
Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes 2.3

Read more to learn how to create, import, and manage clusters across cloud providers.


Read more to learn how to create, import, and manage clusters across cloud providers.

Learn how to create, import, and manage clusters across cloud providers by using both the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console.

Learn how to manage clusters across cloud providers in the following topics:

There are two main types of clusters: hub clusters and managed clusters.

The hub cluster is the main cluster with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes installed on it. You can create, manage and monitor other Kubernetes clusters with the hub cluster.

The managed clusters are Kubernetes clusters that are managed by the hub cluster. You can create some clusters by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster, while you can also import existing clusters to be managed by the hub cluster.

The following diagram shows the components that are installed with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for cluster management:

Cluster lifecycle architecture diagram

The components of the cluster lifecycle management architecture include the following items:

Components on the hub cluster:

  • Console: Provides a web-based interface to manage the cluster lifecycle of the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management managed clusters.
  • Hive Controller: Provisions the clusters that you create with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. The Hive Controller also detaches and destroys managed clusters that were created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.
  • Managed Cluster Import Controller: Deploys the klusterlet operator to the managed clusters.
  • Klusterlet Add-on Controller: Deploys the klusterlet add-on operator to managed clusters.

Components on the managed cluster:

  • Klusterlet Operator: Deploys the registration and work controllers on the managed cluster.
  • Registration Agent: Registers the managed cluster with the hub cluster.
  • Work Agent: Applies the manifest work to the managed cluster.
  • Klusterlet Add-on Operator: Deploys the add-on components.

Learn about the cloud providers that are available with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes. Also, find the documented managed providers that are available. See the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.3 Support Matrix for more information about supported clouds.

Best practice: For managed cluster providers, use the latest version of Kubernetes.

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform versions 4.6.1 or later, are supported for the hub cluster.

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform versions 3.11.200 or later, and 4.6.1 or later, are supported for the managed clusters.

See the available managed cluster options and documentation:

From vendor documentation previously listed, you might need to learn how configure your kubectl. You must have kubectl installed when you import a managed cluster to a hub cluster. See Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster for details.

You can customize your managed cluster specifications, such as virtual machine sizes and number of nodes.

Many clusters that are managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes can be scaled by using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console or command line, and the MachinePool resource. A MachinePool resource is a Kubernetes resource on the Hub cluster that groups the MachineSet resources together on the managed cluster. The MachinePool resource uniformly configures a set of machine resources, including zone configurations, instance type, and root storage. It also helps you manually configure the desired number of nodes or configure auto-scaling of nodes on the managed cluster.

Scaling clusters that were created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management using the MachinePool resource is a Technology Preview feature that is not supported for bare metal clusters that were created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

Configuring autoscaling provides the flexibility of your cluster to scale as needed to lower your cost of resources by scaling down when traffic is low, and by scaling up to ensure that there are enough resources when there is a higher demand for resources.

  • To enable autoscaling on your MachinePool resources using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
    2. Click the name of your target cluster to view the details about the cluster.
    3. Select the Machine pools tab to view the machine pool information.
    4. From the machine pools page, select Enable autoscale from the Options menu for the target machine pool.
    5. Select the minimum and maximum number of machine set replicas. A machine set replica maps directly to a node on the cluster.
    6. Click Scale to submit the changes.

      The changes might take several minutes to reflect on the console. You can view the status of the scaling operation by clicking View machines if the notification of the Machine pools tab.

  • To enable autoscaling on your MachinePool resources using the command line, complete the following steps:

    1. Enter the following command to view your list of machine pools:

      oc get machinepools -n <managed-cluster-namespace>

      Replace managed-cluster-namespace with the namespace of your target managed cluster.

    2. Enter the following command to edit the YAML file for the machine pool:

      oc edit machinepool <name-of-MachinePool-resource> -n <namespace-of-managed-cluster>

      Replace name-of-MachinePool-resource with the name of your MachinePool resource.

      Replace namespace-of-managed-cluster with the name of the namespace of your managed cluster.

    3. Delete the spec.replicas field from the YAML file.
    4. Add the spec.autoscaling.minReplicas setting and spec.autoscaling.maxReplicas fields to the resource YAML.
    5. Add the minimum number of replicas to the minReplicas setting.
    6. Add the maximum number of replicas into the maxReplicas setting.
    7. Save the file to submit the changes.

Autoscaling is enabled for the machine pool.

You can disable autoscaling by using the console or the command line.

  • To disable autoscaling by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
    2. Click the name of your target cluster to view the details about the cluster.
    3. Select the Machine pools tab to view the machine pool information.
    4. From the machine pools page, select Disable autoscale from the Options menu for the target machine pool.
    5. Select the number of machine set replicas that you want. A machine set replica maps directly with a node on the cluster.
    6. Click Scale to submit the changes. It might take several minutes to display in the console.
    7. Click View machines in the notification on the Machine pools tab to view the status of the scaling.
  • To disable autoscaling by using the command line, complete the following steps:

    1. Enter the following command to view your list of machine pools:

      oc get machinepools -n <managed-cluster-namespace>

      Replace managed-cluster-namespace with the namespace of your target managed cluster.

    2. Enter the following command to edit the YAML file for the machine pool:

      oc edit machinepool <name-of-MachinePool-resource> -n <namespace-of-managed-cluster>

      Replace name-of-MachinePool-resource with the name of your MachinePool resource.

      Replace namespace-of-managed-cluster with the name of the namespace of your managed cluster.

    3. Delete the spec.autoscaling field from the YAML file.
    4. Add the spec.replicas field to the resource YAML.
    5. Add the number of replicas to the replicas setting.
    6. Save the file to submit the changes.

Autoscaling is disabled.

If you do not want to enable autoscaling of your cluster, you can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console or the command line to change the static number of replicas that you want your cluster to maintain. This can help to increase or decrease the size, as needed.

To scale your MachinePool resources using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Click the name of your target cluster to view the details about the cluster.
  3. Select the Machine pools tab to view the machine pool information.

    Note: If the value in the Autoscale field is Enabled you must first disable the autoscaling feature by completing the steps in Disabling autoscaling before continuing.

  4. From the Options menu for the machine pool, select Scale machine pool.
  5. Adjust the number of machine set replicas to scale the machine pool.
  6. Select Scale to implement the change.

To scale your MachinePool resources using the command line, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the following command to view your list of machine pools:

    oc get machinepools -n <managed-cluster-namespace>

    Replace managed-cluster-namespace with the namespace of your target managed cluster.

  2. Enter the following command to edit the YAML file for the machine pool:

    oc edit machinepool <name-of-MachinePool-resource> -n <namespace-of-managed-cluster>

    Replace name-of-MachinePool-resource with the name of your MachinePool resource.

    Replace namespace-of-managed-cluster with the name of the namespace of your managed cluster.

  3. Update the spec.replicas configuration in the YAML to the number of replicas.
  4. Save the file to submit the changes.

Your cluster is using the new size settings.

Imported managed clusters do not have the same resources as clusters that were created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. For that reason, the procedures for scaling the clusters is different. The documentation for the provider contains information about how to scale the clusters for imported clusters.

See the following list of recommended settings for each available provider, but also see the documentation for more specific information:

See Recommended cluster scaling practices and Manually scaling a MachineSet in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation that applies to the version that you are using.

If you are changing the number of nodes of an Amazon EKS cluster that you imported, see Cluster autoscaler for information about scaling the cluster.

If you are changing the number of nodes of a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster that you imported, see Resizing a cluster for information about scaling the cluster.

If you are changing the number of nodes of an Azure Kubernetes Services cluster that you imported, see Scaling a cluster for information about scaling the cluster.

If you are changing the number of nodes of a VMware vSphere cluster that you imported, see Edit cluster settings for information about scaling the cluster.

If you are changing the number of nodes of a Red Hat OpenStack Platform cluster that you imported, see Auto scaling for instances for information about scaling the cluster.

If you are changing the number of nodes of a bare metal cluster that you imported, see Expanding the cluster for information about scaling the cluster.

Note: Bare metal clusters are only supported when the hub cluster is OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, and later.

If you are changing the number of nodes of an IBM Kubernetes Service cluster that you imported, see Adding worker nodes and zones to clusters for information about scaling the cluster.

When you create a cluster on a provider by using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, you must specify a release image to use for the new cluster. The release image specifies which version of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is used to build the cluster.

The files that reference the release images are yaml files that are maintained in the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management uses those files to create the list of the available release images in the console. This includes the latest fast channel images from OpenShift Container Platform. The console only displays the latest release images for the three latest versions of OpenShift Container Platform. For example, you might see the following release images displayed in the console options:


Additional release images are stored, but are not visible in the console. To view all of the available release images, run kubectl get clusterimageset in your CLI. Only the latest versions are in the console to encourage the creation of clusters with the latest release images. In some cases, you might need to create a cluster that is a specific version, which is why the older versions are available. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management uses those files to create the list of the available release images in the console. This includes the latest fast channel images from OpenShift Container Platform. The repository contains the clusterImageSets directory and the subscription directory, which are the directories that you use when working with the release images.

The repository contains the clusterImageSets directory and the subscription directory, which are the directories that you use when working with the release images.

The clusterImageSets directory contains the following directories:

  • Fast - Contains files that reference the latest versions of the release images for each OpenShift Container Platform version that is supported. The release images in this folder are tested, verified and supported.
  • Releases - Contains files that reference all of the release images for each OpenShift Container Platform version (stable, fast, and candidate channels) Note: These releases have not all been tested and determined to be stable.
  • Stable - Contains files that reference the latest two stable versions of the release images for each OpenShift Container Platform version that is supported. The release images in this folder are tested, verified and supported.

You can curate your own ClusterImageSets in three ways:

The first step for any of the three ways is to disable the included subscription that performs the automatic update of the latest fast channel images. The automatic curation of the latest fast ClusterImageSets can be disabled by using an installer parameter on the multiclusterhub resource. By toggling the spec.disableUpdateClusterImageSets parameter between true and false, the subscription installed with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management is disabled or enabled, respectively. If you want to curate your own images, set the spec.disableUpdateClusterImageSets to true to disable the subscription.

Option 1: Specify the image reference for the specific ClusterImageSet that you want to use in the console when creating a cluster. Each new entry you specify persists and is available for all future cluster provisions. An example of an entry is:

Option 2: Manually create and apply a ClusterImageSets YAML file from the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository.

Option 3: Follow the in the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository to enable automatic updates of ClusterImageSets from a forked GitHub repository.

The subscription directory contains files that specify where the list of release images is pulled from. The default release images for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management are provided in a directory. The images are referenced by the files in the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository for version 2.3.

The release images are updated frequently, so you might want to synchronize the list of release images to ensure that you can select the latest available versions. The release images are available in the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository for version 2.3.

There are three levels of stability of the release images:

Table 5.1. Stability levels of release images




Fully tested images that are confirmed to install and build clusters correctly.


Partially tested, but likely less stable than a stable version.


Not tested, but the most current image. Might have some bugs.

Complete the following steps to refresh the list:

  1. If the installer-managed acm-hive-openshift-releases subscription is enabled, disable the subscription by setting the value of disableUpdateClusterImageSets to true. You can remove the subscription by entering a command that is similar to the following command:

    oc delete -f subscription/subscription-stable
  2. Clone the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository for version 2.3.
  3. Connect to the stable release images and synchronize your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster by entering the following command:

    make subscribe-stable

    Note: You can only run this make command when you are using the Linux or MacOS operating system.

    After about one minute, the latest list of stable release images is available.

    • To synchronize and display the fast release images, enter the following command:

      make subscribe-fast

      Note: You can only run this make command when you are using the Linux or MacOS operating system.

      About one minute after running the command, the list of available stable and fast release images updates with the currently available images.

    • To synchronize and display the candidate release images, enter the following command:

      make subscribe-candidate

      Note: You can only run this make command when you are using the Linux or MacOS operating system.

      About one minute after running the command, the list of available stable, fast, and candidate release images updates with the currently available images.

  4. View the list of currently available release images in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console when you are creating a cluster.
  5. You can unsubscribe from any of these channels to stop viewing the updates by entering a command in the following format:

    oc delete -f subscription/subscription-stable

You might want to ensure that you use the same release image for all of your clusters. To simplify, you can create your own custom list of release images that are available when creating a cluster. Complete the following steps to manage your available release images:

  1. If the installer-managed acm-hive-openshift-releases subscription is enabled, disable it by setting the value of disableUpdateClusterImageSets to true.
  2. Fork the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository for version 2.3.
  3. Update the ./subscribe/channel.yaml file by changing the spec: pathname to access your the GitHub name for your forked repository, instead of stolostron. This step specifies where the hub cluster retrieves the release images. Your updated content should look similar to the following example:

      type: GitHub

    Replace forked_content with the path to your forked repository.

  4. Add the YAML files for the images that you want available when you create a cluster by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console to the ./clusterImageSets/stable/ or ./clusterImageSets/fast/* directory. *Tip: You can retrieve the available YAML files from the main repository by merging changes into your forked repository.
  5. Commit and merge your changes to your forked repository.
  6. To synchronize your list of stable release images after you have cloned the acm-hive-openshift-releases repository, enter the following command to update the stable images:

    make subscribe-stable

    Note: You can only run this make command when you are using the Linux or MacOS operating system.

    After running this command, the list of available stable release images updates with the currently available images in about one minute.

  7. By default, only the stable images are listed. To synchronize and display the fast release images, enter the following command:

    make subscribe-fast

    Note: You can only run this make command when you are using the Linux or MacOS operating system.

    After running this command, the list of available fast release images updates with the currently available images in about 1 minute.

  8. By default, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management pre-loads a few ClusterImageSets. You can use the following commands to list what is available and remove the defaults.

    oc get clusterImageSets
    oc delete clusterImageSet <clusterImageSet_NAME>

    Note: If you have not disabled the installer-managed automatic updates of the ClusterImageSets by setting the value of disableUpdateClusterImageSets to true, any images that you delete are recreated automatically.

  9. View the list of currently available release images in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console when you are creating a cluster.

In some cases, you need to maintain a custom list of release images when the hub cluster has no Internet connection. You can create your own custom list of release images that are available when creating a cluster. Complete the following steps to manage your available release images while disconnected:

  1. While you are on a connected system, navigate to the acm-hive-openshift-releases GitHub repository with the cluster image sets that are available for version 2.3.
  2. Copy the clusterImageSets directory to a system that can access the disconnected Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster.
  3. Add the mapping between the managed cluster and the disconnected repository with your cluster image sets. See Configuring image registry repository mirroring for information about using your ImageContentSourcePolicy object to complete the mapping.
  4. Add the YAML files for the images that you want available when you create a cluster by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console by manually adding the clusterImageSet YAML content.
  5. Modify the clusterImageSet YAML files for the remaining OpenShift Container Platform release images to reference the correct offline repository where you store the images. Your updates should resemble the following example:

    kind: ClusterImageSet
        name: img4.4.0-rc.6-x86-64
        releaseImage: IMAGE_REGISTRY_IPADDRESS_or_DNSNAME/REPO_PATH/ocp-release:4.4.0-rc.6-x86_64

    Ensure that the images are loaded in the offline image registry that is referenced in the YAML file.

  6. Create each of the clusterImageSets by entering the following command for each YAML file:

    oc create -f <clusterImageSet_FILE>

    Replace clusterImageSet_FILE with the name of the cluster image set file. For example:

    oc create -f img4.9.9-x86_64.yaml

    After running this command for each resource you want to add, the list of available release images will be available.

  7. Alternately you can paste the image URL directly in the create cluster console in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. Adding the image URL creates new clusterImageSets if they do not exist.
  8. View the list of currently available release images in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console when you are creating a cluster.

Bare metal assets are virtual or physical servers that you configure to run your OpenShift Container Platform clusters. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes connects to a bare metal asset that your administrator creates. Then you can deploy the bare metal asset in a managed cluster.

The hub cluster inventory controller defines a custom resource definition (CRD) called BareMetalAsset, that holds the bare metal asset inventory record. When provisioning a managed cluster, the inventory controller reconciles BareMetalAsset inventory records with corresponding BareMetalHost resources in the managed cluster.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management uses BareMetalAsset CRs to provision cluster hardware based on records entered in a configuration management database (CMDB), or similar system. An external tool or automation polls the CMDB and uses the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management API to create corresponding BareMetalAsset and corresponding Secret resources in a hub cluster for subsequent deployment in a managed cluster.

