
Operating 3scale

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Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.11

How to automate deployment, scale your environment, and troubleshoot issues

Red Hat Customer Content Services


This guide documents development operations with Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.11.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. 3scale general configuration options

As a Red Hat 3scale API Management administrator, there are general configuration options available to you in your installation or account to adjust settings.

1.1. Configuring a valid login session length

As a Red Hat 3scale API Management administrator, you can configure a valid login session length for both the Admin Portal and the Developer Portal so there is a limit for maximum timeout and inactivity.

To implement a valid login session length you must set USER_SESSION_TTL to seconds. For example 7,200 seconds is 2 hours. If the value is null, that is, not set or is set to an empty string, the session length is for 2 weeks.


  • A 3scale account with administrator privileges.


  • Update the environment variable to the time in seconds you require:

    $ oc set env dc/system-app --overwrite USER_SESSION_TTL=7200

Chapter 2. 3scale operations and scaling


This document is not intended for local installations on laptops or similar end user equipment.

This section describes operations and scaling tasks of a Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.11 installation.


To carry out 3scale operations and scaling tasks, perform the steps outlined in the following sections:

2.1. Redeploying APIcast

You can test and promote system changes through the 3scale Admin Portal.


  • A deployed instance of 3scale On-premises.
  • You have chosen your APIcast deployment method.

By default, APIcast deployments on OpenShift, both embedded and on other OpenShift clusters, are configured to allow you to publish changes to your staging and production gateways through the 3scale Admin Portal.

To redeploy APIcast on OpenShift:


  1. Make system changes.
  2. In the Admin Portal, deploy to staging and test.
  3. In the Admin Portal, promote to production.

By default, APIcast retrieves and publishes the promoted update once every 5 minutes.

If you are using APIcast on the Docker containerized environment or a native installation, configure your staging and production gateways, and indicate how often the gateway retrieves published changes. After you have configured your APIcast gateways, you can redeploy APIcast through the 3scale Admin Portal.

To redeploy APIcast on the Docker containerized environment or a native installations:


  1. Configure your APIcast gateway and connect it to 3scale On-premises.
  2. Make system changes.
  3. In the Admin Portal, deploy to staging and test.
  4. In the Admin Portal, promote to production.

APIcast retrieves and publishes the promoted update at the configured frequency.

2.2. Scaling up 3scale on-premise

As your APIcast deployment grows, you may need to increase the amount of storage available. How you scale up storage depends on which type of file system you are using for your persistent storage.

If you are using a network file system (NFS), you can scale up your persistent volume (PV) using this command:

oc edit pv <pv_name>

If you are using any other storage method, you must scale up your persistent volume manually using one of the methods listed in the following sections.

2.2.1. Method 1: Backing up and swapping persistent volumes


  1. Back up the data on your existing persistent volume.
  2. Create and attach a target persistent volume, scaled for your new size requirements.
  3. Create a pre-bound persistent volume claim, specify: The size of your new PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) and the persistent volume name using the volumeName field.
  4. Restore data from your backup onto your newly created PV.
  5. Modify your deployment configuration with the name of your new PV:

    oc edit dc/system-app
  6. Verify your new PV is configured and working correctly.
  7. Delete your previous PVC to release its claimed resources.

2.2.2. Method 2: Backing up and redeploying 3scale


  1. Back up the data on your existing persistent volume.
  2. Shut down your 3scale pods.
  3. Create and attach a target persistent volume, scaled for your new size requirements.
  4. Restore data from your backup onto your newly created PV.
  5. Create a pre-bound persistent volume claim. Specify:

    1. The size of your new PVC
    2. The persistent volume name using the volumeName field.
  6. Deploy your amp.yml.
  7. Verify your new PV is configured and working correctly.
  8. Delete your previous PVC to release its claimed resources.

2.2.3. Scaling up performance

Scaling up performance is done via the total number of pods. The more hardware resources you have, the more pods you deploy.

Use the following command to scale up performance via the number of pods:

oc scale dc dc-name --replicas=X

2.2.4. Configuring 3scale on-premise deployments

The key deployment configurations to be scaled for 3scale are:

  • APIcast production
  • Backend listener
  • Backend worker Scaling via the OCP command line interface

Via the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) command line interface (CLI), you can scale the deployment configuration either up or down.

To scale a particular deployment configuration, use the following:

  • Scale up an APIcast production deployment configuration with the following command:

    oc scale dc apicast-production --replicas=X
  • Scale up the Backend listener deployment configuration with the following command:

    oc scale dc backend-listener --replicas=Y
  • Scale up the Backend worker deployment configuration with the following command:

    oc scale dc  backend-worker --replicas=Z Vertical and horizontal hardware scaling

You can increase the performance of your 3scale deployment on OpenShift by adding resources. You can add more compute nodes as pods to your OpenShift cluster, as horizontal scaling or you can allocate more resources to existing compute nodes as vertical scaling.

Horizontal scaling

You can add more compute nodes as pods to your OpenShift. If the additional compute nodes match the existing nodes in your cluster, you do not have to reconfigure any environment variables.

Vertical scaling

You can allocate more resources to existing compute nodes. If you allocate more resources, you must add additional processes to your pods to increase performance.


Avoid the use of computing nodes with different specifications and configurations in your 3scale deployment. Scaling up routers

As traffic increases, ensure your Red Hat OCP routers can adequately handle requests. If your routers are limiting the throughput of your requests, you must scale up your router nodes.

2.3. Operations troubleshooting

This section explains how to configure 3scale audit logging to display on OpenShift, and how to access 3scale logs and job queues on OpenShift.

2.3.1. Configuring 3scale audit logging on OpenShift

This enables all logs to be in one place for querying by Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) logging tools. These tools provide increased visibility on changes made to your 3scale configuration, who made these changes, and when. For example, this includes changes to billing, application plans, API configuration, and more.


  • A 3scale 2.11 deployment.


Configure audit logging to stdout to forward all application logs to standard OpenShift pod logs.

Some considerations:

  • By default, audit logging to stdout is disabled when 3scale is deployed on-premises; you need to configure this feature to have it fully functional.
  • Audit logging to stdout is not available for 3scale hosted.

2.3.2. Enabling audit logging

3scale uses a features.yml configuration file to enable some global features. To enable audit logging to stdout, you must mount this file from a ConfigMap to replace the default file. The OpenShift pods that depend on features.yml are system-app and system-sidekiq.


  • You must have cluster administrator access on OpenShift.


  1. Enter the following command to enable audit logging to stdout:

    oc patch configmap system -p '{"data": {"features.yml": "features: &default\n  logging:\n    audits_to_stdout: true\n\nproduction:\n  <<: *default\n"}}'
  2. Export the following environment variable:

    export PATCH_SYSTEM_VOLUMES='{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"volumes":[{"emptyDir":{"medium":"Memory"},"name":"system-tmp"},{"configMap":{"items":[{"key":"zync.yml","path":"zync.yml"},{"key":"rolling_updates.yml","path":"rolling_updates.yml"},{"key":"service_discovery.yml","path":"service_discovery.yml"},{"key":"features.yml","path":"features.yml"}],"name":"system"},"name":"system-config"}]}}}}'
  3. Enter the following command to apply the updated deployment configuration to the relevant OpenShift pods:

    oc patch dc system-app -p $PATCH_SYSTEM_VOLUMES
    oc patch dc system-sidekiq -p $PATCH_SYSTEM_VOLUMES

2.3.3. Configuring EFK logging

When you have enabled audit logging to stdout to forward 3scale application logs to OpenShift, you can use EFK logging tools to monitor your 3scale applications.

For details on how to configure EFK logging on OpenShift, see the following:

2.3.4. Accessing your logs

Each component’s deployment configuration contains logs for access and exceptions. If you encounter issues with your deployment, check these logs for details.

Follow these steps to access logs in 3scale:


  1. Find the ID of the pod you want logs for:

    oc get pods
  2. Enter oc logs and the ID of your chosen pod:

    oc logs <pod>

    The system pod has two containers, each with a separate log. To access a container’s log, specify the --container parameter with the system-provider and system-developer pods:

    oc logs <pod> --container=system-provider
    oc logs <pod> --container=system-developer

2.3.5. Checking job queues

Job queues contain logs of information sent from the system-sidekiq pods. Use these logs to check if your cluster is processing data. You can query the logs using the OpenShift CLI:

oc get jobs
oc logs <job>

2.3.6. Preventing monotonic growth

To prevent monotonic growth, 3scale schedules by default, automatic purging of the following tables:

  • user_sessions - clean up is triggered once a week, deletes records older than two weeks.
  • audits - clean up is triggered once a day, deletes records older than three months.
  • log_entries - clean up triggered once a day, deletes records older than six months.
  • event_store_events - clean up is triggered once a week, deletes records older than a week.

With the exception of the above listed table, the following table requires manual purging by the database administrator:

  • alerts
Table 2.1. SQL purging commands
Database typeSQL command


DELETE FROM alerts WHERE timestamp < NOW() - INTERVAL 14 DAY;


DELETE FROM alerts WHERE timestamp < NOW() - INTERVAL '14 day';


DELETE FROM alerts WHERE timestamp <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 14;

For other tables not specified in this section, the database administrator must manually clean the tables that the system does not automatically purge.

Additional resources

Chapter 3. Monitoring 3scale

Prometheus is container-native software built for storing historical data and for monitoring large, scalable systems. It gathers data over an extended time, rather than just for the currently running session. Alerting rules in Prometheus are managed by Alertmanager.

You use Prometheus and Alertmanager to monitor and store 3scale data so that you can use a graphical tool, such as Grafana, to visualize and run queries on the data.


Prometheus is an open-source system monitoring toolkit and Grafana is an open-source dashboard toolkit. Red Hat support for Prometheus and Grafana is limited to the configuration recommendations provided in Red Hat product documentation.

The 3scale operator allows you to use an existing Prometheus and Grafana operator installation to monitor 3scale usage and resources.


The 3scale operator creates monitoring resources, but does not prevent modification of those resources.


  • The 3scale operator is installed.
  • The Prometheus operator is installed in the cluster. The Prometheus operator is an operator for creating and managing Prometheus instances. It provides the Prometheus custom resource definition required by 3scale monitoring.

    The following Prometheus operator and image versions are tested with 3scale:

    • Prometheus operator v0.37.0
    • Prometheus image:
  • The Grafana operator is installed in the cluster. The Grafana operator is an operator for creating and managing Grafana instances. It provides the GrafanaDashboard custom resource definition required by 3scale monitoring.

    The following Grafana operator and image versions are tested with 3scale:

    • Grafana operator v3.9.0
    • Grafana image:

If your cluster is exposed on the Internet, make sure to protect the Prometheus and Grafana services.

This section describes how to enable monitoring of a 3scale instance, so that you can view the Grafana dashboards.

3.1. Enabling monitoring for 3scale

To monitor 3scale, you must enable monitoring by setting an APIManager custom resource.


  1. Configure 3scale to enable monitoring by setting the spec.monitoring.enabled parameter of the 3scale deployment YAML to true. For example:

    1. Create an APIManager custom resource named 3scale-monitoring.yml to enable monitoring:

      kind: APIManager
        name: apimanager1
          enabled: true
          enablePrometheusRules: false 1
      You can optionally disable PrometheusRules, which is otherwise enabled by default.
    2. Log in to your OpenShift cluster. You must log in as a user with an edit cluster role in the OpenShift project of the 3scale, for example, cluster-admin.

      oc login
    3. Switch to your 3scale project.

      oc project <project_name>
    4. Deploy the custom resource:

      $ oc apply -f 3scale-monitoring.yml

3.2. Configuring Prometheus to monitor 3scale

You must deploy and configure Prometheus using the Prometheus custom resource to enable monitoring of 3scale.


Make sure permissions are set correctly as described in Prometheus documentation.


  1. Deploy the Prometheus custom resource as follows depending on whether you want to monitor all resources in the cluster or only 3scale resources:

    • To monitor all resources in the cluster, set the spec.podMonitorSelector attribute to {} and set the spec.ruleSelector attribute to {}. For example, apply the following custom resource:

      kind: Prometheus
        name: example
        podMonitorSelector: {}
        ruleSelector: {}
    • If you deployed 3scale and the Prometheus operator in the same OpenShift project, and assuming the value of APP_LABEL is set to the default 3scale-api-management, monitor 3scale resources using the following steps:

      1. Set the spec.podMonitorSelector attribute to:

          - key: app
              operator: In
              - 3scale-api-management
      2. Set the spec.ruleSelector attribute to:

           - key: app
             operator: In
             - 3scale-api-management

        For example, apply the following custom resource:

        kind: Prometheus
          name: example
          - key: app
              operator: In
              - 3scale-api-management
           - key: app
             operator: In
             - 3scale-api-management
    • If you deployed 3scale and the Prometheus operator in different OpenShift projects, monitor 3scale resources using the following steps:

      1. Label the OpenShift project where 3scale is deployed with MYLABELKEY=MYLABELVALUE
      2. Use a podMonitorNamespaceSelector filter to select the 3scale pods. For example, apply the following custom resource:

        kind: Prometheus
          name: example
         podMonitorSelector: {}
         ruleSelector: {}
           - key: MYLABELKEY
             operator: In
             - MYLABELVALUE
  2. To ensure that dashboards and alerts work as expected, you must incorporate Kubernetes metrics, that is, kube-state-metrics, by performing one of the following:

    • Federate the Prometheus instance with the cluster default Prometheus instance.
    • Configure your own scraping jobs to get metrics from kubelet, etcd and others.

Additional resources

3.3. Configuring Grafana to monitor 3scale

You must configure Grafana in order to enable monitoring of 3scale.


  1. Make sure Grafana services are configured to monitor the GrafanaDashboards resources by overwriting the app=3scale-api-management label. For example, apply the following custom resource:

    kind: Grafana
      name: grafana
      - matchExpressions:
        - key: app
          operator: In
          - 3scale-api-management

    Grafana Dashboards created by the 3scale operator are labeled as follows:

    app: 3scale-api-management
    monitoring-key: middleware
  2. If the Grafana operator is installed in a different namespace than 3scale, configure it to monitor resources outside the namespace using the --namespaces or --scan-all operator flags. See the Grafana documentation for more information about the operator flags.
  3. Create a GrafanaDataSource custom resource of type prometheus to make the Prometheus data available in Grafana. For example:

    kind: GrafanaDataSource
      name: prometheus
      name: middleware
        - name: Prometheus
          type: prometheus
          access: proxy
          url: http://prometheus-operated:9090
          isDefault: true
          version: 1
          editable: true
            timeInterval: "5s"

    where http://prometheus-operated:9090 is the Prometheus route.

  4. Make sure permissions are set correctly as described in the Grafana documentation.

Additional resources

3.4. Viewing metrics for 3scale

After configuring 3scale, Prometheus, and Grafana you can view the metrics described in this section.


  1. Log into the Grafana console.
  2. Check that you can view metrics for the following:

    • Kubernetes resources at pod and namespace level where 3scale is installed
    • APIcast Staging
    • APIcast Production
    • Backend worker
    • Backend listener
    • System
    • Zync

3.5. 3scale system metrics exposed to Prometheus

You can configure the following ports to use 3scale system pods with Prometheus endpoints to expose metrics.

Table 3.1. 3scale system ports










The endpoints are only accessible internally using:


For example:


Additional resources

Chapter 4. 3scale automation using webhooks

Webhooks is a feature that facilitates automation, and is also used to integrate other systems based on events that occur in 3scale. When specified events happen within the 3scale system, your applications will be notified with a webhook message. As an example, by configuring webhooks, you can use the data from a new account signup to populate your Developer Portal.

4.1. Overview of webhooks

A webhook is a custom HTTP callback triggered by an event selected from the available ones in the Webhooks configuration window. When one of these events occurs, the 3scale system makes an HTTP or HTTPS request to the URL address specified in the webhooks section. With webhooks, you can configure the listener to invoke some desired behavior such as event tracking.

The format of the webhook is always the same. It makes a post to the endpoint with an XML document of the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Each element provides information:

  • <type>: Gives you the subject of the event such as application, account, and so on.
  • <action>: Specifies what has been done, by using values such as updated, created, deleted.
  • <object>: Constitutes the XML object itself in the same format that is returned by the Account Management API. To check this, you can use our interactive ActiveDocs.

If you need to provide assurance that the webhook was issued by 3scale, expose an HTTPS webhook URL and add a custom parameter to your webhook declaration in 3scale. For example: https://your-webhook-endpoint?someSecretParameterName=someSecretParameterValue. Decide on the parameter name and value. Then, inside your webhook endpoint, check for the presence of this parameter value.

4.2. Configuring webhooks


  1. Navigate to Account Settings > Integrate > Webhooks. Account Settings is the gear icon located in the upper right of the window.
  2. Indicate the behavior for webhooks. There are two options:

    • Webhooks enabled: Select this checkbox to enable or disable webhooks.
    • Actions in the admin portal also trigger webhooks: Select this checkbox to trigger a webhook when an event happens. Consider the following:

      • When making calls to the internal 3scale APIs configured with the triggering events, use an access token; not a provider key.
      • If you leave this checkbox cleared, only actions in the Developer Portal trigger webhooks.
  3. Specify the URL address for notification of the selected events when they trigger.
  4. Select the events that will trigger the callback to the indicated URL address.

Once you have configured the settings, click Update webhooks settings to save your changes.

4.3. Troubleshooting webhooks

If you experience an outage for your listening endpoint, you can recover failed deliveries. 3scale will consider a webhook delivered if your endpoint responds with a 200 code. Otherwise, it will retry 5 times with a 60 seconds gap. After any recovery from an outage, or periodically, you should run a check and if applicable clean up the queue. You can find more information about the following methods in ActiveDocs:

  • Webhooks list failed deliveries
  • Webhooks delete failed deliveries

Chapter 5. The 3scale toolbox

The 3scale toolbox is a Ruby client that enables you to manage 3scale products from the command line.

Within 3scale documentation, there is information about the installation of the 3scale toolbox, supported toolbox commands, services, plans, troubleshooting issues with SSL and TLS, etc. Refer to one of the sections below for more details:

5.1. Installing the toolbox

The officially supported method of installing the 3scale toolbox is using the 3scale toolbox container image.

5.1.1. Installing the toolbox container image

This section explains how to install the toolbox container image.



  1. Log in to the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog:

    $ podman login
    Login Succeeded!
  2. Pull the toolbox container image:

    $ podman pull
  3. Verify the installation:

    $ podman run 3scale help

Additional resources

5.2. Supported toolbox commands

Use the 3scale toolbox to manage your API from the command line tool (CLI).


The update command has been deprecated and replaced by the copy command. The use of deprecated commands is not supported.

The following commands are supported:

    account              account super command
    activedocs           activedocs super command
    application          application super command
    application-plan     application-plan super command
    backend              backend super command
    copy                 copy super command
    help                 print help
    import               import super command
    method               method super command
    metric               metric super command
    policy-registry      policy-registry super command
    product              product super command
    proxy-config         proxy-config super command
    remote               remotes super command
    service              services super command
    update               [DEPRECATED] update super command

    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file
                                  (default: $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml)
    -h --help                     show help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Prints the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.3. Importing services

Import services from a CSV file by specifying the following fields in the order specified below. Include these headers in your CSV file:


You need the following information:

  • A 3scale admin account: {3SCALE_ADMIN}
  • The domain your 3scale instance is running on: {DOMAIN_NAME}

    • If you are using hosted APICast this is
  • The access key of your account: {ACCESS_KEY}
  • The CSV file of services, for example: examples/import_example.csv

Import the services by running:


$ podman run -v $PWD/examples/import_example.csv:/tmp/import_example.csv 3scale import csv --destination=https://{ACCESS_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME} --file=/tmp/import_example.csv

This example uses a Podman volume to mount the resource file in the container. It assumes that the file is available in the current $PWD folder.

5.4. Copying services

Create a new service based on an existing one from the same account or from another account. When you copy a service, the relevant ActiveDocs are also copied.

You need the following information:

  • The service id you want to copy: {SERVICE_ID}
  • A 3scale admin account: {3SCALE_ADMIN}
  • The domain your 3scale instance is running on: {DOMAIN_NAME}

    • If you are using hosted APICast this is
  • The access key of your account: {ACCESS_KEY}
  • The access key of the destination account if you are copying to a different account: {DEST_KEY}
  • The name for the new service: {NEW_NAME}


$ podman run 3scale copy service {SERVICE_ID} --source=https://{ACCESS_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME} --destination=https://{DEST_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME} --target_system_name={NEW_NAME}


If the service to be copied has custom policies, make sure that their respective custom policy definitions already exist in the destination where the service is to be copied. To learn more about copying custom policy definitions check out the Copying a policy registry

5.5. Copying service settings only

You can bulk copy and update the service and proxy settings, metrics, methods, application plans, application plan limits, as well as mapping rules from a service to another existing service.

