
Using automation decisions

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.5

Configure and use Event-Driven Ansible controller to enhance and expand automation

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Learn how to configure your Event-Driven Ansible controller to set up credentials, new projects, decision environments, tokens to authenticate to Ansible Automation Platform Controller, and rulebook activation.


Event-Driven Ansible controller is a new way to enhance and expand automation by improving IT speed and agility while enabling consistency and resilience. Developed by Red Hat, this feature is designed for simplicity and flexibility.

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Chapter 1. Event-Driven Ansible controller overview

Event-Driven Ansible is a highly scalable, flexible automation capability that works with event sources such as other software vendors' monitoring tools. These tools monitor IT solutions and identify events and automatically implement the documented changes or response in a rulebook to handle that event.

The following procedures form the user configuration:

  • API documentation for Event-Driven Ansible controller is available at https://<eda-server-host>/api/eda/v1/docs
  • To meet high availability demands, Event-Driven Ansible controller shares centralized Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) with the Ansible Automation Platform UI. When Redis is unavailable, you will not be able to create or sync projects, or enable rulebook activations.

Additional resources

Chapter 2. Credentials

You can use credentials to store secrets that can be used for authentication purposes with resources, such as decision environments, rulebook activations and projects for Event-Driven Ansible controller, and projects for automation controller.

Credentials authenticate users when launching jobs against machines and importing project content from a version control system.

You can grant users and teams the ability to use these credentials without exposing the credential to the user. If a user moves to a different team or leaves the organization, you do not have to rekey all of your systems just because that credential was previously available.

2.1. Credentials list view

When you log in to the Ansible Automation Platform and select Automation DecisionsInfrastructureCredentials, the Credentials page has a pre-loaded Decision Environment Container Registry credential. When you create your own credentials, they will be added to this list view. .

From the menu bar, you can search for credentials in the Name search field.

You also have the following options in the menu bar:

  • Choose how fields are shown in the list view by clicking the Manage columns icon. You have four options in which you can arrange your fields:

    • Column - Shows the column in the table.
    • Description - Shows the column when the item is expanded as a full width description.
    • Expanded - Shows the column when the item is expanded as a detail.
    • Hidden - Hides the column.
  • Choose between a List view or a Card view, by clicking the icons.

2.2. Setting up credentials

You can create a credential to use with a source plugin or a private container registry that you select. You can make your credential available to a team or individuals.


  1. Log in to the Ansible Automation Platform Dashboard.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsInfrastructureCredentials.
  3. Click Create credential.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
    Click the list to select an organization or select Default.
    Credential type

    Click the list to select your Credential type.


    When you select the credential type, the Type Details section is displayed with fields that are applicable for the credential type you chose.

  5. Complete the fields that are applicable to the credential type you selected.
  6. Click Create credential.

After saving the credential, the credentials details page is displayed. From there or the Credentials list view, you can edit or delete it.

2.3. Editing a credential

You can edit existing credentials to ensure the appropriate level of access for your organization.


  1. Edit the credential by using one of these methods:

    • From the Credentials list view, click the Edit credential icon next to the desired credential.
    • From the Credentials list view, select the name of the credential, click Edit credential.
  2. Edit the appropriate details and click Save credential.

2.4. Deleting a credential

You can delete credentials if they are no longer needed for your organization.


  1. Delete the credential by using one of these methods:

    • From the Credentials list view, click the More Actions icon next to the desired credential and click Delete credential.
    • From the Credentials list view, select the name of the credential, click the More Actions icon next to Edit credential, and click Delete credential.
  2. In the pop-up window, select Yes, I confirm that I want to delete this credential.


    If your credential is still in use by other resources in your organization, a warning message is displayed letting you know that the credential cannot be deleted. Also, if your credential is being used in an event stream, you cannot delete it until the event stream is deleted or attached to a different credential. In general, avoid deleting a credential that is in use because it can lead to broken activations.

  3. Click Delete credential.

You can delete multiple credentials at a time by selecting the checkbox next to each credential and clicking the More Actions icon in the menu bar and then clicking Delete selected credentials.

Chapter 3. Credential types

Event-Driven Ansible controller comes with several built-in credental types that you can use for syncing projects, running rulebook activations, executing job templates through Automation Execution (automation controller), fetching images from container registries, and processing data through event streams.

These built-in credential types are not editable. So if you want credential types that support authentication with other systems, you can create your own credential types that can be used in your source plugins. Each credential type contains an input configuration and an injector configuration that can be passed to an Ansible rulebook to configure your sources.

For more information, see Custom credential types.

3.1. Custom credential types

As a system administrator, you can define a custom credential type that works in ways similar to existing credential types in a standard format using a YAML or JSON-like definition.

Each credential type displays its own unique configurations in the Input Configuration field and the Injector Configuration field, if applicable. Custom credentials support Ansible extra variables as a means of injecting their authentication information.

You can attach one or more cloud, vault, and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform credentials to a rulebook activation.

  • When creating a new credential type, you must avoid collisions in the extra_vars.
  • Extra variable names must not start with EDA_ because they are reserved.
  • You must have System administrator (superuser) permissions to be able to create and edit a credential type and to be able to view the Injector configuration field.

When you customize your own credential types, they will display on the Credential Types page along with a list of built-in credential types.

Each credential type displays its own unique configurations in the Input Configuration and the Injector Configuration fields, if applicable. Both YAML and JSON formats are supported in the configuration fields.

Input Configuration

The Input configuration has two attributes:

  • fields - a collection of properties for a credential type.
  • required - a list of required fields.

Fields can have multiple properties, depending on the credential type you select.

Table 3.1. Input Configuration Field Properties
FieldsDescriptionMandatory (Y/N)


Unique id of the field; must be a string type and stores the variable name



Can be string or boolean type

No, default is string


Used by the UI when rendering the UI element



Will be encrypted

No, default false


If the field contains data from a file the multiline can be set to True

No, default false


The help text associated with this field


Injector Configuration

You can use the Injector configuration field to take the fields from input configuration field and map them into extra_vars that can be sent to ansible-rulebook when running the activation. The Injector currently only supports extra_vars.