Use the following procedures to create and manage bare metal assets for clusters managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

You need the following prerequisites before creating a bare metal asset:

  • A deployed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, or later.
  • Access for your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster to connect to the bare metal asset.
  • A configured bare metal asset, and log in credentials with the required permissions to log in and manage it.

    Note: Credentials for your bare metal asset include the following items for the asset that are provided by your administrator: user name password Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) Address boot NIC MAC address

To create a bare metal asset using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Bare metal assets.
  2. On the Bare metal assets page, click Create bare metal asset.
  3. Enter a name for your asset that identifies it when you create a cluster.
  4. Enter the namespace where you want to create the bare metal asset.

    Note: The bare metal asset, managed bare metal cluster, and its related secret must be in the same namespace.

    Users who have access to this namespace can associate this asset to the cluster when creating a cluster.

  5. Enter the BMC address. This is the controller that enables communication with the host. The following protocols are supported:

  6. Enter the username and password for the bare metal asset.
  7. Add the boot NIC MAC address for the bare metal asset. This is the MAC address of the host’s network-connected NIC that is used to provision the host on the bare metal asset.

You can continue with Creating a cluster on bare metal.

Use a BareMetalAsset CR to create a bare metal asset for a particular namespace in the cluster. Each BareMetalAsset also has a corresponding Secret that contains the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) credentials and the secret name in the same namespace.

  • Install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes on a hub cluster.
  • Install the Red Hat OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  1. Install and provision a bare metal asset in your environment.
  2. Power on the BMC, and note the IPMI or Redfish BMC address and MAC address for the hardware.
  3. Create the following BareMetalAsset and Secret CR, and save the file as baremetalasset-cr.yaml:

    kind: BareMetalAsset
      name: <baremetalasset-machine>
      namespace: <baremetalasset-namespace>
        address: ipmi://<out_of_band_ip>:<port>
        credentialsName: baremetalasset-machine-secret
      bootMACAddress: "00:1B:44:11:3A:B7"
      hardwareProfile: "hardwareProfile"
      role: "<role>"
      clusterName: "<cluster name>"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: baremetalasset-machine-secret
    type: Opaque
      username: <username>
      password: <password>
    • Replace baremetalasset-machine with the name of the machine where the bare metal asset is located. When created, the BareMetalHost on the managed cluster gets the same name as the corresponding BareMetalAsset on the hub cluster. The BareMetalHost name should always match the corresponding BareMetalAsset name.
    • Replace baremetalasset-namespace with the cluster namespace where the bare metal asset is created.
    • Replace out_of_band_ip and port with the address and port for your bare metal asset. For Redfish addressing, use the following address format: redfish://<out-of-band-ip>/redfish/v1/Systems/1.
    • Replace role with worker, master, or leave it empty, depending on the machine role type. The role setting is used to match a bare metal asset to specific machine role types in the cluster. BareMetalAsset resources with a specified machine role type should not be used to fill another role. The role value is used as the value for a label with key This enables a cluster management application or user to query for inventory that is intended for a particular role.
    • Replace cluster_name with the name of your cluster, which is used by the cluster management application or user to query for inventory that is associated with a particular cluster. Leave this value empty to create the bare metal asset without adding it to a cluster deployment.
    • Replace username with the username for your secret.
    • Replace password with the password for your secret.
  4. Run the following command to create the BareMetalAsset CR:

    $ oc create -f baremetalasset-cr.yaml
  5. Check that the BareMetalAsset is created successfully:

    $ oc get baremetalassets -A

    Example output

    NAMESPACE   		    NAME                              AGE
    ocp-example-bm      baremetalasset-machine   			    2m
    ocp-example-bm      csv-f24-h27-000-r630-master-1-1   4d21h

You can import bare metal assets in bulk using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console using a CSV formatted list.

  • Install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management on a hub cluster that manages one or more spoke clusters.
  • Install the OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

To import a set of bare metal assets, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, select Cluster management > Bare metal assets in the navigation menu.
  2. Select Import assets, and import the CSV file that contains the bare metal assets data. The CSV file must have the following header columns:

    hostName, hostNamespace, bmcAddress, macAddress, role (optional), username, password

If you need to modify the settings for a bare metal asset, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console navigation, select: Infrastructure > Bare metal assets.
  2. Select the options menu for the asset that you want to modify in the table.
  3. Select Edit asset.

When a bare metal asset is no longer used for any of the clusters, you can remove it from the list of available bare metal assets. Removing unused assets both simplifies your list of available assets, and prevents the accidental selection of that asset.

To remove a bare metal asset in the console, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console navigation, select: Infrastructure > Bare metal assets.
  2. Select the options menu for the asset that you want to remove in the table.
  3. Select Delete asset.

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform REST API to manage bare metal assets for use in your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management cluster. This is useful when you have a separate CMDB application or database to manage the bare metal assets in your environment.

  • Install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes on a hub cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

To use the REST API to create a bare metal asset, do the following:

  1. Obtain a login token for your hub cluster, and login to the cluster at the command line. For example:

    $ oc login --token=<login_token> --server=https://<hub_cluster_api_url>:6443
  2. Modify the following curl command with the details of the bare metal asset that you want to add to the cluster, and run the command.

    $ curl --location --request POST '<hub_cluster_api_url>:6443/apis/<bare_metal_asset_namespace>/baremetalassets?fieldManager=kubectl-create' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <login_token>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "apiVersion": "",
        "kind": "BareMetalAsset",
        "metadata": {
            "name": "<baremetalasset_name>",
            "namespace": "<bare_metal_asset_namespace>"
        "spec": {
            "bmc": {
                "address": "ipmi://<ipmi_address>",
                "credentialsName": "<credentials-secret>"
            "bootMACAddress": "<boot_mac_address>",
            "clusterName": "<cluster_name>",
            "hardwareProfile": "hardwareProfile",
            "role": "worker"
    • Replace baremetalasset-name with the name of the bare metal asset. When created, the BareMetalHost on the managed cluster gets the same name as the corresponding BareMetalAsset on the hub cluster. The BareMetalHost name should always match the corresponding BareMetalAsset name.
    • Replace baremetalasset-namespace with the cluster namespace where the bare metal asset is created.
    • Replace out_of_band_ip and port with the address and port for your bare metal asset. For Redfish addressing, use the following address format: redfish://<out-of-band-ip>/redfish/v1/Systems/1.
    • Replace role with worker, master, or leave it empty, depending on the machine role type. The role setting is used to match a bare metal asset to specific machine role types in the cluster. BareMetalAsset resources with a specified machine role type should not be used to fill another role. The role value is used as the value for a label with key This enables a cluster management application or user to query for inventory that is intended for a particular role.
    • Replace cluster_name with the name of your cluster, which is used by the cluster management application or user to query for inventory that is associated with a particular cluster. Leave this value empty to create the bare metal asset without adding it to a cluster deployment.

      Note: For the previous curl command, it is assumed that the API server is served over HTTPS and is accessed securely. In a development or test environment, you can pass the --insecure parameter.

Tip: You can append --v=9 to an oc command to see the raw output of the resulting action. This can be useful for ascertaining the REST API route for an oc command.

Learn how to create Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform clusters across cloud providers with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes.

You can configure additional Kubernetes resource manifests during the installation process of creating your cluster. This can help if you need to configure additional manifests for scenarios such as configuring networking or setting up a load balancer.

Before you create your cluster, you need to add a reference to the ClusterDeployment resource that specifies a ConfigMap that contains the additional resource manifests.

Note: The ClusterDeployment resource and the ConfigMap must be in the same namespace. The following examples show how your content might look.

  • ConfigMap with resource manifests

    ConfigMap that contains a manifest with another ConfigMap resource. The resource manifest ConfigMap can contain multiple keys with resource configurations added in a data.<resource_name>\.yaml pattern.

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: <my-baremetal-cluster-install-manifests>
      namespace: <mynamespace>
      99_metal3-config.yaml: |
        kind: ConfigMap
        apiVersion: v1
          name: metal3-config
          namespace: openshift-machine-api
          http_port: "6180"
          provisioning_interface: "enp1s0"
          provisioning_ip: ""
          dhcp_range: ","
          deploy_kernel_url: ""
          deploy_ramdisk_url: ""
          ironic_endpoint: ""
          ironic_inspector_endpoint: ""
          cache_url: ""
          rhcos_image_url: ""
  • ClusterDeployment with resource manifest ConfigMap referenced

    The resource manifest ConfigMap is referenced under spec.provisioning.manifestsConfigMapRef.

    kind: ClusterDeployment
      name: <my-baremetal-cluster>
      namespace: <mynamespace>
      annotations: "true"
      clusterName: <my-baremetal-cluster>
        servingCertificates: {}
            name: provisioning-host-ssh-private-key
          name: <my-baremetal-cluster-install-config>
          name: <my-baremetal-hosts-ssh-private-key>
          name: <my-baremetal-cluster-install-manifests>
          name: <my-clusterimageset>
        - " ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXvVVVKUYVkuyvkuygkuyTCYTytfkufTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBKWjJRzeUVuZs4yxSy4eu45xiANFIIbwE3e1aPzGD58x/NX7Yf+S8eFKq4RrsfSaK2hVJyJjvVIhUsU9z2sBJP8="
        name: <my-baremetal-cluster-pull-secret>

You can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console to create a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

You must have the following prerequisites before creating a cluster on AWS:

Note: If you change your cloud provider access key, you must manually update the provisioned cluster access key. For more information, see the known issue, Automatic secret updates for provisioned clusters is not supported.

To create clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. On the Clusters page, Click Create cluster.

    Note: This procedure is for creating a cluster. If you have an existing cluster that you want to import, see Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster for those steps.

  3. Select your Kubernetes distribution and Amazon Web Services for the infrastructure provider. The remaining steps are based on your selections.
  4. Select your infrastructure provider credential from the available credentials on the list. If you do not have one configured, or if you want to configure a new one, select Add credential. See Creating a credential for Amazon Web Services for more information about creating a credential.
  5. Add the details for your cluster:

    1. Enter a name for your cluster. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.

      Tip: You can view the yaml content updates as you enter the information in the console by setting the YAML switch to ON.

    2. Specify a Cluster set, if you want to add it to an existing cluster set. If you do not have cluster-admin privileges when you are creating the cluster, you must select a cluster set on which you have clusterset-admin permissions to create the cluster. If you do not select a cluster set, the cluster creation fails. Contact your cluster administrator to provide you with clusterset-admin permissions to a cluster set if you do not have cluster set options to select.
    3. Specify the Base DNS domain information that you configured for your AWS account. If there is already a base domain associated with the selected credential, that value is populated in that field. You can change the value by overwriting it. See Configuring an AWS account for more information. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.
    4. Specify a Release image that you want to use for the cluster. This identifies the version of the OpenShift Container Platform image that is used to create the cluster. If the version that you want to use is available, you can select the image from the list of images. If the image that you want to use is not a standard image, you can enter the url to the image that you want to use. See Release images for more information about release images.
    5. Add the Additional Labels that you want to associate with your cluster. These labels help to identify the cluster and limit search results.
  6. Enter details about the master pool. There are three master nodes that are created for your cluster in the master pool. The master nodes share the management of the cluster activity. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Specify one or more Zones where you want to run your master pools. You can select multiple zones within the region for a more distributed group of master nodes. A closer zone might provide faster performance, but a more distant zone might be more distributed.
    2. Specify an Instance type for your master node. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default value is mx5.xlarge - 4 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM - General Purpose.
    3. Enter your Root storage allocation. The default value is 100 GiB of root storage.
  7. Enter details about your worker pools. You can create zero or more worker nodes in a worker pool to run the container workloads for the cluster. They can be in a single worker pool, or distributed across multiple worker pools. If zero worker nodes are specified, the master nodes also function as worker nodes. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Add a name for your worker pool.
    2. Specify one or more Zones where you want to run your worker pools. You can select multiple zones within the region for a more distributed group of nodes. A closer zone might provide faster performance, but a more distant zone might be more distributed.
    3. Specify an Instance type for your worker pools. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default value is mx5.xlarge - 4 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM - General Purpose.
    4. Enter a Node count for your worker pool. This setting is required when you define a worker pool.
    5. Enter your Root storage allocation. The default value is 100 GiB of root storage. This setting is required when you define a worker pool.

      You can define additional worker pools by clicking Add worker pool.

  8. Enter the networking details for your cluster. This information is required. Multiple networks are required for using IPv6.

    1. Select your Network type. The default value is OpenShiftSDN. OVNKubernetes is the required setting for using IPv6.
    2. Select a Cluster network CIDR. This is a number and list of IP addresses that can be used for the pod IP addresses. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is
    3. Specify the Network host prefix, which sets the subnet prefix length for each node. The default value is 23.
    4. Specify the Service network CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses for services. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is
    5. Specify the Machine CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses that are used by the OpenShift Container Platform hosts. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is

      You can add an additional network by clicking Add network. You must have more than one network if you are using IPv6 addresses.

  9. Add an optional Ansible Automation Template to run either before or after your cluster installs or upgrades.

    You can click Add automation template to create a template.

  10. Review your information and optionally customize it.

    1. Click the YAML slider to On to view the install-config.yaml file content in the panel.
    2. Edit the YAML file with your custom settings.
  11. Select Create to create the cluster.

    Note: You do not have to run the kubectl command that is provided with the cluster details to import the cluster. When you create the cluster, it is automatically configured under the management of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

To access a cluster that is managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the name of the cluster that you created or want to access. The cluster details are displayed.
  3. Select Reveal credentials to view the user name and password for the cluster. Note these values to use when you log in to the cluster.
  4. Select Console URL to link to the cluster.
  5. Log in to the cluster by using the user ID and password that you found in step 3.

You can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console to deploy a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster on Microsoft Azure.

You must have the following prerequisites before creating a cluster on Azure:

Note: If you change your cloud provider access key, you must manually update the provisioned cluster access key. For more information, see the known issue, Automatic secret updates for provisioned clusters is not supported.

To create clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. On the Clusters page, Click Create cluster.

    Note: This procedure is for creating a cluster. If you have an existing cluster that you want to import, see Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster for those steps.

  3. Select your Kubernetes distribution and Microsoft Azure for the infrastructure provider. The remaining steps are based on your selections.
  4. Select your infrastructure provider credential from the available credentials on the list. If you do not have one configured, or if you want to configure a new one, select Add credential. See Creating a credential for Microsoft Azure for more information about creating a credential.
  5. Add the details for your cluster:

    1. Enter a name for your cluster. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.

      Tip: You can view the yaml content updates as you enter the information in the console by setting the YAML switch to ON.

    2. Specify a Cluster set, if you want to add it to an existing cluster set. If you do not have cluster-admin privileges when you are creating the cluster, you must select a cluster set on which you have clusterset-admin permissions to create the cluster. If you do not select a cluster set, the cluster creation fails. Contact your cluster administrator to provide you with clusterset-admin permissions to a cluster set if you do not have cluster set options to select.
    3. Specify the Base DNS domain information that you configured for your Azure account. If there is already a base domain that is associated with the selected credential, that value is populated in that field. You can change the value by overwriting it. See Configuring a custom domain name for an Azure cloud service for more information. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.
    4. Specify a Release image that you want to use for the cluster. This identifies the version of the OpenShift Container Platform image that is used to create the cluster. If the version that you want to use is available, you can select the image from the list of images. If the image that you want to use is not a standard image, you can enter the URL to the image that you want to use. See Release images for more information about release images.
    5. Add the Additional Labels that you want to associate with your cluster. These labels help to identify the cluster and limit search results.
  6. Enter details about the master pool. There are three master nodes that are created for your cluster in the master pool. The master nodes share the management of the cluster activity. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Specify a Region where you want to run your master pools. You can select multiple zones within the region for a more distributed group of master nodes. A closer zone might provide faster performance, but a more distant zone might be more distributed.
    2. Specify an Instance type for your master node. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default value is Standard_D4s_v3 - 4 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM - General Purpose.
    3. Enter your Root storage allocation. The default value is 128 GiB of root storage.
  7. Enter details about your worker pools. You can create zero or more worker nodes in a worker pool to run the container workloads for the cluster. They can be in a single worker pool, or distributed across multiple worker pools. If zero worker nodes are specified, the master nodes also function as worker nodes. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Add a name for your worker pool.
    2. Specify one or more Zones where you want to run your worker pools. You can select multiple zones within the region for a more distributed group of nodes. A closer zone might provide faster performance, but a more distant zone might be more distributed.
    3. Specify an Instance type for your worker pools. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default value is Standard_D2s_v3 - 2 vCPU, 8 GiB - General Purpose.
    4. Enter a Node count for your worker pool. This setting is required when you define a worker pool.
    5. Enter your Root storage allocation. The default value is 128 GiB of root storage. This setting is required when you define a worker pool.