You need the following information:

  • The service id you want to copy: {SERVICE_ID}
  • The service id of the destination: {DEST_ID}
  • A 3scale admin account: {3SCALE_ADMIN}
  • The domain your 3scale instance is running on: {DOMAIN_NAME}

    • If you are using hosted APICast this is
  • The access key of your account: {ACCESS_KEY}
  • The access key of the destination account: {DEST_KEY}

Additionally, you can use the optional flags:

  • The -f flag to remove existing target service mapping rules before copying.
  • The -r flag to copy only mapping rules to target service.

The update command has been deprecated and replaced by the copy command. The use of deprecated commands is not supported.

The following example command does a bulk update from one service to another existing service:

$ podman run 3scale update [opts] service --source=https://{ACCESS_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME} --destination=https://{DEST_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME} {SERVICE_ID} {DEST_ID}

5.6. Importing OpenAPI definitions

To create a new service or to update an existing service, you can import the OpenAPI definition from a local file or a URL. The default service name for the import is specified by the info.title in the OpenAPI definition. However, you can override this service name using --target_system_name=<NEW NAME>. This will update the service name if it already exists, or create a new service name if it does not.

The import openapi command has the following format:

3scale import openapi [opts] -d=<destination> <specification>

The OpenAPI <specification> can be one of the following:

  • /path/to/your/definition/file.[json|yaml|yml]
  • http[s]://domain/resource/path.[json|yaml|yml]


$ podman run 3scale import openapi [opts] -d=https://{DEST_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME}  my-test-api.json

Command options

The import openapi command options include:

-d --destination=<value>
3scale target instance in format: http[s]://<authentication>@3scale_domain.
-t --target_system_name=<value>
3scale target system name.
Custom secret token sent by the API gateway to the backend API.
Custom host header sent by the API gateway to the backend API.

For more options, see the 3scale import openapi --help command.

OpenAPI import rules

The supported security schemes are apiKey and oauth2 with any OAuth flow type.

The OpenAPI specification must be one of the following: Filename in the available path. URL from where toolbox can download the content. The supported schemes are http and https. ** Read from stdin standard input stream. This is controlled by setting the - value.

The following additional rules apply when importing OpenAPI definitions:

  • Definitions are validated as OpenAPI 2.0 or OpenAPI 3.0.
  • All mapping rules from the OpenAPI definition are imported. You can view these in API > Integration.
  • All mapping rules in the 3scale product are replaced.
  • Only methods included in the OpenAPI definition are modified.
  • All methods that were present only in the OpenAPI definition are attached to the Hits metric.
  • To replace methods, the method names must be identical to the methods defined in the OpenAPI definition operation.operationId by using exact pattern matching.

While there is no security requirement in the specification, the service is considered as an OpenAPI. The toolbox will add a default_credentials policy, which is also known as an anonymous_policy, if it is not already in the policy chain. The default_credentials policy will be configured with the userkey provided in an optional parameter --default-credentials-userkey.

OpenAPI 3.0 limitations

The following limitations apply when importing OpenAPI 3.0 definitions:

  • Only the first server.url element in the servers list is parsed as a private URL. The server.url element’s path component will be used as the OpenAPI’s basePath property.
  • The toolbox will not parse servers in the path item and servers in the operation objects.
  • Multiple flows in the security scheme object not supported.

5.7. Managing remote access credentials

To facilitate working with remote 3scale instances, you can use the 3scale toolbox to define the remote URL addresses and authentication details to access those remote instances in a configuration file. You can then refer to these remotes using a short name in any toolbox command.

The default location for the configuration file is $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml. However, you can specify another location using the THREESCALE_CLI_CONFIG environment variable or the --config-file <config_file> toolbox option.

When adding remote access credentials, you can specify an access_token or a provider_key:

  • http[s]://<access_token>@<3scale-instance-domain>
  • http[s]://<provider_key>@<3scale-instance-domain>

5.7.1. Adding remote access credentials

The following example command adds a remote 3scale instance with the short <name> at <url>:

3scale remote add [--config-file <config_file>] <name> <url>


$ podman run --name toolbox-container 3scale remote add instance_a

$ podman commit toolbox-container toolbox

This example creates the remote instance and commits the container to create a new image. You can then run the new image with the remote information included. For example, the following command uses the new image to show the newly added remote:

$ podman run toolbox 3scale remote list
instance_a 123456789

Other toolbox commands can then use the newly created image to access the added remotes. This example uses an image named toolbox instead of


Storing secrets for toolbox in a container is a potential security risk, for example when distributing the container with secrets to other users or using the container for automation. Use secured volumes in Podman or secrets in OpenShift.

Additional resources

For more details on using Podman, see:

5.7.2. Listing remote access credentials

The following example command shows how to list remote access credentials:

3scale remote list [--config-file <config_file>]

This command shows the list of added remote 3scale instances in the following format: <name> <URL> <authentication-key>:


$ podman run <toolbox_image_with_remotes_added> 3scale remote list
instance_a 123456789
instance_b 987654321

5.7.3. Removing remote access credentials

The following example command shows how to remove remote access credentials:

3scale remote remove [--config-file <config_file>] <name>

This command removes the remote 3scale instance with the short <name>:


$ podman run <toolbox_image_with_remote_added> 3scale remote remove instance_a

5.7.4. Renaming remote access credentials

The following example command shows how to rename remote access credentials:

3scale remote rename [--config-file <config_file>] <old_name> <new_name>

This command renames the remote 3scale instance with the short <old_name> to <new_name>:


$ podman run <toolbox_image_with_remote_added> 3scale remote rename instance_a instance_b

5.8. Creating application plans

Use the 3scale toolbox to create, update, list, delete, show, or export/import application plans in your Developer Portal.

5.8.1. Creating a new application plan

Use the following steps to create a new application plan:

  • You have to provide the application plan name.
  • To override the system-name, use the optional parameter.
  • If an application plan with the same name already exists, you will see an error message.
  • Set as default the application plan by using the --default flag.
  • Create a published application plan by using the --publish flag.

    • By default, it will be hidden.
  • Create a disabled application plan by using the --disabled flag.

    • By default, it will be enabled.
  • The service positional argument is a service reference and can be either service id or service system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.

The following command creates a new application plan:

3scale application-plan create [opts] <remote> <service> <plan-name>

Use the following options while creating application plans:

       --approval-required=<value>    The application requires approval:
                                      true or false
       --cost-per-month=<value>       Cost per month
       --default                      Make the default application plan
       --disabled                     Disable all methods and metrics in
                                      the application plan
    -o --output=<value>               Output format on stdout:
                                      one of json|yaml
    -p --published                    Publish the application plan
       --setup-fee=<value>            Set-up fee
    -t --system-name=<value>          Set application plan system name
       --trial-period-days=<value>    The trial period in days

Options for application-plan
    -c --config-file=<value>          3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                      defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                         Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                     Proceed and operate even for server
                                      connections otherwise considered
    -v --version                      Print the version of this command
       --verbose                      Verbose mode

5.8.2. Creating or updating application plans

Use the following steps to create a new application plan if it does not exist, or to update an existing one:

  • Update the default application plan by using the --default flag.
  • Update the published application plan by using the --publish flag.
  • Update the hidden application plan by using the --hide flag.
  • Update the disabled application plan by using the --disabled flag.
  • Update the enabled application plan by using the --enabled flag.
  • The service positional argument is a service reference and can be either service id or service system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.
  • The plan positional argument is a plan reference and can be either plan id or plan system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.

The following command updates the application plan:

3scale application-plan create [opts] <remote> <service> <plan>

Use the following options while updating application plans:

       --approval-required=<value>    The application requires approval:
                                      true or false
       --cost-per-month=<value>       Cost per month
       --default                      Make the default application plan
       --disabled                     Disable all methods and metrics in
                                      the application plan
       --enabled                      Enable the application plan
       --hide                         Hide the application plan
    -n --name=<value>                 Set the plan name
    -o --output=<value>               Output format on stdout:
                                      one of json|yaml
    -p --publish                      Publish the application plan
       --setup-fee=<value>            Set-up fee
       --trial-period-days=<value>    The trial period in days

Options for application-plan
    -c --config-file=<value>          3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                      defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                         Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                     Proceed and operate even for server
                                      connections otherwise considered
    -v --version                      Print the version of this command
       --verbose                      Verbose mode

5.8.3. Listing application plans

The following command lists the application plan:

3scale application-plan list [opts] <remote> <service>

Use the following options while listing application plans:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for application-plan
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.8.4. Showing application plans

The following command shows the application plan:

3scale application-plan show [opts] <remote> <service> <plan>

Use the following options while showing application plans:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for application-plan
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.8.5. Deleting application plans

The following command deletes the application plan:

3scale application-plan delete [opts] <remote> <service> <plan>

Use the following options while deleting application plans:

Options for application-plan
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.8.6. Exporting/importing application plans

You can export or import a single application plan to or from yaml content.

Note the following:

  • Limits defined in the application plan are included.
  • Pricing rules defined in the application plan are included.
  • Metrics/methods referenced by limits and pricing rules are included.
  • Features defined in the application plan are included.
  • Service can be referenced by id or system_name.
  • Application Plan can be referenced by id or system_name. Exporting an application plan to a file

The following command exports the application plan:

3scale application-plan export [opts] <remote> <service_system_name> <plan_system_name>


$ podman run -u root -v $PWD:/tmp 3scale application-plan export --file=/tmp/plan.yaml remote_name service_name plan_name

This example uses a Podman volume to mount the exported file in the container for output to the current $PWD folder.


Specific to the export command:

  • Read only operation on remote service and application plan.
  • Command output can be stdout or file.

    • If not specified by -f option, by default, yaml content will be written on stdout.

Use the following options while exporting application plans:

    -f --file=<value>             Write to file instead of stdout

Options for application-plan
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode Importing an application plan from a file

The following command imports the application plan:

3scale application-plan import [opts] <remote> <service_system_name>


$ podman run -v $PWD/plan.yaml:/tmp/plan.yaml 3scale application-plan import --file=/tmp/plan.yaml remote_name service_name

This example uses a Podman volume to mount the imported file in the container from the current $PWD folder. Importing an application plan from a URL
3scale application-plan import -f http[s]://domain/resource/path.yaml remote_name service_name

Specific to import command:

  • Command input content can be stdin, file or URL format.

    • If not specified by -f option, by default, yaml content will be read from stdin.
  • If application plan cannot be found in remote service, it will be created.
  • Optional param -p, --plan to override remote target application plan id or system_name.

    • If not specified by -p option, by default, application plan will be referenced by plan attribute system_name from yaml content.
  • Any metric or method from yaml content that cannot be found in remote service, will be created.

Use the following options while importing application plans:

    -f --file=<value>                  Read from file or URL instead of
    -p --plan=<value>                  Override application plan reference

Options for application-plan
    -c --config-file=<value>           3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                       defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                          Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                      Proceed and operate even for server
                                       connections otherwise considered
    -v --version                       Print the version of this command
       --verbose                       Verbose mode

5.9. Creating metrics

Use the 3scale toolbox to create, update, list, and delete metrics in your Developer Portal.

Use the following steps for creating metrics:

  • You have to provide the metric name.
  • To override the system-name, use the optional parameter.
  • If metrics with the same name already exist, you will see an error message.
  • Create a disabled metric by using the --disabled flag.

    • By default, it will be enabled.
  • The service positional argument is a service reference and can be either service id or service system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.

The following command creates metrics:

3scale metric create [opts] <remote> <service> <metric-name>

Use the following options while creating metrics:

       --description=<value>      Set a metric description
       --disabled                 Disable this metric in all application
    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml
    -t --system-name=<value>      Set the application plan system name
       --unit=<value>             Metric unit: default hit

Options for metric
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.9.1. Creating or updating metrics

Use the following steps to create new metrics if they do not exist, or to update an existing one:

  • If metrics with the same name already exist, you will see an error message.
  • Update a disabled metric by using the --disabled flag.
  • Update to enabled metric by using the --enabled flag.
  • The service positional argument is a service reference and can be either service id or service system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.
  • The metric positional argument is a metric reference and can be either metric id or metric system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.

The following commmand updates metrics:

3scale metric apply [opts] <remote> <service> <metric>

Use the following options while updating metrics:

       --description=<value>      Set a metric description
       --disabled                 Disable this metric in all application
       --enabled                  Enable this metric in all application
    -n --name=<value>             This will set the metric name
       --unit=<value>             Metric unit: default hit
    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for metric
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.9.2. Listing metrics

The following command lists metrics:

3scale metric list [opts] <remote> <service>

Use the following options while listing metrics:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for metric
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.9.3. Deleting metrics

The following command deletes metrics:

3scale metric delete [opts] <remote> <service> <metric>

Use the following options while deleting metrics:

Options for metric
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.10. Creating methods

Use the 3scale toolbox to create, apply, list, and delete methods in your Developer Portal.

5.10.1. Creating methods

Use the following steps for creating methods:

  • You have to provide the method name.
  • To override the system-name, use the optional parameter.
  • If a method with the same name already exists, you will see an error message.
  • Create a disabled method by --disabled flag.

    • By default, it will be enabled.
  • The service positional argument is a service reference and can be either service id or service system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.

The following command creates a method:

3scale method create [opts] <remote> <service> <method-name>

Use the following options while creating methods:

       --description=<value>      Set a method description
       --disabled                 Disable this method in all
                                  application plans
    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml
    -t --system-name=<value>      Set the method system name

Options for method
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.10.2. Creating or updating methods

Use the steps below for creating new methods if they do not exist, or to update existing ones:

  • If a method with the same name already exists, the command will return an error message.
  • Update to disabled method by using --disabled flag.
  • Update to enabled method by using --enabled flag.
  • The service positional argument is a service reference and can be either service id or service system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.
  • The method positional argument is a method reference and can be either method id or method system_name.

    • The toolbox uses either one.

The following command updates a method:

3scale method apply [opts] <remote> <service> <method>

Use the following options while updating methods:

       --description=<value>      Set a method description
       --disabled                 Disable this method in all
                                  application plans
       --enabled                  Enable this method in all
                                  application plans
    -n --name=<value>             Set the method name
    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for method
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.10.3. Listing methods

The following command lists methods:

3scale method list [opts] <remote> <service>

Use the following options while listing methods:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for method
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.10.4. Deleting methods

The following command deletes methods:

3scale method delete [opts] <remote> <service> <metric>

Use the following options while deleting methods:

Options for method
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.11. Creating services

Use the 3scale toolbox to create, apply, list, show, or delete services in your Developer Portal.

5.11.1. Creating a new service

The following command creates a new service:

3scale service create [options] <remote> <service-name>

Use the following options while creating services:

    -a --authentication-mode=<value>     Specify authentication mode of
                                         the service:
                                          - '1' for API key
                                          - '2' for App Id/App Key
                                          - 'oauth' for OAuth mode
                                          - 'oidc' for OpenID Connect
    -d --deployment-mode=<value>         Specify the deployment mode of
                                         the service
       --description=<value>             Specify the description of the
    -o --output=<value>                  Output format on stdout:
                                         one of json|yaml
    -s --system-name=<value>             Specify the system-name of the
       --support-email=<value>           Specify the support email of the

Options for service
    -c --config-file=<value>             3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                         defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                            Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                        Proceed and operate even for
                                         server connections otherwise
                                         considered insecure
    -v --version                         Print the version of this command
       --verbose                         Verbose mode

5.11.2. Creating or updating services

Use the following to create new services if they do not exist, or to update an existing one:

  • service-id_or_system-name positional argument is a service reference.

    • It can be either service id, or service system_name.
    • Toolbox will automatically figure this out.
  • This command is idempotent.

The following command updates services:

3scale service apply <remote> <service-id_or_system-name>

Use the following options while updating services:

    -a --authentication-mode=<value>     Specify authentication mode of
                                         the service:
                                           - '1' for API key
                                           - '2' for App Id/App Key
                                           - 'oauth' for OAuth mode
                                           - 'oidc' for OpenID Connect
    -d --deployment-mode=<value>         Specify the deployment mode of
                                         the service
       --description=<value>             Specify the description of the
    -n --name=<value>                    Specify the name of the metric
       --support-email=<value>           Specify the support email of the
    -o --output=<value>                  Output format on stdout:
                                         one of json|yaml

Options for services
    -c --config-file=<value>             3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                         defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                            Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                        Proceed and operate even for
                                         server connections otherwise
                                         considered insecure
    -v --version                         Print the version of this command
       --verbose                         Verbose mode

5.11.3. Listing services

The following command lists services:

3scale service list <remote>

Use the following options while listing services:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for services
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.11.4. Showing services

The following command shows services:

3scale service show <remote> <service-id_or_system-name>

Use the following options while showing services:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for services
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.11.5. Deleting services

The following command deletes services:

3scale service delete <remote> <service-id_or_system-name>

Use the following options while deleting services:

Options for services
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.12. Creating ActiveDocs

Use the 3scale toolbox to create, update, list, or delete ActiveDocs in your Developer Portal.

5.12.1. Creating new ActiveDocs

To create a new ActiveDocs from your API definition compliant with the OpenAPI specification:

  1. Add your API definition to 3scale, optionally giving it a name:

    3scale activedocs create <remote> <activedocs-name> <specification>

    The OpenAPI specification for the ActiveDocs is required and must be one of the following values:

    • Filename in the available path.
    • URL from where toolbox can download the content. The supported schemes are http and https.
    • Read from stdin standard input stream. This is controlled by setting the - value.

      Use the following options while creating ActiveDocs:

          -d --description=<value>        Specify the description of
                                          the ActiveDocs
          -i --service-id=<value>         Specify the Service ID
                                          associated to the ActiveDocs
          -o --output=<value>             Output format on stdout: one
                                          of json|yaml
          -p --published                  Specify to publish the
                                          ActiveDocs on the Developer
                                          Portal. Otherwise it is hidden.
          -s --system-name=<value>        Specify the system-name of
                                          the ActiveDocs
             --skip-swagger-validations   Specify to skip validation
                                          of the Swagger specification
      Options for ActiveDocs
          -c --config-file=<value>        toolbox configuration file.
                                          Defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
          -h --help                       Print help for this command
          -k --insecure                   Proceed and operate even for
                                          server connections otherwise
                                          considered insecure
          -v --version                    Print the version of this command
             --verbose                    Verbose mode
  2. Publish the definition in your Developer Portal.

5.12.2. Creating or updating ActiveDocs

Use the following command to create new ActiveDocs if they do not exist, or to update existing ActiveDocs with a new API definition:

3scale activedocs apply <remote> <activedocs_id_or_system_name>

Use the following options while updating ActiveDocs:

  -d --description=<value>              Specify the description of the
       --hide                           Specify to hide the ActiveDocs
                                        on the Developer Portal
 -i --service-id=<value>                Specify the Service ID associated
                                        to the ActiveDocs
 -o --output=<value>                    Output format on stdout:
                                        one of json|yaml
    --openapi-spec=<value>              Specify the Swagger specification.
                                        Can be a file, a URL or '-' to read
                                        from stdin. This is a mandatory
                                        option when applying the ActiveDoc
                                        for the first time.
 -p --publish                           Specify to publish the ActiveDocs
                                        on the Developer Portal. Otherwise
                                        it is hidden
 -s --name=<value>                      Specify the name of the ActiveDocs
    --skip-swagger-validations=<value>  Specify whether to skip validation
                                        of the Swagger specification: true
                                        or false. Defaults to true.

Options for ActiveDocs
    -c --config-file=<value>           3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                       defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                          Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                      Proceed and operate even for server
                                       connections otherwise considered
    -v --version                       Print the version of this command
       --verbose                       Verbose mode

The behavior of activedocs apply --skip-swagger-validations changed in 3scale 2.8. You may need to update existing scripts using activedocs apply. Previously, if you did not specify this option in each activedocs apply command, validation was not skipped. Now, --skip-swagger-validations is true by default.

5.12.3. Listing ActiveDocs

Use the following command to get information about all ActiveDocs in the Developer Portal, including:

  • id
  • name
  • system name
  • description
  • published (which means it can be shown in the developer portal)
  • creation date
  • latest updated date

The following command lists all defined ActiveDocs:

3scale activedocs list <remote>

Use the following options while listing ActiveDocs:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml
    -s --service-ref=<value>      Filter the ActiveDocs by service
Options for ActiveDocs
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.12.4. Deleting ActiveDocs

The following command removes ActiveDocs:

3scale activedocs delete <remote> <activedocs-id_or-system-name>

Use the following options while deleting ActiveDocs:

Options for ActiveDocs
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.13. Listing proxy configurations

Use the 3scale toolbox to list, show, promote all defined proxy configurations in your Developer Portal.

The following command lists proxy configurations:

3scale proxy-config list <remote> <service> <environment>

Use the following options while listing proxy configurations:

    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for proxy-config
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.13.1. Showing proxy configurations

The following command shows proxy configurations:

3scale proxy-config show <remote> <service> <environment>

Use the following options while showing proxy configurations:

       --config-version=<value>   Specify the proxy configuration version.
                                  If not specified, defaults to latest
    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

Options for proxy-config
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.13.2. Promoting proxy configurations

The following command promotes the latest staging proxy configuration to the production environment:

3scale proxy-config promote <remote> <service>

Use the following options while promoting the latest staging proxy configurations to the production environment:

Options for proxy-config
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.13.3. Exporting proxy configurations

Use the proxy-config export command, for example, if you have a self-managed APIcast gateway not connected to your 3scale instance. In this scenario, inject the 3scale configuration manually or by using the APICast deployment and configuration options. In both cases, you must provide the 3scale configuration.