Injectors enable you to tailor the fields so that they can be injected into a rulebook as extra_vars, which cannot have duplicate keys at the top level. If you have two sources in a rulebook that both require a parameter called username and password, the injectors, along with the rulebook, help you tailor the arguments for each source.

3.2. Creating a new credential type

You can create a credential type to use with a source plugin that you select based on the supported, default credential types. You can make your credential type available to a team or individuals.


  1. Log in to the Ansible Automation Platform Dashboard.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsInfrastructureCredential Types.
  3. Click Create credential type.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
  5. In the Input Configuration field, specify an input schema that defines a set of ordered fields for that type. The format can be in YAML or JSON:


      - type: string
        id: username
        label: Username
      - type: string
        id: password
        label: Password
        secret: true
      - username
      - password

    View more YAML examples at the YAML page.


    "fields": [
      "type": "string",
      "id": "username",
      "label": "Username"
      "secret": true,
      "type": "string",
      "id": "password",
      "label": "Password"
     "required": ["username", "password"]

    View more JSON examples at The JSON website.

  6. In the Injector Configuration field, enter environment variables or extra variables that specify the values a credential type can inject. The format can be in YAML or JSON (see examples in the previous step).

    The following configuration in JSON format shows each field and how they are used:

        "extra_vars": {
          "some_extra_var": "{{ username }}:{{ password }}"
  7. Click Create credential type.

    Your newly created credential type is displayed in the list of credential types:

    New credential type

  8. Click the Edit credential type Edit icon to modify the credential type options.


    On the Edit page, you can modify the details or delete the credential. If the Delete option is disabled, this means that the credential type is being used by a credential, and you must delete the credential type from all the credentials that use it before you can delete it.


  • Verify that the newly created credential type can be selected from the Credential Type selection window when creating a new credential:

    Verify new credential type

Additional resources

For information about how to create a new credential, see Setting up credentials.

Chapter 4. Projects

Projects are a logical collection of rulebooks. They must be a git repository and only http protocol is supported. The rulebooks of a project must be located in the path defined for Event-Driven Ansible content in Ansible collections: /extensions/eda/rulebooks at the root of the project.


To meet high availability demands, Event-Driven Ansible controller shares centralized Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) with the Ansible Automation Platform UI. When Redis is unavailable, you will not be able to create or sync projects.

4.1. Setting up a new project

You can set up projects to manage and store your rulebooks in Event-Driven Ansible controller.


  • You are logged in to the Ansible Automation Platform Dashboard as a Content Consumer.
  • You have set up a credential, if necessary. For more information, see the Setting up credentials section.
  • You have an existing repository containing rulebooks that are integrated with playbooks contained in a repository to be used by automation controller.


  1. Log in to the Ansible Automation Platform Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Automation DecisionsProjects.
  3. Click Create project.
  4. Insert the following:

    Enter project name.
    This field is optional.
    Source control type
    Git is the only source control type available for use. This field is optional.
    Source control URL

    Enter Git, SSH, or HTTP[S] protocol address of a repository, such as GitHub or GitLab. This field is not editable.


    This field accepts SSH private key or private key phrase. To enable the use of these private keys, your project URL must begin with git@.

    This is used to access access HTTP or HTTPS servers. This field is optional.
    Source control branch/tag/commit
    This is the branch to checkout. In addition to branches, you can input tags, commit hashes, and arbitrary refs. Some commit hashes and refs may not be available unless you also provide a custom refspec. This field is optional.
    Source control refspec
    A refspec to fetch (passed to the Ansible git module). This parameter allows access to references via the branch field not otherwise available. This field is optional. For more information, see Examples.
    Source control credential
    You must have this credential to utilize the source control URL. This field is optional.
    Content signature validation credential
    Enable content signing to verify that the content has remained secure when a project is synced. If the content has been tampered with, the job will not run. This field is optional.

    The Verify SSL option is enabled by default. Enabling this option verifies the SSL with HTTPS when the project is imported.


    You can disable this option if you have a local repository that uses self-signed certificates.

  5. Select Create project.

Your project is now created and can be managed in the Projects page.

After saving the new project, the project’s details page is displayed. From there or the Projects list view, you can edit or delete it.

4.2. Projects list view

On the Projects page, you can view the projects that you have created along with the Status and the Git hash.


If a rulebook changes in source control, you can re-sync a project by selecting the sync icon next to the project from the Projects list view. The Git hash updates represent the latest commit on that repository. An activation must be restarted or recreated if you want to use the updated project.

4.3. Editing a project


  1. From the Projects list view, select the More Actions icon next to the desired project. The Edit page is displayed.
  2. Enter the required changes and select Save project.

4.4. Deleting a project

If you need to delete a project, the Event-Driven Ansible controller interface provides multiple options.


  1. To delete a project, complete one of the following:

    • From the Projects list view, select the checkbox next to the desired project, and click the More Actions icon from the page menu.
    • From the Projects list view, click the More Actions icon next to the desired project.
  2. Select Delete project.
  3. In the Permanently delete projects window, select Yes, I confirm that I want to delete this project.
  4. Select Delete project.

Chapter 5. Decision environments

Decision environments are a container image to run Ansible Rulebook rulebooks. They create a common language for communicating automation dependencies, and give a standard way to build and distribute the automation environment. You can find the default decision environment in the Ansible-Rulebook.

To create your own decision environment see Building a custom decision environment for Event-Driven Ansible within Ansible Automation Platform.

5.1. Building a custom decision environment for Event-Driven Ansible

Decision Environments are execution environments tailored towards running Ansible Rulebooks.

Similar to execution environments that run Ansible rulebooks for automation controller, decision environments are designed to run rulebooks for Event-Driven Ansible controller.

You can create a custom decision environment for Event-Driven Ansible that provides a custom maintained or third-party event source plugin that is not available in the default decision environment.


  • Ansible Automation Platform > = 2.5
  • Event-Driven Ansible
  • Ansible Builder > = 3.0


  • Add the de-supported decision environment. This image is built from a base image provided by Red Hat called de-minimal at Ansible Automation Platform supported decision environment.