      You can define additional worker pools by clicking Add worker pool.

  8. Enter the networking details for your cluster. This information is required. Multiple networks are required for using IPv6.

    1. Select your Network type. The default value is OpenShiftSDN. OVNKubernetes is the required setting for using IPv6.
    2. Select a Cluster network CIDR. This is a number and list of IP addresses that can be used for the pod IP addresses. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is
    3. Specify the Network host prefix, which sets the subnet prefix length for each node. The default value is 23.
    4. Specify the Service network CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses for services. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is
    5. Specify the Machine CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses that are used by the OpenShift Container Platform hosts. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is

      You can add an additional network by clicking Add network. You must have more than one network if you are using IPv6 addresses.

  9. Add an optional Ansible Automation Template to run either before or after your cluster installs or upgrades.

    You can click Add automation template to create a template.

  10. Review your information and optionally customize it.

    1. Click the YAML slider to On to view the install-config.yaml file content in the panel.
    2. Edit the YAML file with your custom settings.
  11. Select Create to create the cluster.

    Note: You do not have to run the kubectl command that is provided with the cluster details to import the cluster. When you create the cluster, it is automatically configured under the management of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

To access a cluster that is managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the name of the cluster that you created or want to access. The cluster details are displayed.
  3. Select Reveal credentials to view the user name and password for the cluster. Note these values to use when you log in to the cluster.
  4. Select Console URL to link to the cluster.
  5. Log in to the cluster by using the user ID and password that you found in step three.

Follow the procedure to create a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). For more information about Google Cloud Platform, see Google Cloud Platform.

You must have the following prerequisites before creating a cluster on GCP:

  • A deployed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster
  • Internet access for your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster so it can create the Kubernetes cluster on GCP
  • GCP credential. See Creating a credential for Google Cloud Platform for more information.
  • A configured domain in GCP. See Setting up a custom domain for instructions on how to configure a domain.
  • GCP login credentials, which include user name and password.
  • A OpenShift Container Platform image pull secret. See Using image pull secrets.

Note: If you change your cloud provider access key, you must manually update the provisioned cluster access key. For more information, see the known issue, Automatic secret updates for provisioned clusters is not supported.

To create clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. On the Clusters page, select Create cluster.

    Note: This procedure is for creating a cluster. If you have an existing cluster that you want to import, see Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster for those steps.

  3. Select your Kubernetes distribution and Google Cloud for the infrastructure provider. The remaining steps are based on your selections.
  4. Select your credential from the available credentials on the list. If you do not have one configured, or want to configure a new one, select Add credential. See Creating a credential for Google Cloud Platform for more information about creating a credential.
  5. Add the details for your cluster:

    1. Enter a name for your cluster. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster. There are some restrictions that apply to naming your GCP cluster. These restrictions include not beginning the name with goog or containing a group of letters and numbers that resemble google anywhere in the name. See Bucket naming guidelines for the complete list of restrictions.

      Tip: You can view the yaml content updates as you enter the information in the console by setting the YAML switch to ON.

    2. Specify a Cluster set, if you want to add it to an existing cluster set. If you do not have cluster-admin privileges when you are creating the cluster, you must select a cluster set on which you have clusterset-admin permissions to create the cluster. If you do not select a cluster set, the cluster creation fails. Contact your cluster administrator to provide you with clusterset-admin permissions to a cluster set if you do not have cluster set options to select.
    3. Specify the Base DNS domain information that you configured for your GCP account. If there is already a base domain associated with the selected credential, that value is populated in that field. You can change the value by overwriting it. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster. See Setting up a custom domain for more information.
    4. Specify a Release image that you want to use for the cluster. This identifies the version of the OpenShift Container Platform image that is used to create the cluster. If the version that you want to use is available, you can select the image from the list of images. If the image that you want to use is not a standard image, you can enter the url to the image that you want to use. See Release images for more information about release images.
    5. Add the Additional Labels that you want to associate with your cluster. These labels help to identify the cluster and limit search results.
  6. Enter details about the master pool. There are three master nodes that are created for your cluster in the master pool. The master nodes share the management of the cluster activity. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Specify a Region where you want to run your master pools. A closer region might provide faster performance, but a more distant region might be more distributed.
    2. Specify an Instance type for your master node. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default values are n1-standard-1 - n1-standard-1 1 vCPU - General Purpose.
  7. Enter details about your worker pools. You can create zero or more worker nodes in a worker pool to run the container workloads for the cluster. They can be in a single worker pool, or distributed across multiple worker pools. If zero worker nodes are specified, the master nodes also function as worker nodes. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Add a name for your worker pool.
    2. Specify an Instance type for your worker pools. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default values are n1-standard-4 - 4 vCPU 15 GiB RAM - General Purpose.
    3. Enter a Node count for your worker pool. This setting is required when you define a worker pool.

      You can define additional worker pools by clicking Add worker pool.

  8. Enter the networking details for your cluster. This information is required. Multiple networks are required for using IPv6.

    1. Select your Network type. The default value is OpenShiftSDN. OVNKubernetes is the required setting for using IPv6.
    2. Select a Cluster network CIDR. This is a number and list of IP addresses that can be used for the pod IP addresses. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is
    3. Specify the Network host prefix, which sets the subnet prefix length for each node. The default value is 23.
    4. Specify the Service network CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses for services. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is
    5. Specify the Machine CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses that are used by the OpenShift Container Platform hosts. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is

      You can add an additional network by clicking Add network. You must have more than one network if you are using IPv6 addresses.

  9. Add an optional Ansible Automation Template to run either before or after your cluster installs or upgrades.

    You can click Add automation template to create a template.

  10. Review your information and optionally customize it.

    1. Click the YAML slider to On to view the install-config.yaml file content in the panel.
    2. Edit the YAML file with your custom settings.
  11. Select Create to create the cluster.

    Note: You do not have to run the kubectl command that is provided with the cluster details to import the cluster. When you create the cluster, it is automatically configured under the management of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

To access a cluster that is managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the name of the cluster that you created or want to access. The cluster details are displayed.
  3. Select Reveal credentials to view the user name and password for the cluster. Note these values to use when you log in to the cluster.
  4. Select Console URL to link to the cluster.
  5. Log in to the cluster by using the user ID and password that you found in step 3.

You can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console to deploy a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster on VMware vSphere.

You must have the following prerequisites before creating a cluster on vSphere:

  • A Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster that is deployed on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6 or later.
  • Internet access for your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster so it can create the Kubernetes cluster on vSphere.
  • vSphere credential. See Creating a credential for VMware vSphere for more information.
  • An OpenShift Container Platform image pull secret. See Using image pull secrets.
  • The following information for the VMware instance where you are deploying:

    • Required static IP addresses for API and Ingress instances.
    • DNS records for:

      • api.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> which must point to the static API VIP.
      • *.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> which must point to the static IP address for Ingress VIP.

To create clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. On the Clusters page, Click Create cluster.

    Note: This procedure is for creating a cluster. If you have an existing cluster that you want to import, see Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster for those steps.

  3. Select your Kubernetes distribution and VMware vSphere for the infrastructure provider. The remaining steps are based on your selections.
  4. Select your infrastructure provider credential from the available credentials on the list. If you do not have one configured, or if you want to configure a new one, select Add credential. See Creating a credential for VMware vSphere for more information about creating a credential.
  5. Add the details for your cluster:

    1. Enter a name for your cluster. This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the credential prerequisites section. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.

      Tip: You can view the yaml content updates as you enter the information in the console by setting the YAML switch to ON.

    2. Specify a Cluster set, if you want to add it to an existing cluster set. If you do not have cluster-admin privileges when you are creating the cluster, you must select a cluster set on which you have clusterset-admin permissions to create the cluster. If you do not select a cluster set, the cluster creation fails. Contact your cluster administrator to provide you with clusterset-admin permissions to a cluster set if you do not have cluster set options to select.
    3. Specify the Base DNS domain information that you configured for your VMware vSphere account. This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the prerequisites section. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster. If there is already a base domain associated with the selected credential, that value is populated in that field. You can change the value by overwriting it. See Configuring an AWS account for more information. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.
    4. Specify a Release image that you want to use for the cluster. This identifies the version of the OpenShift Container Platform image that is used to create the cluster. If the version that you want to use is available, you can select the image from the list of images. If the image that you want to use is not a standard image, you can enter the url to the image that you want to use. See Release images for more information about release images.

      Note: Only release images for OpenShift Container Platform versions 4.5.x and higher are supported.

    5. Add the Additional Labels that you want to associate with your cluster. These labels help to identify the cluster and limit search results.
  6. Enter details about the master pool. There are three master nodes that are created for your cluster in the master pool. The master nodes share the management of the cluster activity. The required information includes the following fields:

    1. Specify one or more Cores per socket that you want to allocate for your cluster.
    2. Specify a number of CPUs to allocate for your master node.
    3. Specify the amount of Memory, in MB, that you want to allocate.
    4. Add the Disk size that you want to create for your master node.
  7. Enter details about your worker pools. You can create zero or more worker nodes in a worker pool to run the container workloads for the cluster. They can be in a single worker pool, or distributed across multiple worker pools. If zero worker nodes are specified, the master nodes also function as worker nodes. The information includes the following fields:

    1. Add a name for your worker pool.
    2. Specify one or more Cores per socket that you want to allocate for your cluster.
    3. Specify a number of CPUs to allocate.
    4. Specify the amount of Memory, in MB, that you want to allocate.
    5. Add the Disk size, in GiB, that you want to create.
    6. Add a Node count to specify the number of worker nodes in your cluster.

      You can define additional worker pools by clicking Add worker pool.

  8. Configure the cluster networking options. This information is required. Multiple networks are required for using IPv6.

    1. vSphere network name - The VMware vSphere network name.
    2. API VIP - The IP address to use for internal API communication.

      Note: This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the prerequisites section. If not provided, the DNS must be pre-configured so that api. resolves correctly.

    3. Ingress VIP - The IP address to use for ingress traffic.

      Note: This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the prerequisites section. If not provided, the DNS must be pre-configured so that test.apps. resolves correctly.

      You can add an additional network by clicking Add network. You must have more than one network if you are using IPv6 addresses.

  9. Add an optional Ansible Automation Template to run either before or after your cluster installs or upgrades.

    You can click Add automation template to create a template.

  10. Review your information and optionally customize it.

    1. Click the YAML slider to On to view the install-config.yaml file content in the panel.
    2. Edit the YAML file with your custom settings.
  11. Select Create to create the cluster.

    Note: You do not have to run the kubectl command that is provided with the cluster details to import the cluster. When you create the cluster, it is automatically configured under the management of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

To access a cluster that is managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the name of the cluster that you created or want to access. The cluster details are displayed.
  3. Select Reveal credentials to view the user name and password for the cluster. Use these values when you log in to the cluster.
  4. Select Console URL to link to the cluster.
  5. Log in to the cluster by using the user ID and password that you found in step 3.

You can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console to deploy a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster on Red Hat OpenStack Platform.

You must have the following prerequisites before creating a cluster on Red Hat OpenStack Platform:

  • A Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster that is deployed on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, or later.
  • Internet access for your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster so it can create the Kubernetes cluster on Red Hat OpenStack Platform.
  • A Red Hat OpenStack Platform credential. See Creating a credential for Red Hat OpenStack Platform for more information.
  • A OpenShift Container Platform image pull secret. See Using image pull secrets.
  • The following information for the Red Hat OpenStack Platform instance where you are deploying:

    • Flavor name for the master and worker instances. For example, m1.xlarge.
    • Network name for the external network to provide the floating IP addresses.
    • Required floating IP addresses for API and ingress instances.
    • DNS records for:

      • api.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>, which must point to the floating IP address for the API.
      • *.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>, which must point to the floating IP address for ingress.

To create clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. On the Clusters page, click Create cluster.

    Note: This procedure is for creating a cluster. If you have an existing cluster that you want to import, see Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster for those steps.

  3. Select your Kubernetes distribution and Red Hat OpenStack for the infrastructure provider. The remaining steps are based on your selections.
  4. Select your infrastructure provider credential from the available credentials on the list. If you do not have one configured, or if you want to configure a new one, select Add credential. See Creating a credential for Red Hat OpenStack Platform for more information about creating a credential.
  5. Add the details for your cluster:

    1. Enter a name for your cluster. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster. The name must contain fewer than 15 characters.

      Note: This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the credential prerequisites section.

      Tip: You can view the yaml content updates as you enter the information in the console by setting the YAML switch to ON.

    2. Specify a Cluster set, if you want to add it to an existing cluster set. If you do not have cluster-admin privileges when you are creating the cluster, you must select a cluster set on which you have clusterset-admin permissions to create the cluster. If you do not select a cluster set, the cluster creation fails. Contact your cluster administrator to provide you with clusterset-admin permissions to a cluster set if you do not have cluster set options to select.
    3. Specify the Base DNS domain information that you configured for your Red Hat OpenStack Platform account. If there is already a base domain associated with the selected credential, that value is populated in that field. You can change the value by overwriting it. This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the prerequisites section.

      See Managing domains in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform documentation for more information. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.

    4. Specify a Release image that you want to use for the cluster. This identifies the version of the OpenShift Container Platform image that is used to create the cluster. If the version that you want to use is available, you can select the image from the list of images. If the image that you want to use is not a standard image, you can enter the url to the image that you want to use. See Release images for more information about release images.

      Note: Only release images for OpenShift Container Platform versions 4.6.x and higher are supported.

    5. Add the Additional Labels that you want to associate with your cluster. These labels help to identify the cluster and limit search results.
  6. Enter details about the master node. There are three master nodes that are created for your cluster in the master pool. The master nodes share the management of the cluster activity. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Specify an Instance type for your master node. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default value is m1.xlarge.
  7. Enter details about your worker pools. You can create one or more worker nodes in a worker pool to run the container workloads for the cluster. They can be in a single worker pool, or distributed across multiple worker pools. If zero worker nodes are specified, the master nodes also function as worker nodes. The optional information includes the following fields:

    1. Add a name for your worker pool.
    2. Specify an Instance type for your worker pools. You can change the type and size of your instance after it is created. The default value is m1.xlarge.
    3. Enter a Node count for your worker pool. This setting is required when you define a worker pool.

      You can define additional worker pools by clicking Add worker pool.

  8. Enter the networking details for your cluster. You must provide the values for one or more networks for an IPv4 network. For an IPv6 network, you must define more than one network.

    1. Add the External network name, which is the name of the external Red Hat OpenStack Platform network.
    2. Add the API floating IP address. The existing floating IP address is for the the external network for the OpenShift Container Platform API. This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the prerequisites section.
    3. Add the Ingress floating IP address. The existing floating IP address is on the external network for the ingress port. This value must match the name that you used to create the DNS records listed in the prerequisites section. The existing floating IP address is on the external network for the ingress port.
    4. Add the External DNS IP addresses supports name resolution on the private network.
    5. Select your Network type, which specifies the pod network provider plug-in to deploy. The possible values are OVNKubernetes or OpenShiftSDN. The default value is OpenShiftSDN. OVNKubernetes is the required setting for using IPv6.
    6. Select a Cluster network CIDR. The group of IP addresses that are reserved for use by the cluster. Ensure that you specify enough for your cluster, and that they do not include the IP addresses of other clusters in the range. The default value is
    7. Specify the Network host prefix, which sets the prefix length to assign to each individual node. The default value is 23.
    8. Specify the Service network CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses for services. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is
    9. Specify the Machine CIDR, which provides a block of IP addresses that are used by the OpenShift Container Platform hosts. This block must not overlap another network block. The default value is

      You can add an additional network by clicking Add network. You must have more than one network if you are using IPv6 addresses.

  9. Add an optional Ansible Automation Template to run either before or after your cluster installs or upgrades.

    You can click Add automation template to create a template.

  10. Review your information and optionally customize it.

    1. Click the YAML slider to On to view the install-config.yaml file content in the panel.
    2. Edit the YAML file with your custom settings.
  11. Select Create to create the cluster.

