the client_id and client_secret credentials for your service account from Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.

1.2. Installing the cost operator by using OperatorHub

Learn how to install the Cost Management Metrics Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console and have cluster administrator privileges.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console and click OperatorsOperatorHub.
  2. Click Cost Management Metrics Operator.
  3. When the Install Operator window appears, select the costmanagement-metrics-operator namespace. If the namespace does not exist, we create it for you.
  4. Click Install. After a short wait, Cost Management Metrics Operator appears in the Installed Operators tab under Project: all projects or Project: costmanagement-metrics-operator.

If a proxy with a custom CA certificate, you must create additional configurations to inject this certificate into Cost Management Metrics Operator. For more details, see Injecting a custom CA certificate in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

1.3. Optional: Installing the cost management operator by using the CLI

If you are automating cluster creation, you can optionally install the Cost Management Metrics Operator by using the OpenShift CLI instead of OperatorHub. In the OpenShift Container Platform CLI, you can create an integration for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster in cost management. If you use service authentication, you must configure your Operator to use it.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI, oc.
  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  1. To verify the package manifests have the supported install modes and available channels, enter the following command:

    oc describe packagemanifests costmanagement-metrics-operator -n openshift-marketplace
  2. Create an OperatorGroup object and a subscription object.

  3. If you are not using token authentication, configure your Operator to use service account authorization. To use this method, add your service account to a User Access Group that has a Cloud Administrator role. Ensure the service account inherits the permissions of the user group.

    • For more information, see Limiting access to cost managment resources.

      1. Retrieve your client_id and client_secret from the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console service account.
      2. Encode the value of your service account’s client_id in base64. In your terminal, enter:

        echo -n "<red_hat_service_account_client_id>" | base64
      3. Encode the value of your service account’s `client_secret`in base64. In your terminal, enter:

        echo -n "<red_hat_service_account_client_secret>" | base64
  4. Create a YAML file to store your secrets. Paste the client_id and client_secret in the data.client_id and data.client_secret fields.


    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: service-account-auth-secret
      namespace: costmanagement-metrics-operator
      client_id: <base64_encoded_red_hat_service_account_client_id>
      client_secret: <base64_encoded_red_hat_service_account_client_secret>

    1. Deploy your secret YAML file with the following command:

      oc apply -f example.yaml
  5. To use service authentication for the cost management Operator, edit the custom resource definition for the Operator. You must edit the custom resource example YAML so that authentication.type is set to service-account. You must also add a line so that authentication.secret_name is set to the name of your secret. In this earlier example, the name of the secret is service-account-auth-secret.

    Custom resource example

    kind: CostManagementMetricsConfig
      name: costmanagementmetricscfg-sample-v1beta1
      namespace: costmanagement-metrics-operator
        type: service-account
        secret_name: service-account-auth-secret
        max_reports_to_store: 30
        max_size_MB: 100
        collect_previous_data: true
        context_timeout: 120
        disable_metrics_collection_cost_management: false
        disable_metrics_collection_resource_optimization: false
        check_cycle: 1440
        create_source: false
        name: ''
        upload_cycle: 360
        upload_toggle: true

  6. To create an integration automatically without using the wizard in Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console, edit the custom resource example YAML so that source.create_source is set to true and is set to a name. In this example, the name is set to cluster2.

    Source creation example

    kind: CostManagementMetricsConfig
      name: costmanagementmetricscfg-sample-v1beta1
      namespace: costmanagement-metrics-operator
        type: service-account
        secret_name: service-account-auth-secret
        max_reports_to_store: 30
        max_size_MB: 100
        collect_previous_data: true
        context_timeout: 120
        disable_metrics_collection_cost_management: false
        disable_metrics_collection_resource_optimization: false
        check_cycle: 1440
        create_source: true
        name: 'cluster2'
        upload_cycle: 360
        upload_toggle: true


If a proxy with a custom CA certificate, you must create additional configurations to inject this certificate into Cost Management Metrics Operator. For more details, see Injecting a custom CA certificate in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

1.4. Configuring the operator instance

After you install the costmanagement-metrics-operator instance, you can configure it in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console and have cluster administrator privileges.
  • Cost Management Metrics Operator appears in the Installed Operators tab.