    Red Hat recommends using de-minimal as the base image with Ansible Builder to build your custom decision environments.

The following is an example of the Ansible Builder definition file that uses de-minimal as a base image to build a custom decision environment with the ansible.eda collection:

version: 3

    name: ''

      - ansible.eda
    package_system: "python39"

  package_manager_path: /usr/bin/microdnf

Additionally, if you need other Python packages or RPMs, you can add the following to a single definition file:

version: 3

    name: ''

      - ansible.eda
    - six
    - psutil
    - iputils [platform:rpm]
    package_system: "python39"

  package_manager_path: /usr/bin/microdnf

5.2. Setting up a new decision environment

The following steps describe how to import a decision environment into your Event-Driven Ansible controller Dashboard.


  • You have set up a credential, if necessary. For more information, see the Setting up credentials section.
  • You have pushed a decision environment image to an image repository or you chose to use the image de-supported provided at


  1. Log in to Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. Navigate to Automation DecisionsDecision Environments.
  3. Click Create decision environment.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
    Select an organization to associate with the decision environment.
    This is the full image location, including the container registry, image name, and version tag.
    This field is optional. This is the token needed to use the decision environment image.
  5. Select Create decision environment.

Your decision environment is now created and can be managed on the Decision Environments page.

After saving the new decision environment, the decision environment’s details page is displayed. From there or the Decision Environments list view, you can edit or delete it.

Chapter 6. Simplfied event routing

Simplified event routing enables Event-Driven Ansible controller to capture and analyze data from various remote systems using event streams. With event streams, you can send events from a remote system like GitHub or GitLab into Event-Driven Ansible controller. You can attach 1 or more event streams to an activation by swapping out sources in a rulebook.

Event streams are an easy way to connect your sources to your rulebooks. This capability lets you create a single endpoint to receive alerts from an event source and then use the events in multiple rulebooks.

6.1. Event streams

Event streams can send events from remote systems to Event-Driven Ansible controller. In a typical set-up, a server sends data to an event stream over the internet to an Event-Driven Ansible event stream receiver. When the data comes over the internet, the request must be authenticated. Depending on the webhook vendor or remote system, the authentication method could differ.

Event-Driven Ansible controller supports 7 different event stream types.

Table 6.1. Event Stream Types


Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC). Uses a shared secret between Event-Driven Ansible controller and the vendors webhook server. This guarantees message integrity.


Basic Authentication

Uses HTTP basic authentication.

Datadog, Dynatrace

Token Authentication

Uses Token Authentication. Usually the HTTP Header is Authorization but some vendors like Gitlab use X-Gitlab-Token.

Gitlab, ServiceNow


Uses Machine-to-Machine (M2M) mode with a grant type called client credentials. The token is opaque.


OAuth2 with JWT

Uses M2M mode with a grant type called client credentials. The token is JSON Web Token (JWT).



Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm

SendGrid, Twilio

Mutual TLS

Needs the vendor’s CA certificate to be present in our servers at startup. This supports non-repudiation.


Event-Driven Ansible controller also supports 4 other specialized event streams that are based on the 7 basic event stream types:

  • GitLab Event Stream
  • GitHub Event Stream
  • ServiceNow Event Stream
  • Dynatrace Event Stream

These specialized types limit the parameters you use by adding default values. For example, the GitHub Event Stream is a specialization of the HMAC Event Stream with many of the fields already populated. After the GitHub Event Stream credential has been saved, the recommended defaults for the GitHub Event Stream are displayed.

6.2. Creating an event stream credential

You must create an event stream credential first before you can use an event stream.


  • Each event stream must have exactly one credential.


  1. Log in to the Ansible Automation Platform Dashboard.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsInfrastructureCredentials.
  3. Click Create credential.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
    Click the list to select an organization or select Default.
    Credential type

    Click the list to select your Credential type.


    When you select the credential type, the Type Details section is displayed with fields that are applicable for the credential type you selected.

    Type Details
    Add the requested information for the credential type you selected. For example, if you selected the GitHub Event Stream credential type, you are required to add an HMAC Secret (symmetrical shared secret) between Event-Driven Ansible controller and the remote server.
  5. Click Create credential.

The Details page is displayed. From there or the Credentials list view, you can edit or delete it.

6.3. Creating an event stream

You can create event streams that will be attached to a rulebook activation.


  • If you will be attaching your event stream to a rulebook activation, ensure that your activation has a decision environment and project already set up.
  • If you plan to connect to automation controller to run your rulebook activation, ensure that you have created a Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform credential type in addition to the decision environment and project. For more information, see Setting up a Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform credential.


  1. Log in to Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsEvent Streams.
  3. Click Create event stream.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    Click the list to select an organization or select Default.
    Event stream type

    Select the event stream type you prefer.


    This list displays at least 10 default event stream types that can be used to authenticate the connection coming from your remote server.

    Select a credential from the list, preferably the one you created for your event stream.
    Enter HTTP header keys, separated by commas, that you want to include in the event payload. To include all headers, leave the field empty.
    Forward events to rulebook activation

    Use this option to enable or disable the capability of forwarding events to rulebook activations.


    The event stream’s event forwarding can be disabled for testing purposes while diagnosing connections and evaluating the incoming data. Disabling the Forward events to rulebook activation option allows you to test the event stream connection with the remote system, analyze the header and payload, and if necessary, diagnose credential issues. This ensures that events are not be forwarded to rulebook activations causing rules and conditions to be triggered inadvertently while you are in test mode. Some enterprises might have policies to change secrets and passwords at regular cadence. You can enable/disable this option anytime after the event stream is created.

  5. Click Create event stream.

After creating your event stream, the following outputs occur:

  • The Details page is displayed. From there or the Event Streams list view, you can edit or delete it. Also, the Event Streams page shows all of the event streams you have created and the following columns for each event: Events received, Last event received, and Event stream type. As the first two columns receive external data through the event stream, they are continuously updated to let you know they are receiving events from remote systems.
  • If you disabled the event stream, the Details page is displayed with a warning message, This event stream is disabled.
  • Your new event stream generates a URL that is necessary when you configure the webhook on the remote system that sends events.