The following command exports a configuration that you can inject into the APIcast gateway:

3scale proxy-config export <remote>

You can specify the following options when exporting a proxy configuration for the provider account that will be used as a 3scale configuration file:

Options for proxy-config
--environment=<value>      Gateway environment. Must be 'sandbox' or
                           'production' (default: sandbox)
-o --output=<value>        Output format. One of: json|yaml

5.13.4. Deploying proxy configurations

The following deploy command promotes your APIcast configuration to the staging environment in 3scale or to a production environment if you are using Service Mesh.

3scale proxy-config deploy <remote> <service>

You can specify the following option when using the deploy command to promote your APIcast configuration to the staging environment:

-o --output=<value>        Output format. One of: json|yaml

Additional resources

5.14. Copying a policy registry

Use the toolbox command to copy a policy registry from a 3scale source account to a target account when:

  • Missing custom policies are being created in target account.
  • Matching custom policies are being updated in target account.
  • This copy command is idempotent.
  • Missing custom policies are defined as custom policies that exist in source account and do not exist in an account tenant.
  • Matching custom policies are defined as custom policies that exists in both source and target account.

The following command copies a policy registry:

3scale policy-registry copy [opts] <source_remote> <target_remote>
Option for policy-registry
    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.15. Listing applications

Use the 3scale toolbox to list, create, show, apply, or delete applications Developer Portal.

The following command lists applications:

3scale application list [opts] <remote>

Use the following options while listing applications:

       --account=<value>          Filter by account
    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml
       --plan=<value>             Filter by application plan. Service
                                  option required.
       --service=<value>          Filter by service

    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.15.1. Creating applications

Use the create command to create one application linked to a given 3scale account and application plan.

The required positional paramaters are as follows:

  • <service> reference. It can be either service id, or service system_name.
  • <account> reference. It can be one of the following:

    • Account id
    • username, email, or user_id of the admin user of the account
    • provider_key
  • <application plan> reference. It can be either plan id, or plan system_name.
  • <name> application name.

The following command creates applications:

3scale application create [opts] <remote> <account> <service> <application-plan> <name>

Use the following options while creating applications:

       --application-id=<value>     App ID or Client ID (for OAuth and
                                    OpenID Connect authentication modes)
                                    of the application to be created.
       --application-key=<value>    App Key(s) or Client Secret (for OAuth
                                    and OpenID Connect authentication
                                    modes) of the application created.
       --description=<value>        Application description
    -o --output=<value>             Output format on stdout:
                                    one of json|yaml
       --redirect-url=<value>       OpenID Connect redirect url
       --user-key=<value>           User Key (API Key) of the application
                                    to be created.

    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.15.2. Showing applications

The following command shows applications:

3scale application show [opts] <remote> <application>

Application parameters allow:

  • User_key - API key
  • App_id - from app_id/app_key pair or Client ID for OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication modes
  • Application internal id
    -o --output=<value>           Output format on stdout:
                                  one of json|yaml

    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Print help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode

5.15.3. Creating or updating applications

Use the following command to create new applications if they do not exist, or to update existing applications:

3scale application apply [opts] <remote> <application>

Application parameters allow:

  • User_key - API key
  • App_id - from app_id/app_key pair or Client ID for OAuth and OIDC authentication modes
  • Application internal id
  • account optional argument is required when application is not found and needs to be created. It can be one of the following:

    • Account id
    • username, email, or user_id of the administrator user of the 3scale account
    • provider_key
  • name cannot be used as unique identifier because application name is not unique in 3scale.
  • Resume a suspended application by --resume flag.
  • Suspends an application - changes the state to suspended by the --suspend flag.

Use the following options while updating applications:

       --account=<value>           Application's account. Required when
       --application-key=<value>   App Key(s) or Client Secret (for OAuth
                                   and OpenID Connect authentication
                                   modes) of the application to be
                                   created. Only used when application
                                   does not exist.
       --description=<value>       Application description
       --name=<value>              Application name
    -o --output=<value>            Output format on stdout:
                                   one of json|yaml
       --plan=<value>              Application's plan. Required when
       --redirect-url=<value>      OpenID Connect redirect url
       --resume                    Resume a suspended application
       --service=<value>           Application's service. Required when
       --suspend                   Suspends an application (changes the
                                   state to suspended)
       --user-key=<value>          User Key (API Key) of the application
                                   to be created.

    -c --config-file=<value>      3scale toolbox configuration file:
                                  defaults to $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml
    -h --help                     Show help for this command
    -k --insecure                 Proceed and operate even for server
                                  connections otherwise considered insecure
    -v --version                  Print the version of this command
       --verbose                  Verbose mode.

5.15.4. Deleting applications

The following command deletes an application:

3scale application delete [opts] <remote> <application>

Application parameters allow:

  • User_key - API key
  • App_id - from app_id/app_key pair or Client ID for OAuth and OIDC authentication modes
  • Application internal id

5.16. Exporting products

You can export a 3scale product definition in .yaml format so that you can import that product into a 3scale instance that has no connectivity with the source 3scale instance. You must set up a 3scale product before you can export that product. See Creating new products to test API calls.

When two 3scale instances have network connectivity, use the toolbox 3scale copy command when you want to use the same 3scale product in both 3scale instances.


When you export a 3scale product, the toolbox serializes the product definition in .yaml format that adheres to the Product and Backend custom resource definitions (CRDs). Along with the basic information for the product, the output .yaml includes:

  • Backends that are linked to the product.
  • Metrics, methods and mapping rules for linked backends.
  • Limits and pricing rules defined in application plans.
  • Metrics and methods that are referenced by limits and pricing rules.

Exporting a product is a read-only operation. In other words, it is safe to repeatedly export a product. The toolbox does not change the product being exported. If you want to, you can modify the .yaml output before you import it into another 3scale instance.

Exporting a 3scale product is intended for the following situations:

  • There is no connectivity between the source and destination 3scale instances. For example, there might be severe network restrictions that prevent running the toolbox 3scale copy command when you want to use the same product in more than one 3scale instance.
  • You want to use Git or some other source control system to maintain 3scale product definitions in .yaml format.

The 3scale toolbox export and import commands might also be useful for backing up and restoring product definitions.


Use this format for running the export command:

3scale product export [-f output-file] <remote> <product>

The export command can send output to stdout or to a file. The default is stdout. To send output to a file, specify the -f or --file option with the name of a .yaml file.

Replace <remote> with a 3scale provider account alias or URL that is associated with the 3scale instance from which you are exporting the product. For more information about specifying this, see Managing remote access credentials.

Replace <product> with the system name or 3scale ID of the product that you want to export. This product must be associated with the 3scale provider account that you specified. You can find a product’s system name in the 3scale GUI on the product’s Overview page. To obtain a product’s 3scale ID, run the toolbox 3scale services show command.


The following command exports the petstore product from the 3scale instance associated with the my-3scale-1 provider account and outputs it to the petstore-product.yaml file:

3scale product export -f petstore-product.yaml my-3scale-1 petstore

Following is a serialization example for the Default API product:

apiVersion: v1
kind: List
- apiVersion:
  kind: Product
      3scale_toolbox_created_at: '2021-02-17T10:59:23Z'
      3scale_toolbox_version: 0.17.1
    name: api.xysnalcj
    name: Default API
    systemName: api
    description: ''
    - httpMethod: GET
      pattern: "/v2"
      metricMethodRef: hits
      increment: 1
      last: false
        friendlyName: Hits
        unit: hit
        description: Number of API hits
        friendlyName: servicemethod01
        description: ''
    - name: apicast
      version: builtin
      configuration: {}
      enabled: true
        name: Basic
        appsRequireApproval: false
        trialPeriod: 0
        setupFee: 0.0
        custom: false
        state: published
        costMonth: 0.0
        - from: 1
          to: 1000
          pricePerUnit: 1.0
            systemName: hits
        - period: hour
          value: 1222222
            systemName: hits
            backend: backend_01
        path: "/v1/pets"
        path: "/v1/cats"
            issuerType: rest
            jwtClaimWithClientID: azp
            jwtClaimWithClientIDType: plain
              standardFlowEnabled: false
              implicitFlowEnabled: true
              serviceAccountsEnabled: false
              directAccessGrantsEnabled: true
            credentials: query
              hostHeader: ''
              secretToken: some_secret
              errorStatusAuthFailed: 403
              errorHeadersAuthFailed: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
              errorAuthFailed: Authentication failed
              errorStatusAuthMissing: 403
              errorHeadersAuthMissing: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
              errorAuthMissing: Authentication parameters missing
              errorStatusNoMatch: 404
              errorHeadersNoMatch: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
              errorNoMatch: No Mapping Rule matched
              errorStatusLimitsExceeded: 429
              errorHeadersLimitsExceeded: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
              errorLimitsExceeded: Usage limit exceeded
- apiVersion:
  kind: Backend
      3scale_toolbox_created_at: '2021-02-17T10:59:34Z'
      3scale_toolbox_version: 0.17.1
    name: backend.01.pcjwxbdu
    name: Backend 01
    systemName: backend_01
    description: new desc
    - httpMethod: GET
      pattern: "/v1/pets"
      metricMethodRef: hits
      increment: 1
      last: false
        friendlyName: Hits
        unit: hit
        description: Number of API hits
        friendlyName: mybackendmethod01
        description: ''
- apiVersion:
  kind: Backend
      3scale_toolbox_created_at: '2021-02-17T10:59:34Z'
      3scale_toolbox_version: 0.17.1
    name: backend.02.tiedgjsk
    name: Backend 02
    systemName: backend_02
    description: ''
    - httpMethod: GET
      pattern: "/v1/cats"
      metricMethodRef: hits
      increment: 1
      last: false
        friendlyName: Hits
        unit: hit
        description: Number of API hits
        friendlyName: backend02_method01
        description: ''

Exporting and piping to Product CRs

When you run the export command you can pipe the output to create a product custom resource (CR). Which 3scale instance contains this CR depends on the following:

  • If the threescale-provider-account secret is defined, the 3scale operator creates the product CR in the 3scale instance identified by that secret.
  • If the threescale-provider-account secret is not defined, then if there is a 3scale instance installed in the namespace that the new product CR would be in, the 3scale operator creates the product CR in that namespace.
  • If the threescale-provider-account secret is not defined, and if the namespace that the new product CR would be in does not contain a 3scale instance, then the 3scale operator marks the product CR with a failed status.

Suppose that you run the following command in a namespace that contains a threescale-provider-account secret. The toolbox pipes the petstore CR to the 3scale instance identified in the threescale-provider-account secret:

3scale product export my-3scale-1 petstore | oc apply -f -

For details, see How the 3scale operator identifies the tenant that a custom resource links to.

5.17. Importing products

To use the same 3scale product in more than one 3scale instance when the source and destination 3scale instances do not have network connectivity, export a 3scale product from one 3scale instance and import it into another 3scale instance. To import a product, run the toolbox 3scale product import command.

When two 3scale instances have network connectivity, use the toolbox 3scale copy command when you want to use the same 3scale product in both 3scale instances.


When you import a 3scale product, the toolbox expects a serialized product definition in .yaml format that adheres to the Product and Backend custom resource definitions (CRDs). You can obtain this .yaml content by running the toolbox 3scale product export command or by manually creating the .yaml formatted product definition.

If you exported the product, the imported definition contains what was exported, which can include:

  • Backends that are linked to the product.
  • Metrics, methods and mapping rules for linked backends.
  • Limits and pricing rules defined in application plans.
  • Metrics and methods that are referenced by limits and pricing rules.

If you want to, you can modify exported .yaml output before you import it into another 3scale instance.

The import command is idempotent. You can run it any number of times to import the same product and the resulting 3scale configuration remains the same. If there is an error during the import process, it is safe to re-run the command. If the import process cannot find the product in the 3scale instance, it creates the product. It also creates any metric, method, or backend that is defined in the .yaml definition and that it cannot find in the 3scale instance.

Importing a 3scale product is intended for the following situations:

  • There is no connectivity between the source and destination 3scale instances. For example, there might be severe network restrictions that prevent running the toolbox 3scale copy command when you want to use the same product in more than one 3scale instance.
  • You want to use Git or some other source control system to maintain 3scale product definitions in .yaml format.

The 3scale toolbox export and import commands might also be useful for backing up and restoring product definitions.


Use this format for running the import command:

3scale product import [<options>] <remote>

The import command takes .yaml input from stdin or from a file. The default is stdin.

You can specify these options:

  • -f or --file followed by a file name obtains input from the .yaml file that you specify. This file must contain a 3scale product definition that adheres to the 3scale Product and Backend CRDs.
  • -o or --output followed by json or yaml outputs the report that lists what was imported in the format that you specify. The default output format is json.

Replace <remote> with a 3scale provider account alias or URL associated with the 3scale instance into which you want to import the product. For more information about specifying this, see Managing remote access credentials.


The following command imports the product that is defined in petstore-product.yaml into the 3scale instance associated with the my-3scale-2 provider account. By default, the report of what was imported is in .json format.

3scale product import -f petstore-product.yaml my-3scale-2

The import command outputs a report that lists the imported items, for example:

  product_id: 2555417888846
      backend_id: 73310
      missing_metrics_created: 1
      missing_methods_created: 1
      missing_mapping_rules_created: 1
      backend_id: 73311
      missing_metrics_created: 0
      missing_methods_created: 2
      missing_mapping_rules_created: 1
  missing_methods_created: 1
  missing_metrics_created: 1
  missing_mapping_rules_created: 2
  missing_application_plans_created: 2
      application_plan_id: 2357356246461
      missing_limits_created: 7
      missing_pricing_rules_created: 7
      application_plan_id: 2357356246462
      missing_limits_created: 1
      missing_pricing_rules_created: 0

An example of a serialized product definition is at the end of Exporting products.

5.18. Export and import a product policy chain

You can export or import your product’s policy chain to or from yaml or json content. In a command line, reference the product by its id or system value. You must set up a 3scale product before you can export or import a product’s policy chain. See: Creating new products to test API calls.

Features of the export command

  • The command is a read-only operation for remote products.
  • The command will write its output by default to the standard output stdout. The -f flag can be used to write the command’s output to a file.
  • Command output formats are in either json or yaml. Note that the default format is yaml.

Help options for the export product policy chain

    export - export product policy chain
    3scale policies export [opts] <remote>
    export product policy chain
    -f --file=<value>             Write to file instead of stdout
    -o --output=<value>           Output format. One of: json|yaml

Command format

  • The following is the format of the command to export the policy chain to a file in yaml:

    $ 3scale policies export -f policies.yaml -o yaml remote_name product_name

Features of the the import command:

  • The command will read input from standard input or stdin. When -f FILE flag is set, input will be read from a file. When -u URL flag is set, input will be read from the URL.
  • The imported content can be either yaml or json. You do not need to specify the format because the toolbox automatically detects it.
  • The existing policy chain is overwritten with the newly imported one. SET semantics are then implemented.
  • All content validation is delegated to the 3scale API.

Help options for the import product policy chain

    import - import product policy chain
    3scale policies import [opts] <remote>
    import product policy chain
    -f --file=<value>             Read from file
    -u --url=<value>              Read from url

Command format

  • The following is the format of the command to import the policy chain from a file:

    $ 3scale policies import -f plan.yaml remote_name product_name
  • The following is the format of the command to import the policy chain from a URI:

    $ 3scale policies import -f http[s]://domain/resource/path.yaml remote_name product_name

5.19. Copying API backends

Create a copy of the specified source API backend on the specified 3scale system. The target system is first searched by the source backend system name by default:

  • If a backend with the selected system name is not found, it is created.
  • If a backend with the selected system name is found, it is replaced. Only missing metrics and methods are created, while mapping rules are entirely replaced with the new ones.

You can override the system name using the --target_system_name option.

Copied components

The following API backend components are copied:

  • Metrics
  • Methods
  • Mapping rules: these are copied and replaced.


  • Enter the following command to copy an API backend:

    3scale backend copy [opts] -s <source_remote> -d <target_remote> <source_backend>

    The specified 3scale instance can be a remote name or a URL.


    You can copy a single API backend only per command. You can copy multiple backends using multiple commands. You can copy the same backend multiple times by specifying a different --target_system_name name.

Use following options when copying API backends:

    -d --destination=<value>             3scale target instance: URL or
                                         remote name (required).
    -s --source=<value>                  3scale source instance: URL or
                                         remote name (required).
    -t --target_system_name=<value>      Target system name: defaults to
                                         source system name.

The following example command shows you how to copy an API backend multiple times by specifying a different value for --target_system_name:

$ podman run 3scale backend copy [-t target_system_name] -s 3scale1 -d 3scale2 api_backend_01

5.20. Copying API products

Create a copy of the specified source API product on the target 3scale system. By default, the source API product system name first searches the target system:

  • If a product with the selected system-name is not found, it is created.
  • If a product with the selected system-name is found, it is updated. Only missing metrics and methods are created, while mapping rules are entirely replaced with the new ones.

You can override the system name using the --target_system_name option.

Copied components

The following API product components are copied:

  • Configuration and settings
  • Metrics and methods
  • Mapping rules: these are copied and replaced.
  • Application plans, pricing rules, and limits
  • Application usage rules
  • Policies
  • Backends
  • ActiveDocs


  • Enter the following command to copy an API product:

    3scale product copy [opts] -s <source_remote> -d <target_remote> <source_product>

    The specified 3scale instance can be a remote name or a URL.


    You can copy a single API product only per command. You can copy multiple products using multiple commands. You can copy the same product multiple times by specifying a different --target_system_name name.

Use following options when copying API products:

    -d --destination=<value>             3scale target instance: URL or
                                         remote name (required).
    -s --source=<value>                  3scale source instance: URL or
                                         remote name (required).
    -t --target_system_name=<value>      Target system name: defaults to
                                         source system name.

The following example command shows you how to copy an API product multiple times by specifying a different value for --target_system_name:

$ podman run 3scale product copy [-t target_system_name] -s 3scale1 -d 3scale2 my_api_product_01

5.21. Troubleshooting issues with SSL and TLS

This section explains how to resolve issues with Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS).

If you are experiencing issues related to self-signed SSL certificates, you can download and use remote host certificates as described in this section. For example, typical errors include SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate or self signed certificate in certificate chain.


  1. Download the remote host certificate using openssl. For example:

    $ echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > self-signed-cert.pem
  2. Ensure that the certificate is working correctly using curl. For example:

    $ SSL_CERT_FILE=self-signed-cert.pem curl -v

    If the certificate is working correctly, you will no longer get the SSL error. If the certificate is not working correctly, try running the curl command with the -k option (or its long form, --insecure). This indicates that you want to proceed even for server connections that are otherwise considered insecure.

  3. Add the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable to your 3scale commands. For example:

    $ podman run --env "SSL_CERT_FILE=/tmp/self-signed-cert.pem" -v $PWD/self-signed-cert.pem:/tmp/self-signed-cert.pem 3scale service list https://{ACCESS_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME}

    This example uses a Podman volume to mount the certificate file in the container. It assumes that the file is available in the current $PWD folder.

    An alternative approach would be to create your own toolbox image using the 3scale toolbox image as the base image and then install your own trusted certificate store.

Additional resources

Chapter 6. Mapping API environments in 3scale

An API provider gives access to the APIs managed through the 3scale Admin Portal. You then deploy the API backends in many environments. API backend environments include the following:

  • Different environments used for development, quality assurance (QA), staging, and production.
  • Different environments used for teams or departments that manage their own set of API backends.

A Red Hat 3scale API Management product represents a single API or subset of an API, but it is also used to map and manage different API backend environments.

To find out about mapping API environments for your 3scale product, see the following sections:

6.1. Product per environment

This method uses a separate 3scale Product for each API backend environment. In each product, configure a production gateway and a staging gateway, so the changes to the gateway configuration can be tested safely and promoted to the production configuration as you would with your API backends.

Production Product => Production Product APIcast gateway => Production Product API upstream
Staging Product => Staging Product APIcast gateway => Staging Product API upstream

Configure the product for the API backend environment as follows:

Development environment

  • Create development backend

    • Name: Dev
    • Private Base URL: URL of the API backend
  • Create Dev product

    • Production Public Base URL:
    • Staging Public Base URL:
    • Add Dev Backend with a backend path /

QA environment

  • Create QA backend

    • Name: QA
    • Private Base URL: URL of the API backend
  • Create QA product

    • Production Public Base URL:
    • Staging Public Base URL:
    • Add QA Backend with a backend path /

Production environment

  • Create production backend

    • Name: Prod
    • Private Base URL: URL of the API backend
  • Create Prod product

    • Production Public Base URL:
    • Staging Public Base URL:
    • Add production Backend with a backend path /

Additional resources

6.2. 3scale On-premises instances

For 3scale On-premises instances, there are multiple ways to set up 3scale to manage API back-end environments.