    Note: You do not have to run the kubectl command that is provided with the cluster details to import the cluster. When you create the cluster, it is automatically configured under the management of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

To access a cluster that is managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the name of the cluster that you created or want to access. The cluster details are displayed.
  3. Select Reveal credentials to view the user name and password for the cluster. Use these values when you log in to the cluster.
  4. Select Console URL to link to the cluster.
  5. Log in to the cluster by using the user ID and password that you found in step 3.

You can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console to create a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster in a bare metal environment.

You need the following prerequisites before creating a cluster in a bare metal environment:

  • A deployed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6 or later.
  • Internet access for your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster (connected) or a connection to an internal or mirror registry that has a connection to the Internet (disconnected) to retrieve the required images for creating the cluster.
  • A temporary external KVM host that runs a bootstrap virtual machine, which is used to create a Hive cluster. See Preparing a provisioner host for more information.
  • The deployed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster must be able to route to the provisioning network.
  • Your bare metal server login credentials, which includes the libvirt URI from the bootstrap virtual machine in the previous item, the SSH Private Key, and a list of SSH known hosts. See Setting up the environment for an OpenShift installation for more information.
  • A configured bare metal credential. See Creating a credential for bare metal for more information.
  • Login credentials for your bare metal environment, which include user name, password, and Baseboard Management Controller Address.
  • A configured bare metal asset, if you are are enabling certificate verification. See Creating and modifying bare metal assets for more information.
  • A OpenShift Container Platform image pull secret; see Using image pull secrets.


To create clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. On the Clusters page, Click Create cluster.

    Note: This procedure is for creating a cluster. If you have an existing cluster that you want to import, see Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster for those steps.

  3. Select your Kubernetes distribution and Bare Metal for the infrastructure provider. The remaining steps are based on your selections.
  4. Select your credential from the available credentials on the list. If you do not have one configured, or want to configure a new one, select Add credential. See Creating a credential for bare metal for more information about creating a credential.
  5. Add the details for your cluster:

    1. Enter a name for your cluster. For a bare metal cluster, this name cannot be an arbitrary name. It is associated with the cluster URL. Make sure that the cluster name that you use is consistent with your DNS and network setup.

      Tip: You can view the yaml content updates as you enter the information in the console by setting the YAML switch to ON.

    2. Specify a Cluster set, if you want to add it to an existing cluster set. If you do not have cluster-admin privileges when you are creating the cluster, you must select a cluster set on which you have clusterset-admin permissions to create the cluster. If you do not select a cluster set, the cluster creation fails. Contact your cluster administrator to provide you with clusterset-admin permissions to a cluster set if you do not have cluster set options to select.
    3. Specify the Base DNS domain information that you configured for your bare metal provider account. The base domain of your provider is used to create routes to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster components. It is configured in your cluster provider’s DNS as a Start of Authority (SOA) record. If there is already a base domain associated with the selected credential, that value is populated in that field. You can change the value by overwriting it, but this setting cannot be changed after the cluster is created. See Installing on bare metal in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation for more information. This name is used in the hostname of the cluster.
    4. Specify a Release image that you want to use for the cluster. This identifies the version of the OpenShift Container Platform image that is used to create the cluster. If the version that you want to use is available, you can select the image from the list of images. If the image that you want to use is not a standard image, you can enter the URL to the image that you want to use. See Release images for more information about release images.
    5. Add the Additional Labels that you want to associate with your cluster. These labels help to identify the cluster and limit search results.
  6. Select your hosts from the list of hosts that are associated with your credential. Select a minimum of three bare metal assets that are on the same bridge networks as the hypervisor.

    The list of hosts is compiled from the existing bare metal assets. If you do not have any bare metal assets created, then you can create or import them before you continue with the creation process by selecting Import assets. For more information about creating bare metal assets, see Creating and modifying bare metal assets. Alternatively, you can select Disable certificate verification to bypass the requirement.

  7. Configure the cluster networking options. The following tables shows the networking options and their descriptions:

    ParameterDescriptionRequired or Optional

    Provisioning network CIDR

    The CIDR for the network to use for provisioning. The example format is:


    Provisioning network interface

    The name of the network interface on the control plane nodes that are connected to the provisioning network.


    Provisioning network bridge

    The name of the bridge on the hypervisor that is attached to the provisioning network.


    External network bridge

    The name of the bridge of the hypervisor that is attached to the external network.



    The Virtual IP to use for internal API communication. The DNS must be pre-configured with an A/AAAA or CNAME record so the api.<cluster_name>.<Base DNS domain> path resolves correctly.


    Ingress VIP

    The Virtual IP to use for ingress traffic. The DNS must be pre-configured with an A/AAAA or CNAME record so the *.apps.<cluster_name>.<Base DNS domain> path resolves correctly.


    Network type

    The pod network provider plug-in to deploy. Only the OpenShiftSDN plug-in is supported on OpenShift Container Platform 4.3. The OVNKubernetes plug-in is available as a technical preview on OpenShift Container Platform versions 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5. It is generally available on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, and later. OVNKubernetes must be used with IPv6. The default value is OpenShiftSDN.


    Cluster network CIDR

    A block of IP addresses from which pod IP addresses are allocated. The OpenShiftSDN network plug-in supports multiple cluster networks. The address blocks for multiple cluster networks must not overlap. Select address pools large enough to fit your anticipated workload. The default value is


    Network host prefix

    The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23, then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given CIDR, allowing for 510 (2^(32-23)-2) pod IP addresses. The default is 23.


    Service network CIDR

    A block of IP addresses for services. OpenShiftSDN allows only one serviceNetwork block. The address must not overlap any other network block. The default value is


    Machine CIDR

    A block of IP addresses used by the OpenShift Container Platform hosts. The address block must not overlap any other network block. The default value is


    You can add an additional network by clicking Add network. You must have more than one network if you are using IPv6 addresses.

  8. Add an optional Ansible Automation Template to run either before or after your cluster installs or upgrades.

    You can click Add automation template to create a template.

  9. Review your information and optionally customize it.

    1. Click the YAML slider to On to view the install-config.yaml file content in the panel.
    2. Edit the YAML file with your custom settings.
  10. Select Create to create the cluster.

    Note: You do not have to run the kubectl command that is provided with the cluster details to import the cluster. When you create the cluster, it is automatically configured under the management of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

To access a cluster that is managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the name of the cluster that you created or want to access. The cluster details are displayed.
  3. Select Reveal credentials to view the user name and password for the cluster. Note these values to use when you log in to the cluster.
  4. Select Console URL to link to the cluster.
  5. Log in to the cluster by using the user ID and password that you found in step three.

You can hibernate a cluster that was created using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes to conserve resources. A hibernating cluster requires significantly fewer resources than one that is running, so you can potentially lower your provider costs by moving clusters in and out of a hibernating state. This feature only applies to clusters that were created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management in the following environments:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform

To use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console to hibernate a cluster that was created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation menu, select Infrastructure > Clusters. Ensure that the Manage clusters tab is selected.
  2. Find the cluster that you want to hibernate.
  3. Select Hibernate cluster from the the Options menu for that cluster. Note: If the Hibernate cluster option is not available, you cannot hibernate the cluster. This can happen when the cluster is imported, and not created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.
  4. Select Hibernate in the confirmation dialog box to hibernate the cluster.

The status for the cluster on the Clusters page is Hibernating when the process completes.

Tip: You can hibernate multiple clusters by selecting the clusters that you want to hibernate on the Clusters page, and selecting Actions > Hibernate clusters.

Your selected cluster is hibernating.

To use the CLI to hibernate a cluster that was created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the following command to edit the settings for the cluster that you want to hibernate:

    oc edit clusterdeployment <name-of-cluster> -n <namespace-of-cluster>

    Replace name-of-cluster with the name of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

    Replace namespace-of-cluster with the namespace of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

  2. Change the value for spec.powerState to Hibernating.
  3. Enter the following command to view the status of the cluster:

    oc get clusterdeployment <name-of-cluster> -n <namespace-of-cluster> -o yaml

    Replace name-of-cluster with the name of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

    Replace namespace-of-cluster with the namespace of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

    When the process of hibernating the cluster is complete, the value of the type for the cluster is type=Hibernating.

Your selected cluster is hibernating.

To resume normal operation of a hibernating cluster by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation menu, select Infrastructure > Clusters. Ensure that the Manage clusters tab is selected.
  2. Find the cluster that is hibernating and you want to resume.
  3. Select Resume cluster from the the Options menu for that cluster.
  4. Select Resume in the confirmation dialog box to resume the function of the cluster.

The status for the cluster on the Clusters page is Ready when the process completes.

Tip: You can resume multiple clusters by selecting the clusters that you want to resume on the Clusters page, and selecting Actions > Resume clusters.

Your selected cluster is resuming normal operation.

To resume normal operation of a hibernating cluster by using the CLI, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the following command to edit the settings for the cluster:

    oc edit clusterdeployment <name-of-cluster> -n <namespace-of-cluster>

    Replace name-of-cluster with the name of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

    Replace namespace-of-cluster with the namespace of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

  2. Change the value for spec.powerState to Running.
  3. Enter the following command to view the status of the cluster:

    oc get clusterdeployment <name-of-cluster> -n <namespace-of-cluster> -o yaml

    Replace name-of-cluster with the name of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

    Replace namespace-of-cluster with the namespace of the cluster that you want to hibernate.

    When the process of resuming the cluster is complete, the value of the type for the cluster is type=Running.

Your selected cluster is resuming normal operation.

You can import clusters from different Kubernetes cloud providers. After you import, the targeted cluster becomes a managed cluster for the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster. Unless otherwise specified, complete the import tasks anywhere where you can access the hub cluster and the targeted managed cluster.

A hub cluster cannot manage any other hub cluster, but can manage itself. The hub cluster is configured to automatically be imported and self-managed. You do not need to manually import the hub cluster.

However, if you remove a hub cluster and try to import it again, you need to add the local-cluster:true label.

Choose from the following instructions to set up your managed cluster, either from the console or from the CLI:

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator

After you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, you are ready to import a cluster to manage. You can import from both the console and the CLI. Follow this procedure to import from the console. You need your terminal for authentication during this procedure.

  • You need a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster that is deployed. If you are importing bare metal clusters, you must have the hub cluster installed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6 or later.
  • You need a cluster that you want to manage and Internet connectivity.
  • Install kubectl. To install kubectl, see Install and Set Up kubectl in the Kubernetes documentation.
  • You need the base64 command line tool.
  • If you are importing a cluster that was not created by Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, you need a multiclusterhub.spec.imagePullSecret defined. This secret might have been created when Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes was installed. See Installing from the OperatorHub for more information about defining the secret.
  • For importing in a Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated environment:

    • You must have the hub cluster deployed in a Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated environment.
    • The default permission in Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated is dedicated-admin, but that does not contain all of the permissions to create a namespace. You must have cluster-admin permissions to import and manage a cluster with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes.

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator

You can import existing clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console for each of the available cloud providers.

Note: A hub cluster cannot manage a different hub cluster. A hub cluster is set up to automatically import and manage itself, so you do not have to manually import a hub cluster to manage itself.

  1. From the navigation menu, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Click Add a cluster.
  3. Click Import an existing cluster.
  4. Provide a name for the cluster. By default, the namespace is used for the cluster name and namespace.
  5. Optional: Add any Additional labels.

    Note: If you import a Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated cluster and do not specify a vendor by adding a label for vendor=OpenShiftDedicated, or if you add a label for vendor=auto-detect, a managed-by=platform label is automatically added to the cluster. You can use this added label to identify the cluster as a Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated cluster and retrieve the Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated clusters as a group.

  6. Select the import mode that you want to use to identify the cluster that you are importing from the following options:

    • Run import commands manually: Generate import commands that you can copy and run, based on the information that you provided. Click Save import and generate code to generate the command that you use to deploy the open-cluster-management-agent-addon. A confirmation message is displayed.

      1. In the Import an existing cluster window, select Copy command to copy the generated command and token to the clipboard.

        Important: The command contains pull secret information that is copied to each of the imported clusters. Anyone who can access the imported clusters can also view the pull secret information. Consider creating a secondary pull secret at or create a service account to protect your personal credentials. See Using image pull secrets or Understanding and creating service accounts for more information about pull secrets.

      2. Log in to the managed cluster that you want to import.
      3. For the Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated environment only Complete the following steps:

        1. Create the open-cluster-management-agent and open-cluster-management namespaces or projects on the managed cluster.
        2. Find the klusterlet operator in the OpenShift Container Platform catalog.
        3. Install it in the open-cluster-management namespace or project that you created.

          Important: Do not install the operator in the open-cluster-management-agent namespace.

        4. Extract the bootstrap secret from the import command by completing the following steps:

          1. Generate the import command:

            1. Select Infrastructure > Clusters from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console main navigation.
            2. Select Add a cluster > Import an existing cluster.
            3. Add the cluster information, and select Save import and generate code.
          2. Copy the import command.
          3. Paste the import command into a file that you create named import-command.
          4. Run the following command to insert the content into the new file:

            cat import-command | awk '{split($0,a,"&&"); print a[3]}' | awk '{split($0,a,"|"); print a[1]}' | sed -e "s/^ echo //" | base64 -d
          5. Find and copy the secret with the name bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig in the output.
          6. Apply the secret to the open-cluster-management-agent namespace on the managed cluster.
          7. Create the klusterlet resource using the example in the installed operator, the clusterName should be changed the same name as cluster name that was set during the import.

            Note: When the managedcluster resource is successfully registered to the hub, there are two klusterlet operators installed. One klusterlet operator is in the open-cluster-management namespace, and the other is in the open-cluster-management-agent namespace. Multiple operators does not affect the function of the klusterlet.

      4. For cluster imports that are not in the Red OpenShift Dedicated environment Complete the following steps:

        1. If necessary, configure your kubectl commands for your managed cluster.

          See Supported clouds to learn how to configure your kubectl command line interface.

        2. To deploy the open-cluster-management-agent-addon to the managed cluster, run the command and token that you copied.
      5. Select View cluster to view a summary of your cluster in the Overview page.
    • Enter your server URL and API token for the existing cluster: Provide the server URL and API token of the cluster that you are importing.
    • Kubeconfig: Copy and paste the content of the kubeconfig file of the cluster that you are importing.
  7. Optional: Configure the Cluster API address that is on the cluster details page by configuring the URL that is displayed in the table when you run the oc get managedcluster command.

    1. Log in to your hub cluster with an ID that has cluster-admin permissions.
    2. Configure your kubectl for your targeted managed cluster.

      See Supported clouds to learn how to configure your kubectl.

    3. Edit the managed cluster entry for the cluster that you are importing by entering the following command:

      oc edit managedcluster <cluster-name>

      Replace cluster-name with the name of the managed cluster.

    4. Add the ManagedClusterClientConfigs section to the ManagedCluster spec in the YAML file, as shown in the following example:

        hubAcceptsClient: true
        - url:

      Replace the value of the URL with the URL that provides external access to the managed cluster that you are importing.

Your cluster is imported. You can import another by selecting Import another.

Complete the following procedure to remove an imported cluster and the open-cluster-management-agent-addon that was created on the managed cluster.

  1. From the Clusters page, find your imported cluster in the table.
  2. Click Actions > Detach cluster to remove your cluster from management.

Note: If you attempt to detach the hub cluster, which is named local-cluster, be aware that the default setting of disableHubSelfManagement is false. This setting causes the hub cluster to reimport itself and manage itself when it is detached and it reconciles the MultiClusterHub controller. It might take hours for the hub cluster to complete the detachment process and reimport. If you want to reimport the hub cluster without waiting for the processes to finish, you can enter the following command to restart the multiclusterhub-operator pod and reimport faster:

oc delete po -n open-cluster-management `oc get pod -n open-cluster-management | grep multiclusterhub-operator| cut -d' ' -f1`

You can change the value of the hub cluster to not import automatically by changing the disableHubSelfManagement value to true, as described in Installing while connected online.

After you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, you are ready to import a cluster to manage. You can import from both the console and the CLI. Follow this procedure to import from the CLI.

Important: A hub cluster cannot manage a different hub cluster. A hub cluster is set up to automatically import and manage itself. You do not have to manually import a hub cluster to manage itself.

However, if you remove a hub cluster and try to import it again, you need to add the local-cluster:true label.