After an event stream is created, the associated credential cannot be deleted until the event stream it is attached to is deleted.

6.4. Configuring your remote system to send events

After you have created your event stream, you must configure your remote system to send events to Event-Driven Ansible controller. The method used for this configuration varies, depending on the vendor for the event stream credential type you select.


  • The URL that was generated when you created your event stream
  • Secrets or passwords that you set up in your event stream credential


The following example demonstrates how to configure webhooks in a remote system like GitHub to send events to Event-Driven Ansible controller. Each vendor will have unique methods for configuring your remote system to send events to Event-Driven Ansible controller.

  1. Log in to your GitHub repository.
  2. Click Your profile name → Your repositories.

If you do not have a repository, click New to create a new one, select an owner, add a Repository name, and click Create repository.

  1. Navigate to Settings (tool bar).
  2. In the General navigation pane, select Webhooks.
  3. Click Add webhook.
  4. In the Payload URL field, paste the URL you saved when you created your event stream.
  5. Select application/json in the Content type list.
  6. Enter your Secret.
  7. Click Add webhook.

After the webhook has been added, it attempts to send a test payload to ensure there is connectivity between the two systems (GitHub and Event-Driven Ansible controller). If it can successfully send the data you will see a green check mark next to the Webhook URL with the message, Last delivery was successful.

6.5. Verifying your event streams work

Verify that you can use your event stream to connect to a remote system and receive data.

  1. Log in to Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsEvent Streams.
  3. Select the event stream that you created to validate connectivity and ensure that the event stream sends data to the rulebook activation.
  4. Verify that the events were received.You can see in the Events received field that the event was received. You can also see the header for the event stream that contains details about the event.

    Verify event streams work

    If you scroll down in the UI, you can also see the body of the payload with more information about the webhook.

    Payload body

    The Header and Body sections for the event stream are displayed on the Details page. They differ based on the vendor who is sending the event. The header and body can be used to check the attributes in the event payload, which will help you in writing conditions in your rulebook. For example:

  5. Toggle the Forward events to rulebook activation option to enable you to push your events to a rulebook activation. This moves the event stream to production mode and makes it easy to attach to rulebook activations.

    When this option is toggled off, your ability to forward events to a rulebook activation is disabled and the This event stream is disabled message is displayed.

6.6. Replacing sources and attaching event streams to activations

When you create rulebook activations, you can use event streams to swap out source mappings in rulebook activations and simplify routing from external sources to Event-Driven Ansible controller.

There are several key points to keep in mind regarding source mapping:

  1. An event stream can only be used once in a rulebook source swap. If you have multiple sources in the rulebook, you can only replace each source once.
  2. The source mapping happens only in the current rulebook activation. You must repeat this process for any other activations using the same rulebook.
  3. The source mapping is valid only if the rulebook doesn’t get modified. If the rulebook gets modified during the source mapping process, the source mapping would fail and it would have to be repeated.
  4. If the rulebook is modified after the source mapping has been created and a Restart happens, the rulebook activation fails.


  1. Log in to Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsRulebook Activations.
  3. Click Create rulebook activation.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
    Enter your organization name or select Default from the list.

    Projects are a logical collection of rulebooks. This field is optional.


    Although this field is optional, selecting a project helps refine your list of rulebooks choices.


    Rulebooks are shown according to the project selected. Select a rulebook.


    After you have selected a rulebook, the Event streams field is enabled. You can click the gear icon to display the Event streams mapping form.

    Event streams

    All the event streams available and set up to forward events to rulebook actiavtions are displayed. If you have not created any event streams, this field remains disabled.

    Click the gear icon to display the Event streams mapping UI.

    Event streams mapping UI

    Complete the following fields:

    Rulebook source

    A rulebook can contain multiple sources across multiple rulesets. You can map the same rulebook in multiple activations to multiple event streams. While managing event streams, unnamed sources are assigned temporary names (__SOURCE {n}) for identification purposes.

    Select __SOURCE_1 from the list.

    Event stream

    Select your event stream name from the list.

    Click Save.

    Event streams can replace matching sources in a rulebook, and are server-side webhooks that enable you to connect various event sources to your rulebook activations. Source types that can be replaced with the event stream’s source of type ansible.eda.pg_listener include ansible.eda.webhook and other compatible webhook source plugins. Replacing selected sources affects this activation only, and modifies the rulebook’s source type, source name, and arguments. Filters, rules, conditions, and actions are all unaffected.

    You can select which source you want to replace with a single event stream. If there are multiple sources in your rulebook, you can choose to replace each one of them with event streams, but you are not required to replace each one. The following image displays which sources can be replaced.

    Event streams replacement sources

    The items in pink demonstrate the sources that can be replaced: source type, source name, and arguments. The remaining items (filters, rules, and actions) are not replaced.


    Select 0 or more credentials for this rulebook activation. This field is optional.


    The credentials that display in this field are customized based on your rulebook activation and only include the following credential types: Vault, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, or any custom credential types that you have created. For more information on credentials, see Credentials.

    Decision environment

    A decision environment is a container image used to run Ansible rulebooks.


    In Event-Driven Ansible controller, you cannot customize the pull policy of the decision environment. By default, it follows the behavior of the always policy. Every time an activation is started, the system tries to pull the most recent version of the image.

    Restart policy

    This is the policy that determines how an activation should restart after the container process running the source plugin ends.

    • Policies:

      1. Always: This restarts the rulebook activation immediately, regardless of whether it ends successfully or not, and occurs no more than 5 times.
      2. Never: This never restarts a rulebook activation when the container process ends.
      3. On failure: This restarts the rulebook activation after 60 seconds by default, only when the container process fails, and occurs no more than 5 times.
    Log level

    This field defines the severity and type of content in your logged events.

