Red Hat AMQ 6
As of February 2025, Red Hat is no longer supporting Red Hat AMQ 6. If you are using AMQ 6, please upgrade: Migrating to AMQ 7.Chapter 4. Verifying the Installation
Once the installer has completed running it is a good idea to run a simple test to ensure that Red Hat JBoss A-MQ was properly installed.
JBoss A-MQ ships with a simple client utility that can be used to verify that the software was successfully installed. You use it to create a message producer and a message consumer that connect to the broker. If they run successfully, and you see—by checking the Fuse Management Console—that the broker processed the messages, then you can be confident that JBoss A-MQ was installed successfully.
To verify that JBoss A-MQ is properly installed:
- Log in as the user with ownership permissions for the JBoss A-MQ installation.
- Open a command shell at
. - Start the broker using the start command.
Windows bin\start.bat Unix ./bin/start - Run the producer client using
java -jar extras/mq-client.jar producer --user admin --password admin
.The producer will connect to the broker and produce 100 messages. Example 4.1, “Test Producer Output” shows the producer's output.Example 4.1. Test Producer Output
java -jar extras/mq-client.jar producer --user admin --password admin
Using destination: queue://TEST, on broker: failover://tcp://localhost:61616 [org.apache.activemq.transport.failover.FailoverTransport] : Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 [] : Sent 'test message: 0' [] : Sent 'test message: 1' [] : Sent 'test message: 2' [] : Sent 'test message: 3' [] : Sent 'test message: 4' ... [] : Sent 'test message: 99' [] : Producer thread finished Produced: 100
- Run the consumer client using
java -jar extras/mq-client.jar consumer --user admin --password admin
.The consumer will connect to the broker and consume 100 messages. Example 4.2, “Test Consumer Output” shows the consumer's output.Example 4.2. Test Consumer Output
java -jar extras/mq-client.jar consumer --user admin --password admin
Using destination: queue://TEST, on broker: failover://tcp://localhost:61616 [org.apache.activemq.transport.failover.FailoverTransport] : Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 Waiting for: 100 messages [] : Received test message: 0 [] : Received test message: 1 [] : Received test message: 2 [] : Received test message: 3 [] : Received test message: 4 ... [] : Received test message: 99 [] : Consumer thread finished Consumed: 100 messages