  • A separate 3scale instance for each API back-end environment
  • A single 3scale instance that uses the multitenancy feature

6.2.1. Separating 3scale instances per environment

In this approach a separate 3scale instance is deployed for each API back-end environment. The benefit of this architecture is that each environment will be isolated from one another, therefore there are no shared databases or other resources. For example, any load testing being done in one environment will not impact the resources in other environments.


This separation of installations has benefits as described above, however, it would require more operational resources and maintenance. These additional resources would be required on the OpenShift administration layer and not necessarily on the 3scale layer.

6.2.2. Separating 3scale tenants per environment

In this approach a single 3scale instance is used but the multitenancy feature is used to support multiple API back ends.

There are two options:

  • Create a 1-to-1 mapping between environments and 3scale products within a single tenant.
  • Create a 1-to-1 mapping between environments and tenants with one or more products per tenant as required.

    • There would be three tenants corresponding to API back-end environments - dev-tenant, qa-tenant, prod-tenant. The benefit of this approach is that it allows for a logical separation of environments but uses shared physical resources.

Shared physical resources will ultimately need to be taken into consideration when analysing the best strategy for mapping API environments to a single installation with multiple tenants.

6.3. 3scale mixed approach

The approaches described in 3scale On-premises instances can be combined. For example:

  • A separate 3scale instance for production
  • A separate 3scale instance with separate tenant for non-production environments in dev and qa

6.4. 3scale with APIcast gateways

For 3scale On-premises instances, there are two alternatives to set up 3scale to manage API backend environments:

  • Each 3scale installation comes with two built-in APIcast gateways, for staging and production.
  • Deploy additional APIcast gateways externally to the OpenShift cluster where 3scale is running.

6.4.1. APIcast built-in default gateways

When APIcast built-in gateways are used, the API back end configured using the above approaches described in 3scale with APIcast gateways will be handled automatically. When a tenant is added by a 3scale Master Admin, a route is created for the tenant in production and staging built-in APIcast gateways. See Understanding multitenancy subdomains

  • <API_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>-apicast.staging.<WILDCARD_DOMAIN>
  • <API_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>-apicast.production.<WIDLCARD_DOMAIN>

Therefore, each API back-end environment mapped to a different tenant would get its own route. For example:

  • Dev <API_NAME>-dev-apicast.staging.<WILDCARD_DOMAIN>
  • QA <API_NAME>-qa-apicast.staging.<WILDCARD_DOMAIN>
  • Prod <API_NAME>-prod-apicast.staging.<WILDCARD_DOMAIN>

6.4.2. Additional APIcast gateways

Additional APIcast gateways are those deployed on a different OpenShift cluster than the one on which 3scale instance is running. There is more than one way to set up and use additional APIcast gateways. The value of environment variable THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT used when starting APIcast depends how the additional APIcast gateways are set up.

A separate APIcast gateway can be used for each API back-end environment. For example:


The THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT is used by APIcast to download the configuration. Each tenant that maps to an API backend environment uses a separate APIcast gateway. The THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT is set to the Admin Portal for the tenant containing all the product configurations specific to that API backend environment.

A single APIcast gateway can be used with multiple API back-end environments. In this case THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT is set to the Master Admin Portal.

Additional resources

  • For more information about the API provider, see the glossary.
  • For more information about the 3scale product, see the glossary.

Chapter 7. Automating API lifecycle with 3scale toolbox

This topic explains the concepts of the API lifecycle with Red Hat 3scale API Management and shows how API providers can automate the deployment stage using Jenkins Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines with 3scale toolbox commands. It describes how to deploy the sample Jenkins CI/CD pipelines, how to create a custom Jenkins pipeline using the 3scale shared library, and how create a custom pipeline from scratch:

7.1. Overview of the API lifecycle stages

The API lifecycle describes all the required activities from when an API is created until it is deprecated. 3scale enables API providers to perform full API lifecycle management. This section explains each stage in the API lifecycle and describes its goal and expected outcome.

The following diagram shows the API provider-based stages on the left, and the API consumer-based stages on the right:

API lifecycle stages

Red Hat currently supports the design, implement, deploy, secure, and manage phases of the API provider cycle, and all phases of the API consumer cycle.

7.1.1. API provider cycle

The API provider cycle stages are based on specifying, developing, and deploying your APIs. The following describes the goal and outcome of each stage:

Table 7.1. API provider lifecycle stages

1. Strategy

Determine the corporate strategy for the APIs, including goals, resources, target market, timeframe, and make a plan.

The corporate strategy is defined with a clear plan to achieve the goals.

2. Design

Create the API contract early to break dependencies between projects, gather feedback, and reduce risks and time to market (for example, using Apicurio Studio).

A consumer-focused API contract defines the messages that can be exchanged with the API. The API consumers have provided feedback.

3. Mock

Further specify the API contract with real-world examples and payloads that can be used by API consumers to start their implementation.

A mock API is live and returns real-world examples. The API contract is complete with examples.

4. Test

Further specify the API contract with business expectations that can be used to test the developed API.

A set of acceptance tests is created. The API documentation is complete with business expectations.

5. Implement

Implement the API, using an integration framework such as Red Hat Fuse or a development language of your choice. Ensure that the implementation matches the API contract.

The API is implemented. If custom API management features are required, 3scale APIcast policies are also developed.

6. Deploy

Automate the API integration, tests, deployment, and management using a CI/CD pipeline with 3scale toolbox.

A CI/CD pipeline integrates, tests, deploys, and manages the API to the production environment in an automated way.

7. Secure

Ensure that the API is secure (for example, using secure development practices and automated security testing).

Security guidelines, processes, and gates are in place.

8. Manage

Manage API promotion between environments, versioning, deprecation, and retirement at scale.

Processes and tools are in place to manage APIs at scale (for example, semantic versioning to prevent breaking changes to the API).

7.1.2. API consumer cycle

The API consumer cycle stages are based on promoting, distributing, and refining your APIs for consumption. The following describes the goal and outcome of each stage:

Table 7.2. API consumer lifecycle stages

9. Discover

Promote the API to third-party developers, partners, and internal users.

A developer portal is live and up-to-date documentation is continuously pushed to this developer portal (for example, using 3scale ActiveDocs).

10. Develop

Guide and enable third-party developers, partners, and internal users to develop applications based on the API.

The developer portal includes best practices, guides, and recommendations. API developers have access to a mock and test endpoint to develop their software.

11. Consume

Handle the growing API consumption and manage the API consumers at scale.

Staged application plans are available for consumption, and up-to-date prices and limits are continuously pushed. API consumers can integrate API key or client ID/secret generation from their CI/CD pipeline.

12. Monitor

Gather factual and quantified feedback about API health, quality, and developer engagement (for example, a metric for Time to first Hello World!).

A monitoring system is in place. Dashboards show KPIs for the API (for example, uptime, requests per minute, latency, and so on).

13. Monetize

Drive new incomes at scale (this stage is optional).

For example, when targeting a large number of small API consumers, monetization is enabled and consumers are billed based on usage in an automated way.

7.2. Deploying the sample Jenkins CI/CD pipelines

API lifecycle automation with 3scale toolbox focuses on the deployment stage of the API lifecycle and enables you to use CI/CD pipelines to automate your API management solution. This topic explains how to deploy the sample Jenkins pipelines that call the 3scale toolbox:

7.2.1. Sample Jenkins CI/CD pipelines

The following samples are provided in the Red Hat Integration repository as examples of how to create and deploy your Jenkins pipelines for API lifecycle automation:

Table 7.3. Sample Jenkins shared library pipelines
Sample pipelineTarget environmentSecurity

SaaS - API key

3scale Hosted

API key

Hybrid - open

3scale Hosted and 3scale On-premises with APIcast self-managed


Hybrid - OpenID Connect

3scale Hosted and 3scale On-premises with APIcast self-managed

OpenID Connect (OIDC)


3scale Hosted on development, test and production, with APIcast self-managed

API key

Semantic versioning

3scale Hosted on development, test and production, with APIcast self-managed

API key, none, OIDC

These samples use a 3scale Jenkins shared library that calls the 3scale toolbox to demonstrate key API management capabilities. After you have performed the setup steps in this topic, you can install the pipelines using the OpenShift templates provided for each of the sample use cases in the Red Hat Integration repository.


The sample pipelines and applications are provided as examples only. The underlying APIs, CLIs, and other interfaces leveraged by the sample pipelines are fully supported by Red Hat. Any modifications that you make to the pipelines are not directly supported by Red Hat.

7.2.2. Setting up your 3scale Hosted environment

Setting up a 3scale Hosted environment is required by all of the sample Jenkins CI/CD pipelines.


The SaaS - API key, Multi-environment, and Semantic versioning sample pipelines use 3scale Hosted only. The Hybrid - open and Hybrid - OIDC pipelines also use 3scale On-premises. See also Setting up your 3scale On-premises environment.



  1. Log in to your 3scale Hosted Admin Portal console.
  2. Generate a new access token with write access to the Account Management API.
  3. Save the generated access token for later use. For example:

    export SAAS_ACCESS_TOKEN=123...456
  4. Save the name of your 3scale tenant for later use. This is the string before in your Admin Portal URL. For example:

    export SAAS_TENANT=my_username
  5. Navigate to Audience > Accounts > Listing in the Admin Portal.
  6. Click Developer.
  7. Save the Developer Account ID. This is the last part of the URL after /buyers/accounts/. For example:

    export SAAS_DEVELOPER_ACCOUNT_ID=123...456

7.2.3. Setting up your 3scale On-premises environment

Setting up a 3scale on-premises environment is required by the Hybrid - open and Hybrid - OIDC sample Jenkins CI/CD pipelines only.


If you wish to use these Hybrid sample pipelines, you must set up a 3scale On-premises environment and a 3scale Hosted environment. See also Setting up your 3scale Hosted environment.



  1. Log in to your 3scale On-premises Admin Portal console.
  2. Generate a new access token with write access to the Account Management API.
  3. Save the generated access token for later use. For example:

    export SAAS_ACCESS_TOKEN=123...456
  4. Save the name of your 3scale tenant for later use:

    export ONPREM_ADMIN_PORTAL_HOSTNAME="$(oc get route system-provider-admin -o jsonpath='{}')"
  5. Define your wildcard routes:

    export OPENSHIFT_ROUTER_SUFFIX=app.openshift.test # Replace me!

    You must set the value of OPENSHIFT_ROUTER_SUFFIX to the suffix of your OpenShift router (for example, app.openshift.test).

  6. Add the wildcard routes to your existing 3scale on-premises instance:

    oc create route edge apicast-wildcard-staging --service=apicast-staging --hostname="wildcard.$APICAST_ONPREM_STAGING_WILDCARD_DOMAIN" --insecure-policy=Allow --wildcard-policy=Subdomain
    oc create route edge apicast-wildcard-production --service=apicast-production --hostname="wildcard.$APICAST_ONPREM_PRODUCTION_WILDCARD_DOMAIN" --insecure-policy=Allow --wildcard-policy=Subdomain
  7. Navigate to Audience > Accounts > Listing in the Admin Portal.
  8. Click Developer.
  9. Save the Developer Account ID. This is the last part of the URL after /buyers/accounts/:


7.2.4. Deploying Red Hat Single Sign-On for OpenID Connect

If you are using the Hybrid - OpenID Connect (OIDC) or Semantic versioning sample pipelines, perform the steps in this section to deploy Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO) with 3scale. This is required for OIDC authentication, which is used in both samples.


  1. Deploy RH-SSO 7.3 as explained in the RH-SSO documentation.

    The following example commands provide a short summary:

    oc replace -n openshift --force -f
    oc replace -n openshift --force -f
    oc -n openshift import-image redhat-sso73-openshift:1.0
    oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:$(oc project -q):default
    oc new-app --template=sso73-x509-postgresql-persistent --name=sso -p DB_USERNAME=sso -p SSO_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin -p DB_DATABASE=sso
  2. Save the host name of your RH-SSO installation for later use:

    export SSO_HOSTNAME="$(oc get route sso -o jsonpath='{}')"
  3. Configure RH-SSO for 3scale as explained in the 3scale Developer Portal documentation.
  4. Save the realm name, client ID, and client secret for later use:

    export REALM=3scale
    export CLIENT_ID=3scale-admin
    export CLIENT_SECRET=123...456

7.2.5. Installing the 3scale toolbox and enabling access

This section describes how to install the toolbox, create your remote 3scale instance, and provision the secret used to access the Admin Portal.


  1. Install the 3scale toolbox locally as explained in The 3scale toolbox.
  2. Run the appropriate toolbox command to create your 3scale remote instance:

    3scale Hosted

    3scale remote add 3scale-saas "https://$SAAS_ACCESS_TOKEN@$"

    3scale On-premises

    3scale remote add 3scale-onprem "https://$ONPREM_ACCESS_TOKEN@$ONPREM_ADMIN_PORTAL_HOSTNAME/"

  3. Run the following OpenShift command to provision the secret containing your 3scale Admin Portal and access token:

    oc create secret generic 3scale-toolbox -n "$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" --from-file="$HOME/.3scalerc.yaml"

7.2.6. Deploying the API backends

This section shows how to deploy the example API backends provided with the sample pipelines. You can substitute your own API backends as needed when creating and deploying your own pipelines


  1. Deploy the example Beer Catalog API backend for use with the following samples:

    • SaaS - API key
    • Hybrid - open
    • Hybrid - OIDC

      oc new-app -n "$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" -i openshift/redhat-openjdk18-openshift:1.4 --context-dir=/beer-catalog-demo/api-implementation --name=beer-catalog
      oc expose -n "$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" svc/beer-catalog
  2. Save the Beer Catalog API host name for later use:

    export BEER_CATALOG_HOSTNAME="$(oc get route -n "$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" beer-catalog -o jsonpath='{}')"
  3. Deploy the example Red Hat Event API backend for use with the following samples:

    • Multi-environment
    • Semantic versioning

      oc new-app -n "$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" -i openshift/nodejs:10 '' --name=event-api
      oc expose -n "$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" svc/event-api
  4. Save the Event API host name for later use:

    export EVENT_API_HOSTNAME="$(oc get route -n "$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" event-api -o jsonpath='{}')"

7.2.7. Deploying self-managed APIcast instances

This section is for use with APIcast self-managed instances in 3scale Hosted environments. It applies to all of the sample pipelines except SaaS - API key.


  1. Define your wildcard routes:

  2. Deploy the APIcast self-managed instances in your project:

    oc create secret generic 3scale-tenant --from-literal=password=https://$SAAS_ACCESS_TOKEN@$
    oc create -f
    oc new-app --template=3scale-gateway --name=apicast-staging -p CONFIGURATION_URL_SECRET=3scale-tenant -p CONFIGURATION_CACHE=0 -p RESPONSE_CODES=true -p LOG_LEVEL=info -p CONFIGURATION_LOADER=lazy -p APICAST_NAME=apicast-staging -p DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=sandbox -p
    oc new-app --template=3scale-gateway --name=apicast-production -p CONFIGURATION_URL_SECRET=3scale-tenant -p CONFIGURATION_CACHE=60 -p RESPONSE_CODES=true -p LOG_LEVEL=info -p CONFIGURATION_LOADER=boot -p APICAST_NAME=apicast-production -p DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=production -p
    oc scale dc/apicast-staging --replicas=1
    oc scale dc/apicast-production --replicas=1
    oc create route edge apicast-staging --service=apicast-staging --hostname="wildcard.$APICAST_SELF_MANAGED_STAGING_WILDCARD_DOMAIN" --insecure-policy=Allow --wildcard-policy=Subdomain
    oc create route edge apicast-production --service=apicast-production --hostname="wildcard.$APICAST_SELF_MANAGED_PRODUCTION_WILDCARD_DOMAIN" --insecure-policy=Allow --wildcard-policy=Subdomain

7.2.8. Installing and deploying the sample pipelines

After you have set up the required environments, you can install and deploy the sample pipelines using the OpenShift templates provided for each of the sample use cases in the Red Hat Integration repository. For example, this section shows the SaaS - API Key sample only.


  1. Use the provided OpenShift template to install the Jenkins pipeline:

    oc process -f saas-usecase-apikey/setup.yaml \
               -p PRIVATE_BASE_URL="http://$BEER_CATALOG_HOSTNAME" \
               -p NAMESPACE="$TOOLBOX_NAMESPACE" |oc create -f -
  2. Deploy the sample as follows:

    oc start-build saas-usecase-apikey

7.2.9. Limitations of API lifecycle automation with 3scale toolbox

The following limitations apply in this release:

OpenShift support
The sample pipelines are supported on OpenShift 3.11 only. OpenShift 4 is currently not supported. For more information about supported configurations, see the Red Hat 3scale API Management Supported Configurations page.
Updating applications
  • You can use the 3scale application apply toolbox command for applications to both create and update applications. Create commands support account, plan, service, and application key.
  • Update commands do not support changes to account, plan, or service. If changes are passed, the pipelines will be triggered, no errors will be shown, but those fields will not be updated.
Copying services
When using the 3scale copy service toolbox command to copy a service with custom policies, you must copy the custom policies first and separately.

7.3. Creating pipelines using the 3scale Jenkins shared library

This section provides best practices for creating a custom Jenkins pipeline that uses the 3scale toolbox. It explains how to write a Jenkins pipeline in Groovy that uses the 3scale Jenkins shared library to call the toolbox based on an example application. For more details, see Jenkins shared libraries.


Red Hat supports the Jenkins pipeline samples provided in the Red Hat Integration repository.

Any modifications made to these pipelines are not directly supported by Red Hat. Custom pipelines that you create for your environment are not supported.



  1. Add the following to the beginning of your Jenkins pipeline to reference the 3scale shared library from your pipeline:

    library identifier: '3scale-toolbox-jenkins@master',
       retriever: modernSCM([$class: 'GitSCMSource',
         remote: ''])
  2. Declare a global variable to hold the ThreescaleService object so that you can use it from the different stages of your pipeline.

    def service = null
  3. Create the ThreescaleService with all the relevant information:

    stage("Prepare") {
      service = toolbox.prepareThreescaleService(
         openapi: [ filename: "swagger.json" ],
         environment: [ baseSystemName: "my_service" ],
         toolbox: [ openshiftProject: "toolbox",
                       destination: "3scale-tenant",
                       secretName: "3scale-toolbox" ],
         service: [:],
         applications: [
            [ name: "my-test-app", description: "This is used for tests", plan: "test", account: "<CHANGE_ME>" ]
         applicationPlans: [
           [ systemName: "test", name: "Test", defaultPlan: true, published: true ],
           [ systemName: "silver", name: "Silver" ],
           [ artefactFile: ""],
      echo "toolbox version = " + service.toolbox.getToolboxVersion()
    • openapi.filename is the path to the file containing the OpenAPI specification.
    • environment.baseSystemName is used to compute the final system_name, based on environment.environmentName and the API major version from the OpenAPI specification info.version.
    • toolbox.openshiftProject is the OpenShift project in which Kubernetes jobs will be created.
    • toolbox.secretName is the name of the Kubernetes secret containing the 3scale toolbox configuration file, as shown in Installing the 3scale toolbox and enabling access.
    • toolbox.destination is the name of the 3scale toolbox remote instance.
    • applicationPlans is a list of application plans to create by using a .yaml file or by providing application plan property details.
  4. Add a pipeline stage to provision the service in 3scale:

    stage("Import OpenAPI") {
      echo "Service with system_name ${service.environment.targetSystemName} created !"
  5. Add a stage to create the application plans:

    stage("Create an Application Plan") {
  6. Add a global variable and a stage to create the test application:

    stage("Create an Application") {
  7. Add a stage to run your integration tests. When using APIcast Hosted instances, you must fetch the proxy definition to extract the staging public URL:

    stage("Run integration tests") {
      def proxy = service.readProxy("sandbox")
      sh """set -e +x
      curl -f -w "ListBeers: %{http_code}\n" -o /dev/null -s ${proxy.sandbox_endpoint}/api/beer -H 'api-key: ${service.applications[0].userkey}'
      curl -f -w "GetBeer: %{http_code}\n" -o /dev/null -s ${proxy.sandbox_endpoint}/api/beer/Weissbier -H 'api-key: ${service.applications[0].userkey}'
      curl -f -w "FindBeersByStatus: %{http_code}\n" -o /dev/null -s ${proxy.sandbox_endpoint}/api/beer/findByStatus/   available -H 'api-key: ${service.applications[0].userkey}'
  8. Add a stage to promote your API to production:

    stage("Promote to production") {

7.4. Creating pipelines using a Jenkinsfile

This section provides best practices for writing a custom Jenkinsfile from scratch in Groovy that uses the 3scale toolbox.


Red Hat supports the Jenkins pipeline samples provided in the Red Hat Integration repository.

Any modifications made to these pipelines are not directly supported by Red Hat. Custom pipelines that you create for your environment are not supported. This section is provided for reference only.



