Chapter 18. Runtime Area
You use the Runtime area to view and manage containers, profiles, ActiveMQ brokers, and APIs. You can perform rolling updates to entities, monitor registered services, and view the location of your containers on a map.
18.1. Runtime Area Overview
You access the Runtime area from the Fabric perspective. If the Fabric perspective is not available, make sure that your fabric is available or create a new fabric.
The Runtime area contains a toolbar that you use to access management pages for fabric entities. The Runtime area contains the following pages:
- Containers
- List of available containers. Use this page to view container status, drill down to container details, and create containers in the fabric.
- Profiles
- List of containers with assigned profiles. Use this page to view profile and container details and define minimum and maximum container requirements for each profile.
- Manage
- Detailed view of containers and profiles. Use this page to assign multiple profiles to multiple containers and update profile and container versions.
- MQ
- Graphical view of ActiveMQ brokers in a broker topology. Use this page to move, group, and connect containers.
- APIs
- List of installed Apache CXF Web Services APIs. Use this page to view and manage API properties, such as parameter values and exceptions.
- EIPs
- Dynamic diagram of installed Apache Camel containers. Use this page to view the details of the Camel route endpoints and dependencies.
- Registry
- List of registered services. Use this page to drill down to services and view service details and status.
- Map
- Locations of deployed containers according to the fabric geoIP data.