Chapter 1. Before you begin: Deploy OAuth flows per service
In previous versions to 3scale 2.5, when you manually created or updated an application, the OAuth flow enabled by default by 3scale in Red Hat Single Sign On (RH-SSO) was the standardFlowEnabled (Authorization Code Flow). If you changed it to another flow such as Resource Owner Password, Implicit or Client Credentials, you could potentially have issues with this upgrade process.
To avoid having issues with the upgrade, you must perform these steps:
Scale down the
pod to 0. - Upgrade to 3scale 2.5
- For the services that use Open ID Connect (OIDC), review the OIDC configuration.
Scale up the
Besides the upgrade process, you can set any of the four OAuth flows in 3scale 2.5 when manually creating or updating your application. To ensure correct flow settings, you can follow the steps in OAuth 2.0 supported flows.