
Chapter 2. Known issues

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  1. NodeJS is no longer included in the .NET 8.0 SDK image.

    For information on how to port an application that depends on Node.js from an earlier .NET version to the .NET 8.0 image, see the Porting web applications with NodeJS front-ends to build with .NET 8.0 UBI images Knowledgebase solution.

  2. The random user used by OpenShift Container Platform is no longer added to the /etc/passwd file on OpenShift Container Platform 3.11. As a result, the .NET Environment.UserName property returns an empty string.
  3. The DOTNET_CORE_VERSION and DOTNET_FRAMEWORK environment variables were removed from the image. Instead, The image now includes exact versions of the .NET framework, the ASP.NET Core frameworks, and the SDK version in the DOTNET_VERSION, ASPNET_VERSION, and DOTNET_SDK_VERSION environment variables, respectively..
  4. The DOTNET_SSL_DIRS environment variable used to load certificates from additional directories is no longer handled by the image entrypoint. The default s2i (source-to-image) assemble and run scripts still process the environment variable. To trust certificates in all cases, use SSL_CERT_DIR instead.
  5. In .NET 8.0, you can no longer specify the command and its arguments to run in a container as a single string. You need to pass the arguments as separate strings. The new syntax also works for the earlier .NET versions.

    For example, instead of podman run “echo hello”, use podman run echo hello.

  6. The dnf command is not available.

    To reduce image size, .NET 8.0 container images use the ubi-minimal base image instead of the ubi base image. The ubi-minimal image uses the microdnf command as its package manager instead of the dnf command.

    If your Dockerfiles/Containerfiles use the dnf command, you must change them to use the microdnf command instead.

    For more information about the microdnf command, please see the microdnf man page.

See Known Issues in the .NET 8.0 Release Notes for .NET 8.0 RPM packages for a list of known issues and workarounds for RPMs.

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