    • Levels:

      1. Error: Logs that contain error messages that are displayed in the History tab of an activation.
      2. Info: Logs that contain useful information about rulebook activations, such as a success or failure, triggered action names and their related action events, and errors.
      3. Debug: Logs that contain information that is only useful during the debug phase and might be of little value during production. This log level includes both error and log level data.
    Service name
    This defines a service name for Kubernetes to configure inbound connections if the activation exposes a port. This field is optional.
    Rulebook activation enabled?
    This automatically enables the rulebook activation to run.
    The variables for the rulebook are in a JSON or YAML format. The content would be equivalent to the file passed through the --vars flag of ansible-rulebook command.
    Check the Skip audit events option if you do not want to see your events in the Rule Audit.
  5. Click Create rulebook activation.

    After you create your rulebook activation, the Details page is displayed.

    You can navigate to the Event streams page to confirm your events have been received.

6.7. Resending webhook data from your event stream type

After you have replaced your sources with the event stream you created, you can now resend data from the event stream to ensure that it is attached to your rulebook activation. In the example shared earlier, the GitHub event stream was used. The following example demonstrates how to resend webhook data if you were using a GitHub event stream.


  1. Go back to the GitHub Webhook / Manage webhook page.
  2. Click the Recent Deliveries tab.
  3. Click the ellipsis.
  4. Click Redeliver. A Redeliver payload? window is displayed with a delivery message.
  5. Click Yes, redeliver this payload.
  6. Return to the Ansible Automation Platform to check your rule audit.

6.8. Check the Rule Audit for events on your new event stream

When events have been sent and received by Event-Driven Ansible controller, you can confirm that actions have been triggered by going to the Rule Audit page and viewing the event stream results.


  1. Log in to Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsRule Audit.

    If your rulebook activation received the event data from the event stream type you selected, the Rule Audit page displays the results similar to this image.

    Rule audit - Event stream

Chapter 7. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform credential

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform credential type can connect to automation controller through the use of an automation controller URL and a username and password. After you have created this credential type, it can be attached to a rulebook and used to run rulebook activations.

7.1. Setting up a Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform credential

You can create a Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform credential type to run your rulebook activations.


  • You have created a user.
  • You have obtained the URL and the credentials to access automation controller.


  1. Log in to the Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsInfrastructureCredentials.
  3. Click Create credential.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
    Click the list to select an organization or select Default.
    Credential type

    Click the list and select Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.


    When you select the credential type, the Type Details section is displayed with fields that are applicable for the credential type you chose.

  5. In the required Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform field, enter your automation controller URL.


    For Event-Driven Ansible controller 2.5 with automation controller 2.4, use the following example: https://<your_controller_host>

    For Ansible Automation Platform 2.5, use the following example: https://<your_gateway_host>/api/controller/

  6. Enter a valid Username and Password or Oauth Token.
  7. Click Create credential.

After you create this credential, you can use it for configuring your rulebook activations.

Chapter 8. Rulebook activations

A rulebook is a set of conditional rules that Event-Driven Ansible uses to perform IT actions in an event-driven automation model. Rulebooks are the means by which users tell Event-Driven Ansible which source to check for an event and when that event occurs what to do when certain conditions are met.

A rulebook specifies actions to be performed when a rule is triggered. A rule gets triggered when the events match the conditions for the rules. The following actions are currently supported:

  • run_playbook (only supported with ansible-rulebook CLI)
  • run_module
  • run_job_template
  • run_workflow_template
  • set_fact
  • post_event
  • retract_fact
  • print_event
  • shutdown
  • debug
  • none

To view further details, see Actions.

A rulebook activation is a process running in the background defined by a decision environment executing a specific rulebook. You can set up your rulebook activation by following Setting up a rulebook activation.


Red Hat does not recommend the use of a non-supported source plugin with 1 postgres database. This can pose a potential risk to your use of Ansible Automation Platform.


To meet high availability demands, Event-Driven Ansible controller shares centralized Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) with the Ansible Automation Platform UI. When Redis is unavailable, the following functions will not be available:

  • Creating an activation, if is_enabled is True
  • Deleting an activation
  • Enabling an activation, if not already enabled
  • Disabling an activation, if not already disabled
  • Restarting an activation

8.1. Setting up a rulebook activation


  • You are logged in to the Ansible Automation Platform Dashboard as a Content Consumer.
  • You have set up a project.
  • You have set up a decision environment.


  1. Log in to Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. Navigate to the Automation DecisionsRulebook Activations.
  3. Click Create rulebook activation.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
    Enter your organization name or select Default from the list.
    Projects are a logical collection of rulebooks. This field is optional.
    Rulebooks are displayed according to the project selected.

    Select 0 or more credentials for this rulebook activation. This field is optional.


    The credentials that display in this field are customized based on your rulebook activation and only include the following credential types: Vault, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, or any custom credential types that you have created. For more information about credentials, see Setting up credentials for Event-Driven Ansible controller.

    Decision environment

    Decision environments are a container image to run Ansible rulebooks.


    In Event-Driven Ansible controller, you cannot customize the pull policy of the decision environment. By default, it follows the behavior of the always policy. Every time an activation is started, the system tries to pull the most recent version of the image.

    Restart policy

    This is the policy that determines how an activation should restart after the container process running the source plugin ends.

    • Policies:

      1. Always: This restarts the rulebook activation immediately, regardless of whether it ends successfully or not, and occurs no more than 5 times.
      2. Never: This never restarts a rulebook activation when the container process ends.
      3. On failure: This restarts the rulebook activation after 60 seconds by default, only when the container process fails, and occurs no more than 5 times.
    Log level

    This field defines the severity and type of content in your logged events.

    • Levels:

      1. Error: Logs that contain error messages that are displayed in the History tab of an activation.
      2. Info: Logs that contain useful information about rulebook activations, such as a success or failure, triggered action names and their related action events, and errors.
      3. Debug: Logs that contain information that is only useful during the debug phase and might be of little value during production. This log level includes both error and log level data.
    Service name
    This defines a service name for Kubernetes to configure inbound connections if the activation exposes a port. This field is optional.
    Rulebook activation enabled?
    This automatically enables the rulebook activation to run.
    The variables for the rulebook are in a JSON or YAML format. The content would be equivalent to the file passed through the --vars flag of ansible-rulebook command.
    Check the Skip audit events option if you do not want to see your events in the Rule Audit.
  5. Click Create rulebook activation.

