
Chapter 14. JBoss Authorization Manager

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The default implementation includes an authorization manager interface, JBossAuthorizationManager, which obtains fine-grained and pluggable authorization via authorization modules. This interface also provides support for the PolicyRegistration interface.
The interface resembles the following:
import static; 

 *  Authorization Manager implementation 
public class JBossAuthorizationManager 
implements AuthorizationManager,PolicyRegistration
   private String securityDomain; 
   private Map contextIdToPolicy = new HashMap();  
   protected boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();

   private CallbackHandler callbackHandler = null;
   public JBossAuthorizationManager(String securityDomainName)
   public JBossAuthorizationManager(String securityDomainName, CallbackHandler cbh)
    * @see AuthorizationManager#authorize(Resource)
   public int authorize(Resource resource) throws AuthorizationException
      Subject subject = null;
         subject = (Subject) PolicyContext.getContext(SUBJECT_CONTEXT_KEY);
      catch (PolicyContextException e)
         log.error("Error obtaining AuthenticatedSubject:",e);
      AuthorizationContext ac = new JBossAuthorizationContext(this.securityDomain,subject,
            this.callbackHandler ); 
      return ac.authorize(resource);
   /** Determines whether the Subject has a role (Principal) that matches
    *  a defined role name. This method obtains the "Roles" Group from the
    *  principal set of the currently-authenticated Subject (as determined
    *  by the SecurityAssociation.getSubject() method). It then creates a
    *  SimplePrincipal for each name in roleNames. If the Subject's role
    *  can be matched to a role in the "Roles" Group, then the user has that
    *  role. The caller must therefore establish the correct
    *  SecurityAssociation Subject before this method is called.
    *  (This is no longer a side-effect of the isValid() call.)
    *  @param principal - ignored. The current authenticated Subject determines
    *  the active user and assigned user roles.
    *  @param rolePrincipals - a Set of Principals for the roles to check.
    *  @see;
    *  @see Subject#getPrincipals()
   public boolean doesUserHaveRole(Principal principal, Set rolePrincipals)
   /** Determines whether the current Subject has a role (Principal) that
    *  matches one of the role names.
    *  @see #doesUserHaveRole(Principal, Set)
    *  @param principal - ignored. The currently-authenticated Subject
    *  determines the active user and assigned user roles.
    *  @param role - the application domain role that the principal is
    *  validated against.
    *  @return true if the active principal has the role, false otherwise.
   public boolean doesUserHaveRole(Principal principal, Principal role)
   /** Returns the set of domain roles that were found by the current active
    *  Subject "Roles" Group, in the Subject Principals Set.
    *  @param principal - ignored. The current authenticated Subject determines
    *  the active user and assigned user roles.
    *  @return The Set<Principal> for the application domain roles that the
    *  principal has been assigned.
   public Set getUserRoles(Principal principal)
   /** Checks that the indicated application domain role belongs to the
    *  group of roles assigned to the user. This handles the special
    *  AnybodyPrincipal and NobodyPrincipal independent of the Group
    *  implementation.
    *  @param role - the application domain role required for access
    *  @param userRoles - the set of roles assigned to the user
    *  @return true - if role is in userRoles or an AnybodyPrincipal instance, false
    *  if role is a NobodyPrincipal or no a member of userRoles
   protected boolean doesRoleGroupHaveRole(Principal role, Group userRoles)

    * @see PolicyRegistration#registerPolicy(String, URL)
   public void registerPolicy(String contextID, URL location) 
    * @see PolicyRegistration#registerPolicy(String, InputStream)
   public void registerPolicy(String contextID, InputStream stream) 

    * @see PolicyRegistration#deRegisterPolicy(String)
   public void deRegisterPolicy(String contextID)

    * @see PolicyRegistration#getPolicy(String, Map)
   public Object getPolicy(String contextID, Map contextMap)

    * @see AuthorizationManager#getTargetRoles(Principal, Map)
   public Group getTargetRoles(Principal targetPrincipal, Map contextMap)
      throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
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