  • You need a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster that is deployed. If you are importing bare metal clusters, you must have the hub cluster installed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6 or later.
  • You need a separate cluster that you want to manage and Internet connectivity.
  • You need the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform CLI version 4.6 or later, to run oc commands. See Getting started with the OpenShift CLI for information about installing and configuring the Red Hat OpenShift CLI, oc.
  • You need to install the Kubernetes CLI, kubectl. To install kubectl, see Install and Set Up kubectl in the Kubernetes documentation.

    Note: Download the installation file for CLI tools from the console.

  • If you are importing a cluster that was not created by Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, you need a multiclusterhub.spec.imagePullSecret defined. This secret might have been created when Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes was installed. See Installing from the OperatorHub for more information about defining the secret.
  • Linux (x86_64, s390x, ppc64le)
  • macOS
  1. Log in to your hub cluster. Run the following command:

    oc login
  2. Run the following command on the hub cluster to create the namespace. Note: The cluster name that is defined in cluster_name is also used as the cluster namespace in the YAML file and commands:

    oc new-project ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    oc label namespace ${CLUSTER_NAME}${CLUSTER_NAME}

Continue with Importing the cluster.

Import the cluster by completing one of the following procedures:

  • To use automatic importing, you must create a secret containing either the kubeconfig or the server and token pair of the cluster to import.

    1. Create a YAML file that contains content that is similar to the following template:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: auto-import-secret
        namespace: <cluster_name>
        autoImportRetry: 5
        # If you are using the kubeconfig file, add the following value for the kubeconfig file
        # that has the current context set to the cluster to import:
        kubeconfig: |- <kubeconfig_file>
        # If you are using the token/server pair, add the following two values:
        token: <Token to access the cluster>
        server: <cluster_api_url>
      type: Opaque
    2. Save the file as auto-import-secret.yaml.
    3. Apply the YAML file with the following command:

      oc apply -f auto-import-secret.yaml
  • To use the manual import process, complete the following procedure:

    1. Edit the example ManagedCluster with the following sample of YAML:

      kind: ManagedCluster
        name: <cluster_name>
          cloud: auto-detect
          vendor: auto-detect
        hubAcceptsClient: true

      When the values for cloud and vendor are set to auto-detect, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management detects the cloud and vendor types automatically from the cluster that you are importing. You can optionally replace the values for auto-detect with with the cloud and vendor values for your cluster. See the following example:

      cloud: Amazon
      vendor: OpenShift
    2. Save the file as managed-cluster.yaml.
    3. Apply the YAML file with the following command:

      oc apply -f managed-cluster.yaml

Continue with Importing the klusterlet.

You can create and apply the klusterlet add-on configuration file by completing the following procedure:

  1. Create a YAML file that is similar to the following example:

    kind: KlusterletAddonConfig
      name: <cluster_name>
      namespace: <cluster_name>
      clusterName: <cluster_name>
      clusterNamespace: <cluster_name>
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        cloud: auto-detect
        vendor: auto-detect
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
      version: 2.3.0
  2. Save the file as klusterlet-addon-config.yaml.
  3. Apply the YAML by running the following command:

    oc apply -f klusterlet-addon-config.yaml

    Note: If you import a Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated cluster and do not specify a vendor by adding a label for vendor=OpenShiftDedicated, or if you add a label for vendor=auto-detect, a managed-by=platform label is automatically added to the cluster. You can use this added label to identify the cluster as a Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated cluster and retrieve the Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated clusters as a group.

The ManagedCluster-Import-Controller will generate a secret named ${CLUSTER_NAME}-import. The ${CLUSTER_NAME}-import secret contains the import.yaml that the user applies to a managed cluster to install klusterlet.

Your cluster is now imported.

To remove a cluster, run the following command:

oc delete managedcluster <cluster_name>

Replace cluster_name with the name of the cluster.

Your cluster is now removed.

You can modify the settings of KlusterletAddonConfig to change your configuration using the hub cluster.

The KlusterletAddonConfig controller manages the functions that are enabled and disabled according to the settings in the Kubernetes resource. View the following example of the KlusterletAddonConfig:

kind: KlusterletAddonConfig
  name: <cluster-name>
  namespace: <cluster-name>
  clusterName: <cluster-name>
  clusterNamespace: <cluster-name>
    cloud: auto-detect
    vendor: auto-detect
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: false
  version: 2.3.0

The following settings can be updated in the Kubernetes resource:

Table 8.1. Table list of klusterlet add-ons settings
Setting nameValueDescription


true or false

This controller manages the application subscription lifecycle on the managed cluster.


true or false

This controller enforces certificate-based policies on the managed cluster.


true or false

This controller enforces the IAM-based policy lifecycle on the managed cluster.


true or false

This controller enforces all other policy rules on the managed cluster.


true or false

This controller is used to periodically push the resource index data back to the hub cluster.

You can modify the settings of the resource by using the hub cluster. Complete the following steps to change the settings:

  1. Log in to the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console of the hub cluster.
  2. From the header menu of the hub cluster console, select the Search icon.
  3. In the search parameters, enter the following value: kind:klusterletaddonconfigs
  4. Select the endpoint resource that you want to update.
  5. Find the spec section and select Edit to edit the content.
  6. Modify your settings.
  7. Select Save to apply your changes.

You must have access to the cluster-name namespace to modify your settings by using the hub cluster. Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the hub cluster.
  2. Enter the following command to edit the resource:

    kubectl edit <cluster-name> -n <cluster-name>
  3. Find the spec section.
  4. Modify your settings, as necessary.

You can create a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster when your hub cluster is connected through a proxy server.

One of the following situations must be true for the cluster creation to succeed:

  • Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes has a private network connection with the managed cluster that you are creating, but the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and managed cluster access the Internet using a proxy.
  • The managed cluster is on a infrastructure provider, but the firewall ports enable communication from the managed cluster to the hub cluster.

To create a cluster that is configured with a proxy, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the cluster-wide-proxy setting on the hub cluster by adding the following information to your install-config.yaml file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Proxy
    baseDomain: <domain>
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<password>@<>:<port>
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<password>@<>:<port>
      noProxy: <wildcard-of-domain>,<provisioning-network/CIDR>,<BMC-address-range/CIDR>
    additionalTrustBundle: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Replace username with the username for your proxy server.

    Replace password with the password to access your proxy server.

    Replace with the path of your proxy server.

    Replace port with the communication port with the proxy server.

    Replace wildcard-of-domain with an entry for domains that should bypass the proxy.

    Replace provisioning-network/CIDR with the IP address of the provisioning network and the number of assigned IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

    Replace BMC-address-range/CIDR with the BMC address and the number of addresses, in CIDR notation.

    Replace trusted-ca-cert with the contents of the user-ca-bundle from your ConfigMap in the openshift-config namespace. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the identity certificate of the proxy is signed by an authority from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Core OS trust bundle. If you use an MITM transparent proxy network that does not require additional proxy configuration but requires additional CAs, you must provide the MITM CA certificate.

    After you add the previous values, the settings are applied to your clusters.

  2. Provision the cluster by completing the procedure for creating a cluster. See Creating a cluster to select your provider.

When you enable the cluster-wide proxy feature, you have to make the components of the managed cluster aware so they can work behind the proxy. To enable the components, such as Application Manager, the operator pods are updated with the following environment variables: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY.

These environment variables specify where the pod routes the HTTP and HTTPS traffic to the proxy server. The operator pods are automatically updated with these environment variables, so the standalone subscriptions work after enabling the cluster-wide proxy.

On existing managed clusters, the subscription controller runs inside of a klusterlet add-on. The environment variables are not automatically added when it creates the pods. You must manually add the environment variables to an existing cluster by patching the deployment and adding three environment variables to each container in the deployment.

Complete the following steps to add the environment variables to the klusterlet add-on for appmgr:

  1. Enter the following command to create the HTTP proxy:

    kubectl patch deployment <deployment-name> -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"env":[{"name":"HTTP_PROXY","value":"'<http-proxy>'"}],"name":"'<container-name>'"}]}}}}'

    Replace deployment-name with the name of the deployment.

    Replace http-proxy with the address of the proxy server that you want to use for http requests. For example,

    Replace container-name with the name of the container.

  2. Enter the following command to create the HTTPS proxy:

    kubectl patch deployment <deployment-name> -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"env":[{"name":"HTTPS_PROXY","value":"'<https-proxy>'"}],"name":"'<container-name>'"}]}}}}'

    Replace deployment-name with the name of the deployment.

    Replace https-proxy with the address of the proxy server that you want to use for https requests. For example,

    Replace container-name with the name of the container.

  3. Enter the following command to specify what does not pass through the proxy:

    kubectl patch deployment <deployment-name> -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"env":[{"name":"NO_PROXY","value":"'<no-proxy>'"}],"name":"'<container-name>'"}]}}}}'

    Replace deployment-name with the name of the deployment.

    Replace no-proxy with the comma delimited list of IPs, hostnames, and domains where traffic will not be routed through the proxy. For example, .cluster.local,.svc,,

    Replace container-name with the name of the container.

Tip: For several containers, you can create and run a file that resembles the following example on each of the containers:


kubectl patch deployment $DEPLOYMENT_NAME -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"env":[{"name":"HTTP_PROXY","value":"'$HTTP_PROXY'"}],"name":"'$CONTAINER_NAME'"}]}}}}'

kubectl patch deployment $DEPLOYMENT_NAME -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"env":[{"name":"HTTPS_PROXY","value":"'$HTTPS_PROXY'"}],"name":"'$CONTAINER_NAME'"}]}}}}'

kubectl patch deployment $DEPLOYMENT_NAME -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"env":[{"name":"NO_PROXY","value":"'$NO_PROXY'"}],"name":"'$CONTAINER_NAME'"}]}}}}'

Note: Registration Agent and Work Agent on the managed cluster do not support proxy settings because they communicate with apiserver on the hub cluster by establishing a mTLS connection, which cannot pass through the proxy.

Important: Global proxy settings do not impact alert forwarding. To set up alert forwarding for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub clusters with a cluster-wide proxy, see Forwarding alerts for more details.

When you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, the default configuration provides the cluster-admin role on the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster. This permission enables you to create, manage, and import managed clusters on the hub cluster. In some situations, you might want to limit the access to certain managed clusters that are managed by the hub cluster, rather than providing access to all of the managed clusters on the hub cluster.

You can limit access to certain managed clusters by defining a cluster role and applying it to a user or group. Complete the following steps to configure and apply a role:

  1. Define the cluster role by creating a YAML file with the following content:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: <clusterrole-name>
    - apiGroups:
      - managedclusters
      - <managed-cluster-name>
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - update
      - delete
      - deletecollection
      - patch
    - apiGroups:
      - managedclusters
      - create
    - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - namespaces
      - <managed-cluster-name>
      - create
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - update
      - delete
      - deletecollection
      - patch
    - apiGroups:
      - managedclusters/accept
      - <managed-cluster-name>
      - update

    Replace clusterrole-name with the name of the cluster role that you are creating.

    Replace managed-cluster-name with the name of the managed cluster that you want the user to have access to.

  2. Apply the clusterrole definition by entering the following command:

    oc apply <filename>

    Replace filename with the name of the YAML file that you created in the previous step.

  3. Enter the following command to bind the clusterrole to a specified user or group:

    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user <clusterrole-name> <username>

    Replace clusterrole-name with the name of the cluster role that you applied in the previous step. Replace username with the username to which you want to bind the cluster role.

Add a label to your cluster to select group resources. See Labels and Selectors for more information.

You can add new labels, remove existing labels, and edit existing labels for your clusters. Complete the following steps to manage your labels:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Find your cluster in the Clusters table.
  3. Click Options to see the options in the menu.
  4. Select Edit labels.
  5. In the Edit labels dialog box, enter a label. Your entry might resemble the following content: Key=Value.
  6. Press enter, add a comma, or add a space to add additional labels.
  7. Click Save when you enter your last one. Labels are only saved after you click Save.
  8. Close the Edit labels pane, when you are finished.

    • If you want to remove an existing label, click the Remove icon for the label that you want to remove in the list.
    • If you want to update an existing label, you can reassign its key to a new value by adding a new label using the same key with a different value. For example, you can change Key=Value by entering Key=NewValue to update the value of Key.

Tip: You can also edit a cluster label from the cluster details page. In the navigation menu, click Infrastructure > Clusters. From the Clusters page, access the details page for the cluster by clicking the name of the cluster. Select the Edit icon in the Labels section. The Edit labels dialog box is displayed.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management is integrated with Ansible Tower automation so that you can create prehook and posthook AnsibleJob instances that occur before or after creating or upgrading your clusters. Configuring prehook and posthook jobs for cluster destroy, and cluster scale actions are not supported.

Required access: Cluster administrator

You must meet the following prerequisites to run Ansible templates on your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management clusters:

  • OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 or later
  • You must have Ansible Tower version 3.7.3 or a later version installed. It is best practice to install the latest supported version of Ansible Tower. See Red Hat Ansible Tower documentation for more details.
  • Install the Ansible Automation Platform Resource Operator to connect Ansible jobs to the lifecycle of Git subscriptions. For best results when using the AnsibleJob to launch Ansible Tower jobs, the Ansible Tower job template should be idempotent when it is run. You can find the Ansible Automation Platform Resource Operator in the OpenShift Container Platform OperatorHub.

For more information about installing and configuring Ansible Tower automation, see Setting up Ansible tasks.

You must specify the Ansible job template that you want to use for a cluster when you create the cluster. To specify the template when creating a cluster, select the Ansible template that you want to apply to the cluster in the Automation step. If there are no Ansible templates, click Add automation template to create one.

To initiate an Ansible job with a cluster installation or upgrade, you must create an Ansible job template to specify when you want the jobs to run. They can be configured to run before or after the cluster installs or upgrades.

To specify the details about running the Ansible template while creating a template, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Infrastructure > Automation from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation. The existing Ansible templates are displayed.
  2. Select the appropriate path for your situation:

    • If you want to create a new template, click Create Ansible template and continue with step 3.
    • If you want to modify an existing template, click Edit template from the Options menu of the template that you want to modify and continue with step 5.
  3. Enter a name for your template. It must be a unique name that contains lowercase, alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (-).
  4. Select the credential that you want to use for the new template. To link an Ansible credential to an Ansible template, complete the following steps:

    1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation, select Automation. Any template in the list of templates that is not linked to a credential contains a Link to credential icon that you can use to link the template to an existing credential.
    2. Select Link to credential to find and link to an existing credential.
    3. Select an available credential from the menu in the Ansible Automation Platform credential field. Only the credentials in the same namespace as the template are displayed.
    4. If there are no credentials that you can select, or if you do not want to use an existing credential, select Edit template from the Options menu for the template that you want to link.
    5. Click Add credential to create a credential for your template.
    6. Complete the procedure in Creating a credential for Ansible Automation Platform if you have to create your credential.
    7. After you create your credential in the same namespace as the template, select the credential in the Ansible Automation Platform credential field when you edit the template.
    8. Click Save to commit the link between the credential and the template.
  5. If you want to initiate any Ansible jobs before the cluster is installed, select Add an Ansible job template in the Pre-install Ansible job templates section.
  6. Select the prehook and posthook Ansible jobs to add to the installation or upgrade of the cluster.

    Note: The Ansible job template name must match the name of the Ansible job on the Ansible Tower.

  7. Enter any Extra variables that are required by the Ansible Tower job, if there are any.
  8. Drag the Ansible jobs to change the order, if necessary.
  9. Click Save to commit your information.
  10. Repeat steps 5 - 9 for any Ansible job templates that you want to initiate after the cluster is installed in the Post-install Ansible job templates section.
  11. Click Save to commit your information.
  12. Click Next to begin specifying the Ansible jobs for the Upgrading initiations.
  13. Complete steps 5 - 9 for any Ansible job templates that you want to initiate before the cluster is upgraded in the Pre-upgrade Ansible job templates section.
  14. Click Save to commit your information.
  15. Complete steps 5 - 9 for any Ansible job templates that you want to initiate after the cluster is upgraded in the Post-upgrade Ansible job templates section.
  16. Click Save to commit your information.
  17. Click Next to review the Ansible jobs that you added.
  18. Select Add to add the Ansible job configuration information to your template.

Your Ansible template is configured to run on clusters that specify this template when the designated actions occur.

You can create an AnsibleJob that is bound to a cluster when the cluster is created by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes or imported to be managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management by using labels.