  1. From Name in the list of installed operators, click Cost Management Metrics Operator. An Installed OperatorsOperator Details window appears.
  2. From Details, click + Create Instance. An Cost Management Metrics OperatorCreate CostManagementMetricsConfig window appears.
  3. Select YAML view to view and modify the contents of the YAML configuration file.
  4. Create a cost management instance for the Cost Management Metrics Operator by editing the following two lines in the YAML file:

        create_source: false
        name: ''
    1. Change false to true.

    2. Change '' to the name of your integration. If you do not provide a name, the operator defaults to the cluster ID.


          create_source: true
          name: my-openshift-cost-source

  5. Click Create.

1.5. Troubleshooting issues with your Cost Management Operator

Troubleshoot problems that might occur when you install the Cost Management Operator.

1.5.1. Verify the YAML file is propery configured

To verify that the cost management operator is functioning correctly, check that your YAML file is properly configured.



  1. Click the Installed Operators tab.
  2. In the list of installed operators, click Cost Management Metrics Operator.A metrics operator window opens.
  3. Click the CostManagementMetricsConfig tab to show a list of the configuration file names.
  4. In the file name list, click the configuration file that you want to verify. In the default installation, the file name is costmanagementmetricscfg-sample. A Details window opens.
  5. Click YAML and check the following items:

    • prometheus_configured and prometheus_connected should be set to true:

          last_query_start_time: '2021-01-25T20:59:06Z'
          last_query_success_time: '2021-01-25T20:59:06Z'
          prometheus_configured: true
          prometheus_connected: true
          service_address: 'https://thanos-querier.openshift-monitoring.svc:9091'
          skip_tls_verification: false
    • ingress_path, last_successful_upload_time, last_upload_status, and last_upload_time should all have content:

          ingress_path: /api/ingress/v1/upload
          last_successful_upload_time: '2021-01-25T20:59:35Z'
          last_upload_status: 202 Accepted
          last_upload_time: '2021-01-25T20:59:35Z'
          upload: true
          upload_cycle: 360
          upload_wait: 28
          validate_cert: true

To collect data, cost management uses Prometheus queries that you can find in the source code.

1.5.2. Large OpenShift deployment issues

If your deployment is large, the pod might be stopped with an ``OOMkilled`` message using the default resource requests. Increase the pod memory to 2GiB or more for the initial data ingestion. After the initial data ingestion completes, pod memory can be reduced. The exact memory requirements for the pod vary based on the size of the OpenShift cluster.

1.6. Configuring basic authentication for cost operator

You can configure the cost operator to use basic authentication. By default, the cost operator uses token authentication.


Basic authentication is deprecated and will be removed December 31, 2024. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature during the current release lifecycle, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements.

There are two procedures required when you configure basic authentication.

1.6.1. Creating the secret key/value pair for basic authentication


  • You are logged into the OpenShift Container Platform web console with cluster administrator privileges.
  • The Cost Management Metrics Operator appears in the Installed Operators tab.
  • You have a username and password for your Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console account.


This procedure describes setting up basic authentication using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click the WorkloadsSecrets tab.
  2. In the Secrets window, select Project:costmanagement-metrics-operator from the dropdown.
  3. Click the Create > Key/Value Secret selection.
  4. In the Create Key/Value Secret window enter the following information to create a new secret that contains a username key and a password key and a value for each key.

    1. Enter a name for your secret in the Secret Name field.

    2. In the Key field, enter username.

    3. In the Value field for the key username, enter the actual username for your authorized Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console user account.

      Value for username key


    4. Click the Add Key/Value link to add the required password key name and value.
    5. In the Key field, enter password.

    6. In the Value field for the key password, enter the actual password for your authorized Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console user account.

      Value for password key


    7. Click the Create button to complete the creation of your basic authorization secret.
    8. After you click the Create button, you can verify the key/value details for the secret.

1.6.2. Modifying the YAML file

Modify the Cost Management Metrics Operator API YAML file to use basic authentication with a secret username and password key/value pair.


  • You are logged into the OpenShift Container Platform web console with cluster administrator privileges.
  • You created a secret name for the username and password key/value pair.
  • The Cost Management Metrics Operator is installed.


  1. Click on the OperatorsInstalled Operators tab.
  2. Locate the row that contains Cost Management Metrics Operator and click the Cost Management Metrics Operator link that is under the Provided APIs heading.
  3. When the CostManagementMetricsConfig window appears, click the configuration file in the Name column.

    The default name is costmanagementmetricscfg-sample.

