Chapter 5. Known Issues

This section documents known issues found in this release of Red Hat Ceph Storage.

Multi-site configuration of the Ceph Object Gateway sometimes fails when options are changed at runtime

When the rgw md log max shards and rgw data log num shards options are changed at runtime in multi-site configuration of the Ceph Object Gateway, the radosgw process terminates unexpectedly with a segmentation fault.

To avoid this issue, do not change the aforementioned options at runtime, but set them during the initial configuration of the Ceph Object Gateway. (BZ#1330952)

Mirroring image metadata is not supported

Image metadata are not currently replicated to a peer cluster. (BZ#1344212)

Disabling image features is incorrectly allowed on non-primary images

With RADOS Block Device (RBD) mirroring enabled, non-primary images are expected to be read-only. An attempt to disable image features on non-primary images could cause an indefinite wait. This operation should be disallowed on non-primary images.

To avoid this issue, make sure to disable image features only on the primary image. (BZ#1353877)

Ansible does not support removing monitor or OSD nodes

The current version of the ceph-ansible utility does not support removing monitor or OSD nodes. To remove monitor or OSD nodes from a cluster, use the manual procedure. For more information, see the Administration Guide for Red Hat Ceph Storage 2. (BZ#1335569)

Results from deep scrubbing are overwritten by shallow scrubbing

When performing shallow scrubbing after deep scrubbing, results from deep scrubbing are overwritten by results from shallow scrubbing. As a consequence, the deep scrubbing results are lost. (BZ#1330023)

Buckets sometimes have incorrect time stamps

Buckets created by the Simple Storage Service (S3) API on the Ceph Object Gateway before mounting the Ganesha NFS interface have incorrect time stamps. (BZ#1359404)

The NFS interface for the Ceph Object Gateway does not show bucket size or number of blocks

The NFS interface of the Ceph Object Gateway lists buckets as directories. However, the interface always shows that the directory size and the number of blocks is 0, even if some data is written to the buckets. (BZ#1359408)

The Calamari REST-based API fails to edit user details

An attempt to use the Calamari REST-based API to edit user details fails with an error. To change user details, use the calamari-ctl command-line utility. (BZ#1338649)

The rbd bench write command fails when --io-size is equal to the image size

The rbd bench-write --io-size <size> <image> command fails with a segmentation fault if the size specified by the --io-size option is equal to the image size.

To avoid this problem, make sure that the value of --io-size is smaller than the image size. (BZ#1362014)

Setting file permissions and ownership attributes fails on existing files and directories

The NFS Ganesha file system fails to serialize and store UNIX attributes on existing files and directories. Consequently, file permissions and ownership attributes that are set after file or directory creation are not correctly stored. To avoid this problem, set file permissions and ownership attributes during file or directory creation. (BZ#1358020)

Calamari sometimes does not respond when sending a PATCH Request

The Calamari API does not respond when making PATCH requests to /api/v2/cluster/FSID/osd/OSD_ID if the requests does not change any fields on the OSD from their present values. (BZ#1338688)

The rados list-inconsistent-obj command does not highlight inconsistent shards when it could have

The output of the rados list-inconsistent-obj command does not explicitly show which shard is inconsistent when it could have. (BZ#1363949)

An LDAP user can access buckets created by a local RGW user with the same name

The RADOS Object Gateway (RGW) does not differentiate between a local RGW user and an LDAP user with the same name. As a consequence, the LDAP user can access the buckets created by the local RGW user.

To work around this issue, use different names for RGW and LDAP users. (BZ#1361754)

Ceph OSD daemons fail to initialize and DM-Multipath disks are not automatically mounted on iSCSI nodes

The ceph-iscsi-gw.yml Ansible playbook enables device mapper multipathing (DM-Multipath) and disables the kpartx utility. This behavior causes the multipath layer to claim a device before Ceph disables automatic partition setup for other system disks that use DM-Multipath. Consequently, after a reboot, Ceph OSD daemons fail to initialize, and system disks that use DM-Multipath with partitions are not automatically mounted. Because of that the system can fail to boot.

To work around this problem:

  1. After executing the ceph-iscsi-gw.yml, log into each node that runs an iSCSI target and display the current multipath configuration:

    $ multipath -ll
  2. If you see any devices that you did not intend to be used by DM-Multipath, for example OSD disks, remove them from the DM-Multipath configuration.

    1. Remove the devices World Wide Identifiers (WWIDs) from the WWIDs file:

      $ multipath -w <device_name>
    2. Flush the devices multipath device maps:

      $ multipath -f device_name
  3. Edit the /etc/multipath.conf file on each node that runs an iSCSI target.