Complete the following procedure to create an Ansible job and configure it with a cluster that is not yet managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management:

  1. Create the definition file for the Ansible job in one of the channels that are supported by the application function. Only Git channels are supported.

    Use AnsibleJob as the value of kind in the definition.

    Your definition file contents might resemble the following example:

    apiVersion: apiVersion:
    kind: AnsibleJob
      name: hive-cluster-gitrepo
      tower_auth_secret: my-toweraccess
      job_template_name: my-tower-template-name
        variable1: value1
        variable2: value2

    By storing the file in the prehook or posthook directory, it creates a list of cluster names that match the placement rule. The list of cluster names can be passed as a value of extra_vars to the AnsibleJob kind resource. When this value is passed to the AnsibleJob resource, the Ansible job can determine the new cluster name and use it in the automation.

  2. Log on to your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster.
  3. Using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, create an application with a Git subscription that references the channel where you stored the definition file that you just created. See Managing application resources for more information about creating an application and subscription.

    When you create the subscription, specify a label that you can add to the cluster that you create or import later to connect this subscription with the cluster. This can be an existing label, like vendor=OpenShift, or a unique label that you create and define.

    Note: If you select a label that is already in use, the Ansible job automatically runs. It is best practice to include a resource in your application that is not part of the prehooks or posthooks.

    The default placement rule runs the job when it detects the cluster with the label that matches the label of the AnsibleJob. If you want the automation to run on all of your running clusters that are managed by the hub cluster, add the following content to the placement rule:

      - type: ManagedClusterConditionAvailable
        status: "True"

    You can either paste this into the YAML content of the placement rule or you can select the option to Deploy to all online clusters and local cluster on the Application create page of the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console.

  4. Create or import your cluster by following the instructions in Creating a cluster or Importing a target managed cluster to the hub cluster, respectively.

    When you create or import the cluster, use the same label that you used when you created the subscription, and the AnsibleJob is automatically configured to run on the cluster.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management automatically injects the cluster name into the AnsibleJob.extra_vars.target_clusters path. You can dynamically inject the cluster name into the definition. Complete the following procedure to create an AnsibleJob and configure it with a cluster that is already managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management:

  1. Create the definition file for the AnsibleJob in the prehook or posthook directory of your Git Channel.

    Use AnsibleJob as the value of kind in the definition.

    Your definition file contents might resemble the following example:

    kind: AnsibleJob
      name: hive-cluster-gitrepo
      tower_auth_secret: my-toweraccess
      job_template_name: my-tower-template-name
        variable1: value1
        variable2: value2

    Replace my-toweraccess with the authentication secret to access your Ansible Tower.

    Replace my-tower-template-name with the template name from your Ansible Tower.

Each time a cluster that is controlled by the Ansible job is removed or added, the AnsibleJob automatically runs and updates the extra_vars.target_clusters variable. This updating provides the ability to specify cluster names with a specific automation, or apply the automation to a group of clusters.

You can view the status of a running Ansible job to ensure that it started, and is running successfully. To view the current status of a running Ansible job, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management menu, select Infrastructure > Clusters to access the Clusters page.
  2. Select the name of the cluster to view its details.
  3. View the status of the last run of the Ansible job on the cluster information. The entry shows one of the following statuses:

    • When an install prehook or posthook job fails, the cluster status shows Failed.
    • When an upgrade prehook or posthook job fails, a warning is displayed in the Distribution field that the upgrade failed.

      Tip: You can retry an upgrade from the Clusters page if the cluster prehook or posthook failed.

A ManagedClusterSet is a group of managed clusters. With a managed cluster set, you can manage access to all of the managed clusters in the group together. You can also create a ManagedClusterSetBinding resource to bind a ManagedClusterSet resource to a namespace.

You can group managed clusters together in a managed cluster set to limit the user access on managed clusters.

Required access: Cluster administrator

A ManagedClusterSet is a cluster-scoped resource, so you must have cluster administration permissions for the cluster where you are creating the ManagedClusterSet. A managed cluster cannot be included in more than one ManagedClusterSet. You can create a managed cluster set from either the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console or from the command-line interface.

Complete the following steps to create a managed cluster set by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console:

  1. In the main console navigation, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the Cluster sets tab.
  3. Select Create cluster set.
  4. Enter the name of the cluster set that you want to create.
  5. Select Create to create the cluster set resource.

Add the following definition of the managed cluster set to your yaml file to create a managed cluster set by using the command line:

kind: ManagedClusterSet
  name: <clusterset1>

Replace clusterset1 with the name of your managed cluster set.

After you create your ManagedClusterSet, you must add one or more managed clusters. You can add managed clusters to your managed cluster set by using either the console or the command line.

Complete the following steps to add a cluster to a managed cluster set by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console:

  1. If you just created your managed cluster set, select Manage resource assignments to go directly to the Manage resource assignments page. Continue with step 6 of this procedure.
  2. If your cluster already exists, access the cluster page by selecting Infrastructure > Clusters in the main navigation.
  3. Select the Cluster sets tab to view the available cluster sets.
  4. Select the name of the cluster set that you want to add to the managed cluster sets to view the cluster set details.
  5. Select Actions > Manage resource assignments.
  6. On the Manage resource assignments page, select the checkbox for the resources that you want to add to the cluster set.
  7. Select Review to review your changes.
  8. Select Save to save your changes.

    Note: If you move a managed cluster from one managed cluster set to another, you must have the required RBAC permission available on both managed cluster sets.

Complete the following steps to add a cluster to a managed cluster set by using the command line:

  1. Ensure that there is an RBAC ClusterRole entry that allows you to create on a virtual subresource of managedclustersets/join. Without this permission, you cannot assign a managed cluster to a ManagedClusterSet.

    If this entry does not exist, add it to your yaml file. A sample entry resembles the following content:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: clusterrole1
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["managedclustersets/join"]
        resourceNames: ["<clusterset1>"]
        verbs: ["create"]

    Replace clusterset1 with the name of your ManagedClusterSet.

    Note: If you are moving a managed cluster from one ManagedClusterSet to another, you must have that permission available on both managed cluster sets.

  2. Find the definition of the managed cluster in the yaml file. The section of the managed cluster definition where you add a label resembles the following content:

    kind: ManagedCluster
      name: cluster1
      hubAcceptsClient: true

    In this example, cluster1 is the name of the managed cluster.

  3. Add a label that specifies the name of the ManagedClusterSet in the format: clusterset1.

    Your code resembles the following example:

    kind: ManagedCluster
      name: cluster1
      labels: clusterset1
      hubAcceptsClient: true

    In this example, cluster1 is the cluster that is added to the managed cluster set names clusterset1.

    Note: If the managed cluster was previously assigned to a managed cluster set that was deleted, the managed cluster might have a managed cluster set already specified to a cluster set that does not exist. If so, replace the name with the new one.

You might want to remove a managed cluster from a managed cluster set to move it to a different managed cluster set, or remove it from the management settings of the set. You can remove a managed cluster from a managed cluster set by using the console or the command-line interface.

Complete the following steps to remove a cluster from a managed cluster set by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console:

  1. If you just created your managed cluster set, select Manage resource assignments to go directly to the Manage resource assignments page. Continue with step 6 of this procedure.
  2. If your cluster already exists, access the cluster page by selecting Infrastructure > Clusters in the main navigation.
  3. Select the Cluster sets tab to view the available cluster sets.
  4. Select the name of the cluster set that you want to remove from the managed cluster set to view the cluster set details.
  5. Select Actions > Manage resource assignments.
  6. On the Manage resource assignments page, select the checkbox for the resources that you want to remove from the cluster set.

    This step removes a resource that is already a member of the cluster set, or adds a resource that is not already a member of the cluster set. You can see if the resource is already a member of a cluster set by viewing the details of the managed cluster.

  7. Select Review and review your changes, then select Save.

Note: If you are moving a managed cluster from one managed cluster set to another, you must have the required RBAC permissions on both managed cluster sets.

To remove a managed cluster from a managed cluster set by using the command line, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the following command to display a list of managed clusters in the managed cluster set:

    oc get managedclusters -l<clusterset1>

    Replace clusterset1 with the name of the managed cluster set.

  2. Locate the entry for the cluster that you want to remove.
  3. Remove the label from the the yaml entry for the cluster that you want to remove. See the following code for an example of the label:

    labels: clusterset1

Note: If you are moving a managed cluster from one managed cluster set to another, you must have the required RBAC permission available on both managed cluster sets.

Create a ManagedClusterSetBinding resource to bind a ManagedClusterSet resource to a namespace. Applications and policies that are created in the same namespace can only access managed clusters that are included in the bound managed cluster set resource.

Access permissions to the namespace automatically apply to a managed cluster set that is bound to that namespace. If you have access permissions to access the namespace to which the managed cluster set is bound, you automatically have permissions to access any managed cluster set that is bound to that namespace. However, if you only have permissions to access the managed cluster set, you do not automatically have permissions to access other managed cluster sets on the namespace. If you do not see a managed cluster set, you might not have the required permissions to view it.

You can create a managed cluster set binding by using the console or the command line.

Complete the following steps to remove a cluster from a managed cluster set by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console:

  1. Access the cluster page by selecting Infrastructure > Clusters in the main navigation.
  2. Select the Cluster sets tab to view the available cluster sets.
  3. Select the name of the cluster set that you want to create a binding for to view the cluster set details.
  4. Select Actions > Edit namespace bindings.
  5. On the Edit namespace bindings page, select the namespace to which you want to bind the cluster set from the drop-down menu. The existing namespaces that have bindings to the cluster set are already selected.
  6. Select Save to submit your changes.

To create a managed cluster set binding by using the command line, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the ManagedClusterSetBinding resource in your yaml file. When you create a managed cluster set binding, the name of the managed cluster set binding must match the name of the managed cluster set to bind. Your ManagedClusterSetBinding resource might resemble the following information:

    kind: ManagedClusterSetBinding
      namespace: project1
      name: clusterset1
      clusterSet: clusterset1
  2. Ensure that you have the bind permission on the target managed cluster set. View the following example of a ClusterRole resource, which contains rules that allow the user to bind to clusterset1:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: clusterrole1
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["managedclustersets/bind"]
        resourceNames: ["clusterset1"]
        verbs: ["create"]

You can assign users or groups to your cluster set that are provided by the configured identity providers on the hub cluster.

Required access: Cluster administrator

The ManagedClusterSet API offers two levels of RBAC permissions:

  • Cluster set admin

    • Full access permissions to all of the cluster and cluster pool resources that are assigned to the managed cluster set.
    • Permission to create clusters, import clusters, and create cluster pools. The permissions must be assigned to the managed cluster set when the managed cluster set is created.
  • Cluster set view

    • Read only permissions to all of the cluster and cluster pool resources that are assigned to the managed cluster set.
    • No permission to create clusters, import clusters, or create cluster pools.

Complete the following steps to assign users or groups to your managed cluster set from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console:

  1. From the main navigation menu of the console, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the Cluster sets tab.
  3. Select your target cluster set.
  4. Select the Access management tab.
  5. Select Add user or group.
  6. Search for, and select the user or group that you want to provide access.
  7. Select the Cluster set admin or Cluster set view role to give to the selected user or user group. See Overview of roles for more information about the role permissions.
  8. Select Add to submit the changes.

Your user or group is displayed in the table. It might take a few seconds for the permission assignments for all of the managed cluster set resources to be propagated to your user or group.

For more information about role-based actions, see Role-based access control.

See Using ManagedClustersSets with Placement for placement information.

A Placement resource is a namespace-scoped resource that defines a rule to select a set of ManagedClusters from the ManagedClusterSets, which are bound to the placement namespace.

Required access: Cluster administrator, Cluster set administrator

See the following information about how placement with managed clusters works:

  • Kubernetes clusters are registered with the hub cluster as cluster-scoped ManagedClusters.
  • The ManagedClusters are organized into cluster-scoped ManagedClusterSets.
  • The ManagedClusterSets are bound to workload namespaces.
  • The namespace-scoped Placements specify a portion of ManagedClusterSets that select a working set of the potential ManagedClusters.
  • Placements select from that working set by using label and claim selectors.

    Important: Placement does not select a ManagedCluster if there is no ManagedClusterSet bound to the placement namespace.

The Placement specification includes the following fields:

  • ClusterSets represents the ManagedClusterSets from which the ManagedClusters are selected.

    • If not specified, ManagedClusters is selected from the ManagedClusterSets that are bound to the placement namespace.
    • If specified, ManagedClusters is selected from the intersection of this set and the ManagedClusterSets that are bound to the placement namespace.
  • NumberOfClusters represents the desired number of ManagedClusters to be selected, which meet the placement requirements.

    If not specified, all ManagedClusters that meet the placement requirements are selected.

  • Predicates represents a slice of predicates to select ManagedClusters with label and claim selector. The predicates are ORed.

You need to bind at least one ManagedClusterSet to a namespace by creating a ManagedClusterSetBinding in that namespace. Note: You need role-based access to CREATE on the virtual sub-resource of managedclustersets/bind. See the following examples:

  • You can select ManagedClusters with the labelSelector. See the following sample where the labelSelector only matches clusters with label vendor: OpenShift:

    kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      namespace: ns1
        - requiredClusterSelector:
                vendor: OpenShift
  • You can select ManagedClusters with claimSelector. See the following sample where claimSelector only matches clusters with with us-west-1:

    kind: Placement
      name: placement2
      namespace: ns1
        - requiredClusterSelector:
                - key:
                  operator: In
                    - us-west-1
  • You can select ManagedClusters from particular clusterSets. See the following sample where claimSelector only matches clusterSets: clusterset1 clusterset2:

    kind: Placement
      name: placement3
      namespace: ns1
        - clusterset1
        - clusterset2
        - requiredClusterSelector:
                - key:
                  operator: In
                    - us-west-1
  • Select desired number of ManagedClusters. See the following sample where numberOfClusters is 3:

    kind: Placement
      name: placement4
      namespace: ns1
      numberOfClusters: 3
        - requiredClusterSelector:
                vendor: OpenShift
                - key:
                  operator: In
                    - us-west-1

One or multiple PlacementDecisions with label{placement name} are created to represent the ManagedClusters selected by a Placement.

If a ManagedCluster is selected and added to a PlacementDecision, components that consume this Placement might apply the workload on this ManagedCluster. After the ManagedCluster is no longer selected and it is removed from the PlacementDecisions, the workload that is applied on this ManagedCluster should be removed accordingly.

See the following PlacementDecision sample:

kind: PlacementDecision
  labels: placement1
  name: placement1-kbc7q
  namespace: ns1
    - apiVersion:
      blockOwnerDeletion: true
      controller: true
      kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      uid: 05441cf6-2543-4ecc-8389-1079b42fe63e
    - clusterName: cluster1
      reason: ''
    - clusterName: cluster2
      reason: ''
    - clusterName: cluster3
      reason: ''

Cluster pools provide rapid and cost-effective access to configured Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform clusters on-demand and at scale. Cluster pools maintain a configurable and scalable number of OpenShift Container Platform clusters on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure in a hibernating state that can be claimed when they are needed. They are especially useful when providing or replacing cluster environments for development, continuous integration, and production scenarios.

ClusterClaim resources are used to check out clusters from cluster pools. After a cluster is checked out from a cluster pool, the checked out cluster is resumed and brought to a ready state. The cluster pool automatically creates a hibernated cluster in the cluster pool, to replace the claimed one.

Note: When a cluster that was claimed from the cluster pool is no longer needed and is destroyed, the resources are deleted. The cluster does not return to the cluster pool.

The procedure for creating a cluster pool is similar to the procedure for creating a cluster. Clusters in a cluster pool are not created for immediate use.

Required access: Administrator

You must have the following prerequisites before creating a cluster pool:

  • A deployed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster.
  • Internet access for your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes hub cluster so it can create the Kubernetes cluster on the provider environment.
  • An AWS, GCP, or Microsoft Azure provider credential. See Managing credentials overview for more information.
  • A configured domain in your provider environment. See your provider documentation for instructions about how to configure a domain.
  • Provider login credentials.
  • A OpenShift Container Platform image pull secret. See Using image pull secrets.

