
13.2. Configure Secure Remote Password Information

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You must create a MBean service that provides an implementation of the SRPVerifierStore interface that integrates with your existing security information stores. The SRPVerifierStore interface is shown in Example 13.2, “The SRPVerifierStore interface”.


The default implementation of the SRPVerifierStore interface is not recommended for a production security environment because it requires all password hash information to be available as a file of serialized objects.

Example 13.2. The SRPVerifierStore interface



public interface SRPVerifierStore
    public static class VerifierInfo implements Serializable

        public String username;

        public byte[] salt;
        public byte[] g;
        public byte[] N;

    public VerifierInfo getUserVerifier(String username)
        throws KeyException, IOException;

    public void setUserVerifier(String username, VerifierInfo info)
        throws IOException;

     public void verifyUserChallenge(String username, Object auxChallenge)
         throws SecurityException;
The primary function of a SRPVerifierStore implementation is to provide access to the SRPVerifierStore.VerifierInfo object for a given user name. The getUserVerifier(String) method is called by the SRPService at that start of a user SRP session to obtain the parameters needed by the SRP algorithm. The elements of the VerifierInfo objects are:
user name
The user's name or id used to login.
One-way hash of the password or PIN the user enters as proof of identity. The class has a calculateVerifier method that performs that password hashing algorithm. The output password takes the form H(salt | H(username | ':' | password)), where H is the SHA secure hash function as defined by RFC2945. The user name is converted from a string to a byte[] using UTF-8 encoding.
Random number used to increase the difficulty of a brute force dictionary attack on the verifier password database in the event that the database is compromised. The value should be generated from a cryptographically strong random number algorithm when the user's existing clear-text password is hashed.
SRP algorithm primitive generator. This can be a well known fixed parameter rather than a per-user setting. The utility class provides several settings for g, including a suitable default obtained via SRPConf.getDefaultParams().g().
SRP algorithm safe-prime modulus. This can be a well known fixed parameter rather than a per-user setting. The utility class provides several settings for N including a good default which can obtained via SRPConf.getDefaultParams().N().

Procedure 13.1. Integrate Existing Password Store

Read this procedure to understand the steps involved to integrate your existing password store.
  1. Create Hashed Password Information Store

    If your passwords are already stored in an irreversible hashed form, then this can only be done on a per-user basis (for example, as part of an upgrade procedure).
    You can implement setUserVerifier(String, VerifierInfo) as a noOp method, or a method that throws an exception stating that the store is read-only.
  2. Create SRPVerifierStore Interface

    You must create a custom SRPVerifierStore interface implementation that understands how to obtain the VerifierInfo from the store you created.
    The verifyUserChallenge(String, Object) can be used to integrate existing hardware token based schemes like SafeWord or Radius into the SRP algorithm. This interface method is called only when the client SRPLoginModule configuration specifies the hasAuxChallenge option.
  3. Create JNDI MBean

    You must create a MBean that exposes the SRPVerifierStore interface available to JNDI, and exposes any configurable parameters required.
    The default will allow you to implement this, however you can also implement the MBean using a Java properties file implementation of SRPVerifierStore (refer to Section 13.3, “Secure Remote Password Example”).
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