
3.5.2. Testing A Service

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After you have created your POJOs and connected them together to form services, you need to test them. JBoss Microcontainer allows unit testing individual POJOs as well as services, through the use of a MicrocontainerTest class.
The org.jboss.test.kernel.junit.MicrocontainerTest class inherits from junit.framework.TestCase, setting up each test by bootstrapping JBoss Microcontainer and adding a BasicXMLDeployer. It then searches the classpath for an XML deployment descriptor with the same name as the test class, ending in .xml and residing in a directory structure representing the class's package name. Any beans found in this file are deployed and can then be accessed using a convenience method called getBean(String name).
Examples of these deployment descriptors can be found in the Example 3.1, “Listing of the src/test/resources Directory”.

Example 3.1. Listing of the src/test/resources Directory

└── org
    └── jboss
        └── example
            └── service
                ├── HRManagerAgeBasedTestCase.xml
                ├── HRManagerLocationBasedTestCase.xml
                ├── HRManagerTestCase.xml
                └── util
                    ├── AgeBasedSalaryTestCase.xml
                    └── LocationBasedSalaryTestCase.xml
The test code is located in the src/test/java directory:

Example 3.2. Listing of the src/test/java Directory

└── org
    └── jboss
        └── example
            └── service
                └── util
The HRManagerTest class extends MicrocontainerTest in order to set up a number of employees to use as the basis for the tests. Individual test cases then subclass HRManagerTest to perform the actual work. Also included are a couple of TestSuite classes that are used to group individual test cases together for convenience.
To run the tests, enter mvn test from the humanResourcesService/ directory. You should see some DEBUG log output which shows JBoss Microcontainer starting up and deploying beans from the relevant XML file before running each test. At the end of the test the beans are undeployed and the Microcontainer is shut down.


Some of the tests, such as HRManagerTestCase, AgeBasedSalaryTestCase, and LocationBasedSalaryTestCase, unit test individual POJOs. Other tests, such as HRManagerAgeBasedTestCase and HRManagerLocationBasedTestCase unit test entire services. Either way, the tests are run in the same manner. Using the MicrocontainerTest class makes it easy to set up and conduct comprehensive tests for any part of your code.
The Address and Employee classes are not tested here. Writing tests for them is up to you.
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