Your rulebook activation is now created and can be managed on the Rulebook Activations page.

After saving the new rulebook activation, the rulebook activation’s details page is displayed, with either a Pending, Running, or Failed status. From there or the Rulebook Activations list view, you can restart or delete it.


Occasionally, when a source plugin shuts down, it causes a rulebook to exit gracefully after a certain amount of time. When a rulebook activation shuts down, any tasks that are waiting to be performed will be canceled, and an info level message is sent to the activation log. For more information, see Rulebooks.

8.2. Rulebook activation list view

On the Rulebook Activations page, you can view the rulebook activations that you have created along with the Status, Number of rules with the rulebook, the Fire count, and Restart count.

If the Status is Running, it means that the rulebook activation is running in the background and executing the required actions according to the rules declared in the rulebook.

You can view more details by selecting the activation from the Rulebook Activations list view.

Rulebook activation][width=25px

For all activations that have run, you can view the Details and History tabs to get more information about what happened.

8.2.1. Viewing activation output

You can view the output of the activations in the History tab.


  1. Select the History tab to access the list of all the activation instances. An activation instance represents a single execution of the activation.
  2. Then select the activation instance in question, this shows you the Output produced by that specific execution.
Rulebook activation history

To view events that came in and triggered an action, you can use the Rule Audit section in the Event-Driven Ansible controller Dashboard.

8.3. Enabling and disabling rulebook activations


  1. Select the switch on the row level to enable or disable your chosen rulebook.
  2. In the window, select Yes, I confirm that I want to enable/disable these X rulebook activations.
  3. Select Enable/Disable rulebook activation.

8.4. Restarting rulebook activations


You can only restart a rulebook activation if it is currently enabled and the restart policy was set to Always when it was created.


  1. Select the More Actions icon next to Rulebook Activation enabled/disabled toggle.
  2. Select Restart rulebook activation.
  3. In the window, select Yes, I confirm that I want to restart these X rulebook activations.
  4. Select Restart rulebook activations.

8.5. Deleting rulebook activations


  1. Select the More Actions icon next to the Rulebook Activation enabled/disabled toggle.
  2. Select Delete rulebook activation.
  3. In the window, select Yes, I confirm that I want to delete these X rulebook activations.
  4. Select Delete rulebook activations.

8.6. Activating webhook rulebooks

In Openshift environments, you can allow webhooks to reach an activation-job-pod over a given port by creating a Route that exposes that rulebook activation’s Kubernetes service.


  • You have created a rulebook activation.

The following is an example of rulebook with a given webhook:

- name: Listen for storage-monitor events
  hosts: all
    - ansible.eda.webhook:
        port: 5000
    - name: Rule - Print event information
    condition: event.meta.headers is defined
        name: StorageRemediation
        organization: Default
             message: from eda
             sleep: 1


  1. Create a Route (on OpenShift Container Platform) to expose the service. The following is an example Route for an ansible-rulebook source that expects POST’s on port 5000 on the decision environment pod:

    kind: Route
      name: test-sync-bug
      namespace: dynatrace
        app: eda
        job-name: activation-job-1-5000
        kind: Service
        name: activation-job-1-5000
        weight: 100
        targetPort: 5000
        termination: edge
        insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
      wildcardPolicy: None
  2. When you create the Route, test it with a Post to the Route URL:

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d

    You do not need the port as it is specified on the Route (targetPort).

8.7. Testing with Kubernetes

With Kubernetes you can create an Ingress, or expose the port, but not for production.


  1. Run the following command to expose the port on the cluster for a given service:

    kubectl port-forward svc/<ACTIVATION_SVC_NAME> 5000:5000
  2. Make the HTTP requests against the localhost:5000 to trigger the rulebook:

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{}'

Chapter 9. Rule Audit

Rule audit allows the auditing of rules which have been triggered by all the rules that were activated at some point.

The Rule Audit list view shows you a list of every time an event came in that matched a condition within a rulebook and triggered an action. The list shows you rules within your rulebook and each heading matches up to a rule that has been executed.

9.1. Viewing rule audit details

From the Rule Audit list view you can check the event that triggered specific actions.

Rule audit list view


  1. From the navigation panel select Automation DecisionsRule Audit.
  2. Select the desired rule, this brings you to the Details tab.

From here you can view when it was created, when it was last fired, and the rulebook activation that it corresponds to.

9.2. Viewing rule audit events


  1. From the navigation panel, select Automation DecisionsRule Audit.
  2. Select the desired rule, this brings you to the Details tab. To view all the events that triggered an action, select the Events tab. This shows you the event that triggered actions.
  3. Select an event to view the Event log, along with the Source type and Timestamp.
Event details

9.3. Viewing rule audit actions


  1. From the navigation panel select Automation DecisionsRule Audit.
  2. Select the desired rule, then select the Actions tab.

From here you can view executed actions that were taken. Some actions are linked out to Automation Execution where you can view the output.

Chapter 10. Performance tuning for Event-Driven Ansible controller

Event-Driven Ansible is a highly scalable, flexible automation capability. Event-Driven Ansible controller provides the interface in which Event-Driven Ansible automation performs. Tune your Event-Driven Ansible controller to optimize performance and scalability through:

  • Characterizing your workload
  • System level monitoring
  • Performance troubleshooting

10.1. Characterizing your workload

In Event-Driven Ansible controller, your workload includes the number of rulebook activations and events being received. Consider the following factors to characterize your Event-Driven Ansible controller workload:

  1. Number of simultaneous rulebook activations
  2. Number of events received by Event-Driven Ansible controller

10.1.1. Modifying the number of simultaneous rulebook activations

By default, Event-Driven Ansible controller allows 12 rulebook activations to run simultaneously. If more than 12 rulebook activations are created, the expected behavior is that subsequent rulebook activations wait until there is an available rulebook activation worker. In this case, the rulebook activation status is displayed as Pending even if there is enough free memory and CPU on your Event-Driven Ansible controller instance. To change this behavior, you must change the default maximum number of running rulebook activations.