  1. Write a utility function to call the 3scale toolbox. The following creates a Kubernetes job that runs the 3scale toolbox:

    def runToolbox(args) {
      def kubernetesJob = [
        "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
        "kind": "Job",
        "metadata": [
          "name": "toolbox"
        "spec": [
          "backoffLimit": 0,
          "activeDeadlineSeconds": 300,
          "template": [
            "spec": [
              "restartPolicy": "Never",
              "containers": [
                 "name": "job",
                 "image": "",
                 "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
                 "args": [ "3scale", "version" ],
                 "env": [
                   [ "name": "HOME", "value": "/config" ]
                 "volumeMounts": [
                   [ "mountPath": "/config", "name": "toolbox-config" ],
                   [ "mountPath": "/artifacts", "name": "artifacts" ]
              "volumes": [
                [ "name": "toolbox-config", "secret": [ "secretName": "3scale-toolbox" ] ],
                [ "name": "artifacts", "configMap": [ "name": "openapi" ] ]
      kubernetesJob.spec.template.spec.containers[0].args = args
      sh "rm -f -- job.yaml"
      writeYaml file: "job.yaml", data: kubernetesJob
      sh """set -e
      oc delete job toolbox --ignore-not-found
      sleep 2
      oc create -f job.yaml
      sleep 20 # Adjust the sleep duration to your server velocity
      def logs = sh(script: "set -e; oc logs -f job/toolbox", returnStdout: true)
      echo logs
      return logs

    Kubernetes object template

    This function uses a Kubernetes object template to run the 3scale toolbox, which you can adjust to your needs. It sets the 3scale toolbox CLI arguments and writes the resulting Kubernetes job definition to a YAML file, cleans up any previous run of the toolbox, creates the Kubernetes job, and waits:

    • You can adjust the wait duration to your server velocity to match the time that a pod needs to transition between the Created and the Running state. You can refine this step using a polling loop.
    • The OpenAPI specification file is fetched from a ConfigMap named openapi.
    • The 3scale Admin Portal hostname and access token are fetched from a secret named 3scale-toolbox, as shown in Installing the 3scale toolbox and enabling access.
    • The ConfigMap will be created by the pipeline in step 3. However, the secret was already provisioned outside the pipeline and is subject to Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for enhanced security.
  2. Define the global environment variables to use with 3scale toolbox in your Jenkins pipeline stages. For example:

    3scale Hosted

    def targetSystemName = "saas-apikey-usecase"
    def targetInstance = "3scale-saas"
    def privateBaseURL = ""
    def testUserKey = "abcdef1234567890"
    def developerAccountId = "john"

    3scale On-premises

    When using self-managed APIcast or an on-premises installation of 3scale, you must declare two more variables:

    def publicStagingBaseURL = "http://my-staging-api.example.test"
    def publicProductionBaseURL = "http://my-production-api.example.test"

    The variables are described as follows:

    • targetSystemName: The name of the service to be created.
    • targetInstance: This matches the name of the 3scale remote instance created in Installing the 3scale toolbox and enabling access.
    • privateBaseURL: The endpoint host of your API backend.
    • testUserKey: The user API key used to run the integration tests. It can be hardcoded as shown or generated from an HMAC function.
    • developerAccountId: The ID of the target account in which the test application will be created.
    • publicStagingBaseURL: The public staging base URL of the service to be created.
    • publicProductionBaseURL: The public production base URL of the service to be created.
  3. Add a pipeline stage to fetch the OpenAPI specification file and provision it as a ConfigMap on OpenShift as follows:

    node() {
     stage("Fetch OpenAPI") {
       sh """set -e
       curl -sfk -o swagger.json
       oc delete configmap openapi --ignore-not-found
       oc create configmap openapi --from-file="swagger.json"
  4. Add a pipeline stage that uses the 3scale toolbox to import the API into 3scale:

    3scale Hosted

    stage("Import OpenAPI") {
      runToolbox([ "3scale", "import", "openapi", "-d", targetInstance, "/artifacts/swagger.json", "--override-private-base-url=${privateBaseURL}", "-t", targetSystemName ])

    3scale On-premises

    When using self-managed APIcast or an on-premises installation of 3scale, you must also specify the options for the public staging and production base URLs:

    stage("Import OpenAPI") {
      runToolbox([ "3scale", "import", "openapi", "-d", targetInstance, "/artifacts/swagger.json", "--override-private-base-url=${privateBaseURL}", "-t", targetSystemName, "--production-public-base-url=${publicProductionBaseURL}", "--staging-public-base-url=${publicStagingBaseURL}" ])
  5. Add pipeline stages that use the toolbox to create a 3scale application plan and an application:

    stage("Create an Application Plan") {
      runToolbox([ "3scale", "application-plan", "apply", targetInstance, targetSystemName, "test", "-n", "Test Plan", "--default" ])
    stage("Create an Application") {
      runToolbox([ "3scale", "application", "apply", targetInstance, testUserKey, "--account=${developerAccountId}", "--name=Test Application", "--description=Created by Jenkins", "--plan=test", "--service=${targetSystemName}" ])
    stage("Run integration tests") {
      def proxyDefinition = runToolbox([ "3scale", "proxy", "show", targetInstance, targetSystemName, "sandbox" ])
      def proxy = readJSON text: proxyDefinition
      proxy = proxy.content.proxy
      sh """set -e
      echo "Public Staging Base URL is ${proxy.sandbox_endpoint}"
      echo "userkey is ${testUserKey}"
      curl -vfk ${proxy.sandbox_endpoint}/beer -H 'api-key: ${testUserKey}'
      curl -vfk ${proxy.sandbox_endpoint}/beer/Weissbier -H 'api-key: ${testUserKey}'
      curl -vfk ${proxy.sandbox_endpoint}/beer/findByStatus/available -H 'api-key: ${testUserKey}'
  6. Add a stage that uses the toolbox to promote the API to your production environment.

    stage("Promote to production") {
      runToolbox([ "3scale", "proxy", "promote", targetInstance,  targetSystemName ])

Chapter 8. Using the 3scale operator to configure and provision 3scale

As a 3scale administrator, you can use the 3scale operator to configure 3scale services and provision 3scale resources. You use the operator in the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) user interface. Using the operator is an alternative to configuring and provisioning 3scale in the Admin Portal or by using the 3scale internal API.

When you use the 3scale operator to configure a service or provision a resource the only way to update that service or resource is to update its custom resource (CR). While new services and resources appear in the Admin Portal, you cannot update the service or resource in the Admin Portal or by using the internal 3scale API. If you try to, the operator reverts updates and the CR remains as it was.


3scale operator for capabilities is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

This chapter includes details about how operator application capabilities work and how to use the operator to deploy custom resources:

Additionally, there is information about the limitations of capabilities when using the 3scale operator.

8.1. General prerequisites

To configure and provision 3scale by using the 3scale operator, these are the required elements:

8.2. Application capabilities via the 3scale operator

The 3scale operator contains these featured capabilities:

  • Allows interaction with the underlying Red Hat 3scale API Management solution.
  • Manages the 3scale application declaratively using custom resources from OpenShift.

The diagram below shows 3scale entities and relations that are eligible for management using OpenShift custom resources in a declarative way. Products contain one or more backends. At the product level, you can configure applications, application plans, as well as mapping rules. At the backend level, you can set up metrics, methods and mapping rules for each backend.

3scale entities and relations eligible for management using OpenShift custom resources.

The 3scale operator provides custom resource definitions and their relations, which are visible in the following diagram.

3scale entities and relations eligible for management using OpenShift custom resources.

8.3. Deploying your first 3scale product and backend

Using Openshift Container Platform in your newly created tenant, you will deploy your first 3scale product and backend with the minimum required configuration.


The same installation requirements as listed in General prerequisites, with these considerations:

  • The 3scale account can be local in the working OpenShift namespace or a remote installation.
  • The required parameters from this account are the 3scale Admin URL address and the access token.


  1. Create a secret for the 3scale provider account using the credentials from the 3scale Admin Portal. For example: adminURL= and token=123456.

    oc create secret generic threescale-provider-account --from-literal=adminURL= --from-literal=token=123456
  2. Configure the 3scale backend with the upstream API URL:

    1. Create a YAML file with the following content:

      kind: Backend
        name: backend1
        name: "Operated Backend 1"
        systemName: "backend1"
        privateBaseURL: ""
      • Once you create the file, the operator will confirm if the step was successful.
      • For more details about the fields of Backend custom resource and possible values, see the Backend CRD Reference.
    2. Create a custom resource:

      oc create -f backend1.yaml
  3. Configure the 3scale product:

    1. Create a product with all the default settings applied to the previously created backend:

      kind: Product
        name: product1
        name: "OperatedProduct 1"
        systemName: "operatedproduct1"
            path: /
      • Once you create the file, the operator will confirm if the step was successful.
      • For more details about the fields of the Product custom resource and possible values, see the Product CRD Reference.
    2. Create a custom resource:

      oc create -f product1.yaml
  4. Created custom resources will take a few seconds to populate your 3scale instance. To confirm when resources are synchronized, you can choose one of these alternatives:

    • Verify the status field of the object.
    • Use the oc wait commands:

      oc wait --for=condition=Synced --timeout=-1s backend/backend1
      oc wait --for=condition=Synced --timeout=-1s product/product1

8.4. Promoting a product’s APIcast configuration

Using the 3scale operator, you can promote the product’s APIcast configuration to staging or production. The ProxyConfigPromote custom resource (CR) promotes the latest APIcast configuration to the staging environment. Optionally, you can configure the ProxyConfigPromote CR to promote to the production environment as well.


ProxyConfigPromote objects only take effect when created. After creation, any updates on them are not reconciled.


The same installation requirements as listed in General prerequisites, including:


  1. Create and save a YAML file with the following content:

    kind: ProxyConfigPromote
      name: proxyconfigpromote-sample
      productCRName: product1-sample

    To promote the APIcast configuration to the production environment, set the optional field spec.production to true:

    kind: ProxyConfigPromote
      name: proxyconfigpromote-sample
      productCRName: product1-sample
      production: true

    To delete the ProxyConfigPromote object after a successful promotion, set the optional field spec.deleteCR to true:

    kind: ProxyConfigPromote
      name: proxyconfigpromote-sample
      productCRName: product1-sample
      deleteCR: true
  2. To check the status condition of the file, type the following command:

    oc get proxyconfigpromote proxyconfigpromote-sample -o yaml
    1. The output should show the satus is Ready:

      kind: ProxyConfigPromote
        name: proxyconfigpromote-sample
        productCRName: product1-sample
        - lastTransitionTime: "2022-10-28T11:35:19Z"
          status: "True"
          type: Ready
  3. Create the custom resource:

    oc create -f proxyconfigpromote-sample.yaml
    • For the given example, the output would be: created

Additional resources

8.6. Deploying 3scale OpenAPI custom resources

An OpenAPI custom resource (CR) is one way to import an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) document that you can use for ActiveDocs in the Developer Portal. The OAS is a standard that does not tie you to using one particular programming language for your APIs. Humans and computers can more easily understand the capabilities of the API product without source code access, documentation, or network traffic inspection.


  • A user account with administrator privileges for a 3scale 2.11 On-Premises instance.
  • An OAS document that defines your API.
  • An understanding of how an OpenAPI CR links to a tenant.

8.6.1. Deploying a 3scale OpenAPI custom resource that imports an OAS document from a secret

Deploy an OpenAPI custom resource (CR) so that you can create 3scale backends and products.


The operator reads only the content in the secret. The operator does not read the field name in the secret.


  1. Define a secret that contains an OAS document. For example, you might create the myoasdoc1.yaml with this content:

    openapi: "3.0.2"
      title: "some title"
      description: "some description"
      version: "1.0.0"
          operationId: "getPet"
              description: "invalid input"
  2. Create the secret. For example:

    $ oc create secret generic myoasdoc1 --from-file myoasdoc1.yaml
    secret/myoasdoc1 created
  3. Define your OpenAPI CR. Be sure to specify a reference to the secret that contains your OAS document. For example, you might create the myopenapicr1.yaml file:

    kind: OpenAPI
      name: myopenapicr1
          name: myoasdoc1
  4. Create the resource you just defined. For example:

    $ oc create -f myopenapicr1.yaml

    For the given example, the output would be: created

8.6.2. Features of 3scale OpenAPI custom resource definitions

Knowledge of the OpenAPI custom resource definition (CRD) deployment features will help you with configuration of the 3scale product, backend, and the subsequent creation of ActiveDocs for the Developer Portal.

  • The OAS document can be read from the following:

    • The Kubernetes secret
    • The URL in both http and https formats
  • In an OAS document, the info.title setting must not exceed 215 characters. The operator uses this setting to create OpenShift object names, which have length limitations.
  • Only the first servers[0].url element in a server list is parsed as a private URL. The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) uses its basePath component of servers[0].url element.
  • The OpenAPI CRD supports a single top level security requirement, however it does not support operational level security.
  • The OpenAPI CRD supports the apiKey security scheme.

8.6.3. Import rules when defining OpenAPI custom resources

The import rules specify how the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) works with 3scale when you are setting up an OpenAPI document for your 3scale deployment.

Product name

The default product system name is taken from the info.title field in the OpenAPI document. To override the product name in an OpenAPI document, specify the spec.productSystemName field in an OpenAPI custom resource (CR).

Private base URL

The private base URL is read from the OpenAPI CR servers[0].url field. You can override this by using the spec.privateBaseURL field in your OpenAPI CR.

3scale methods

Each operation that is defined in the imported OpenAPI document translates to one 3scale method at the product level. The method name is read from the operationId field of the operation object.

3scale mapping rules

Each operation that is defined in the imported OpenAPI document translates to one 3scale mapping rule at the product level. Previously existing mapping rules are replaced by those imported with the OpenAPI CR.

In an OpenAPI document, the paths object provides mapping rules for verb and pattern properties. 3scale methods are associated accordingly to the operationId.

The delta value is hard-coded to 1.

By default, Strict matching policy is configured. Matching policy can be switched to Prefix matching using the spec.PrefixMatching field of the OpenAPI CRD.


Just one top level security requirement is supported. Operation level security requirements are not supported.

The supported security scheme is apiKey.

The apiKey security scheme type:

  • credentials location will be read from the OpenAPI document in field of the security scheme object.
  • Auth user key will be read from the OpenAPI document name field of the security scheme object.

The following is a partial example of OAS 3.0.2 with apiKey security requirement:

openapi: "3.0.2"
  - petstore_api_key: []
      type: apiKey
      name: api_key
      in: header

When the OpenAPI document does not specify any security requirements, the following applies:

  • The product authentication will be configured for apiKey.
  • credentials location will default to 3scale value As query parameters (GET) or body parameters (POST/PUT/DELETE).
  • The Auth user key defaults to 3scale value user_key.

3scale Authentication Security can be set using the spec.privateAPIHostHeader and the spec.privateAPISecretToken fields of the OpenAPI CRD.


No 3scale ActiveDoc is created.

3scale product policy chain

The 3scale policy chain is the default one 3scale creates.

3scale deployment mode

By default, the configured 3scale deployment mode will be APIcast 3scale managed. However, when the spec.productionPublicBaseURL or the spec.stagingPublicBaseURL, or both fields are present in an OpenAPI CR, the product’s deployment mode is APIcast self-managed.

Example of a OpenAPI CR with custom public base URL:

kind: OpenAPI
  name: openapi1
    url: ""
  productionPublicBaseURL: ""
  stagingPublicBaseURL: ""

8.6.4. Deploying a 3scale OpenAPI custom resource that imports an OAS document from a URL

You can deploy an OpenAPI custom resource that imports an OAS document from a URL that you specify. You can then use this OAS document as the foundation for ActiveDocs for your API in the Developer Portal.


  • If you are creating an OpenAPI custom resource that does not link to the default tenant in the 3scale instance that is in the same namespace then the namespace that will contain the OpenAPI CR contains a secret that identifies the tenant that the OpenAPI CR links to. The name of the secret is one of the following:

    • threescale-provider-account
    • User defined

    This secret contains the URL for a 3scale instance and a token that contains credentials for access to one tenant in that 3scale instance.


  1. In your OpenShift account, navigate to Operators > Installed operators.
  2. Click the 3scale operator.
  3. Choose the YAML tab.
  4. Create an OpenAPI custom resource. For example:

    kind: OpenAPI
      name: openapi1
        url: ""
        name: mytenant
  5. Click Save. It takes a few seconds for the 3scale operator to create the OpenAPI CR.


  1. In OpenShift, in the 3scale Product Overview page, confirm that the Synced condition is marked as True.
  2. Go to your 3scale account.
  3. Confirm that the OAS document is present. For the example above, you would see a new OAS document named openapi1.

8.6.5. Additional resources

8.7. Deploying 3scale ActiveDoc custom resources

Red Hat 3scale API Management ActiveDocs are based on API definition documents that define RESTful web services that conform to the OpenAPI Specification. An ActiveDoc custom resource (CR) is one way to import an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) document that you can use for ActiveDocs in the Developer Portal. The OAS is a standard that does not tie you to using one particular programming language for your APIs. Humans and computers can more easily understand the capabilities of the API product without source code access, documentation, or network traffic inspection.


  • A user account with administrator privileges for a 3scale 2.11 On-Premises instance.
  • An OAS document that defines your API.
  • An understanding of how an ActiveDoc CR links to a tenant.

8.7.1. Deploying a 3scale ActiveDoc custom resource that imports an OAS document from a secret

Deploy an ActiveDoc custom resource (CR) so that you can create 3scale backends and products.


The operator reads only the content in the secret. The operator does not read the field name in the secret. For example, data is structured in key: value pairs where value represents the content of a file and key is the file name. The file name is ignored by the operator in this context of ActiveDoc CRD. The operator reads only the content of the file.


  • You understand How the 3scale operator identifies the tenant that a custom resource links to.
  • Define a secret that contains an OAS (OpenAPI Specification) document. For example, you might create the myoasdoc1.yaml with this content:

    openapi: "3.0.2"
      title: "some title"
      description: "some description"
      version: "1.0.0"
          operationId: "getPet"
              description: "invalid input"


  1. Create the secret. For example:

    $ oc create secret generic myoasdoc1 --from-file myoasdoc1.yaml
    secret/myoasdoc1 created
  2. Define your ActiveDoc CR. Be sure to specify a reference to the secret that contains your OAS document. For example, you might create the myactivedoccr1.yaml file:

    kind: ActiveDoc
      name: myactivedoccr1
      name: "Operated ActiveDoc From secret"
          name: myoasdoc1
  3. Create the resource you just defined. For example:

    $ oc create -f myactivedoccr1.yaml

    For the given example, the output would be: created


  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Operators > Installed Operators.
  3. Click Red Hat Integration - 3scale.
  4. Click the Active Doc tab.
  5. Confirm that the OAS document is present. For the example above, you would see a new OAS document named myactivedoccr1.

8.7.2. Features of 3scale ActiveDoc custom resource definitions

The ActiveDoc custom resource definition (CRD) concerns product documentation in the OpenAPI document format for developers. Knowledge of the ActiveDoc CRD deployment features help you with the creation of ActiveDocs for the Developer Portal.

  • An ActiveDoc CR, can read and OpenAPI document from either of the following:

    • Secret
    • A URL in either http or https format
  • Optionally, you can link the ActiveDoc CR with a 3scale product using the productSystemName field. The value must be the system_name of the 3scale product’s CR.
  • You can publish or hide the ActiveDoc document in 3scale using the published field. By default, this is set to be hidden.
  • You can skip OpenAPI 3.0 validation using the skipSwaggerValidations field. By default, the ActiveDoc CR is validated.

8.7.3. Deploying a 3scale ActiveDoc custom resource that imports an OAS document from a URL

You can deploy an ActiveDoc custom resource (CR) that imports an OAS (OpenAPI Specification) document from a URL that you specify. You can then use this OAS document as the foundation for ActiveDocs for your API in the Developer Portal.


  1. In your OpenShift account, navigate to Operators > Installed operators.
  2. Click the 3scale operator.
  3. Click the Active Doc tab.
  4. Create an ActiveDoc CR. For example:

    kind: ActiveDoc
      name: myactivedoccr1
        url: ""
        name: mytenant
  5. Optional. For self-managed APIcast, in the ActiveDoc CR, set the productionPublicBaseURL and stagingPublicBaseURL fields to the URLs for your deployment. For example:

    kind: ActiveDoc
      name: myactivedoccr1
        url: ""
      productionPublicBaseURL: ""
      stagingPublicBaseURL: ""
  6. Click Save. It takes a few seconds for the 3scale operator to create the ActiveDoc CR.


  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Operators > Installed Operators.
  3. Click Red Hat Integration 3scale.
  4. Click the Active Doc tab.
  5. Confirm that the OAS document is present. For the example above, you would see a new OAS document named myactivedoccr1.

8.7.4. Additional resources

8.10. Deploying 3scale CustomPolicyDefinition custom resources

You can use a CustomPolicyDefinition CRD to configure your custom policy in a 3scale product from the Admin Portal.

When the 3scale operator finds a new CustomPolicyDefinition CR, the operator identifies the tenant that owns the CR as described in How the 3scale operator identifies the tenant that a custom resource links to.