To create a cluster pool, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the Cluster pools tab to view cluster pools that you can access.
  3. Select Create cluster pool.
  4. Select the infrastructure provider for your cluster pool.
  5. Select the infrasctructure credential that you want to use for the cluster pool. You can create one by selecting Add credential, if it is not available in the list.
  6. Select Next to continue to the cluster pool details.
  7. Enter a name for your cluster pool.
  8. Enter the namespace where you want to create your cluster pool. You can select an existing namespace from the list, or type the name of a new one to create one. The cluster pool does not have to be in the same namespace as the clusters.

    When you create a cluster pool in a cluster set, the namespace admin permission is applied to all of the users with clusterset admin permissions for the namespace where you add the cluster pool. Similarly, the namespace view permission is applied to the users with clusterset view permissions.

  9. Optional: Select a cluster set name if you want the RBAC roles for your cluster pool to share the role assignments of an existing cluster set.

    Note: If you do not have cluster admin permissions, you must select a cluster set. The request to create a cluster set is rejected with a forbidden error if you do not include the cluster set name in this situation. If no cluster sets are available for you to select, contact your cluster administrator to create a cluster set and give you clusterset admin permissions to it.

  10. Enter the number of clusters that you want available in your cluster pool by adding the number to the cluster pool size.
  11. Select Next.
  12. Enter the required information in the remaining steps to complete to provision your cluster pool. The procedure from this point on is the same as the procedure for creating clusters.

    For specific information about the information that is required for your provider, see the following information:

  13. After all of the information is entered, select Create to create the cluster pool. After at least one cluster is available in the pool, a Claim cluster button appears.

ClusterClaim resources are used to check out clusters from cluster pools. After a cluster is checked out from a cluster pool, the checked out cluster is brought to a ready state. The cluster pool automatically creates a new hibernated cluster in the cluster pool to replace the claimed one.

Note: When a cluster that was claimed from the cluster pool is no longer needed and is destroyed, the resources are deleted. The cluster does not return to the cluster pool.

Required access: Administrator

You must have the following available before claiming a cluster from a cluster pool:

A cluster pool with available clusters to claim. See Creating a cluster pool for information about how to create a cluster pool. If there are no available clusters to claim, the Claim cluster button is not displayed.

To checkout a cluster from the cluster pool, resume the cluster and claim it as one of your managed clusters. Complete the following steps to claim a cluster:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the Cluster pools tab.
  3. Find the name of the cluster pool you want to claim a cluster from and select Claim cluster.
  4. Enter a cluster claim name to help identify the cluster.
  5. Select Claim.

The claimed cluster comes out of hibernation and appears in the Managed Cluster tab with a status of Resuming. After the cluster reaches a status of Ready, the cluster is available for use.

You can change the size of the cluster pool by increasing or decreasing the number of hibernating clusters in the cluster pool.

Required access: Cluster administrator

Complete the following steps to change the number of clusters in your cluster pool:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the Cluster pools tab.
  3. Find the name of the cluster pool in the Cluster pools table.
  4. In the Options menu for the cluster pool that you want to change, select Scale cluster pool.
  5. Increase or decrease the pool size by changing the value of the pool size.
  6. Select Scale to commit the change.

Your cluster pools are scaled to reflect your new values.

When the clusters in your cluster pool remain in hibernation for some time, the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release image of the clusters might become backlevel. If this happens, you can upgrade the version of the release image of the clusters that are in your cluster pool.

Required access: Edit

Complete the following steps to update the OpenShift Container Platform release image for the clusters in your cluster pool:

Note: This procedure does not update clusters from the cluster pool that are already claimed or hibernating in the cluster pool. After you complete this procedure. only clusters that are created and added to the cluster pool use the updated release image.

  1. From the navigation menu, click Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the Cluster pools tab.
  3. Find the name of the cluster pool that you want to update in the Cluster pools table.
  4. Click the Options menu to see the available options.
  5. Select Update release image.
  6. Select a new release image to use for future cluster creations from this cluster pool.
  7. Select Update to apply the selected release image.
  8. The cluster pool release image is updated.

Tip: You can update the release image for multiple cluster pools with one action by selecting the box for each of the the cluster pools and using the Actions menu to update the release image for the selected cluster pools.

If you created a cluster pool and determine that you no longer need it, you can destroy the cluster pool. When you destroy a cluster pool, all of the unclaimed hibernating clusters are destroyed and their resources are released.

Required access: Cluster administrator

To destroy a cluster pool, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the Cluster pools tab.
  3. Find the name of the cluster pool in the Cluster pools table.
  4. Click the Options menu to view the options for the cluster pool.
  5. Select Destroy cluster pool.
  6. Enter the name of the cluster pool to confirm.
  7. Select Destroy to remove the cluster pool. The clusters in the destroyed cluster pool are removed from the console while they are destroyed. It might take some time for all of the resources to be deleted after the clusters are removed from the console.

    When you destroy a cluster pool, you must manually delete its secrets. If you do not delete the secrets, creating a cluster pool with the same name and namespace fails because the new secrets collide with the existing secrets.

Tip: You can destroy multiple cluster pools with one action by selecting the box for each of the the cluster pools and using the Actions menu to destroy the selected cluster pools.

Your cluster pool is deleted.

A ClusterClaim is a cluster-scoped custom resource definition (CRD) on a managed cluster. A ClusterClaim represents a piece of information that a managed cluster claims. The following example shows a claim that is identified in the YAML file:

kind: ClusterClaim
  value: 95f91f25-d7a2-4fc3-9237-2ef633d8451c

The following table shows the defined ClusterClaims that might be on a cluster that Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes manages:

Claim nameReservedMutableDescription



ClusterID defined in upstream proposal



Kubernetes version



Platform the managed cluster is running on, like AWS, GCE, and Equinix Metal



Product name, like OpenShift, Anthos, EKS and GKE



OpenShift Container Platform external ID, which is only available for an OpenShift Container Platform cluster



URL of the management console, which is only available for an OpenShift Container Platform cluster



OpenShift Container Platform version, which is only available for an OpenShift Container Platform cluster

If any of the previous claims are deleted or updated on managed cluster, they are restored or rolled back to a previous version automatically.

After the managed cluster joins the hub, the ClusterClaims that are created on a managed cluster are synchronized with the status of the ManagedCluster resource on the hub. A managed cluster with ClusterClaims might look similar to the following example:

kind: ManagedCluster
    cloud: Amazon
    clusterID: 95f91f25-d7a2-4fc3-9237-2ef633d8451c multiclusterhub
    installer.namespace: open-cluster-management
    name: cluster1
    vendor: OpenShift
  name: cluster1
  hubAcceptsClient: true
  leaseDurationSeconds: 60
    cpu: '15'
    memory: 65257Mi
    cpu: '18'
    memory: 72001Mi
    - name:
      value: cluster1
    - name:
      value: v1.18.3+6c42de8
    - name:
      value: AWS
    - name:
      value: OpenShift
    - name:
      value: 95f91f25-d7a2-4fc3-9237-2ef633d8451c
    - name:
      value: ''
    - name:
      value: '4.5'
    - lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-26T07:08:49Z'
      message: Accepted by hub cluster admin
      reason: HubClusterAdminAccepted
      status: 'True'
      type: HubAcceptedManagedCluster
    - lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-26T07:09:18Z'
      message: Managed cluster joined
      reason: ManagedClusterJoined
      status: 'True'
      type: ManagedClusterJoined
    - lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-30T07:20:20Z'
      message: Managed cluster is available
      reason: ManagedClusterAvailable
      status: 'True'
      type: ManagedClusterConditionAvailable
    kubernetes: v1.18.3+6c42de8

You can use the kubectl command to list the ClusterClaims that apply to your managed cluster. This is helpful when you want to compare your ClusterClaim to an error message.

Note: Make sure you have list permission on resource

Run the following command to list all existing ClusterClaims that are on the managed cluster:

kubectl get

You can create ClusterClaims with custom names on a managed cluster, which makes it easier to identify them. The custom ClusterClaims are synchronized with the status of the ManagedCluster resource on the hub cluster. The following content shows an example of a definition for a customized ClusterClaim:

kind: ClusterClaim
  name: <custom_claim_name>
  value: <custom_claim_value>

The max length of field spec.value is 1024. The create permission on resource is required to create a ClusterClaim.

You can discover OpenShift 4 clusters that are available from OpenShift Cluster Manager. After discovery, you can import your clusters to manage. The Discovery services uses the Discover Operator for back-end and console usage.

You must have an OpenShift Cluster Manager credential. See Creating a credential for Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager if you need to create a credential.

Required access: Administrator

Use the product console to enable Discovery.

Required access: Access to the namespace where the credential was created.

Configure Discovery in the console to find clusters. You can create multiple DiscoveryConfig resources with separate credentials.

See the following procedure if you are using Discovery for the first time:

  1. Click Clusters in the console navigation.
  2. Click Configure Discovery to configure discovery settings.
  3. Select a namespace and a credential.

    1. Select the namespace that contains your credentials.
    2. Select a credential within that namespace.
  4. Set filters to discover relevant clusters.

    1. Choose the filter for the latest active clusters. For example, if you choose seven days, then you are searching for clusters that were active within the previous seven days.
    2. Choose the Red Hat OpenShift version.
  5. Click Add.
  6. View your discovered clusters in the console from the Clusters page.
  7. Optional: Create more clusters by clicking the Create discovery settings.
  8. Optional: Change or delete discovery settings by clicking the Configure discovery settings.

Enable discovery using the CLI to find clusters that are available from Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager (link).

Required access: Administrator

  • Create a credential to connect to Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.

Note: The DiscoveryConfig must be named discovery and must be created in the same namespace as the selected credential. See the following DiscoveryConfig sample:

kind: DiscoveryConfig
  name: discovery
  namespace: <NAMESPACE_NAME>
  credential: <SECRET_NAME>
    lastActive: 7
    - "4.8"
    - "4.7"
    - "4.6"
    - "4.5"
  1. Replace SECRET_NAME with the credential that you previously set up.
  2. Replace NAMESPACE_NAME with the namespace of SECRET_NAME.
  3. Enter the maximum time since last activity of your clusters (in days) to discover. For example, lastActive: 7 means only clusters active in the last 7 days are discovered.
  4. Enter the versions of Red Hat OpenShift clusters to discover as a list of strings. Note: Every entry in the openshiftVersions list specifies an OpenShift major and minor version. For example, specifying "4.7" will include all patch releases for the OpenShift version 4.7 (4.7.1, 4.7.2, etc.).

View discovered clusters by running oc get discoveredclusters -n <namespace> where namespace is the namespace where the discovery credential exists.

Objects are created by the Discovery controller. These DiscoveredClusters represent the clusters that are found in OpenShift Cluster Manager by using the filters and credentials that are specified in the DiscoveryConfig API. The value for name is the cluster external ID:

kind: DiscoveredCluster
  name: fd51aafa-95a8-41f7-a992-6fb95eed3c8e
  namespace: <NAMESPACE_NAME>
  activity_timestamp: "2021-04-19T21:06:14Z"
  cloudProvider: vsphere
  creation_timestamp: "2021-04-19T16:29:53Z"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: <SECRET_NAME>
    namespace: <NAMESPACE_NAME>
  name: fd51aafa-95a8-41f7-a992-6fb95eed3c8e
  openshiftVersion: 4.6.22
  status: Stale

After you set up your credentials and discover your clusters for import, you can view them in the console.

  1. Click Cluster > Discovered clusters
  2. View the populated table with the following information:

    • Name is the display name that is designated in OpenShift Cluster Manager. If the cluster does not have a display name, a generated name based on the cluster console URL is displayed. If the console URL is missing or was modified manually in OpenShift Cluster Manager, the cluster external ID is displayed.
    • Namespace is the namespace where you created the credential and discovered clusters.
    • Type is the discovered cluster Red Hat OpenShift type.
    • Distribution version is the discovered cluster Red Hat OpenShift version.
    • Infrastructure provider is the cloud provider of the discovered cluster.
    • Last active is the last time the discovered cluster was active.
    • Created when the discovered cluster was created.
    • Discovered when the discovered cluster was discovered.
  3. You can search for any information in the table, as well. For example, to show only Discovered clusters in a particular namespace, search for that namespace.
  4. You can now click Import cluster to create managed clusters. See Import discovered clusters.

After you discover clusters, you can import clusters that appear in the Discovered clusters tab of the console.

You need access to the namespaces that were used to configure Discovery.

  1. Navigate to the existing Clusters page and click on the Discovered clusters tab.
  2. From the Discovered clusters table, find the cluster that you want to import.
  3. From the options menu, choose Import cluster.
  4. For discovered clusters, you can import manually using the documentation, or you can choose Import clusters automatically.
  5. To import automatically with your credentials or Kubeconfig file, copy and paste the content.
  6. Click Import.

After you create Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform clusters that you want to manage with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, you can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console to upgrade those clusters to the latest minor version that is available in the version channel that the managed cluster uses.

In a connected environment, the updates are automatically identified with notifications provided for each cluster that requires an upgrade in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console.

The process for upgrading your clusters in a disconnected environment requires some additional steps to configure and mirror the required release images. It uses the operator for Red Hat OpenShift Update Service to identify the upgrades. If you are in a disconnected environment, see Upgrading disconnected clusters for the required steps.

Note: To upgrade to a major version, you must verify that you meet all of the prerequisites for upgrading to that version. You must update the version channel on the managed cluster before you can upgrade the cluster with the console. After you update the version channel on the managed cluster, the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console displays the latest versions that are available for the upgrade.

Important: You cannot upgrade Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Service managed clusters or OpenShift Container Platform managed clusters on Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated by using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console.

This method of upgrading only works for OpenShift Container Platform managed clusters that are in a Ready state.

To upgrade your cluster in a connected environment, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters. If an upgrade is available, it is shown in the Distribution version column.
  2. Select the clusters that you want to upgrade. Remember: A cluster must be in Ready state, and must be a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster to be upgraded with the console.
  3. Select Upgrade.
  4. Select the new version of each cluster.
  5. Select Upgrade.

If your cluster upgrade fails, the Operator generally retries the upgrade a few times, stops, and reports the status of the failing component. In some cases, the upgrade process continues to cycle through attempts to complete the process. Rolling your cluster back to a previous version following a failed upgrade is not supported. Contact Red Hat support for assistance if your cluster upgrade fails.

You can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console to select a channel for your cluster upgrades on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, or later. After selecting a channel, you are automatically reminded of cluster upgrades that are available for both z-stream versions (4.8.1 > 4.8.2 > 4.8.3, and so on) and y-stream versions (4.7 > 4.8, and so on).

To select a channel for your cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management navigation, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the name of the cluster that you want to change to view the Cluster details page. If a different channel is available for the cluster, an edit icon is displayed in the Channel field.
  3. Click the edit icon to modify the setting in the field.
  4. Select a channel in the New channel field.
  5. Click Save to commit your change.

You can find the reminders for the available channel updates in the Cluster details page of the cluster.

You can use Red Hat OpenShift Update Service with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes to upgrade your clusters in a disconnected environment.

In some cases, security concerns prevent clusters from being connected directly to the Internet. This makes it difficult to know when upgrades are available, and how to process those upgrades. Configuring OpenShift Update Service can help.

OpenShift Update Service is a separate operator and operand that monitors the available versions of your managed clusters in a disconnected environment, and makes them available for upgrading your clusters in a disconnected environment. After OpenShift Update Service is configured, it can perform the following actions:

You must have the following prerequisites before you can use OpenShift Update Service to upgrade your disconnected clusters:

  • A deployed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster that is running on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6 or later with restricted OLM configured. See Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks for details about how to configure restricted OLM.

    Tip: Make a note of the catalog source image when you configure restricted OLM.

  • An OpenShift Container Platform cluster that is managed by the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster
  • Access credentials to a local repository where you can mirror the cluster images. See Mirroring images for a disconnected installation for more information about how to create this repository.

    Note: The image for the current version of the cluster that you upgrade must always be available as one of the mirrored images. If an upgrade fails, the cluster reverts back to the version of the cluster at the time that the upgrade was attempted.

You must mirror both the image that you want to upgrade to and the current image that you are upgrading from to your local mirror registry. Complete the following steps to mirror the images:

  1. Create a script file that contains content that resembles the following example:
    oc adm -a ${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON} release mirror \
    --to=${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/ocp4 \

    Replace /path/to/pull/secret with the path to your OpenShift Container Platform pull secret.

  2. Run the script to mirror the images, configure settings, and separate the release images from the release content.

Tip: You can use the output of the last line of this script when you create your ImageContentSourcePolicy.