The value for MAX_RUNNING_ACTIVATIONS does not change when you modify the instance size, so it needs to be adjusted manually. Modifying the number of simultaneous rulebook activations during Event-Driven Ansible controller installation

By default, Event-Driven Ansible controller allows 12 activations to run simultaneously. You can modify this default value during installation by using the following procedure:


Provide a variable to the VM installer:

  1. Navigate to the setup inventory file.
  2. Add automationedacontroller_max_running_activations in the [all:vars] section. For example, automationedacontroller_max_running_activations=16.
  3. Run the setup. Modifying the number of simultaneous rulebook activations after Event-Driven Ansible controller installation

By default, Event-Driven Ansible controller allows 12 activations to run simultaneously. You can modify this default value after installation by using the following procedure:


  1. Navigate to the environment file at /etc/ansible-automation-platform/eda/settings.yaml.
  2. Choose the number of maximum running activations that you need. For example, MAX_RUNNING_ACTIVATIONS = 16
  3. Use the following command to restart Event-Driven Ansible services: automation-eda-controller-service restart


For more information about rulebook activations, see the Rulebook activations.

10.1.2. Modifying the default memory limit for each rulebook activation

Memory usage is based on the number of events that Event-Driven Ansible controller has to process. Each rulebook activation container has a 200MB memory limit. For example, with 4 CPU and 16GB of RAM, one rulebook activation container with an assigned 200MB memory limit can not handle more than 150,000 events per minute. If the number of parallel running rulebook activations is higher, then the maximum number of events each rulebook activation can process is reduced. If there are too many incoming events at a very high rate, the container can run out of memory trying to process the events. This will kill the container, and your rulebook activation will fail with a status code of 137.

To address this failure, you can increase the amount of memory allocated to rulebook activations in order to process a high number of events at a high rate by using one of the following procedures:

  • Modifying the default memory limit for each rulebook activation during installation
  • Modifying the default memory limit for each rulebook activation after installation Modifying the default memory limit for each rulebook activation during installation

By default, each rulebook activation container has a 200MB memory limit. You can modify this default value during installation by using the following procedure:


  1. Navigate to the setup inventory file.
  2. Add automationedacontroller_podman_mem_limit in the [all:vars] section. For example, automationedacontroller_podman_mem_limit='400m'.
  3. Run the setup. Modifying the default memory limit for each rulebook activation after installation

By default, each rulebook activation container has a 200MB memory limit. You can modify this default value after installation by using the following procedure:


  1. Navigate to the environment file at /etc/ansible-automation-platform/eda/settings.yaml.
  2. Modify the default container memory limit. For example, PODMAN_MEM_LIMIT = '300m'.
  3. Restart the Event-Driven Ansible controller services using automation-eda-controller-service restart.

10.2. System level monitoring for Event-Driven Ansible controller

After characterizing your workload to determine how many rulebook activations you are running in parallel and how many events you are receiving at any given point, you must consider monitoring your Event-Driven Ansible controller host at the system level. Using system level monitoring to review information about Event-Driven Ansible’s performance over time helps when diagnosing problems or when considering capacity for future growth.

System level monitoring includes the following information:

  • Disk I/O
  • RAM utilization
  • CPU utilization
  • Network traffic

Higher CPU, RAM, or Disk utilization can affect the overall performance of Event-Driven Ansible controller. For example, a high utilization of any of these system level resources indicates that either the Event-Driven Ansible controller is running too many rulebook activations, or some of the individual rulebook activations are using a high volume of resources. In this case, you must increase your system level resources to support your workload.

10.3. Performance Troubleshooting for Event-Driven Ansible controller

Based on the default parameters within Event-Driven Ansible controller, you might encounter scenarios that pose challenges to completing your workload. The following section provides descriptions of these scenarios and troubleshooting guidance.

  • My activation status displays as “running”, but it is not processing the events.

    • Ensure that you are using the correct event source in the rulebook activation. If the event you are expecting is coming from a source other than what is in the rulebook, Event-Driven Ansible controller will not process the event.
  • My activation status displays as “running”, and Event-Driven Ansible controller is also receiving the events, but no actions are occuring.

    • Ensure that you have set the correct conditions for matching the event and taking actions in the rulebook activation.
  • My activation keeps restarting in an infinite loop.

    • By default, the reset policy for rulebook activations is set to On Failure. Change the restart policy using the following procedure:

      1. Navigate to Automation DecisionsRulebook Activations.
      2. Select the Restart Policy list to display the options.
      3. Select the appropriate value: On Failure, Always, Never.

Chapter 11. Event filter plugins

Events sometimes have extra data that is unnecessary and might overwhelm the rule engine. Use event filters to remove that extra data so you can focus on what matters to your rules. Event filters might also change the format of the data so that the rule conditions can better match the data.

Events are defined as python code and distributed as collections. The default eda collection has the following filters:



This filter includes and excludes keys from the event object


This filter changes the dashes in all keys in the payload to be underscore


This filter is used to add host information into the event so that ansible-rulebook can locate it and use it


This filter is used if you want to change non alpha numeric keys to underscore

You can chain event filters one after the other, and the updated data is sent from one filter to the next. Event filters are defined in the rulebook after a source is defined. When the rulebook starts the source plugin it associates the correct filters and transforms the data before putting it into the queue.


  - name: azure_service_bus
      conn_str: "{{connection_str}}"
      queue_name: "{{queue_name}}"
      - json_filter:
          include_keys: ['clone_url']
          exclude_keys: ['*_url', '_links', 'base', 'sender', 'owner', 'user']
      - dashes_to_underscores:

In this example the data is first passed through the json_filter and then through the dashes_to_underscores filter. In the event payload, keys can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. The period (.) is used to access nested keys.

Since every event should record the origin of the event the filter eda.builtin.insert_meta_info is added automatically by ansible-rulebook to add the source name, type, and received_at. The received_at stores a date time in UTC ISO8601 format and includes the microseconds. The uuid stores the unique id for the event. The meta key is used to store metadata about the event and its needed to correctly report about the events in the aap-server.