  1. Define a CustomPolicyDefinition custom resource and save it in, for example, the my-apicast-custom-policy-definition.yaml file:

    kind: CustomPolicyDefinition
      name: custompolicydefinition-sample
      version: "0.1"
      name: "APIcast Example Policy"
        name: "APIcast Example Policy"
        version: "0.1"
        $schema: ""
        summary: "This is just an example."
          type: object
          properties: {}
  2. Deploy the CustomPolicyDefinition CR:

    oc create -f my-apicast-custom-policy-definition.yaml

8.11. Deploying a tenant custom resource

A tenant custom resource is also known as the Provider Account.

Creating the APIManager custom resource indicates the operator to deploy 3scale. A default 3scale installation includes a default tenant ready to be used. Optionally, you may create other tenants creating tenant custom resource objects.


To deploy a new tenant in your 3scale instance, you need some preparation steps:

  1. Obtain or create the 3scale master credentials secret: MASTER_SECRET

    You can perform tenant management tasks by only using the 3scale master account credentials, preferably an access token. You have the following options:

    • If the tenant resource is created in the same namespace as 3scale, the secret with master account credentials has been created already and it is called system-seed.
    • If the tenant resource is not created in the same namespace as 3scale, create a secret with the master account credentials. In this command, the name of the secret is optional. The secret name will be used in the tenant custom resource:

      oc create secret generic system-seed --from-literal=MASTER_ACCESS_TOKEN=<master access token>
  2. Create a new secret to store the password for the admin account of the new tenant: ADMIN_SECRET. In this command, the name of the secret is optional. The secret name will be used in the tenant custom resource.

    oc create secret generic ecorp-admin-secret --from-literal=admin_password=<admin password value>
  3. Get the 3scale master account hostname: MASTER_HOSTNAME. When you deploy 3scale using the operator, the master account has a fixed URL with this pattern: master.${wildcardDomain}

    • If you have access to the namespace where 3scale is installed, get the master account hostname:

      oc get routes -o jsonpath="{.items[]}"


  1. Deploy the new tenant custom resource:

    kind: Tenant
      name: ecorp-tenant
      username: admin
      systemMasterUrl: https://<MASTER_HOSTNAME>
      organizationName: ECorp
        name: <MASTER_SECRET>
        name: <ADMIN_SECRET*>
        name: tenant-secret
  2. Create the tenant resource:

    oc create -f <yaml-name>
    • This command triggers the creation of a new tenant in your 3scale solution.
    • The 3scale operator will create a new secret and store the new tenant credentials in the secret.
    • The new tenant provider_key and admin domain url will be stored in a secret.
    • The secret location can be specified using the tenantSecretRef tenant specification key.

As a reference, this is an example of the created secret content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tenant-secret
type: Opaque

For more details about the fields of tenant custom resource and possible values, see the Tenant CRD Reference.

8.12. Managing 3scale developers by deploying custom resources

As a 3scale administrator, you can use custom resources (CRs) to deploy developer accounts that group together individual developer users. These accounts let you organize and manage developer access to 3scale-managed APIs in the Developer Portal.

A tenant can contain any number of developer accounts and each developer account links to exactly one tenant. A developer account can contain any number of developer users and each developer user links to exactly one developer account. The tenant plan determines any limits on how many developer accounts you can create and how many developer users can be grouped in each developer account.

To use developer custom resources, 3scale must have been installed by the 3scale operator. You can deploy developer custom resources in only the namespace that contains the 3scale operator. Deployment of developer custom resources is an alternative to managing developers by using the 3scale Admin Portal or the 3scale internal API.


When you create developer accounts or developer users by deploying custom resources you cannot use the Admin Portal or the internal 3scale API to update those developer accounts or developer users. It is important to be aware of this because after you deploy a developer CR, the Admin Portal displays the new developer account or new developer user in its Accounts page. If you try to use the Admin Portal or API to update a developer account or developer user that was deployed with a CR, the 3scale operator reverts the changes to reflect the deployed CR. This is a limitation that is expected to be removed in a future release. You can, however, use the Admin Portal or API to delete a developer account or developer user that you created by deploying a CR.

8.12.1. Prerequisites

  • 3scale was installed by the 3scale operator.
  • Access token with read and write permissions in the Account Management API scope, which provides administrator privileges for 3scale.

8.12.2. Managing 3scale developer accounts by deploying DeveloperAccount custom resources

When you use the 3scale operator to install 3scale you can deploy DeveloperAccount and DeveloperUser custom resources (CRs). These CRs let you create and update accounts for developer access to 3scale-managed APIs in the Developer Portal.

To deploy a new DeveloperAccount CR, you must also deploy a DeveloperUser CR for a user who has the admin role. The procedure provided here is for deploying a new DeveloperAccount CR. After you deploy a DeveloperAccount CR, the procedure for updating or deleting it is the same as for any other CR.

You can deploy CRs only in the namespace that contains the 3scale operator.


  • An understanding of how the 3scale operator identifies the tenant that a custom resource links to.
  • If you are creating a DeveloperAccount custom resource that does not link to the default tenant in the 3scale instance that is in the same namespace then the namespace that will contain the DeveloperAccount CR contains a secret that identifies the tenant that the DeveloperAccount CR links to. The name of the secret is one of the following:

    • threescale-provider-account
    • User defined

    This secret contains the URL for a 3scale instance and a token that contains credentials for access to one tenant in that 3scale instance.

  • You have the user name, password, and email address for at least one developer user who will have the admin role in the new DeveloperAccount CR.


  1. In the namespace that contains the 3scale operator, create and save a resource file that defines a secret that contains the user name and password for a developer user who will have the admin role in the new developer account resource. For example, the myusername01.yaml file might contain:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: myusername01
      password: "123456"
  2. Create the secret. For example:

    oc create -f myusername01.yaml

    For the given example, the output would be:

    secret/myusername01 created
  3. Create and save a .yaml file that defines a DeveloperUser CR for a developer who has the admin role. This DeveloperUser CR is required for the 3scale operator to deploy a new DeveloperAccount CR. For example, the developeruser01.yaml file might contain:

    kind: DeveloperUser
      name: developeruser01
      username: myusername01
        name: myusername01
      role: admin
        name: developeraccount1
        name: mytenant

    In a DeveloperUser CR:

    • The developer user account name, user name, and email must be unique in the tenant that the containing DeveloperAccount links to.
    • The developer account name that you specify here must match the name of the DeveloperAccount CR that you are deploying in this procedure. It does not matter whether you create the DeveloperAccount CR before or after you create this DeveloperUser CR.
    • The tenant that a DeveloperUser CR links to must be the same tenant that the specified DeveloperAccount CR links to.
  4. Create the resource you just defined. For example:

    oc create -f developeruser01.yaml

    For the given example, the output would be: created
  5. Create and save a .yaml file that defines a DeveloperAccount CR. In this .yaml file, the spec.OrgName field must specify an organization name. For example, the developeraccount01.yaml file might contain:

    kind: DeveloperAccount
      name: developeraccount01
      orgName: Ecorp
        name: mytenant
  6. Create the resource you just defined. For example:

    oc create -f developeraccount01.yaml

    For the given example, the output would be: created

Next steps

It takes a few seconds for the 3scale operator to update the 3scale configuration to reflect new or updated custom resources. To check whether the operator is propagating custom resource information successfully, check the DeveloperAccount custom resource status field or run the oc wait command, for example:

oc wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=30s developeraccount/developeraccount1

In case of failure, the custom resource’s status field indicates if the error is transient or permanent, and provides an error message that helps fix the problem.

Notify any new developer users that they can log in to the Developer Portal. You might also need to communicate their log-in credentials.

You can update or delete a deployed DeveloperAccount custom resource in the same way that you update or delete any other custom resource. However, when you delete a DeveloperAccount CR, the 3scale operator does not actually delete it. If you try to deploy a new DeveloperAccount CR that has the same name as a DeveloperAccount CR that you deleted, you receive a message that a DeveloperAccount CR with that name already exists. You must specify a different name for the new DeveloperAccount CR.

8.12.3. Managing 3scale developer users by deploying DeveloperUser custom resources

When you use the 3scale operator to install 3scale you can deploy DeveloperUser custom resources (CRs) for managing developer access to 3scale-managed APIs in the Developer Portal. The procedure provided here is for deploying a new DeveloperUser CR. After you deploy a DeveloperUser CR, the procedure for updating or deleting it is the same as for any other CR.

You can deploy CRs only in the namespace that contains the 3scale operator.


  • An understanding of how the 3scale operator identifies the tenant that a custom resource links to.
  • There is at least one deployed DeveloperAccount custom resource that contains at least one deployed DeveloperUser CR for a user who has the admin role. If you are creating a DeveloperUser custom resource that does not link to the default tenant in the 3scale instance that is in the same namespace then the namespace that will contain the DeveloperUser CR contains a secret that identifies the tenant that the DeveloperUser CR links to. The name of the secret is one of the following:

    • threescale-provider-account
    • User defined

    This secret contains the URL for a 3scale instance and a token that contains credentials for access to one tenant in that 3scale instance.

  • For a new DeveloperUser custom resource, you have that developer’s user name, password, and email address.


  1. In the namespace that contains the 3scale operator, create and save a resource file that defines a secret that contains the user name and password for a developer user. For example, the myusername02.yaml file might contain:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: myusername02
      password: "987654321"
  2. Create the secret. For example:

    oc create -f myusername02.yaml

    For the given example, the output would be:

    secret/myusername02 created
  3. Create and save a .yaml file that defines a DeveloperUser CR. In the spec.role field, specify admin or member. For example, the developeruser02.yaml file might contain:

    kind: DeveloperUser
      name: developeruser02
      username: myusername02
        name: myusername02
      role: member
        name: developeraccount1
        name: mytenant

    In a DeveloperUser CR:

    • The developer user name (specified in the field), the user name, and email must be unique in the tenant that the containing DeveloperAccount links to.
    • The developerAccountRef field must specify the name of a deployed DeveloperAccount CR.
    • The tenant that a DeveloperUser CR links to must be the same tenant that the specified DeveloperAccount CR links to.
  4. Create the resource you just defined. For example:

    oc create -f developefuser02.yaml

    For the given example, the output would be: created

Next steps

It takes a few seconds for the 3scale operator to update the 3scale configuration to reflect new or updated custom resources. To check whether the operator is propagating custom resource information successfully, check the DeveloperUser custom resource status field or run the oc wait command, for example:

oc wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=30s developeruser/developeruser02

In case of failure, the custom resource’s status field indicates if the error is transient or permanent, and provides an error message that helps fix the problem.

Notify any new developer users that they can log in to the Developer Portal. You might also need to communicate their log-in credentials.

You can update or delete a deployed DeveloperUser custom resource in the same way that you update or delete any other custom resource. However, when you delete a DeveloperUser CR, the 3scale operator does not actually delete it. If you try to deploy a new DeveloperUser CR that has the same account name, user name, or email as a DeveloperUser CR that you deleted, you receive a message that the DeveloperUser CR already exists. You must specify a different developer user account name, user name, or email for the new DeveloperUser CR.

Additional resources

8.13. Limitations of 3scale operator capabilities

In Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.11, 3scale operator contains these limitations with capabilities:

  • Deletion of a backend custom resource definition (CRD) is not reconciled: existing backends in 3scale will not be deleted.
  • Deletion of a product CRD is not reconciled: existing products in 3scale will not be deleted.
  • Deletion of DeveloperAccount or DeveloperUser custom resources is not reconciled. While the operator receives the deletion event, the operator does not act on the event. The developer account or developer user remains. If you try to create a new developer account or developer user with the same account name, username or email address as a custom resource that you deleted, you receive an error that the account already exists. You must specify different parameters to create the account.
  • Product CRD does not support Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication for the Admin and Developer portals.
  • Product CRD does not support OpenID Connect authentication .
  • ActiveDocs CRD not currently available.
  • Gateway Policy CRD not currently available.
  • Product CRD Gateway does not support response custom code and errors
  • 3scale operator CRD holding OAS3 does not reference as source of truth for 3scale product configuration.

8.14. Additional resources

For more information, check the following guides:

Chapter 9. 3scale backup and restore

This section provides you, as the administrator of a Red Hat 3scale API Management installation, the information needed to:

  • Set up the backup procedures for persistent data.
  • Perform a restore from backup of the persistent data.

In case of issues with one or more of the MySQL databases, you will be able to restore 3scale correctly to its previous operational state.

9.1. Prerequisites

  • A 3scale 2.11 instance. For more information about how to install 3scale, see Installing 3scale on OpenShift.
  • jq: For extraction or transformation of JSON data.
  • An OpenShift Container Platform 4.x user account with one of the following roles in the OpenShift cluster:

    • cluster-admin
    • admin
    • edit

A user with an edit cluster role locally binded in the namespace of a 3scale installation can perform backup and restore procedures.

The following sections contain information about persistent volumes, using data sets, setting up the backup procedures for persistent data, as well as restoring system databases and OpenShift secrets:

9.2. Persistent volumes and considerations

Persistent volumes

In a 3scale deployment on OpenShift:

  • A persistent volume (PV) provided to the cluster by the underlying infrastructure.
  • Storage service external to the cluster. This can be in the same data center or elsewhere.


The backup and restore procedures for persistent data vary depending on the storage type in use. To ensure the backups and restores preserve data consistency, it is not sufficient to backup the underlying PVs for a database. For example, do not capture only partial writes and partial transactions. Use the database’s backup mechanisms instead.

Some parts of the data are synchronized between different components. One copy is considered the source of truth for the data set. The other is a copy that is not modified locally, but synchronized from the source of truth. In these cases, upon completion, the source of truth should be restored, and copies in other components synchronized from it.

9.3. Using data sets

This section explains in more detail about different data sets in the different persistent stores, their purpose, the storage type used, and whether or not it is the source of truth.

The full state of a 3scale deployment is stored across the following DeploymentConfig objects and their PVs:



MySQL database (mysql-storage)


Volume for Files


Redis database (backend-redis-storage)


Redis database (system-redis-storage)

9.3.1. Defining system-mysql

system-mysql is a relational database which stores information about users, accounts, APIs, plans, and more, in the 3scale Admin Console.

A subset of this information related to services is synchronized to the Backend component and stored in backend-redis. system-mysql is the source of truth for this information.

9.3.2. Defining system-storage


System can be scaled horizontally with multiple pods uploading and reading said static files, hence the need for a ReadWriteMany (RWX) PersistentVolume

system-storage stores files to be read and written by the System component.

They fall into two categories:

  • Configuration files read by the System component at run-time
  • Static files, for example, HTML, CSS, JS, uploaded to system by its CMS feature, for the purpose of creating a Developer Portal

System can be scaled horizontally with multiple pods uploading and reading said static files, hence the need for a ReadWriteMany (RWX) PersistentVolume.

9.3.3. Defining backend-redis

backend-redis contains multiple data sets used by the Backend component:

  • Usages: This is API usage information aggregated by Backend. It is used by Backend for rate-limiting decisions and by System to display analytics information in the UI or via API.
  • Config: This is configuration information about services, rate-limits, and more, that is synchronized from System via an internal API. This is not the source of truth of this information, however System and system-mysql is.
  • Queues: This is queues of background jobs to be executed by worker processes. These are ephemeral and are deleted once processed.

9.3.4. Defining system-redis

system-redis contains queues for jobs to be processed in background. These are ephemeral and are deleted once processed.

9.4. Backing up system databases

The following commands are in no specific order and can be used as you need them to back up and archive system databases.

9.4.1. Backing up system-mysql

Execute MySQL Backup Command:

oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-mysql' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'export MYSQL_PWD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}; mysqldump --single-transaction -hsystem-mysql -uroot system' | gzip > system-mysql-backup.gz

9.4.2. Backing up system-storage

Archive the system-storage files to another storage:

oc rsync $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-app' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/opt/system/public/system ./local/dir

9.4.3. Backing up backend-redis

Backup the dump.rdb file from redis:

oc cp $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=backend-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/var/lib/redis/data/dump.rdb ./backend-redis-dump.rdb

9.4.4. Backing up system-redis

Backup the dump.rdb file from redis:

oc cp $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/var/lib/redis/data/dump.rdb ./system-redis-dump.rdb

9.4.5. Backing up zync-database

Backup the zync_production database:

oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=zync-database' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'pg_dump zync_production' | gzip > zync-database-backup.gz

9.4.6. Backing up OpenShift secrets and ConfigMaps

The following is the list of commands for OpenShift secrets and ConfigMaps: OpenShift secrets
oc get secrets system-smtp -o json > system-smtp.json
oc get secrets system-seed -o json > system-seed.json
oc get secrets system-database -o json > system-database.json
oc get secrets backend-internal-api -o json > backend-internal-api.json
oc get secrets system-events-hook -o json > system-events-hook.json
oc get secrets system-app -o json > system-app.json
oc get secrets system-recaptcha -o json > system-recaptcha.json
oc get secrets system-redis -o json > system-redis.json
oc get secrets zync -o json > zync.json
oc get secrets system-master-apicast -o json > system-master-apicast.json ConfigMaps
oc get configmaps system-environment -o json > system-environment.json
oc get configmaps apicast-environment -o json > apicast-environment.json

9.5. Restoring system databases


Prevent record creation by scaling down pods like system-app or disabling routes.

Use the following procedures to restore OpenShift secrets and system databases:

9.5.1. Restoring a template-based deployment

Use the following steps to restore a template-based deployment.


  1. Restore secrets before creating deploying template.:
oc apply -f system-smtp.json
  1. Template parameters will be read from copied secrets and configmaps:

    oc new-app --file /opt/amp/templates/amp.yml \
        --param APP_LABEL=$(cat system-environment.json | jq -r '') \
        --param TENANT_NAME=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.TENANT_NAME' | base64 -d) \
        --param SYSTEM_DATABASE_USER=$(cat system-database.json | jq -r '.data.DB_USER' | base64 -d) \
        --param SYSTEM_DATABASE_PASSWORD=$(cat system-database.json | jq -r '.data.DB_PASSWORD' | base64 -d) \
        --param SYSTEM_DATABASE=$(cat system-database.json | jq -r '.data.URL' | base64 -d | cut -d '/' -f4) \
        --param SYSTEM_DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(cat system-database.json | jq -r '.data.URL' | base64 -d | awk -F '[:@]' '{print $3}') \
        --param WILDCARD_DOMAIN=$(cat system-environment.json | jq -r '.data.THREESCALE_SUPERDOMAIN') \
        --param SYSTEM_BACKEND_USERNAME=$(cat backend-internal-api.json | jq '.data.username' -r | base64 -d) \
        --param SYSTEM_BACKEND_PASSWORD=$(cat backend-internal-api.json | jq '.data.password' -r | base64 -d) \
        --param SYSTEM_BACKEND_SHARED_SECRET=$(cat system-events-hook.json | jq -r '.data.PASSWORD' | base64 -d) \
        --param SYSTEM_APP_SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(cat system-app.json | jq -r '.data.SECRET_KEY_BASE' | base64 -d) \
        --param ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD' | base64 -d) \
        --param ADMIN_USERNAME=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.ADMIN_USER' | base64 -d) \
        --param ADMIN_EMAIL=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.ADMIN_EMAIL' | base64 -d) \
        --param ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN' | base64 -d) \
        --param MASTER_NAME=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.MASTER_DOMAIN' | base64 -d) \
        --param MASTER_USER=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.MASTER_USER' | base64 -d) \
        --param MASTER_PASSWORD=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.MASTER_PASSWORD' | base64 -d) \
        --param MASTER_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(cat system-seed.json | jq -r '.data.MASTER_ACCESS_TOKEN' | base64 -d) \
        --param RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat system-recaptcha.json | jq -r '.data.PUBLIC_KEY' | base64 -d)" \
        --param RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat system-recaptcha.json | jq -r '.data.PRIVATE_KEY' | base64 -d)" \
        --param SYSTEM_REDIS_URL=$(cat system-redis.json | jq -r '.data.URL' | base64 -d) \
        --param SYSTEM_MESSAGE_BUS_REDIS_URL="$(cat system-redis.json | jq -r '.data.MESSAGE_BUS_URL' | base64 -d)" \
        --param SYSTEM_REDIS_NAMESPACE="$(cat system-redis.json | jq -r '.data.NAMESPACE' | base64 -d)" \
        --param SYSTEM_MESSAGE_BUS_REDIS_NAMESPACE="$(cat system-redis.json | jq -r '.data.MESSAGE_BUS_NAMESPACE' | base64 -d)" \
        --param ZYNC_DATABASE_PASSWORD=$(cat zync.json | jq -r '.data.ZYNC_DATABASE_PASSWORD' | base64 -d) \
        --param ZYNC_SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(cat zync.json | jq -r '.data.SECRET_KEY_BASE' | base64 -d) \
        --param ZYNC_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN=$(cat zync.json | jq -r '.data.ZYNC_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN' | base64 -d) \
        --param APICAST_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(cat system-master-apicast.json | jq -r '.data.ACCESS_TOKEN' | base64 -d) \
        --param APICAST_MANAGEMENT_API=$(cat apicast-environment.json | jq -r '.data.APICAST_MANAGEMENT_API') \
        --param APICAST_OPENSSL_VERIFY=$(cat apicast-environment.json | jq -r '.data.OPENSSL_VERIFY') \
        --param APICAST_RESPONSE_CODES=$(cat apicast-environment.json | jq -r '.data.APICAST_RESPONSE_CODES') \
        --param APICAST_REGISTRY_URL=$(cat system-environment.json | jq -r '.data.APICAST_REGISTRY_URL')

9.5.2. Restoring an operator-based deployment

Use the following steps to restore operator-based deployments.


