
Chapter 3. Getting started

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This chapter guides you through the steps to set up your environment and run a simple messaging program.

3.1. Prerequisites

3.2. Running your first example

The example creates a consumer and producer for a queue named exampleQueue. It sends a text message and then receives it back, printing the received message to the console.


  1. Use Maven to build the examples by running the following command in the <install-dir>/examples/features/standard/queue directory.

    $ mvn clean package dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=runtime -DskipTests

    The addition of dependency:copy-dependencies results in the dependencies being copied into the target/dependency directory.

  2. Use the java command to run the example.

    On Linux or UNIX:

    $ java -cp "target/classes:target/dependency/*" org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.example.QueueExample

    On Windows:

    > java -cp "target\classes;target\dependency\*" org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.example.QueueExample

For example, running it on Linux results in the following output:

$ java -cp "target/classes:target/dependency/*" org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.example.QueueExample
Sent message: This is a text message
Received message: This is a text message

The source code for the example is in the <install-dir>/examples/features/standard/queue/src directory. Additional examples are available in the <install-dir>/examples/features/standard directory.

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