
Chapter 7. Known issues

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The known issues for running .NET on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) include the following:

  1. dotnet dev-certs https --trust does not work on RHEL.

    .NET supports the creation of HTTPS certificate through dotnet dev-certs https, but it does not support trusting them through dotnet dev-certs https --trust. The client that connects to the ASP.NET Core application, such as curl or Firefox, will warn about the untrusted self-signed certificate. To work around this in a browser such as Firefox, ignore the warning and trust the certificate explicitly when the warning about the untrusted certificate comes up. Command-line tools support flags to ignore untrusted certificates. For curl, use the --insecure flag. For wget, use the --no-check-certificate flag.

  2. There are no NuGet packages for ppc64le and s390x on

    Using the rhel.8-s390x, linux-s390x, rhel.8-ppc64le, or linux-ppc64le runtime identifier can cause some dotnet commands to fail when they try to obtain these packages. These commands are either not fully supported on ppc64le and s390x as described in the other known issues, or the issue can be fixed by not specifying the runtime identifier.

  3. Single file applications are not supported on ppc64le or s390x.
  4. PublishReadyToRun/crossgen is not supported on ppc64le or s390x.
  5. OmniSharp, the language server used by IDEs like Visual Studio Code, is not available on ppc64le and s390x.
  6. Several workloads not be installed in the .NET 8.0 shipped by Red Hat:

    1. android
    2. macos
    3. maui-android
    4. maui-tizen
    5. maui-windows
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