Chapter 9. Monitoring your brokers
To monitor runtime data for brokers in your deployment, use one of these approaches:
In general, using Prometheus is the recommended approach. However, you might choose to use the Jolokia REST interface to JMX if a metric that you need to monitor is not exported by the Prometheus plugin. For more information about the broker runtime metrics that the Prometheus plugin exports, see Section 9.1.1, “Overview of broker metrics”.
9.1. Monitoring broker runtime metrics using Prometheus
The sections that follow describe how to configure the Prometheus metrics plugin for AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform. You can use the plugin to monitor and store broker runtime metrics. You might also use a graphical tool such as Grafana to configure more advanced visualizations and dashboards of the data that the Prometheus plugin collects.
The Prometheus metrics plugin enables you to collect and export broker metrics in Prometheus format. However, Red Hat does not provide support for installation or configuration of Prometheus itself, nor of visualization tools such as Grafana. If you require support with installing, configuring, or running Prometheus or Grafana, visit the product websites for resources such as community support and documentation.
9.1.1. Overview of broker metrics
To monitor the health and performance of your broker instances, you can use the Prometheus plugin for AMQ Broker to monitor and store broker runtime metrics. The AMQ Broker Prometheus plugin exports the broker runtime metrics to Prometheus format, enabling you to use Prometheus itself to visualize and run queries on the data.
You can also use a graphical tool, such as Grafana, to configure more advanced visualizations and dashboards for the metrics that the Prometheus plugin collects.
The metrics that the plugin exports to Prometheus format are listed below. A description of each metric is exported along with the metric itself.
Broker Metrics
Address Metrics
Queue Metrics
For higher-level broker metrics that are not listed above, you can calculate these by aggregating lower-level metrics. For example, to calculate total message count, you can aggregate the message.count
metrics from all queues in your broker deployment.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) metrics are also exported to Prometheus format.
9.1.2. Enabling the Prometheus plugin for a running broker deployment
This procedure shows how to enable the Prometheus plugin for a broker Pod in a given deployment.
- You can enable the Prometheus plugin for a broker Pod created with application templates or with the AMQ Broker Operator. However, your deployed broker must use the broker container image for AMQ Broker 7.5 or later. For more information about ensuring that your broker deployment uses the latest broker container image, see Chapter 8, Upgrading a template-based broker deployment.
- Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console with administrator privileges for the project that contains your broker deployment.
In the web console, click
(OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 or later) or the drop-down list in the top-left corner (OpenShift Container Platform 3.11). Choose the project that contains your broker deployment. To see the Stateful Sets or Deployment Configs in your project, click:
or (OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 or later). -
or (OpenShift Container Platform 3.11).
- Click the Stateful Set or Deployment Config that corresponds to your broker deployment.
- To access the environment variables for your broker deployment, click the Environment tab.
Add a new environment variable,
. Set the value of the variable totrue
.When you set the
environment variable, OpenShift restarts each broker Pod in the Stateful Set or Deployment Config. When there are multiple Pods in the deployment, OpenShift restarts each Pod in turn. When each broker Pod restarts, the Prometheus plugin for that broker starts to gather broker runtime metrics.
environment variable is included by default in the application templates for AMQ Broker 7.5 or later. To enable the plugin for each broker in a new template-based deployment, ensure that the value of AMQ_ENABLE_METRICS_PLUGIN
is set to true
when deploying the application template.
Additional resources
- For information about installing the latest application templates, see Section 6.1, “Installing the image streams and application templates”
9.1.3. Accessing Prometheus metrics for a running broker Pod
This procedure shows how to access Prometheus metrics for a running broker Pod.
- You must have already enabled the Prometheus plugin for your broker Pod. See Section 9.1.2, “Enabling the Prometheus plugin for a running broker deployment”.
For the broker Pod whose metrics you want to access, you need to identify the Route you previously created to connect the Pod to the AMQ Broker management console. The Route name forms part of the URL needed to access the metrics.
(OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 or later) or (OpenShift Container Platform 3.11). For your chosen broker Pod, identify the Route created to connect the Pod to the AMQ Broker management console. Under Hostname, note the complete URL that is shown. For example:
To access Prometheus metrics, in a web browser, enter the previously noted Route name appended with
. For example:http://rte-console-access-pod1.openshiftdomain/metrics
If your console configuration does not use SSL, specify http
in the URL. In this case, DNS resolution of the host name directs traffic to port 80 of the OpenShift router. If your console configuration uses SSL, specify https
in the URL. In this case, your browser defaults to port 443 of the OpenShift router. This enables a successful connection to the console if the OpenShift router also uses port 443 for SSL traffic, which the router does by default.
9.2. Monitoring broker runtime data using JMX
This example shows how to monitor a broker using the Jolokia REST interface to JMX.
- This example builds upon Preparing a template-based broker deployment.
- Completion of Deploying a basic broker is recommended.
Get the list of running pods:
$ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE broker-amq-1-ftqmk 1/1 Running 0 14d
Run the
oc logs
command:$ oc logs -f broker-amq-1-ftqmk Running /amq-broker-71-openshift image, version 1.3-5 INFO: Loading '/opt/amq/bin/env' INFO: Using java '/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/bin/java' INFO: Starting in foreground, this is just for debugging purposes (stop process by pressing CTRL+C) ... INFO | Listening for connections at: tcp://broker-amq-1-ftqmk:61616?maximumConnections=1000&wireFormat.maxFrameSize=104857600 INFO | Connector openwire started INFO | Starting OpenShift discovery agent for service broker-amq-tcp transport type tcp INFO | Network Connector DiscoveryNetworkConnector:NC:BrokerService[broker-amq-1-ftqmk] started INFO | Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (broker-amq-1-ftqmk, ID:broker-amq-1-ftqmk-41433-1491445582960-0:1) started INFO | For help or more information please see: WARN | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 0 mb). The data directory: /opt/amq/data/kahadb only has 9684 mb of usable space - resetting to maximum available disk space: 9684 mb WARN | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb, whilst the temporary data directory: /opt/amq/data/broker-amq-1-ftqmk/tmp_storage only has 9684 mb of usable space - resetting to maximum available 9684 mb.
Run your query to monitor your broker for
:$ curl -k -u admin:admin,component=addresses,address=%22TESTQUEUE%22,subcomponent=queues,routing-type=%22anycast%22,queue=%22TESTQUEUE%22/MaxConsumers {"request":{"mbean":"org.apache.activemq.artemis:address=\"TESTQUEUE\",broker=\"broker\",component=addresses,queue=\"TESTQUEUE\",routing-type=\"anycast\",subcomponent=queues","attribute":"MaxConsumers","type":"read"},"value":-1,"timestamp":1528297825,"status":200}