  4. When the costmanagementmetricscfg-sample window appears, click in the YAML tab to open an edit and view window.
  5. Locate the following lines in the YAML view.

        type: token
  6. Change type: token to type: basic.
  7. Insert a new line for secret_name. Enter the value for secret_name, which is the name you previously created.


        secret_name: basic-auth-secret
        type: basic

  8. Click the Save button. A confirmation message appears.

1.7. Configuring service account authentication for the cost operator

To configure service account authentication, complete the following two tasks:

1.7.1. Creating the secret key/value pair for service account authentication


  • You are logged into the OpenShift Container Platform web console and have cluster administrator privileges.
  • The Cost Management Metrics Operator appears in the Installed Operators tab.
  • You have a client_id and client_secret for your Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console Service Account.


The following procedure outlines how to set up service account authentication with the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click WorkloadsSecrets.
  2. In the Secrets window, select Project:costmanagement-metrics-operator from the drop-down.
  3. Click Create > Key/Value Secret.
  4. To create a new secret with a client_id key and a client_secret key, enter the following information in the Create Key/Value Secret window:

    1. In Secret Name, enter a name for your secret:

    2. In Key, enter client_id.

    3. In the Value field for the key client_id, enter the Client ID for your authorized Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console user account.

    4. Click Add Key/Value to add the client_secret for the key name and value.
    5. In Key, enter client_secret:

    6. In the Value field for the key client_secret, enter the Client secret for your authorized Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console user account.

    7. Click Create to complete the creation of your service account authorization secret.
    8. Verify that the key/value details for the secret are correct.

1.7.2. Modifying the YAML file

To use authentication with a Client ID and Client secret key/value pair, you must modify the Cost Management Metrics Operator API YAML file.


  • You are logged into the OpenShift Container Platform web console and have cluster administrator privileges.
  • You created a secret name for the Client ID and Client secret key/value pair.
  • The Cost Management Metrics Operator is installed.


  1. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Locate the row that contains Cost Management Metrics Operator and click the Cost Management Metrics Operator link that is under the Provided APIs heading.
  3. When the CostManagementMetricsConfig window appears, click the configuration file in Name.

    The default name is costmanagementmetricscfg-sample.

  4. When the costmanagementmetricscfg-sample window appears, click the YAML tab to edit and view the content.
  5. Locate the following lines in the YAML window that you opened in the previous step:

       type: token
  6. Change type: token to type: service-account.
  7. Insert a new line for secret_name. Enter the value for secret_name, which is the name you previously created.


       secret_name: service-account-auth-secret
       type: service-account

  8. Click Save. A confirmation message appears.

1.8. Manually creating an Openshift Container Platform integration

You can automatically create your OpenShift Container Platform integration by following the steps in Installing a cost operator. However, some situations, such as restricted network installations, require that you create an OpenShift Container Platform integration manually on Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.



  1. From Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console, click Settings Menu Settings icon > Integrations.
  2. Click the Red Hat tab.
  3. Click Add integration, which opens the Add a cloud integration wizard.
  4. In Select your integration type, click Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
  5. In Application, click cost management. Then click Next.
  6. Enter a name in Integration name. Then click Next.
  7. In a new tab, access the OpenShift Container Platform web console. Go to HomeOverview and copy your Cluster Identifier.
  8. Back in cost management, enter your Cluster Identifier. Then click Next.
  9. Review the details and click Add to create the integration.

1.9. Updating operator resources

The Cost Management Metrics Operator comes with a finite amount of resources. On larger clusters, the Cost Management Metrics Operator might run out of memory when it processes all of the metric data from Prometheus.

1.9.1. Default resources

The Cost Management Metrics Operator has the following resources by default:


  • CPU: 500m
  • memory: 500Mi


  • CPU: 100m
  • memory: 20Mi

1.9.2. Increasing resources

If the standard resources do not meet your needs, complete the following steps to increase the resources that are available to the operator:

  • Go to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • From Installed Operators, click Cost Management Metrics Operator.
  • Click the Subscription tab. Then click the Actions drop-down and select Edit Subscription.
  • In the YAML file that appears, edit the deployment resources with values that meet the CPU and memory needs of your cluster:
kind: Subscription
    resources: <<<<<
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 500Mi
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 100Mi

The operator is now redeployed and Deployment shows the new resources.

For more information about .spec.config.resources, see the API documentation.