To deploy the operator for OpenShift Update Service in your OpenShift Container Platform environment, complete the following steps:

  1. On the hub cluster, access the OpenShift Container Platform operator hub.
  2. Deploy the operator by selecting Red Hat OpenShift Update Service Operator. Update the default values, if necessary. The deployment of the operator creates a new project named openshift-cincinnati.
  3. Wait for the installation of the operator to finish.

    Tip: You can check the status of the installation by entering the oc get pods command on your OpenShift Container Platform command line. Verify that the operator is in the running state.

OpenShift Update Service uses graph data information to determine the available upgrades. In a connected environment, OpenShift Update Service pulls the graph data information for available upgrades directly from the Cincinnati graph data GitHub repository. Because you are configuring a disconnected environment, you must make the graph data available in a local repository by using an init container. Complete the following steps to create a graph data init container:

  1. Clone the graph data Git repository by entering the following command:

    git clone
  2. Create a file that contains the information for your graph data init. You can find this sample Dockerfile in the cincinnati-operator GitHub repository. The contents of the file is shown in the following sample:

    RUN curl -L -o cincinnati-graph-data.tar.gz
    RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/cincinnati/graph-data/
    CMD exec /bin/bash -c "tar xvzf cincinnati-graph-data.tar.gz -C /var/lib/
    cincinnati/graph-data/ --strip-components=1"

    In this example:

    • The FROM value is the external registry where OpenShift Update Service finds the images.
    • The RUN commands create the directory and package the upgrade files.
    • The CMD command copies the package file to the local repository and extracts the files for an upgrade.
  3. Run the following commands to build the graph data init container:

    podman build -f <path_to_Dockerfile> -t ${DISCONNECTED_REGISTRY}/cincinnati/cincinnati-graph-data-container:latest
    podman push ${DISCONNECTED_REGISTRY}/cincinnati/cincinnati-graph-data-container:latest --authfile=/path/to/pull_secret.json

    Replace path_to_Dockerfile with the path to the file that you created in the previous step.

    Replace ${DISCONNECTED_REGISTRY}/cincinnati/cincinnati-graph-data-container with the path to your local graph data init container.

    Replace /path/to/pull_secret with the path to your pull secret file.

    Note: You can also replace podman in the commands with docker, if you don’t have podman installed.

If you are using a secure external container registry to store your mirrored OpenShift Container Platform release images, OpenShift Update Service requires access to this registry to build an upgrade graph. Complete the following steps to configure your CA certificate to work with the OpenShift Update Service pod:

  1. Find the OpenShift Container Platform external registry API, which is located in This is where the external registry CA certificate is stored.

    See Configuring additional trust stores for image registry access in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation for more information.

  2. Create a ConfigMap in the openshift-config namespace.
  3. Add your CA certificate under the key cincinnati-registry. OpenShift Update Service uses this setting to locate your certificate:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: trusted-ca
      cincinnati-registry: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  4. Edit the cluster resource in the API to set the additionalTrustedCA field to the name of the ConfigMap that you created.

    oc patch cluster -p '{"spec":{"additionalTrustedCA":{"name":"trusted-ca"}}}' --type merge

    Replace trusted-ca with the path to your new ConfigMap.

The OpenShift Update Service Operator watches the API and the ConfigMap you created in the openshift-config namespace for changes, then restart the deployment if the CA cert has changed.

When you finish deploying the OpenShift Update Service instance on your hub cluster, this instance is located where the images for the cluster upgrades are mirrored and made available to the disconnected managed cluster. Complete the following steps to deploy the instance:

  1. If you do not want to use the default namespace of the operator, which is openshift-cincinnati, create a namespace for your OpenShift Update Service instance:

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform hub cluster console navigation menu, select Administration > Namespaces.
    2. Select Create Namespace.
    3. Add the name of your namespace, and any other information for your namespace.
    4. Select Create to create the namespace.
  2. In the Installed Operators section of the OpenShift Container Platform console, select Red Hat OpenShift Update Service Operator.
  3. Select Create Instance in the menu.
  4. Paste the contents from your OpenShift Update Service instance. Your YAML instance might resemble the following manifest:

    kind: Cincinnati
      name: openshift-update-service-instance
      namespace: openshift-cincinnati
      registry: <registry_host_name>:<port>
      replicas: 1
      repository: ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/ocp4/release
      graphDataImage: '<host_name>:<port>/cincinnati-graph-data-container'

    Replace the spec.registry value with the path to your local disconnected registry for your images.

    Replace the spec.graphDataImage value with the path to your graph data init container. Tip: This is the same value that you used when you ran the podman push command to push your graph data init container.

  5. Select Create to create the instance.
  6. From the hub cluster CLI, enter the oc get pods command to view the status of the instance creation. It might take a while, but the process is complete when the result of the command shows that the instance and the operator are running.

Note: The steps in this section only apply if you have mirrored your releases into your mirrored registry.

OpenShift Container Platform has a default image registry value that specifies where it finds the upgrade packages. In a disconnected environment, you can create a policy to replace that value with the path to your local image registry where you mirrored your release images.

For these steps, the policy is named ImageContentSourcePolicy. Complete the following steps to create the policy:

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform environment of your hub cluster.
  2. In the OpenShift Container Platform navigation, select Administration > Custom Resource Definitions.
  3. Select the Instances tab.
  4. Select the name of the ImageContentSourcePolicy that you created when you set up your disconnected OLM to view the contents.
  5. Select the YAML tab to view the content in YAML format.
  6. Copy the entire contents of the ImageContentSourcePolicy.
  7. From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, select Governance > Create policy.
  8. Set the YAML switch to On to view the YAML version of the policy.
  9. Delete all of the content in the YAML code.
  10. Paste the following YAML content into the window to create a custom policy:

    kind: Policy
      name: policy-pod
      namespace: default
      disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: policy-pod-sample-nginx-pod
                - complianceType: musthave
                    apiVersion: v1
                    kind: Pod
                      name: sample-nginx-pod
                      namespace: default
                      phase: Running
              remediationAction: inform
              severity: low
      remediationAction: enforce
    kind: PlacementBinding
      name: binding-policy-pod
      namespace: default
      name: placement-policy-pod
      kind: PlacementRule
    - name: policy-pod
      kind: Policy
    kind: PlacementRule
      name: placement-policy-pod
      namespace: default
      - status: "True"
        type: ManagedClusterConditionAvailable
          []  # selects all clusters if not specified
  11. Replace the content inside the objectDefinition section of the template with content that is similar to the following content to add the settings for your ImageContentSourcePolicy:

    kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
      name: ImageContentSourcePolicy
      - mirrors:
        - <path-to-local-mirror>
    • Replace path-to-local-mirror with the path to your local mirror repository.
    • Tip: You can find your path to your local mirror by entering the oc adm release mirror command.
  12. Select the box for Enforce if supported.
  13. Select Create to create the policy.

Push the Catalogsource policy to the managed cluster to change the default location from a connected location to your disconnected local registry.

  1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Find the managed cluster to receive the policy in the list of clusters.
  3. Note the value of the name label for the managed cluster. The label format is name=managed-cluster-name. This value is used when pushing the policy.
  4. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console menu, select Governance > Create policy.
  5. Set the YAML switch to On to view the YAML version of the policy.
  6. Delete all of the content in the YAML code.
  7. Paste the following YAML content into the window to create a custom policy:
  8. Paste the following YAML content into the window to create a custom policy:

    kind: Policy
      name: policy-pod
      namespace: default
      disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: policy-pod-sample-nginx-pod
                - complianceType: musthave
                    apiVersion: v1
                    kind: Pod
                      name: sample-nginx-pod
                      namespace: default
                      phase: Running
              remediationAction: inform
              severity: low
      remediationAction: enforce
    kind: PlacementBinding
      name: binding-policy-pod
      namespace: default
      name: placement-policy-pod
      kind: PlacementRule
    - name: policy-pod
      kind: Policy
    kind: PlacementRule
      name: placement-policy-pod
      namespace: default
      - status: "True"
        type: ManagedClusterConditionAvailable
          []  # selects all clusters if not specified
  9. Add the following content to the policy:

    kind: OperatorHub
     name: cluster
     disableAllDefaultSources: true
  10. Add the following content:

    kind: CatalogSource
      name: my-operator-catalog
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      sourceType: grpc
      image: <registry_host_name>:<port>/olm/redhat-operators:v1
      displayName: My Operator Catalog
      publisher: grpc

    Replace the value of spec.image with the path to your local restricted catalog source image.

  11. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console navigation, select Infrastructure > Clusters to check the status of the managed cluster. When the policy is applied, the cluster status is ready.

Push the ClusterVersion policy to the managed cluster to change the default location where it retrieves its upgrades.

  1. From the managed cluster, confirm that the ClusterVersion upstream parameter is currently the default public OpenShift Update Service operand by entering the following command:

    oc get clusterversion -o yaml

    The returned content might resemble the following content:

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: ClusterVersion
        channel: stable-4.4
  2. From the hub cluster, identify the route URL to the OpenShift Update Service operand by entering the following command: oc get routes.

    Tip: Note this value for later steps.

  3. In the hub cluster Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console menu, select Governance > Create a policy.
  4. Set the YAML switch to On to view the YAML version of the policy.
  5. Delete all of the content in the YAML code.
  6. Paste the following YAML content into the window to create a custom policy:

    kind: Policy
      name: policy-pod
      namespace: default
      disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: policy-pod-sample-nginx-pod
                - complianceType: musthave
                    apiVersion: v1
                    kind: Pod
                      name: sample-nginx-pod
                      namespace: default
                      phase: Running
              remediationAction: inform
              severity: low
      remediationAction: enforce
    kind: PlacementBinding
      name: binding-policy-pod
      namespace: default
      name: placement-policy-pod
      kind: PlacementRule
    - name: policy-pod
      kind: Policy
    kind: PlacementRule
      name: placement-policy-pod
      namespace: default
      - status: "True"
        type: ManagedClusterConditionAvailable
          []  # selects all clusters if not specified
  7. Add the following content to policy.spec in the policy section:

      kind: ClusterVersion
        name: version
        channel: stable-4.4
        upstream: https://example-cincinnati-policy-engine-uri/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph

    Replace the value of spec.upstream with the path to your hub cluster OpenShift Update Service operand.

    Tip: You can complete the following steps to determine the path to the operand:

    1. Run the oc get get routes -A command on the hub cluster.
    2. Find the route to cincinnati. + The path to the operand is the value in the HOST/PORT field.
  8. In the managed cluster CLI, confirm that the upstream parameter in the ClusterVersion is updated with the local hub cluster OpenShift Update Service URL by entering:

    oc get clusterversion -o yaml

    Verify that the results resemble the following content:

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: ClusterVersion
        channel: stable-4.4
        upstream: https://<hub-cincinnati-uri>/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph

You can view a list of available upgrades for your managed cluster by completing the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console.
  2. In the navigation menu, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  3. Select a cluster that is in the Ready state.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Upgrade cluster.
  5. Verify that the optional upgrade paths are available.

    Note: No available upgrade versions are shown if the current version is not mirrored into the local image repository.

You can use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console to select a channel for your cluster upgrades on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, or later. Those versions must be available on the mirror registry. Complete the steps in Selecting a channel to specify a channel for your upgrades.

After configuring the disconnected registry, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and OpenShift Update Service use the disconnected registry to determine if upgrades are available. If no available upgrades are displayed, make sure that you have the release image of the current level of the cluster and at least one later level mirrored in the local repository. If the release image for the current version of the cluster is not available, no upgrades are available.

Complete the following steps to upgrade:

  1. In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, select Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Find the cluster that you want to determine if there is an available upgrade.
  3. If there is an upgrade available, the Distribution version column for the cluster indicates that there is an upgrade available.
  4. Select the Options menu for the cluster, and select Upgrade cluster.
  5. Select the target version for the upgrade, and select Upgrade.

The managed cluster is updated to the selected version.

If your cluster upgrade fails, the Operator generally retries the upgrade a few times, stops, and reports the status of the failing component. In some cases, the upgrade process continues to cycle through attempts to complete the process. Rolling your cluster back to a previous version following a failed upgrade is not supported. Contact Red Hat support for assistance if your cluster upgrade fails.

When you remove an OpenShift Container Platform cluster from management that was created with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, you can either detach it or destroy it.

Detaching a cluster removes it from management, but does not completely delete it. You can import it again, if you want to manage it. This is only an option when the cluster is in a Ready state.


  1. From the navigation menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Select the option menu beside the cluster that you want to remove from management.
  3. Select Destroy cluster or Detach cluster.

    Tip: You can detach or destroy multiple clusters by selecting the check boxes of the clusters that you want to detach or destroy. Then select Detach or Destroy.

Note: If you attempt to detach the hub cluster, which is named local-cluster, be aware that the default setting of disableHubSelfManagement is false. This setting causes the hub cluster to reimport itself and manage itself when it is detached and it reconciles the MultiClusterHub controller. It might take hours for the hub cluster to complete the detachment process and reimport. If you want to reimport the hub cluster without waiting for the processes to finish, you can enter the following command to restart the multiclusterhub-operator pod and reimport faster:

oc delete po -n open-cluster-management `oc get pod -n open-cluster-management | grep multiclusterhub-operator| cut -d' ' -f1`

You can change the value of the hub cluster to not import automatically by changing the disableHubSelfManagement value to true, as described in Installing while connected online.

To detach a managed cluster by using the command line of the hub cluster, run the following command:

oc delete managedcluster $CLUSTER_NAME

Note: If you attempt to detach the hub cluster, which is named local-cluster, be aware that the default setting of disableHubSelfManagement is false. This setting causes the hub cluster to reimport itself and manage itself when it is detached and it reconciles the MultiClusterHub controller. It might take hours for the hub cluster to complete the detachment process and reimport. If you want to reimport the hub cluster without waiting for the processes to finish, you can enter the following command to restart the multiclusterhub-operator pod and reimport faster:

oc delete po -n open-cluster-management `oc get pod -n open-cluster-management | grep multiclusterhub-operator| cut -d' ' -f1`

You can change the value of the hub cluster to not import automatically by changing the disableHubSelfManagement value to true, as described in Installing while connected online.

If there are remaining resources on the managed cluster that you removed, there are additional steps that are required to ensure that you remove all of the remaining components. Situations when these extra steps are required include the following examples:

  • The managed cluster was detached before it was completely created, and components like the klusterlet remain on the managed cluster.
  • The hub that was managing the cluster was lost or destroyed before detaching the managed cluster, and there is no way to detach the managed cluster from the hub.
  • The managed cluster was not in an online state when it was detached.

If one of these situations apply to your attempted detachment of a managed cluster, there are some resources that cannot be removed from managed cluster. Complete the following steps to detach the managed cluster:

  1. Make sure you have the oc command line interface configured.
  2. Make sure you have KUBECONFIG configured on your managed cluster.

    If you run oc get ns | grep open-cluster-management-agent, you should see two namespaces:

    open-cluster-management-agent         Active   10m
    open-cluster-management-agent-addon   Active   10m
  3. Download the cleanup-managed-cluster script from the deploy Git repository.
  4. Run the script by entering the following command:

  5. Run the following command to ensure that both namespaces are removed:

    oc get ns | grep open-cluster-management-agent

Having many managed clusters can affect the size of the etcd database in the hub cluster. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, when you delete a managed cluster, the etcd database in the hub cluster is not automatically reduced in size. In some scenarios, the etcd database can run out of space. An error etcdserver: mvcc: database space exceeded is displayed. To correct this error, reduce the size of the etcd database by compacting the database history and defragmenting the etcd database.

Note: For OpenShift Container Platform version 4.9 and later, the etcd Operator automatically defragments disks and compacts the etcd history. No manual intervention is needed. The following procedure is for OpenShift Container Platform version 4.8 and earlier.

Compact the etcd history and defragment the etcd database in the hub cluster by completing the following procedure.

  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  1. Compact the etcd history.

    1. Open a remote shell session to the etcd member, for example:

      $ oc rsh -n openshift-etcd etcdctl endpoint status --cluster -w table
    2. Run the following command to compact the etcd history:

      sh-4.4#etcdctl compact $(etcdctl endpoint status --write-out="json" |  egrep -o '"revision":[0-9]*' | egrep -o '[0-9]*' -m1)

      Example output

      $ compacted revision 158774421

  2. Defragment the etcd database and clear any NOSPACE alarms as outlined in Defragmenting etcd data.

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