
Chapter 3. Red Hat build of OpenJDK features

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The latest Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17 release might include new features. Additionally, the latest release might enhance, deprecate, or remove features that originated from previous Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17 releases.


For all the other changes and security fixes, see OpenJDK 17.0.7 Released.

Red Hat build of OpenJDK enhancements

Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17 provides enhancements to features originally created in previous releases of Red Hat build of OpenJDK.

Certigna (Dhimyotis) root certificate authority (CA) certificate added

In release Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17.0.7, the cacerts truststore includes the Certigna (Dhimyotis) root certificate:

  • Name: Certigna (Dhimyotis)
  • Alias name: certignarootca
  • Distinguished name: CN=Certigna, O=Dhimyotis, C=FR

See JDK-8245654 (JDK Bug System).

New Java Flight Recorder (JFR) event jdk.InitialSecurityProperty

With Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17.0.7, the initial security properties that the class loads are now accessible in the new JFR event, jdk.InitialSecurityProperty.

The jdk.InitialSecurityProperty event contains the following two fields:

  • Key: The security property key.
  • Value: The corresponding security property value.

By using this new event and the existing jdk.SecurityPropertyModification event, you can now monitor security properties throughout their lifecycle.

In this release, you can also print initial security properties to the standard error output stream when the property is passed to the Java virtual machine.

See JDK-8292177 (JDK Bug System).

Error thrown if file fails to load

In previous releases, if Red Hat build of OpenJDK could not load the file, a hard-coded set of security properties was used. This set of properties was not fully maintained and it was unclear to the user when they were being used.

Now, with Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17.0.7, if Red Hat build of OpenJDK cannot load the file, Red Hat build of OpenJDK displays an InternalError error message.

See JDK-8155246 (JDK Bug System).

listRoots method returns all available drives on Windows

In previous releases, the method on Windows systems filtered out any disk drives that were not accessible or did not have media loaded. However, this filtering led to observable performance issues.

With release Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17.0.7, the listRoots method returns all available disk drives unfiltered.

See JDK-8208077 (JDK Bug System).

Enhanced Swing platform support

In earlier releases of Red Hat build of OpenJDK, HTML object tags rendered embedded in Swing HTML components. With release Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17.0.7, rendering only occurs if you set the new system property swing.html.object to true. By default, the swing.html.object property is set to false.

JDK bug system reference ID: JDK-8296832.

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