1.10. Adding a restricted network integration

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a restricted network that does not have access to the internet.

The procedure to add an OpenShift Container Platform cluster operating on a restricted network as a cost management integration is different in the following ways:

  1. Operator Lifecycle Manager is configured to install and run local integrations.
  2. The costmanagement-metrics-operator is configured to store cost report CSV files locally using a persistent volume claim (PVC).
  3. Cost reports stored in the PVC are downloaded to a workstation.
  4. An OpenShift Container Platform integration is created manually.
  5. Cost reports are uploaded to Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console from your workstation.

1.10.1. Installing the cost management operator on a restricted network

Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) cannot access the OpenShift Container Platform clusters that are installed on restricted networks because remote integrations require full Internet connectivity. In these situations, you must install and configure OLM to run locally.


  • You installed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have a workstation with unrestricted network access.
  • You logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console and have cluster administrator privileges.


  1. Complete the following OpenShift Container Platform procedure to create a local mirror of the costmanagement-metrics-operator: Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks.


    The costmanagement-metrics-operator is in the redhat-operators catalog in the index.

    Prune unwanted objects from the index before you push to the mirrored registry, but do not delete the costmanagement-metrics-operator package.

  2. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console and click OperatorsOperatorHub.
  3. Click Cost Management Metrics Operator.
  4. The Install Operator window should open. Select the costmanagement-metrics-operator namespace that you want to install. If the namespace does not exist, it gets created.
  5. Click Install.

Verification steps

  • After a short wait, Cost Management Metrics Operator appears in the Installed Operators tab in Project: all projects or Project: costmanagement-metrics-operator.

Additional resources

1.10.2. Configuring the Cost Operator on a restricted network

Learn how to run the costmanagement-metrics-operator on a restricted network.



  1. From the OpenShift Container Platform web console, select Operators > Installed Operators > costmanagement-metrics-operator > CostManagementMetricsConfig > Create Instance.
  2. Set a storage amount. If you do not specify an amount, the operator creates a default persistent volume claim (PVC) called costmanagement-metrics-operator-data with 10Gi of storage.


    To configure the costmanagement-metrics-operator to use a different PVC, edit volume_claim_template in YAML view.

  3. Select YAML view.
  4. Enter a value in max_reports_to_store to set the maximum number of reports that you want to store.
  5. Enter a value in upload_cycle to set how many minutes you want to pass between each report generation.

          max_reports_to_store: 30
          max_size_MB: 100
          upload_cycle: 360

    The costmanagement-metrics-operator creates one report every 360 minutes by default. The default value of 30 reports and 360 minutes gives you 7.5 days of reports.

    After the maximum number of reports generate, any subsequent reports replace the oldest report in storage. To avoid losing reports, download them from your PVC.

  6. Set upload_toggle to false:

          upload_cycle: 360
          upload_toggle: false
  7. Set source to empty braces:

        source: {}
  8. Set authentication to empty braces:

        authentication: {}
  9. Click Create.

Verification steps

  1. Select the CostManagementMetricsConfig that you created.
  2. Click YAML view.
  3. Verify that a report was created by viewing the data in packaging:

          last_successful_packaging_time: `current date and time`
          max_reports_to_store: 30
          max_size_MB: 100
          number_of_reports_stored: 1
            - >-

    After configuration, costmanagement-metrics-operator generates an initial report. These reports are in packaged_files.

1.10.3. Downloading cost reports

If you configured the costmanagement-metrics-operator to run on a restricted network, the reports from the persistent volume claims (PVC) are temporarily stored in a workstation. Copy the reports to an unrestricted network.

The default configuration saves one week of reports. To avoid losing metrics data, download the reports locally and upload them to Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console weekly.

You can configure any PVC, but by default, most PVCs are ReadWriteOnce. For ReadWriteOnce PVCs, the volume-shell must be attached to the same node as the operator pod.


  • You have a workstation with unrestricted network access.
  • costmanagement-metrics-operator reports in your PVC.