11.1. Author event filters

Event filters are functions in a python module that perform transformations on the event data. They can remove, add, change, or move any data in the event data structure. Event filters take the event as the first argument and additional keyword arguments are provided by the configuration in the rulebook.

The basic structure follows:

   # my_namespace.my_collection/extensions/eda/plugins/event_filter/
    def main(event: dict, arg1, arg2):
        # Process event data here
        return event

You can use this filter in a rulebook by adding it to the filters list in an event source:

    - name: azure_service_bus
        conn_str: "{{connection_str}}"
        queue_name: "{{queue_name}}"
        - my_namespace.my_collection.my_filter:
            arg1: hello
            arg2: world

Additional resources

See the event filter plugins in ansible.eda collection for more examples of how to author them.

Chapter 12. Event-Driven Ansible logging strategy

Event-Driven Ansible offers an audit logging solution over its resources. Each supported create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operation is logged against rulebook activations, event streams, decision environments, projects, and activations. Some of these resources support further operations, such as sync, enable, disable, restart, start, and stop; for these operations, logging is supported as well. These logs are only retained for the lifecycle of its associated container. See the following sample logs for each supported logging operation.

12.1. Logging samples

When the following APIs are called for each operation, you see the following audit logs:

Rulebook activation

1. Create
    1. 2024-08-15 14:13:20,384 aap_eda.api.views.activation INFO   Action: Create / ResourceType: RulebookActivation / ResourceName: quick_start_project / ResourceID: 53 / Organization: Default
2. Read
    1. 2024-08-15 14:21:26,844 aap_eda.api.views.activation INFO   Action: Read / ResourceType: RulebookActivation / ResourceName: quick_start_activation / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default
3. Disable
    1. 2024-08-15 14:23:57,798 aap_eda.api.views.activation INFO   Action: Disable / ResourceType: RulebookActivation / ResourceName: quick_start_activation / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default
4. Enable
    1. 2024-08-15 14:24:16,472 aap_eda.api.views.activation INFO   Action: Enable / ResourceType: RulebookActivation / ResourceName: quick_start_activation / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default
5. Delete
    1. 2024-08-15 14:24:53,847 aap_eda.api.views.activation INFO   Action: Delete / ResourceType: RulebookActivation / ResourceName: quick_start_activation / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default
6. Restart
    2024-08-15 14:24:34,169 aap_eda.api.views.activation INFO      Action: Restart / ResourceType: RulebookActivation / ResourceName: quick_start_activation / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default

EventStream Logs

1. Create
    1. 2024-08-15 13:46:26,903 aap_eda.api.views.webhook INFO     Action: Create / ResourceType: EventStream / ResourceName: ZackTest / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default
2. Update
    1. 2024-08-15 13:56:17,440 aap_eda.api.views.webhook INFO     Action: Update / ResourceType: EventStream / ResourceName: ZackTest / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default
3. Read
    1. 2024-08-15 13:56:56,271 aap_eda.api.views.webhook INFO     Action: Read / ResourceType: EventStream / ResourceName: ZackTest / ResourceID: 1 / Organization: Default
4. List
    1. 2024-08-15 13:56:17,492 aap_eda.api.views.webhook INFO     Action: List / ResourceType: EventStream / ResourceName: * / ResourceID: * / Organization: *
5. Delete
    1. 2024-08-15 13:57:13,124 aap_eda.api.views.webhook INFO     Action: Delete / ResourceType: EventStream / ResourceName: ZackTest / ResourceID: None / Organization: Default

Decision Environment

1. Create
    1. 2024-08-15 14:10:53,311 aap_eda.api.views.decision_environment INFO     Action: Create / ResourceType: DecisionEnvironment / ResourceName: quick_start_de / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default
2. Read
    1. 2024-08-15 14:10:53,349 aap_eda.api.views.decision_environment INFO     Action: Read / ResourceType: DecisionEnvironment / ResourceName: quick_start_de / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default
3. Update
    2024-08-15 14:11:20,970 aap_eda.api.views.decision_environment INFO     Action: Update / ResourceType: DecisionEnvironment / ResourceName: quick_start_de / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default
4. Delete
2024-08-15 14:11:42,369 aap_eda.api.views.decision_environment INFO     Action: Delete / ResourceType: DecisionEnvironment / ResourceName: quick_start_de / ResourceID: None / Organization: Default


1. Create
    1. 2024-08-15 14:05:26,874 aap_eda.api.views.project INFO     Action: Create / ResourceType: Project / ResourceName: quick_start_project / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default
2. Read
    1. 2024-08-15 14:05:26,913 aap_eda.api.views.project INFO     Action: Read / ResourceType: Project / ResourceName: quick_start_project / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default
3. Update
    1. 2024-08-15 14:06:08,255 aap_eda.api.views.project INFO     Action: Update / ResourceType: Project / ResourceName: quick_start_project / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default
4. Sync
    1. 2024-08-15 14:06:30,580 aap_eda.api.views.project INFO     Action: Sync / ResourceType: Project / ResourceName: quick_start_project / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default
5. Delete
    1. 2024-08-15 14:06:49,481 aap_eda.api.views.project INFO     Action: Delete / ResourceType: Project / ResourceName: quick_start_project / ResourceID: 86 / Organization: Default

Activation Start/Stop

1. Start
    1. 2024-08-15 14:21:29,076 INFO     Requested to start activation 1, starting.
    2024-08-15 14:21:29,093 INFO     Creating a new activation instance for activation: 1
    2024-08-15 14:21:29,104 INFO     Starting container for activation instance: 1
2. Stop
    1. eda-activation-worker-1  | 2024-08-15 14:40:52,547 INFO     Stop operation requested for activation id: 2 Stopping activation.
    eda-activation-worker-1  | 2024-08-15 14:40:52,550 INFO     Activation 2 is already stopped.
    eda-activation-worker-1  | 2024-08-15 14:40:52,550 INFO     Activation manager activation id: 2 Activation restart scheduled for 1 second.
    eda-activation-worker-1  | 2024-08-15 14:40:52,562 rq.worker INFO     activation: Job OK (activation-2)

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