Chapter 3. Upgrading 3scale version 2.11.0 to version 2.11.1 using templates
You can upgrade Red Hat 3scale API Management from version 2.11.0 to version 2.11.1 using a template-based deployment on OpenShift 3.11.
To understand the required conditions and procedures, be sure to read the entire upgrade guide before applying the listed steps. The upgrade process disrupts the provision of the service until the procedure finishes. Due to this disruption, be sure to have a maintenance window.
3.1. Prerequisites to perform the upgrade
This section describes the required configurations, tasks, and tools to upgrade 3scale from 2.11.0 to 2.11.1 in a template-based installation.
3.1.1. Configurations
- 3scale supports upgrade paths from 2.11.0 to 2.11.1 with templates on OpenShift 3.11.
3.1.2. Preliminary tasks
- Ensure your OpenShift CLI tool is configured in the same project where 3scale is deployed.
- Perform a backup of the database you are using with 3scale. The procedure of the backup is specific to each database type and setup.
3.1.3. Tools
You need these tools to perform the upgrade:
- 3scale 2.11.0 deployed with templates in an OpenShift 3.11 project.
- Bash shell: To run the commands detailed in the upgrade procedure.
- base64: To encode and decode secret information.
- jq: For JSON transformation purposes.
3.2. Upgrading from 3scale 2.11.0 to 2.11.1 in a template-based installation
Follow the procedure described in this section to upgrade 3scale 2.11.0 to 2.11.1 in a template-based installation.
To start with the upgrade, go to the project where 3scale is deployed.
$ oc project <3scale-project>
Then, follow these steps in this order:
3.2.1. Creating a backup of the 3scale project
Previous step
Current step
This step lists the actions necessary to create a backup of the 3scale project.
Depending on the database used with 3scale, set ${SYSTEM_DB} with one of the following values:
If the database is MySQL,
. -
If the database is PostgreSQL,
If the database is MySQL,
Create a backup file with the existing DeploymentConfigs:
$ THREESCALE_DC_NAMES="apicast-production apicast-staging backend-cron backend-listener backend-redis backend-worker system-app system-memcache ${SYSTEM_DB} system-redis system-sidekiq system-sphinx zync zync-database zync-que" for component in ${THREESCALE_DC_NAMES}; do oc get --export -o yaml dc ${component} > ${component}_dc.yml ; done
Backup all existing OpenShift resources in the project that are exported through the
export all
command:$ oc get -o yaml --export all > threescale-project-elements.yaml
Create a backup file with the additional elements that are not exported with the
export all
command:$ for object in rolebindings serviceaccounts secrets imagestreamtags cm rolebindingrestrictions limitranges resourcequotas pvc templates cronjobs statefulsets hpa deployments replicasets poddisruptionbudget endpoints do oc get -o yaml --export $object > $object.yaml done
- Verify that all of the generated files are not empty, and that all of them have the expected content.
3.2.2. Increasing backend-cron
DeploymentConfig resource requirements
Previous step
Current step
In this release backend-cron
DeploymentConfig has potentially more resources usage. Use this procedure to increase the resource requirements from the currently set values.
The required backend-cron
resource in 3scale 2.11.1 are:
{ "limits": { "cpu": "500m", "memory": "500Mi" }, "requests": { "cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi" } }
If the current backend-cron
deployment has no memory limits or the resource requirements are higher, you do not need to complete the following procedure.
Check the current resource requirements set for
with the following command:$ oc get dc backend-cron -o json | jq .spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources
If the output is empty or
it means no resource requirements are set.To increase the current
resource requirements, run the following command:$ oc patch dc backend-cron --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"backend-cron","resources":{"limits":{"memory":"500Mi", "cpu": "500m"}, "requests":{"memory":"100Mi", "cpu": "100m"}}}]}}}}'
This command triggers a redeployment of
. Wait until it is redeployed, its corresponding new pods are ready, and the previous pods are terminated.
Next step
3.2.3. Upgrading 3scale images
Current step
This step updates the 3scale images required for the upgrade process. Patch the system
To continue the procedure, consider the database used with your 3scale deployment:
- If the database is Oracle DB, follow the steps listed in Patching the system image: 3scale with Oracle Database
- If the database is different from Oracle DB, follow the steps listed in Patching the system image: 3scale with other databases Patching the system image: 3scale with Oracle Database
- To start patching the system image of 3scale with an Oracle Database, perform steps 1, 2, 4, and 8 in Building the system image.
Import the latest
Oracle Database image:oc import-image amp-system:2.11-oracle Patching the system image: 3scale with other databases
Import the latest system-app
oc import-image amp-system:2.11 Patch the apicast
Import the latest amp-apicast
oc import-image amp-apicast:2.11 Patch the backend
Import the latest amp-backend
oc import-image amp-backend:2.11 Patch the zync
Import the latest amp-zync
oc import-image amp-zync:2.11 Patch the system-memcached
Import the latest system-memcached
oc import-image system-memcached:2.11
Next step
None. After you have performed all the listed steps, 3scale upgrade from 2.11.0 to 2.11.1 in a template-based deployment is now complete.