  1. Install the 3scale operator on OpenShift.
  2. Restore secrets before creating an APIManager resource:

    oc apply -f system-smtp.json
    oc apply -f system-seed.json
    oc apply -f system-database.json
    oc apply -f backend-internal-api.json
    oc apply -f system-events-hook.json
    oc apply -f system-app.json
    oc apply -f system-recaptcha.json
    oc apply -f system-redis.json
    oc apply -f zync.json
    oc apply -f system-master-apicast.json
  3. Restore ConfigMaps before creating an APIManager resource:

    oc apply -f system-environment.json
    oc apply -f apicast-environment.json
  4. Deploy 3scale with the operator using the APIManager custom resource.

9.5.3. Restoring system-mysql


  1. Copy the MySQL dump to the system-mysql pod:

    oc cp ./system-mysql-backup.gz $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-mysql' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/var/lib/mysql
  2. Decompress the backup file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-mysql' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'gzip -d ${HOME}/system-mysql-backup.gz'
  3. Restore the MySQL DB Backup file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-mysql' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'export MYSQL_PWD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}; mysql -hsystem-mysql -uroot system < ${HOME}/system-mysql-backup'

9.5.4. Restoring system-storage

Restore the Backup file to system-storage:

oc rsync ./local/dir/system/ $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-app' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/opt/system/public/system

9.5.5. Restoring zync-database

Instructions to restore zync-database depend on the deployment type applied for 3scale. Template-based deployments


  1. Scale down the zync DeploymentConfig to 0 pods:

    oc scale dc zync --replicas=0
    oc scale dc zync-que --replicas=0
  2. Copy the Zync database dump to the zync-database pod:

    oc cp ./zync-database-backup.gz $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=zync-database' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/var/lib/pgsql/
  3. Decompress the backup file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=zync-database' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'gzip -d ${HOME}/zync-database-backup.gz'
  4. Restore the PostgreSQL DB backup file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=zync-database' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'psql -f ${HOME}/zync-database-backup'
  5. Restore to the original count of replicas, by replacing ${ZYNC_REPLICAS} with the number of replicas, in the commands below:

    oc scale dc zync --replicas=${ZYNC_REPLICAS}
    oc scale dc zync-que --replicas=${ZYNC_REPLICAS} Operator-based deployments

Follow the instructions under Deploying 3scale using the operator, in particular Deploying the APIManager custom resource to redeploy your 3scale instance.


  1. Store the number of replicas, by replacing ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} with the name you defined when you created your 3scale deployment:

    ZYNC_SPEC=`oc get APIManager/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} -o json | jq -r '.spec.zync'`
  2. Scale down the zync DeploymentConfig to 0 pods:

    oc patch APIManager/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} --type merge -p '{"spec": {"zync": {"appSpec": {"replicas": 0}, "queSpec": {"replicas": 0}}}}'
  3. Copy the Zync database dump to the zync-database pod:

    oc cp ./zync-database-backup.gz $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=zync-database' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/var/lib/pgsql/
  4. Decompress the backup file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=zync-database' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'gzip -d ${HOME}/zync-database-backup.gz'
  5. Restore the PostgreSQL DB backup file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=zync-database' -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') bash -c 'psql -f ${HOME}/zync-database-backup'
  6. Restore to the original count of replicas:

    oc patch APIManager ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} --type merge -p '{"spec": {"zync":'"${ZYNC_SPEC}"'}}' Restoring 3scale options with backend-redis and system-redis

By restoring 3scale, you will restore backend-redis and system-redis. These components have the following functions:

*backend-redis: The database that supports application authentication and rate limiting in 3scale. It is also used for statistics storage and temporary job storage. *system-redis: Provides temporary storage for background jobs for 3scale and is also used as a message bus for Ruby processes of system-app pods.

The backend-redis component

The backend-redis component has two databases, data and queues. In default 3scale deployment, data and queues are deployed in the Redis database, but in different logical database indexes /0 and /1. Restoring data database runs without any issues, however restoring queues database can lead to duplicated jobs.

Regarding duplication of jobs, in 3scale the backend workers process background jobs in a matter of milliseconds. If backend-redis fails 30 seconds after the last database snapshot and you try to restore it, the background jobs that happened during those 30 seconds are performed twice because backend does not have a system in place to avoid duplication.

In this scenario, you must restore the backup as the /0 database index contains data that is not saved anywhere else. Restoring /0 database index means that you must also restore the /1 database index since one cannot be stored without the other. When you choose to separate databases on different servers and not one database in different indexes, the size of the queue will be approximately zero, so it is preferable not to restore backups and lose a few background jobs. This will be the case in a 3scale Hosted setup you will need to therefore apply different backup and restore strategies for both.

The `system-redis`component

The majority of the 3scale system background jobs are idempotent, that is, identical requests return an identical result no matter how many times you run them.

The following is a list of examples of events handled by background jobs in system:

  • Notification jobs such as plan trials about to expire, credit cards about to expire, activation reminders, plan changes, invoice state changes, PDF reports.
  • Billing such as invoicing and charging.
  • Deletion of complex objects.
  • Backend synchronization jobs.
  • Indexation jobs, for example with sphinx.
  • Sanitisation jobs, for example invoice IDs.
  • Janitorial tasks such as purging audits, user sessions, expired tokens, log entries, suspending inactive accounts.
  • Traffic updates.
  • Proxy configuration change monitoring and proxy deployments.
  • Background signup jobs,
  • Zync jobs such as Single sign-on (SSO) synchronization, routes creation.

If you are restoring the above list of background jobs, 3scale’s system maintains the state of each restored job. It is important to check the integrity of the system after the restoration is complete.

9.5.6. Ensuring information consistency between Backend and System

After restoring backend-redis a sync of the Config information from System should be forced to ensure the information in Backend is consistent with that in System, which is the source of truth. Managing the deployment configuration for backend-redis

These steps are intended for running instances of backend-redis.


  1. Edit the redis-config configmap:

    oc edit configmap redis-config
  2. Comment SAVE commands in the redis-config configmap:

     #save 900 1
     #save 300 10
     #save 60 10000
  3. Set appendonly to no in the redis-config configmap:

    appendonly no
  4. Redeploy backend-redis to load the new configurations:

    oc rollout latest dc/backend-redis
  5. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/backend-redis
  6. Rename the dump.rdb file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=backend-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'mv ${HOME}/data/dump.rdb ${HOME}/data/dump.rdb-old'
  7. Rename the appendonly.aof file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=backend-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'mv ${HOME}/data/appendonly.aof ${HOME}/data/appendonly.aof-old'
  8. Move the backup file to the POD:

    oc cp ./backend-redis-dump.rdb $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=backend-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/var/lib/redis/data/dump.rdb
  9. Redeploy backend-redis to load the backup:

    oc rollout latest dc/backend-redis
  10. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/backend-redis
  11. Create the appendonly file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=backend-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'redis-cli BGREWRITEAOF'
  12. After a while, ensure that the AOF rewrite is complete:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=backend-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'redis-cli info' | grep aof_rewrite_in_progress
    • While aof_rewrite_in_progress = 1, the execution is in progress.
    • Check periodically until aof_rewrite_in_progress = 0. Zero indicates that the execution is complete.
  13. Edit the redis-config configmap:

    oc edit configmap redis-config
  14. Uncomment SAVE commands in the redis-config configmap:

     save 900 1
     save 300 10
     save 60 10000
  15. Set appendonly to yes in the redis-config configmap:

    appendonly yes
  16. Redeploy backend-redis to reload the default configurations:

    oc rollout latest dc/backend-redis
  17. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/backend-redis Managing the deployment configuration for system-redis

These steps are intended for running instances of system-redis.


  1. Edit the redis-config configmap:

    oc edit configmap redis-config
  2. Comment SAVE commands in the redis-config configmap:

     #save 900 1
     #save 300 10
     #save 60 10000
  3. Set appendonly to no in the redis-config configmap:

    appendonly no
  4. Redeploy system-redis to load the new configurations:

    oc rollout latest dc/system-redis
  5. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/system-redis
  6. Rename the dump.rdb file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'mv ${HOME}/data/dump.rdb ${HOME}/data/dump.rdb-old'
  7. Rename the appendonly.aof file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'mv ${HOME}/data/appendonly.aof ${HOME}/data/appendonly.aof-old'
  8. Move the Backup file to the POD:

    oc cp ./system-redis-dump.rdb $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r):/var/lib/redis/data/dump.rdb
  9. Redeploy system-redis to load the backup:

    oc rollout latest dc/system-redis
  10. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/system-redis
  11. Create the appendonly file:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'redis-cli BGREWRITEAOF'
  12. After a while, ensure that the AOF rewrite is complete:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-redis' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'redis-cli info' | grep aof_rewrite_in_progress
    • While aof_rewrite_in_progress = 1, the execution is in progress.
    • Check periodically until aof_rewrite_in_progress = 0. Zero indicates that the execution is complete.
  13. Edit the redis-config configmap:

    oc edit configmap redis-config
  14. Uncomment SAVE commands in the redis-config configmap:

     save 900 1
     save 300 10
     save 60 10000
  15. Set appendonly to yes in the redis-config configmap:

    appendonly yes
  16. Redeploy system-redis to reload the default configurations:

    oc rollout latest dc/system-redis
  17. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/system-redis

9.5.7. Restoring backend-worker

Restore to the latest version of backend-worker:

oc rollout latest dc/backend-worker
  1. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/backend-worker

9.5.8. Restoring system-app

Restore to the latest version of system-app:

oc rollout latest dc/system-app
  1. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/system-app

9.5.9. Restoring system-sidekiq

  1. Restore to the latest version of system-sidekiq:

    oc rollout latest dc/system-sidekiq
  2. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/system-sidekiq Restoring system-sphinx
  1. Restore to the latest version of system-sphinx:

    oc rollout latest dc/system-sphinx
  2. Check the status of the rollout to ensure it has finished:

    oc rollout status dc/system-sphinx Restoring OpenShift routes managed by Zync
  1. Force Zync to recreate missing OpenShift routes:

    oc rsh $(oc get pods -l 'deploymentConfig=system-sidekiq' -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r) bash -c 'bundle exec rake zync:resync:domains'

Chapter 10. 3scale backup and restore using custom resources

This chapter includes details about the backup and restore functionality for a Red Hat 3scale API Management installation deployed using the APIManager custom resource (CR). In this context, the CRD is provided by the 3scale operator.

Custom resources from operator capabilities are not part of the 3scale installation. For this reason, the custom resources are not included as part of the 3scale installation backup and restore functionality.


3scale backup and restore using operators is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.


  • A 3scale installation

The following sections contain the procedures to perform 3scale backup and restore using the operator.

10.1. Backing up 3scale using the operator

The following section provides the information and procedure you require to backup a 3scale installation that was deployed by an APIManager custom resource.

10.1.1. Backup compatible scenarios

To see the 3scale installation configurations that can be backed up, see the following sections:


  • Backup the 3scale external databases:

    • backend-redis
    • system-redis
    • system-database - MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Provision enough space for the PVC to contain the data backed up.

A 3scale deployment, which is deployed using APIManager cannot be backed up using S3 as System’s FileStorage.

10.1.2. Backup scenarios scope

Backup functionality is available when the following databases are configured externally:

  • Backend Redis database
  • System Redis database
  • System database - MySQL or PostgreSQL

10.1.3. Backed up data

The following table shows a list of the data that is backed up.

Table 10.1. Data that is backed up
ObjectObject-type data


  • system-smtp
  • system-seed
  • backend-internal-api
  • backend-listener
  • system-events-hook
  • system-app
  • system-recaptcha
  • zync
  • system-master-apicast
  • system-memcache
  • system-database
  • backend-redis
  • system-redis


  • system-environment
  • apicast-environment


APIManager custom resource Kubernetes object definition - json schema definition

System FileStorage

When the location of System FileStorage is in a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)

10.1.4. Backing up 3scale

To backup a 3scale installation deployed with an existing APIManager, use the following steps:


  1. Backup the following Kubernetes secrets:

    • backend-redis
    • system-redis
    • system-database
  2. Create the APIManagerBackup custom resource in the same namespace where the 3scale installation managed by the APIManager object is deployed, as in example one:

    Example 1

      kind: APIManagerBackup
       name: example-apimanagerbackup-pvc
              requests: "10Gi"

    Example 2 provides a pre-existing PersistentVolume name:

      kind: APIManagerBackup
       name: example-apimanagerbackup-pvc
            # resources specification is required but ignored when providing a volumeName as per K8s PVCs requirements behavior
              requests: "10Gi"
            volumeName: "my-preexisting-persistent-volume"

  3. Wait until APIManagerBackup finishes. Check this by obtaining the content of APIManagerBackup and waiting until the .status.completed field is set to true.

The backup contents is detailed in Backed up data.

Other fields in the status section of the APIManagerBackup show details of the backup, such as the name of the PVC where the data has been backed up when the configured backup destination has been a PVC.

For future references, take note of the value of status.backupPersistentVolumeClaimName field. When restoring an APIManager installation with APIManagerRestore, one of the fields it requires is the PersistentVolumeClaimName backup source.

10.2. Restoring 3scale using the operator

The following section provides the information and procedure you require to restore a 3scale installation that was previously deployed by an APIManager custom resource and backed up by APIManagerBackup.

10.2.1. Restore compatible scenarios

To see the 3scale installation configurations that can be restored, see the following sections:


  • Restore the 3scale external databases:

    • backend-redis
    • system-redis
    • system-database - MySQL or PostgreSQL

10.2.2. Restore scenarios scope

The restore functionality of the 3scale operator is available using a backup generated from an APIManagerBackup custom resource.

For a list of the 3scale solution scenarios you can backup, see Backed up data for reference.

The following are not in the scope of the restore functionality of the operator:

  • Restoring backup data that was not performed using an APIManagerBackup custom resource.
  • Restoring backup data provided through an APIManagerBackup from different 3scale versions.

10.2.3. Restored data

The following table shows a list of the data that is restored.

Table 10.2. Data that is restored
ObjectObject-type data


  • system-smtp
  • system-seed
  • backend-internal-api
  • system-events-hook
  • system-app
  • system-recaptcha
  • zync
  • system-master-apicast


  • system-environment
  • apicast-environment


APIManager custom resource Kubernetes object definition - json schema definition

System FileStorage

When the location of System FileStorage is in a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)


3scale-related OpenShift routes, for example master and tenants

10.2.4. Restoring 3scale

To restore a 3scale installation previously deployed with an APIManager that was backed up using an APIManagerBackup custom resource, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the project where you are performing the restoration does not contain an APIManager custom resource and its corresponding 3scale installation.
  2. Restore the following Kubernetes secrets:

    • backend-redis
    • system-redis
    • system-database
  3. Create the APIManagerRestore custom resource and specify the backup data of the installation that was previously backed up by an APIManagerBackup custom resource.

    For details, see Backup scenarios scope.

    The following is an example of an APIManagerRestore custom resource:

      kind: APIManagerRestore
        name: example-apimanagerrestore-pvc
             claimName: example-apimanagerbackup-pvc # Name of the PVC produced as the backup result of an `APIManagerBackup`
             readOnly: true
  4. Wait until APIManagerRestore finishes. Check this by obtaining the content of APIManagerRestore and waiting until the .status.completed field is set to true.

    You should see a new APIManager custom resource has been created and a 3scale installation deployed.

Chapter 11. Configuring reCAPTCHA for 3scale

This document describes how to configure reCAPTCHA for Red Hat 3scale API Management On-premises to protect against spam.


  • An installed and configured 3scale On-Premises instance on a supported OpenShift version.
  • Get a site key and the secret key for reCAPTCHA v2. See the Register a new site web page.
  • Add the Developer Portal domain to an allowlist if you want to use domain name validation.

To configure reCAPTCHA for 3scale, perform the steps outlined in the following procedure:

11.1. Configuring reCAPTCHA for spam protection in 3scale

To configure reCAPTCHA for spam protection, you have two options how to patch the secret file that contains the reCAPTCHA. These options are in the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) user interface or using the command line interface (CLI).


  1. OCP 4.x: Navigate to Project: [Your_project_name] > Workloads > Secrets.
  2. Edit the system-recaptcha secret file.

    The PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY from the reCAPTHCA service must be in base64 format encoding. Transform the keys to base64 encoding manually.


The CLI reCAPTCHA option does not require base64 format encoding.

  • CLI: Type the following command:

    oc patch secret/system-recaptcha -p '{"stringData": {"PUBLIC_KEY": "public-key-from-service", "PRIVATE_KEY": "private-key-from-service"}}'

Post-procedure steps

  • Redeploy the system pod after you have completed one of the above options.
  • In the 3scale Admin Portal turn on spam protection against users that are not signed:

    1. Navigate to Audience > Developer Portal > Spam Protection.
    2. Select one of the following options:

      • Always - reCAPTCHA will always appear when a form is presented to a user who is not logged in.
      • Suspicious only - reCAPTCHA is only shown if the automated checks detect a possible spammer.
      • Never - turns off Spam protection.

After system-app has redeployed, the pages that use spam protection on the Developer Portal will show the reCAPTCHA I’m not a robot checkbox.

I’m not a robot

Additional resources

  • See ReCAPTCHA home page for more information, guides, and support.

Chapter 12. Troubleshooting the API infrastructure

This guide aims to help you identify and fix the cause of issues with your API infrastructure.

API Infrastructure is a lengthy and complex topic. However, at a minimum, you will have three moving parts in your Infrastructure:

  1. The API gateway
  2. 3scale
  3. The API
3scale Gateway Flowchart

Errors in any of these three elements result in API consumers being unable to access your API. However, it is difficult to find the component that caused the failure. This guide gives you some tips to troubleshoot your infrastructure to identify the problem.

Use the following sections to identify and fix common issues that may occur:

12.1. Common integration issues

There are some evidences that can point to some very common issues with your integration with 3scale. These will vary depending on whether you are at the beginning of your API project, setting up your infrastructure, or are already live in production.

12.1.1. Integration issues

The following sections attempt to outline some common issues you may see in the APIcast error log during the initial phases of your integration with 3scale: at the beginning using APIcast Hosted and prior to go-live, running the self-managed APIcast. APIcast Hosted

When you are first integrating your API with APIcast Hosted on the Service Integration screen, you might get some of the following errors shown on the page or returned by the test call you make to check for a successful integration.

  • Test request failed: execution expired

    Check that your API is reachable from the public internet. APIcast Hosted cannot be used with private APIs. If you do not want to make your API publicly available to integrate with APIcast Hosted, you can set up a private secret between APIcast Hosted and your API to reject any calls not coming from the API gateway.

  • The accepted format is protocol://address(:port)

    Remove any paths at the end of your APIs private base URL. You can add these in the "mapping rules" pattern or at the beginning of the API test GET request.

  • Test request failed with HTTP code XXX

    • 405: Check that the endpoint accepts GET requests. APIcast only supports GET requests to test the integration.
    • 403: Authentication parameters missing: If your API already has some authentication in place, APIcast will be unable to make a test request.
    • 403: Authentication failed: If this is not the first service you have created with 3scale, check that you have created an application under the service with credentials to make the test request. If it is the first service you are integrating, ensure that you have not deleted the test account or application that you created on signup. APIcast self-managed

After you have successfully tested the integration with APIcast self-managed, you might want to host the API gateway yourself. Following are some errors you may encounter when you first install your self-managed gateway and call your API through it.

  • upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream

    Check that there are no firewalls or proxies between the API Gateway and the public Internet that would prevent your self-managed gateway from reaching 3scale.

  • failed to get list of services: invalid status: 403 (Forbidden)

      2018/06/04 08:04:49 [emerg] 14#14: [lua] configuration_loader.lua:134: init(): failed to load configuration,   exiting (code 1)
      2018/06/04 08:04:49 [warn] 22#22: *2 [lua] remote_v2.lua:163: call(): failed to get list of services:   invalid status: 403 (Forbidden) url: , context:   ngx.timer
      ERROR: /opt/app-root/src/src/apicast/configuration_loader.lua:57: missing configuration

    Check that the Access Token that you used in the THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDOINT value is correct and that it has the Account Management API scope. Verify it with a curl command: curl -v "<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    It should return a 200 response with a JSON body. If it returns an error status code, check the response body for details.