  1. Create the following pod and set claimName to the PVC with the report data:

    kind: Pod
    apiVersion: v1
      name: volume-shell
      namespace: costmanagement-metrics-operator
      - name: costmanagement-metrics-operator-reports
          claimName: costmanagement-metrics-operator-data
      - name: volume-shell
        image: busybox
        command: ['sleep', '3600']
        - name: costmanagement-metrics-operator-reports
          mountPath: /tmp/costmanagement-metrics-operator-reports
  2. Run rsync to copy all of the files from the PVC to a local folder:

    $ oc rsync volume-shell:/tmp/costmanagement-metrics-operator-reports/upload local/path/to/save/folder
  3. Confirm that the files were copied.
  4. Run the following command to connect to the pod and delete the contents of the upload folder:

    $ oc rsh volume-shell
    $ rm /tmp/costmanagement-metrics-operator-reports/upload/*
  5. (Optional) Run the following command to delete the pod that you used to connect to the PVC:

    $ oc delete -f volume-shell.yaml

Viewing your PVC usage

In the OpenShift tab in Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console, your PVCs with the highest usage automatically populate under Persistent Volume Claims. To view all PVCs, click more at the end of the section.

You can filter your PVC data by the following fields: * Persistent volume claim * Cluster * StorageClass

Additional resources

1.10.4. Uploading cost reports to

You must manually upload locally stored cost reports from a restricted network to Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.


The default configuration saves one week of reports. Download the reports locally and upload them to Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console weekly to avoid losing metrics data.



To upload your reports to Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console, make the following edit:

  • Set USERNAME and PASSWORD to your Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console login credentials and set FILE_NAME to the report that you want to upload:

    $ curl -vvvv -F "file=@FILE_NAME.tar.gz;type=application/vnd.redhat.hccm.tar+tgz" -u USERNAME:PASS

Verification steps

  1. From cost management, click OpenShift.
  2. On the OpenShift details page, confirm that you have OpenShift usage data for your cluster.

Chapter 2. Next steps for managing your costs

After adding your OpenShift Container Platform and cloud infrastructure integrations, in addition to showing cost data by integration, cost management will automatically show AWS and Microsoft Azure cost and usage related to running your OpenShift Container Platform clusters on their platforms.

On the cost management Overview page, your cost data is sorted into OpenShift and Infrastructure tabs. Select Perspective to toggle through different views of your cost data.

You can also use the global navigation menu to view additional details about your costs by cloud provider.

2.1. Limiting access to cost management resources

After you add and configure integrations in cost management, you can limit access to cost data and resources.

You might not want users to have access to all of your cost data. Instead, you can grant users access only to data that is specific to their projects or organizations. With role-based access control, you can limit the visibility of resources in cost management reports. For example, you can restrict a user’s view to only AWS integrations, rather than the entire environment.

To learn how to limit access, see the more in-depth guide Limiting access to cost management resources.

2.2. Configuring tagging for your integrations

The cost management application tracks cloud and infrastructure costs with tags. Tags are also known as labels in OpenShift.

You can refine tags in cost management to filter and attribute resources, organize your resources by cost, and allocate costs to different parts of your cloud infrastructure.


You can only configure tags and labels directly on an integration. You can choose the tags that you activate in cost management, however, you cannot edit tags and labels in the cost management application.

To learn more about the following topics, see Managing cost data using tagging:

  • Planning your tagging strategy to organize your view of cost data
  • Understanding how cost management associates tags
  • Configuring tags and labels on your integrations

2.3. Configuring cost models to accurately report costs

Now that you configured your integrations to collect cost and usage data in cost management, you can configure cost models to associate prices to metrics and usage.

A cost model is a framework that uses raw costs and metrics to define calculations for the costs in cost management. You can record, categorize, and distribute the costs that the cost model generates to specific customers, business units, or projects.

In Cost Models, you can complete the following tasks:

  • Classifying your costs as infrastructure or supplementary costs
  • Capturing monthly costs for OpenShift nodes and clusters
  • Applying a markup to account for additional support costs

To learn how to configure a cost model, see Using cost models.

2.4. Visualizing your costs with Cost Explorer

Use cost management Cost Explorer to create custom graphs of time-scaled cost and usage information and ultimately better visualize and interpret your costs.

To learn more about the following topics, see Visualizing your costs using Cost Explorer:

  • Using Cost Explorer to identify abnormal events
  • Understanding how your cost data changes over time
  • Creating custom bar charts of your cost and usage data
  • Exporting custom cost data tables

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  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Customer Portal.


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  1. Click the following link: Create Issue.
  2. Describe the issue or enhancement in the Summary text box.
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  4. Type your name in the Reporter text box.
  5. Click the Create button.

This action creates a documentation ticket and routes it to the appropriate documentation team. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.

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