    1. Comment out the skip-partx variable.
    2. Set the user_friendly_names variable to yes:

      defaults {
              user_friendly_names yes
              find_multipaths no
    3. Blacklist all devices:

      blacklist {
              devnode ".*"
    4. DM-Multipath is used with Ceph Block Devices, therefore you must add an exception for them. Edit ^rbd[0-9] as needed:

      blacklist_exceptions {
              devnode "^rbd[0-9]"
    5. Add the following entry for the Ceph Block Devices:

      devices {
              device {
                      vendor  "Ceph"
                      product "RBD"
                      skip_kpartx yes
                      user_friendly_names no
  4. Reboot the nodes. The OSD and iSCSI gateway services will initialize automatically after the reboot. (BZ#1389484)

Restart of the radosgw service on clients is needed after rebooting the cluster

After rebooting the Ceph cluster, the radosgw service must be restarted on the Ceph Object Gateway clients to restore the connection with the cluster. (BZ#1363689)

Ansible does not support Ceph CLI installation

The current version of the ceph-ansible utility does not support installation of the Ceph command-line interface (CLI). To use the Ceph CLI, install it manually. For details, see the Client Installation chapter in in the Installation Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux or the Client Installation chapter in in the Installation Guide for Ubuntu. (BZ#1335308)

Listing bucket info data can cause the OSD daemon to terminate unexpectedly

Due to invalid memory access in an object class operation, the radosgw-admin bi list --max-entries=1 command in some cases causes the Ceph OSD daemon to terminate unexpectedly with a segmentation fault.

To avoid this problem, do not use the --max-entries option, or set its value to 2 or higher when listing bucket info data. (BZ#1390716)

An error message is returned when downloading an S3 multipart file by using Swift

When uploading a multiple part file by using the Simple Storage Service (S3) and then downloading it by using the Swift service, the following error message is returned:

Error downloading object: md5sum != etag

Despite the message, the upload and download operations succeed, and the message can be safely ignored. (BZ#1361044)

Ansible fails to add a monitor to an upgraded cluster

An attempt to add a monitor to a cluster by using the Ansible automation application after upgrading the cluster from Red Hat Ceph Storage 1.3 to 2.0 fails on the following task:

TASK: [ceph-mon | collect admin and bootstrap keys]

This happens because the original monitor keyring was created with the mds "allow" capability while the newly added monitor requires a keyring with the mds "allow *" capability.

To work around this issue, after installing the ceph-mon package, manually copy the administration keyring from an already existing monitor node to the new monitor node:

scp /etc/ceph/<cluster_name>.client.admin.keyring <target_host_name>:/etc/ceph

For example:

# scp /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring node4:/etc/ceph

Then use Ansible to add the monitor as described in the Adding a Monitor with Ansible section of the Administration Guide for Red Hat Ceph Storage 2. (BZ#1357292)

Certain image features are not supported with the RBD kernel module

The following image features are not supported with the current version of the RADOS Block Device (RBD) kernel module (krbd) that is shipped with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2:

  • object-map
  • deep-flatten
  • journaling
  • exclusive-lock
  • fast-diff

However, by default the ceph-installer utility creates RBDs with the aforementioned features enabled. As a consequence, an attempt to map the kernel RBDs by running the rbd map command fails.

To work around this issue, disable the unsupported features by setting the rbd_default_features option in the Ceph configuration file for kernel RBDs or dynamically disable them by running the following command:

rbd feature disable <image> <feature>

This issue is a limitation only in kernel RBDs, and the features work as expected with user-space RBDs. (BZ#1340080)

Ansible fails to install OSDs if they point to directories

Ansible does not support installation of OSDs that point to directories and not to partitions. As a consequence, an attempt to install such OSDs fails. (BZ#1361228)

The serial parameter must be set to 1

The rolling_update.yml Ansible playbook contains a comment about changing the value for the serial parameter to adjust the number of servers to be updated. However, upgrading many nodes in parallel can cause disruption to I/O operations. To avoid this problem, ensure that serial is set to 1. (BZ#1396742)

Ansible does not support adding encrypted OSDs

The current version of the ceph-ansible utility does not support adding encrypted OSD nodes. As a consequence, an attempt to update to a newer minor version or to perform asynchronous updates between releases by using the rolling_update playbook fails to upgrade encrypted OSD nodes. In addition, Ansible returns the following error message during the disk activation task:

mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'

To work around this problem, do not use ceph-ansible to update clusters with encrypted OSDs but update them by using the Yum utility as described in the Upgrading from Red Hat Ceph Storage 1.3 to 2 section of the Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 Installation Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. (BZ#1366808)

Dynamic feature updates are not replicated

When a feature is disabled or enabled on an already existing image and the image is mirrored to a peer cluster, the feature is not disabled or enabled on the replicated image. (BZ#1344262)

Users created by using the Calamari API do not have permissions to run the API commands

When a user is created by using the Calamari REST API (api/v2/user), the user does not have permissions to run most of the Calamari API commands. Consequently, an attempt to run the commands fails with the following error message:

