
Chapter 9. Connect Page

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You view and manage local and remote connections in the Connect page. You can connect to a remote server with a running jolokia agent, or connect to a local server if you have a local JVM with a jolokia agent.
For more information about Jolokia JMX agents, see the Jolokia Web site at the following address:


You access the Connect page from the Container perspective. By default, this page opens to the Remote tab. If you have a local JVM with a jolokia agent, the Local tab also appears.
The following image shows an example of the Remote tab:
The Connect page contains the following sections:
Navigation Bar
Tabbed view of available connection types. The Remote tab always appears. If you have a local JVM with a jolokia agent, the Local tab also appears. Click the Discovery tab to automatically discover agents.
Saved Connections List
This is a drop-down list of default and custom connections. Select a connection from the list and perform the following operations by clicking on the buttons:
  • to connect to the selected connection
  • to delete the selected connection.
  • to add a new connection.
Connection Settings
User credentials and connection properties, such as the connection name and host properties. When you save the connection a new browser window opens and connects to the remote server. If you select a saved connection you can edit the connection properties in this section.
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