  • service not found for host

      2018/06/04 11:06:15 [warn] 23#23: *495 [lua] find_service.lua:24: find_service(): service not found for host, client:, server: _, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: ""

    This error indicates that the Public Base URL has not been configured properly. You should ensure that the configured Public Base URL is the same that you use for the request to self-managed APIcast. After configuring the correct Public Base URL:

    • Ensure that APIcast is configured for "production" (default configuration for standalone APIcast if not overriden with THREESCALE_DEPLOYMENT_ENV variable). Ensure that you promote the configuration to production.
    • Restart APIcast, if you have not configured auto-reloading of configuration using APICAST_CONFIGURATION_CACHE and APICAST_CONFIGURATION_LOADER environment variables.

Following are some other symptoms that may point to an incorrect APIcast self-managed integration:

  • Mapping rules not matched / Double counting of API calls: Depending on the way you have defined the mapping between methods and actual URL endpoints on your API, you might find that sometimes methods either don’t get matched or get incremented more than once per request. To troubleshoot this, make a test call to your API with the 3scale debug header. This will return a list of all the methods that have been matched by the API call.
  • Authentication parameters not found: Ensure your are sending the parameters to the correct location as specified in the Service Integration screen. If you do not send credentials as headers, the credentials must be sent as query parameters for GET requests and body parameters for all other HTTP methods. Use the 3scale debug header to double-check the credentials that are being read from the request by the API gateway.

12.1.2. Production issues

It is rare to run into issues with your API gateway after you have fully tested your setup and have been live with your API for a while. However, here are some of the issues you might encounter in a live production environment. Availability issues

Availability issues are normally characterised by upstream timed out errors in your nginx error.log; example:

upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client: X.X.X.X, server:, request: "GET /RESOURCE?CREDENTIALS HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://Y.Y.Y.Y:80/RESOURCE?CREDENTIALS", host: ""

If you are experiencing intermittent 3scale availability issues, following may be the reasons for this:

  • You are resolving to an old 3scale IP that is no longer in use.

    The latest version of the API gateway configuration files defines 3scale as a variable to force IP resolution each time. For a quick fix, reload your NGINX instance. For a long-term fix, ensure that instead of defining the 3scale backend in an upstream block, you define it as a variable within each server block; example:

    server {
      # Enabling the Lua code cache is strongly encouraged for production use. Here it is enabled
      set $threescale_backend "";

    When you refer to it:

    location = /threescale_authrep {
      set $provider_key "YOUR_PROVIDER_KEY";
      proxy_pass $threescale_backend/transactions/authrep.xml?provider_key=$provider_key&service_id=$service_id&$usage&$credentials&log%5Bcode%5D=$arg_code&log%5Brequest%5D=$arg_req&log%5Bresponse%5D=$arg_resp;
  • You are missing some 3scale IPs from your whitelist. Following is the current list of IPs that 3scale resolves to:


      The above issues refer to problems with perceived 3scale availability. However, you might encounter similar issues with your API availability from the API gateway if your API is behind an AWS ELB. This is because NGINX, by default, does DNS resolution at start-up time and then caches the IP addresses. However, ELBs do not ensure static IP addresses and these might change frequently. Whenever the ELB changes to a different IP, NGINX is unable to reach it.

      The solution for this is similar to the above fix for forcing runtime DNS resolution.

      1. Set a specific DNS resolver such as Google DNS, by adding this line at the top of the http section: resolver;.
      2. Set your API base URL as a variable anywhere near the top of the server section. set $api_base "";
      3. Inside the location / section, find the proxy_pass line and replace it with proxy_pass $api_base;.

12.1.3. Post-deploy issues

If you make changes to your API such as adding a new endpoint, you must ensure that you add a new method and URL mapping before downloading a new set of configuration files for your API gateway.

The most common problem when you have modified the configuration downloaded from 3scale will be code errors in the Lua, which will result in a 500 - Internal server error such as:

curl -v -X GET "http://localhost/"
* About to connect() to localhost port 80 (#0)
*   Trying connected
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.22.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.22.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1 zlib/ libidn/1.23 librtmp/2.3
> Host: localhost
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
< Server: openresty/
< Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2016 10:22:25 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html
< Content-Length: 199
< Connection: close

<head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>

<center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center>

* Closing connection #0

You can see the nginx error.log to know the cause, such as:

2016/02/04 11:22:25 [error] 8980#0: *1 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /home/pili/NGINX/troubleshooting/nginx.lua:66: bad argument #3 to '_newindex' (number expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
coroutine 0:
  [C]: in function '_newindex'
  /home/pili/NGINX/troubleshooting/nginx.lua:66: in function 'error_authorization_failed'
  /home/pili/NGINX/troubleshooting/nginx.lua:330: in function 'authrep'
  /home/pili/NGINX/troubleshooting/nginx.lua:283: in function 'authorize'
  /home/pili/NGINX/troubleshooting/nginx.lua:392: in function  while sending to client, client:, server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost"

In the access.log this will look like the following: - - [04/Feb/2016:11:22:25 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 199 "-" "curl/7.22.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.22.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1 zlib/ libidn/1.23 librtmp/2.3"

The above section gives you a an overview of the most common, well-known issues that you might encounter at any stage of your 3scale journey.

If all of these have been checked and you are still unable to find the cause and solution for your issue, you should proceed to the more detailed section on Identifying API request issues. Start at your API and work your way back to the client in order to try to identify the point of failure.

12.2. Handling API infrastructure issues

If you are experiencing failures when connecting to a server, whether that is the API gateway, 3scale, or your API, the following troubleshooting steps should be your first port of call:

12.2.1. Can we connect?

Use telnet to check the basic TCP/IP connectivity telnet 443

  • Success
telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
  • Failure
telnet 443
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out

12.2.2. Server connection issues

Try to connect to the same server from different network locations, devices, and directions. For example, if your client is unable to reach your API, try to connect to your API from a machine that should have access such as the API gateway.

If any of the attempted connections succeed, you can rule out any problems with the actual server and concentrate your troubleshooting on the network between them, as this is where the problem will most likely be.

12.2.3. Is it a DNS issue?

Try to connect to the server by using its IP address instead of its hostname e.g. telnet 80 instead of telnet 80

This will rule out any problems with the DNS.

You can get the IP address for a server using dig for example for 3scale dig or dig any if you suspect there may be multiple IPs that a host may resolve to.

NB: Some hosts block `dig any`

12.2.4. Is it an SSL issue?

You can use OpenSSL to test:

  • Secure connections to a host or IP, such as from the shell prompt openssl s_client -connect


    depth=1 C = US, O = GeoTrust Inc., CN = GeoTrust SSL CA - G3
    verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
    Certificate chain
     0 s:/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/O=3scale Networks, S.L./OU=IT/CN=*
       i:/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3
     1 s:/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3
       i:/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA
    Server certificate
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    subject=/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/O=3scale Networks, S.L./OU=IT/CN=*
    issuer=/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3
    Acceptable client certificate CA names
    /C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/O=3scale Networks, S.L./OU=IT/CN=*
    /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3
    Client Certificate Types: RSA sign, DSA sign, ECDSA sign
    Shared Requested Signature Algorithms: RSA+SHA512:DSA+SHA512:ECDSA+SHA512:RSA+SHA384:DSA+SHA384:ECDSA+SHA384:RSA+SHA256:DSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA224:DSA+SHA224:ECDSA+SHA224:RSA+SHA1:DSA+SHA1:ECDSA+SHA1
    Peer signing digest: SHA512
    Server Temp Key: ECDH, P-256, 256 bits
    SSL handshake has read 3281 bytes and written 499 bytes
    New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    Server public key is 2048 bit
    Secure Renegotiation IS supported
    Compression: NONE
    Expansion: NONE
    No ALPN negotiated
        Protocol  : TLSv1.2
        Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
        Session-ID: A85EFD61D3BFD6C27A979E95E66DA3EC8F2E7B3007C0166A9BCBDA5DCA5477B8
        Master-Key: F7E898F1D996B91D13090AE9D5624FF19DFE645D5DEEE2D595D1B6F79B1875CF935B3A4F6ECCA7A6D5EF852AE3D4108B
        Key-Arg   : None
        PSK identity: None
        PSK identity hint: None
        SRP username: None
        TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 300 (seconds)
        TLS session ticket:
        0000 - a8 8b 6c ac 9c 3c 60 78-2c 5c 8a de 22 88 06 15   ..l..<`x,\.."...
        0010 - eb be 26 6c e6 7b 43 cc-ae 9b c0 27 6c b7 d9 13   ..&l.{C....'l...
        0020 - 84 e4 0d d5 f1 ff 4c 08-7a 09 10 17 f3 00 45 2c   ......L.z.....E,
        0030 - 1b e7 47 0c de dc 32 eb-ca d7 e9 26 33 26 8b 8e   ..G...2....&3&..
        0040 - 0a 86 ee f0 a9 f7 ad 8a-f7 b8 7b bc 8c c2 77 7b   ..........{...w{
        0050 - ae b7 57 a8 40 1b 75 c8-25 4f eb df b0 2b f6 b7   ..W.@.u.%O...+..
        0060 - 8b 8e fc 93 e4 be d6 60-0f 0f 20 f1 0a f2 cf 46   .......`.. ....F
        0070 - b0 e6 a1 e5 31 73 c2 f5-d4 2f 57 d1 b0 8e 51 cc   ....1s.../W...Q.
        0080 - ff dd 6e 4f 35 e4 2c 12-6c a2 34 26 84 b3 0c 19   ..nO5.,.l.4&....
        0090 - 8a eb 80 e0 4d 45 f8 4a-75 8e a2 06 70 84 de 10   ....ME.Ju...p...
        Start Time: 1454932598
        Timeout   : 300 (sec)
        Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)
  • SSLv3 support (NOT supported by 3scale)

    openssl s_client -ssl3 -connect


140735196860496:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:s3_pkt.c:1456:SSL alert number 40
140735196860496:error:1409E0E5:SSL routines:ssl3_write_bytes:ssl handshake failure:s3_pkt.c:644:
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 0 bytes
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
    Protocol  : SSLv3
    Cipher    : 0000
    Key-Arg   : None
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    Start Time: 1454932872
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)

For more details, see the OpenSSL man pages.

12.3. Identifying API request issues

To identify where an issue with requests to your API might lie, go through the following checks.

12.3.1. API

To confirm that the API is up and responding to requests, make the same request directly to your API (not going through the API gateway). You should ensure that you are sending the same parameters and headers as the request that goes through the API gateway. If you are unsure of the exact request that is failing, capture the traffic between the API gateway and your API.

If the call succeeds, you can rule out any problems with the API, otherwise you should troubleshoot your API further.

12.3.2. API Gateway > API

To rule out any network issues between the API gateway and the API, make the same call as before — directly to your API — from your API gateway server.

If the call succeeds, you can move on to troubleshooting the API gateway itself.

12.3.3. API gateway

There are a number of steps to go through to check that the API gateway is working correctly. Is the API gateway up and running?

Log in to the machine where the gateway is running. If this fails, your gateway server might be down.

After you have logged in, check that the NGINX process is running. For this, run ps ax | grep nginx or htop.

NGINX is running if you see nginx master process and nginx worker process in the list. Are there any errors in the gateway logs?

Following are some common errors you might see in the gateway logs, for example in error.log:

  • API gateway can’t connect to API

    upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client: X.X.X.X, server:, request: "GET /RESOURCE?CREDENTIALS HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://Y.Y.Y.Y:80/RESOURCE?CREDENTIALS", host: ""
  • API gateway cannot connect to 3scale

    2015/11/20 11:33:51 [error] 3578#0: *1 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /api/activities.json?user_key=USER_KEY HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/threescale_authrep", upstream: "[hits]=1&user_key=USER_KEY&log%5Bcode%5D=", host: "localhost"

12.3.4. API gateway > 3scale

Once you are sure the API gateway is running correctly, the next step is troubleshooting the connection between the API gateway and 3scale. Can the API gateway reach 3scale?

If you are using NGINX as your API gateway, the following message displays in the nginx error logs when the gateway is unable to contact 3scale.

2015/11/20 11:33:51 [error] 3578#0: *1 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /api/activities.json?user_key=USER_KEY HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/threescale_authrep", upstream: "[hits]=1&user_key=USER_KEY&log%5Bcode%5D=", host: "localhost"

Here, note the upstream value. This IP corresponds to one of the IPs that the 3scale product resolves to. This implies that there is a problem reaching 3scale. You can do a reverse DNS lookup to check the domain for an IP by calling nslookup.

For example, because the API gateway is unable to reach 3scale, it does not mean that 3scale is down. One of the most common reasons for this would be firewall rules preventing the API gateway from connecting to 3scale.

There may be network issues between the gateway and 3scale that could cause connections to timeout. In this case, you should go through the steps in troubleshooting generic connectivity issues to identify where the problem lies.

To rule out networking issues, use traceroute or MTR to check the routing and packet transmission. You can also run the same command from a machine that is able to connect to 3scale and your API gateway and compare the output.

Additionally, to see the traffic that is being sent between your API gateway and 3scale, you can use tcpdump as long as you temporarily switch to using the HTTP endpoint for the 3scale product ( Is the API gateway resolving 3scale addresses correctly?

Ensure you have the resolver directive added to your nginx.conf.

For example, in nginx.conf:

http {
  lua_shared_dict api_keys 10m;
  server_names_hash_bucket_size 128;
  lua_package_path ";;$prefix/?.lua;";
  init_by_lua 'math.randomseed(ngx.time()) ; cjson = require("cjson")';


You can substitute the Google DNS ( and with your preferred DNS.

To check DNS resolution from your API gateway, call nslookup as follows with the specified resolver IP:

;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

The above example shows the response returned if Google DNS cannot be reached. If this is the case, you must update the resolver IPs. You might also see the following alert in your nginx error.log:

2016/05/09 14:15:15 [alert] 9391#0: send() failed (1: Operation not permitted) while resolving, resolver:

Finally, run dig any to see the IP addresses currently in operation for the 3scale Service Management API. Note that this is not the entire range of IP addresses that might be used by 3scale. Some may be swapped in and out for capacity reasons. Additionally, you may add more domain names for the 3scale service in the future. For this you should always test against the specific address that are supplied to you during integration, if applicable. Is the API gateway calling 3scale correctly?

If you want to check the request your API gateway is making to 3scale for troubleshooting purposes only you can add the following snippet to the 3scale authrep location in nginx.conf (/threescale_authrep for API Key and App\_id authentication modes):

  if ngx.req.get_headers()["X-3scale-debug"] == ngx.var.provider_key then
    local resp = ""
    ngx.ctx.buffered = (ngx.ctx.buffered or "") .. string.sub(ngx.arg[1], 1, 1000)
    if ngx.arg[2] then
      resp = ngx.ctx.buffered

    ngx.log(0, ngx.req.raw_header())
    ngx.log(0, resp)

This snippet will add the following extra logging to the nginx error.log when the X-3scale-debug header is sent, e.g. curl -v -H 'X-3scale-debug: YOUR_PROVIDER_KEY' -X GET ""

This will produce the following log entries:

2016/05/05 14:24:33 [] 7238#0: *57 [lua] body_filter_by_lua:7: GET /api/contacts.json?access_token=7c6f24f5 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
Accept: */*
X-Forwarded-Proto: https

 while sending to client, client:, server: pili-virtualbox, request: "GET /api/contacts.json?access_token=7c6f24f5 HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/threescale_authrep", upstream: "[hits]=1&access_token=7c6f24f5", host: ""
2016/05/05 14:24:33 [] 7238#0: *57 [lua] body_filter_by_lua:8: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><error code="access_token_invalid">access_token "7c6f24f5" is invalid: expired or never defined</error> while sending to client, client:, server: pili-virtualbox, request: "GET /api/contacts.json?access_token=7c6f24f5 HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/threescale_authrep", upstream: "[hits]=1&access_token=7c6f24f5", host: ""

The first entry (2016/05/05 14:24:33 [] 7238#0: *57 [lua] body_filter_by_lua:7:) prints out the request headers sent to 3scale, in this case: Host, User-Agent, Accept, X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-For.

The second entry (2016/05/05 14:24:33 [] 7238#0: *57 [lua] body_filter_by_lua:8:) prints out the response from 3scale, in this case: <error code="access_token_invalid">access_token "7c6f24f5" is invalid: expired or never defined</error>.

Both will print out the original request (GET /api/contacts.json?access_token=7c6f24f5) and subrequest location (/threescale_authrep) as well as the upstream request (upstream: "[hits]=1&access_token=7c6f24f5".) This last value allows you to see which of the 3scale IPs have been resolved and also the exact request made to 3scale.

12.3.5. 3scale Is 3scale returning an error?

It is also possible that 3scale is available but is returning an error to your API gateway which would prevent calls going through to your API. Try to make the authorization call directly in 3scale and check the response. If you get an error, check the #troubleshooting-api-error-codes[Error Codes] section to see what the issue is. Use the 3scale debug headers

You can also turn on the 3scale debug headers by making a call to your API with the X-3scale-debug header, example:

curl -v -X GET "" X-3scale-debug: YOUR_SERVICE_TOKEN

This will return the following headers with the API response:

X-3scale-matched-rules: /, /api/contacts.json
< X-3scale-credentials: access_token=TOKEN_VALUE
< X-3scale-usage: usage[hits]=2
< X-3scale-hostname: HOSTNAME_VALUE Check the integration errors

You can also check the integration errors on your Admin Portal to check for any issues reporting traffic to 3scale. See

One of the reasons for integration errors can be sending credentials in the headers with underscores_in_headers directive not enabled in server block.

12.3.6. Client API gateway Is the API gateway reachable from the public internet?

Try directing a browser to the IP address (or domain name) of your gateway server. If this fails, ensure that you have opened the firewall on the relevant ports. Is the API gateway reachable by the client?

If possible, try to connect to the API gateway from the client using one of the methods outlined earlier (telnet, curl, etc.) If the connection fails, the problem lies in the network between the two.

Otherwise, you should move on to troubleshooting the client making the calls to the API.

12.3.7. Client Test the same call using a different client

If a request is not returning the expected result, test with a different HTTP client. For example, if you are calling an API with a Java HTTP client and you see something wrong, cross-check with cURL.

You can also call the API through a proxy between the client and the gateway to capture the exact parameters and headers being sent by the client. Inspect the traffic sent by client

Use a tool like Wireshark to see the requests being made by the client. This will allow you to identify if the client is making calls to the API and the details of the request.

12.4. ActiveDocs issues

Sometimes calls that work when you call the API from the command line fail when going through ActiveDocs.

To enable ActiveDocs calls to work, we send these out through a proxy on our side. This proxy will add certain headers that can sometimes cause issues on the API if they are not expected. To identify if this is the case, try the following steps:

12.4.1. Use

Swagger provides a hosted swagger-ui at which you can use to test your Swagger spec and API going through the latest version of swagger-ui. If both swagger-ui and ActiveDocs fail in the same way, you can rule out any issues with ActiveDocs or the ActiveDocs proxy and focus the troubleshooting on your own spec. Alternatively, you can check the swagger-ui GitHub repo for any known issues with the current version of swagger-ui.

12.4.2. Check that firewall allows connections from ActiveDocs proxy

We recommend to not whitelist IP address for clients using your API. The ActiveDocs proxy uses floating IP addresses for high availability and there is currently no mechanism to notify of any changes to these IPs.

12.4.3. Call the API with incorrect credentials

One way to identify whether the ActiveDocs proxy is working correctly is to call your API with invalid credentials. This will help you to confirm or rule out any problems with both the ActiveDocs proxy and your API gateway.

If you get a 403 code back from the API call (or from the code you have configured on your gateway for invalid credentials), the problem lies with your API because the calls are reaching your gateway.

12.4.4. Compare calls

To identify any differences in headers and parameters between calls made from ActiveDocs versus outside of ActiveDocs, run calls through services such as APItools on-premise or Runscope. This will allow you to inspect and compare your HTTP calls before sending them to your API. You will then be able to identify potential headers and/or parameters in the request that could cause issues.

12.5. Logging in NGINX

For a comprehensive guide on this, see the NGINX Logging and Monitoring docs.

12.5.1. Enabling debugging log

To find out more about enabling debugging log, see the NGINX debugging log documentation.

12.6. 3scale error codes

To double-check the error codes that are returned by the 3scale Service Management API endpoints, see the 3scale API Documentation page by following these steps:

  1. Click the question mark (?) icon, which is in the upper-right corner of the Admin Portal.
  2. Choose 3scale API Docs.

The following is a list HTTP response codes returned by 3scale, and the conditions under which they are returned:

  • 400: Bad request. This can be because of:

    • Invalid encoding
    • Payload too large
    • Content type is invalid (for POST calls). Valid values for the Content-Type header are: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or empty header.
  • 403:

    • Credentials are not valid
    • Sending body data to 3scale for a GET request
  • 404: Non-existent entity referenced, such as applications, metrics, etc.
  • 409:

    • Usage limits exceeded
    • Application is not active
    • Application key is invalid or missing (for app_id/app_key authentication method)
    • Referrer is not allowed or missing (when referrer filters are enabled and required)
  • 422: Missing required parameters

Most of these error responses will also contain an XML body with a machine readable error category and a human readable explanation.

When using the standard API gateway configuration, any return code different from 200 provided by 3scale can result in a response to the client with one of the following codes:

  • 403
  • 404

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