"You do not have permission to perform this action"

To work around this issue, use the calamari-ctl add_user command from the command line when creating new users. (BZ#1356872)

The Ceph Object Gateway fails certain Tempest tests

Currently, the Ceph Object Gateway fails the following tests of the Tempest test utility for OpenStack:

  • tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_version.ContainerTest.test_versioned_container [id-a151e158-dcbf-4a1f-a1e7-46cd65895a6f
  • tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_services.ObjectTest.test_delete_object [id-17738d45-03bd-4d45-9e0b-7b2f58f98687]
  • tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_temp_url.ObjectTempUrlTest.test_put_object_using_temp_url [id-9b08dade-3571-4152-8a4f-a4f2a873a735]
  • tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_temp_url.ObjectTempUrlTest.test_get_object_using_temp_url [id-f91c96d4-1230-4bba-8eb9-84476d18d991] (BZ#1252600)

Calamari sometimes incorrectly outputs "null" as a value

When the Calamari REST-based API is used to get details of a CRUSH rule in the Ceph cluster, the output contains "null" as a value for certain fields in the steps section of the CRUSH rule. The fields containing null values can be safely ignored for the respective steps in the CRUSH rule. However, do not use "null" as a value for any field when doing a PATCH operation. Using null values in such a case causes the operation to fail. (BZ#1342504)

The Calamari API returns the "server error (500)" error when changing the take step

When changing a CRUSH rule, modifying the take step type to any other value than take causes the Calamari API to return the "server error (500)" error.

To avoid this issue, do not change the take step to any other value. (BZ#1329216)

An error is returned when removing a Ceph Monitor

When removing a Ceph Monitor by using the ceph mon remove command, the Monitor is successfully removed but an error message similar to the following is returned:

Error EINVAL: removing mon.magna072 at, there will be 3 monitors

You can safely ignore this error message. (BZ#1394495)

Ansible does not properly handle unresponsive tasks

Certain tasks, for example adding monitors with the same host name, cause the ceph-ansible utility to become unresponsive. Currently, there is no timeout set after which the unresponsive tasks is marked as failed. (BZ#1313935)

Object sync requests are sometimes skipped

In multi-site configurations of the Ceph Object Gateway, a non-master zone can be promoted to the master zone. In most cases, the master zone’s gateway or gateways are still running when this happens. However, if the gateways are down, it can take up to 30 seconds after their restart until the gateways notice that another zone was promoted. During this time, the gateways can miss changes to buckets that occur on other zones. Consequently, object sync requests are skipped.

To work around this issue, pull the new master’s period to the old master zone before restarting the old master zone:

$ radosgw-admin period pull --remote=<new-master-zone-id>

For details on pulling the period, see the Ceph Object Gateway Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux or the Ceph Object Gateway Guide for Ubuntu. (BZ#1362639)

Unable to write data on a promoted image

In RBD mirroring configuration, an image can be demoted to non-primary on the local cluster and promoted to primary on the remote cluster. If this happens and the rbd-mirror daemon is not restarted on the remote cluster, it is not possible to write data on the promoted image because rbd-daemon considers the demoted image on the local cluster to be the primary one. To avoid this issue, restart the rbd-mirror daemon to gain the read/write access to the promoted image. (BZ#1365648)

iSCSI gateway setup fails if the cluster name is different than "ceph" (Technology Preview)

The device-mapper-multipath rbd path checker currently only supports the default cluster name, which is "ceph". As a consequence, an attempt to set up an iSCSI gateway fails during Logical Unit Number (LUN) creation if the cluster name is different than "ceph". In addition, the ansible-playbook ceph-iscsi-gw.yml command returns the following error:

Could not find dm multipath device for <image_name>.

To work around this problem:

  1. In the ceph-iscsi-gw Ansible configuration file:

    1. Set the cluster_name variable to ceph.
    2. Set the gateway_keyring variable to ceph.client.admin.keyring.
  2. On the seed_monitor host, create the following symbolic links:

    • from /etc/ceph/<your_cluster_name>.conf to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

      ln -s /etc/ceph/<your_cluster_name>.conf /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
    • from /etc/ceph/<your_cluster_name>.client.admin.keyring to /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring

      ln -s /etc/ceph/<your_cluster_name>.client.admin.keyring \


Data exported though multiple iSCSI targets can be overwritten (Technology Preview)

When exporting a RADOS Block Device (RBD) image through multiple iSCSI targets, the RBD kernel module takes an exclusive lock before executing I/O requests. This behavior can prevent the module from holding the lock before the iSCSI initiator times out the request and the multipath layer retries the request on another target. As a consequence, I/O requests that wait for the RBD kernel module to hold an exclusive lock could be executed at a later time and overwrite newer data. (BZ#1392124)

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